Monster Marriage Quest

Do we really want to exterminate Commoner lands to the last? Or do we want to see if letting them 'surrender' can work out as a viable option once we get into a position of strength? I also genuinely want to know the answers to the "Why are these Commoners willing to surrender? If you let them go, what will they do? What are their plans more generally, and what's the context you're missing?" questions because again, I'd like to explore the viability of surrender rather than massacre of the town.
To be upfront, I want peace and would prefer not to fight to extinction.

These people consider themselves at war with the dominators, and at least some of them are fanatical in their religious beliefs. I think treating this portion of the civilization as hostile, whether intentionally or unintentionally, is appropriate.

For this being a war, in which I expect both sides have justifiable experiences to claim the other side as monstrous (burner worm eggs in bread, and Caras being more than a bit thick, such as attacking 'shellman' villages that might not actually have any military presence), I think treating these people as potentially duplicitous is more honest and upfront than being overly friendly.

However, that's because of my future plans. I should probably explain those vague ideas for context.

I don't want any of these people to report back about Sabrina's existence. I don't want to kill them, which means taking them prisoner. They will hate that. That's why I feel an aggressive stance is more honest in these current interactions with them. Before they attacked Sabrina, she was completely friendly. She's still nice, but I intend to vote for her to act in a way that they don't consider friendly, and I feel like being more direct now about these future ideas is most appropriate.

All that, thank you for your thoughts and I'll keep thinking about them. I figured I'd explain further in recompense.
Currently 4 votes for Mean Sabrina Interrogation vs 2 votes for Sabrina Continues To Be Cheerful And Nice Interrogation, for reference.

Other than the tone of Sabrina's approach, the plan seems to be pretty unanimous. If people don't pour in to vote on the tone issue, I'll probably close the vote tomorrow.
[x] politely seeking information
-[x]Try to kill most of the Burner Worms by having a Suncrawler attack them. Whatever happens would be informative, and you're okay with risking losing a Suncrawler to make sure you don't have these Burner Worms about.
-[x]Have the Workers assemble something to contain a few of the Burner Worms, and see if you can bring them home with you later. Maybe direct Burner Worm access will make it easier to figure out a cure? Or maybe they'll burn your carriage down on the way home...
-[x]You'll take this cautiously, but be nice about it; have them drop their weapons and get the Gatekeeper to collect said weapons. Have the Gatekeeper discreetly (mentally) point to you who are the ones with Burner worms, and then have your forces back off a short distance, while still encircling the group. Then ask questions. Why are these Commoners willing to surrender? If you let them go, what will they do? What are their plans more generally, and what's the context you're missing?
--[x] why are their people coming into dominator lands and selling bread infested with burner worm eggs?
--[x] how should a big mess of burner worms be cleaned up?
--[x] how many of them have burner worms inside them?
--[x] do they know anything about lightning monsters that live in storms?
I don't want any of these people to report back about Sabrina's existence. I don't want to kill them, which means taking them prisoner. They will hate that. That's why I feel an aggressive stance is more honest in these current interactions with them. Before they attacked Sabrina, she was completely friendly. She's still nice, but I intend to vote for her to act in a way that they don't consider friendly, and I feel like being more direct now about these future ideas is most appropriate.

I feel no particular need to be 'honestly harsh' with them. Yes they're our enemies. Yes they're probably going to dislike being taken prisoner. That doesn't mean we need to be nasty about it. These are not the fanatic part of the population, as evidenced by how they surrendered willingly. The way to treat prisoners is for cooperation to be rewarded with kind words and minor allowances that do not compromise security, and for lack of cooperation to be responded to with harshness. My general mindset is always try asking nicely first just in case it works.
[x] politely seeking information

I like being nice, because it balances out the shear terror caused by our monsters.
I feel no particular need to be 'honestly harsh' with them. Yes they're our enemies. Yes they're probably going to dislike being taken prisoner. That doesn't mean we need to be nasty about it. These are not the fanatic part of the population, as evidenced by how they surrendered willingly. The way to treat prisoners is for cooperation to be rewarded with kind words and minor allowances that do not compromise security, and for lack of cooperation to be responded to with harshness. My general mindset is always try asking nicely first just in case it works.
That's convincing. I suppose I was more voting for my personality than how I envision Sabrina's own as a character. I could readily see her pleasing herself by taking the high road of polite kindness while questioning the people she was taking prisoner while covered in the ashes of their leader.

