Natrp: The World is Yours

So out of curiosity, you still want to join @GandalftheGrey ? While an American start is out by the GM, there is still quite a bit of free land to use. Spain, France, Central Europe, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Horde/Nomad lands etc... in Europe alone. And then there is still some options in Africa and Asia too.
Turn 2

Tech Reference


Government: Kingdom
Retinue: Chief Medghasen Sultana (CE S, 5), Ameqran Othman (NE B, 7), General Azayku Rafiq (LN A, 4), Master of the blade Isri Kazemi (LE A, 3)
Religion: Phoenician Pantheon
Language: Tifinagh Ircam, Punic
Economy: Trading, Slavery
Military: High Classical
Issues: War with Rome, Noble Revolt

- The Mauritanians strike alliances and form a network of treaties with the Greek city-states northeast of the Iberian peninsula in order to pacify what is left of Carthaginian influence, that is, before they discover the romans have annexed the islands and have made significant gains on the Italian-Greek city-states. Roman aggression begins with Trapetros falling as part of the campaign against Carthage remnants and continues as they raid our Iberian settlements and disrupt trade points, they seem ready for war.

- Isri Kazem is on his way to Carthage's rebel island as it falls under Roman control, The Romans mistake his forces for Carthaginian Mercenaries reinforcing the city and a battle between both sides ensues. Kazem is unable to defeat the Roman legionares which maintain constant reinforcements and escapes the island with a handful of bodyguards. The Roman senate soon finds out the real identity of the army and has used this excuse as a cause to go to war with Mauritania, who tried to annex De Jure Roman lands.

- Azayku's forces strike at the Iberian savages and manage to drive them back to central Spain, where a permanent frontier has been opened with them. The lands annexed by the general are divided amongst the warlords and mercenaries who accompanied him in the war, who proceed to enslave the native population and build trade post and mining towns that quickly develop the region.

- Carthage is released as a vassal, being granted enough autonomy to handle its own affairs, this succeeds in maintaining the Phoenicians happy and with the few remnants of Carthaginian resistance under Roman domain, they will play their part defending our empire as it's due…for now.

- After the conquest of Mutica, Aradus switched sides and made alliance with the romans, who use his extensive network of influence in former Carthage to cause unrest in the region through noble rebellions, that need to be put down every month by General Azayku which despite being disorganized and small, succeed in draining the patience of Medghasen.

- A new written language is devised by orders of the king, being modeled on the native Berber language and inspired by Punic scripture. Thanks to the many similarities between both languages the tasked is accomplished with ease, and the written form of Tifinagh "Ircam" becomes the new law on the Berber holdings of Mauritania, where it quickly spreads replacing Punic thanks to the new influence the empire has and the slow rise of a new noble Berber class.

- Attempts are made to seize control of Carthage's trade route powers but with the city's optimal geographical location it will be difficult to control it in its entirety while Carthage still maintains most of their autonomy, as it prefers it to be.

- Thasnutt Shahan has died, being replaced as second in command by his son, Ameqran Othman.


Space Jawa
Government: Monarchy
Retinue: Taewang Xu Yo-Jang (NG A, 6), Gun Cao Kwang-Sun (NG C, 7), General Ch'on Lei (LE B, 5), Chancellor Yiang Minjun (LG S, 4)
Religion: Taoism, Confucianism
Language: Bohait
Economy: Trading, Mining
Military: Early Classical

- The war on the Lao River is brutal, newly acquired crossbows maintain the enemy forces at line as bolts rain down on the large Qin forces, which keep crossing the river using makeshift bridges. Eventually many soldiers arrive at the other side and swarm the Bohaitung defenses, tearing down the only fortifications blocking the path to the capital and killing many of our forces before they retreat.

- In light of recent events, citizens of Gahang have begun evacuation of the city, following recent information given by the Bohaitung government that the Qin are here to sack the city, raze it to the ground and enslave all its citizens. The evacuation of the city causes it to plunge into total anarchy, citizens are trampled by others while they try to escape through the narrow gates of the city's walls, and others are killed by their fellow neighbors while trying to steal their horses, transports and foods before never returning home. By the time the Qin arrive the city is desolated and proceed to settle it, only for a siege by Han forces to bring the city down to the ground when emperor Qin Huang refused to surrender, months of lengthy combat culminated in the total destruction of the city against the hopes of Xiang Yu of Chu. A new city is founded to maintain control of Bohaitung holdings and the city of Gahang will fade away in time as the legendary koreanic metropolis that dominated the seas of china, of which is citizens suddenly disappeared, kidnapped by fate and destiny from their land.

- The refugees of Bohaitung have largely fled to japan and china; some have integrated into the already existing kingdoms while others have founded settlements of their own in japan and Taiwan, where they have proceeded to reconstruct their previous lives in Korea. Many of these settlements eventually come together and have formed the cities of Bowang in Taiwan and Bongju in Korea. A third confederation of nation-states has also arisen in japan, where Bohait people have banded together in order to repel Japanese invasions, they are known as the Koreanic League or "Bujog".

- You have been defeated. You may rejoin the game as the city-states of Bowang or Bongju, the Korean league Bujog or start a new nation in unclaimed territory, or you may continue playing as an existing nation not already claimed by a player.


Not ImporTant
Government: Tribal Kingdom
Retinue: King Somun Yaroslav (CN B, 5), Chancellor Jia Victorovna (CG S, 6), Shaman Deng Vitolivich (LG S, 6), General Xiao Yurevich (NE A, 6)
Religion: Hellenism, Zoroastrianism
Language: Shangurian, Greek
Economy: Subsistence Agriculture, trading
Military: Early Classical
Issues: Persian Raids, Shaman in Hideout, Greco-Iranian Conflict, Mauryan Demands.

- Trade relations are established with Parthia and embassies are established with the nation although there is no much we can offer to them, as most food supplies are for local consumption none are stored for public supply. It is necessary we improve our crop shields before we start exporting it to other nations.

- Seleucid territory is raided in the south which sparks outrage amongst the Persian population, who, after defeating their Greek overlords, amass an army that puts a stop to ours, killing Yevdokin and Luchokov in the process; from there many more continue to skirmish on our territory, slowly paying back what we looted from them.

- Deng takes residence in the Parthian capital of Purgam along with many other Shangurians; there he begins work with the local Zoroastrian church in order to syncretize both religions. This is not taken kindly by the Fire Priest zealots, who accuse the local government of conspiring with alexander's associates and call for the execution of the barbarian priest, less the anger of the gods falls upon them. The Shaman has been taken into hideout until the situation can be resolved.

- With the death of two chief leaders Yaroslav decided to dissolve the clan council system, and proclaim a unified leader for the whole region. He calls upon the most able men he can find across the realm, of which respond to the call. Jia Victorovna, a Greek noble woman who escaped Bactria in order to be free to study sciences and literature and took refuge on Xialensk amongst other Greek minorities, and who wants to continue the modernization efforts and take the kingdom on the right direction. The Second is a charismatic and ambitious man named Xiao Yurevich, born from peasant parents he rose through the social ranks from one of alexander's slaves to a trusted hoplite. He doesn't care for politics or religion and only wishes to see enemies of Shangur fall.

- Bactria has declared war on Parthia and has asked us to intervene on the war on their favor in exchange for lands in Persia.

- Scythian horse rides are hired as bodyguards for merchants and they help improve security around the newly formed silk road of goods flowing out of Asia that we take a great chunk off for our coffers. Alongside the Persian raids we have an extra share of money whichwe have spent on the construction of strongholds all over the country, especially in the border with Maurya. It has also caused further Scythian people to migrate towards our borders and begin settlements on the outskirts, most of them rich and nobility, bringing alongside their serfs, squires and mounted archers.
- Mauryan goverment has met up with the Shangur, they demand the province southeast of Xialensk where the indus river ends in exchange for ending hostilities with the nation.

Government: Tribal Kingdom
Retinue: Queen Journey Zamora (NE B, 3), Chancellor Lewis Burton (TN A, 5), High priest Lloyd Harrell (LG A, 7), Cody Barker (LN A, 5)
Religion: Britianic Pantheon
Language: Ancient English
Economy: Subsistence Agriculture
Military: Primitive
Issues: Incompetent Ruler, Briton Raids

- Major Britianic chiefs are convinced to stay as a new body of noble governors is created by their orders, maintaining some political influence to the realm, other minor nobles have crossed the strait on to Normandy, hoping luck favors them there.

- King Amos Raises an army and prepares for an incursion intro Briton lands, initially seeing some success he is quickly defeated by one of the tribes and sacrificed by the Britons in a typical barbarian fashion. The new noble council has elected the Queen as the new ruler of the Britiaci, who has taken the role ceremoniously, leaving many tasks up to the chancellor as she enjoys the benefits of the throne.

- Trough Religious Piety, Common work is used to create dams and other public works and control the rivers, preventing floods and urbanizing the areas nearby where it's taken advantage of for creating farmlands.


Government: Hereditary Monarchy
Retinue: Shah Afshin Hashempour (CN S, 4), Prince Ahmad Alidoosti (LG C, 6), Chancellor Hasti Barbarz (CG B, 4), Fire priest Fazel Chavoshi (CE B, 5)
Religion: Zoroastrianism, Hellenism
Language: Parthian, Greek
Economy: Subsistence Agriculture
Military: High Classical
Issues: Persian Rebellion, nomadic attacks, War with Bactria, Zoroastrian Zealots

- Relations are established with Shangur, both countries exchange embassies.

- Hashempour's army quickly disposes of the Greek invaders to the joy of the local population; the last Seleucid king is made a vassal of Parthia and pacified. While the general reaches the Seleucid capital, a wealthy Persian noble has started his own rebellion in Persis, also gaining local support.

- A Royal Advisory Conclave is created, consisting of four members that will act as regional representatives for Parthia's holdings, observing the local problems by living half a year living in the area and half a year in the king's court. One of the issues brought upon by a member of the council comes from the eastern border villages, where nomadic tribes have begun yearly raids on the province.

- Hasti Barbarz travels to the Scythian steppes and there he contacts a couple of tribes, offering them money and adventure in faraway lands many nobles pack up their armies and travel with him to Parthia, where their nomad archer tactics are implemented and they see success in the war against Seleucids, the Scythian mercenary success leads to them migrating faster towards southern areas adjacent to the rich fertile crescent kingdoms and the indo-Greek colonies in Afghanistan.

- The fire priest successfully rallies Zoroastrian zealots who wish to see their brothers liberated from Greek dominion over their lands, they accompany Hashempour in battle but after reaching Seleucia they start destroying all Hellenic statues and smashing temples that worship Greek gods. Calls are made by the zealots to remove all Hellenic influence in Persia, asking the government to allow a purge of all Greek inhabitants in Persian lands, and wage war on the Greek-states in the east, namely Bactria and Shangur, which recently sent one of its heathen shamans to make secret dealings with the state and currently remains hidden. We can support the heathens and find this shaman to bring him for execution and turn a blind eye to Hellenic massacres, or denounce this zealot sect and bear the consequences.

- Conflict begins with the Bactrians of east. In the past both kingdoms were at war for the remaining colonies in Pakistan but remained in peace thanks to mutual cultural understanding, with an Iranian kingdom holding Greek colonies and peace treaties being invalidated the Bactrians have rekindled the conflict for the region.

- Fazel Chavoshi has taken position as the new fire priest of the Shah, former student of Parisa, he is a popular leader amongst the new zealot cult in the nation, and continues to agitate more of the population against the Greek foreign invaders.


Heaven Canceler
Government: Tribal Kingdom
Retinue: King Kurgowallah (NG A, 4), Prince Suna (LE B, 6), Chief Doolabin (LE A, 4), Chancellor Borrol Ijun (CG C, 6)
Religion: Shamanism
Language: Pama-Nyungan
Economy: Hunter-Gatherers
Military: Primitive
Issues: Migrations, Water Droughts

Chief Kurgowallah attracts many griots and poets of many tribes within his realm to his court, there he mandates them to sing all of their songs, so his scribes translate their knowledge on to a special cave where it shall be preserved for future generations and not lost with the dead of a person.

- The prince establishes his own order of warriors to protect the kingdom of his father; they help extend the kolongulla's domain further south until they reach the Grand village of Niotane.

- Several attempts are made by Chief Doolabin to domesticate animals in the region, while some end in failure many collective cattle ranches consisting mainly of Australian wood ducks, they help feed the population and unite tribes in strategic points but without a constant source of water these have to be abandoned as people switch locations.

- The constant droughts on water sources forces many of our peoples to settle in different places, normally we claim the areas they settle for our own but some have gone so far of our domain they have split and become their own separate entities. The city of Niotane now meets with our borders and it will be beneficial for both of us as Murri tribes migrate north they raid the city's countryside. There are also splinter groups who sailed the oceans and now reside in new guinea, they would be easy to conquer with a simple military campaign, but it will leave Niotane neglected against the Murrians

- Power has been centralized and Kurgowallah now has the authority to make all decisions on the kingdom, the former chiefs have been given close spots on his council and maintained most of their lands, making the bulk of the noble class.

