Mook Quest (Hotline Miami)

[x] Check your throat

You grasp at your own throat. You can still feel it being cut open. You can still feel the searing agony...but you're fine. Right now, you're just fine.

"...You okay there?" Richard asks as he looks over at you.

[x] "No one else would help me..."

"Well of course not." Carl says. "You're an adult and you fucked up your financial decisions. No worries..." He pauses. "Well, kinda full of worries. After all, you did wind up havin' to pay off the fuckin' mob."

[x] Get out as soon as an opportunity presents itself

Your eyes dart around the car. Dave looks at you strangely. "...Are you sure you're okay?"

"Hah, no!" You shout.

"First-day jitters." Richard says. "He'd be crazy if he didn't have 'em."

You look around before, suddenly, you look outside. The car stops, and as soon as the doors open, you bolt. You make a run out of the car as soon as both Rich and Dave are out of your way. "What, is he seriously makin' a run for it?" Richard asks.

"Well, fuckin' shoot him, then." Carl mutters. "If he seriously wants to run, then we make sure he can't run."

"On it." Dave says, before he pulls out a submachine gun and starts after you.


[] Apologize and head back.

[] Stop running.

[] Shoot at him.
-[x] "You think this is just a coke deal? You have no idea who you've made angry! YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!"
[x]"You don't get it! He's gonna kill us!"
[x]"You don't get it! He's gonna kill us!"

Probably wasted breathe though. Ravings of a coward and all that.

You keep running, but as you do, you suddenly stumble a little. The man behind you is still hot on your tail, and just as you think that, there's a spray of bullets. "SHIT!" You scream, as you turn around. "L-Look!" You shout

[x]"You don't get it! He's gonna kill us!"

You're panting as you say it. "He's g-gonna kill everyone! All of us!"

"...Yeah, right." The guy snickers. "What, is the other guy setting up to kill us? Is this deal a setup or some shit? You're just some nobody off the street, and a bit of a fuckin' pussy if you're just running out on us." He turns his gun to you. "And you're gonna get what's comin'!"

You scream as he fires another burst, just barely dodging it before you start to run again.

[] Keep running.


[] Get shot. You'll just be reset, right?
Well...thats better than average...

Fine. You guys are too stupid to live anyways.
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