That's a little dramatic, but yeah. I think of Sabrina's personality as very fluffy. She's definitely got moments of viciousness and amoral curiosity, but those are more impulsive than reflexive. Now that she's got these people at metaphorical swordpoint, I don't really see her being mean about it.

@Ghoul King, I'm sorry to do this to you, but Kai is convincing. Would you mind waiting a bit longer on the vote?

@GrayGriffin, @Zaealix, and @ichypa, you're all voting for a plan I made, but I'm leaning towards a different tone now. Any complaints if we all just informally agree that Sabrina will ensure her safety but be politely nice about questioning her soon-to-be-prisoners?
@GrayGriffin, @Zaealix, and @ichypa, you're all voting for a plan I made, but I'm leaning towards a different tone now. Any complaints if we all just informally agree that Sabrina will ensure her safety but be politely nice about questioning her soon-to-be-prisoners?

Sure, I don't have too many opinions on the precise tone and the arguments are convincing. I'm pretty sure no matter what we're going to intimidate them and honestly being intimidating while keeping a friendly tone is fun.

[x] politely seeking information
Alright, now it's... not quite unanimous by tally, but whatever it's unanimous.

Sabrina is going to try killing most of the Burner Worms with a Suncrawler, but get Workers to make something to carry a few, and she's going to be relatively nice about moving forward with accepting a surrender, and then she'll ask questions about Storm Beasts, how normal are Burner Worms in Commoners, what's up with the Burner Worm bread, and is there a Commoner procedure for cleaning up a big mess of Burner Worms.

Update incoming, please stand by.
Scheduled vote count started by Ghoul King on Aug 7, 2024 at 3:51 PM, finished with 22 posts and 8 votes.

  • [x] politely seeking information
    [x] politely seeking information
    -[x]Try to kill most of the Burner Worms by having a Suncrawler attack them. Whatever happens would be informative, and you're okay with risking losing a Suncrawler to make sure you don't have these Burner Worms about.
    -[x]Have the Workers assemble something to contain a few of the Burner Worms, and see if you can bring them home with you later. Maybe direct Burner Worm access will make it easier to figure out a cure? Or maybe they'll burn your carriage down on the way home...
    -[x]You'll take this cautiously, but be nice about it; have them drop their weapons and get the Gatekeeper to collect said weapons. Have the Gatekeeper discreetly (mentally) point to you who are the ones with Burner worms, and then have your forces back off a short distance, while still encircling the group. Then ask questions. Why are these Commoners willing to surrender? If you let them go, what will they do? What are their plans more generally, and what's the context you're missing?
    --[x] why are their people coming into dominator lands and selling bread infested with burner worm eggs?
    --[x] how should a big mess of burner worms be cleaned up?
    --[x] how many of them have burner worms inside them?
    --[x] do they know anything about lightning monsters that live in storms?
    -[x]Try to kill most of the Burner Worms by having a Suncrawler attack them. Whatever happens would be informative, and you're okay with risking losing a Suncrawler to make sure you don't have these Burner Worms about.
    -[x]Have the Workers assemble something to contain a few of the Burner Worms, and see if you can bring them home with you later. Maybe direct Burner Worm access will make it easier to figure out a cure? Or maybe they'll burn your carriage down on the way home...
    -[x]You'll ask questions at metaphorical swordpoint before even considering accepting their surrender. Petra already came worryingly close to killing you, and you're unconvinced of their honesty with all that the Common Lands have done to Caras' territory.
    --[x] why are their people coming into dominator lands and selling bread infested with burner worm eggs?
    --[x] how should a big mess of burner worms be cleaned up?
    --[x] how many of them have burner worms inside them?
    --[x] do they know anything about lightning monsters that live in storms?
    -[x]You'll accept their surrender, disarm them, have the Workers arrange to tie them up somehow, and move on; you can figure out what to do with this bunch later.
    [x] pointedly seeking information
    -[x]Try to kill most of the Burner Worms by having a Suncrawler attack them. Whatever happens would be informative, and you're okay with risking losing a Suncrawler to make sure you don't have these Burner Worms about.
    -[x]Have the Workers assemble something to contain a few of the Burner Worms, and see if you can bring them home with you later. Maybe direct Burner Worm access will make it easier to figure out a cure? Or maybe they'll burn your carriage down on the way home...
    -[x]You'll ask questions at metaphorical swordpoint before even considering accepting their surrender. Petra already came worryingly close to killing you, and you're unconvinced of their honesty with all that the Common Lands have done to Caras' territory.
    --[x] why are their people coming into dominator lands and selling bread infested with burner worm eggs?
    --[x] how should a big mess of burner worms be cleaned up?
    --[x] how many of them have burner worms inside them?
    --[x] do they know anything about lightning monsters that live in storms?
    -[x]You'll accept their surrender, disarm them, have the Workers arrange to tie them up somehow, and move on; you can figure out what to do with this bunch later.
    [x] pointedly seeking information
Not So Burning Questions
Back with the Burner Worm situation

