Hm, then Taylor should summon a few more wise ones first, the better that they may be by her side to counsel her when she questions Flauros, advising her about how to phrase the questions so that no part of the truth is omitted. Genbu and Ose should probably be summoned first, accompanying Taylor when she questions Flauros. Ose can give Taylor a magnificent education, while Genbu can teach other important aspects and how to synthesise that knowledge and best apply it, namely teaching Taylor the ways of wisdom, good judgement, and how to live a good life.
In terms of order for the Goetic demons, it should probably be Ose, Amy, then Flauros. Ose, as the great teacher, can probably teach Taylor all about the other demons of the Ars Goetia, what to beware, and how to go about her business as a conjurer. Ose makes men wise in all liberal sciences, which Taylor rather needs, and will answer truly about divine and secret matters. Furthermore, Ose may actually be an easy way to deal with many threats, even the most lethal of them. After all, if the summoner wishes it, Ose can make the target believe that they are the creature or thing that the summoner desires. Alternatively, Ose can make the target think that they are a king wearing a crown or a pope. Either way, it would be an efficient and safe way to neutralise many of the aforementioned threats in Earth Bet.
Next would be Amy. In the absence of Flauros, Amy can divine the future by peering into the flames. Furthermore, Amy makes one marvelous in astrology and the liberal sciences, gives excellent familiars, and reveals treasure. Alas, Amy hoped to return to the seventh throne after 1,200 years, but that hope is not credible. If summoned, depending upon which others are summoned, perhaps Taylor and the other can help Amy in achieving that redemption.
[X]Give them tribute. You don't want to be troubled by them.
-[X]First check if it going to a good cause.
--[X]If it is, give three times what is asked.
--[X]If bread and salt are available to be given, then share bread and salt as well to invoke hospitality and form a bond.
Somebody has to ensure that the tree doesn't fall into the wrong hands.
[X]Give them tribute. You don't want to be troubled by them.
-[X]First check if it going to a good cause.
--[X]If it is, give three times what is asked.
No one deserves to starve, let's give'em some food, it's not like we're short on it.
[x] [X]Give them tribute. You don't want to be troubled by them. -[X]First check if it going to a good cause. --[X]If it is, give three times what is asked.
Adhoc vote count started by Levelgap on Sep 17, 2021 at 4:27 PM, finished with 14 posts and 10 votes.
[X]Give them tribute. You don't want to be troubled by them. -[X]First check if it going to a good cause. --[X]If it is, give three times what is asked.
[X]Give them tribute. You don't want to be troubled by them. -[X]First check if it going to a good cause. --[X]If it is, give three times what is asked. --[X]If bread and salt are available to be given, then share bread and salt as well to invoke hospitality and form a bond.
[X]Give them tribute. You don't want to be troubled by them.
-[X]First check if it going to a good cause.
--[X]If it is, give three times what is asked.
--[X]If bread and salt are available to be given, then share bread and salt as well to invoke hospitality and form a bond.
Voting time is now closed. Please wait for the update....
Scheduled vote count started by Levelgap on Sep 16, 2021 at 9:46 PM, finished with 16 posts and 11 votes.
[X]Give them tribute. You don't want to be troubled by them. -[X]First check if it going to a good cause. --[X]If it is, give three times what is asked.
[X]Give them tribute. You don't want to be troubled by them. -[X]First check if it going to a good cause. --[X]If it is, give three times what is asked. --[X]If bread and salt are available to be given, then share bread and salt as well to invoke hospitality and form a bond.
"Okay. Let's give them some of our food." Taylor said before continuing. "Though, ask them first where it is going before giving it to them." Taylor said.
"Then, I will do so." Simurgh complied before turning her attention back to the costumes guy. "My companion is willing to give tribute to this city. Her only condition is to know where it will be used to."
One of the costumed guys at the back seems to not like it.
"Huh!? Are you kidding!? You don't have a choice in this matter!"
"Khatima, stand down!" The one at the lead warned him.
"... Yes... Batal..." He backs off though not before directing a glare at Simurgh's way.
