Mythological Summoner (Worm/Altpower!Taylor)

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Miracle 2.4
"Bahamut, I think I will be summoning someone again," Taylor said.

"... I understand!" Bahamut nodded before she steps back.

Taylor looked deep within her, felt the vibrating spark inside, and pulled.

The energy moved slowly as it released itself out of her. The expelled mysterious energy turned into light that covered the whole room.

After the light dimmed, Taylor opened her eyes and looked at her newest summon.

She saw... a small girl that only reached up to her stomach. The most notable feature on the girl other than her weird getup was a pair of beautiful wings.

Just by that alone, Taylor already had an inkling of who she had just summoned.

"Greetings, young girl. This one is called Simurgh, the one who lives at the top of the Tree of Life. How can I help you?" The young girl asked in a polite manner.

The girl had a soothing voice, each word a soft yet melodic sound that easily conveyed her emotions to the one hearing it.

But hearing how she referred to herself just further cemented her beliefs. She'd been summoning Endbringers.

'It's the Third Endbringer!' Taylor thought with horror tainting her eyes.

Simurgh, or Ziz. Whatever the people called it on PHO, she was known for being even more terrifying than the other two Endbringers.

While one made cities uninhabitable and the other sunk islands, the Third Endbringer sowed discord and was known as the mastermind behind the conception of many different problems in Earth Bet due to the people that were affected by her control.

It was why those attacked by the Simurgh were always quarantined. It didn't matter if there were still people unaffected by the Simurgh in that city, the government would lock it up and would even go as far as to shoot everyone who tried to escape.

And a small girl claiming to be Simurgh was now in front of her.

Her voice was very pretty, which was contradictory to the testimonies of those who had heard the Simurgh's voice in their head.

Still, Taylor was now convinced. She was definitely summoning Endbringers.

"Master, you look pale. Is there something wrong?" Simurgh asked in concern.

Taylor can feel how concerned she is. The young-looking girl is gazing at her in worry, much like how a mother would look at their child.

It was surreal, seeing a girl who appeared to look like a middle schooler, donning a motherly expression.

"Achot Gdola, This Bahamut is elated for your arrival!" Bahamut exclaimed with excitement.

"My, Achot Ktana!" Simurgh replied with a gentle and relieved smile. "I am glad to see you're safe."

"Of course, This Bahamut won't go down without fulfilling mine destiny!" She declared proudly.

The Simurgh directed a sad gaze at the proud Bahamut.

"... Yes, you're right..."

Having no context for the conversation, Taylor could only stand aside with confusion filling her more and more by the second. "Huh?"

Simurgh noticed her confusion, and quickly acted to remedy their rudeness. "My apologies. We didn't mean to ignore you."

'The Simurgh is apologizing to me. She is one of the most terrifying Endbringers in this world and she is here, apologizing to a squishy human like me!' Taylor freaked out in the privacy of her mind.

"... Master?" Simurgh tried to subtly nudge her with a curious tilt.

"Y-yes!?" Taylor tried to compose herself before repeating again. "Yes, I am fine. I'm just surprised I summoned you..."

"Oh, are you implying that you know me?" Simurgh asked with an amused tone.

Put on the backfoot, fear quickly filled Taylor. "A-ah... no, I mean yes.... maybe...?"

"You don't need to worry. I am just teasing you. You are so tense, so I thought it would help you relax..." Simurgh said, before frowning as she continued, "... Though it seems like you are specifically afraid of me? Am I right?" Having come to a conclusion as she was analyzing her summoner, guilt seemed to set in more and more in the shorter girl's voice.

The Simurgh had seen through her fear of her. It seemed like Taylor didn't really manage to hide it well enough, whether it was the fear in her actions, eyes, or voice.

"I'm sorry!" Taylor quickly apologized.

She hoped the girl was not angry, for she might then decide to turn the people of her city mad and throw them into chaos.

"Ah! You don't need to apologize, young girl!" Simurgh quickly tried to stop her in a panic. "If my presence discomforts you, I am willing to leave and wait for your call."

Being such an emphatic speaker, quite literally, it was impossible for Taylor to miss the deep sorrow in Simurgh's voice.

Taylor wanted to say yes but immediately stopped herself from uttering such a thing.

'Her, going out there!? Never!' She immediately thought. 'Besides If she is this considerate of me, then that means she will also obey me... Maybe?'

If Simurgh left, Taylor didn't know what she might do. Though if she stayed here, Taylor didn't know when she might cause chaos. She was known for her subtlety despite being an Endbringer.

This little slip of a girl might be mastering her as she spoke.

In fact, she didn't know if she was already compromised or not.

'But Bahamut is obedient to me! Then the Simurgh will surely not hurt me right!?' Taylor reasoned to herself. 'Wait, where is she going if she is going to leave me?' She thought before directing a question to the winged girl. "... Uhmm... where are you planning to go?"