Okay, this... you should try to kill them- you should try to kill most of them. Keep a couple smaller ones alive in... a stone container? Or something? Live Burner Worms might lead to figuring out a cure faster. (If you can avoid them torching everything)

So you call for the Workers while directing a Suncrawler to go to the Burner Worm mass and see about... pulling out a couple, killing the rest.

Grabbing live Worms proves tricky; in the first place, the heat is intense enough for the Suncrawler's jelly flesh to noticeably evaporate as it reaches into the mass. In the second place, the two Worms the Suncrawler first grabs apparently die to the poison in its flesh, because they go still shortly after first being grabbed and when the Workers first show up one daring Worker simply grabs the two Worms directly and-

Cold? Cold??

-not only doesn't get burned but makes it clear the Worms aren't giving off heat anymore.

So it's a bit lucky the process of working through the rest of the mass is going so slowly, as it gives you the opportunity to send a Worker to retrieve your spear from the carriage, so you can use it to try to pull a Burner Worm out without poisoning it to death. The spear itself is entirely steel, and thankfully doesn't heat up enough to become soft, so this works without hurting the spear's utility... though you do have to drop it after the second Worm; the heat goes up the pole.

The Workers themselves actually grabbed a jar for long-term containment of Scuttlers; you'd asked them to make some kind of container, but they'd spent a minute talking with each other, and apparently settled on simply grabbing the Scuttler jar, which was about the right size, made of stone, and had a lid. (Also made of stone) They did collect some twigs and other things as part of making a makeshift storage to transfer what Scuttlers had been in the jar, so they did make something in the end, but not the Burner Worm jar.

The other Burner Worms die pretty easily to the 'let the Suncrawler poison kill them' strategy; even as their kin were dying right next to them, the survivors remained slithering around inside Petra's armor, apparently oblivious. It wasn't until only a couple Burner Worms were left that this changed; at that point, one Burner Worm exited the armor and beelined for you, the other Worm following closely in your wake. They weren't exactly swift, so you weren't in any real danger, but it was still alarming and you ended up having the diminished Roller rush in to finish the job.

Looking closely at the Burner Worm bodies, at last able to see the full body of one, you're left with many questions. You can't find eyes, ears, or indeed any obvious orifices; they remind you very much of an oversized earthworm, though flattened a bit (Somewhat like a snake), and their surface reminds you most closely of one of the severe burn scars Abandonne's old smith had. (The story of how he got it was his favorite 'youthful misadventure' to share, even though it was simply him being careless one day as an apprentice to the prior smith) A closer look shows very fine... hairs? You're not sure, but they're short, almost transparent, and surprisingly stiff to the touch, and cover much of the Burner Worm body.

Your initial attempts at having the Suncrawler kill the Burner Worms involved tearing at their flesh with the bones of its hands, which was slow and ineffective work but did result in gashes. Burner Worm blood turns out to be a pale pink fluid; with a touch of nausea you realize you recognize the color from the 'candied bread', giving them an odd glossy look that helped set them apart from other breads. You never really spent much time around hunters, fishers, butchers, and so on, so you don't really know if what you can see of the Burner Worm insides is atypical for an animal or not.