After that, Batal turned back to Simurgh.
"I apologize for that." He said with a bow of his head.
"It is fine. I can feel that everyone is tensed after our appearance, so I anticipated this." Simurgh replied in assurance.
"Then... about our purpose. We wanted to give it to the ones at this side." He said.
"... Are you talking about the East Side of Baghdad?" Simurgh asked.
Batal nodded at her questions before speaking. "Beyond the Tigris River, the west side of this city is being ruled by the Almalik Aleazim!" He explained with a bitter tone.
"... Are they hostile?"
"Yes. They have been trying to claim this part since the time we lose contact to the outside world." He said. "I don't know what's happening but it seems like some foreign villain groups are helping the Almalik Aleazim."
"I see..." Simurgh nodded at his words in understanding.
"... By the way. How about your companion? It seems like she is a foreigner... can she speak our language?" Batal asked.
"Actually, I am acting as her guide for this trip. We are planning to do something in this city." She explained before continuing. "So, I have confirmed your sincerity. I'll convey what you told me to my companion." She stated before turning back to Taylor.
She explained what they are talking about and she said that she can hear Batal's honesty, so she thinks they could be trusted.
Taylor decided to trust Simurgh's explanation.
"Thank you." Simurgh said before turning back to Batal. "My companion has accepted your terms. We will give you food as our payment to get inside." She stated before unfurling one of her wings.
That wing grew in size before stopping just before it touches the building on the distance.
"Please. Take as much as you can." Simurgh said.
"... Oh, are those vegetables and fruits... and I can see some pouches.. what's inside it?" Batal asked while looking at the wings in awe.
"Those are salt, some wine, and flour that I stored within me in my long travels." Simurgh explained.
"Oh.... is it really okay to take anything from there?" He asked in worry.
"Of course. There is no need to be reserved." Simurgh assured them with a gentle smile.
"Then... please excuse us..." After saying that, he looks at Khatima. "Call for some men. Tell them to take some trucks." He ordered.
"Okay!" He quickly obeyed and rush out of the area. Taylor thought it will only take an hour or two before they can get back to her city. She didn't thought this will take a long time.
Simurgh graciously gave tons of vegetables, fruits, wheats, some kilos of salt, and enough wine to fill two barrels.
Three trucks were filled to the brim with her products before Simurgh said that it is enough.
"We give our thanks to our god, Allah, for this blessing!" Batal said in a reverent manner, like he is praying to someone.
Hearing that, Simurgh felt a bit bitter, hearing one of the names of her Lord. She quickly manage to put on her solemn appearance before Taylor could get close to her.
"We can now walk on this city without any intervention." Simurgh stated.
"Finally! I thought it will take a bit more longer!" Taylor said, finally feeling relieved that she didn't have to wait anymore.
"Wait..." Batal said, causing the two of them to stop to look at him. "May I ask your name?" He asked the both of them.
"I apologize, I can't tell you my companion's name." Simurgh said in apology. "As for me, you may call me as Anzu." She said.
Simurgh knows her current name is seen in a negative light. She can only use her past name so the others doesn't ask about it that much.
"Anzu... thank you for your cooperation. This is a big help for us!" Batal said in gratitude.
"It's only natural to help those who needs it." Simurgh said, though she accepted his thanks on her way. "Well then, we will be going now." She said.
"Anzu!" Batal called out again. "If you have any problem, just call us! We will try and aid you in your problems!" He said with a serious look.
"If the time comes, then I will do so." Simurgh said with a nod.
After that, the two of them walks once again, going to their destination. It took them a bit of walking. They quickly managed to get to an opening in this city.
It seems like their destination is one of the large parks on this part. There are barely any people in here.
They go inside it and walk for a bit more until the Simurgh stops.
"We are here." She said.
Taylor just looks around and she can't feel anything special in this place.
Simurgh just continues on without waiting for her to react. She took something within her wings. It was a large brownish she'll, that have some greenish hue in it.
Essentially, a giant seed.
"... Is that, the seed of that Tree of Life?" Taylor asked in curiosity.