- Chancellor Suna passes away; he is replaced by Borrol Ijun, son of one of the local chiefs.
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Important Information

for the sake of gameplay i will explain to everyone the time span that takes place between turns.

The game runs from the classical to the modern era in turns where decades of time take place. i try not to create real time references as they just create a headache with managing the game as a whole so i prefer to maintain it a secret, all you need to know is that up to a century can pass between turns dependingson the events happening, and you should account for macro-strategy as much as micro. expanding and modernizing being good priorities for the future survival of your nation.
Nation Name: Dacia
Language Base: Romanian-Bulgarian
History: proto-Dacians arrived in the area with the proto-Thracians, around 3000 BC. The natural border of the Danube river however have resulted in completely different history. While the Thracians to the south have interacted with Greeks and Macedonians, Dacians have been influenced or invaded by Scythians, Celts and eventually by Slavs. The slavic influences were so great, that at the time of Alexander the Great Dacians were considered a slavic tribe by the Macedon. Lucky for the Dacians, Alexander decided to expand his Empire to the East, leaving the rising Dacian kingdom in relative peace, limiting only to border skirmishes and occasional raids. However it wasn't until the fall and fracturing of Alexandrian empire that the Dacians have established a stable state with strong military presence and rule of law.
(basically Dacians that slavicisied way earlier than in OTL)
Location: North of Danube river
turn 3
New Rule: orders sent by PM from now on will be limited into 6 actions per turn, and they will be sent like this
- action 1
- action 2
- action 3
- action 4
- action 5
- action 6

Tech Reference


Government: Military Dictatorship
Retinue: Chief Medghasen Sultana (CE S, 5), Ameqran Othman (NE B, 7), General Azayku Rafiq (LN A, 4), Master of the Horse Aksel Zadeh (LE A, 3)
Religion: Phoenician Pantheon
Language: Tifinagh Ircam, Punic
Economy: Trading, Slavery
Military: High Classical
Issues: Berber Pirates (event), Iberian Frontier, Punic War, Aradus Revolt

- Medghasen takes on the role of admiral and guides an elite fleet, made up of Phoenician inspired ships, towards the roman occupied Carthaginian lands. Resistance proves to be fierce as the roman navy exceeds our expectations, they maintain the battle for months and the romans manage to destroy half of our fleet before they are subdued and romans expulsed from the islands. The delay leads to the fall of Seleza due to lack of reinforcements, all of the focused on the invasion of the now renamed, city of Lotion.

- Berber forces land in the city-state of Selaza to reinforce their Greek allies; although theirs is a light regiment they still keep the romans at bay through a series of skirmishes, but the overwhelming legionary force, which come through in order to meet us in Iberia end up taking the city, where they continue to supply their forces in Iberia. Isri is killed in battle and replaced by a Master of the Horse.

- Roman and Berber forces meet near Trapetros, both sides fielding at least a million men made up of strong soldiers, allies and hired mercenaries. They both rush at each other without mercy and for 8 days and nights they battled, being reinforced from both sides trough land and sea, until they are routed and forced to fall back less they face the zealotry of our soldiers, leaving their Iberian holdings behind. They continue resistance on Selaza but facing a humiliating defeat and multiple failed attempts at breaking the Berber frontline they accept defeat and recognize Lotion and Trapetros as ours and accepting that their borders meet at the beginning of the Iberian Peninsula.

- Berber recruits are sent as mercenaries to aid the Macedonians in their fight against Rome in Illyria, this proves to be a failure and the coalition is defeated in battle after which most of Macedon is annexed. However, our forces were successful in bending roman will in battle, and have taken control of Illyrian and a few Greek islands, from where they continue to launch successful raids in northern Italy and stacking riches off of Rome's backyard. Romans have asked us to get rid of these brigadiers but as we see it, they have no room to demand anything from us, but they might feel resentment if we let them go.

- African Colonization continues rapidly through two mayor factors: The annexation of Hiempsal which proves peaceful as citizens welcome us with open hands, we have also bribed many local chiefs and governors to join our cause, some even defecting from the decadent Egyptian kingdom of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. The Egyptian state demands we give back said provinces but we could easily stand against them ourselves.

- Tifinagh literature begins to thrive, although little, as many Greek epics and hero stories are translated trough Greek envoys and given for the education of the citizens of Mauritania. Phoenician works are also translated, transforming the perception of Tifinagh from the language of desert nomad men to a language of prestige and knowledge, with many nobles shifting alliance towards the new Berber Order, abandoning their old Punic ways. Still many resist this new transformation, and the first armed organized rebellion is brought upon

- Ameqran Othman works towards controlling the Saharan trade routes, for this purpose he has requested a few regiments and has led them northwest towards the Sahara, where Tuareg Merchants are threatened to pay their tribute to Mauritania for protection and Tuareg/Still Nomad Berber nobles are bribed to pay allegiance to the empire, soon money trickles as our trade posts control the region.

- With the war with Rome, Carthage has resumed its own conflict for their independence.

- Aradus has risen from the shadows and usurped the throne from Medghasen as he is away in battle on Lotion. Using a coalition of Punic forces and Iberian troops He has now taken control of the capital and its hoping to secure favors with Rome to initiate a second war.


Not ImporTant
Government: Tribal Kingdom
Retinue: King Somun Yaroslav (CN B, 5), Chancellor Jia Victorovna (CG S, 6), Shaman Deng Vitolivich (CG S, 6), General Xiao Yurevich (NE A, 6)
Religion: Hellenism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism
Language: Shangurian, Greek
Economy: Subsistence Agriculture, trading
Military: High Classical
Issues: Radicalized Shaman, Jia's Initiative, Buddhist refugees

- Scythian merchants enter Parthian lands and prepare a rescue mission to rescue Shaman Deng, who instead, has taken his time in exile to prepare his own armies and has waged a continuous war on the zealous mobs and fire priest loyalists. The time he spent waging conflict against the Zoroastrians has changed the man, who now, with a gloomier look in life, has requested Somun that Zoroastrianism be banned in Shangur, and Zoroastrian followers be imprisoned for they are nothing but uncivilized fanatics who need to be taught a lesson. He has refused to leave the stronghold where he hid for days and has even taken the chance to found his own town there.

- Shangur joins the Bactrian side against the Iranian Parthians. Conflict with the Parthians take place mostly in Purgam where Hoplites led by Xiao Yurevich defeat the Iranian horse lords with a bittersweet victory where despite the capital being seized and land given to the Bactrians, half of our populations died during the battle and most income was redirected towards the war, which lasted for many more years unlike what expected. Bactria is completely broke from the war and has taken on annexing weak indo-Greek city-states and Persian provinces and razing them for profits, while our kingdom lacks substantial money to continue its operations.

- War is also declared on Maurya with much support from indo-Greek city-states that maintain an immovable frontier with the Indians, while we reinforce their positions with fresh recruits. The conflict ends in stalemate and the indo-Greeks have the freedom to declare their independence and build their own kingdom. The Mauryans have collapsed the death of their king and have been usurped by the Shungans.

- Colonization is taken east towards Xinjiang, in former Scythian lands. Not much is found there besides small villages now that most Scythian lords have moved on to invade Mesopotamia, Bactria and Parthia. There, we encounter another nomad tribe only know as the Xiognu, which have currently been raiding Han territory and also often hired as mercenaries by different factions in china.

- A new sect has entered our kingdom, they refer to themselves as Buddhists, followers of Gautama Buddha, who acquired enlightenment in India and went on to spread his words of introspection. The Shungans have begun persecuting Buddha followers in India, and many of them have escaped west and arrived as refugees in Indo-Greece, Shangur and Bactria, they are largely peaceful and only wish to propagate the teachings of the Buddha to the people, however, they represent a burden to the state's treasury as housing them or relocating them will cost hefty and something should be done about them.

- Jia Victorovna is given a budget to begin her modernization program. It adapts many Greek and Iranian technology and Knowledge with arts and culture brought from India from Buddhist arrivals, The program however, falls short halfway through as war with Maurya and Parthia diverts all funds towards the conflict and leaves no budget for the arts, this angers Jia who believes in her heart that violence and conflict leave nothing good. Taking matters into her own hands she has used connections in the kingdom to divert war-funds towards her program and acquire illicit money, which indirectly sabotaged our campaign against Persia and Maurya. The King is outraged at the initiative of the counselor, but since she arrived the cities have seen better urbanization, and the roads that connect our trade-routes are looking better than ever, in any case, a decision must be taken about her.

Government: Tribal Kingdom
Retinue: Queen Svetla Stelymes (NG A, 6), Mario Hristov (LE B, 5), Chief Tiberiu Stanislavov (LE A, 5), Chancellor Constansa Mihailova (CG C, 4)
Religion: Hellenism, Shamanism
Language: Dacian
Subsistence Agriculture
Military: primitive
Issues: Modernization, Slavic Raids

- The Dacians have existed for as long as recorded history can tell us. They have exited under the rule of other kingdoms and ruled kingdoms themselves, they have fought for others and for Dacia, and despite this they continue to inhabit this land. During the recent years the Dacians have been pressured even harder by the surrounded Slavic tribes and Scythian raiders, and under Queen Svetla, daughter of King Qruvchev and heroes of Dacian legends, took command of the city of Iladov, one of the center strongholds of Dacian people, and united all clan leaders into one nation under the rule of law and strength, and Hellenic influence continues to shape Dacian life, despite not being under the rule of alexander himself.

- Slavic raids continue to push into our territories now that Scythians have migrated and neglected their protection towards us; the Slavs threaten to take away our lands if we don't take a decision. On one hand we can resist their push, hiring the help of the Greeks east for this matter, or retreat back the Danube and settle in safer Thracian lands, where we will base our capital on the city of …

- The nation is changing form, the previous lifestyle is being slowly replaced by the Greek way of life, and many nations have already looked towards Greece for their own rebirth, it would be prudent to jump on this bandwagon, which might anger some of our clan leaders north of the Danube but it will be better in the long run.

Tribal Kingdom
Retinue: King Mason McCarthy (NE B, 5), Chancellor Lewis Burton (TN A, 5), High priest Lloyd Harrell (LG A, 7), Cody Barker (LN A, 5)
Religion: Britianic Pantheon
Language: Ancient English
Economy: Subsistence Agriculture
Military: Primitive
Issues: Briton Raids Migrations

- The Queen is dead and has been replaced by her designated heir, which is a bit more diligent than her mother. Briton Raids continue and migration towards Bretiaci continues.


Government: Hereditary Monarchy
Retinue: Shah Afshin Hashempour (CN S, 4), Prince Ahmad Alidoosti (LG C, 6), Chancellor Hasti Barbarz (CG B, 4), Fire priest Fazel Chavoshi (LG B, 5)
Religion: Zoroastrianism, Hellenism
Language: Parthian, Greek
Economy: Subsistence Agriculture
Military: High Classical
Issues: Rebellious Fire Priest, War with Scythia

- Bactrian soldiers begin pouring from the mountains; they come in heavy swarms and threaten to siege the capital city of Purgam where the Shah resides. Before putting down the Persian rebellion, Parthians are forced to muster their forces together in order to defend the capital.

- Zoroastrian zealots are told to redirect their anger against the Invading Helens. Although armed with primitive weaponry and arms, the angry mobs manage to cause serious losses in the Bactrian ranks, as the highly armored hoplites are slowly killed one by one by the Iranian masses, however, Bactrians end up defeating our forces and reach the capital, where we are forced to cede them territory in order to focus on the Persians north.

- Despite the war being a failure, the zealot sect is more far more empowered than before, claiming to have murdered the entire Iranian-Greek population during the war and calling for the continuation for the Parthia-Bactrian war to finally expulse the Helens forever. The Fire Priest has become the de-facto leader of the sect, now openly embracing their tenets.

- The Persian rebellion is defeated and all the nobles behind it have been imprisoned and their titles removed, the Region is now back in Parthian hands but small pockets of resistance continue in Persis, where zealots have created strongholds away from the authority of Purgam.

- Hashempour's spies have arrived with information about churches in the kingdom. Greek religion currently has no leaders, and works in an entirely decentralized manner in which citizens give their offerings to the gods at the temples, where priests reside yet hold no real theological power or sway over the people, Zoroastrianism however, works as the state religion, and at the top of the church's authority resides the Fire Priest, which is in charge of handling religious affairs and keep a check on all fire temples of the region. The current Fire Priest, corrupted by fanatism and power, has spread his vile towards priests at the bottom of the hierarchy; it is time we get rid of him before he can amass enough support to oust us from power.

- A new fire priest is elected from amongst the moderate clergy, and most zealot priests are retired from their positions.

- Nomad raiders have been identified as Tocharians by the prince, having engaged a few in battles, they have raided and looted enough of our villages to amass massive amounts of wealth, and many of the richest of Tocharian and Scythian nobles have assembled armies to conquer Armenia, Parthia and Bactria. The prince has pre-emptively set up defenses on the northwest provinces, and continues to battle small raider troops inbound.


