Next Generation Devourer - An Obsidian Spawn Quest | (Chrono Trigger x MHA Crossover)

[X][Ochaco] Speak. {You will speak to Ochaco's subconscious mind. She will likely not remember it, but the echoes of your words will remain in her mind. Your connection will be stronger.}
-[X] Tell her to evolve. {She will find herself becoming more aggressive and more willing to use her quirk.}
I'm too tired from work to start writing right now, I'll be asleep in the next hour. I'm busy with work and other personal commitments all of tomorrow. Not one to lock things when there's no chance I'll start writing.
[X][Ochaco] Allow her to Dream. {You will share a Dream with her. You will study her, and allow her to remember something from your past in turn. your connection will be weaker, but you will understand her better and complete a Dream. The Dream will have benefits for Ochaco as well.}
-[X] Dream of Beacon and the students that were trained to fight monsters. {A school on another world with students like the ones in UA that wish to harness their talents and use them, some to improve their own station in life and others to fight in an unending war}
[X][Ochaco] Allow her to Dream. {You will share a Dream with her. You will study her, and allow her to remember something from your past in turn. your connection will be weaker, but you will understand her better and complete a Dream. The Dream will have benefits for Ochaco as well.}
-[X] Dream of Dinosaurs and the Reptites. {A species that warred for supremacy. At the end, they were crushed by a falling Red Star. Ochaco will react to the extinction of the Reptites, and wonder about the Red Star...}
[X][Ochaco] Allow her to Dream. {You will share a Dream with her. You will study her, and allow her to remember something from your past in turn. your connection will be weaker, but you will understand her better and complete a Dream. The Dream will have benefits for Ochaco as well.}
-[X] Dream of Beacon and the students that were trained to fight monsters. {A school on another world with students like the ones in UA that wish to harness their talents and use them, some to improve their own station in life and others to fight in an unending war}
[X][Ochaco] Allow her to Dream. {You will share a Dream with her. You will study her, and allow her to remember something from your past in turn. your connection will be weaker, but you will understand her better and complete a Dream. The Dream will have benefits for Ochaco as well.}
-[X] Dream of Beacon and the students that were trained to fight monsters. {A school on another world with students like the ones in UA that wish to harness their talents and use them, some to improve their own station in life and others to fight in an unending war}
[X][Ochaco] Speak. {You will speak to Ochaco's subconscious mind. She will likely not remember it, but the echoes of your words will remain in her mind. Your connection will be stronger.}
-[X] Tell her to evolve. {She will find herself becoming more aggressive and more willing to use her quirk.}

You know what? This seems like fun. Let's go wild.
[X][Ochaco] Allow her to Dream. {You will share a Dream with her. You will study her, and allow her to remember something from your past in turn. your connection will be weaker, but you will understand her better and complete a Dream. The Dream will have benefits for Ochaco as well.}
-[X] Dream of Beacon and the students that were trained to fight monsters. {A school on another world with students like the ones in UA that wish to harness their talents and use them, some to improve their own station in life and others to fight in an unending war}

This should prove interesting.
[X][Ochaco] Allow her to Dream. {You will share a Dream with her. You will study her, and allow her to remember something from your past in turn. your connection will be weaker, but you will understand her better and complete a Dream. The Dream will have benefits for Ochaco as well.}
-[X] Dream of Beacon and the students that were trained to fight monsters. {A school on another world with students like the ones in UA that wish to harness their talents and use them, some to improve their own station in life and others to fight in an unending war}

We're not Obsidian and this sounds like the most interesting path to take here.
[X][Ochaco] Speak. {You will speak to Ochaco's subconscious mind. She will likely not remember it, but the echoes of your words will remain in her mind. Your connection will be stronger.}
-[X] Ask her for stories. {She will dream of Earth's History. You will learn of the current rise of heroes and villains.}
[X][Ochaco] Speak. {You will speak to Ochaco's subconscious mind. She will likely not remember it, but the echoes of your words will remain in her mind. Your connection will be stronger.}
-[X] Tell her to evolve. {She will find herself becoming more aggressive and more willing to use her quirk.}
[X][Ochaco] Speak. {You will speak to Ochaco's subconscious mind. She will likely not remember it, but the echoes of your words will remain in her mind. Your connection will be stronger.}
-[X] Tell her to evolve. {She will find herself becoming more aggressive and more willing to use her quirk.}
The first idea that comes to mind is for Ochako to learn to shift her body in and out of float mode quickly and smoothly, this would let her jump and move really well, and she's technically always in contact with herself. Also she's uniquely suited to master the art of hitting a motherfucker with another motherfucker, she can probably dual wield motherfuckers to smack down even more motherfuckers.
It could take more than one Dream/conversation before we start having meaningful conversations with our Arbiter.

