New Dominion (Warcraft)

While I'm not sure I'd classify the trolls as a mob species, we'll go with it for now.
I mean, statistically more trolls serve as quest fodder than are playable and Blizzard later retconned the Darkspear with stuff like "Actually they are a bit smaller but much smarter than their Jungle Troll brethren" so :/
To give a broad overview of a potential plot, which might do this and also involve the Scourge, firstly I'd have dialled the Drakkari down, leave them more room to grow etc.
OK, let's see:

1: I covered the split in one of the first chapters, they had a bid expanding empire, there was a succession crisis and it fell, causing a lot of factionalism with different rival polities only recently united by Malakk and his supporters, but as covered in the text, the way trolls combat themselves doesn't lend itself to all or nothing type bouts. I kind of already covered their research into it and your argument for them not to have it mostly just seems to be "it makes them effective". I covered the Speaker system in the early chapters as well as Drakkari diplomatic efforts through the Rageclaw. I also covered how their resource system work, again, in the early chapter, Arctkus's tour of the tiers is basically "This is how Zul'Drak survives 101".

2: Do... Do you mean the Frostmane? Or are you talking about the Amani? Sorry most of this was very confusing. plus I covered how Drakkari live and homelessness isn't exactly a thing as they don't even operate on a monetary system, its a palace economy, influenced by the Inca empire so basic needs are met as the default. Some disliking the potential for arcanists to become a new power is interesting, but I think its a bit early for anyone to think a singular arcanist could make such radical social shifts.

3: Most of this as discussed in the story before Malaka'Raz was sent off, as to the army, I mean, one could argue its unnecessary but Malakk's motives for it were more about ensuring each individual state didn't have its own army they could use for petty shit and having something to ward against Nerubians or other potential invaders. The differences in Troll and Human diplomacy is kind of a crux of this whole war, to trolls, a Speaker is sacrosanct, you do not harm them, EVER, to the humans, he's just some troll and servants aren't 'that' important to nobles as a general rule so they'd not start a war over a dead one.

4: I covered this with them reaching out to the Amani and Tuskar because they didn't. The potential tensions between the Loa is an interesting point, its kind of tricky cos much of it would be taking place among well, the Loa who aren't really characters so much as ideas. I might see about integrating some Prophets arguing offerings to Gral need to be taken down once the war is no longer ongoing or something to that effect maybe.

5: As noted, the Drakkari just got the shit kicked out of them in the opening of the most recent chapter. Though beyond that, all the internal issues facing the Alliance are things I based on canon.

6: I don't quite... Get what you are arguing here. Zul'jin's not going to travel across a third of a war torn continent to have one conversation with Malakk or visa versa though whatever the case. That's what Speakers are for.

7/8: On the post scarcity society problem, kinda maybe but the Drakkari are like one of five such societies on Azeroth currently, and its only pseudo post scarcity society due to massive food produce and lumber works. But even then this is fairly based on canon where they have literally the biggest farms in the entire setting and somehow make this work on the most inhospitable continent full of spirits that hate people, so (shrugs).
Grom's going to be a problem regardless, but as it is, this doesn't really address the Scourge questions, they feel kinda just thrown in, like how did the Drakkari even get Nerubians on side if the Scourge is still around and more to the point why is Malakk stupid enough to be wasting time on Lordaeron with the Scourge next door? Even ignoring that a war with the Scourge isn't a story I have any interest in telling, the means to get there relies on the main players being incredibly stupid.
The Drakkari not engaging with the Scourge in canon made some sense, the Scourge couldn't break into Zul'Drak and they were self sufficient so they could wait it out and work through things steadily. Here the Drakkari are planning a continent spanning war, they needed resources that the Scourge is harvesting and the Scourge is like, right there. Even if they hadn't attacked the Drakkari ignoring them would make everyone present look staggeringly stupid.

Again, not trying to be rude, I appreciate you putting the effort into writing this, but as noted, I feel like a lot of this stuff is covered within the story itself, or is going to be covered soon, or was just covered in this most recent update. I'll see what I can do about competition between some of the temples though and I do plan to have their supply chains harassed whatever happens.
Seeing as it came up, here's a list of Azeroth's current nominally post scarcity societies:

Quel'Thalas, thanks to the Sunwell supplying a constant stream of magical energy that influences the land itself, and masterful magical construct, even the common High Elves need not farm, or do what they call "Mundane labor". If an elf is a gardener its either a hobby or they are a retainer house member who is considered an artist, that used arcane magic and a skilled eye to turn their patrons garden into the most beautiful place imaginable. Tailors or weavers are paid in favors and acclaim, weaving magic into their garments so that their patrons cloak is wreathed in harmless fire that flows like water, ETC.

Kal'Dorei, blessed with immortality and an ingrained bond with nature, compounded by their longstanding kindred with the Ancients and the presence of Wisps, ensure that no Kal'dorei ever be bereft of a place to sleep. The forest itself shall contort itself to accommodate its residents, fruits aplenty grow to feed Night Elven settlements and game is always present for those more martially inclined. They do not even grow sick, and they need very little day to day management of resources, outside of the Sentinels who serve as a check on the Satyr, ghosts and the like.

Zandalar, as a bastion of the Loa where they can most easily engage with the material plane, the island of Zandalar is a blessed place where the spirits exist to serve the Zandalari, most beloved children of the Loa. The seasons accommodate, the harvests are always bountiful and the sea remains ever generous. So long as they retain the ways of reverence towards their patrons and protect this holy site, the Zandalari shall never want for anything material. This did not stop those in charge from creating and maintaining a rigid caste system of course.

Zul'Drak, in a land where most find the elements to not merely be hostile but hateful, the Drakkari canonically carved a mountain range the size of a country into a city. In this place they have farms larger than any we have seen elsewhere on the maps and the land is covered in megastructures, that houses a massive population despite the nature of the frigid north and many of their creations were described as being potentially as threatening as the Scourge, we also saw them trying to research a cure to the Plague and they were able to drive said Scourge out. As matters stand, I envision them as capable of producing food, lumber and clothing materials through these elaborate spirit systems, but everything else must be done the traditional way, though animal herding is also helped by magic.

Gnomeragan, Never the most populace species, the Gnomes are by no means few in number and yet we see literally no farmland attributed to them, not sign they relied on fishing. Thus, inspired by the Travelogue, I presume they mostly feed themselves thanks to underground farms of mushrooms and other fungi. Combine with their clever contraptions, much mundane labor is handled by machines, while the closest thing to an underclass are Gnomes who haven't accomplished a naming deed, and the work a day mechanics and small army, though eve then, only the privates.

The Naga consider themselves a post scarcity society but that's because they don't believe slaves are people and they fail to realize part of why everything is taking so long or them is because so much of their energy is dedicated to managing their slaves and fighting the Makura.

The Empire of Pandaria is brushing up against this state as well, but the local environmental problems do enough systemic and structural damage that they haven't gotten there yet, but its close.
Weighing in about the Drakkari from my thoughts, reading back through this discussion, my personal take on them -to use the analogy of Rome- would be a comparison to the Ottomans? A society not built upon the ruins of an older one so much as it is built upon the survivors of that older society's break-up, where Rome had it's fall and the troll empires had their cataclysm. No less advanced or civilized, but more concentrated and shrunken down. The Byzantines and Ottomans still maintained roman aqueducts and ideals of cleanliness for hundreds of years post the fall of Rome, and one could certainly point to mathematics and the sciences advancing equally alongside them.

If there is one criticism i could make, and this is more a point I'd like to see explored than a facet I'd see changed, it would be the use of Saronite. I can understand the narrative need and In-universe use of Saronite (magic eating metal, proof against Light magic), I would also love to see the facet explored that Saronite is Poison. Even to the undead but most especially for those living and using magic, Saronite is a Mind-Toxin which leeches whispers of Yogg-Saron into the dreams of those near it for any extended period of time. It poisons land and soil around it as a raw ore, and its presence as a refined metal calls death magic to it like a stormcloud gathers charge.

Even though it is militarily useful, I'd still like to see at least some concern from drakkari (especially from their shamans) about the way that Saronite resonates with insanity and drinks in Light and Life magic as it seems to radiate Death mana.
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Weighing in about the Drakkari from my thoughts, reading back through this discussion, my personal take on them -to use the analogy of Rome- would be a comparison to the Ottomans? A society not built upon the ruins of an older one so much as it is built upon the survivors of that older society's break-up, where Rome had it's fall and the troll empires had their cataclysm. No less advanced or civilized, but more concentrated and shrunken down. The Byzantines and Ottomans still maintained roman aqueducts and ideals of cleanliness for thousands of years post the fall of Rome, and one could certainly point to mathematics and the sciences advancing equally alongside them.
I think that's quite a solid example, it fits quite well with many of the troll empires we see post Sundering, they might have been smaller but until someone else came in and used some outside of context power to basically blitzkrieg much of their society, they were doing fine. I think the main exception would be the Gurubbashi exception due to Hakkari stuff but (waves hand) WOW timelines are weird.

If there is one criticism i could make, and this is more a point I'd like to see explored than a facet I'd see changed, it would be the use of Saronite. I can understand the narrative need and In-universe use of Saronite (magic eating metal, proof against Light magic), I would also love to see the facet explored that Saronite is Poison. Even to the undead but most especially for those living and using magic, Saronite is a Mind-Toxin which leeches whispers of Yogg-Saron into the dreams of those near it for any extended period of time. It poisons land and soil around it as a raw ore, and its presence as a refined metal calls death magic to it like a stormcloud gathers charge.

Even though it is militarily useful, I'd still like to see at least some concern from drakkari (especially from their shamans) about the way that Saronite resonates with insanity and drinks in Light and Life magic as it seems to radiate Death mana.
This is a fair take, I think I general... wobbly feelings on the Void/Light being the be all end all leads me to try and treat them as a bit more mundane, along with some other stuff. But like with Fel, or Arcane or Necromantic magic, Saronite is dangerous and unstable and should be treated as such even by those who have got a fairly strong handle on it.

Maybe, hm, I could see maybe the containment network for the Saronite on a Frozen Warlord maybe having been disrupted or damaged and now stuff is seeping in and cos of the war and such their mental disciplines aren't enough. Soon its fusing to their skin, flesh bubbling with steel and tortured scream in metallic maws are let loose as shadows grow and swirl around them like limbs of water.

Plus yeah there probably should be a faction who either deem Saronite too dangerous to use or at least are calling for a more managed use of it.

Does that sound workable?
Maybe, hm, I could see maybe the containment network for the Saronite on a Frozen Warlord maybe having been disrupted or damaged and now stuff is seeping in and cos of the war and such their mental disciplines aren't enough. Soon its fusing to their skin, flesh bubbling with steel and tortured scream in metallic maws are let loose as shadows grow and swirl around them like limbs of water.
Well that would be probably be what happens over time, but part of what Saronite so dangerous is that It is Yogg-Saron. Any Piece of a living Old God. from their teeth to their blood, is the Old God. It is infused with their mind, with their whispers and their dreaming. Getting the Lich-King to use Saronite in his armies, feeding it with Magic, was part of Yogg-Saron's escape plan. Any magic fed to Saronite or soul-energy claimed by it is siphoned away to literally feed the Old God, strengthening him enough to slowly wick away the walls of his prison.

Saronite isn't just dangerous and corruptive in a passive sense. It is actively malignant, and likely works intelligently to slowly degrade any controls or containment put on its corruptive influence. Remember that just opening veins of Saronite and being exposed to it was enough to turn some Nerubians into faceless ones.
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Sorry needed to share this first, but this is totally what I imagine a corrupted Frozen Warlord would be like:


Well that would be probably be what happens over time, but part of what Saronite so dangerous is that It is Yogg-Saron. Any Piece of a living Old God. from their teeth to their blood, is the Old God. It is infused with their mind, with their whispers and their dreaming. Getting the Lich-King to use Saronite in his armies, feeding it with Magic, was part of Yogg-Saron's escape plan. Any magic fed to Saronite or soul-energy claimed by it is siphoned away to literally feed the Old God, strengthening him enough to slowly wick away the walls of his prison.

Saronite isn't just dangerous and corruptive in a passive sense. It is actively malignant, and likely works intelligently to slowly degrade any controls or containment put on its corruptive influence. Remember that just opening veins of Saronite and being exposed to it was enough to turn some Nerubians into faceless ones.
Wait was that actually part of Yogg'Saron's plan, or was that a retcon, and or just a fan theory, I don't recall anything like that beyond Yogg'Saron's boasting about being the real god of death but he never really backed up that claim before being murdered in the faces.

Wait, the lore I encountered said the Faceless One's were released, not converted Nerubians, did they change that too?
On the topic of saronite (and by extension the old gods) is Yogg'saron and the subverted titan-forged at Ulduar ever going to become an issue for the characters in this fic?
Wait, the lore I encountered said the Faceless One's were released, not converted Nerubians, did they change that too?
I'd swear that some of the faceless are mutants, but that might be new more mashing with old.

My point is that Saronite is an actively malignant and corruptive bad thing.

It is Bad Evil with Not Good things occuring around it, and it spreading is part of Yogg-Saron's evil not-nice bad plan to do Evil Things. Its emergence and use was part of this plan to, and contributed to not-good evil breaking out of Ulduar.
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On the topic of saronite (and by extension the old gods) is Yogg'saron and the subverted titan-forged at Ulduar ever going to become an issue for the characters in this fic?
A fair question.

As matters stand it falls into the category of tomorrow's problem.

That is to say, the Storm Peaks is still a bloody mess right now, but the Drakkari don't know why and its not really impacted them yet so they're leaving it be. Eventually Loken will start turning Iron Dwarves South but hitting Zul'Drak directly before they are at least encircled wouldn't be ideal so the Grizzly Hills would be first.

But yeah, definitely a problem, just not a problem yet.

I'd swear that some of the faceless are mutants, but that might be new more mashing with old.

My point is that Saronite is an actively malignant and corruptive bad thing.