Heaven Canceler
Government: Tribal Kingdom
Retinue: King Kurgowallah (NG A, 4), Prince Suna (LE B, 6), Chief Doolabin (LE A, 4), Chancellor Borrol Ijun (CG C, 6)
Religion: Shamanism
Language: Pama-Nyungan
Economy: Hunter-Gatherers, Subsistence Agriculture
Military: Primitive
Issues: Mass Exodus, Murri Frontier

Prince Suna migrates with a sizeable army in boats, where they impose the law of Kolongulla and imprison all who shared the idea of defecting the kingdom, because of the distance between realms, Suna has taken on the task of governing the colony with iron fist, and continues to report to his father on the mainland, he reports that many of the locals have religious linked to human sacrifice and even cannibalism. Considering these to be barbaric rituals he has asked for Kurgowallah's permission to eradicate the Papuans.

- Murris continue advancing on the frontier and they have taken Niotane, threatening our existence in the Australian peninsula. Some tribes have begun an exodus towards Suna's lands using his newly created boats as a safe passage as they believe it's the only way they will be spared from the Murri invaders.

- Attempts at constructing water gathering places and primitive aqueducts to deliver water go well in Papua, where Chief Doolabin has migrated and has found greater luck in his new projects far away from the warfare of the Murri Frontier; soon many more begin flocking to Suna, where the Kolongullan people begin a very slow process of sedentarization.

- Borrol Ijun has meeting with the many tribal leaders and wise men of the vast kingdom, all in one room he attempts to create a set of laws and guides for the faith of the many subjects of Kolongulla. The Council has an opposite effect, instead, the many different peoples of Kolongulla have begun noticing there are many opposite interpretations about gods and rituals vary heavily between groups of men and the meeting only served to exacerbate said differences. Tribal leaders have defected and joined the Murri at the light of this.
Dean Caballero threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: event for next turn Total: 24
10 10 14 14
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i will be closing edits so i can start writting the turn, players who havent sent their orders yet can still send them to me and new players can join to appear in turn 4
Turn 4
Tech Reference
- a plague that originated somewhere in the east has been spreading with the establishment of the silk road and the resettlement of numerous nomad tribes. It has arrived even to europe, where soldiers arriving from the Thracian wars have spread it to the rest of the known world.

Government: Kingdom
King Medghasen Sultana (CE S, 5), Chancellor Ameqran Othman (NE S, 7), General Jibran Daoud (CE B, 8), Master of the Horse Yassine Samie (LE A, 6)
Religion: Phoenician Pantheon
Language: Tifinagh, Punic
Traditions: Trading, Slavery, Jannisaries
Military: High Classical
Issues: Plague, Punic War, Iberian Frontier, Paranoid King.

- Ships are ready to set sail and are launched towards the strait near the capital in order to blockade any incoming supplies to the city, while the remaining fleets engage in brutal war against the Carthaginian ships, supplied from Utome, which mercilessly try to raid our Iberian holdings.

- General Azayku is given charge of the Iberian operations, he rallies all forces and directs them to the capital for a siege, at first worried by the lack of time he has to take the city, he soon discovers Aradus force (or atleast a quarter of them) are already leaving the city, where they proceed to be chased by Berber scouts who locate his headquarters, and proceed to bring him to justice and execution. It appears his forces left the city when a plague spread across the poorer suburbs of the city, and soon appeared in all areas, by the time Aradus noticed the plague it had already bedridden half his forces and painfully killed the others

- Berber citizens were also heavily affected by the plague, but thankfully the exodus of Aradus forces allowed the siege to be broken, and the citizens of the capital finally escaped their walled prison. The city is now abandoned and the plague has spread to other parts of Africa and Iberia thanks to trade routes, the capital has now been relocated.

- a foreign legion is established, comprised of inducted kids which are trained as an infantry elite squad that provides necessary aid to the infantry cavalry forces of Mauretania

- Aksel Zadeh takes command of his own regiment, and prepares to raid Carthage supply routes in order to delay their advance, but despite his bravery and cunning tactics he is still outnumbered by the Punics, who have raised the largest army they could possibly muster in order to bring back the empire to its former glory. They marched to Tanemghurt and have cut us from our domains in North Africa, where they were stopped by our naval blockade; pockets of fierce Berber resistance still stand in our former domains.

- Berber pirates in the Balkans are hired again to confront the Carthaginian navy, which they finish off with ease. Following the fall of our North African domains, Berber fleets led by Medghasen are forced to take a quick detour from Iberia and land on the port-city of Batra. Medghasen is certain on retaking his Berber homeland, but his mercenaries, angry at their lack of payment, propose an invasion of the weak kingdom of Egypt, where they can restock and reinforce themselves before fighting Carthage again. Medghasen leaves the city empty-handed back to Iberia, while Egypt is taken over by his mercenaries and soldiers now free to whatever they want. They overtake the throne of Egypt and set up a Berber dynasty in its place.

- The stress of battle, the constant travels across the Mediterranean and the burden of managing an empire have taken a toll on Medghasen, he spends less and less time in the public eye, not even present at the court or in meetings with his councilors, he has grown paranoid and the stress of administering Mauritania continues to feed his anxiety.


Not ImporTant
Government: Kingdom
Retinue: King Somun Yaroslav (CN B, 5), Chancellor Jia Victorovna (CG S, 6), Grand Monk Chokey (CG S, 6), General Xiao Yurevich (NE A, 6)
Religion: Hellenism, Buddhism, Cult of Alexander
Language: Shangurian, Greek
Traditions: Shepherds, Mountain men, Traders
Military: High Classical
Issues: War with Indo-Scythia, Xiongnu Raids, Moderate Plague, low income

- Zoroastrianism is banned at the orders of the King, Zoroastrian priests and prominent members are arrested and executed, while special taxes and persecutions make the rest of the population convert to Buddhism or the monotheistic cult of alexander. This doesn't stop Zoroastrians from shaping the new cult of alexander.

- Buddhist refugees of the lower class are given housing in lands owned by former Zoroastrian priests, while the more intellectual inmigrants are hired to make up most of the theological body of the new priest class, and write about alexander's life and death in a Buddhist fashion, likening his strife in battle with the strife of death and pain Buddha had to endure to attain enlightenment and equating his death to his ascendancy as the new and Better Buddha.

- Forces are sent to colonize lands in India. This task proves to be difficulty as Scythian raiders cross Bactria and settle on lands beyond the Indus, from where they launch raids towards us, Indo-Greece has requested our aid against them. Colonization is also taken into the Tibet, and although successful, the lack of resources, rough terrain have been designated by Chancellor Jia as a "waste of time" instead, a small strip of the Tibet is being used as a secondary trade outpost with India, mountain-based warfare and other state experiments.

- Turkic Xiongnu raiders keep are attacking our merchants and disrupting our trade routes, because of the high costs of maintaining Shangur these trade routes have become even more important as sources of income and with all of our forces fighting in the west, they are barely any forces to deal with them.

- Deng Vitolivich is instructed by newly hired Buddhist on the arts of enlightenment and internal peace, he is fascinated by the teachings of the Buddha and finds his inner-peace once lost by war and conflict, he has renegaded his old ways and even decided to become a monk somewhere in the Tibetan mountains, hoping to be far away from humans and society to attain nirvana. The new monk has been selected from amongst those that spoke to Deng, Chokey, who, fascinated by westerners culture and religion, has taken the position to commission many theological works and artworks that combine both cultures in an unique Shangurian touch, which brings about a golden age of classical art and literature for our nation, it also brings us an age of rising debt and empty coffers as our budget is cut by Turkic raiders.

- War is declared on the Tocharian raiders, who have collapsed the former kingdom of Bactria and have joined forces with Indo-Scythia. The King manages to save a few Greek city-states marching his armies with General Yurevich on the flank, to meet the raiders at the limits of Bacriana, where they rout and continue to raid and plunder their way to India. Bactria has now fallen and Greek refugees begin pouring into Shangur, while Zoroastrian and Buddhist Greek move west towards Parthia, receiving safety at Deng's Stronghold, now the city of Budday.

- A new plague has been brought in by merchants from the east passing by our territory, they have fallen ill near trade posts in Xialensk and it has begun spreading amongst the population, destroying our trade routes and destabilizing the nation.

- Jia travels with General Yurevich west to meet with the rest of the Shangur military, she is ordered to oversee the construction of walls and forts behind our armies currently fighting the Indo-Scythians, she refuses to put her genius into constructing instruments of death and instead suggests we use that money to pay off the raiders and make them go away, before they tear down Bacriana. The whole court feels the king should execute her for her insolence, or we can let this war rest to save our people.

Government: Tribal Kingdom
Retinue: Queen Svetla Stelymes (NG A, 6), Chief Mario Hristov (LE B, 5), Chief Tiberiu Stanislavov (LE A, 5), Chancellor Constansa Mihailova (CG C, 4)
Religion: Hellenism, Shamanism
Language: Dacian
Warlords, Half-Nomands
Military: Early Classical
Issues: Modernization, Illyrian Frontier, Slavic Raids, War with Rome

- Mario Hristov travels south to the lands of the Slavs where he tries to establish diplomatic ties with various Slavic tribes, in reality, he has put various of his agents in secret locations to spy on local warlords and kings, he hears of 7 Slavic kingdoms south, two of them: The Illmens and Kramans, are gaining power by raiding the towns immediately next to them, including us, and have gained a notoriously infamous reputation thanks to this. We can take advantage of this and lead a coalition to defeat them and acquire the Kramans land in Ukraine and Crimea.

- A diplomat is sent to talk with the thracians, a similarly tribal group on the other side of the Danube, they respond to our envoy with kindness and talk of a kingdom in Italy known as Rome which is currently invading their territory, they ask for our help in exchange for the many riches they have. We have agreed and are now at war with Rome

- Many Thracians and Greek mercenaries are hired to fill up the ranks of our national soldiers, and Hellenistic influence continues to leak into every facet of Dacian life, those who disagree have begun a more openly hostile rebellion, outright refusing to interact with Hellenist neighbors and attacking them whenever they practice their rituals. It has gone as far as Chief Tiberiu openly attacking Mario for adopting many of their gods into his personal pantheon. We are forced to do something before the situation escalates out of hands.

- Queen Svetla seeks Greek knowledge, she finds some of it in her new Thracian ally but whatever they can spare is little compared to the knowledge stored in the Greek peninsula or the Anatolian city-ports, both in a state of war and under the foreign control of Rome.

- Constansa embarks on a quest for knowledge under the orders of her Queen, but since most of the peninsula is under conflict, thus she travels instead towards Egypt, to read the magnificent works stored in the library of Alexandria and bring that knowledge to the court of the queen, but she is impeded by a current invasion of Berber Adventurers hoping to overthrow the current Greek Egyptian dynasty, and its forced to stay safe hidden inside the city's temples while the conflict stops.

- We settle on land down the Danube, where we encounter the Illyrians who proceed to attack us, we have managed to chase them downstream where we maintain a frontier with them.

Tribal Kingdom
Retinue: King Mason McCarthy (NE A, 5), Chancellor Lewis Burton (TN A, 5), High priest Lloyd Harrell (LG A, 7), General Cody Barker (LN A, 5)
Religion: Britianic Pantheon
Language: Ancient English
Traditions: Sea Farers, Warlords
Military: Primitive
Issues: Briton Frontier, Keld's Colonies

- The king establishes a standing elite army, but we don't earn enough to pay for a sizeable army, we are in need of improving our current economy so we can field larger stronger armies, similarly, our current villages are too poor to afford defenses on each of them, their warehouses, which are communitary, only field basic work tools and some primitive weapons for protection, and markets are totally nonexistent, with our economy being entirely local and taxes consisting mostly of food, men and weapons for the king and his court.

- General Barker pushes against the Britons again, this time making allies in east Anglia, from where he successfully takes the rest of the other side of the strait and successfully kept the Britons at bay

- Our ally town of Keld has reportedly launched an expedition to Ireland, it is necessary we establish our authority over these colonies before the people in Keld grow too powerful.


Government: Hereditary Monarchy
Retinue: Shah Omid Jabarzadeh (LG C, 8), Prince Ahmad Alidoosti (LG C, 6), Chancellor Farrokh Ershadi (NE B, 7), Fire priest Samira Yekta (LG B, 5)
Religion: Zoroastrianism, Hellenism
Language: Parthian, Greek
Traditions: Horse Lords, Trading, Agriculture
Military: High Classical
Issues: Rebellious Fire Priest, War with Scythia

- The Shah is dead, long live the Shah!, or so it seems, the new king is rather young and rather insecure about his safety on his new position, as soon as he rose in power many have begun doubting his reign, and with Scythian, plague and zealots tearing the country, things are not looking good. Will Omid take control of his new empire or will Fazel forces storm Purgam, find out on the next turn.

- Before Hashempour died, he had allied with the Tocharian's and Scythians against Bactria, and in a meeting with both kings, carved up the borders for each warring nation. Now these nomad kingdoms are asking for our help again, to defeat Shangur in exchange for the city of Budday and exclusive rights to Silk Road merchants. The king died before he could accept the offer, so it is the new Shah's choice if they wish to aid Indo-Scythia.

