Never One Without the Other - (Kancolle RPG) (No longer recruiting!)

While it's still more of the weapon itself on a shoulder mount. Nautilus aims and fires one of her six inch guns like a Bazooka

Seeing as the game gives Intrepid an M1903 in her art, Lake Champlain may as well have one too, to continue consistency through the class.
So I just had a good idea for Bismarck. She appears as one of the first shipgirls and she hears a S.O.S. and goes to help. when she get the ship to shore all the first responders see is a girl in a WW2 uniform who can wake on water. Long story short someone take a pic and post it to a social media. After she learns what happened daring the war she goes into a identity crisis and goes into hiding before she is disarmed, but she rarely if ever goes ship because of what she's learned. As it come to present day she's working at a Jewish bagel shop and some how hears about the meeting and decides to go there and redeemed herself.
Just wish I though of it when I was placing my character submission. would have been fun to get in the head space of someone how did nothing wrong but think she did because she worked for the people who did.
Random question. When repaired, could a shipgirl pull things she'd have in her stores out? As in, could one of them with a Bofors pull out a 40mm bullet or something? I'd think if yes then it be like, something a single person could reasonably hold. No 16 inch shells or anything.
Hey all, I'm really sorry about the delay. I still do want to run this, but life has me a bit busy right now. Hopefully, I'll have something by the weekend!
Apologies if pre-staging the question is presumptuous - I wanted to minimize the requisite amount of faffing that a more naturalistic back-and-forth would require.
I've been busy too, for a while. Planning for Marle to have her own little adventure to find the source of the drumming after she's reacted to new events. Might be ready in 2 - 3 days, if I remember everything goes well.
For some reason I spent like… 30 minutes trying to remember wether or not U-480 was one of those rocket subs before I checked. I don't even remember why I thought she was one. I know this is random but I figured it was funny, and in case any of you didn't know rocket subs existed. Yes they do, enjoy!
Yeah, on one hand they're fast, on the other, it's a rocket. Not quiet and highly volatile. Attaching rockets is merely adding armaments. This would be… idk, using C4 for a specially designed combustion engine. It's be quite powerful if it worked, but when it breaks, it breaks hard.
Hm, question. Who would know about the Shipgirls? Like, how far up the chain of command knows about them? What about the people at the naval bases? Did the shipgirls have their own little section or what? Just curious, it's definitely gotten into the internet rumor mill, though with no evidence they're probably seen as those theories that are fun to take a laugh at.