It is Bad Evil with Not Good things occuring around it, and it spreading is part of Yogg-Saron's evil not-nice bad plan to do Evil Things. Its emergence and use was part of this plan to, and contributed to not-good evil breaking out of Ulduar.
Possibly, there's so many retcons in WOW the easiest thing to do is just pick whatever lore you like and run with it XD

These are all very true Bad Evil with Not Good things occurring (Sorry I loved the phrasing) I did try to establish the world building as it stands has the Saronite contained, to make it safe to use and only those with strong wards and mental disciplines are meant to engage with it. But I definitely could be doing more, maybe another Interlude or something to focus on that aspect?
But I definitely could be doing more, maybe another Interlude or something to focus on that aspect?
Well spreading Yogg-Saron's evil not-good badness around certainly seems like something which is going to bite Malakk right on his giant imperialist ass, given how little he seems to notice the whole 'it's literally the condensed blood of a living Old-God, complete with whispering'.At least at some point in the future.
So probably ya. Especially when you consider the Cult of the Damned which might be lurking around, and how they might gleefully use any Saronite chips or chunks broken off during war.
Well spreading Yogg-Saron's evil not-good badness around certainly seems like something which is going to bite Malakk right on his giant imperialist ass, given how little he seems to notice the whole 'it's literally the condensed blood of a living Old-God, complete with whispering'.At least at some point in the future.
So probably ya. Especially when you consider the Cult of the Damned which might be lurking around, and how they might gleefully use any Saronite chips or chunks broken off during war.
Oh he knows what it is, all Drakkari do, they're pretty used to the idea of living next door to an evil god its kind of just a fact of life; its why they consider the Nerubians fear of it weird. Because their take is basically "Rip it apart and figure out how it works until you control it" while the Nerubians is "Lock it away and never let anyone learn about it". The Nerubians have good reason to fear it as the creations of Old Gods, even with all they've done they are uniquely vulnerable. While other species that survived in a world rule be free Old Gods have more resistance and skills to counter it. This is why Otembe could tout around a piece of Saronite for research with no whispers, its power was contained by the holy rune language so its power and by extension Yogg'Saron's power, can only come out when given proper stimuli, otherwise its just trapped.

The Cult never really had time to get started in this AU, the Scourge got killed before it was anything more than a spark in Ner'zhul's metallic eye, so beyond some weird dreams, no one's going around doing stuff like that in the back woods right now.

Of course this doesn't mean some Saronite won't get lost or start causing problems, Yogg'Saron was particularly veracious after all and probably spread its influence further than any of its kin, despite it not seemingly having a plan beyond "corrupt whatever I touch."
Because their take is basically "Rip it apart and figure out how it works until you control it" while the Nerubians is "Lock it away and never let anyone learn about it".

Of course, the correct take when it comes to dealing with old gods and any vectors they could use to twist and brainwash other races is "find a way to permanently kill them that doesn't involve the re-origination protocol".

The Cult never really had time to get started in this AU, the Scourge got killed before it was anything more than a spark in Ner'zhul's metallic eye, so beyond some weird dreams, no one's going around doing stuff like that in the back woods right now.

I'm eager to see what the burning legion has planned to replace the Scourge in this fic, unless they plan to just hurl the orcs at the various forces of Azeroth again.
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Oh he knows what it is, all Drakkari do, they're pretty used to the idea of living next door to an evil god its kind of just a fact of life; its why they consider the Nerubians fear of it weird. Because their take is basically "Rip it apart and figure out how it works until you control it" while the Nerubians is "Lock it away and never let anyone learn about it".

That sounds like an incredibly silly way to think about an Old God and it's incredibly corruptive blood, which canonically drives anything living near it into murderous insanity within weeks of exposure (Miners in one of Northrend's quests during WotLK went bugfuck crazy right quick). It's a bit SoD-breaking that the trolls have managed to perfectly contain a corruptive force that even the wards of Titans and their keepers couldn't completely hold back.

So I'm still gonna say that this is sommat which might come to bite Malakk's ass sometime in the future, lol, as you've said.
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Of course, the correct take when it comes to dealing with old gods and anything derived from them is "find a way to permanently kill them that doesn't involve the re-origination protocol".
That's also fair, also now I am just imagining the Titans before leaving like.

Titans: OK, so just in case the Old Gods get out again we want to put something called the re-origination protocol into our systems to call us back.
Loa: Sounds reasonable, even if they're weaker they'd still be a nuisance.

Titans: To come back and scour all life from the planet.
Loa: But all our offerings are down there! NO!

Titans: All right, all right. (Do it anyway)
That sounds like an incredibly silly way to think about an Old God and it's incredibly corruptive blood, which canonically drives anything living near it into murderous insanity within weeks of exposure (Miners in one of Northrend's quests during WotLK went bugfuck crazy right quick). It's a bit SoD-breaking that the trolls have managed to perfectly contain a corruptive force that even the wards of Titans and their keepers couldn't completely hold back.

So I'm still gonna say that this is sommat which might come to bite Malakk's ass sometime in the future, lol, as you've said.
I suppose, but the Scourge also did it, and within the lore of this fic and I think canon less sure on that, so to did the Vyrkul, plus despite being Old God Central, Storm Peaks has Frost Dwarves, Harpy, Taunka, Gnols/Wolver, Magnataur all kicking it happy style with no negative effects.

Basically, while I acknowledge the Old Gods are malignant, corruptive influences on the world, I always find the prospect that they just can't be beaten (Except by the players for some reason) off-putting and unbelievable. And given, as noted, I am using the older lore where Tauren, Furbolg and Trolls survived on a world dominated by free Old Gods, its not hard for me to buy these groups have some histories and lore that give them an edge on this stuff. Particularly over being made of order magic who couldn't even figure out Sargeras had turned evil until he murdered them.

Regardless, I do agree that there should be some real consequences to using Saronite as liberally as the Drakkari are doing, so I'll see what I can weave into the story.
I'm eager to see what the burning legion has planned to replace the Scourge in this fic, unless they plan to just hurl the orcs at the various forces of Azeroth again.
Ack sorry I didn't see this, my bad ><

Bu suffice to say, I have plans for the Legion, though be it planned for the potential sequel to this fic over the current storyline but they are laying groundwork let me assure.
Hmm, OK this might be fun, its not official but its more or less my take on the old lore so here we go:

In the early days of the planet, as mortals count them at least, there were no Elemental Lords, and the continental heart of the world was far from lush, so far from easy water sources it was an arid desert that few could cross.

Residing on this world, we know for sure, were the ancestors of the Tauren, Furbolg and Troll, though their modern descendants may well struggle to recognize them as such.

If there was other sentient life, it did not survive the calamity that was to come, the Old Gods, or as they were seen as then, the New Gods, the Flesh Gods, the Insect gods.

They struck the planet with terrible forces, entire cities wiped out, be it from the crushing weigh or ensuing impact and spreading waves of corruptive power, twisting body and mind.

They were quick to take the guiding forces of nature wherever they could, infusing them with accursed power, turning spirits into Elementals, no longer did water wish to nourish but drown, no longer did earth wish to be strong it would be brutal, the air would choke and fire would seek to burn the world to feed itself.

Of those who resisted, of those who remember resistance, there were the ancestors.

Tauren, guarded by their ancestors and with a mighty bond with the earth even these aliens could not breach, they could force back the invaders influence.
The 'Furbolg' united as one people beneath the mighty paws of their creators, Ursol and Ursoc, they were protected and tore into the flesh of their enemies.
Trolls, warded by gods and ancestors alike, the trolls marched into battle, protected against the sickening fumes and baleful magic that twisted mind and body.

Still, though their resistance was fierce, it was not always successful, and the cost of fighting terrible.

It was only when the Titans arrived, providing reinforcements that the tide of war began to change, leading to the eventual imprisonment of the Old Gods within the very planet they sought to rule.

Kept alive, be it as punishment, study or concern for the damage their deaths might cause the world, the Old Gods were bound and buried, but not forgotten by all.

Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't the scourge only able to use saronite safely because undead by their very nature are completely immune to the effects old god indoctrination?
Sort of, but the thing is, the Scourge drones all had brains and souls inside them, so they should presumably still be vulnerable to corruption or usurpation, we've seen people be broken away from the Lich King after all. Thus, if some form of mind magic can insulate one from their whispers, thus denying the Old Gods a purchase to take their corruption further, I assume others can create similar defenses. We know Alterac had a crown that could free people from possession for instance.
Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't the scourge only able to use saronite safely because undead by their very nature are completely immune to the effects old god indoctrination?
Resistant to it, not Immune. Even Arthas was slowly effected, but it was slow. He basically had to be sitting atop Yogg-Saron for years upon years, just getting whispered at. Undead are almost immune to the physical corruption though.
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The Winter War: Part 2 - A War on Many Fronts
The Winter War: Part 2 - A War on Many Fronts

Snowflakes drifted down on a gentle breeze, casting the marching army in a chill that offered some relief to the Drakkari legionaries, even as it made Orcs grumble.

For his part, Nazgrel did not like the cold, winters had always been the worst in the camps, too little food, no warmth, soggy beds or floors and much sickness. From the corner of his eyes, he caught youthful orc recruit catching snowflakes on their tongue and chuckling among their fellow youths.

'Well…' he thought, looking out across the vast planes of shiny white and rolling hills, 'It is rather different outside the camps,' brushing his fingers along the thick leather cloak adorning his back.

Seeing others beginning to turn their gazes, Nazgrel quickly returned his attention to the front and the strange reptile he was expected to ride. Covered in a blend of blue scales, feathers, and pointy horns. It was a hulking creature to his mind, yet they were less than ponies to most Drakkari.

A resounding thud struck his ears and Nazgrel looked to his commander… No, his chieftain atop a war Rhino. Grinning proudly from his elaborate, almost throne like seat, and gazing out across the lands, map in his lap and weapons on the chairs back.

"The internment camp is not far!" Xex'Mon shouted, "Ready to add more numbers to the legions of Zul'Drak!?"

Nazgrel raised his axe high and chanted in time with the others, "Lok-tar Zul'Drak! Lok-tar!"

Even as their march picked up speed, Nazgrel could not keep from glancing at Xex'Mon.

The white-haired troll was the one to assure him before the battle at the capital. He was a warrior and already proven leader who had volunteered to lead the Orcs as members of the Drakkari Legions. Despite roughhousing getting out of hand and belligerent rumblings he never struck or mistreated them.

He had been a commander and now a chieftain, in charge of not just one legion of orcs but two, as well as three Drakkari Legions. Yet he seemed cut from a different cloth than the orc chiefs his mother had spoken harshly off.

In the wake of their victory and his ascension Xex'Mon had, for some reason, seen fit to promote Nazgrel and another orc born of the camps, Burx, to command their fellow orcs in their own legions, though be it under his guidance. They together were all charged with the same cause. Casting down the Internment Camps and recruiting the Orcs within.

Why pick Nazgrel?

Why pick orcs when it was the Drakkari empire?

Why pick young warriors in place of venerable orc chiefs?

He could not say he had an answer to these questions yet, but-

"Chieftain, we must hurry, there is blood on the wind, wailing in the air!" A high-ranking Shaman bellowed.


Xex'Mon roared, "Legions, forward at full speed!"

No one needed to hear it twice, the ground began to tremble as the stamping feet of their people echoed across the planes.

Tearing across the planes and over raised knolls, they surged towards the distant and all too quiet camp.

Barriers and shields were raised but no flag greeted them, neither spell nor cannon fire, just… silence.

The stone walls, cloaked in a thin layer of snow lay un-defended, the gates hung open and what awaited chilled the bone far worse than any frost.

It was a massacre, orc bodies lay strewn throughout the courtyard, they hung limply over the ruins of surviving buildings, while the burnt remnants of houses lay fallow with charred corpses.

Nazgrel flung himself from his mount only to stagger through the camp as if in a daze. Behind him he could hear distant wailing from his kin as Xex'Mon barked orders, find survivors or the recently dead. Who could survive this? What could the dead offer except more pain?

Nazgrel fell to his knees next to a dead whelp, their eyes empty and a hole in their bare chest, but in their hand… In their hand and clutched so tightly was a broken spear head, held like a dagger and tipped with blood.

"Stop yowling!" Burx shrieked, stamping his feet, "This was a massacre! These monsters killed them all! You shouldn't be crying! You should be raging and roaring! They didn't get to die like Orcs, they were slaughtered like pigs!" Tears were streaming down his eyes and Burx madly struck a wall, cracking the stone but his words, his words stung and did little to assuage or inspire as more Orcs fell into the sleet and mud.

"They didn't!" Nazgrel's roar surprised even himself, but the words were spilling out as If torn from his mind as he held the fallen child in his arms and faced his brethren.

"They didn't get slaughtered, they fought, look around! The humans tried to wipe them out, but they fought, with claws and stone and steel!" His chest heaved, his face ached, heart thumping in his ears. "Humans died too, honor less cowards tried for a massacre, but our kin fought, and they killed and died with honor!" He held the child's body high, "They died as Orcs, brave and true and fierce!"

All eyes were upon him and Nazgrel hugged the child to his chest, "The humans did not fight fair, but our people fought all the same, we will honor them. We will find the humans that did this and gut them to the last, we will honor our fallen brethren, as Orcs, as warriors to the last!"

He threw back his head and bellowed a roar, his throat writhing in agony as the rage and despair was cast from him and into the sky, echoing he hoped to the ancestors. Burx was the next to join him, and soon more and more voice joined the chorus of cries, so loud they made the ground quale and the air shake with their fury.

As their pique fell, Nazgrel saw those who had been falling into despair were on their feet, eyes blazing and ready to fight, to avenge.

A hand clapped against his back, it was Xex'Mon who proclaimed, "Truer words have hardly been spoken, Commander Nagrel and know we shall not let this happen again. Warriors, fan out and ready the dead, they shall be granted an honorable pyre, and then we ride, no other camp shall fall like this, not a one!"