- Prince Ahmad takes up his father's forces west, where he claims previous Armenian land, and faces the Scythians. While some success is seen in the early stages of the campaign, the never-ending hordes of mounted soldiers prove to be a blunder even for Parthian cavalry, with many costly victories along the way, it seems the Scythian frontier didn't change at all from the beginning of the war.

- A new city is constructed by the new king's orders in the caspian sea, to transport troops towards the scythian war, but the lack of wood in the general region means most of it has to be imported for the construction of ships, and most of them fall out of use after deploying forces in armenia to fight the nomads, quickly the city falls back in position to being a cattle trading center, with most trade being one sided

- The new Shah orders the execution of Fazel, all his followers and those who adhere to his filthy faith. Many of his priests are apprehended but Fazel has already escaped, and has started leading revolts somewhere in the gulf of Persia on the Arabian Peninsula. He has tapped into the largely conservative group of Zoroastrians in Persia and northern Mesopotamia to field his ranks. His speeches reject the largely fantastical world of Greek Mythos which is being incorporated into the faith as well as the large crowd of foreigners induced into the religion, many of Greek and Indian origin, as a proper Zoroastrian is one that was born into the faith. The new fire priest is Samira Yekta.

- Haste Barbarz relocates to Persis, where a Parthian-loyal fort has been constructed to maintain the city under control and fight rebel zealots who have taken to call themselves Zurvans. Assimilation of the populace outside Persis proves to be futile as the country suffers a lot of internal strife and delegations sent across the mountainous region still separates Parthians from Persians on the south, the city of Persis maintains its loyalty, but we should expect attacks at any time. At the time of his death he is replaced by Farrokh Ershadi.

- We have encountered the Romans, they seem uninterested about us as they deal with Thrace and other kingdoms further west, but we should be wary of them.


Heaven Canceler
Government: Tribal Kingdom
Retinue: King Suna (LE S, 6), Prince Youwearie (NN B, 8), Chief Cooradoo (LG A, 7), Chancellor Borrol Ijun (CG C, 6)
Religion: Shamanism
Language: Pama-Nyungan
Traditions: Half-Nomads, Sea Farers
Military: Primitive
Issues: Papuan Frontier, decentralizing government, sadistic rituals

- The kingdom has been abandoned by orders of Kurgowallah, all that was previously owned it's now left behind, and the king has ensured if everything can be brought to their new home, it will be properly burned or salted so it has no use for those who settle after.

- Not all is lost however, the new lands discovered by the Kolongullan feature more fertile jungles and more rivers that can be imagined which allows for more opportunities of boat construction.

- Along with what was brought during the long trip to Papua there were a few carvings made on stones and wood bark, collecting the stories of the life of the ancestors of Kolongulla and the previous arid land they inhabited and dominated, these carvings are renewed as with the stone works acquired by the sedentarizing tribe, they create many tables that translate the stories to sturdier pieces of material.

- With the loss of Australia and the death of the king, Suna has dedicated his time to fighting the various tribe of Papua and learning of their rather advanced sea faring activities. He learns of many tribes that make their living through sea trading and piracy on the entire island. He also spends time destroying the locals dark rituals of headhunting and cannibalism, and replacing them with Kolongullan shamanism which focuses on spiritualism and community connections, along with non-sacrificial rituals such as libation and a feast each year on the day of the exodus and their arrival to the island. Those who adopt these tenets become part of the new kingdom, while many refuse these teachings and continue to attack us.

- Significant advance in ships are made with the knowledge absorbed from local tribes, our people now sail everywhere with ease, which in turn has slowly decentralized the structure of our government, as we deal with the colonies that now extend far into the continent. We can strengthen our authority over these settlements or let them freely move as they please.
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Nation Name: Kush
Language Base: Meroitic
History: The Kerma culture would be conquered by Pharaoh Thutmose I during the Middle Kingdom. Gradually, Kerma culture would adopt many Egyptian practices, including religion. Kingdom of Kush would first emerged after the collapse of the New Kingdom of Egypt. Under kings Kashta and Piye, all of Egypt was controlled by Kush during the 25th dynasty. However, Kush would be expelled from Egypt by Assyrian forces and back into their homelands. Around this time, the capital of the kingdom would be moved from Napata to Meroe. The kingdom of Kush has had a peaceful and stable existence largely after the fall of the 25th dynasty, and boasts a fairly competent military.
TURN 4 1/2
Government: Kingdom-Theocracy
Retinue: Pharaoh Ithvir Mohammadi (LN B, 7), General Aflis Siddiqi (NE C, 6), Chancellor Eysan Barakat (NE A, 8), Priest Mazdal Shahin (NG C, 9)
Religion: Egyptian Pantheon, Hellenism
Language: Tifinagh, Greek, Egyptian
Traditions: Adventurers, Trading, Berber-Egyptian Dynasty.
Military: Early Classical
Issues: Roman Raids, Ptolemy Revolt, Judean Revolt

- We have taken the previous administration of the Seleucids in the area, and we have found a broken bureaucratic system that barely can hold its own legs. The previous Hellenic administration dedicated all its time to commission art and statues while the money for urbanism and army reforms dwindled by the minute, and most state appointed governors don't even know the Egyptian language!, Mohammadi, one of Medghasen son and his most trustworthy general, has taken the title of Pharaoh of Egypt and begun the 33rd Dynasty. But has much to do before he can enjoy his new position.

- The previous Greek administration left a hole in the state's budget, using most of the money on resolving internal conflicts and Hellenistic art which continues to foment a significant Greek-speaking population to appear in Alexandria, who represent the government for most of the region and don't speak a lick of Egyptian or Berber. General Aflis suggest we get rid of them by exiling them or executing them while priest Mazdal offers a more peaceful solution, and suggest we sell the Greek art that floods Alexandria and spend it on reforming the administration and teach the governors the proper state-government, or replace them with new ones.

- There are several revolts occurring in the country from the previous government. The Recently conquered Judeans on the east have caused trouble from the beginning, their attacks amount to nothing more than civilian resistance, attacking our patrols where they go, writing anti-Berber messages in outposts and temples and denouncing the state Egyptian pantheon in favor of their god Yahweh but some mayor leaders have already talked about active armed resistance against the state, while roman raiders have been spotted trying to weaken our military strength in the region, but most have failed so far. While parts of the Ptolemy are still active in Set be and the Alexandria Countryside.

- The Eastern Plague hasnt hit Egypt yet, but trade money has dwindled as quarantines forbid trade ships from leaving ports, cutting another source of income for us and the rest of the Mediterranean.

Government: Kingdom
Retinue: Pharaoh Nub-khas (LG A, 8), General Uah-er-meri (LG A, 7), Chancellor Ra-nefer (TN B, 9), Priest Bektmut (CG C, 6)
Religion: Egyptian Pantheon, Hellenism
Language: Meroitic
Traditions: Egalitarianism, Trading, Ancient Kingdom
Military: Early Classical
Issues: Hellenistic Influences

- The land in which the kingdom of Kush is located is one of the oldest inhabited places on earth, it is believed the original nubians here influenced egyptian culture with its own and even that its the original place for the garden of eden. The kushites are as ancient as the stories of the land they live in and even controlled egypt once but then were expelled by the Assyrians. Now, the Kushites have a new chance to restore their old kingdom, with theGreek ptolomeic kingdom gone, kush can rise.

- The city of Setri has declared independence as a vassal of Egypt following the Berber takeover, we should advance on the city and take it for ourselves before Middle Egypt does

- The Ptolemy dynasty has expelled significant influence to the rest of the Nile for centuries, and Greek art and ideals, although little, have already spread to Nubia and have reached Kush, where a few of our advisors have even dared to imply if we could fully adopt Hellenistic values we could modernize the kingdom up to the standard of other kingdoms up north, of course, abandoning the traditions of our ancestors would anger our more conservative population
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turn 5
Tech Reference

Im sorry for the delay on delivering this turn when i promised it would be out sooner, i had to deal with some stuff IRL and rewrite the turn a few times to really meet standards.

After the strange birth of what some called as the first Saoshyant of humanity, Jesus Christ, born in Belen and raised in Ctesiphon, fulfilled the prophecies revealed by Zoroaster in the Avesta , and spent his entire life bringing the word of god towards humanity, from Ctesiphon to Budday he gained many followers of all religions, some even Buddhists and Judaists. But as he was loved he was hated, and Zurvan, the once powerful figure in Persian affairs, saw to his execution in the city of Budday, as a show of power towards the newly conquered Buddhist population, His death didint see the end of his Message, his followers went far away to many places in order to spread the word of the Christ, anywhere Persian authorities couldn´t capture them, their influence even seen inside the Parthian goverment where a Satrap previously assigned to qwell a Christian rebellion in Ctesiphon, converted to their faith on the way there and began communicating with many other christians trough an underground system going across the empire.


Government: Kingdom
Retinue: Pharaoh Ithvir Mohammadi (LN B, 7), General Aflis Siddiqi (NE C, 6), Chancellor Eysan Barakat (NE A, 8), Priest Mazdal Shahin (NG C, 9)
Religion: Egyptian Pantheon, Hellenism, Christianism
Language: Tifinagh, Greek, Egyptian
Traditions: Adventurers, Trading, Egyptian Dynasty.
Military: High Classical
Issues: Bilingual Governors, Jewish Question, Suspicious Plague, Aksumite tensions, Hostile Environment in Hejaz, Christian Conversion Crisis

- Hellenistic art is sold to many other countries in order to counteract the financial crisis of Egypt, most of it is sold to Kush in the south, The Meccans in Arabia and the Aksumites further southeast, which have become the main trade partners of the new Egyptian-Berbers. Most of the money is poured into upgrading the military based on Roman and Parthian tactics, the new native population, now more trustful of their new overlords , have made up most of the ranks of the new military
- a new church has come from far east, and established itself within our kingdom, they call themselves Christians and much like the jews, they refuse to participate in local rituals and worship of gods, some religious people have correlated the appearance of the plague with the appearance of these monotheistic cults saying their disrespect for our believes has brought the wrath of the gods upon us.
- Greek resistance is completely crushed and Greek nobles are stripped of their privileges and by a new decree all future governors appointed must be knowledgeable of both Tifinagh and Egyptian, however, lack of education amongst the disenfranchised native Egyptians only allows a handful of them are capable of learning Tifinagh, and most governors appointed are of Berber Descent, and there have even been reports of governors outright refusing to speak or even fully learn Egyptian, administrating entirely in their native Tifinagh language and suggest it instead of learning the egyptian language, we should teach it to the mass folks, after all, it is a superior language.
- Recently, Jewish-Greek speaking people living in egypt has begun denouncing polytheistic practices, at first they maintained in line through Henotheistic beliefs, but now, They recognize him as the only god worth worshipping and many in government have warned the Pharaoh they could begin causing trouble at any time.
- War is persued to seize Hiempsal from Carthage, which is succesful, as the Punic state crumbles trough its crisis, states around it have taken opportunity to seize its lands, Rome took the main city as they seized Magna Grecia on the same campaign, triggering a war with Mauretania who has allied with Numidia against the Romans, who also ask for your help, although we have no duty to adi them. The romans have ceased their raids and retreated all men to fight against the Berbers on Iberia, which allows the Hebrews to stage a new revolt, both from Egypt and Rome.
- Red Sea exploration begins as far back as the horn of Africa, where we encounter the kingdoms of Aksum, as well as the city-state of Maracoba who we all establish trade relations with. Colonization is taken to the Hejaz, where the dry arid lands of arabia are too hostile for agriculture, where people survive entirely on cattle animals such as goats, some Arab towns are raided while Berber Adventurers have settled as pirates in islands near Yemen where they have begun raiding weak villages in Aksumite, and the African kingdom has already demanded we put a stop to them.
- It seems despite the quarantine, Alexandria is having a plague outbreak, whoever caused this must be working on the inside as with the Quarantine in place it is impossible it was brought in accidentally by a merchant or a traveler, this also means the plot began even before the quarantine started, raising concerns by the Pharaoh as to whom he can trust.
- Medghasen is given a burial worthy of any great pharaoh, a great tomb equal to that of Alexander is created, and his corpse is put along with the tomb on the Nile, where a great procession takes place as far back as Middle Egypt, where his corpse continues to flow down the river never to be seen again. An epic is written to commemorate the life of Medghasen and his achievements; the epic becomes one of the most famous literary works amongst Berbers, being popular as far back as Mauritania and even inside Carthage by Berber Minorities, it has become a cultural landmark.

Not ImporTant
Government: Republican Dictatorship
Retinue: Lord Protector Jia Victorovna (CG S, 6), Grand Monk Chokey (CG S, 7), General Xiao Yurevich (NE A, 7), Chief Yeng (CE S, 9)
Religion: Hellenism, Buddhism, Cult of Alexander, Christianism
Language: Shangurian, Indo-Greek
Traditions: Shepherds, Mountain men, Traders
Military: High Classical, tensions between advisors.
Issues: Widespread Unrest, Strongholds, War with Kushan, Liang, Religious Tensions.

