a few notes/thoughts
-very likely that 'ol chickenhead murderhobo loops the mission too until he kills everyone in the area successfully
--not sure if his loops affect our loops
--if it does, and if we and chickenhead kill each other at the same time (or close enough), it's likely that he'll deduce our looping ability, up our threat rating, and make us a primary target
--same could also happen if we made him bleed when the others weren't even able to touch him, but he still kills us. Whatever we did at that loop would very likely be invalidated for future attempts
-he was most vulnerable when everyone was shooting at the doors, right after he gutted the first poor schmuck off-screen.
--while he's pinned down, if can somehow acquire one, toss a grenade (or even a molotov cocktail) into the room he's in
--if that's not possible, we could follow dave (sleazy guy) while he's checking out the room
---Best case scenario: we shoot chickenhead while he's busy jamming the crowbar on dave's shotgun
---Worst case: we get a crowbar into the nut then into our braincase, before we restart the loop
---Most embarrassing case: we do get a grenade, we fuck up the roll, it blows up in our face
-All of this is moot if chickenhead keeps changing tactics, or if every new 'thing' we do, he already went through for several retries
--in other words, it becomes a contest of who's got the better time loop mechanics
---fucking timey wimey bullshit