(To be honest, I wanted to go with the evolve answer, but the Dream of Beacon was one vote ahead, and I think of each vote as a whole, since it's not like someone said "I want to speak, but I don't care about what." You can't always get what you want; unless enough other people agree with you.)
(To be honest, I wanted to go with the evolve answer, but the Dream of Beacon was one vote ahead, and I think of each vote as a whole, since it's not like someone said "I want to speak, but I don't care about what." You can't always get what you want; unless enough other people agree with you.)
You could if you post in the User Fiction Forum. Just saying...
1.2 Unremembered Dream
[Ochaco] Allow her to Dream. {You will share a Dream with her. You will study her, and allow her to remember something from your past in turn. your connection will be weaker, but you will understand her better and complete a Dream. The Dream will have benefits for Ochaco as well.}
-Dream of Beacon and the students that were trained to fight monsters. {A school on another world with students like the ones in UA that wish to harness their talents and use them, some to improve their own station in life and others to fight in an unending war}

Hedwig's Theme

As is typical of your kind, you dream.

Ochaco had soaked in the energy of the Frozen Flame and now you could reach out and interact with her dreams. Her dreams were of battle and blood but now that you had this connection you could shield her from this effect of your power.

You touched Ochaco and changed her dream to one you could control. Remembering the lesson learned from its mother it shielded Ochaco from its presence and power so that this mortal would not become overwhelmed.

Mother's Lullaby Rank D: You understand how to share your dreams with a mortal and protect them from having their identity subsumed.

What is this?

A castle stood in the middle of immaculate, cared for grounds, other buildings spread over multiple acres. What once may have been defensive walls had been turned to decorative arches. Cobblestone and paved walkways were laid out so that it was possible to get from one area of the campus to the other and to avoid walking on the grass.

The central building looked like a tower with a bright light shining from it. Ochaco would have thought it was a lighthouse if it wasn't so far from the cliffs that were behind her, nor was there a sweeping beam of light that she had come to expect from looking at pictures. Hanging from lamp posts were banners and flags showing a symbol that Ochaco didn't recognize: two axes against a ring of laurels.

Ochaco was wondering what she was supposed to do here, when she heard a bell ring and somehow knew she needed to get to class, and so ran towards one of the buildings. As she entered, she saw all sorts of people, dressed in uniforms, though some seemed to have customized theirs, some of them carrying strange weapons or pieces of gear, and laughing among themselves as they moved between classes.

Ochaco chose a class at random, not sure if it was the right one. She entered the door and, instead of there being desks like a normal classroom, there was a small stage where what was probably a teacher was standing. There were rows of tables, with the one behind it raised up so that each student could have an unobstructed view of the teacher and his lesson. Nobody said anything to Ochaco when she took a seat.

The teacher with green hair and wide glasses then started talking in a rapid manner that it was hard for Ochaco to even understand him. Occasionally he would stop and ask a question, sometimes calling on the students that raised their hands and sometimes on those students that were obviously goofing off or were trying to sleep.

Ochaco thought the man must have some kind of speed quirk, because he was able to move from one side of the stage to the other in a blur of motion, and he never appeared to mull anything over but was reacted instantly to each answer or non-answer. He was so abrupt, but as the class moved on she wondered just how slow everyone else must feel to him and how the faster he was the more patient he had to be with his students.

Ochaco hadn't been called on, and for all she could tell she was just a ghost. She tried to touch somebody but it was like her hand was made out of vapor, as she just went through them. She could walk and feel the world around her but the people interacted with each other and not with her.

Ochaco ended up walking into different classes, some of them were ordinary, talking about languages and mathematics, whereas some of them involved strange creatures or coloured powders and crystals.

It didn't matter where she went she'd see people walking around and freely using their Quirks. Not all students were treated the same though, some people with minor animal mutation Quirks appeared to be treated differently from others. Growing up, Ochaco had seen plenty of people that looked more beast than man, but that wasn't the case with these people. The fact that except for those ones that everyone looked so ordinary and base human looking made Ochaco wonder if she was seeing an early school from the Dawn of the Age of Quirks.

One boy had long claws, and there was the girl with rabbit ears, and another boy that had a beak. Ochaco thought they looked kind of cool but some of the other students were cruel, treating them like they weren't even there, looking down on them, or even outright bullying them. It was always the students without visible quirks that were doing it. There were some that tried to protect the bullied, but far too many others just walked on by afraid or just disinterested.