- Measures are taken by the population to fight the plague, some have migrated to Tibet in order to meet with Deng so he can heal them, while other cities have isolated themselves which has had better effects, but damaging the income of our trade. in any case, it has subsided.
- New coins are minted by orders of the state, which have imprinted on them images of the new state religion, the new coins cause severe inflation in Shangur, and the country is forced to declare its bankruptcy, leading to widespread unrest.
- Men of a new faith called Christianism have arrived from Persia, many of them driven away by the conflict on the land. They have adopted many Buddhist practices and have managed to blend with the population, who don't mind their proselytization of Christ. Conflicts have occurred between the most fervent Alexandrite believers however, as their idea of the savior greatly difers from the Image of Jesus.
- By order of Yaroslav Chancellor Jia is arrested, before authorities can seize her she has already escaped, three weeks later she returns to Xialensk with a great army, made up of former Shangur Vassals and various nomadic mercenaries, It is now obvious Jia took advantage of her position as the reader of issues sent to the King and has withheld information about rebelling vassals who now make up her army. The well prepared coup is followed by a trial of King Somun, who is executed on grounds of treason, while a new government of voting nobles is established, with Jia as head of government.
- Budday is sold to the Parthians and the money is used by Jia to pay off the Scythian raiders, even recovering the city of Stagdwal as the Kushans quickly absorb the rest of the tribes around them. Indo-Scythia has been displaced to India, replaced with the Kushan, which adopts Buddhism as its state religion declares war on Shangur to conquer Bacriana, this time; Jia might consider having to fight.
- Mines are founded across Shangur, with captured enemies working making up the bulk of the miners working there. In order to house said slaves strongholds have appeared being led by local warlords, who administrate these miner cities largely independent of the new Shangurian government, One of the most powerfulwarlords, insert name here, has risen on the eastern most part of our kingdom to great influence and respect of many of the steppe people living there, thanks to his deeds to defeat the Xiongnu and maintain order in name of Shangur, however, General Xiao believes he is a liability, and will betray us at any time, he hasn't been subtle about his thoughts, and has already confronted Yang multiple times.
- War is persued against the Xiongnu with help 'from the Hans and the steppe people have been subdued with ease, the previous miner-strongholds created are then taken to the steppes, where local warlords are hired to guard them and ensure safety in trade routes to china. Yang and Liang, both brothers of the second strongest tribe in Xiongnu territory, have become the de facto vassals of trade routes, one having his army to protect Shangur trade routes while the other defends Han territory. Both brothers have had their quarrels about how to administer the area, and Liang has treats its Chinese overlords with contempt. With a few incidents already taken place between both parties, The Han have asked us to subdue the mad brother before this alliance ends and they are forced to take measures.

Government: Tribal Kingdom
Retinue: Queen Svetla Stelymes (NG A, 6), Chief Jaromir Wilenkin (NN S, 8), Chief Jadranka Cermak (CE S, 9), Chancellor Miro Zhtomir (LG B, 7)
Religion: Shamanism
Language: Dacian, Slavic
Traditions: Warlords, Half-Nomads
Military: Early Classical
Issues: War with Illmens, Refugees, Huns Approaching

- Diplomatic relations with the Illyrians go well, the many gifts sent to their people make them accept to join the Dacians against the Romans, they establish their own autonomous state west of our borders, Illyria, and adopt some Slavic traditions.
- Rome attacks the newly formed Balkan coalition, which proceeds to defeat their legionaries at the great cost of manpower for Dacia and Macedon, because of the Achaean League's intervention in the war Thrace couldn't be reinforced on time, and Anatolia is now in full control of Rome, with the small Armenian Rump state left.
- Conservatives are appeased, and Hellenistic influences are removed from the nation, reinforcing its Slavic ties with their people. Many Greeks promoting their art and culture are thus exiled from the nation back to the Macedon. Along with this, all the pretensions of "civilization" from the Greeks are dropped, and alliances are strengthened with Slavic tribes north, as raiding warlords are subdued.
- Relations with Macedon have deteriorated following the exile of many Greeks, the border between both nations in the Danube is closed to prevent more exiles from passing to their nation and Macedon demands they are either sent elsewhere, or they will send their armies instead.
- Another refugee crisis presents itself east, where many Slavic tribes have been pushed by a new nomad group known as the Huns, and are seeking entrance to the nation, in some cases peacefully, while others invade our land hoping to undermine our authority, such as the Illmens, who have begun annexing other tribes near them. The Huns have also begun scouting raids on Ukraine and have begun pushing us out of those lands, it is unknown the route Huns will take after this but we should be prepared.
- Costansa has returned to Dacia, only to be exiled back to Nysossos as she was identified by traditionalist as a Greek Preacher, she has taken all of her knowledge and has built a library on Nysossos, and formed part of the government which has now formed its own Kingdom on Crimea, with superior technology in fleets, army and control of an important trade route, they have as one of our main rivals in the region. A new chancellor is hired, Miro Zhtomir.

Government: Tribal Kingdom
Retinue: King Mason McCarthy (NE A, 5), Chancellor Lewis Burton (TN A, 5), High priest Lloyd Harrell (LG A, 7), General Cody Barker (LN A, 5)
Religion: Britianic Pantheon
Language: Ancient English
Traditions: Sea Farers, Warlords, Worship of Ancestors
Military: Primitive
Issues: Britonic civil war, Pictish War

- King Mason embarks on a journey across the world, or at least the world as it's known today, he travels as far as the Baltic sea where he encounters the Germanics and the Goths, who have been displaced from their homes by another tribe known as the Huns, and have begun migrating towards Europe. He then travels to the Mediterranean, where he learns of strong naval powers there such as Mauritania, Carthage and Rome, who have engaged in trade with us but have largely ignored our presence, aside from Rome which has extended an offer to our kingdom, to act as a client-state in Britain, with a mission to civilize the land in exchange for technology and resources, an offer already extended to Bretiaci, who quickly agreed to fight off the local Gauls.
- The war against the Britons is a success, with a major alliance struck with Chief Medina and Cody Baker most of the tribes have been absorbed into the kingdom, but luck is fickle, and as soon as this happens Chief Medina passes away, his Heir has cut the former treaty made by both parties, and has risen up in rebellion against the Britiaci.
- as we move deeper into Britain we have encountered the Picts, who have begun attacking us in order to defend their homeland
- With the creation of the colonies in Keld, Britianic has encouraged its citizens to move to Ireland and settle there, many have taken up the opportunity, mostly poor rural folk having a hard time settling Britain, the lands of Ireland prove to be filled with more opportunities for agriculture, and soon the colonies grow and start exporting food to Britain.
- A Roman delegation has arrived, asking us to become part of their empire or suffer the consequences.
- Under the command of Priest Lloyd religion is centralized. Ceremonies and rituals are added based on old traditions both Britianic and Britonic, and a cult around the worship of the dead is established, religious life has taken a new priority under our society, with all villages having a group of priests trained directly in the capital with no blood relation between priests to avoid the creation of cabals. churches start appearing all over the country with a direct connection to the main church in Cornwall, but the lack of roads and fast channels of communication render churches far away from the capital completely cut off from the ideologies of the capital, such as those in Britonic land who follow priestly practices of their own.
- Gods of the Pantheon are linked by the theologians of the capital to the seasons of the year which has shaped the pantheon, eliminating the rest of gods in favor of the gods of the four seasons, allowing some control over cults in the region.


Government: Hereditary Monarchy
Retinue: Shah Omid Jabarzadeh (LG C, 8), Prince Ahmad Alidoosti (LG C, 6), Chancellor Farrokh Ershadi (NE B, 7), Fire priest Behrad Faramarzian (LG B, 9)
Religion: Zoroastrianism, Hellenism, Christianism
Language: Parthian, Greek, Persian
Traditions: Horse Lords, Trading, Agriculture
Military: High Classical
Issues: Budday Rebellion, War with Scythia, Shah's Paranoia, Christian Conversion Crisis.

- War is declared on Shangur… for a short while, attempts to seize Budday yielded no results as despite having the city completely surrounded during sieges, a vast network of tunnels allow many to leave and come back with supplies and mercenaries to aid their cause but little by little their will undermined. Soon enough a coup in Xialensk deposes the previous government of Shangur, and the new administration has agreed to sell us Budday in exchange for peace.
- The city is not happy with our assigned Satraps however, the Buddhist population has prevented any Parthian authorities to enter the city. Despite their iranian link with our countrymen in Purgam, they identify as Buddhist and Greek first, Iranian second, and have already chosen a king of theirown, soon enough they will declare independence.
- An assasination attempt has occured against the Shah, the court is outraged and the young ruler has taken to hiding in his quarters, refusing to communicate with the outside world and only speaking to his advisors trough lock doors to her about the state of the realm and send orders, but this situation is causing people to lose hope in their ruler, and talks of deposing him have been heard.
- Zoroastrian missionaries continue further east where Tengrist Scythians are quick to adopt the religion as part of their pantheon, others maintain firm buddhists believes such as the indo-states.
- A permanent border is established on the Caucasus where Scythian raiders are contained at the border of the mountains, the Armenians are of great aid in battle and obtain independence shortly after, they now want an alliance with us to stop Roman expansionism.
- Radical Zoroastrians are pursued on a campaign led Behrad alongside the fire priest, who have to put an active persian rebellion before being able to enter Persis, it seems a new local cult has appeared, based on the teachings of a man called Yeshua, Son of Ahura Mazda sent to earth to cleanse the evils of Angra Mainyu. his followers have seen success in armenia, india and even purgam, but Persians havent been receptive to the new faith, attacking proletizers where they go and refusing to accept gentile convertors to the zoro-christianism faith. They demand the king to get rid of this new cult in the name of descency and iranian-tradition, saying they refuse to follow local rituals and their own rituals anger the gods.
- Zurvans are culled and their teachings forbidden all over Parthia, their teachings now gone underground, where other cults such as the christians and Buddhists reside in


Heaven Canceler
Government: Tribal Kingdom
Retinue: King Suna (LE S, 6), Prince Youwearie (NN B, 8), Chief Cooradoo (LG A, 7), Chancellor Borrol Ijun (CG C, 6)
Religion: Shamanism
Language: Pama-Nyungan
Traditions: Half-Nomads, Sea Farers, Musicians
Military: Primitive
Issues: Papuan Frontier, Religious Tensions

- A special ministry has been set up to administer all colonies made by the Kolongullan sea people, it has been discovered the main drive begin the migrations has been the large deposits of copper found southwest, we have been quickly to absorb all the new miner cities that have popped up, which has put us in conflict with the local Papuan people, where mines are located underneath their sacred ritual places. This has unleashed a chain of conflicts between settlers and natives, alongside the purging of their rituals, and the papuan people have begun organizing to repel our presence in the island, while many others, thankfull for not having to sacrifice their relatives, have joined our nation.
- temples are built wherever possible, every village already has a temple to pair it, and pagan heretical grounds are destroyed for a temple to take its place, this has angered many of the natives, some shrines destroyed didint even venerate bloodthirsty gods, and dont appreciate the replacement of their idols for ours.
-The Temples built have achieved a sense of cultural unity in Kolongullan comunities, as feasts and holidays centered around singing unite the people into the remembrance of their culture, and griots prance around singing the stories of their ancestors, which once occupied an inhospitable wasteland.
- Cooradoo has continued the tradition of his father, his investigation into a standarized way all the symbols of his tribe can be understood by all of them. he makes little progress until he learns colonials in far indonesia have traded with men who come from a place called India, they speak and have a written language, of which Cooradoo has been inspired by to create his own written language which implements Into Kolongulla, with some success being seen near the capital.
- With a centralized agency comes a centralized system of taxation, in exchange for protection our subjects pay tribute whether in food, men or minerals, coins are created from the minerals digged from Papua and ae distributed,leading to the beginning of an economy.
- The new prince has focused his time on the arts and cultures, he has wrote, in the new written language of the Kolongullan people, the very first epic of their culture, the epic of Lendauita Kushtan and the story of his Apotheosis as Patron Guardian of the Kolongullan people, and the doings of their descendants followed by their exile from "the sacred land of Alibua", the epic continues to have its own additions as time passes.

Government: Kingdom
Retinue: Pharaoh Nub-khas (LG A, 8), General Uah-er-meri (LG A, 7), Chancellor Ra-nefer (TN B, 9), Priest Bektmut (CG C, 6)
Religion: Egyptian Pantheon, Hellenism
Language: Meroitic, Greek
Traditions: Egalitarianism, Trading, Ancient Kingdom
Military: Early Classical
Issues: Imbalanced development.