Hoots and roars echoed as they began gathering the dead, Nazgrel first among them and placing the fallen whelp's body among recently felled trees.

As he returned to the camp at Xex'Mon's side, a shout to draw them all from their gruesome work.

"We found survivors!" Shrieked a troll.

Breaking into a run, Nazgrel found himself staring down at an aging Orc in filthy black robes, with a strong jaw and small tusks being pulled away from a sewer grate with broken and bent pipes.

"Whelps… Inside…" he groaned as the priests and shamans began chanting prayers and spells over his withered frame.

Throwing himself to the ground Nazgrel ignored the familiar stench of refuse and through the haze of darkness saw a small gaggle of younglings and babes huddled together shaking, terrified but alive!

"Come here little ones, we're here to save you," He whispered, holding out a hand which was tentatively taken by the eldest of the group before she passed the babe she was holding into his grasp.

Sliding out of the sewer he stepped back and let one of his brothers take the next one as he passed the sickly infant to a troll priest who cradled them gently to his barrel chest and whispered, "Just in time."

Turning back, Nazgrel and his kin were quick to liberate ever shivering child and babes from the sewage and ensure they each found their way to a healer and warm blankets.

With the task done, he moved to Xex'Mon side who was watching over the old orc whose presence had helped obscure the children, now breathing easily, but still looking drawn, tired, and oddly grey.

"You saved the young ones," Xex'Mon murmured, "We got them out and they will all survive."

The orc grinned, "Thank the ancestors."

The priest tending to him was scowling, "He stinks of death and rot this one, how'd you survive a spear through the chest?"

The survivor chuckled, "A Necrolyte doesn't let a little thing like flesh wound stop them…"

"My mother told me your kind were wiped out," Nagrel said, kneeling at the Orcs side.

"Most, but not all, I was among those who came from Draenor on Ner'zhul's mad quest," He let out a bitter chuckle, "I was left behind and cast into this wretched place."

"Who ordered your deaths, and did you see where they went?" Xex'mon asked.

The Necrolyte shook his head, "Those of us seen as too feeble to put up a fight scurried and scarped around to save who we could in secret, and I've been... Drifting between the waking world and sleep since I was struck. The least I was able to do was cover the gap we made in the sewer grates to let the whelps through… The spirits will tell you where they went, but I can tell you who," he hissed.

They all leaned in.

"Her name was Lorin_Remka, she kept an orc woman as her personal slave and painted her face in the woman's blood before announcing we were all to die," he snarled.

Taking the orcs hand Nazgrel promised, "We will find her, wherever she runs, and kill everyone who sides with her, and free our people, I swear it."

Squeezing back as firmly as they could the Necrolyte smiled, "You will have me at your ide when you do, warrior, I swear it."

Nazgrel accepted the offer with a murmured "Lok'tar," before Xex'mon motioned for him to rise.

"Ensure he recovers," the commander ordered, "We will send the young one's back to the capital with escorts and begin our march anew once the pyre dies down, come, we need to get the legions in order."

Nazgrel saluted, fist thumping against his chest, "Aye, chieftain."

Alexi sat comfortably within his study, burning coals pulsing as heat wafted across the stone chamber. Imported gaslights gently illuminating the artworks and shelves of records and scrolls. Illucia leaned over her husband's shoulder as he looked upon a crisply written letter, marked by royal gold embroilment and touched with a new silver trim.

To the most wise and esteemed Barov family,

I Frost King Malakk, arbiter of Justice, Conqueror of Storms and King of kings, do bid you warm greetings. This one does hope that this communication and the customary gift made their way to your hands with due haste.

The letter and gift had indeed arrived with all due haste, not even half a week had passed before their expression of tentative interest had netted them not only the letter. But a richly adorned chest of gold lining, hewn from elven limber and embroiled with ancient enchantments that hummed with a silver, alien divinity.

And within it?

Queen Lianne's declaration of surrender, as well as a collection of jewelry, foreign and familiar, strange spices and wine. Each with a lovingly attached note detailing their name, origin and history stretching across the whole of Northrend.

It was far more cultured than one would expect of a troll, generous as well as novel to be sure.

The Queen Mothers surrender is a welcome thing to those of us who wish a smooth and peaceful transition of power. But I am not so naïve as to think others among your kin will be as accommodating as she, nor wise as yourselves.

Thus, know that when you come to treat with me, it shall not be as sworn vassals, but as independent leaders in your own right. Leaders, whose knowledge and familiar touch among the common folk will become ever more necessary as the Drakkari empire secures its new Dominions.

"Quite confident, isn't he," Alexi said with a thoughtful hum.

Illucia chuckled, "I do admire that in a man, and a leader, do you not?"

"In moderation," Alexi chuckled, eye glancing off the golden chest.

Know that my empire plays host to Great Families and appointed bureaucrats, honored priests, and wise overseers. All of whom rule over their own territories in the name of the empire. Enclosed with this missive is a scroll that outlines the duties of those who oversee Drakkari Dominions.

However, I am not unreasonable, and know that different species and cultures within my empire will require their own unique considerations. Thus your own role as a Great Family of a Dominion and your respective duties and privileges must be discussed to best address you and you're the people's needs.

Alexi hummed, tapping against that paragraph as he read it over, "That does beg the question. How large is this empire?"

Illuca nodded, "Northrend is not a large place, but then, neither is Dalaran."

"A fair point," Alexi nodded, "Though my mind comes to his alleged considerations; I think I recall some reference to creatures called Wolvar?"

"A client race perhaps?" Illucia suggest.

"One permitted to manage themselves as members of the Drakkari," Alexi said, mind whirling at the possibilities.

"Northrend is quite far away," Illucia chuckled, her mind on the same road as his own before they turned back to the letter again.

Among the items sent to you as gifts is a richly engraved gemstone of arcane energy, passive for now, unless suffused with a new spark to alight its power. Engraved into its form are runes and stored mana that will allow your or a mage of your choosing to establish direct contact with the palace, that we might speak in person.

Know that should you step into my palace, you shall hold the full rights of guests and honored leader. No harm shall come to you, nor shall you be forbidden from leaving at your pleasure. There can be little room for diplomacy without trust and mutual respect after all.

Signed, Frost King Malakk, ruler of the Drakkari Empire.

Dropping the parchment down, Alexi trailed his fingers along the gold and silver trim.

"He writes well, don't you think?" Illucia mused, as she toyed with the enchanted crystal.

"He does, and the duties of 'Great Families' are familiar, though," Alexi stroked his beard, "I an concerned about the minimal mention of tax."

"Do you think that is a matter for their king, rather than we nobles?" Illucia said, gaze sharpening.

"Perhaps," he clasped his hands, "It may also be that he leaves such matters to his subjects, or simply not bear mentioning. Especially if their coinage and calculations would present a problem... Assuming, they have coins."

"I have seen troll tokens like coins among collectors' libraries," Illucia said, rolling her eyes, "A now dead Arch Magus could talk one's ears off about them."

Alexi nodded, "Most likely a matter of calculations then, or something we can press him on, should we agree to the meeting."

"It is still a risk, but, ah," Illucia cooed as she clasped the crystal in her hands. "What a lovely trinket, no wonder they can bar Dalaran from the capital."

Leaning back in his chair, Alexia said, "You think to trust him then?"

"I think so," She purred, "Yes. One could see this crystal as a sign of carelessness, but I think not. We cannot use it against them, but they have not tried to use it against us. He seems to hold to his word, this far at least."

"Nothing ventured nothing gained then; we will have to tell the boys, of course," Alexi sighed, as his gaze flew towards the door. "They're hardly boys anymore, Alexia and Weldon are men who could cause trouble amongst the rabble if they so wished."

"Fret not my husband, we can weather a temper tantrum, if they are not yet ready to put our family first." Magic danced on the tip of her fingers, and Alexia knew she could bespell their sons into slumber easily enough, with the right… Catalyst.

"I'll pour them a drink then," he said, rising to his feet as his wife made for the door.

'This is the right decision,' he said, pulling down a familiar bottle of wine, 'If we play our cards right, the Barov family may yet rule Lordaeron!'

Silverpine had never been a popular port.

So much of the region, even its coast was mountainous and where it was not, the coast was so deep able swimmers could drown in its black depths. And with Lordemare Lake making land trade along the West unnecessary, no one ever paid the primeval place much mind.

Which, Hooktusk would note, was not the same as ignoring it entirely.

The coastal watch posts she'd destroyed showed that much. As did the humble dock beneath the misty Silverlain woods. A small forest barely North of Pyrewood and beneath the looming keep of the southlands be-loathed baron.

Thatched rooves of lifeless green and dull browns had greeted she and her soldiers as they stepped from the great turtles while Malakk's Might loomed large in the distance. A great siege tower resting atop the deck ensuring that even Silverlain's Keep would not be be out of reach if so needed.

Hooktusk found herself leaning against one of the the crude constructions, looking out over the docks, a fish bone between her fingers as she picked her fangs. It was not much to look at, the failed bid to mimic the steep-gabled Gilnean style only enhancing the places feeble look. Drakkari sailors loomed so large over some of the houses they could use roof's as arm rests, while Shamans and Priests invoked protection spells in case of cannon fire.

Finally a broad, barrel chested troll with bright eyes, his hair was done in black and white braids, and he wore layered armors of enchanted leathers and steel.

"My Sacred Warrior returns," She chuckled, waggling pink eyebrows at the troll, "Done checking for ambushes?"

Ruk'zeb did little to hide the grimace from his squared jaw and bowed, "This one concedes the point, to our most honored Navarch, and Prophet of mighty Gral. There was indeed, no ambush laying in wait."

Tossing her tooth pick to the ground, Hooktusk stood to her full, unimpressive to Drakkari, height and cracked her neck.

"Of course there ain't, we barely gave-em word we were coming and Silverpine's a benighted shit hole. You could barely pay me to raid it on a good day."

As she clicked her fingers, calling over her feathered and scaled raptor, Ruk'zeb watched her with that same quietly stern air she found so vexing.

"It is a surprise then this land is so worth fighting over."

"Ah I never get tired of your veiled critique," She joked, slinging a leg over the blue beast and grasping the reins.

Ruk'zeb bowed, "The Temple of Har'koa has staked much of its reputation on sponsoring you to his majesty."

"Yes, yes," She waved. "& the Bloody Leopard Paw are merely here to fulfill their duties as assigned by the Prophet and Frost King Malakk to see I win and not disgrace you by association. I am aware."

Ruk'zeb subtly toyed with his leopard skin cloak, but before he could continue she began guiding Tial-tal out of the village.

"Look here, the lands worth fighting for cos the Shadowglen are worth fighting for and Malakk wants his new Dominions. Pussyfooting won't win fights and I'm sure a people with actual priests and Shamans can do more with this place than human hands and whatever Harvest-witches survived the purges. So I am sure in a few years it will all be very nice and productive for the empire, with grains and wheat or whatever it is they grow."

The taller Drakkari needn't a mount to keep pace with her and she noticed he set himself between her and the keep as their company marched.

"You know this land better than I, that is a concession I make humbly," he said without inflection. "Though tell me, if you would, why you do not fear the canon fire?"

Hooktusk snorted, "He could fire, he surely could, but Silverlaine never needed fear his keeps safety from the ocean. Angry peasants and invaders by land were the order of the day. We'll be in more danger the closer we get to town," she added motioning lazily at the little used dirt path, mired in snow and frost.

"I shall array the Bloody Leopard Paw and your crew accordingly then?" He asked in a way that was not really asking.

"If you like, just remember, we want his focus on us, and what comes next," She chuckled, as the distant town of Pyrewood began fading into view through the haze. Dilapidated walls of bound tree trunks jutting out of the earth and roofs of watery wood and decayed hay just barely visible.

"Be quick now," She chuckled, egging her mount forward.

Their journey to the town was swift as could be and the sight that greeted them pitiable a could be.

A massed force of militia men and rounded up women with little if any armor. Gaunt and terrified faces greeted them outside the gates, with a few archer and on the slim walkways of the walls.

Few had better than farming equipment in the form of clubs and the occasional spear. The local lords never liking the thought of armed peasantry.

'They know we'd overwhelm it too quickly, better to face us out here and be pushed back than have fighting take place in the town from the start,' Hooktusk mused.

"There is no honor to be found here," Murmured Ruk'zeb, scandalized.

"Nor much money, fortunately, we aren't here for them," She said, waving for a halt to her forces march and leading her mount on a light trot forward.

Metal glinted against the moonlight, but none made to attack as she paraded before them, Ruk'zeb watching the keep above with wary anticipation.

Hooktusk ignored him, instead, throwing her arms wide and her voice high.

"Where is the Baron Silverlaine in your hour of need?! Where can I find the warriors of Commander Springvale whom should protect you?! Why does a motley mass of men and women stand before me, waiting to die, when you could lay down your arms and live?!"

Spirits of wind and air carried whispered words in hissed tones to her from behind the walls.

"Fire. Fire you fools!" Snarled one.

"She offers to leave us be, you will get us killed!" Hissed another.

"You do not command this town," Snapped a third, as the bickering persisted.

Finally, one of the shaking archers loosed an arrow, Bloody Leopard Paw braced and began to roar but a sharp slash of her dagger ended to the arrows passage as se barked, "Hold!"

Ruk'zeb moved to her side, as she flung herself off the raptor and called again.

"I ask who hides behind walls and sends the people of Pyrewood to fight and die for a bastard baron?! If you wish me dead, whisperers, then step to us and fight or stand down, before your foolishness dooms your people! For we wish only to pass you by to slay Silverlain!"

More hissing and angry whispers, fear and confusion roiled off the crowd like smoke off a fire. Finally, a sharp voice, with a strange twang called out from behind the walls, carried aloft on cracking with that sang with authority not known to men.

"Stand down, sons and daughters of the silver forests! Stand down and not die for a man who would see you die for his convenience! Stand down and live!"

'Ah, Krag'jin's Seraphaine then?'

