Moonlight Sonata (Hellsing/Devil May Cry Quest)

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Your footsteps echoed along the streets, a black cloak covered your entire form leaving much to...
What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse


The World Of Scary Monsters
Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Your footsteps echoed along the streets, a black cloak covered your entire form leaving much to the imagination. Your boot met a puddle as you stopped. Your breath went frigid as you exhaled, the vapor escaped your lips, your senses went on edge. It was how you found creatures of the night, how you found your prey.

Your attention turned towards the alleyway, you saw two men standing over a fallen one.


They were vampires, weak ones from what you could sense.

"Are you finished? We should go before someone gets curious." one of the vampires said, taller than the other.

The vampire, feasting on the neck of his victim stopped. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. We'll kill 'em if someone shows up." he said nonchalantly. That was until a rock collided with his head, knocking him over.

"What the-? Who the hell did that!?" the vampire still standing shouted. He saw you standing at the edge of the alleyway, the moonlight caused you to appear like a wraith. The vampire gulped before he mustered up some false bravado. "What's wrong with you idiot!? Ya got a death wish!?" he roared as he bared his fangs and darted towards you.

The vampire got close and swiped at you, but found his left arm removed from his body and his right leg crippled. Before he could cry out in pain he found the barrel of a pistol jammed into his mouth.

The hammer of the gun was cocked back slowly as the vampire trembled. "Oh? Are you afraid?" your voice rang out in the deadly silent alleyway. He nodded swiftly, hoping to find any kind of way for you not to end him. His hope vanished as the sound of your pistol roared, causing crows to fly away from the rooftops near the alleyway.

A pile of ash laid in front of you as you stepped over it. The shorter vampire held his head as he brought himself to his feet. The hole in his head healed from the thrown stone. He turned around before he found his face smashed into a wall. You held him there as he groaned in pain under your fingertips.

"C'mon man! Don't do it! We were just having a bit of fun ya see!?" he blabbed as his eyes scanned you with panic. The silence you held forced him to grow even more fearful.

"What do you want from me!?"

What did you ask him?

[ ] Stay silent.

[ ] "Where is your boss? I've been dying to meet him."

[ ] "Will you die for me?"


What are you?

[ ] Human

[ ] Enhanced Human

[ ] Vampire

[ ] Werewolf

What was your story?

[ ] Your mother was a demon hunter, she used various fire arms and martial arts to combat and hunt down abominations of the night. You inherited her heterochromia. She was murdered, by a man that went by the name of Dante. You were searching for him, so you could kill him. (Devil May Cry)

[ ] You were found by an older man named Geralt. With his silver hair and yellow eyes, he was something called a Witcher, a mercenary who hunted beasts and other unsightly things per contract. You were currently searching for him, he disappeared one day. (The Witcher)

[ ] You apprenticed under a woman named Maria. She taught you the art of using blood magic and how to wield trick weapons. You hunt beasts, protecting the living world from living a nightmare. Maria has fallen into a deep sleep, you were trying to find a way to lift her from her deep dream. (Bloodborne)

[ ] Your friend executed a dark ritual, transforming him into a being of enormous power. You were to be sacrificed but managed to escape with your life. Your grit and determination have kept you alive as demons and aberrations hunt you every night. (Berserk)
[X] "Where is your boss? I've been dying to meet him."

[X] Enhanced Human

[X] Your mother was a demon hunter, she used various fire arms and martial arts to combat and hunt down abominations of the night. You inherited her heterochromia. She was murdered, by a man that went by the name of Dante. You were searching for him, so you could kill him. (Devil May Cry)
[X] "Where is your boss? I've been dying to meet him."
[X] Enhanced Human
[X] Your friend executed a dark ritual, transforming him into a being of enormous power. You were to be sacrificed but managed to escape with your life. Your grit and determination have kept you alive as demons and aberrations hunt you every night. (Berserk)
[X] "Where is your boss? I've been dying to meet him."

[X] Enhanced Human

[X] Your mother was a demon hunter, she used various fire arms and martial arts to combat and hunt down abominations of the night. You inherited her heterochromia. She was murdered, by a man that went by the name of Dante. You were searching for him, so you could kill him. (Devil May Cry)

Edit: For the sake of opening a dialogue-

We have enough Bloodbourne content on site, and while the Witcher adds a certain dimension of gritty realism, and Berserk has its own grand creatures, Devil May Cry is woefully under-represented among the quests and fics that are active right now.

Besides, Hellsing's bloodiness combined with DMC's awesome style makes for pretty great 'artistic opportunities'.
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Besides, Hellsing's bloodiness combined with DMC's awesome style makes for pretty great 'artistic opportunities'.
I won't overuse Jackpot and Bingo, I promise.
[X] "Where is your boss? I've been dying to meet him."

