[X]Believe in the Myth. Your summons are not Parahumans, nor anything this world knows of.
-[X] But still treat them like people not some impossible being they have feeling wishes and belief of there own.
[X]Believe in the Myth. Your summons are not Parahumans, nor anything this world knows of.
Honestly denial at this point is just ridiculous. Taylor's admitting that the Triumvirate can't do things this massive and even the Endbringers have never shown powers on this scale.
[X]Believe in the Myth. Your summons are not Parahumans, nor anything this world knows of. -[X] But still treat them like people not some impossible being they have feeling wishes and belief of there own.
[X]Believe in the Myth. Your summons are not Parahumans, nor anything this world knows of. -[X] But still treat them like people not some impossible being they have feeling wishes and belief of there own.
'They can do things that are not possible for a normal Cape... which means... they are not Parahumans?'
Taylor is slowly realizing what she is summoning. She still don't fully believe it, though she can see that they are inhuman enough to be a simple Parahuman.
In her contemplation, she didn't notice Simurgh getting closer to her.
"Young girl. I have gotten Batal's words that he will guard this tree." Simurgh said. "I can see through the intent of most humans so I know he is speaking sincerely." She elaborated.
"Ah... oh..."
"Well then, I think we have stayed a bit too long in this land. We should go back before your father worries." Simurgh said.
Taylor can only need at that while still contemplating about her realization about their true nature. While they are in the air, Taylor seems to have finally taken the composure to ask questions again.
"So... is it true?" Taylor asked.
"Of course. You have already seen an example of a miracle, isn't it?" She said.
Taylor can still clearly recall what Simurgh did. How she sung her feelings to the world, and giving the world new life through the seeds from the Tree of Life.
It is divine and majestic. It is more beautiful than any CGI effects or Parahuman powers that she have heard of.
It easily tops her amazement for Alexandria, which is one of the heroes that she is favorable of.
"Then... why are you helping me?" Taylor asked in confusion. "I mean, I summoned you. But it seems like you can freely do whatever you want without my consent so... why?" Taylor asked in confusion.
If they are really a part of a Myth, then she can't understand why they are following her.
Characters from Myth can easily be categorized by two. Those who are maliciously violent and those who are heroically violent.
She knows. She reads a lot of books.
Just like how heroes on the ancient times go around saving people left and right by killing someone. Maybe a demonic beast, or maybe a divine beast. They will kill it.
Then there are those who are mischievous or outright malicious who are also violent. They will kill or make people suffer just because of petty reasons.
Sometimes, they will tame some legendary creature, but that's only a plot point for later parts of the Myth.
Gods are even a whole different matter. They are dangerous if someone tries to anger them.
Try to lie to them? Divine retribution!
Try to trick them into doing something? Divine retribution!
Did they have a bad day? Divine retribution!
It doesn't matter. Gods on Myths are total assholes or apathetic know-it-alls.
There are a few Myths who are good and doesn't involve themselves on those old cliches, but they are far too few of them.
So she can't really understand why Simurgh is following her. She vaguely recalls Simurgh being one of the popular myths on the Middle East.
Did she see something in her? Maybe she is destined to do something great?
"Because you are a Master." Simurgh simply explained. "I can see that you don't understand what it means to be a Master, so let me tell you the covenant that all the different cosmos has agreed with." Simurgh stated before Taylor could ask for it.
She told her about the Trimurti. Brahma, the God of Creation, have discovered a world that is heavily connected to all of the Myths.
Seeing their gross misused of their magical powers (or more like the lack of knowledge to use it), she have decided to enforce an agreement to their world.
All the Myths in the different cosmos will aid in that world with the use of Summoning. Those summoners will be called as the Masters.
Masters can summon a fragment of that Myth, which will aid them in their lives (whether it's through combat or daily stuffs). Through summoning, they can train their powers and stop their useless way of flailing around with it.
It seems like Masters have the potential to essentially seal the Gods. So seeing those kind of potential being wasted because of their lack of knowledge is honestly concerning.
What if they accidentally destroyed the world? What if after that destruction, they involved their neighboring cosmos?
So Brahma created the rule of summoning, with Vishnu and Shiva helping with it.
Then, the other Gods agreed with their proposal, which ended with the current state of the Masters.
Now, Masters can use their powers properly with the help of their fragments. The destruction of multiple cosmos, even if it's a small possibility, was totally averted.
This is the first time Simurgh have seen a Master capable of summoning an original, not just a fragment of themselves.
Which means Taylor have a large potential. More so than the family of Strenz, which is a family that seems to be capable of facing the Trimurti in a head-on fight.
"You have the right to be our Master. Your power is more than you can think of." Simurgh explained.