Once you're recovered from the chase and all this is wrapped up, you make a mental note to have a Boulder crush the remains into paste and then cover the whole thing in dirt and rocks, just in case, and head off to deal with the remaining soldiers.


Speaking of

Well. You'll... give this 'accept their surrender' thing a try then? Cautiously, to be sure, but not unkindly.

"How about this; I have my troops make some space, send in my harmless Gatekeeper, you pass your weapons to them, and once that's done then we can all relax and have a nice chat?" You decline to mention the Gatekeeper's paralytic bite, but otherwise this seems a fair outcome.

There's murmurs, uneasy glances at the Boulders, at you, and at each other, but ultimately one soldier says, "We agree to these terms."

So you smile a little more widely as the Boulder ring takes a few steps back in unison, not enough to create a gap to safely run between but far enough back the Boulders aren't almost in reach to attack. The soldier whose face you can see most clearly is clearly unnerved by this, but after the Boulders stop moving you can see the soldiers lowering the points of their weapons. So you nod to the Gatekeeper, and it obligingly swoops in, taking the swords one after another and holding them with its four armpits-

Clean. Clean. Clean. Clean.

-and its antennae dancing and glowing as it checks for Burner Worms and finds none. Huh. How curious.

The soldiers clearly notice the glowing and don't like it, but they don't say anything and you're not sure how they could possibly know what it actually means so in the end you aren't terribly concerned.

Once that's done, you direct the Boulders to adjust their formation so the soldiers are only half-encircled, with Rollers at the ready to maneuver some of them if the soldiers do make a break for it. Some of the tension drains out of the soldiers (One less so than his peers, but still), and they cautiously adjust their own formation so as to all be facing you. One soldier -the one you're pretty sure muttered something about not actually being allowed to surrender- looks pretty mutinous, but still.

Then you step forward and seat yourself in the grass, two Suncrawlers dragging themselves forward to flank you, and you say, "Please, sit! If you'll not attack, we'll not attack."

"I think we would all be more comfortable standing... Dame Sabrina. The armor, you see," the soldier who originally called out to you hurriedly says.

You shrug. "Suit yourself." As you've worked up a bit of an appetite with all this excitement, you ask a Worker to bring up a container of Scuttlers. "So I have many questions, and I'm sure you all have plenty yourself, but my first question is quite important: why are you selling Bu- Brandstifter flesh to peasants in the Freelands?" Oops, hahaha, trying to be nice, not let on how angry you are about Estvalee being wiped off the map!

As the Scuttler jar arrives and you bite very violently into a Scuttler to vent that anger away from the men in front of you, you take in the immediate responses of these men; lots of confusion, the mutinous-looking man looking especially mutinous- "Blasphemous witch," -and either not realizing you can hear him or not caring enough to be adequately quiet, and... well. Mostly just confusion. Hmm.

A different man -the most bearded of these men, who was originally facing away from you- eventually says, "I- I don't wish to offend? But that- that can't be happening." His hangdog expression makes it clear he expects to be struck down for calling you a liar.

And. Well. You are a bit miffed. But no, no, not that miffed, certainly not at someone who... probably isn't directly involved, given he doesn't think such a thing could be happening. So you bite off (crunch) the urge to snap at the man, think through things... and there's really an obvious response to that. "And why would that be, sir?"

Mutinous Man is the one who responds instead. "Blessings are earned, fought over, passed out only to those who suck up to Königin Leonie's court or her thrice-damned puppet church." You note how the other men cringe and lean away from Mutinous Man but don't speak up in disagreement. "They would never be sold for anything less than a princely sum, and certainly not to unworthy Dominated peasants." More cringing, more leaning away, but still none of them rebuke the man.

Hmmm. You put a pin in this thought for the moment; if they are lying, you can't tell, and if they're honest, they can't answer your questions on this point. "So it's not actually standard for Commoners to have... Brandstifters in them," you say, intending it as a question and finding yourself delivering it as a plain fact.

The men are all shaking their heads, and the man who first called for surrender says, "The priests say it will be so someday-" That was Ada's horrifying utopian future, you remember. "-but only once the unworthy are weeded out, Teufel's servants banished, and all that remain are the chosen."

