Next I'm going to be doing Slaughterhouse 9-related rolls. I also need to work out whether they have a Cherish-equivalent, are just down one relative to canon, or have more than one "replacement".
The Slaughterhouse Nine, in canon, before Cherish joined was: Jack Slash, Bonesaw, Mannequin, Crawler, Shatterbird, the Siberian, Burnscar, and Hatchet Face. (Cherish killed Hatchet Face to get into the Slaughterhouse 9) That suggests that in Monster it would be that list, unless they recruit somebody else.
OK, I'm going to make three rolls, all on D100.
Roll 1: Does the character interact with the Slaughterhouse 9 at all. I might waive the result on some characters, but this is fairly basic. 75 and below means they interact with the Slaughterhouse 9.
Roll 2: Assuming the character meets the Slaughterhouse 9, are they a focus or are they suffering sort of incidentally. 20 and below means that one or more Slaughterhouse 9 members have a specific interest in them.
Roll 3: Do they die (Or suffer a fate worse than death), assuming they meet. 75 and below means at least an injury, 40 and below means they die, 20 and below means it gets worse.
(These rolls all don't matter, whoops)
Monster: 1, 33, 19. Shit. Good news: the Slaughterhouse Nine aren't here for her. Bad news: they still do something terrible to her.
Cherie: 77, 64, 44. Oddly enough, she never meets them. Hmm.
Über: 62, 97, 20. Worse.
Bitch: 45, 15, 71. So basically canon, aside from the other Undersiders being dead.
Tattletale: 98, 12, 87. Dodges the bullet outright.
Barker: 2, 90, 29. Dead. Entirely incidentally, too.
Dinah Alcott: 88, 78, 13. Never sees the Slaughterhouse 9 at all, outside of her visions.
Trainwreck: 28, 75, 18. Worse.
Noelle: 98, 85, 86. Entirely uninvolved.
Ballistic: 59, 30, 42. Ouchies.
Sundancer: 17, 100, 5. Worse.
Trickster: 78, 5, 10. Never sees the S9. Presumably stays with Noelle, and for some reason the S9 don't care this time.
Lung: 8, 93, 57. Sounds about right, assuming he's still around.
Bakuda: 39, 76, 75. Wow, really? She meets the S9 and ends up only mildly injured?
Oni Lee: 78, 36, 36. Never meets the S9, oddly enough.
Kaiser: 3, 7, 56. Marked by one of the S9 as a potential recruit... gets through with only minor injuries, the smug bastard.
Alabaster: 33, 35, 31. Dead.
Cricket: 33, 70, 29. Dead.
Crusader: 97, 15, 91. He's fine.
Fog: 62, 98, 70. Minor injuries, largely ignored.
Locust: (AKA canon Night with Skitter's powers) 82, 62, 15. Somehow avoids the S9's notice completely -probably because she's recuperating and only interacting via her bugs anyway.
Fenja: 85, 51, 11. Never sees them.
Menja: 75, 98, 38. Dead. Probably by guarding Kaiser. Fenja lost her eye, was recuperating from the infection?
Hookwolf: 65, 44, 55. Nothing he can't handle. They're not here for him, either.
Krieg: 50, 39, 45. He's fine.
Rune: 94, 14, 91. Never sees them.
Stormtiger: 2, 16, 8. Worse. And they were here for him, too.
Othala: 33, 99, 26. Dead.
Victor: 40, 51, 96. Everything's perfect! Except for his wife being dead.
Purity: 71, 88, 22. Dead.
Aster: (Purity's baby) 8, 46, 5. Worse.
Theo Anders: (AKA Golem, later on) 76, 59, 58. Somewhere off with his dad when Purity and Aster have Bad Things happen to them, and never actually meets the S9 himself.
Skidmark: 7, 21, 23. Dead.
Squealer: 65, 68, 31. Dead.
Armsmaster: 36, 21, 71. Minor injuries, they're not even here for him.
Miss Militia: 61, 94, 33. Dead.
Battery: 41, 53, 21. Dead.
Velocity: 91, 38, 65. Never even sees them -probably off somewhere else entirely.
Dauntless: 64, 9, 15. Worse. Manipulated into joining the S9 somehow. He was one of their chosen targets.
Weld: 92, 3, 31. Also never even encounters them. Wait, really?
Clockblocker: 94, 97, 28. Never even sees them.
Browbeat: 88, 85, 54. Seriously, are they keeping the Wards away from the S9?
Vista: 10, 70, 83. Encounters them, suffers no injury, the little badass!
Gallant: 32, 73, 12. Worse. Oh, this is why the other Wards are being kept away -something awful happened to Gallant when he was on patrol with Vista, and while she came away from it fine physically, something beyond horrifying was done to Gallant, scarring Vista mentally.
Kid Win: 83, 56, 14. Never even sees them.
Shadow Stalker: 23, 32, 32. Dead. Shadow Stalker died because she actually tried to assassinate one of the Nine, and it went badly. Probably Jack. And now I'm thinking Sophia's corpse is what clues Taylor into her status as a Ward.
Scrub: (Needs a new name) 23, 28, 78. Not one injury, just a terrifying encounter.
Lady Photon: 86, 40, 16. Never sees them.
Flashbang: 94, 18, 94. Also never sees them.
Laserdream: 1, 33, 47. He's not happy, but nothing terrible happened to him.
Shielder: 61, 47, 35. Dead.
Brandish: 13, 91, 19. Worse.
Manpower: 74, 53, 76. Mint condition, goes unnoticed by the S9, barely.
Glory Girl: 76, 19, 80. Never sees them.
Panacea: 93, 76, 12. Never sees them.
Danny Hebert: 23, 33, 56. Close Encounters Of The Scary Kind.
Emma Barnes: 67, 35, 27. Dead. Oh shit, Sophia talked her into coming with and they both ended up dead!
Flechette: 86, 78, 15. Never sees them.
Madison: 60, 39, 41. Injured incidentally.
Mrs. Knott: (Taylor's homeroom and computer science teacher) 84, 58, 95. Fine.
Faultline: 55, 41, 47. Injured.
Gregor: 13, 60, 54. Nothing he can't handle.
Newter: 17, 26, 34. Dead.
Labyrinth: 20, 28, 47. Ow.
Shamrock: 65, 57, 2. Worse.
Spitfire: 49, 95, 73. Minor injuries.
In summary: unless I count the ones that didn't meet the S9 but got a "targeted" success, there's like two people who the S9 were here for...
Dauntless (Mannequin) Joined
Stormtiger (Shatterbird) Joined
Kaiser (Jack) Minor injuries
Bitch (Siberian) Minor injuries
OK, so four people.
The "got missed" potential options include...
Which puts it at a nice even 8... so, maybe pull out the "got missed" rolls in this case to fill things out.