Hooktusk could hear shouting and squabbling, and ignoring Ruk'zeb's concern she strode forward, offering her hand to the forward most townsfolk. A broad man, with a thick beard and greying hairs, who slowly, slowly began pulling his pitchfork back.

"May- Maybe we let-em pass? Don't want any trouble here, do we?"

"Lord Silvarlain will kill us!"

"And they won't? Look-at-em, they're huge!"

"Follow our orders, fool!"

"They are trolls!"

"They seek only to pass, why throw our lives away!?"

"Someone, kill the witch!"

The townsfolk uncertainty was growing and finally something broke the growing din.

Cannon fire from the hillside.

Hooktusk threw herself back and roared, "Move!"

The humans ears were weaker, but they heard her command before the ringing shot and echoing whistle sang.

A steel ball crashed near where she'd been standing, the blast sending peasants to the ground, a spray of blood and screeching.

Echoing whistles along the sky heralded the coming of more shots and she bellowed her word, "Stop those cannon balls!"

In one sharp motion she snatched up her side arm cannon and with a sharp hiss and a click she shot another oncoming ball from the sky, scattering shrapnel harmlessly to the wind.

Shamans and Priests made their cries, lightning and magic tearing the orbs from the sky.

Chaos overtook the militia, some fleeing back into town others into the woods, y choice or by being shoved away in the chaos.

Another cannon ball was sailing down and Ruk'zeb leapt between some peasants and the missile. A barrier of silver and black glowing as bright as any Paladins barrier springing up and blocking the blast.

The villagers were moving like water from a barrel now, surging back through the gates. Most of the cannon fire sailing towards her forces, but some unable to reach and landing on the town itself.

Striding up to the gate of the miserable hamlet, Hooktusk was surprised to see many of the would be warrior huddling around a woman with a dark, wild mane. Tall and bedecked in leathers of dyed whites and earthy browns.

She stood before a large, squat building in which huddled children, sporting several wounds, clearly inflicted to try and silence her. Yet still she chanted, an ornate totem of unrecognizable design held aloft in her glowing green hands. A powerful, writhing wind rebounded cannon fire.

"Hold fast, children of the harvest, salvation is at hand!" Called the Harvest Witch, her voice tinged with a chorus of swirling winds and a thousand wing beats.

'You better move quick, Krag'jin!'

The sound of cannon fire had never been so satisfying.

Krag'jin pulled down his spyglass and roared, "He has taken the bait, remember, we strike swift as lightning!"

A chorus of affirmatives rang out as the Shaman's, fifteen in total, finished their ritual. Grand dances, conducted in the formation of an arrows head, concentrating the flow of power through motion and position.

They slit their palms as one and slapped them against the earth.

A violent rumble turned into a roar as the ground before them kicked up dust and debris before surged down the mountainsides and beneath the white walls of Silverlain Keep.

The walls, reinforced by alchemy and runic script could withstand a wave of cannon fire.

They could not withstand the ground beneath the, turning to sludge, swallowing stone towers and fortifications while spitting stones at the unfortunate soldiers left to guard the North wall.

Mage retainers lost their footing and the barriers over the courtyard dimmed. Krag'Jin could hear his troops roaring as they raced down the mountain, while he bellowed, "FIRE!"

A chorus of stolen canons loosed their steel upon the fraying defenses, steel crashing against stained mana and breaking it apart. The towers and windows within were unable to withstand the assault and walls were caved in, soldiers split apart by the force.

The dark armored troll smirked as he saw his warrior and priests surged through the gaping wound in the defenses. Guards and warriors, ill prepared for such a sudden, racing out to face them only to be swarmed, the sheer number of trolls and spirt beasts too much to bare.

Drawing his twin axes, Krag'jin smiled, "Well, time to join the fun I think!" and he took off running down the hill with the second wave.

Commander Springvale had never been described as a kind man, stern and dutiful, he had little time for dalliances like mercy or chivalry.

"But this goes beyond the pale milord," He hissed to his master, from their perch near the Southern walls, in a fortified tower that overlooked the forests and Pyrewood.

Silverlain did not even turn his attention to his loyal retained, merely adjusting his enchanted monocle and bushing imaginary dust from his dark suit.

"Fire!" he bellowed, with soldiers and servants hastening to obey.

"Most do not even understand they fire on Pyrewood," Hissed Springvale.

"As they well should not," Answered the elderly baron, stroking his beard, "Have you grown soft on me, commander? You never dread to shed peasant blood before now."

"Executions and raids to keep them in line is one thing, this will be a slaughter," Whispered Springvale.

"The town was always doomed, but they could have at least dispersed the trolls and weakened their magics enough for our cannons to shred them. Now I am forced to rely solely on shock," he chuckled, "But it seems to be working, they scatter like rats."

Springvale grit his teeth as another round of cannon fire was rained down across the misty lowlands.

"The people will die, all of them," he murmured, steel gloves quaking even as his voice remained quiet.

"Save the council, I may need you to slay them if they stand to reveal our little scheme," idled Silverlain, "Fire!"

The old man turned to him fully, "Fret not. replacing the rabble is no different than replacing livestock, an with this victory under our belts, I am sure Greymane shall be most generous."

Repressing a sigh, he salute, "Yes milord, will you have the knights ride-" The earth began to quake and shake and scream.

No that was mean screaming, from the Northern walls and courtyard.


"The wall!"

"The wall has fallen!"

Spingvale stilled, before gnashing his teeth, "The attack on the village was a ruse to focus our cannon fire!"

Silverlain slapped his pauldron, "Play at general later, escort me to the griffonry!"

They took off running, as confusion started to fill the ranks, Sprinvale's voice rising over the din as he ran.

"Fall back into the towers! Turn the doorways into choke point! Bowman, take to the towers and aim the cannons at the courtyard!"

Trolls began swarming into the courtyard, axes and staves at the ready as glowing beasts absorbed the first wave of arrows and spear.

'I did not know so many lived in this land, madness!'

Yet, their path to the stables was no barred by any warrior, instead it was a mangled corpse of a man, riddled with claw and beak marks, being feasted on by the while and gold griffon.

"What.. What is this!?" Shuddered Silverlain, "Beatrice?" He whispered, only for the beast to shriek, its eyes, shining.

"The beasts, troll witches be-spelled them!" Springvale realized, dragging his master back from the beast, "Come, we must escape through the tunnels-" The ground began to quake again and his spirit sunk.

The sounds of battle grew distant as an approaching footman found his leg snatched up by a giant trolls hand. He was ripped from the walk way and smashed against the wall, blood and steel flying free as the darkly armored warrior came to stand on the other side of the stone walk way.

Dropping his quarry, the pale green redhead drew twin axes and intoned, "Baron Silverlain, heir to generations of wealth and blood debts." He cracked his neck, "Til'Vass has been awaiting this for ten generations."

"You'll not find easy prey here, troll!" Springvale drew his sword and surged forward, shield deflecting a thrown spear as he approached the troll.

His sword strike was met with a sharply withdrawn axe, the force of it dragging him forward.

Springvale flung himself back and saw sparks fly as he blocked an axe strike, only for the troll to lean out of the way of his thrust.

A blurred leg surged forward and steel slammed against his chest as the troll kneed him in the gut.

Air escaping from his lungs, Springvale brought his shield up to block the head strike and snarled as the blow pierced metal and cut into his arm.

He tried to bring up his sword to block the next swing, but instinct force him to swipe an oncoming spear from the air.

Leaving his skull open for the single, deadly blow.

Light faded, no pain filled him as the last sounds he heard were-

"He died well, I cannot expect the same from you though, can I?"

Then, he knew nothing.

The tone of the town had turned to Hooktusks's side.

Or more, it had turned against her enemies which was good enough.

With the keep fallen, she'd ordered a quick retreat and most of her forces agreed. Ruk'zeb and a few lingered to heal a few peasants before falling back.

The Sacred Warrior hovered at her side as she waited by the gate, "I want to watch the show," she had intoned cheekily. Thus, her bodyguard remained at her side.

'Not that I'll likely need him,' she mused, eyeing the pillars of smoke in the distance, before turning her attention back to the show.

The Pyrewood Council and a small host, much smaller now that so many had run or jumped ship, stood before the town hall.

Around them stood a growing mob of militia men and murderous women, at the forefront stood Seraphaine. The wounds she'd received still clear on her sharp, raven-like features, as she had healed even those who harmed her first and foremost.

"You cannot fault us for this, it was not we who sought to commit treason by joining hands with trolls!" argued Lord Mayor Morrison.

"You defend yourself!?" Roared a citizen.

"You defend the bastard SIlverlain!?" Screeched another.

Seraphaine's voice was stronger than all, "He launched cannons upon his own people, yet you fault the victims!?"

Another robed councilor spoke up, his voice high and keening, "How were we to know such a thing could happen!? We are as much victims as you!"

"Another councilor leapt to the forefront, "But we did not invite the enemy to our doorstep, this witch did!"

Seraphaine's contemptuous snort was as clear as the disdain on her pale features.

"I have not the power to invite anyone into our homes, only Silverlain and you councilors can do that," She motioned to the councils few remaining bodyguards. "But if you claim innocence, tell us why so many of the council sought safety in a locked basement before the battle began? Tell us why, when the cannon balls flew, you and Silverlain's soldiers knew to run. No terror, only concern for yourselves!"

"You claim we knew he would take such a risk, how dare you, witch!" Morrison bellowed.

"A risk? You speak as if this is unexpected? Fools, SIlverlain's hand was not forced, this was always the plan, to let Pyrewood bleed the enemy and to make this town a choke point! Our lives thrown away for his mad scheme!"

"Lies!" Bellowed councilors, even as the citizens continued to roar, "Murderers, traitors!"

"We are not the traitors here, you-"

A man, of young years and a sickly pallor, with dark, thin hair, cropped short threw down his hammer and wailed.

"Oh it is true! We knew! We knew all along!"

Morrison balked, "Landen Stilwell! You will-"

But the man was already scraping forward along the dirt-ridden street, grasping at the Harvest Witches dress.

"We knew his plan but I thought it only a last resort, when all was lost, I did not mean any harm fair lady, I am but a humble smith, I wish only to make things, not harm or betray!" He threw himself to the floor, "Forgive me please, for striking you, for my cowardice! I beg you all mercy!"

Seraphaine kneeled down and clapped the man on the shoulders, "Rise, Landen, your words ring with truth and for that I thank you, we all thank you. For now we know who is truly at fault for the dead in our streets, not you, or the poor soldiers sent to die, but the lord Baron and his servile sycophant's. The Pyrewood Council!"

Her words had grown and swelled and resounded with the fury of a storm, Hooktusk was no shaman but she could see they were not merely loud, but powerful, enticing, inspiring.

Furious roars rang up from the citizens, militia men and women practically snarling and gnashing teeth.

The councilors remaining guards broke, turning their blades on the councilors, who shirked and shrieked.

"L- Lady of the Harvest! One wailed, We are of Pyrewood too! Spare us!"

Seraphaine titlllted her head to the side, "I am no lord and master, I am, as you say, a woman of the harvest. I live to heal and offer my words to those who wish to heed them." Something wickedly cruel and beautiful was in her smile, as she said.

"But if it is the will of the sons and daughters of Pyrewood to see justice done, then I shall not stand in their way. Instead I would aid them," She did not look back to the crowd, but leveled a single digit at the Lord Mayor and a violent burst of lightning lanced out in a crackling orb of blue tinged energy.

His silver touched robes sizzled and melted at the strike lanced through his body and launched him to the ground with a screech and a thud.

Then, as if a spell had been broken, the people roared and howled like beasts and descended on the councilors with a mad fervor. Blades and fists and ropes alike promised brutal ends to the agents of the baron, as Seraphaine's voice sang upon the wind, joined in a chorus by the people of Pyrewood.

"Death to the lords!"

"Death to the council!"

"Long live the harvest!"

Greymane Manor was suffused with a sort of ordered, quiet chaos.

This had been the case ever since word reached the royal family that a Tirasi fleet had sailed around Gilneas, neither asking, nor waiting for permission. Since then more reports had come in, a young noble informing them Dalaran demanded use of his keep and vague reports of violence in the North.

The natural conclusion was this was the pre-amble to an invasion, if not of Gilnease itself then of Silverpine, forcing Genn and his family into action. Orders were being drafted to double the size of their hosts, the fleet was to be marshalled and Lord_Hiram_Creed had not stopped nattering on about his vaunted cannons.

The deliberation was interrupted however by a guard breaching the war hall and kneeling, "My liege, the Magus Arugal and Lord Ravenclaw has arrived to speak with you."

"Send them in," Genn intoned, looking up from the map of his nation he leaned above.

The black robed magus swiftly strode in, glowing stave in one hand and an enchanted carrying case in the others. The younger Thule Ravenclaw was bedecked in dark reds and blacks, his long hair done in a loose ponytail and a look of forced neutrality onis clean shaven face.

The each offered offered a polite and formal bow, before Arugal took the lead "It is an honor to be welcomed home by you my liege."

"I am glad to see your loyalty to our kingdom remains steadfast, magus. Tell me, are Dalaran and Lordaeron going to be battering down out gates shortly?"

Thukle looked nervous and the Archmage blinked owlishly for a moment before answering, "Ah, please forgive me your majesty, but I believe the situation is… More complicated than that."

Hiram Creed practically growled, "You Dalaranese always try to make things complicated."

"Still thy tongue, lord Creed," Genn snapped, before turning his gaze back to Arugal, "Now then, explain what is so complicated to me?"

Passing an ornate and runic case to Thule, Arugal answered, his voice tight and strained as if the words were painful to him.

"While Kul'Tiras and Dalaran most certainly marshal for war, it is not at Lordaeron's command, nor against you, my liege."

"You expect me to believe Daelin and Antonidas are going to war without Teranas's oh so wise judgement?" Genn snapped.

"King Teranas is dead, my liege."

The room fell silent and Genn damn near drew back in shock, nails digging into the map table as he muttered, "How?"