Mutinous Man mutters, "Leonie's chosen suckups, sure," which you ignore because it's not anything different from what he said a moment ago.

You crunch down on another Scuttler, ignoring how the men all look aghast again, rolling this info around in your head. This isn't really at all like what you'd been envisioning the Common Lands to be like. You still need to put a stop to Neustadt shipping out Burner Worm 'candied bread', but you'd been imagining the city as... all being in on this awful plan. Yet here are soldiers, and they seem unaware.

Hmm. You gesture broadly at the uncomfortable-looking group. "So why were you willing to surrender, anyway?" You're still confused by that.

Even the mutinous man looks confused, though it's the beardy man who speaks up. "When the alternative is dying futilely? Is that even a choice?"

You don't disagree with the idea, but... "Petra clearly disagreed."

You're not really surprised when Mutinous Man's expression goes back to surly, he spits to one side, and he speaks up with a sneer. "The Heiligwachtmeister wanted more blessings."

You stare blankly for a moment, food entirely forgotten for several seconds as you try to come to grips with the words you just heard. "I'm sorry- more? More Burner Worms?" You remember after a moment that the Commoners call them Brandstifters, but before you can correct yourself-

-the man who has spoken least so far interrupts your thoughts. "There are greater blessings reserved only for... a select few." He glances sideling at Mutinous Man here for some reason. "Or so the priests always say. Supposedly many in the capitol are so blessed, but I have never seen such myself."

Okay, that's vague, unhelpful, and rather worrying. What would be a 'greater blessing' than a bunch of Burner Worms? You're not sure, but the very idea fills you with no small amount of dread.

So you change topics; "Okay, I only have three final questions for all of you: firstly, were you assailed by the Storm Beasts sometime in the last weeks?" There's brief incomprehension, but after a moment someone says something about 'Sturmmonsters' and suddenly they're all nodding. (And looking a bit confused) "Okay, thank you. Question two! How would Commoners... clean up a pile of Brandstifters?"

You're not really surprised when they collectively indicate that a 'blessed' individual (Preferably a priest) would go in, load them into a cauldron, and haul them back to be passed out to others. Sickened, but not surprised. More interesting is that they speak of this as a hurried process, as if it would be undesirable to wait. Not terribly helpful to you, though.

"Okay! Last question: if I just... let you folks go, what would you do? Hypothetically."

Beardy man is very confused and asks, "You're not going to ransom us back to Neustadt?"

You blink a couple times, eat another Scuttler, and say, "I'm considering my options, but- would Neustadt even pay such a ransom?"

There's some awkward shuffling. Mutinous Man looks more mutinous. "My family has disowned me, and I assure you my martial prowess is not valued enough for the Bürgermeister to spend any of their money on getting it back, even if they weren't the bishop's patsy." Once again, you note how the other men wince and lean away but don't say anything. You're getting the impression they don't disagree but think you shouldn't say such things aloud. Or maybe they just expect you to smite him for being so blunt? Ada seemed afraid to openly disagree with you, as well.

Beardy man smiles weakly. "I'm sure it wouldn't be much from the perspective of one such as yourself, dame Sabrina, but my family would certainly pay if what you asked was within their means."

The man who first called for surrender looks embarrassed as he says, "I have... a family connection to the Bürgermeister. They would pay the expected amount." He glances sidelong at Mutinous Man as if he expects the man to make a remark, but no such remark is forthcoming.

Lastly, the quietest man says, "Probably not for me," with no other explanation beyond looking very, very sad to admit so.

Hm. Okay, interesting, but not your original question. "I'd still like to hear what you'd do if I simply let you go. Would you run off to warn Neustadt, for example?"

The response from there is a bit chaotic, but the overall picture is that they'd go home, report to their superiors, etc, exactly as you suspect. The only wrinkle is that Mutinous Man makes a bitter remark suggesting he doesn't actually want to go back to Neustadt but doesn't see himself as having a choice.


[]You'll accept their surrender more properly, have the Workers tie them up, and come back to this topic after... whatever happens with Neustadt tonight.