Taylor is surprised to hear that the Trimurti, gods from a different mythology, has involved themselves on the matter of the other myths.
She didn't even thought that it was possible for the different kinds of Myths to meet each other.
"Don't worry Master. Even if you summon the Gods, I am sure they will follow your commands. You just need to take care of your attitude and your words when giving them orders." Simurgh warned her.
"... Are you really sure about that?" Taylor asked.
"Of course. It's a covenant from all the Gods known to the multiverse. Even the strongest of spirits and demons won't dare defy the covenant." Simurgh explained. "Also, you are an interesting person. I think that's a plus." Simurgh said with a gentle tone.
"... I don't think I am not that interesting..." Taylor reflexively replied with a sheepish look.
"No. You are a wonderful person. You are not perfect, but your flaws makes you more human than the heroes I encountered in my world." Simurgh told her.
Taylor felt a surge of happiness came to her as she heard Simurgh's honest remarks. Though she can only look sheepishly on the direction where Simurgh's main body is located.
The two of them became silent, flying to the skies as they go back to Brockton Bay.
'... I am a wonderful person, huh?' Getting back to Brockton Bay is easy. It was already night, and to make things not so complicated, they decided to land to the Boat Graveyard at the guise of the night.
Good thing it was a dark night. The clouds dotting the skies have hidden Simurgh's humongous wings as they landed on the coast.
After landing, they quickly get back to the house.
Taylor is a bit worried about her father. Though when they got back, she was glad to see him waiting for her at the porch.
Bahamut also greeted both of them before she moves to Simurgh so they can talk to each other.
It seems like she heard the Simurgh's song. She stated her desire to go along with them when they decided to check on the tree again.
After that, they finally go inside the house so they can talk to each other.
It seems like nothing special happens in this day. Danny does his job while Bahamut is faithfully following him as a guard.
Though, it seems like her Dad gave Bahamut permission to at least talk to animals, seeing that she is getting a bit bored looking listlessly at the Union. Of course he didn't forget to tell her that she should only limit herself from one or two animals, and they should be small enough so the people here don't get suspicious.
Danny also drink the sap of the Cow Ear. Taylor quickly notices it. His hair is full once again and most of his wrinkles have vanished. It seems like he also got a bit more energetic, saying that even the aches he didn't know of were suddenly gone.
The day ended with a meal cooked personally by Simurgh before they go to bed to sleep.
Before sleeping, Taylor thought what she should do next...
[]Check up on the tree tomorrow. You are unsure if the group from Baghdad can protect it.
[]Stay on the city. Something might happen.
[X] Let Bahamut decide what you do tommorow. Today you followed Simurghs suggestions and even left her behind,it is only fair that you do something that she likes tommorow.
[X]Check up on the tree tomorrow. You are unsure if the group from Baghdad can protect it.
-[X] Perhaps it could be an outing, taking Bahamut and Danny as well. It would make up for Bahamut not being able to see the Tree of Life being planted.
[X]Check up on the tree tomorrow. You are unsure if the group from Baghdad can protect it.
-[X] Perhaps it could be an outing, taking Bahamut and Danny as well. It would make up for Bahamut not being able to see the Tree of Life being planted
[X]Check up on the tree tomorrow. You are unsure if the group from Baghdad can protect it.
-[X] Perhaps it could be an outing, taking Bahamut and Danny as well. It would make up for Bahamut not being able to see the Tree of Life being planted
A thought occurred to me, we summon these myths in their entirety.
What would happen if we were to summon Yggdrasil? Would her homeworld be destroyed?
[X]Check up on the tree tomorrow. You are unsure if the group from Baghdad can protect it.
-[X] Perhaps it could be an outing, taking Bahamut and Danny as well. It would make up for Bahamut not being able to see the Tree of Life being planted
Adhoc vote count started by Levelgap on Sep 19, 2021 at 6:57 PM, finished with 7 posts and 7 votes.
[X]Check up on the tree tomorrow. You are unsure if the group from Baghdad can protect it.
-[X] Perhaps it could be an outing, taking Bahamut and Danny as well. It would make up for Bahamut not being able to see the Tree of Life being planted.
[X] Let Bahamut decide what you do tommorow. Today you followed Simurghs suggestions and even left her behind,it is only fair that you do something that she likes tommorow.
Scheduled vote count started by Levelgap on Sep 18, 2021 at 11:21 PM, finished with 8 posts and 7 votes.
[X]Check up on the tree tomorrow. You are unsure if the group from Baghdad can protect it.
-[X] Perhaps it could be an outing, taking Bahamut and Danny as well. It would make up for Bahamut not being able to see the Tree of Life being planted.