- The former administration of Middle Egypt, along with many Greek Egyptians, have fled their former dominion north and have located themselves in the now annexed city of Setri, they agree to pay tribute to Kush in exchange for staying in their land, after which they proceed to heavily improve the infrastructure and economy of both their part of the region and Kush's part
- However, because of Setri's proximity to Mediterranean Kingdoms it has improved significantly more than its southern counterpart, leading to underdevelopment on The capital and its surroundings.
- Ra-nefer orders the minting of coins to replace the old Nubian barter System, the new coins now have in them both Egyptian and Greek imagery
- We have made contact with the kingdom of Aksum, who we have begun trading with, they have told us of the city-state of
- Tribal down the Nile are hired as part of their army, but the weaponry they carry is ancient, and their tactics obsolete compared to the discipline of Macedonian Phalanxes and Berber Cavalry speed, some Aksumite mercenaries however, have proven to be valuable in battle
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Like so many who came before them the 33rd dynasty of Egypt had wrought change on this land and had change wrought on them in return, they had given up the construction of immense palaces that the helots engaged in but continued to expand the royal stables bringing horses from Scythia to the Celtic lands as royal mounts. they had torn down and sold off white marble statues of Zeus or Poseidon instead erecting statues of Amun-Ra, Sobek or Resheph-Yamm but they were more ready to look outwards than other rulers, where most who ruled Egypt saw it as the ultimate prize enough to support a kingdom unending for Pharaoh Ithvir Mohammadi there was still more to conquer and more stories to see.

Perhaps the greatest demonstration of this ambition could be seen from the side of the royal barge as it continued down the Nile, past the slave girls and other little luxuries the ship was crewed by ruthless semi-mercenary pirates and on the banks lay great training fields. The foreground had an array of citizen soldiers drilling most armed with the long pikes that had made the previous conquerors of the land so deadly on the open field and a few with slashing blades, shields and javelins to fight over rough terrain and challenge the states current enemies. Further into the fields were supporting archers and further still the cavalry, formed from the Berber nobility and their greatest weapon to turn the tide of battle.

Upriver lay the ships that would support them through this campaign, repurposed trading ships carrying grain to ease supply pressure, light ships carrying a deadly cargo of marines to strike in concert with the main army from another direction entirely or to harass their rear elements and the huge warships to wrest control of the ocean from the enemy vessels. Control of the sea had allowed them to keep their wealth while the world burned around them and so they would not surrender it quickly.

So the pharaoh walked to the prow of the craft and stared at the distant horizon, he was born with the blood of kings, soldiers, conquerors and explorers not to mention blood of the gods themselves, though it may mean leaving his real and his family he would journey onwards to victory once more for that was his birthright, that was his destiny.
Turn 6
Turn 6

Tech Reference

i have added a relations tab for countries, and from now on your language tab will consists of two languages, the one promoted by your adminstration, and the language spoken commonly across your state.

Government: Hereditary Monarchy
Retinue: Shah Omid Jabarzadeh (LG C, 8), Chancellor Farrokh Ershadi (NE B, 7), Fire priest Behrad Faramarzian (LG B, 9)
Religion: Christianism, Manichaeism
Language: Persian (Common), Parthian (Nobles)
Traditions: Horse Lords, Trading, Agriculture
Relations: None
Military: High Classical
Issues: Christian Doctrinal Rifts, Sassanid Rebellion, unpopular Fire Priest, Suspected Coup, Shah's Paranoia, Budday

- As of Shah Omid's orders, Christianity has been embraced as the new religion of the state, with the help of Behrad Christians all over the empire are called to codify the new faith into a book for the people, this has proven to be a difficult task, as there is no consensus amongst the Christians over which books are considered divine and accurate, and rifts in the doctrine have already been shown with many splinter groups appearing claiming to hold the keys to the true faith of Jesus, and the doctrine we have affiliated with is not popular amongst all Christian groups, especially those in Budday, who prefer Buddhist teachings.

- Behrad Faramarzian, being the pious man he is, has taken matters before consulting with the Shah and ordered the arrest of all the Heretics who want to corrupt Jesus's Teachings. His actions have been met with acclaim for those affiliated with our sect in Purgam, but brought the disdain of many other Christians outside the capital, who call for his resignation, which we would happily oblige with if it wouldn't make us seem weak in front of the heretics.

- In order to promote the new faith all satraps are ordered to be baptized into Christianity and churches are constructed by orders of the new Fire Priest. This order has been accepted in most of the northern provinces of the empire where the link to old Zoroastrian traditions don't disrupt the spiritual life of the people, but has angered the more conservative population of Persia, and used by the Sassanids as proof of Parthian tyranny, and drawn much support from them to usurp Omid's throne.

- With rumors that his sons will depose him, the Shah has refused to assign an heir until he finds the right candidate for the position. This blatant disregard for tradition has angered his sons, prominently Khosrow and Javad who now want to depose their father.

- Efforts are made to quell rebellions in Persia with the construction of military and naval bases on the region, along with a road that connects the Parthian Capital to Persis, as this occurs Romans invade Mesopotamia and soldiers in the region are forced to move and maintain the line in the Zagros, leaving most of Persia undefended, which is taken vy the Sassanid rebels, who promise to stand up against their shameful overlords and defeat the Roman menace once and for all. Despite this the road constructed to supply Persis has managed to maintain the defenses in the city against the Sassanid siege for longer than expected.

- War against Indo-Parthia is successful, the armies of Budday, reliant mostly on Nomad Mercenaries, is crushed and the city annexed, and Buddhists followers of the city are threatened with exile or enslavement alongside their monks and preacher sunless they convert to Christianity. At first Buddhist monks take a peaceful approach and leave towards India to escape enslavement, but a number of converts of Christianism, have taken up their teachings to approach a new way of civil disobedience, accepting death over the profanation of their holy land and acting as martyrs for our authorities. These new converts differentiate their church from the profane Parthian church, and have blended Buddhist believes to show the division they have with Zoroastrian Fire Temple doctrine.

- An alliance is established with Armenia and royal relations are established and war has declared on both countries to secure its eastern borders. Armenia is instantly annexed, and Prince Ahmad travels to meet his enemies, and after a series of blunders during his battles to fend off the Romans in Mesopotamia he is murdered, and his broken army forced to retreat back to Purgam, followed closely by Roman Legions who now advance towards the capital.

Government: Kingdom
Retinue: Pharaoh Ithvir Mohammadi (LN B, 7), General Aflis Siddiqi (NE C, 6), Chancellor Eysan Barakat (NE A, 8), Priest Mazdal Shahin (NG C, 9)
Religion: Egyptian Pantheon
Language: Egyptian
Relations: none
Traditions: Adventurers, Sea Farers, Egyptian Dynasty.
Military: Late Classical
Issues: Jewish Converts, Fire of Alexandria, Aksumite Tensions, Hostile Environment in Hejaz, Christian Conversion Crisis

- Four great schools are constructed in Alexandria and knowledge in Egypt is reformed, as many leftover Greek writings are finally translated to other Languages and are now open for the public to see. That is, the public that are near Alexandria, other parts of the country still suffer from illiteracy as all knowledge is focused on the capital, and a fire caused by an accident during the plague has burned the schools constructed by the Dynasty, alongside many other buildings and people.

- A new church has come from far east, and established itself within our kingdom, they call themselves Christians and much like the Jews, they refuse to participate in local rituals and worship of gods, some religious people have correlated the appearance of the plague with the appearance of these monotheistic cults saying their disrespect for our believes has brought the wrath of the gods upon us.

- Egypt has come to the aid of Mauretania and other Berber states against the powerful Rome, General Aflis orders to defend the Sinai from Rome while he seizes the newly captured province of Carthage as important strategic points to fight against them. Roman forces have put all their manpower into seizing Spain and North Africa, toppling the Numidian and Mauretanian Kingdoms, but are stopped the battle of Utome, where despite losing the city, Berber cavalry defeated the Saena Legions, forcing them to retreat to Spain, time which Aflis used to his Favor; he orders his forces to return home to take Jerusalem but Eastern Roman forces have already marched towards the Sinai which are only stopped by a stroke of luck from the General.

- Our navy is reformed based on roman standards and navy professionalism increases with the establishment of the naval School, but the sheer size of the Roman navy still proves to be an obstacle for naval control. Our fleets are forced to rely on Hit-and-Run tactics to disrupt Roman trade routes and ships while avoiding conflict with larger fleets that dominate the Mediterranean. Some of our forces have managed to land and conquer the Peloponnese

- The Plague is contained, but the unrest of the hopeless people on the streets caused many nights of chaos, one of which resulted in a fire that extended to half of Alexandria, destroying important building, as well as taking the lives of a huge chunk of the population in the riots that ensue, and yet the more clues are uncovered that point out that a saboteur was behind the fire and the subsequent agitation of the masses.

- taxes are reformed in an equitative manner while still maintaining the same influx of cash coming into the treasury, the popular classes and merchants are taxed lightly while the development of land based economy is stimulated with incentives to small private land owners.

- Christianity and Judaism continue to spread in popularity across the Kingdom and many Egyptians have now renounced to the idea of more than one God and calling for the destruction of pagan monuments and idols and a recognition of god by the state as the one creator, whether we choose to implement Christianity or Judaism as state religion is up to us.

- As Berber adventurers continue flowing up and down the red sea, Aksum has declared war on Berber Piracy, beginning with small skirmishes against our ships and disruption of our trade with India.

Not ImporTant
Government: Merchant Republic
Retinue: Lord Protector Xiang Ivankov (L E A, 9), Grand Monk Chokey (CG S, 7), Chancellor Xu Cristov (NG B, 8)
Religion: Alexandrism
Language: Greek(Common) Shangurian (Noble)
Traditions: Shepherds, Mountain men, Traders
Relations: Indo-Greece (ally)
Military: High Classical
Issues: Widespread Unrest, Strongholds, War with Kushan, Liang, Christian Conversion Crisis, tensions between advisors.

- Lord Protector Jia takes her last years as ruler to write the most extensive book regarding law and state to direct Shangurian society, inspired by Greek law, it codifies laws for private and public property, reforms agriculture to focus their efficiency towards cities and replaces the Monarchical government with an elected position chosen by a council of "influential men and women", a position that ends up filled with merchants and elected representatives of tribesmen that encompass Shangurian authority. The new Representative government and strong state bureaucracy have calmed down the angry mobs.

- While Buddhists and Alexandrian believers have a syncretic share of believes, the Christians doctrine doesn't meet with that of the local religions, for one; Christians believe in the existence of a god creator and his son of earth, which is indifferent to Alexandrism's pagan idolatry, but they maintain a strict Buddhist pacifist set of believes and manage to convert their neighbors without subverting the law or angering local authorities, soon, almost everywhere in the border of Shangur you can see a small Christian community in it.

- News from our agents far west have told us of the defamation of one of the most sacred items of our religion, in Egypt, where Christian rebels who are revolting against the idolatry of pagan idols are defaming his tomb and demanding the government to allow its destruction and replacement with a church of Christ, we s

- Diplomacy with Liang doesn't work and the rebellious brother has taken control of strongholds to raise an army and disrupt the trade outpost with China, afterwards he establishes its own Khanate and moves to conquer our Kushan lands and threatening Bactriana while raiding Xialensk.

- Despite the efforts of Yeng to begin the annexation of Tibet and his success fighting off Kushan warriors, Xiao is convinced the Barbarian is up to something, he plots an ambush to kill the Warlord during one of his trips to the Capital, but both men manage to slay the warriors of the other side, and ultimately end each other's lives during a fistfight. The death of Yeng ironically, triggered Liang's plan to usurp the throne of his brother, and lead all the nomadic tribes under his cause.

Government: Nomadic Confederacy
Retinue: Queen Ondrea Dolezal (LG A, 8), King Halfdan (LE A, 8)
Religion: Shamanism
Language: Slavic, Dacian
Traditions: Warlords, Half-Nomads
Relations: Southern Slavs (ally)
Military: Early Classical
Issues: Nomads

- Queen Svetla formally apologizes to the Macedonians, clarifying that she never intended to ban all Greek citizens but instead outlaw Hellenistic Practices, Greeks are invited to come back and maintain their language. The invitation is not reciprocated, and the Greek State has cut all ties with our "Barbarian", they say that unless Dacia accepts the Hellenic way as true, they will not bother with us.

- with the alliance with Macedon lost peace with Rome is made, land concessions are given to ensure good relations with them, especially in the face of Hunnic Aggression.

-a confederacy with other Slavic tribes is formed, not a lot are available for the position as many have migrated west or simply been killed by the rampaging Hunnic hordes, the new confederate army proves critical in defeating the Illmens, and formed the frontline for the upcoming Huns

- Unfortunately it doesn't last long, the Huns powerful horse warriors make due of all Dacian defenses, the Huns advance further until they reach Rome disposing of the Dacian and Illyrian State with ease as they make their way towards the wealthy city of Saena. Dacians, Illyrians and Slavs have all been displaced to the other side of the Danube where the Decaying Macedonian state fails to maintain order of the wave of Immigrants and collapses quickly, soon replaced by a mutually cooperative union between the two Slavic tribes, fending off against Greek City-states and Roman attacks, as well as the the numberless presence of the Huns, who keep raiding Our lands annually to obtain tribute from us and fuel their Conflict with Rome. the Illyrians have become a Roman foederati almost by force, and our slav allies have turned to raiding the Greek City-states outskirts to feed their people, angering the Locals but not to a great extent as their attack on the area doesnt reach far into the cities.

- The new union is conmemorated with the marriage of Ondrea Dolezal, the healthy and strong-willed oldest daugther of Svetla and King Halfdan adventurer and legendary mercenary. Both leaders already won the hearts of their subjects trough heroic acts by fighing off Huns and Macedonians, and their marriage has unified both kingdoms in an unique way, almost one state.