[X] Enhanced Human

[X] Your mother was a demon hunter, she used various fire arms and martial arts to combat and hunt down abominations of the night. You inherited her heterochromia. She was murdered, by a man that went by the name of Dante. You were searching for him, so you could kill him. (Devil May Cry)
[X] "Where is your boss? I've been dying to meet him."
[X] Enhanced Human
[X] Your friend executed a dark ritual, transforming him into a being of enormous power. You were to be sacrificed but managed to escape with your life. Your grit and determination have kept you alive as demons and aberrations hunt you every night. (Berserk)

Guts expy is a go!
By the way what does enhanced mean? Is it a predetermined thing or something we customize later?

I personally believe the other options won't help us since it's been said over and over in Hellsing canon that only a man can kill a monster but given that, we shouldn't go full human either, because canon also says we can be human and have super powers, I mean shit walter had his super speed and razor wires and anderson had his nano machines and bible magic.
[X] "Where is your boss? I've been dying to meet him."

[X] Enhanced Human

[X] Your mother was a demon hunter, she used various fire arms and martial arts to combat and hunt down abominations of the night. You inherited her heterochromia. She was murdered, by a man that went by the name of Dante. You were searching for him, so you could kill him. (Devil May Cry)
[X] "Where is your boss? I've been dying to meet him."

[X] Enhanced Human

[X] Your mother was a demon hunter, she used various fire arms and martial arts to combat and hunt downabominations of the night. You inherited her heterochromia. She was murdered, by a man that went by the name of Dante. You were searching for him, so you could kill him. (Devil May Cry)
[X] "Where is your boss? I've been dying to meet him."

[X] Enhanced Human

[X] Your mother was a demon hunter, she used various fire arms and martial arts to combat and hunt down abominations of the night. You inherited her heterochromia. She was murdered, by a man that went by the name of Dante. You were searching for him, so you could kill him. (Devil May Cry)
[X] "Will you die for me?"
[X] Enhanced Human
[X] You apprenticed under a woman named Maria. She taught you the art of using blood magic and how to wield trick weapons. You hunt beasts, protecting the living world from living a nightmare. Maria has fallen into a deep sleep, you were trying to find a way to lift her from her deep dream. (Bloodborne)
By the way what does enhanced mean? Is it a predetermined thing or something we customize later?
It's predetermined, for a general idea of strengths and weakness:

Human - Versatile, no major weakness, no mental weaknesses, can possibly turn into the other options, learning new things come easy to you, squishy.

Enhanced Human - Stronger, Faster, no major weakness, no mental weaknesses, unable to turn into the other options.

Vampire - General vampire abilities(shape-shifting, spell-casting, bloodsucking, etc.), weaker in the sunlight, weak to holy items, unable to turn into the other options, may occasionally enter a blood frenzy if you don't consume blood.

Werewolf-Strong, Fast, Enhanced general senses, unable to turn into the other options, can transform into a werewolf, weak to silver, prone to doing before thinking.

If anyone would like for me to elaborate on anything else let me know.
[X] "Where is your boss? I've been dying to meet him."
[X] Human
[X] Your friend executed a dark ritual, transforming him into a being of enormous power. You were to be sacrificed but managed to escape with your life. Your grit and determination have kept you alive as demons and aberrations hunt you every night. (Berserk)
Changing vote, I always prefer greatest potential
[X] "Where is your boss? I've been dying to meet him."
[X] Human
[X] Your mother was a demon hunter, she used various fire arms and martial arts to combat and hunt down abominations of the night. You inherited her heterochromia. She was murdered, by a man that went by the name of Dante. You were searching for him, so you could kill him. (Devil May Cry)
It's predetermined, for a general idea of strengths and weakness:

Human - Versatile, no major weakness, no mental weaknesses, can possibly turn into the other options, learning new things come easy to you, squishy.

Enhanced Human - Stronger, Faster, no major weakness, no mental weaknesses, unable to turn into the other options.

Vampire - General vampire abilities(shape-shifting, spell-casting, bloodsucking, etc.), weaker in the sunlight, weak to holy items, unable to turn into the other options, may occasionally enter a blood frenzy if you don't consume blood.

Werewolf-Strong, Fast, Enhanced general senses, unable to turn into the other options, can transform into a werewolf, weak to silver, prone to doing before thinking.