"Trolls my king, from the north. They claimed to be seeking to avenge some agent of theirs executed on the Alliance Councils orders and intend to take the entire continent as repayment." Arugal's tone was not light but strangely high, bemused as he was confused by the absurd circumstances they found themselves in as he continued.

"They claimed the northern coasts and swarmed over the capital in less than a week, Dalaran could not breach their magical defenses to evacuate the royal family. The last word I heard was that the queen consort had surrendered herself to the troll's leader."

"How could mere trolls accomplish such a feat!?" Liam gasped.

Arugal shrugged, "I was shocked as well young prince, but these Drakkari seem to be cut from a different cloth than the usual beasts, at least in regard to their magic and weapons. They have even moved against the young lords keep to secure it against Dalaranese control."

Thule hastily bowed, "Please forgive me, the Arch Mage and I thought it best to seek your wisdom on whether to rent my lands to them, but the trolls moved swiftly."

Genn waved him off, "You are forgiven, the land is yours after all, but that loyalty does you both credit."

Arugal looked pleased, even behind his layered robes before continuing. "If Tirasi forces are sailing around Gilnease it is likely to make war upon their fleet."

Genn snorted, "We are still under threat, I was on that accursed council after all. Damn you Teranas, your foolishness may cost us."

Creed leaned in, "My liege, these trolls must be slaughtered down to the last if Gilnease is to be secured." He snapped back however at Arugal's glare and Genn had little time for the man's dramatics at this moment regardless.

Drawing himself up, Genn chuckled lightly, "Yes, the trolls will need to be put down, but there is no cause for us to march alongside our old rivals to see it done. Lost lands beyond our gates can be reclaimed in time and those nobles who have sacraficed t in my service shall be rewarded justly," he said, sending Thule a nod.

Standing at his full height, Genn chuckled, "We shall let the beasts and fools slaughter each other from behind our great walls and move only when the time is right." His gaze snapped to Arugal's belongings. "I take it those are souvenirs from Dalaran?"

Arugal bowed, "Yes my liege, I felt it necessary to follow our agreed upon protocol. First, when I got word of their intent upon every Alliance nation, and I was encouraged to move more swiftly when the young lord hinted at Dalaran's conviction to claim Fenris Keep, with or without permission. Thus, I have taken from the city many relics and ancient tomes of power."

Genn smirked, "I imagine they will not be welcoming you back anytime soon then."

Arugal looked saddened for a moment before shrugging, "I know where my loyalties lie my liege. I am also confident these artifacts will be of great use to Gilnease in the days to come."

"I am certain they shall, 'Royal' Mage Arugal, and your apprentice I take it?"

Arugal nodded and Thule beamed with pride.

Stepping around the map, Genn motioned for them to follow, "Come, let us see to it your study and quarters are made ready. Liam, have word sent out to our armies and guards to be ready, but that we can abstain from moving to a war footing for now."

"Are you sure that is wise father?" Tess called after him.

"It is for the best, war always makes all but the most loyal nobles want to start collecting copper like it was gold and whining like stuck pigs. Better to give them as long as they need while our foes exhaust themselves."

'And when the dust settles, Gilneas shall reign supreme over this land!'

High King Greymane had a pleasant ring to it.
As the scope of the war expands, so to does the story, with this being one of the first chapters with none of what could be called the main cast. A secondary title for this could likely be a study in contrasts or humans behaving badly, but the latter feels like a title for something wholly different and in truth was rather accidental as a theme, but I assure you, all based on canon behaviors. Arugal being more loyal to Gilneas than Dalaran might be a surprise, but canonically he definitely didn't stick around.

Ruk'Zeb's name was taken from the Travelogue and here he is a Sacred Warrior, basically the traditional Trollish Paladin equivalent, (as opposed to a counter as the Frozen Warlords were envisioned.) Though they'd not describe themselves as such and only some aspects of their roles overlap and they are not nearly so numerous, usually acting as Temple Guards and escorts over frontline warriors. I got inspired for the title speaking to Ganonso and also want to thank Pillowsperky for their helpful feedback.

As always I'd love to hear your feedback and am happy to answer any questions you may have.
The Winter War: Part 3 - New Allies New Challenges
The Winter War: Part 3 - New Allies New Challenges

The meticulously crafted, magical amulet glinted in Beve's hand as she half twirled around the cavern her father was holding his familial court in. Just outside one could hear the sounds of revelry at a successful raid, the cheers of brigands and nobles alike echoing into the night.

"Oh this is beautiful, if they can craft such wonders easily then they shall be fine allies indeed," Beve said, looking back to her father and brother.

Aliden was leaning against the wall and scoffed, "Yes, I am sure the trolls can teach you much about magic, sister."

"Aliden," her father intoned firmly from his seat upon stacked rocks and fine leather.

"It is quite all right father, I know my bother never learned to do more than swing a sword, this must be confusing for you dear," she mocked. "But I assure you, as someone who was able to study the notes we took from Medivh's Spell Book and who had the wit to understand then, I can recognize fine craftsmanship when I see it."

"Such a shame you couldn't keep such a relic," Aliden said, clearly trying to divert her attention.

Their father shrugged, "Fate giveth and fate taketh away. Beve, you trust it?"

"Oh yes, the runes absorb arcane energy you see, and guide it into the enchanted crystal that holds the spell, but neither one alone is a completed spell, very intriguing," she mused.

Clapping his hands the once and future king of Alterac nodded, "We shall contact our man in Lordaeron then and arrange a meeting."

"Is that wise, father, he could be a useful spy?" Beve noted.

"He could be," The older man intoned, "But I also cannot have us projecting anything but strength and if we come forward with this early, he will not suspect our other agents."

Neither some or daughter felt enthused, but they bowed their heads all the same, "Yes, father."

Malakk strode through the fallen throne room, now cleaned of rubble but soon to be gaining dust as it was remodeled. Comfortable ceremonial robes flowing around his frame, he marched through the impressive entryway and into the evening sunlight.

'The skies are lovely here, so clear, if a little bright,' Even still the faint chill on the air was nothing to home and part of him missed the dark clouds and rippling skies. 'But nothing to do about it save win quickly, is there?' He mused.

His gaze drifted across the city, snow flecked roofs mingled with bronzed and white stone, the rubble was cleared and the damage well on its way to be repaired everywhere save for the palace itself. Seeing a now familiar carriage rolling towards him, Malakk checked his time piece and nodded, 'I have a moment,' he thought, awaiting their arrival.

Tallest among the carriages occupants was De'jana, tan skin and bright blue hair contrasting with her gold and red uniform. Meanwhile, bedecked in emerald green and gold was Lordaeron's former queen who rode on the other side of the carriage, almost swallowed by its size.

A mane of dark golden hair flowed around her sharp features, held back by a newly crafted circlet in Lordaeron and Drakkari colors. Hands resting in her lap as the carriage came to a stop before him, she looked to him and blinked owlishly.

"Welcome back, Queen Councilor," He offered warmly.

"Ah… Frost King Malakk, my apologies for not greeting you," She murmured, as the carriage door swung open by De'jana's hand. The human very faintly accepted his hand, more a single finger as she stepped down onto the palace road and curtsied.

"It is of no concern; I take it your day was long and trying?" Malakk answered, stepping back, and giving her space and motioning for his guards to do the same, her own guard remained in the carriage, while De'jana organized their itinerary.

"Indeed, it was, however you will be pleased with the result," She said, tone bereft of enthusiasm as she added. "The townships outside the capital have been calmed and return to their lives, they will also accept the foodstuffs and supplies sent to them and pay their taxes as normal."

"Marvelous work, both of you, I am humbled by your efforts," He commended. "Please, take a rest and anything you desire shall be prepared for you. Tomorrow is expected to be quite an eventful day."

Lianne looked tired, but eying his clothes and glancing around briefly she added, "Are you on your way to a meeting, Frost King?"

"Indeed, I am, it should be of little concern to you as it harkens to our allies in Northrend."

There was a moment of brief consideration before Lianne bowed her head momentarily and said, "If your intention is to… induct this land into your empire should I not be made familiar with these allies?"

Malakk chuckled and De'jana added, "A flawless argument, would you not say my liege?"

"Indeed so, Queen Counselor. If you would be so kind a to join me then? I must forewarn we are going to speak with the Nerubians,"

She froze briefly before swallowing and shuffling to his side, "I must grow accustomed to my duties," was her answer and Malakk nodded.

'A strong soul,' he mused as they took off, guards and De'jana falling in around with the guards, all a respectful distance as they marched to the library.

Lianne had seen the creatures before, had watched their familiars swarm and attack those fleeing the capital in the tunnels. Yet still nothing ever prepared her for the sight before her.

A Nerubian.

"Aaah, Seer Ixit" Malakk proclaimed grandly, arms held wide as if to embrace the red tinged monster that looked to be a blend of spider and praying mantis as they strode into the grand royal library.

Lianne hid her instinctive revulsion, but a shiver still ran across her spine at the sight of not just one but several of the creatures skittering about the library could not be stopped. Their bulbous bodies swaying and fanged maws clicking constantly.

Malakk however seemed inured to the alien entities, even as his own guards looked wary, the troll spoke casually and jovially, "I hope your accommodations have been comfortable."

"Acceptable and functional, a vast improvement over the camp," the spider answered, their mouth clicking and rasping but somehow the words worming into Lianne's mind and making her shudder.

Chuckling the troll answered, "I imagine so, once again you and yours have my thanks for your services in the opening gambit of this war. Your actions saved many lives. By letting us make this swift and decisive."

The creature lowered itself down, swaying slightly, "As was our agreement, the scales have been balanced as your kind would say."

Malakk tapped a tusk, eyeing the Nerubian, "Indeed it is so, and if you wish to board the next ship home or simply open a gateway for yourselves, I shall not stop you. But…"

"But you have determined if I requested this meeting, the matter is more complicated than that," Ixit rasped.

"I thought but did not want to assume, speak your mind Ixit, that we might understand each other."

The Nerubian rattled its head, eyes rolling and flashing madly for but a moment and then its predator like focus was once again all upon Malakk's broad shoulders.

"This land is rife with sorcerers and scholars, inhabited by those who plumb the depths of this universe seeking knowledge and the wealth of titans but do not know to fear what they will find." A shuddering, hissing sound rolled in a wave across the room and the monsters stilled for a moment.

'What in this world could frighten these nightmares?' Lianne wondered, only dragons sprang to mind and even then…

"You think more of your dead gods lie here?" Malakk asked, thoughtfully.

The Nerubian drew back and clicked its fangs, hard, "We do not invoke thoughts of such things, but even if not those who peel back the layers of reality have the chance to find nightmares they cannot contain, and they must be stopped."

"You do it all out of the goodness in your heart, I respect that," The troll said, smirking.

"Survival is paramount, freedom a requirement, to be so dangers must be eliminated or defended against… Which is a second point. There is much magic here, many great schools of learning. If we were to leave, they would be claimed by you."

"But if we fight together, we shall share them evenly or study them together as we do now?" Malakk said, motioning at some stiff looking troll and Wolvar "Scholars" flittering about the library.

Ixit looked reserved and maybe… Annoyed, Lianne could not say, but the spider bobbed its frame, "Indeed. If it acceptable to you, scholars and agents shall continue to support you in this war to see that the knowledge of this lands mages is captured, studied and secured against… Malevolent influences."

"That is more than acceptable, noble Seer, with that in mind, I would like to hear your thoughts on our Way-Gate schematics at a later date, once you have had time to research the possibility."

"Hmm, dangerous, but tactical, ancient, but stable, we shall study them, consult with the Spider King and the court, then arrange for a meeting with you on the topic."

"Magnificent, until then, I thank you again for your efforts and happily welcome your continued aid, may we both continue to reap success in the coming days!"

"Frost King Malakk!" A troll shouted, racing into the chamber, "News from the Orcish Legions and Navarch Hooktusk!"

The troll's brow knitted together as he hissed something under his breath, "Is it dire?"

The ornately armored troll clicked their tongue and said, "I believe they cannot be ignored, but neither speak of a sudden disaster, though…" The troll s gaze snapped to her, beady eyes focused in veiled disgust, "The Alliance continues to show they are bereft of hon-"

"Enough, I shall read them myself, have the War Council summoned to my parlor within the hour," he said sharply. The troll saluted and raced out the door as Malakk turned back, "it appears we shall have to cut this meeting short; do you wish for a representative at the meeting, Seer Ixit?"

"We have no forces with Hooktusk or your Orcs, so it does not concern us yet," With those words the spider simply turned and lurched back to an oversized table.

"Very well, Queen Counselor, have a meal, and recover some strength, commune with a priest if necessary, but know I shall need your advice this evening," Malakk said, eyes flicking over the scrolls.

Lianne forced the array of questions competing for answers and her burgeoning exhaustion to the back of her mind and curtsied.

"As you say, Frost King Malakk."

Tea had flown by in a blur, the moon was rising in the sky and the sun had dipped out of sight some time ago.

Queen Lianne stood as was custom, hands clasped before her, a step to the side of and behind the king as a show of presence and support, ready to give advice or aid at a moment's notice.

Only she was not in the throne room, he was not her king and none of this as custom.

Instead, she stood within her husband's sitting room, with plush red carpets, walls bedecked in fine art, maps and the Alliance's banner. Rows of books, a billiards table, and a a once roaring fireplace, now standing silent. All of this was familiar and to be expected, but the thought of conducting business in such a place was alien to her.

But not nearly so alien as the room's occupants and the false king who conducted his court as though at leisure.

Malakk, the 'Frost King' sat upon a movable throne of stone and intricate carvings, other, smaller but more plush chairs had been brought in to accommodate his advisors as they read reports, letters and discussed events.

Lianne had been offered a seat near Malakk but politely refused it. Any comfort offered was a false one after all and she would not let herself be more vulnerable than necessary.

