Just to be that guy, I'm not suggesting that they're literally first. Just...the first such victims the readership is introduced to. The onscreen examples of the victims of the plague, our first introduction to its effects. I'm not saying it's happening to them first, but for us it's happening to them first, y'dig?
Yeah, this is part of what I was getting at about the cut content. It was supposed to touch on plague-related stuff, and one of the consequences would've been that the Emma/Sophia end of things is more like explicit confirmation they got caught up in things rather than 'lol karma'.
And then I cut it and goddammit that was a mistake I'm going to be fixing, hard-to-write or no.
@Ghoul King, I'm still afraid of what Taylor's PoV will be like.
I still remember what the thread was like when you revealed that "Taylor has no more emotions" effectively meant "Taylor speaks like a cross between a fairy and a robot, in weird and flowery language".
I've been reading every chapter hoping for another Taylor PoV, just to see how far you'll be taking it in the future. I really, really hope that it tones down later, because it's just
weird and sometimes even feels pretentious.
I've said before I've reworked my assumptions of how to model her and indeed will probably be editing the relevant chapter to be more consistent with my new model.
I mean, you're still free to worry I'm going to ruin her, but you should be worrying I'll ruin her in a
new way if so.
Well I'll be excited to see the sequel when it's ready. Just please don't get so caught up in trying to perfect something people already like that you end up overly delaying or cancelling new material.
Well, I suppose that's a valid concern, but my difficulties so far have been... like, imagine if Cherie had never entered the story, and it was just Taylor Kills Nilbog, Taylor Kills Heartbreaker, Taylor Keeps On Killing People And Brooding To Herself And I Guess The PRT Jumps Her At Some Point. People have commented they can't imagine this story without Cherie as the deuteragonist, and with good reason: Taylor's perspective is interesting, and I do fight scenes decently when the story ends up with a good reason to have one, but a lot of the
meat of the narrative is the two of them playing off each other and developing each other's respective characters, with the actions they're participating in being context, not the primary 'point' of the story.
By a similar token, I already know bits and pieces of what the
events of The Wild Hunt are (Obvious example: Nilbog Plague fallout), but it's taking work to put it together into something that isn't A Series Of Linear Events But Who Cares.
I don't think there's an implicit moral judgement in Sophia and Emma turning into monsters given that our heroine herself is one. If their monstrous forms are an external manifestation of the state of their souls, what does that say about Taylor from day one?
I considered pointing that out myself tbh, but I imagine Salty would basically just point out that Taylor
is essentially a serial killer. A well-meaning serial killer with a severe cognitive impairment fairly directly leading to said serial killing, sure, but it's not hard to argue she
is monstrous metaphorically/'on the inside'.
If I were to try to argue roughly this angle, I'd sooner point to how Cherie has no monstrous outside to her but is... Cherie. However much people might like her and be cheering on her attempts to clue Taylor, she's certainly not a
good person.
Crawler jumps down from a high building, then the rest form up in a sentai pose under cover of the dust cloud.
Crawler: Ah, you want me to draw fire in an attention-grabbing way! Sounds perfect, I'm in.
Cherie: Well actually I was thinkin-
Taylor: Good planning, Cherie, I wasn't sure how we'd fit Crawler into our low-profile approach, that makes a lot of sense.
Cherie: No, I meant-
Mimi: How do I fit into this?
Cherie: You'd be-
Taylor: Hit and run for flashier targets, or to pull people away from Crawler if we need to isolate them or something.
Cherie: Come
Bonesaw: Wait, am I Team Flashy or Team Sneaky?
Cherie: Hate all of y-
Taylor: Well, it depends on what we need you doing, really. We're headed to Boston to get you a lab, so we need you being sneaky right now, but once the plague is Fixed... I'm flexible. Or you are, I guess I should say.
Crawler: *not paying attention anymore*
Cherie: Goddammit, it's a shock-and-awe style thing, make people know we're here because we're so confident we can take on anyone that people run for the hills instead of fighting us.
Taylor: But if they run, I can't kill them.
Mimi: I thought we
weren't continuing the Nine's practices?
Taylor: Of course not. I mean, yeah we're going to kill a lot of people, and okay the Nine killed plenty of villains too, and maybe we've recruited a team that's now 3/5ths ex-Nine, but it's
completely different.
Mimi: Um. How?
Taylor: We're killing for great justice.
Mimi:... um, what's the not-a-joke answer?
Cherie: Look, Mimi, just ignore her, she's the Boss because I like her and all, not because she's a stellar example of internal consistency or self-awareness.
Taylor: It's
different. The Nine were making the world a worse place, I'm making it a better place. This isn't complicated.
Bonesaw: ~Wasn't the Nine who triggered Uncle Nilbog's dead man's switch~
Taylor: That was an
accid- okay, accident isn't right, but I couldn't have
known. And I'm working to Fix it right now. The Nine don't fix things. It's against their MO. Hell, you'd know better than me, you're the one who stitched together abominations.
Mimi: I'm, um. Cherie, when you say Taylor is the 'boss', do you mean you expect me to take orders from her or something? Because... I'm a little uncomfortable with her at this point.
Cherie: You don't have to sugarcoat it, Mimi, she's not going to kill you for being honest and I like her just the way she is. Mostly. Couple of things I'd like better, but not anything
you'd complain about. You're not even
into girls.
Cherie: No! Labyrinth
doesn't count! I've been over this! You bonded over shitty circumstances and you've projected a bunch of optimistic bullshit onto Labyrinth because she
barely talks and so couldn't do a lot to dispute your view of her! You like her for the imagined naivete and shit! An idealized, imaginary version of her!
You don't react that way when talking about her!
... I'm thinking of setting you on fire now.
Cherie: Fuck! God- no, okay, sorry, fire down you still want me for help with your control and you
know I won't help you if you burn the shit out of me so just fucking don't.
Labyrinth was still nice to me after I burned her.
Taylor: You did
Yeah, I'm-
Cherie: You know what, I'm not even going to tease you Taylor. Knocking her the fuck out was a good plan. Thanks. Bonesaw, can you make sure there's no long-term damage?
Bonesaw:... I'd rather be a magical girl princess than a superhero...
Cherie: UUURghGHrrr
Crawler: Huh? Wha? Are we fighting each other now?
Crawler: Feh. Wake me when somebody tries to kill somebody else.
Taylor: You'll be the first to know.
Bonesaw: ~hmm hm hm~
Cherie:... so that's a no to-
Taylor: Correct.
Cherie: Fine. Whatever. Spoil
all my fun.
Cherie: So I was thinking we have Bonesaw rig up some kind of
Monster Signal. First you'll need an icon, obviously, but-
Cherie: *