[]You'll explore the idea that they could perhaps defect -they don't have Burner Worms, one of them seems to want to defect, and none of them seem all that devoted to 'the cause'.

[]You'll try ransoming them to Neustadt after all; you're not sure you want to attack the city tonight given all you've learned, and why not get some money out of Neustadt's coffers? It might hurt their operations somehow.

[]Write-in. (If you want to just ask them more questions, you can do that, but I'm only letting that last one more update; still got to get to Teo and Ada, and if Sabrina goes after Neustadt tonight she'll want to do so as early as feasible, not spend all night playing 20 questions with these folks)
I'm up to no good, you see.
So here's my thoughts.
The two unhappy men probably don't like their life and want an upgrade.
Cara's has two slots left for integration, and between Sabrina and Virmire, there's quite a bit of knowledge we can get from them
Ransom…I get the feeling Dominators have distinctly less need of coin, to be frank, then common men.

[X] Well, I have good news for you, I am going to return to my home, and I will offer you a choice-
You can return to your home in Neustadt, or you can come with me. But if you wish to return to Neustadt, I ask only that you hear a story first. A story of the fate of Estvalee.

The tale of Estvalee is in itself a great bit of Positive PR we can throw at the Commoners. And yeah, they'll likely respond with the notion that Tefuel's servants lie…But I think the Merchants will back the claims in behind closed doors, or at least acknowledge it given the social power the church seems to hold over there…
And I think I know where the church will try to bend the story.

They will say the Estvalee was likely destroyed by the cruel Dominators. They may claim one must prove themselves worthy for more blessings.
I question that HIGHLY given the amount of Burner worms came out of Petra…But the Candied breed story suggests there's a reason there's so few of the things available…
But economic mis-management is a harder issue to tackle.
*Burner Worm Description*
It sounds to me that the Burner Worms are a sort of flatworm that uses little hairs to sense out hosts. It doesn't need a mouth because it just absorbs nutrients from its host. The pink blood is probably from high concentrations of chlorocruorin, which some worms use instead of hemoglobin. Outside of making things start on fire, it is a pretty typical parasitic worm.

"They would never be sold for anything less than a princely sum, and certainly not to unworthy Dominated peasants."
"There are greater blessings reserved only for... a select few."
These statements combined make me think that there might be different 'types' of Burner Worm. There can be the Lesser Burner Worms given to peasants and Greater Burner Worms given to the 'more deserving.' Also, how would these people know who had worms inside them? They don't have gatekeepers to sniff them out.

Anyway, we should set up some sort of laboratory to more safety conduct experiments and maybe a workshop/smithy to make things we might need. It is good to have hobbies!
The two unhappy men probably don't like their life and want an upgrade.
Cara's has two slots left for integration, and between Sabrina and Virmire, there's quite a bit of knowledge we can get from them
Do we trust them that much? I don't at all remember the specifics of integration but granting authority to someone untrustworthy could be troublesome.
Whatever the case, the two men will be reluctant to partake in such high blasphemy.

These statements combined make me think that there might be different 'types' of Burner Worm. There can be the Lesser Burner Worms given to peasants and Greater Burner Worms given to the 'more deserving.' Also, how would these people know who had worms inside them? They don't have gatekeepers to sniff them out.
The greater blessings could be a different symbiont organism. If monsters and Burner worms (and apparently Storm Beasts) exist, other organisms might.
(Is there an endoname for Caras kind(the supergroup for all breeds)? I definitely don't remember, maybe I should do a reread)
t sounds to me that the Burner Worms are a sort of flatworm that uses little hairs to sense out hosts. It doesn't need a mouth because it just absorbs nutrients from its host. The pink blood is probably from high concentrations of chlorocruorin, which some worms use instead of hemoglobin. Outside of making things start on fire, it is a pretty typical parasitic worm.

I will happily pretend I totally planned that and that it certainly wasn't a mildly lucky blind coincidence.

(I honestly considered having them have the same color of blood as humans, then remembered my mental image of the 'candied bread', thought about what it would look like if Burner Worm blood was the same color as human blood, had this sneaking suspicion it would be offputting to most people, and decided it should be at least a different shade of red)

Do we trust them that much? I don't at all remember the specifics of integration but granting authority to someone untrustworthy could be troublesome.
Whatever the case, the two men will be reluctant to partake in such high blasphemy.