A troll woman with red hair was speaking, "Chieftan Xex'Mon has taken quite a shine to the orcs, his mission to liberate the other camps however has been of mixed success. Of the three found, one is securely in our hands and brought in new recruits, nearly doubling the size of the orcish legions, while the rest remain lost in their ailments. However…"

"I am already well aware of the massacre that transpired in the West," Malakk intoned, sounding genuinely remorseful.

Bowing her head, the morose troll answered, "Yes, my liege, but the humans who massacred them will be found and I do have other most curious news to report that arrived moments before we began."

"Good, the Orcs are under my protection as well and I cannot let such cruelty go unpunished, now as to this new message, Quetz'Lith?"

"It was is a strange one. There was an internment camp found by Sky Shriekers sent to scout it out well ahead of Xex'Mon's advance," she said, tapping the scroll. "It had already been laid low by others when they arrived. The remaining orcs claim another of their kin liberated them, called him Hellscream. Some of the fighters left but many stayed or were left behind due to weakness."

Malakk hummed, idly glancing back at her, beady eyes expecting.

Shaking her head, Lianne answered, "I know not the name, but he may be tied with the Warsong or Burning Blade Orcs. Both have been acting as raiders in the backwoods for some time."

The brutish looking Zol'Maz cut in, "Why were they not interned as well?"

Lianne shrugged, "They were not among the invasion forces, merely thieves. After their scheme with the Dark Portal failed, they mostly stayed in hiding, preferring other vagabonds and bandits as their prey than daring the Alliance's wrath."

A silent debate had warred in her mind that only now reached its conclusion as she added, "I know little else of them save for that they conduct themselves with more with tact than the Old Horde. But signs have been found of bloody demonic rituals at abandoned camps, so the restraint is but by necessity."

She was surprised to see a shade cast over the room's occupants at the mention of demons. 'You are the one's who turned them lose upon us again!'

The trolls and the one Wolvar among them quickly returned their attention to the matter at hand when a white hair troll bedecked in rich leathers and twin dagger moved to speak.

"Speaking of raiders, word from the scouts says that humans in the more provincial areas have been trying to evacuate. Some succeeded, others were found robbed and dead, we assume by human bandits, others by these Ogre creatures and Gnolls we think."

Quetz'Lith shrugged, "War is a good time for bandits after all, should we deal with them Frost King Malakk?"

The troll king mulled on that for a time, tongue clicking before he answered, "By absorbing Lordaeron into the Drakkari Empire we become responsible for its people. If they wish to free themselves of our patronage, they accept dangers. Thus I will not seek reprisal for these acts lest something more untoward than mere raiding is uncovered."

"However," His tone grew stern as he leaned forward on his throne, knuckles flexing and cracking. "We should move to better patrol the lands and provide escorts to the peasantry; it will not be long before towns and food wagons come under attack and we cannot allow raiders to get away with acting in our territory."

Some part of her wanted to snap at him for such grandiose claims after having invaded them. But naturally Lianne kept her piece, not even a tremor of vexation showing on her face. For all the troll's lofty claims, Lianne knew she could not trust him not to lash out, if not at her, then at her children.

He waved a finger idly, "With that in mind, I would request more effort be made to chart out these attack sites and trace back the source of these violent acts. We do not want an army of brigands materializing in the backwoods. Though," Malakk looked to the diminutive dog servant, "Do you have anything to add my friend?"

The creature, Chief Rageclaw as she'd been told, let out a low keening whine. "We send Speakers. Seek Gnolls, Ogres, others. Some luck, but also violence. Chaos at West forests, much violence."

Malakk hummed, "I will want a full report soon, so we can see about who might aid us or at least join hands with us. Do your Speakers need extra guards?"

The Wolvar let out a sharp laugh, far too close to a Gnolls, "No need, strong, smart, swift."

"Very well, I look forward to your progress, until then," Malakk clicked his tongue. "Moorabi, can you appoint someone to oversee the bandit problem, but only who you need."

The dagger wielding troll sat up from his lounge cushion and saluted, even as the long maned woman spoke up, "Frost King Malakk, should some of my Sky Shriekers accompany them?"

'A rivalry?' Lianne thought, filing that information away.

"Your Sky Shriekers would be a welcome aid, Quetz'Lith but they will be needed elsewhere I believe," Malakk said, picking up a scroll and unfurling it before Lianne who took it gingerly in her grasp. She ignored the unfamiliar script and focused on the sharp drawings of ships and sigils.

"Word is the fleets are finally putting up a fight and proving a hindrance to Hooktusk," Malakk said. "She and her crew are experienced, but the rest of our sailors less so and even our size and weapons can only do so much against there speed. She is requesting you and your Sky Shriekers, especially some Dragoons, specifically for if they run into Proudmoore for some reason."

"His son was murdered by the Orcs dragoons," Lianne muttered, ignoring the stares.

"Such is the nature of war," Sighed the 'Grand Prophet'.

The room grew silent and their gazes fell to Lianne once again, she could scarcely read the trolls expressions. Despite all the time she spent dancing around before relenting and answering even one of Malakk's questions, the acts of defiance had gleamed her little insight into the creatures as a whole.

"If you would Queen Lianne," Malakk said, not sounding irritated by her dawdling, "Might you share with us your knowledge of the sigil I marked on the scroll? It is not one that my Navarch recognized, but their ships are of high quality and skilled in the arts of war," Malakk instructed.

Swallowing back bile she answered, "This is the new symbol of the house of Duke_Falrevere. He was once a powerful noble of Lordaeron, boasting a dozen merchant vessels under his sigil and twice as many battleships. However, he has been steadily trying to migrate towards Kul'Tiras, hence reshaping his sigil. I imagine you struck down several of the ships he had lingering here if your claims regarding the coasts are true."

The armored brute, 'Zol'Maz' scoffed, "Seems this nation was fraying before we arrived."

"We are still learning their ways, Zol'Maz, do not be so dismissive," the Grand Prophet chided.

"Whatever the case," Malakk said, forestalling their usual bickering with a tired sigh, "I ask you, Queen Lianne, would he be open to negotiating or has that ship… Sailed, I believe the term is?" He said with an awkward sort of… grin?

Lianne almost wanted to advise them to send a speaker, but bit back the bitter impulse. She could not risk her precarious position so lightly, not seeing how disproportionate the Drakkari could be.

Shaking her head, she rolled up the scroll and answered, "I would caution against it. His reasons for leaving our lands was a protest against the internment of the orcs in place of genocide and our 'generous' open border policies with the Dwarves."

"Ah, so he looks upon all nonhumans as you do upon trolls?" Moorabi chuckled.

Brow knitting together, Lianne answered tightly, "Not the manner in which I would have phrased it, but his contempt for those who are not human is well known."

"Hmm a shame, but not unexpected," Malakk mused, resting his chin on his fist, "Still, I thank you for your forthrightness, Queen Lianne."

She offered a curt little motion that blurred the line between a bow and a nod, "I only wish to protect the people of Lordaeron and my family as best I am able."

"And you are, even if it may not feel like it," Malakk said, idly tapping his throne, "Quetz'Lith, how many Shriekers can you send to Hooktusk without endangering our position?"

The fiery hair woman put down the scroll and brushed back a lock of orange hair, "About a third of my bat riders and a quarter of the dragoons to I am thinking. Hooktusk just wants to keep them hemmed and distracted, but an early show of force would be good, then some can come back."

Malakk nodded, "Very well then, let it be done."

The woman saluted sharply, "As you say, Frost King Malakk."

Nodding the troll motioned to Moorabi, "I want you to contact Slad'Ran and to coordinate your efforts to root out the raiders. I also want you to coordinate with Chief Rageclaw to seek out these other orcish liberators, but do not engage them. Unless they commit an offence against honor or would threaten our people."

The troll shot up in a blur and knelt, "The brigands shall not escape us, Frost King Malakk."

Putting the scroll aside, Malakk motioned to her, "Thanks to our Queen Counselor and skilled Speakers efforts, a work force has been secured to oversee much of the simple manual labor. Prisoners who wish their terms commuted mostly. This shall free up our own forces for patrols and for raids on the Bulwark, and with time could provide other benifits."

"The bulwark still poses a danger, especially with the temple so nearby. I am thinking it was a bad decision not to move East sooner," ZolMaz said.

Gal'Darah scowled at the troll, bristling as he countered, "First you resent our presence here, now you condemn us for inaction?"

"There is a fine line between honor and rank foolishness is there not? Sending word to the East hastened the making of the Bulwark that weakens us," the warrior argued.

"What is done is done," Malakk intoned, "We came here knowing we may need fight all comers, them moving to a potential choke point is not a bad thing. Provided our weapons and forces are at the ready, a defensive war will serve us well into the next theaters of battle. Besides, work has already begun on a surprise for those that strike at us from the East," he smirked.

'So, there are still secrets held in reserve, but what and how dangerous are they?' Lianne wondered.

Her attention turned to a lean, muscular troll woman with a white mane of hair that was smaller than most of her kindred.

"Speak Great Mother," Malakk intoned.

"Word from North Port my liege, Bonechiller Barafu sent me word that unfamiliar mages have attempted to breach our barriers. The Arcanists describe their magic akin to a ghost brushing up against the wards."

"Hmm, concerning, but with Dalaran still pawing at our gates I can only leave the matter to their best discretion and ask they divert only what can be spared to researching this matter," Malakk said.

"As you say Frost King," the troll woman intoned blandly.

Glancing around hands out wide, Malakk asked, "Is there any more business to be conducted this night?"

Gal'Darah raise his hand, ornately decorated wooden armor shining brighter than steel as he intoned. "From my time in the church, speaking with the Archbishop and thanks to recent letters from Prophet Slad'Ran, I have learned that both the Priestess Whtemane and Faol wish to hold a meeting or summit of some sort. To ensure the others 'flock' is well tended and commiserate on holy lands."

Malakk frowned at that, leaning back in his throne, "The Church's collaboration is a useful tool in keeping the populace calm, but I am wary to allow such a thing at this sensitive time. Speak with them further, research their requests, desired meeting places and more, so that nothing may catch us by surprise."

Gal'Darah looked briefly stunned before an oddly pleased expressions spread on his lips and he nodded excitedly, "As you say Frost King Malakk, so shall it be done."

"Then I thank you all for your exemplary service and offer you lodging within the palace for this night before you return to your duties on the morn. Rest well my friends, battle comes soon."

Rising to their feet, an array of salutes, bows and soft words were exchanged as they began filing out of various doors. Lianne herself lingering as long as she could while Malakk stretched and motioned his guards to the courtyard to "Knock the frost off."

Only for them to freeze when De'jana raced through the door, offering her what looked like an apologetic smile before turning her attention to the Frost King.

Lianne knew they could see her and forced herself to leave, every step agonizingly slow as she listened intensely, but only a few words slipped through the doorway.

"A diplomatic messenger awaits an audience with you, Frost King Malakk."


The words after that faded to nothing and Lianne could not help but suspect foul play as she tried to calm her worried mind.

'It is most certainly a mere message of some distant ally or new discovery, no human would aid these barbarians, not a one!'

Beve_Perenolde stared at the shimmering portal before her, staff clutched in hand, face obscured by a mask in Alterac orange, with rough red and fading purple robes adorning her frame.

"It looks stable enough," she mused. Smiling like a cat at the sound of heavy armor at her side, as Richelle stood before the gateway and saluted.

"Please, allow me milady," She crossed the heavy, bladed shield woven into her armor's right arm over her chest.

Brushing the woman's short brown hair back with a gentle touch of her staff, Beve nodded, "As you wish, my dear."

Standing at attention, pivoting on her feet, with her nearly un-armored right hand reaching up to grasp the handle of her broadsword, she stepped through and vanished into shimmering light.

"Want to bet her head comes flying out?" Lisa chuckled.

"Head if we're lucky," Rosa scoffed.

Beve tapped her stave into the ground, while Singer let loose a low hum and both mages stilled their wagging tongues.

A moment later, Richelle strode out of the portal looking intense but otherwise unharmed as she saluted and said, "The gateway leads to Fenris Isle my princess, they appear safe… If Damaged."

'They've taken Fenris Isle!?'

Beve motioned Singer forward and at the woman's hum her hands began to shine, one with gold and the other with shadow. Placing them either side of Richelle's head there was a tense moment before she pulled back. Glow fading from her hands, the assassin signed 'Mind is her own'.

Checking her Crystal Tipped Stiletto was still fastened to her hip, Beve cheered, "Well then, if it is safe and Richelle speaks the truth, let us see what lies on the other side, no?"

"Yes, Princess Beve!" They answered, before Richelle turned and marched back through the portal.

Singer ran her hands through her dark hair and matching dress, sucked in a gentle breath of the perfume suffusing her mask and strode through, followed by Beve and her apprentices.

Flashing lights of the Nether faded quickly, but Beve's mind was caught in shocked wander as she stepped upon the muggy, frosty island and stared at Frenris Keep.

Once a fiercely powerful fort with a fine dock and many small vessels, the fortress was now battle scared by flame and broken stone. Giant turtles patrolled the waters in place of the now charred gunships, while strange spider webs that hummed with magic crisscrossed between towers and trees, while great idols rose up along the coasts, pulsating with power.

Air that should have been cold and the waters frosting over were instead muggy and flowing freely as though early spring. Before her stood a fierce looking troll woman with white hair, lean muscles, rather handsome features, and pale blue skin.

Firmly striking the ground with the butt of her spear the ornately armored troll said, "I am Great Mother Arkticus, leader of the Frostmane Tribe, advisor to Frost King Malakk and acting overseer of this fort. It is an honor."

Matching the motion of the woman's spear with her Amethyst_War_Staff, Beve answered in kind, "The honor is mine. I am princess Beve Perenolde, formerly of the nation of Alterac, and arch mage of the Syndicate." She motioned from side to side, "This is my honor guard Richelle and my personal assistant Singer, along with two of my apprentices, Rosa and Lisa."

The troll woman nodded, hand over her heart, "Frost King Malakk will be pleased to receive you within the fort itself, and should this matter go well, will cheerfully host you and yours as honored guests in Lordaeron's castle."

