No good deed... (Worm AU)

If Emma triggers, then well see the usual PRT bullshit that wants both powers and request both girls to get over it and be quiet about it.

Lets hope she did not trigger.
We have learned several valuable things from this update.

The most important being that no matter how serious a mental breakdown Emma is going through there are people who hate her enough to leave a 'Funny' rating.
Considering LD's other fic and peoples reaction to Emma on those fic...

Some people of this forum would not piss on Emma if shes on fire.
Considering LD's other fic and peoples reaction to Emma on those fic...

Some people of this forum would not piss on Emma if shes on fire.
I would despise Emma in real life with a passion that is difficult to express in words that won't get infracted for being...unpleasant.

Seriously, a person like that is scum, part of it's not her fault, Sophia basically bent her psyche while she was still malleable from trauma, but my GOD.
Considering LD's other fic and peoples reaction to Emma on those fic...

Some people of this forum would not piss on Emma if shes on fire.
I would despise Emma in real life with a passion that is difficult to express in words that won't get infracted for being...unpleasant.

Seriously, a person like that is scum, part of it's not her fault, Sophia basically bent her psyche while she was still malleable from trauma, but my GOD.
And of course the best way to act around human scum is to act like human scum yourself.:eyeroll: (Not talking about either of you but that does seem to be a prevailing attitude around here. Or maybe just a loud attitude from the vocal minority who won't shut up about it. Hmm...) Meh, forgive my half asleep ramblings. Goodnight all.
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And of course the best way to act around human scum is to act like human scum yourself.:eyeroll: (Not talking about either of you but that does seem to be a prevailing attitude around here. Or maybe just a loud attitude from the vocal minority who won't shut up about it. Hmm...) Meh, forgive my half asleep ramblings. Goodnight all.
Its easier to punish then to rehabilitate.

But then there's other side of the minority that believe Emma is a sweet girl only twisted by Sophia. That Emma is not responsible for what she did under sophia.

I'm neither, i believe in owning up and taking resposibility for your mistakes.
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Its easier to punish then to rehabilitate.

But then there's other side of the minority that believe Emma is a sweet girl only twisted by Sophia. That Emma is not responsible for what she did under sophia.

I'm neither, i believe in owning up and taking resposibility for your mistakes.

I don't believe in neither. I believe Emma was just placed in the story as a one dimensional plot device/avatar for all the evils of bullying by Wildbow. As such, she is basically an unworked piece of clay that any author can use and do with as they please. Ergo "All's fair" would be My stance on it. I don't care what's done as long as it's done WELL. Be it rehabilitation or bad shit happening to her. "All's fair"
I don't believe in neither. I believe Emma was just placed in the story as a one dimensional plot device/avatar for all the evils of bullying by Wildbow. As such, she is basically an unworked piece of clay that any author can use and do with as they please. Ergo "All's fair" would be My stance on it. I don't care what's done as long as it's done WELL. Be it rehabilitation or bad shit happening to her. "All's fair"
Interesting POV.

Usualy its Madison thats the unwork clay. Sophia and Emma is a piece of (censored).

I agree, that no matter your take on both of them, as long as its done good, its ok.
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I prefer redemption but then I'm a bleeding heart. But as long as it's well written I'm fine.
Anyone know Battery's full name? I think it's Sarah, but that could be fanon :/
Bonus scene: Battery
Managed to peel myself away from Dark Souls 3 long enough to write up this short piece.

Another Bonus scene. Not long enough to be considered a proper chapter but a little important none-the-less.

Hope you all enjoy :)


Bonus Scene: Battery

She was gonna kill him.

This was the sole thought running through Sarah Meyer's head as she drove down the road.

It's one thing to be called in on an emergency at short notice. There's a reason it was called an emergency.

But it was quite another to leave her hanging at a get together, never even showing up, and leaving her looking like the stood up prom date on New Year's eve.

At first, she had thought it was some kind of emergency, or some assignment dropped on him at the last minute by Piggot. She'd only been irritated that he hadn't called her to tell her about it.

It wasn't until she saw Robert, a mutual friend and PRT agent at the party that she got the first inkling that she was stood up.

Assignment, nah, from what I heard, he took over Armsy's shift yesterday. He volun-Ohhh… Err… I mean-

She hadn't listened to the half assed excuse he tried to formulate from that point on after he realized how pissed she was. She'd waited, mingled a little longer, waited for the New Year countdown, stayed a half an hour longer, and then said her goodbyes.

So now here she was, slamming the car door with grit teeth and gripping the strap of her purse over her shoulder with a tight fist, marching towards headquarters in the middle of the night to find out just what was going on.

As she made her way inside there was only a skeleton crew available on base, or as much of a skeleton crew as they would allow. The front desk only had one person manning it instead of three, there was only one Protectorate hero on base rather than the standard two, with about half their typical force of agents in their homes with their families.

The relative emptiness of the place was startling.

She made her way inside, using her ID to open doors and navigate through the building towards the monitoring station, it was the only place she could think of that he'd be.

By the time the door hissed open she'd worked herself up all over again.

When she saw he wasn't even there, but Kelly one of the younger agents was, it was all she could do to not snap at the girl.

"Do you know where he is?"

"Sorry ma'am," the woman answered with a distinctly british accent. "Can't say I've heard anything on my neck of the woods. Perhaps Cranston knows, he was in-charge of shift duties for tonight if I recall."

She nodded, sighing, "Anything going on?"

"No Ma'am. Empire's stayin especially quiet last few weeks. Too late for that trite. They know what's comin to em."

Like an epiphany, it hit her.

"Oh Ethan… Idiot."

She marched forward towards one of the spare stations, booting it up before she input the command code to view the security cameras.

Cycling through them, it took her less than a minute to find the one she was looking for.

Ms. Hebert's room.

Ethan was there, a look of frustration on his face to contrast the small smile she could see on Taylor's.

They sat across from each other, playing chess

Ethan hated chess…

He'd been quiet yesterday, and all of today… and now that she was here it was so obvious…

It hadn't hit her, affected her like it did him. She hadn't let it. You didn't take your work home with you. Number one rule.

But she could imagine how it would look to him… how it would feel.

Drag her to a party where she'll just be reminded that the world had all but moved on after a week… leave her here alone, with nothing but her own brooding, horrid thoughts to keep her company and drive her further into depression…

So he'd chosen to spend his New year's with her… Give her some company. Sit in a room playing a game that she'd chosen.

She gave another look around the room, noticing some discarded movies and small snacks. She spied a bag of those coffee candies that only Ethan liked.

He'd bought this on his own.

You idiot. She thought with a smile.

She didn't go to him. Didn't interrupt or intrude.

She went home. She went home and she went to sleep.

And when she woke up the next day to find her idiot of a husband asleep beside her, barely even out of his clothes, she offered him a kiss on the cheek and turned off his alarm to let him sleep, calling into headquarters that she'd take his shift in a few hours.
Ethan, I don't care what bad things you've done; for THIS, for being a rock when some poor suffering soul needs a rock so very badly, at the cost of your own happiness...your karma slate is clean.