- However, the largely descentralized goverment of the Southern Slavs lead to several raids to neighboring nations, and both Halfran and Ondrean have concluded anywhere they go they will encounter Rome whether they stay here or they move to better lands, and Halfdan has suggested the clans unite to put Rome to its knees in battle to liberate the Illyrians and secure a home for his people while the Queen wants to focus on defending against rome, and using the bulk of the army to recover Dacia from the Huns, which is a common enemy of all states and will fall against an organized coalition, and recovering the land of her ancestors is of high priority.

Government: Kingdom
Retinue: King Mason McCarthy (NE A, 5), Chancellor Eligius Britanicus (CN B, 5), High priest Lloyd Harrell (LG A, 7), General Gallus Caepasius (LE S, 8)
Religion: Hellenism
Language: Latin
Traditions: Sea Farers, Warlords, Worship of Ancestors
Relations: Rome (Overlord)
Military: High Classical
Issues: Britonic civil war, Irish Raids, London Riots.

- The offer of Rome is accepted, and a delegation arrives at the city to meet with the king and the rest of the court where they are formally approved as a Foederati of the Empire. The delegation reforms the institutions of the government, replacing chiefs with appointed governors friendly to Rome and replacing the capital of Cornwall with London where Roman influence is strongly felt, and a replacement of the Britianic script with Latin script, while Mason convinces Romans to maintain many of the traditions and believes of the local people's which has convinced the romans, now waging many wars and dealing with nomadic invasions.
- Roman legions now arrive at our shores, bringing weapons and armor to reform our own armies, their tactics and leadership absorbed and the coalition of Latin and British forces push the Picts back to the Highlands, the victory is short-lasting as Chief Medina, unconvinced by the efforts of our Chancellor, met many allies amongst discontent chiefs and Britons who resent Roman Influence and seek to undermine our civilization efforts. New Advisors have replaced Cody and Lewis, Eligius Britanicus as Chancellors and Gallus Caepasius as General; the first a Romanized Britianic citizen and the other an arrival from Saena loyal to the Roman Empire till Death.

- Roman Soldiers in London have been known to treat our own citizens with discontent, thinking of Britianic men and culture as lesser and even disrespect our women and many other Romans have been seen taking our people as slaves to supply their own forces or even satisfy the need of a promiscuous aristocrat in Saena, the Romans treat us as a lesser partner in this relationship and ignore requests to uphold treaties or acknowledge culpability in these cases, citing their lack of control over every Roman Soldier.

- Our colonies in Ireland are being attacked by the native kingdoms, which have formed a coalition to push our settlers out of the island.

- With a new king comes a new Kingdom. King Callum Riley, patriotic and Determined, lived much of his childhood in Cornwall, suffering the terrible conditions of the land and constant warfare, he was brought to study in Saena under a Roman Mentor, where he gained much knowledge in all possible fields, he has now returned to lead the Britianic People against the revolting natives, and has implemented a more centralized government in London where he oversees direct control of all cities from the Capital, and has constructed a basilica where all matters of law, state and even religion are overseen in one place, this has led to a rift amongst regions, as those in further in Cornwall and the northern lands feel Disenfranchised from the current government, and have taken to support local Separatists to further massacre Roman citizens.

- A plague has reached London and has killed many Inhabitants there, the people are revolting as food scarcities and other bad omens strike the city.


Heaven Canceler
Government: Tribal Kingdom
Retinue: King Youwearie(TN S, 8), Prince Hlain(LG B, 10), Chief Cooradoo (LG A, 7), Chancellor Bamaga (CG C, 9)
Religion: Shamanism
Language: Pama-Nyungan
Traditions: Half-Nomads, Sea Farers
Relations: None
Military: Primitive
Issues: Papuan Frontier, Tsunamis.

- King Suna pursues the mythical lands of India, he learns of the trade routes they take to reach their land, and where they have to go, he chooses to follow the land known as India, establishing expeditions further in Indonesia to establish outposts from where he can continue his travels, but falls ill and dies before he can accomplish his dream. Youwearie has taken his throne.

- Royal regalia are introduced to set a differentiation between the nobles and common people.

- Bronze weaponry and tools are adopted, leading to better construction of ships which lead to more efficient fleet that can advance faster trough water than before.

- All gods are accepted in the Kolongullan faith, but the worship of "evil gods" is banned, being kept to the underground of worshippers, for outcast tribes far away in the jungles.

-As part of Youwearie reforms, law is codified in stone tables which are kept on library buildings on each city, and Capital buildings made to administer cities into a more efficient level

- A tsunami has struck Garapa and Yargeh and the city is asking for aid to help their survivor but we should keep our focus on the city where the royal family is on

Government: Kingdom
Retinue: Pharaoh Nub-khas (LG A, 8), General Uah-er-meri (LG A, 7), Chancellor Ra-nefer (TN B, 9), Priest Bektmut (CG C, 6)
Religion: Egyptian Pantheon
Language: Meroitic
Traditions: Egalitarianism, Trading, Ancient Kingdom
Relations: None
Military: High Classical
Issues: Tax revolts, Financial Crisis, Christian Conversion Crisis.

- Ra-nefer has converted to christianism, and amongst his plans to reform infrastructure on the lower parts of the kingdom he has ordered the construction of Christian Fire Temples, an action which angered Priest Bektmut, who considers sacrilegious the affirmations of the Chancellor about Ahura Mazda and his kingdom of Heaven, and calls for the repression of the cult of Christ and Yahweh.

- An embargo is placed on Egyptian goods which stops the plague at the border of the Kushite empire, consequentially also stopping the influx of Greek Immigrants coming to Setri, however the massive expenses taken to improve and expand our country has emptied the treasury, and forced us to increase taxes to offset the deficit of the urbanization project. This has angered Setri; a primarily Merchant nation which not only cannot perform its tasks but it's also burdened by the heavy Taxes imposed by the Capital.

-The Bejan people east are annexed, allowing Kush for the first time access to open sea, opening trade routes with Aksum through the Red Sea, but the arid weather of the area proves to be too hostile for anyone to embark on, and very few settlers move to the area, instead, our governors rely on the local Baja people to maintain trade routes from sea ports to the capital.
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Excerpts from the biography of the Lord Protector Jia Victorovna written during year 341 AA (341 years After Alexander, counted from the year of Alexander achieving godhood and departing the world)

"…Shangurian people were always utilitarian in their thinking and bearing. It does not mean that they do not appreciate beauty, contrary, with recent decline in Hellenic culture under roman foot we might be the most inclined toward true art. It is the smoothness of blending art and everyday necessities that shapes toady Shangur society. There is more examples of this then possible to write here.

Take Shangurian Temples. They follow all necessary proportions, exactly as Hellenic temples should, what makes them proper and beautiful buildings. But they do not stop there. While typical temple function ends with praising gods, those temples only start there. Shangurian temple walls are thick and tall, build from tough stones. Their defensive properties could be seen at first glance. Reinforced corners, small arrow slits between reliefs. While Greek temples also guard their treasures, Shangurian temples do it more thoroughly. Many temples in Shangur were not only build in defensible position, but around old places of cult – holy springs. Even if there was no natural spring, a well is required part of any Shangurian temple. They double as bastions in times of strife, and they do it very well.

And guess what an attribute of Shangurian priest of Alexander is. Not a funny cap or colorful robes as in other cults, but specifically ornamented armour and a sword. It speaks for itself as for their ability to protect their holy places.

It is just one of the many possible examples. Even pottery and utensils are made with proper proportions in mind, exactly as Aristotle required. You would be hard pressed to find such beautiful spoons as you find in Shangur anywhere else.

Take a look at the new statues in my palace. They are not statues of Zeus or Alexander, but of myself. They are sculpted in specific poses, showing as I give bread to the poor or teach uneducated how to read, reminding people of my benevolence and knowledge. I have also donated a generous sum to the temples, so they will have their statues. But even these statues of gods sometimes have more use, besides ensuring their favor. I have recently seen a temple, where series of statues of Alexander where showing a sequence of sword fighting moves. There was already several boys and even young adults around, trying to replicate Alexander's moves. It is a brilliant way of educating and knowing Shangurian priest it will spread around. Utilitarian to the core.

Such attitude steams from the earlier times and rapid adaptation of Greek culture by our ancestors focused on surviving. Unable to abandon their habits, where wasting anything lead to death, they…

…In Greece, there is not even a word for 'rights of women'. It would be required that I will spend all the day closed inside the house, spinning yarn. In Shangur my position is arguably much better. Greek customs of treating their women did not manage to penetrate in here, where the position of 'matrons' in the old tribes was high and influential. That being said, now among all of our neighbors there is clear stratification between women and men and their customs are slowly seeping into our country. Lowering status and perspectives of woman is especially well seen in border villages, among small traders, not in the main cities, where some women already bear influential positions. I have already take measures to help with this situation, by issuing….

…Shangur forces are composed mostly of medium-light infantry, armed in spears and shields. They are trained in forming phalanx, but cannot stand to the heavy armored infantry in the open field. Yet, they proven to be much more flexible in rough territory, where forming phalanx is not possible and their assault force is still substantial.

Second most popular is heavy camel cavalry. This force was introduced after we took direct control of Bactria and their number is still increasing, as our skirmishes with nomadic horse archers become more common – camel rider are able to both pursue and escape from them over a long distance. Camel riders either ride the camel solitary, wearing armor tough on the sides and sit in between two humps using them as a protection from the from the front and back and are armed with spears and shield. They usually throw one or two spears before charging in melee. Another popular choice is as two people on one camel. In this case one is a rider armed with a spear and is steering the camel, while the other on the back is an archer. Camels usually wear heavy wool and leather over them, protecting them from arrows and slashes.

Camels are also used as pack animals, transporting supplies for the army, but most importantly trading goods in caravans. You might be surprised though by addition of goats as pack animal. Unusual choice, but there is a breed of big goats coming from Pamirs that is working very well especially when transporting goods through passages in higher mountains, like…"
Turn 7

Tech Reference
Government: Hereditary Monarchy
Retinue: Shah Omid Jabarzadeh (LG C, 8), Chancellor Farrokh Ershadi (NE B, 7), Fire priest Behrad Faramarzian (LG B, 9)
Religion: Christianism
Language: Persian (Common), Parthian (Nobles)
Traditions: Horse Lords, Trading, Agriculture
Relations: None
Military: High Classical

- Revolts in the capital never cease. Various nobles have risen to take Omid's position but none manage to take control of all Iran as the previous dynasty did, with no allies of its own, Parthia is split between different powers or collapses into different states, and fueled by religious tensions, eventually dissolves. Omid is finally deposed by his sons, Khosrow and Javad, who proceed to rule two parts of the empire, Parthia and and the Turkic tribe of Baburids.

- An alliance is made with Indo-Scythia, but they are annexed by Shangur leaving the Parthians with no allies, both states are soon invaded by the Sassanids and the khanate. Parthia is unable to stand its own and Khosrow is assassinated as Liang captures the capital, while the Sassanid's conquer the rest of Parthian holdings, leaving the Baburid state, who survived the Sassanid invasions through the use of diplomacy to obtain help under Javad the last of the Parthian Dynasty.

- You have been defeated. You may continue playing as the Baburids, the Sassanids, Liang's khanate or you may establish a new nation in any unclaimed land.

Government: Kingdom
Retinue: Pharaoh Heddi Bacho (LE B, 10), General Aahotepre (NE C, 8), Chancellor Eysan Barakat (NE A, 8), Priest Mazdal Shahin (NG C, 9)
Religion: Egyptian Pantheon
Language: Egyptian
Relations: Grecia (Ally)
Traditions: Adventurers, Sea Farers, Egyptian Dynasty.
Military: Late Classical
Issues: Christian Conversion Crisis, War with Rome

- Reconstruction of the schools takes place, most of the knowledge transcribed by scholars from the school is stored In the schools, but the content found on the new books is only a fragment of the knowledge the previous schools had. Most of the knowledge transcribed to the books come from ancient Greek and Egyptian sources from the library of Alexandria.

- defenses are armed in Corinth and the Suez, the Eastern Romans, busy attacking the east, have focused instead on pushing further towards Alexandria, they defeat Aflis in every encounter he has with the legions, and fails to defend Alexandria from the invaders, forcing the Berbers to fall back west. Greeks in Italy have revolted following several raids to the Roman Capital, and have allied with Egypt to retake the rest of the Greek Peninsula.

- Spy networks are made in regions formerly owned by Egypt with ease thanks to the large support of locals in the regions; these networks soon form rebel cells everywhere and draft locals to fight Roman Authority. They discover Roman and Kushite agents had infiltrated our administration, undermining our authority in Egypt, exactly which of the two caused what catastrophes is unknown and if the fire of Alexandria was caused by a Roman or a Kushite arson, but both sides should be considered highly hostile.

- The Kingdom has taken a pirate-friendly policy, welcoming smugglers, adventurers and pirate captains to their ranks; in turn they also fund rebellion cells across the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. This has upset many of their neighbors and most have taken a stance to fight Egypt while anarchists and other anti-authoritarian figures and preachers have taken Asylum in Egypt for their ideals.