Ochaco had been taught of several movements during the Dark Age of Quirks where this kind of behavior had been tolerated or encouraged. It was just history and dry facts but now that she could see it in front of her it made her angry and she wished she could do something to help.

Eventually, Ochaco found herself in a class in a large amphitheatre. The students went through a locker room to switch out of their uniforms and into their own individual outfits, almost like hero costumes. They each carried weapons somewhere on their person. The teacher in this amphitheatre, a stern looking blond woman with glasses, held up a tablet-like device and read off two colours. In response, two groups of four people got up from the stands and made their way down to the center of the room.

It was then that Ochaco realized what was going on. This room was an arena of sorts, and the students were about to spar. Ochaco leaned forward to watch as the action began. This was different than the violent dreams she'd been having before as it was clear that the fight was in a controlled environment. Above the arena stage, for example, she could see a screen with each of the combatant's faces and a bar underneath, like the health bar of a video game character.

Ochaco wondered if there was going to be anything like this at UA. The sparring with the other students and seeing how she could stack up would be very cool. Well, they probably had stricter rules on weapons and support items than this school did. The common characteristic of their weapons was the ability to change shape between a melee form and a ranged form was interesting.

Most interesting was seeing how these people used their quirks, some of them were fast, some of them were strong, some showed their smarts taking advantage of their opponents weaknesses and switching up match-ups between members of opposing teams during the fight. It was thrilling to watch; perhaps even more so because they didn't appear to take the damage they should have from their blows. Instead the bars would drop, and, once they came to a certain level, the instructor would call them to leave the arena. Using a telekinesis type quirk on them if they were too slow for her liking.

You were interested to see what all that Beacon had to offer to Ochaco and to give her a break from the dreams she had been having. It was only when she saw people fight again that she ceased her wandering. She was content to just watch them fight until she woke up, when the first rays of the sun peeked through her window.

Ochaco Gained: Quick Study D+ Ochaco can pick up things quicker in a classroom setting or mentored by someone with advanced knowledge in a subject.

With the bond too weak when she awoke, whatever memories she had quickly faded within a couple of hours. Still, over the next couple of weeks, you saw that the Dream did have an effect on Ochaco, as she seemed to have an easier time at school, picking up the material the teachers taught faster than any of the other students in her class. Instead of using her surprising growth to slack off, she instead began using her extra time to set up a study group with her friends and even explaining things they were struggling on to them during the breaks.

Ochaco couldn't stand to see another person being bullied, and, when teasing turned to insults, she made her opinion known about that and would try to get them to apologize. This led to a couple of fights behind the school for her, and caused her to gain a reputation as a cheerful girl that wasn't smart to make her unhappy. With her attitude, it did get back to her parents and, though they were proud of her, they encouraged her to try talking things out and bring things to a teacher's attention more rather than taking it to a fight.

Ochaco told them that she would try, and you saw that she attempted to keep her word, the number of her fights after that conversation dropped, though didn't end entirely. After school, Ochaco was spending her time on some interesting subjects of study: looking at weapons and how they are made, going on jogs around her home, and trying to learn more about the Frozen Flame. High on the list about the rock on her nightstand being what kind of exotic material would cause her quirk to act differently when used on it compared to any other thing in her life she'd used her quirk on.

She'd asked her teachers, posing it as a hypothetical question, but they had been unable to provide her with any kind of satisfactory answer. A search on the internet didn't yield any results either, other than some theoretical papers from I-Island saying something like what her parents had given to her might be possible. If she was going to learn anything, she'd have to keep on testing this out by herself.

You believe that with the growing bond, you could influence the Flame's interaction with Ochaco's quirk or even do some minor enhancement to her quirk.

[] [Test] Do not interfere with Ochaco's tests
[] [Test] Manipulate the Flame's orbit
[] [Test] Increase Ochaco's weight limit before getting nauseous while the Flame orbits
[] [Test] Cause other items touched by her power to orbit while the Flame orbits

While the connection is weak, you find that you have some control of her dreams, able to block those that she might find discomforting so that she can have dreams of her own. Or you can remind her of the Dream that she had forgotten and strengthen its effect on her. Whatever you choose, you don't believe that it will affect the rate of the growing bond between you.

[] [Dreams] Untouched, she dreams of battles that become more violent as time goes on
[] [Dreams] Blocked, her dreams will return to those she had before finding the Flame
[] [Dreams] Remind, elements of her dream of Beacon will be repeated
[X] [Test] Do not interfere with Ochaco's tests
[X] [Dreams] Untouched, she dreams of battles that become more violent as time goes on
[x] [Test] Increase Ochaco's weight limit before getting nauseous while the Flame orbits

[x] [Dreams] Remind, elements of her dream of Beacon will be repeated