Beve smiled, even if a touch of her ached at the thought of Lordaeron sharing the keeps fate. 'It would not feel the same,' she thought, even as she fell in behind Arctikus and said, "I too hope this meeting is fruitful, and wish to offer your liege my regards."

Casting her gaze around and trying to ignore the strange spiders patrolling the woods, she added, "However did you claim this keep? It was meant to house a strong force at all times and the wards were always well maintained."

A new voice, rough but jovial echoed across the courtyard and Beve was greeted to the sight of the largest troll she had ever seen, bedecked in robes as fine as any kings and sweeping his arms out grandly as he proclaimed.

"Fortune, timing, and skilled scouting was our ally in this battle" Sharp features split into an endearing smirk as he continued. "Word is the lord of this isle only kept a garrison while he resided upon it, and as he was away at Dalaran. Thus, we struck before the wizards of the South could fortify it."

He bowed grandly, "I am Frost King Malakk, and I welcome you as my honored guest, Princess."

"I am honored to be receive so graciously," she said, curtsying, "I hope this can be the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship between our peoples."

"As do I, there is much the former masters of Alterac could do to aid us, and much we intern can offer your Syndicate," he said, the word rolling off his tongue strangely.

Motioning for her to join him, they walked into the charred but still whole keep, her guards falling in at her left and the Frost King's at his right, with Arctikus breaking off to oversee soldiers training in the courtyard.

"You are well informed on us; I take it you spoke with our man then?" She asked.

"Indeed," he frowned, "Andron_Gant has quite a reputation about him, but he was very informative."

"He is but one of many agents we have across Lordaeron and the Greater Eastern Kingdoms, keeping our forces abreast of the Alliance's moves against our people."

"An impressive accomplishment to be sure," Malakk said hands clasped behind his back.

They passed through the gate and into the chilled main hall. Beve found a comfortable plush chair awaiting her that was utterly dwarfed by the ornately carved stone throne sitting across from it, with a large map table laid out between them.

"Please, I offer you a seat that we may talk in comfort," Malakk said.

"I accept your kind offer happily," Beve said carefully, trying to follow the troll's diction and earning what looked to be a pleased smile as she took her seat across from him.

"Now, forgive me if I am ignorant," Malakk said carefully, though his tone beget no nervousness, "But I must ask. Would you be considered empowered to speak on behalf of your Syndicate's leader, or perhaps be their replacement?"

Beve rolled the question over in her mind, trying to parcel the world this king came from, what his true question might mean and if obscuring the truth was to her benefit.

'I know too little to play coy,' she decided, and leaned forward, "As the eldest child of Aiden Perenolde, Princess, as well as the teacher and leader of our magical squadrons I could be considered my father's successor. However as of now any deal arranged with myself would be provincial and require his approval."

"And his alone?" Malakk asked.

'I was hoping he would not ask that,' she thought before answering, "May I inquire as to the intent behind your question?"

"Nothing sinister," he hummed, offering a lazy wave, "I am simply learning the ways of my subjects and allies and thus there is much I do not know. I myself rule as Frost King, but I am advised and checked by a council of Great Families, Priests and bureaucrats, among which yourself and some among your number may well be counted in due time."

'He presumes much, but that offer is temping, though a court of trolls would be quite a spectacle!' She idly wondered if most were as tall as Malakk, given what she had seen, she imagined him to be an exception.

Smiling, she clasped her fingers and hummed, "My father is king, however much like yourself he holds court with military leaders, nobles and those like myself." It was best not to make promises they could not keep, but not in a way that showed weakness. "As a result of our decentralized nature direct edicts are difficult to institute, though only for now, and no matter the day we hold sway over two thousand fierce fighters, cunning rogues and skilled mages."

"Four legions, mages and an information network, quite a respectable force, but then, that begs the question," he leaned back in his chair and smiled softly, "What is it you desire from your Frost King?"

Beve resisted the urge to click her tongue like a scolding teacher, casting a brief glance back at the eager eyes of her followers, before meeting Malakk's own. The troll was utterly assured and radiating naught but a calm sense of strength and authority.

"Your people came here seeking justice, we desire the same," She uttered, tongue lashing. "When we needed the Alliance, they were nowhere to be found and for striking a deal to survive, nearly all among us were punished, even those of us who had no part in the 'crime' of which my father was accused."

"Oh? I had been told you joined your family in exile willingly," the troll asked curiously.

'Because I love my family and did not want to be sold off as some fool princes breeding stock!'

"My loyalty to my kin and my people is great, Frost King Malakk, I would do anything to protect them," she said grandly.

He showed neither sign of annoyance nor belief at her tone, merely ambivalent acceptance as he motioned, "But there must be more than reprisal against those who wronged you that you seek."

"There is," Beve said licking her lips, "We desire our land back, we wish for our mountain homes as well as for the lands of Hillsbrad and Arathi to fall under our sway when this war is done. We wish to aid you in claiming victory and be rewarded with not just what was taken from us, but the lands of those who robbed us so."

A quiet breath escaped Malakk's maw, almost like a whistle, "Your family and lords desire much, but it is not something I am bereft of mind to give. When all acknowledge me as their rightful king there will need to be overseers and Great Families to tend to the lands and her people's after all and I find it fitting to reward those who conduct themselves loyally and bravely."

"You would find fewer braver or more dedicated souls than we, Frost King Malakk," she offered eagerly.

"Indeed, your enthusiasm does you credit." Tapping his throne he added, "I am willing to agree to a fair redistribution of land to you and your people. Should my rank as king be acknowledged and you aid us in the coming battles. However, the nature of warfare and alliances make determining the exact territory and size so soon a fool's errand."

He held up a hand forestalling a counterpoint, "I will however agree to offer your people Hillsbrad, the lords have summarily rejected my offers, one merely sending back a letter he spat in," The troll bristled in vague disgust.

"Some of the lords here are a rather rough and uncivilized lot," Beve crooned.

Malakk chuckled, "So it would seem, but ah, where was I? Yes, you will also have food as well as new equipment and the support of my own forces in the days to come. I will accept your oaths of loyalty and host your family and advisors at my palace, where we may discuss this in more detail."

'That was swift, perhaps his position is not as strong as I thought and he's desperate, or maybe he is merely arrogant, or trusts too easily…' Her mind whirled, but Beve knew an answer needed to be forthcoming and she would not know the truth from idle speculation.

Rising from her seat, she crossed a hand over her heart, "I am honored, Frost King Malakk, and will take this happy news back to my father and our forces at your leisure."

Malakk rose from his seat, "Whatever time is best suited to you and yours, Princess Beve; though if that is now please, allow me to escort you to the portal point."

"You are a truly gracious king," She offered, resting her hand over his massive digits, and feeling like a child next to an adult given their respective heights.

As they strode towards a glittering arcane circlet, Beve plied the troll king, "If I may ask, who do you intend to appoint as overseer of Fenris Isle when this war is done?"

Malakk hummed, "That is yet to be decided. The Shadowglen of Silverpine played a key role in claiming this sight as did the Sky Shriekers. Should neither of them wish to claim it, I shall likely gift it to the Rageclaw Wolvar, that they might turn it into a trade hub, it is well situated for such a place."

'Just how expansive is his empire?' She wondered, confidence in her family's future further buoyed by the prospect of an empire of more than just trolls and monsters.

"Wolvar?" She asked.

Malakk grinned, "You shall meet them as well as their Speaker and agents at the capital, they are quite eager to ply a new land for relics, herbs and trade abroad and will be most eager to converse with you."

Stepping into the arcane circle with her guards, Beve curtsied, "I shall look forward to meeting them, and our next engagement in the capital, my king."

He grinned, "I as well, Princess Beve Perenolde."

In the depths of the Barov family crypt the air was cold, lifeless, but almost clinically clean.

All facts that were lost on Bartimus. The mage could feel sweat running down his back as he cast the spell. Arcane energies flowed through his being, but the heady feeling was replaced by sheer dread at the darkness of the depth of the family crypt.

Only his lord and lady stood ready to receive the escaping royal family from the occupied capital.

"My lord, my lady, what if they are being pursued?" he asked, breath hitching.

"We have assurance they will be safe, so worry not, dear," Lady Barov murmured, as her husband toyed with his sword and added, "No unwanted quest shall find a welcome greeting, of that I can assure you, Bartimus."

"Finish the spell," they said as one.

He pushed through his fears, he was the family magus after all, it was his sworn duty to obey and-

Something cold.

A presence in his mind.

Too many eyes.

The spell wasn't his anymore.


A troll burst forth and before he could scream a giant hand closed on his face and he knew only darkness.

Illucia and her husband had seen trolls before, but these Drakkari looked to be from another world!

Easily a head or more taller than the largest Forest Troll they were more akin to Ogres. Save where Ogres were all fat and bloat, these blue skinned creatures were all sharp angles and dense muscle.

The one who caught the unconscious Bartimus was adorned in thick dark robes of fine material with blue patterns and a white fur trim, magical trinkets adorning their frame.

The other was leaner but taller, adorned in fiery red armor one might expect to see on a skirmisher or commando that left his arms bare and was wielding a giant squared off blade.

The duo looked around and nodded, before stepping back and offering swift bows, "Honored guests of our liege, the Mighty Frost King Malakk. We his majesties bodyguards do welcome you on his behalf and bid you to cross the threshold."

"Will Bartimus survive?" Illucia asked idly.

"Oh yes," the robed troll said, "We don't kill needlessly, he will live, though until we can be sure he is safe he will have to be contained."

"That is only natural," Her husband said, hand on her back they nodded and followed the fiery red troll through the swirling vortex.

The world flared, flashed, and bent before they stood in a richly adorned study chamber and-

Illucia's heart nearly stopped at the sight of the multilegged monstrosity, a sordid blend of scorpion and spider weaving magic next to the portal.

"Don't worry about the Nerubian's none," the red armored troll said casually, "They're repaying us a debt and have proven to be a fine and friendly bunch."

A wheezy voice escaped the Nerubian, "We are neither fine nor friendly, this is just pragmatic rationality."

The robed one chuckled, "They pretend to have no emotions to make conversation dull, hoping that we might stop hassling them. Fret not, noble one's," she said more seriously, "As guests of our liege, you are the safest people on this world."

A weak nod grew firm as they steeled themselves and the portal closed behind them, 'too late to turn back now,' Illucia thought.

The twin trolls bowed before them again, the one in armor speaking, "I am Kutube'sa, a warrior and the burning blade of his majesty." Next was the robed one, a hammer and intricate stone shield on her hips and arm, "I am Bith'sa, Frost Warden and his majesty's unbreakable shield."

"We shall escort you to his eminence."

"Well then, let us not keep our host waiting," Alexi said with a forcibly casual air.

The guards nodded and beckoned for them to follow, leaving behind the spider monsters, and passing by many-a troll, other insectoid horrors, several strange furry creatures and oddly enough many humans moving about the castle without an escort.

Things only grew stranger as they stepped from the halls and onto the grand walkways surrounding the palace and looked upon the miraculously un-sacked capital.

Oh, the damage was there, walls being repaired, Lordaeron's Arcane Tower now but rubble and above all the sight of the fact the castles East Wing was charred and broken, but the houses and streets seemed to carry on as normal!

As they followed the elite guard, they looked over the city streets watched by more giant Drakkari trolls, but less than they expected. But what was more, they saw other humans.

Most down on the streets seemed to be shuffling about on their daily routine but there were others, clearly workers laying foundations upon he ruined sections of castle, while others worked inside to remodel the halls.

They were obviously being overseen by the Drakkari, but there were no chains, no whips. Illucia and Alexi shared a confounded stare.

"They are working for you willingly?" Alexi asked gently.

Bith'Sa shrugged, "Somewhat, they are petty criminals seeking esteem. We promised to communicate their prison time to labor done if they helped repair the city, if all goes well, they shall be home by spring."

Kutube'sa frowned, "We made a similar offer to the soldier and militia types, but they were most unreceptive, and rude."

"And those who refused?" Illucia asked gently.

Kutube'sa spoke up, "Their sentence will be the duration of the war at a minimum, but if this take six months then they go home six months after it is over, two years, another year after that." He waved his hand, "you understand, we just don't want-em causing any trouble the moment they get out."

That was a… surprise, but a comforting one, even if it was a lie; their actions thus far gave hint to Malakk's temperament and strategies.

'We can work with this,' Illucia thought.

They passed through the royal hall, not even lingering on the throne room where trolls and those strange dog creatures were modifying the place; his majesty's throne however still sat, seemingly undisturbed.

"If we are not to be received in the throne room, may I ask where we are going?" Alexi asked.

"You are guests of the Frost King, you may ask whatever you wish," Bith'sa said gently, "As to where. Frost King Malakk abhors stuffiness, so you will meet with him in a parlor for drinks and food if it pleases you."

"It most certainly does," Illucia grinned as they approached a giant set of doors that clearly hadn't needed to be remodeled to accommodate the castle's new rulers, watching as it was pushed open to reveal the king's personal library!

'We would never have been allowed in here before now!' Illucia thought giddy with pride and a darkly amused sense if satisfaction.

Soft blue banners and plush, royal purple seats awaited them, alongside grand bookshelves lined the walls, along with an array of wine cabinets, tastefully displayed art, a billiards table and more.

Laid out on a low table was an array of exquisite dishes, many of which they had personally ordered prepared in the past.

Of-course what instantly drew their attention was the gargantuan beast of a troll standing by a map board. Easily a head taller than even the tallest troll they had seen and broad as an ogre, he had dark violet hair, blue skin, adorned with tattoos and gigantic tusks!

Adorning his powerful frame was a soft, elegantly patterned sky-blue tunic with thick overall buttons running up from the base of the top to his chin. Grey-ish blue pants with subtle patterns and of a loose material covered his legs, while a long, gently furred coat that nearly blended into a cape hung over his shoulders. Several fine jewels formed an intricate necklace, detailed bracers studded with gems rested upon his wrists and golden loop earrings from which hung more jewels.