- The body of Alexander is transported to Shangur trough the Red Sea much to the dismay of many alexandrites, which have made a pilgrimage with the body all the way to Iran. The body has dissapeared following strife caused by Rome in the region and the body has been taken to Ctesiphon for destruction, however, upon discovery the tomb has been found totally empty by Christian authorities, many Alexandrite worshippers have celebrated the apparent apotheosis of Alexander, and the faith booms in the middle east as the church of Rome attempts to supress this sacrilegious cult.

- It has been discovered the son of Pharaoh Ithvir has converted to Judaism and has had several secret meetings with the Rabbis of Jerusalem to establish a church in Egypt; he has been caught and put on house arrest by his father, swearing that the Berbers will never fall to the influences of foreign traditions. He has removed Ithvir as his Heir, and given the throne to his brother Heddi Bacho, the second eldest of the family, who has already sworn to maintain the Egyptian traditions of his father, and begun persecuting the Christians and Jewish people in his region. Both actions have caused a bigger uproar in Egypt as the martyr brother sways the masses to hold on to their faith.

Not ImporTant
Government: Merchant Republic
Retinue: Lord Protector Xiang Ivankov (L E A, 9), Grand Monk Chokey (CG S, 7), Chancellor Xu Cristov (NG B, 8)
Religion: Alexandrism
Language: Greek (Common) Shangurian (Noble)
Traditions: Shepherds, Mountain men, Traders
Relations: Indo-Greece (ally)
Military: Late Classical
Issues: Widespread Unrest, Hephthalites, Liang, Doctrine rift

- Money is given to nomads to stop their raids, money is good, most of the tribes love money, one of them called the Hephthalites loves it so much they have migrated to raid the cities of Shangur and have allied with the Khanate of Liang, they have set up a state east of our borders effectively cutting trade routes with China, and threaten to expand their kingdom towards Persia.
- Christians are given a space for worship and we have taken a policy of free-cult across Shangur respecting local cults and believes, while alexandrite and Buddhist believers are given preference when hiring, Shangurian Christian representatives demand this preference ceases and Christians are allowed to serve as governors, while the majority prefer to convert to both of these denominations and maintain their positions.
- Spy networks are constructed to keep us informed of situations inside and abroad the country. They tell us of an enormous empire approaching from the west called Rome, which has effectively brought an end to our lifetime rival Parthia. They have adopted the faith of Christ and
- Alexandrite missionaries have converted a tribe of nomad horse riders which originated from Liang, leading to the conversion of the entire Khanate and even Liang himself. The Horse Archers are fascinated by the martial prowess of Alexander, and begin his worship before every battle. This has influenced Alexandrite doctrine in hand, and war and martial prowess against infidels has become a huge tenet in the religion, as it's more profitable than war against other brothers of faith. This doctrine of war has repelled Buddhist and Christian allies, who have seen this as too barbarian for its own good, and Chokey has worked double time to suppress this belief, almost to no avail as the war and sin stories of Alexander are very popular.

- Other Alexandrite missionaries have had better luck far west, the stories of the battles for the relic of Alexander have inspired many travelers of the Silk Road, and word of a mystical book that claims to have written tales seen nowhere else of the last years of alexander's life, his spiritual travel towards India and his death and apotheosis, as well as many proverbs and sayings of his. The holy book has spread west and has ended up translated to Greek, entering the western sphere. It has had problems spreading further to anatolia where Christians destroy pagan idols and worships, but converts appear the Ukrainian Steppes and even some germanic tribes have adopted the cult, thanks in part to the lax worship laws of Western Rome, which have led to widespread worship in large parts of the middle east where Alexander is already a known figure, as well as some parts of eastern europe, overshadowing the numbers of Christians.

- To please the Alexandrites the body of Alexander has been ordered for transport to the capital, with Egypt, Aksum and the Sassanids as main allies in the operation, however, as the body enters Persian territory, the Romans enter in combat with the patrols, and the tomb is lost during the battle, it is supposedly discovered again by roman patrols hundreds of meters away from battle, and brought too Ctesiphon, capital of the Eastern part of Rome. It is in the city that they discover the body of Alexander is gone, and many of his followers have concluded he has achieved godlike status at the holy city, marking it as a sacred place for Alexandrite believers, but Xiang believes the most likely explanation was that the body was stolen, likely before or during the operation to retrieve it.

- With a new government come new attempts to balance the mountain republic. Protectionism has been lowered to favor merchants and businesses, while representation is achieved with a senate, local councils as well as elected governors and leaders. The new republic, based off of Plato's works takes a different approach according to the wishes of Lord Protector Jia which Xiang swears to uphold, and it's a page that proclaims the universal rights of all free men and women, and representation for everyone regardless of race, sex or complexion to participate and be a part of the State which, despite Greek traditions stating otherwise, affects very little to the local populace which, under the rough conditions of the region, have still maintained egalitarian traditions over Greek ones, creating the distinction between a Greek man and a Shangurian man.

Government: Kingdom
Retinue: King Callum Riley (NE A, 8), Chancellor Tim Burton (LE C, 9), General Gallus Caepasius (LE S, 8)
Religion: Hellenism
Language: Latin
Traditions: Sea Farers, Romans, Worship of Ancestors
Relations: Gallic Empire (Ally)
Military: High Classical
Issues: Anglo-Saxon Migrations, Irish Frontier, London Riots, Culture Clash, Separatist Movements.

- King Callum is growing tired of the roman delegations imposing their authority and causing mischief around the towns as legion soldiers leave taverns drunk and trifle about London. He decides to draft a letter to the Embassy, asking them to prepare a campaign against the revolting Medina, convincing the governor he must be shown the true power of Rome so he can submit to their will. The proposal is hardly taken seriously by the Roman Senate, but the current emperor notices an opportunity to make some prestige in Rome by campaigning at the borders of the known world, and so, enough support is gathered for units to be send to Britannia, commanded by the emperor himself. The Legions, mostly consisting of German Foederati who make quick work of Medina and his armies, extinguishing Briton rebellion once and for all. The new Emperor rejoices on his victory and sends a message to Rome to celebrate…shortly before being assassinated by one of his Bodyguards hired by a rival senator to assassinate him. The remaining Germanic Legionaries have proven hard to accommodate, and Amos Gentry has sent them to the frontiers to fight off the rest of the tribal or repopulate abandoned Briton settlements
- Eligius Britannicus is tasked with traveling across the kingdom and negotiate to obtain the loyalty of the local tribes to the Roman Overseer. Many demand to be recognized as Roman citizens of the empire if they are going to be under their leadership, which is a no-deal as our relation is strictly that of a Foederati. While many hardline nationalists maintain their authority in Ireland and refuse to ever be a Roman subject.
- The High priest has subtlety rallied the masses using the centralized system of the churches to fight off Roman Presence. At first subtlety by denouncing their false gods over the Britianic tetrarchy, but soon get out of control as Lloyd sanctions the killing and lynching of Roman soldiers, before anyone knows, a huge anti-Roman rebellion has formed and is marching towards London before they are stopped by General Gallus on Winchester and retreat to regain forces to siege the capital. By orders of Gallus, the priest and all his collaborators have been arrested and are forced to join the rebels in-hiding, and Callum appoints a new friendlier Chancellor.
- With a new king comes a new Kingdom. King Callum Riley, patriotic and Determined, lived much of his childhood in Cornwall, suffering the terrible conditions of the land and constant warfare, he was brought to study in Saena under a Roman Mentor, where he gained much knowledge in all possible fields, he has now returned to lead the Britianic People against the revolting natives, and has implemented a more centralized government in London where he oversees direct control of all cities from the Capital, and has constructed a basilica where all matters of law, state and even religion are overseen in one place, this has led to a rift amongst regions, as those in further in Cornwall and the northern lands feel Disenfranchised from the current government, and have taken to support local Separatists to further massacre Roman citizens and revert to Original Britianic Traditions.
- A new church has arrived from Rome; they call themselves Christians and have gained many converts amongst the disenfranchised of the kingdom, angering the priest class and believers of the tetrarchy.
- The Western side of Rome has been overrun by Germanic invaders and the last holdout of their authority has defected and formed the Gallic Empire, because of this Callum has seen fit to declare the independence of Britiaci once again, while maintaining Roman traditions and laws and Allying with Gallia to restore order in the face of invaders. A group of Germanics have begun raiding and settling in our coasts near London and Asisium, calling themselves Anglos, they sail from Denmark looking for opportunities of conquest like their brothers took, and have allied with Saxons to undermine our authority.


Heaven Canceler
Government: Tribal Kingdom
Retinue: King Youwearie(TN S, 8), Prince Hlain(LG B, 10), Chief Cooradoo (LG A, 7), Chancellor Bamaga (CG C, 9)
Religion: Shamanism
Language: Pama-Nyungan
Traditions: Half-Nomads, Sea Farers, Musicians
Relations: None
Military: Primitive
Issues: Unruly Chancellor

- A crusade is launched once and for all to eliminate the pagans east, the battle is fierce, and many generations of men's blood is spilled before the fight is over. The victory against the Papuans is glorious albeit costly, and becomes an important part of the holy Kolongullan scriptures as a focal point of their story.

- Money is put into hiring dancers, musicians and entertainers across the world to maintain the morale of the populace and affront the tragedy of the tsunamis with a smile. This solution doesn't amuse Bamaga, with the Chancellor preferring real pragmatic approaches to terrible catastrophes like this one rather than lie to the people with festivals and music and begins doubting the legitimacy and leader material of the King, he instead, takes on to constructing anti-flood walls to avoid more disasters in the future

- Chief Cooradoo agrees with the Chancellor on the approach of the King, and puts a huge sum of his funds to instead, fund hospitals across the cities in order to help aid the sick and those affected by the Tsunamis. Thanks to their efforts, Cooradoo has become a beloved icon in Kolongullan society, and has begun hanging out with the Chancellor more often, surely to take advantage of his popularity to overshadow the King, Youwearie is too busy to look at the problems at home however…

- He has instead taken on to sailing across the Indonesian Isles, exploring and building ports all over the islands, committed to fulfilling the dreams of his father of finding the Indies. He has become a good friend of Indian traders and has even found out of City-states in … which begin trade with the Kolongullan, bringing in many exotic goods from far abroad.

- While the King is busy sailing, many revolts appear in Guinea. Recent taxes placed to deal with the crisis and the apparent absence of the king has made many city-states leave the confederation. In order to maintain the stability of the Kingdom, Prince Hlain steps in as regent, and orders a reunion amongst leaders to reach a compromise. Chancellor Bamaga as well as a large number of the Kolongullan demand the dynasty is ended, and in its place a confederacy is formed, effectively decentralizing the kingdom once again, Hlain has withheld his response and awaits for his father before he can make the decision of handing the empire to Bamaga and Cooradoo or face civil war.

- Forced labor captives are used to rebuild the cities destroyed by the tsunamis, leading to faster development and reconstruction.

Government: Kingdom
Retinue: Pharaoh Nub-khas (LG A, 8), General Uah-er-meri (LG A, 7), Chancellor Ra-nefer (TN B, 9),
Religion: Christianism
Language: Meroitic
Traditions: Egalitarianism, Trading, Ancient Kingdom
Relations: Aksum (Ally)
Military: High Classical
Issues: Religious Tensions, Roman Raids

- Christianity is embraced as the official state religion, and all previous pagan temples and sites are sacked for money to aid the financial crisis. The Hellenistic population, having little political power the counter these events, follow along the conversions made by Ra-nefer, and Bektmut is hanged for trying to usurp the Christian ministry.

- A new problem has appeared however, as the Christian denomination Ra-nefer converted to is that of one based on Fire Temples of the far east, one called the "Catholic" Branch, which differs from the Abrahamic Branch from Jerusalem, holding larger sway of the population and having more converts. Solutions have been applied to solve this, mostly through conversion, but the rift between doctrines is quite noticeable and will anger the largely Judeo-Christian populace.
- Training grounds are constructed to drill soldiers on the daily, they are built everywhere across the kingdom to test the soldiers on all biomes possible.

- The tax system is reformed, now pagans are forced to pay a new tax in order to maintain their citizenship on the empire, it has worked quite effectively as the tax doesn't differentiate from Christian denomination, and converts of all kinds are welcomed. The reform also includes lower taxes for soldiers, veterans and merchants, which, despite not earning a net positive in income for Kush, it makes those positions valuable, leading to an increase in sailor merchants in the Red Sea, as well as recruits and sailors.

- Christian missionaries are hired and send to spread the word of Christ wherever they can, they report back and say Aksum and other parts of Africa have now converted to Christianity.

- Camel riders are sent to scout and claim more land near Egypt, when the romans conquer the region and annex the entire province. In an attempt to counter Kushite advances the romans have hired mercenaries of their own and engaged our riders at Red Sea Hills, where the grueling battle in the hostile sands ends up lethal for our forces, and the land de facto theirs. Meanwhile, Roman riders cross the borders and regularly attack our fortifications and villages at the frontier, taking slaves and destroying buildings that are important for maintain order at the border.
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