"Yes. This is the miraculous seed that can give birth to the Tree of Life. One of the God's miracle!" She said.
"Yeah... okay, I still think it's not really that amazing." Taylor said.
She still thinks it's just some biotinker product.
Simurgh just gave her a smile before letting the seed fall on the ground.
In a way that is supposed to be impossible, the giant seed just passed through the ground and quickly latches itself under.
"Behold, the miraculous tree that gave life to continents!" Simurgh declared with a voice that sounds both soft and charismatic.
In an instant, a bud suddenly occured on the ground. Then, like a fast forwarded video, it quickly grows. First by growing to impossible lengths, then by slowly having roots, after that, it acquired many branches.
It continues to grow at an astounding rate. Already, the whole area has darkened due to the tree becoming too large.
"What...!?" Taylor can only open her mouth in shock as she looks at the impossible growth of the tree.
It's too huge. Even if she craned her neck high, she still can't see the top of the tree.
And it just resumes it's growth, not stopping itself.
Surprisingly, all the plants and trees within the shade of this humongous tree are growing slowly along with it. It's like, even without the sunlight hitting it, they are more livelier than before the Tree of Life was planted.
It seems like this alarmed some of the people in this city because Batal and the others suddenly rushes to this place.
"What is happening!?" He asked in confusion while looking at the gigantic tree.
The tree easily reaches the sky. In fact, it pierces the clouds.
The tree finally stops after it reaches 15,000 ft in height.
Taylor is still looking at the tree in shock and amazement. She can't believe that she will see a humongous tree like this.
At most, she is expecting some weird plant that can produce plants through some of their parts, like some sort of chute. Something that she saw from second rate alien movies on the TV.
But a gigantic tree that pierces through the sky, that is something she is not expecting at all.
In fact, no one have done this since the emergence of Parahumans.
Even some obscure Capes who can control plants have, at most, created a miniature garden full of dangerous plants, or even some predator plants.
No one did something like creating a humongous tree that covers a small district.
'How does it even support itself? Won't it lost it's integrity because of it's sheer weight?' Taylor thought about it.
"I can see that you are still unconvinced. Not to worry, I will show you one of the miracles I can do as the one living at the top of the Tree of Life." Simurgh stated before flying to the sky.
It's too quick that Taylor didn't manage to utter any words.
When the Simurgh got to the top of the Tree of Life, she spreads her wings.
It seems like the Tree of Life have already created millions of seeds within it. The miraculous speed at which the Tree of Life is creating seeds is too impossible even for a Parahuman power.
"Let the seeds drift through the skies, the wind guide them on their destination, and the rain to give them nourishment!" She stated in a solemn manner before doing a single flap.
She manage to use a force enough to cause multiple hurricanes and tornadoes. Though instead of those results happening, it only release a breeze that have enough power to pluck the millions of seeds out of the Tree of Life and let it fly gently on the skies.
Taylor can see it. The many seeds that are slowly drifting into the air. It's like they are being guided by invisible hands.
Some of those seeds fell to their side and planted itself on empty plots of land.
Most are going out of the city premises and drifting to the whole world.
Another batch of seeds were created by the Tree of Life, which the Simurgh plucks with the gust created by her wings.
And then, she heard it... the hymn of her summoned being.
Mankind have suffered against the chaotic False Idols
The world torn asunder by their wicked deeds
In spite of that, conflict between own kin is still prevalent
And innocents involved at their own squabbles
I have seen the world with my two eyes
I have felt the land crying
I have heard the ocean mourning
I have tasted the skies' suffering
With my own possession, I give you a small boon of life
I shall paint this world in green
Return the lands destroyed
And restore hope upon humanity
This is my hymn for humanity
Put down your weapons
Befriend each other
And direct your anger at the agents of chaos
A song, that sounds English, but also of different languages.
It is a hymn that Simurgh directed at the whole world.
While humming those tunes, she continuously deliver seeds all over the world.
'.... Amazing!'
She can't help but be in awe of this feat. It's not at the level of theatrics anymore.