If anyone would like for me to elaborate on anything else let me know.
Alright sweet and I still prefer the enhanced option seeing as how we won't die due to a bible or a silver filled tooth.
[X] "Where is your boss? I've been dying to meet him."
[X] Enhanced Human
[X] Your friend executed a dark ritual, transforming him into a being of enormous power. You were to be sacrificed but managed to escape with your life. Your grit and determination have kept you alive as demons and aberrations hunt you every night. (Berserk)
[X] "Where is your boss? I've been dying to meet him."
[X] Werewolf
[X] Your friend executed a dark ritual, transforming him into a being of enormous power. You were to be sacrificed but managed to escape with your life. Your grit and determination have kept you alive as demons and aberrations hunt you every night. (Berserk)

Reminds me of the Captain.
[X] "Where is your boss? I've been dying to meet him."
[X] Werewolf
[X] You apprenticed under a woman named Maria. She taught you the art of using blood magic and how to wield trick weapons. You hunt beasts, protecting the living world from living a nightmare. Maria has fallen into a deep sleep, you were trying to find a way to lift her from her deep dream. (Bloodborne)
[X] "Where is your boss? I've been dying to meet him."

[X] Enhanced Human

[X] Your mother was a demon hunter, she used various fire arms and martial arts to combat and hunt down abominations of the night. You inherited her heterochromia. She was murdered, by a man that went by the name of Dante. You were searching for him, so you could kill him. (Devil May Cry)

DMC needs some proper representation on this site.
Sick Smokin' Style!
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[X] "Where is your boss? I've been dying to meet him."
[X] Human
[X] Your mother was a demon hunter, she used various fire arms and martial arts to combat and hunt down abominations of the night. You inherited her heterochromia. She was murdered, by a man that went by the name of Dante. You were searching for him, so you could kill him. (Devil May Cry)
[X] Stay silent.
[X] Werewolf
[X] Your friend executed a dark ritual, transforming him into a being of enormous power. You were to be sacrificed but managed to escape with your life. Your grit and determination have kept you alive as demons and aberrations hunt you every night. (Berserk)
[X] "Where is your boss? I've been dying to meet him."

[X] Enhanced Human

[X] Your mother was a demon hunter, she used various fire arms and martial arts to combat and hunt down abominations of the night. You inherited her heterochromia. She was murdered, by a man that went by the name of Dante. You were searching for him, so you could kill him. (Devil May Cry)
By the way is the vote count done by plan or individual option?
Humans Will Cry

[X] "Where is your boss? I've been dying to meet him."
[X] Enhanced Human
[X] Your mother was a demon hunter, she used various fire arms and martial arts to combat and hunt down abominations of the night. You inherited her heterochromia. She was murdered, by a man that went by the name of Dante. You were searching for him, so you could kill him. (Devil May Cry)

"So, where's your boss?" you asked casually as the vampire continued to squirm in your grasp.

"Wh-what are you talking about!?" he stuttered out as he saw your glare, he noticed your eyes were different colors.

You increased the pressure on his head, causing the wall to crack and him to shriek in pain. "C'mon now, I've just been dying to meet him." you told him.

His arms grabbed yours feebly as he continued to struggle. "Okay! Okay man! Stop!" he shouted. "He owns the club Nightwish downtown! You can usually find him there!" he informed you, he continued to hyperventilate as he noticed the large weapon upon your back. A missle launcher with a large bayonet attached to it. It looked unwieldy and cumbersome, he couldn't understand how you carried it. You were just a human!

"Thanks." you said as you released him. "Have a nice trip." you remarked as you walked out of the alley.

The vampire brought his hand to his face as he removed himself from the wall, he noticed a metal pin around his ring finger. A note attached to it read 'Lucky~'. He looked down and saw a grenade fell from the metal pin and onto the ground.

An explosion rocked the alleyway you left, causing your hood to fall off.

"This city is a bit crazy." you remarked as you observed the architecture with your red and blue eyes, gargoyles seemed to be a weird fetish of whoever helped design it. You continued down the sidewalk as you searched for the club called Nightwish. Your name was Michael, and you were a demon hunter.

Your mother, Mary, was a demon hunter as well.

Your mother was a bit of a smart-ass, which is probably where your jack-ass remarks originate from, but she was the best mother you could have asked for. That was until she was killed by a man she called her friend. A man named Dante, a son descended from a human mother and a legendary demon known as Sparda.

Most would call him a half-demon, but he was nothing but a devil in your eyes.

A devil waiting to die.

You found him standing over her bloody corpse, no look of regret or remorse for killing someone he knew even before you were born. It made your blood boil even as you think of it now.

You exhaled as you calmed yourself down, there wasn't a need to lose your cool. Dante would get his just dues.

You finally found Nightwish, the entrance to the club was bright and purple. Loud music blasted behind the large door. "I'm going to lose my dinner if I keep looking at this." A large sign with the word Nightwish constantly flashed. "Just how much electricity is this wasting?" you wondered with a small frown as you decided what you wanted to do.

How would you approach this?

[ ] Break down the front door, there was a party going on without you.

[ ] Sneak in, you didn't really feel like being bothered making a big commotion.
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