The troll smiled and that brief flash of fangs reminded them no matter how well he dressed this was still a troll who was easily twice their size. He threw his arms wide and beckoned with ring adorned fingers, "My noble guests, I welcome you to my parlor, please take a seat and help yourselves to whatever you desire."

Both offered a polite bow and curtsy respectively, "We thank our new king for his kindness."

"You are a more gentlemanly host than your predecessor, if I might say so," Alexi chuckled.

"You never drank tea or broke bread with your king?" Malakk answered, tsking.

"Indeed, we did not, he enjoyed the company of his Paladins and generals, but not his noble peers," Alexi huffed as he made to take his seat.

"Traitors!" A youthful voice howled from above.

They stilled and looked askance, only to see a blonde-haired adolescent with bright blue eyes being pulled back from the barrister by the queen mother herself!

"Come, Arthas," she annunciated carefully as the boy seethed and spat.

"Please Arthas," his sister added, tugging on his hand.

Illucia smiled and curtsied, "Queen Mother, have you remarried perhaps?" eyes flickering to Malakk who simply looked bored as Lianne scowled down at her and tugged Arthas away with more force.

As a pair of Drakkari advanced upon them, the fight slowly left Arthas, and with a brief flash of blonde hair and a muttered curse they disappeared. Falling back into the shadows of the studies second floor, before a door swung shut.

"My apologies, the Queen Counselor assured she could keep the boy in line but, it seems not. Though I must ask if the verbal barb was necessary?" Malakk asked.

"Apologies my king," Illucia said, not sorry at all, "old rivalries die hard."

The troll hummed, "True enough, and their comportment was most ill fitting to their station. Please, help yourselves," He gestured at the platter before them, snatching up a piece of caviar for himself as Illucia perused the wine list.

"Is keeping the royal family alive a wise course of action your grace? So long as they draw breath, people will feel Lordaeron lives on?" Alexi asked, as he toyed with a piece of pheasant.

The troll chuckled, "Lordaeron shall live on with or without them, but I'll not kill children over fear of what may come. Besides," He sent them both a significant, conspiratorial smirk, "they could still play a role in events to come, and to our mutual favor."

'Does he suggest an arranged marriage perhaps? To make us royalty?' Illucia wondered.

The troll waved towards the map hanging upon the wall and hummed, "But that is for the distant future, let us instead turn our minds to the now and what shall soon be, such as the lands you seek and of your daughter, Jandice of Dalaran,"

At that the noble couple grinned.
I have no idea how this chapter got so long to be honest, but I hope it proved engaging.

Fun trivia, this art piece inspired Great Mother Arcticus's 'look', with these being her clothes prior to joining the empire.

I'm sort of mixing and matching canon for Alterac's betrayal, as the games had it be from the start, while the books had it be hilariously recent and only when the Horde marshalled at Alterac's foothills and was followed by Perenolde getting a message to send forces to Lordaeron of all place XD Suffice to say, while I am not going with the latter, a version of events along those lines if more drawn out, is the narrative Altericians hold about things, while the rest of the Alliance has a rather less charitable take, though broadly more accurate.
Missing Scenes
Hi, sorry due to some editing mishaps, these two scenes from the previous chapter got lost., these scenes have also been edited into the previous chapter.

Missing Scenes​

Kel'Thuzad had been planning this for weeks, working with the finest regent's money could buy, anonymity his blade and past experience his greatest ally.

Having taken up a spot on the mountains outside Stratholme where the Ley Lines converged, the magus weaved his subtle spell. Unexpected and unseen in the face of the contest of wills between Lordaron's former capital and Dalaran that would soon be reaching its next peak.

Still, he needed to be careful and cautious, one wrong step would reveal him too soon and through the fragile, rippling rift would stride a host of foes seeking his head for the interruption. But if he succeeded-

"There!" He cheered, the rift growing stable and sure, flickering images of Lordaeron's archives appearing before his very eyes and strange incense touched at his nose.

Kel'Thuzad gasped as the feeble rift surged with power and a chilling wind sucked him through. Barely grasping his stave in time, the world became a blur of flashing colors and writhing images of untold imaginings before he materialized in the archives.

Spells hummed and claws reached, a hasty blink spell was all that saved him from a spider monsters curse. He weaved around a shouting troll and blasted open the doors with a flick of his wrist and disappeared down the stone halls to the echoing cries of "There has been a breach!"

Racing down the hallways, blinking his way around guards and letting loose gusts of arcane force to throw himself forward he kept out of the invaders grasp.

'Foolish, clumsy creatures! However, did they take the capital!?' Whatever had allowed them to succeed, they were clearly not worth his time to align with.

The tingling song of arcane bubbled on his skin and Kel'thuzad wreathed himself in an invisible shield with a blinding flash of light layered atop. The shouts of pain soothing to his ears as he ducked into a nearby hall and then back out with a blink spell.

Bypassing walls and pathways, he was out of reach as his pursuers began calling for reinforcements, desperately searching as he disappeared deeper into the castle.

'Now, I just need to find the princess and escape with her,' though if worst came to worst he might blend in with the common folk by slipping out the servants quarters and into the city. 'Yes, waiting for the hunt to die down would be wise, but then, they might be able to track me while I wait?'

He had not expected his spell to manifest so swiftly, the ambient energies had clearly overtaken the other sides before he could choose a more subtle location to manifest the spell.

'Still, I am brilliant and these base creatures are clearly surviving solely by raw energy alone. They will destroy the capital like that, best to be done with my business sooner rather than later.'

Kel'thuzad stepped out from the hall and stilled at the sight of the throne room; he had been expressing avoiding the damnable place, how-

His gaze snapped to a giant blue figure lazing on the steps leading up to the kings throne. Adorned in fine robes and an elegant cape fit for a noble, a crown of feathers and crystalized ice resting on a regal brow, with giant tusks that seemed to glint in the fading sunlight.

'He must be the leader, but he is so at ease… Did he sense my coming? I was lured here!?'

The troll king was lazily waving his hand through the gentle incense smoke as he answered, "Your initial breach was genuine and well earned, but let us just say that the moment you stepped foot in my palace…"

The world around him shifted, light bent, smoke swelled, and the troll now stood, towering above him like a god, alit by a burning blue sun that cast his frame in shadow as he lifted Kel'Thuzad into the air.

'Illusions? No hallucinations!?'

"You were in the palm of my hand…" The troll chuckled, the sound and sensation like a hurricane battering his body and blasting away the smoke and illusions to return Kel'thuzad to the throne room.

'Deceived, I!?'

"Now then," The troll king said, already walking out a remodeled doorway, "Join me in the parlor, that we might talk with the others."

'So, I am not alone here…'

Swallowing back the rage that threatened to leave him, Kel'thuzad's gaze flickered to the array of guards hovering at a 'polite' distance and eyeing him warily.

'Maybe this shall be worth my time,' He mused, and conjured a field of subtly protective arcane energy before slowly following the towering troll.

Lianne Menethil stood before the richly detailed map of Lordaeron that hung upon the walls of what had once been her husband's parlor.

Her folded arms tightened as she heard the troll return, his gravelly voice uttering the words, "You children sleep I take it?"

Her tone cold but not rude, "They sleep as well as they are able, I would rather be at their side, but I assumed you would have need of me?"

"It could have waited until morning, but as you are here, we can get it out of the way now if you wish." The troll rolled his shoulders and doffed off his coat, draping it over his throne to stand by a window that looked into the royal gardens.

'What I wish has nothing to do with this!' She wanted to scream. But she did not, Lianne had been raised knowing she might be in a situation like this, or worse, but never at the hands of something like a troll.

Re-focusing her mind she gestured at the map, "I see in your ambitious dreams you control every port in Lordaeron, while the lands within are divvied up between you and your collaborators."

Malakk nodded idly, "To ensure supplies and troops can arrive and be held safely the coasts must be secure, or so I am thinking, you disagree?"

"It may let those within turn against you, though I take it these garrisons are to stop just that?" she asked, motioning to the smaller dots adorning the map along the road ways.

"Temple Towns, though yes they work well as forts," the troll grinned. "You are right though, it is risky, but so too would be leaving myself trapped. But there is more to it. If you look closely you should see the path my forts will take shall support trade and mail services. There are also the new roadway systems I am tinkering with."

"I had noticed, you have many plans," she said, looking at the expanded Barov territory. "Do you intend to honor your pact with them?"

Malakk nodded, "Of course, I promised them land, titles and wealth as they requested and so they shall get them. As shall any others who join my ranks and spare me having to lose soldiers to their blades."

"Accepting these traitors into your ranks?" Lianne Menethil scoffed, "You will drown in cowards and weaklings."

The Frost King just smiled, oddly gently as he tapped one oversized finger against a tusk, "I would not turn away one willing to throw themselves in front of a blade for me, queen Menethil."

"So, you are just using them?" She wondered, 'A fitting fate.'

"Hardly," The troll countered, his tone still genial, but something like offence seeping in.

"Then what are you doing?" She asked.

The troll turned away from the window and met her gaze, once she would have been terrified, now she was growing disturbingly accustom to it.

"I am giving them a chance to prove themselves worthy of rank in my empire; treason is a vile act but one who punishes those who would help them is hardly a fair ruler."

He poured them both a goblet of wine, "I will use them carefully and stake little on them that I could not do myself, to limit casualties. But when I win, if they prove too ambitious to be trusted, I will shuffle them off to some contended little retirement parlor to while away their days, unable to scheme or plot."

"And if they fail?"

"Then their betrayal will be revealed, and their kin shall decide their fate." He offered a brief toast with his goblet and said, "Your concern does you credit Queen Counselor, and I thank you for your wisdom. I hope I can continue to rely on you throughout this campaign."

"I hardly have a choice," she answered, staring into her glass.

"There is always a choice, Lianne, rarely a good one, but it is there," he strode by her. "I will leave you to your thoughts, but remember what I said. I do not execute or torment children and the defenseless. I will not harm you."

With that he vanish, and Lianne was left to silently ponder her fate.
Great world-building! I am really enjoying seeing familiar names showing up and seeing what could have been. I am curious to see how bad it gets, with the forces of the alliance still fractured and essentially looking out for themselves. We have Gilneas plotting, Dalaran trying and failing to pierce the wards, collaborators coming out of the woodwork, and Kul Tiras sniffing about. Hellscream is there too, somewhere, and will hopefully not be too stubborn to join.

The elves are still in seclusion, right? Not really willing to do much, it seems.

Curious if its going to delve into all out warfare between the trolls and the alliance, or if theres going to be a Burning Legion interrupt haha

Anyways thanks for the chapter.
Great world-building!

I am really enjoying seeing familiar names showing up and seeing what could have been. I am curious to see how bad it gets, with the forces of the alliance still fractured and essentially looking out for themselves. We have Gilneas plotting, Dalaran trying and failing to pierce the wards, collaborators coming out of the woodwork, and Kul Tiras sniffing about. Hellscream is there too, somewhere, and will hopefully not be too stubborn to join.

The elves are still in seclusion, right? Not really willing to do much, it seems.

Curious if its going to delve into all out warfare between the trolls and the alliance, or if theres going to be a Burning Legion interrupt haha

Anyways thanks for the chapter.
Thanks for the great comment, so glad you like the world building!

Heartened to hear that the introduction of more familiar faces and factions is proving positive, as are the diverges. Mhm, things are very messy right now, I noted this on SB but Lordaeron/The Alliance were in a period of subtly instability pre Third War, brought on by taxation issues, the costs of war and scheming power grabbers, but is held together thanks to either strong systems or a strong leader. Its rather akin to the situation faced by the Achaemenid Empire before Alexander rolled in, where the empire was held together by its strong systems and could have processed a weak rule until someone out of context came in and flipped the board. Here, Teranas was the strong leader presiding over a weak system he was trying to make stronger, now that he's gone everything is a fractured mess and many are coming out of the wood work.

Yeah I need to bring them up again soon actually, thanks for the reminder.

No spoilers, sorry XD

Thanks again for the comment :)
Curious if its going to delve into all out warfare between the trolls and the alliance, or if theres going to be a Burning Legion interrupt haha
It will probably be a while before they crop up again in any meaningful way. Their schemes usually take a few years at least to really get moving, and with the loss of Ner'zhul they're running a bit low on usable pawns at the moment. In WoW they were pretty much irrelevant from BC to Legion. Most of their stuff in BC was built on groundwork laid by the Scourge (namely paving a four-lane highway of death straight to the Sunwell, and indirectly freeing Illidan who made friends with some Blood Elves (which only existed because of afore mentioned Scourgeway) and Naga (who actually are something to look out for in this timeline) and running off to Outland to do whatever it was they were doing there) and their big comeback was mainly because of another Gul'Dan being brought in by interplanetary temporal shenanigans which have many reasons not to happen here.
It will probably be a while before they crop up again in any meaningful way. Their schemes usually take a few years at least to really get moving, and with the loss of Ner'zhul they're running a bit low on usable pawns at the moment. In WoW they were pretty much irrelevant from BC to Legion. Most of their stuff in BC was built on groundwork laid by the Scourge (namely paving a four-lane highway of death straight to the Sunwell, and indirectly freeing Illidan who made friends with some Blood Elves (which only existed because of afore mentioned Scourgeway) and Naga (who actually are something to look out for in this timeline) and running off to Outland to do whatever it was they were doing there) and their big comeback was mainly because of another Gul'Dan being brought in by interplanetary temporal shenanigans which have many reasons not to happen here.
This is also a fair and insightful point, invasions aren't easy and given they haven't used the rift before it may have some protections, difficulties we don't know about or just be further down on their list of options. But yeah right now they mostly have what's left of the Shadow Council, some Satyr and such, though there is plenty of instability to exploit so they have that going for them.

Also excellent insights on the Naga, I actually hinted a touch at them when the invasion first started and I do have plans for them in the sequel.

Also yeah, lots of reasons there won't be any time travelling alternate Draenors here.

Scourgeway XD Genius!