"To the center of the world where I will plant the Tree of Life. I will wait for your call if you need me," The Simurgh answered.

'Where the hell is the center of the world!?' Taylor thought in confusion.

She was pretty scared. Though if she really was anything like Bahamut, then she might be more friendly than what the people of this world thought of her.

She is still fine with Bahamut. Even when Taylor mistook her as Behemoth, she believes she won't harm her because, in Taylor's mind, she should have already been disintegrated by her Kill Aura, if she even had something like that.

But Simurgh, just by name alone, was already a different level of scary.

She can't help but be very wary of the girl.

'What should I do?'

[]Don't let her leave. Make her stay with you.
[]Let her leave. You are scared of her.
[]Tell your Dad about the pile of treasures that Bahamut have created and let him take care of it before going back home.

Voting time will end in 16 ~ 720 hours.

Sorry for the short chapter...

Anyway, this choice is more of a way to convince Taylor that the scary Simurgh is not dangerous. So it's up to you whether you want her by Taylor's side or not.


SP : 1

Beta'd by @NightxAngel
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[X]Don't let her leave. Make her stay with you.
[X]Tell your Dad about the pile of treasures that Bahamut have created and let him take care of it before going back home.
[X]World tree? Can you explain it?
[X]Tell her about earth bet version of them and endbringer in general
[X]Don't let her leave. Make her stay with you.
-[X] Simurgh doesn't seem to know about her reputation, try to explain things.

Let's see if we can get things resolved here. I very much dislike this 'Taylor thinks she's summoning Endbringers' thing.
[X]Don't let her leave. Make her stay with you.
-[X] Simurgh doesn't seem to know about her reputation, try to explain things.

yeah, I kind of want to put a bullet in this before it stretches on too long
[X]Don't let her leave. Make her stay with you.
-[X]Start explaining things and get this Endbringer Misunderstanding stuff over with.
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Yeaaaah xD I think we've squeezed all the fun we can out of this "I'm summoning Endbringers" stuff. Also, why do we have two votes that mean the same thing?

[X]Don't let her leave. Make her stay with you.
-[X]Start explaining things and get this Endbringer Misunderstanding stuff over with.
[X]Don't let her leave. Make her stay with you.
-[X] Simurgh doesn't seem to know about her reputation, try to explain things.
[X]Don't let her leave. Make her stay with you.
-[X]Start explaining things and get this Endbringer Misunderstanding stuff over with.
-[X]World tree? Can you explain it?
[X]Tell your Dad about the pile of treasures that Bahamut have created and let him take care of it before going back home.
[X]Don't let her leave. Make her stay with you.
-[X]Start explaining things and get this Endbringer Misunderstanding stuff over with.
So, all things considered, we will need to plant the Tree of Life.

We also need to, POLITELY, ask Ziz's help in becoming a hero. Ziz is a really good way to get Taylor Therapy. Taylor currently does not want to order those she considers friends to fight but that does not include herself and Ziz's help would be invaluable, especially given Ziz's past performance in raising a hero.
So, all things considered, we will need to plant the Tree of Life.

We also need to, POLITELY, ask Ziz's help in becoming a hero. Ziz is a really good way to get Taylor Therapy. Taylor currently does not want to order those she considers friends to fight but that does not include herself and Ziz's help would be invaluable, especially given Ziz's past performance in raising a hero.
I'm sure everybody will appreciate us encouraging our Not!Endbringer to plant a bio-tinker tree, but I think we need to establish ourselves a bit better to prevent theft.
We wouldn't want someone like Alexandria stealing the tree in order to become unaging after all.
[X]Don't let her leave. Make her stay with you.
[X]Tell your Dad about the pile of treasures that Bahamut have created and let him take care of it before going back home.
[X]World tree? Can you explain it?
[X]Tell her about earth bet version of them and endbringer in general
[X]Don't let her leave. Make her stay with you.
[X]Tell your Dad about the pile of treasures that Bahamut have created and let him take care of it before going back home.
[X]World tree? Can you explain it?
[X]Tell her about earth bet version of them and endbringer in general
[X]Don't let her leave. Make her stay with you.
-[X]Start explaining things and get this Endbringer Misunderstanding stuff over with.

It was funny while it lasted, but it is time to get Taylor's stress levels down. Ironically, True!Simurgh is going to be the best person to get her into a better headspace. None of that, heroes need to fight villains or be completely perfect, junk. Classic heroes were human, flawed, but they did do amazing things and save people. I want to see Classic Hero Taylor and not Comicbook Hero Taylor.

Also, I want to know where the Center of the World is. Is it the actual core, the Garden of Eden (either one), a pocket dimension, a magical space, or what? I would love for Taylor to be there at the planting of the Tree of Life to actually see the magic.
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