[X] Let Bahamut decide what you do tommorow. Today you followed Simurghs suggestions and even left her behind,it is only fair that you do something that she likes tommorow.
It was early in the morning when Taylor decided to tell them about her plans today.
"Why don't we check out the Tree of Life today?" Taylor said before continuing. "Of course, you and Dad can come along." She said.
It's so sudden that Danny took the time to process what she says first before he can reply to her.
"I... think that is not possible on this day. You know I have to work." Danny said.
"... Well... I don't know. Maybe you can take a day off or something?" Taylor asked, though she is not feeling confident right now.
"I'm sorry. I really want to come with you, but I can't really leave my work today." He said in apology.
"... Is that so?" Taylor said, though she is a bit letdown hearing him say that.
"Don't worry. We can do this next time." Danny said. "Also, if you really want, the three of you can go without me." He added.
"But I can't! What if something happens to you when we're gone?" Taylor rebuked with a bit of concern in her voice.
"I've already eaten that plant you gave me. You can see the effects right?" Danny countered. "You don't need to worry. I am sure I can handle myself just fine." He said.
While they are talking like that, it seems like Simurgh decided to open the TV. She seems to know how to use the technologies here.
As she opened the TV, their focus were suddenly turned to it.
"-ith the PRT trying to track down who is the one responsible for this event. Official announcement stated that the culprit might likely be located on the East Coast." The female newscaster said before continuing. "In other news, PRT ENE spokesperson Williams have stated that the culprit of the rampage of the animals three days ago is also the one who cause this international panic. You can see that they are currently going around the Docks, which is the most likely place the villain is hiding. It is still unknown how the villain manage to get to another continent and the spokesperson didn't elaborate further so most citizens are doubtful about his claims."
While the news is continuing on, Taylor is becoming a bit pale when she sees it.
It seems like the whole world is on a frenzy due to this new event. Also, it seems like the PRT in this city are trying to paint a bad picture of her, without directly telling it to the masses.
"How dare they!" She heard her Dad suddenly yelling anger.
The normal breakfast mood was totally ruined just by the news.
The Simurgh seems is a bit surprised, but also seems to have anticipated this.
"... Would you like me to change the channel, young girl?" She asked her Master.
"No. Let me see more of the news."
The plans to go to Iraq was quickly forgotten as she looks at the news.
Based on the news, it seems like the seeds that the Simurgh spreads all over the world were currently being hunted by every organizations in this world. Specifically, the UN decided to request for the purge of all the "Potentially dangerous swarms" on their continent and didn't make it clear that those "Swarms" are just seeds for plants. The PRT have acquiesced on this request and even encouraged everyone to call the PRT if one of these seeds fell on their neighborhood.
She looks at the international news and heard about the mass orders to burn or extract all of these seeds. It seems like they wanted to eradicate all of the seeds before, in their own words, do something bad on the continent.
Simurgh, the one who sung at the top of the Tree of Life, is currently designated as a potential S Class Threat. The PRT designated her villain name as Harpy.
The Triumvirate is going to make an announcement next time. People speculated that it will be about the tree and what are their plans for it.
Going to Iraq, it seems like the PRT requested entry and block access to the tree, with some plans of burning it to the ground or others wanting to research it. They are denied access by the current rulers of Iraq, stating that this is their own country's affair and no one must intervene.
Other international groups, like the Gesselschaft, has announced that they will hunt the Harpy and teach her a lesson why she shouldn't mess with Cape affairs or other personal agendas.
As for the news on this city, Simurgh speculated that the PRT might be trying to force her to come out and become a scapegoat for this. They might have no evidence, though they might have some outside information that causes them to be confident about their accusation.
She speculated that the PRT won't come in their house. They are waiting for her Master to come out herself. Depending on how her Master reacts, the PRT will still put it in a negative light, which will make the public hate her, and make it legal for the PRT to finally arrest her with the support of the population.
Hearing the news and Simurgh's speculations, Taylor suddenly felt overwhelmed.
Though, in Bahamut's case...
"How dare they! They have the gall to reject God's gift to this world!?" She yelled indignantly. "Master, give this Bahamut permission to enlighten the world about the true purpose of His Lord's miracle!" She requested as she turned to Taylor with eager anticipation.
Taylor felt a bit terrified when she heard it on Bahamut's mouth now.
She has just realized yesterday that they are really a part of the myth. So she didn't know what Bahamut plans on doing, but she definitely didn't want to know what she meant about "Enlightening" them.
"It seems like they are calling me Harpy because my name has already been claimed by the False Angel." Simurgh muttered to herself. "I know it was the organization itself who named that False Angel, but it still hurts that I can't even call myself like that anymore..." She said while feeling down about it.