Everything she did is majestic. It's all divine, like something that humanity doesn't deserved.
Only the heavens should have the qualifications to hear those beautiful and solemn hymns.
Just by hearing her hymn, Taylor immediately understood what she is conveying.
The Simurgh is hurt. Seeing the world in it's current state. She wanted to help, but think she is not enough to chase away the Endbringers.
She is also sad that humanity is still fighting each other despite the slow impending doom occuring within them.
She wanted to help at least for a bit, by restoring nature in the world. She wanted her song to reach the hearts of humanity so they can think more carefully, and befriend each other.
Somehow, Taylor is convinced that her voice reaches all over the world.
No Parahumans can replicate what she is doing. Not even those from the Triumvirate.
"Then.... is it true?" Taylor asked herself.
She heard someone landing besides her so she quickly turned to that direction. She saw Batal in there along with his group. His gaze is still directed at the sky in a mesmerized manner, like he was trying to see Simurgh.
They are in awe of her song and her feats. She is like a divine being showering the world with her blessings.
'... Is she really an incredible being?' Taylor asked while doubting herself. It took an hour before the Simurgh finally descended. It is still afternoon, but Taylor is sure that the sun is already setting on her city.
It seems like the Simurgh is aware of this too.
"... I can see that you are slowly believing me." Simurgh said after she stares at Taylor for a bit.
Taylor wanted to talk to her, but she is hesitating because of the people besides her.
It seems like these people are currently bowing on the tree in reverence. Along with these people are the three heroes that meets them up awhile ago.
"I see." Simurgh said with a nod. "Then, should we leave this place and talk while on the air?" Simurgh asked.
"Wait... what about the tree?" Taylor asked.
"There is no need to worry. I will occasionally check on it's status." Simurgh said.
"Oh... what about those people. They might do something to the tree." Taylor ask in concern.
"They look like an honest bunch. Though man's greed knows no bound they say... I think I should try and talk to them..." Simurgh said before going to Batal.
While that is happening, Taylor is contemplating within herself.
'She did something amazing. I haven't even seen that by anyone, not even a Tinker!' She tried to think about it more. 'If someone can possibly do this, why not do it now? Is it because they are scared of the villains?' She quickly shook her head. 'No, let's focus. There are no precedents someone can do something like this. The only type of people who can use this massive scale are the Endbringers themselves.' Taylor thought.
Just like what her friend did, the Endbringers can cause large scale effects like tidal waves, city wide radiation, or even mass brainwashing.
Her Simurgh somehow managed to spread her voice all over the world. Taylor didn't even know how she knows that Simurgh's voice reaches all, she just knows!
It's like Simurgh's hymn made people who heard instinctively know that everyone else can hear it. Maybe it's a Stranger effect or something.
'That's not something a normal Cape can do!'
She is confused. Parahumans are explained through science. They have limits, as stated from the many talk shows and wikis on the media and internet. Those limits are even proven by the many examples given to it.
The outliers are those from the Triumvirate, but even those have some limits. If they really have no limits, then they should be able to give a scratch on an Endbringer.
If Simurgh is really a Cape, it should not be possible for her to create a tree that large out of nowhere. She also spreads the seeds of those tree all over the world, not by telekinesis, but by the gust of her wings.
It doesn't make sense. But on Myths, since when did everything make sense?
'Should I... really believe on her?'
[]Believe in the Myth. Your summons are not Parahumans, nor anything this world knows of.
[]Don't believe in it. There must be some sort of explanations how she can do this.
So, once again a Voice echoed throughout the world. This time accompanied by seeds that immediately sprouted.
Yeah, the PRT is going to go insane both assuming master threats and bio-thinker threats and people are going to fight over the tree. I would not be surprised if Mr. Daddy issues, himself unconsciously directs the Endbringers to go attack the tree.
So yeah, best prepare for the worst. Luckily, Danny has regen abilities so he will not be killed like in a shitty fanfic for cheap drama (Yes, I will keep saying this line whenever I can because it is true and not because I am fed up with how many fics that do this.)