Taylor is still confused and reeling at the sudden bomb that fell on her life.
She knows what the Tree of Life can do. The Simurgh has already given the fresh sample of plants that came from her wings yesterday. It was a proof that the Tree of Life is beneficial to the world.
And the world is willing to throw it under the mud because of their paranoia.
'What is it with this world and their pessimistic views!' She thought in anger. Though she quickly retracted that thought as she realized why is it like that. 'I know... It looks like a work of a Biotinker, despite the fact that no Biotinkers have ever done it. They won't think it was a miracle, but something that was caused by a Parahuman. And it is known that Parahumans who does things big are either idiots or psychopaths.' She thought with a frown.
It might be a bit of a bias, but it was already public knowledge that heroes tends to limit themselves so the public won't get scared of them while villains doesn't think about it that much.
Well, there are villains who play ball, but that is because they don't have any strong powers, or they are just an eccentric who wanted to play politics. Also, their neighbors might be a strong hero so they are not going over the line.
But the point still stands. Villains, mostly those who have an overinflated ego, will always do big things. Just like what Simurgh did to create the Tree of Life.
And it always ends up bad when it happens.
"Are we still going to the Tree of Life?" Simurgh asked her.
Taylor don't know. Going to Iraq might put a large target on her back. But just leaving it alone is also not something she can do.
That is a tree that can easily recover the whole ecosystem. If they try to destroy it, then the world is essentially their life away.
That tree is now an essential lifeline for this world. In this time in which the Endbringers constantly push humanity on the brink, that tree is one of the hopes so humanity can still continue living.
'What should I do!?'
[]Go to Iraq.
-[]With Simurgh
-[]With Bahamut
-[]With both of your summons
-[]With both of your summons and your Dad
[]Let one of your summons go to Iraq to check on it
[]Leave the Tree of Life and let events take it's course
So actually, I am planning to make a PHO interlude about the world's reaction to the Tree of Life. But I don't know how I can do that, so I decided to skip to this chapter.
I mean Taylor did make the right logical conclusion for fear of biotinker and their unstable creations, that can result in something extremely bad even if isn't the case here. Plus I don't think Sim singing to the whole so they can hear was a smart move especially with the master fear and possible (Endbringer)Ziz comparison. So people are rightly afraid of the Tree and Sim, because their not aware of the trees true function, they just did it without any warning. And this is the consequence of it, but there still the possibility to turn this around, if we can convince people especially Heroes like Legend who will definitely understand, since he's a calm and logic guy with compassion, he will definitely listen to Taylor and her summons explanation.
Tho I do find it kinda weird how the PRT know it's actually Taylor tho? Especially making such connections.
Also I know this is late but the PRT's influence is actually more limited around areas like America and maybe Canada, it's the Guild that leans more on the international side of things, the PRT are more locale in terms of country which is the U.S.A. So they couldn't interfere too much on things outside their zone of influence, why do you think Africa is like that? I don't think Iraq would have any PRT in it except maybe their own version. So there PRT being in Iraq if weird especially when it's not within their jurisdiction.
They didn't know it's her. PRT ENE is just playing mind games so Taylor will show herself and be arrested after the public sees her in a negative light.
I mean, they are still bothered that Bahamut is still free and they can't do anything without breaking the Unwritten Rules. They wanted to have control.
Or that's my explanation anyway... I am still not clear about what to do about that...
Also I know this is late but the PRT's influence is actually more limited around areas like America and maybe Canada, it's the Guild that leans more on the international side of things, the PRT are more locale in terms of country which is the U.S.A. So they couldn't interfere too much on things outside their zone of influence, why do you think Africa is like that? I don't think Iraq would have any PRT in it except maybe their own version. So there PRT being in Iraq if weird especially when it's not within their jurisdiction.
It's not the PRT, more than the UN who requested it. The PRT, through their government's backing, are just asking entry to Iraq. Of course it won't happen easily...
Though, they still won't let things slide because the whole world is affected. So they wanted to put their presence there, even if it's not really their sphere of influence.
The Guild is also included on the ones requested to take care of the Tree of Life. It's not just in the news so Taylor didn't know.
Hm, as much as the pair of father and daughter may be averse to it, the possibility should be considered of moving, complete with the house, to Baghdad. The Tree of Life must be protected no matter the cost, and constantly going back and forth in this way while trying to maintain secrecy of identity is untenable.
There is already an excellent place to start in Baghdad, having won hearts and minds. There are worse places in which to start a new life. As for Brockton Bay, let it self-destruct. Let the vultures fight over the dregs of that cesspool.