They would also be Caras' waifus and therefore Sabrina would be sad.

To be honest, if such a vote gets a lot of momentum (Whether here and now or anytime soon in a future vote) I'll probably shoot it down as so deeply contrary to the character the Questors have built up that I don't want to try to justify it. Or write it, honestly.

(Is there an endoname for Caras kind(the supergroup for all breeds)? I definitely don't remember, maybe I should do a reread)

Gendarme, or Gendarmerie for plural. (The plural form being the main form the Quest has used) I looked up French stuff, found this as a term that's been used as, among other things, a term for military noble types, felt it sounded vaguely like a species name, and had it get quietly dropped into the story without drawing audience attention to it.

I think I keep forgetting to put it in one of the informational threadmarks. (The ones I doubt anyone reads, mind)
Gendarme, or Gendarmerie for plural. (The plural form being the main form the Quest has used) I looked up French stuff, found this as a term that's been used as, among other things, a term for military noble types, felt it sounded vaguely like a species name, and had it get quietly dropped into the story without drawing audience attention to it.

I think I keep forgetting to put it in one of the informational threadmarks. (The ones I doubt anyone reads, mind)
I think I vaguely remember that name. I actually did read through the informationals to make my previous post. I appreciate them.
You don't hear this enough likely, so hear it more: cool quest.
I struggle to envision Sabrina ever accepting another person into her marriage with Caras.

I'm in favor of letting the commoners know that they can defect, but that they'll need to be prisoners until tomorrow before they can.

I think we should put them in the cave, with a boulder or two guarding them. That will keep the attack as a surprise.

I very much want to get Ada to see the burner egg bread. I am very curious as to what that will do her world view.

I also want to get the burrower breed from a neighbor. Not for transit tunnels, but for digging an underground base for keeping prisoners. I mean, the transit tunnels would be great too, but I think outside the scope of this quest, or at least this narrative arc.
[X]You'll accept their surrender more properly, have the Workers tie them up, and come back to this topic after... whatever happens with Neustadt tonight.

Sabrina has more important and pressing decisions to make, and one or two defectors isn't a high priority. I don't know how large a militia or whatever Neustadt may have, and how that stacks up to the force that Sabrina has, and neither, really, does she, so let's get some scouting done at least.
[X]You'll accept their surrender more properly, have the Workers tie them up, and come back to this topic after... whatever happens with Neustadt tonight.
[X]You'll accept their surrender more properly, have the Workers tie them up, and come back to this topic after... whatever happens with Neustadt tonight.
Hmm. I want to keep these guys around as a potential source of information. They're not saying much helpful now, and maybe they don't know much, but if they defect, they might think of something helpful later, or at least help explain commoner culture better. Or they might help be more persuasive to Ada and Teo, since I don't think Sabrina wants to kill them. We could tell them about Estvallee to be more convincing. This is what we know about the spread of 'candied bread'

he explains to you that he usually gets the bread from Neustadt des Glaubens, from the priests. He admits in a well-rehearsed manner that he's not big on faith in general, no offense intended to those present, but money is money and men and women of the cloth are in his experience more trustworthy than most. (You suspect this is a pointed remark aimed at you) However, he also comments that he's seen the bread on and off in every city he's visited on this map -which is all of them- and that he's given to understand that there's fairly regular shipments down the Imperial Road (The grey line passing through the country's largest croplands) to those who seem most pious... which is why he has to buy it from the priests in their holy city, as no one else is willing to just sell a gift of divine favor.

... You know, I was going to say how this was proof that the Commoner leadership was trying to infect and kill the 'Dominated', but actually... The merchant is clear only the priests of Neustadt des Glaubens are doing this. Everywhere else, the bread only goes to the 'most pious', which is in line with what these guys have been telling us.

"Blessings are earned, fought over, passed out only to those who suck up to Königin Leonie's court or her thrice-damned puppet church." You note how the other men cringe and lean away from Mutinous Man but don't speak up in disagreement. "They would never be sold for anything less than a princely sum, and certainly not to unworthy Dominated peasants." More cringing, more leaning away, but still none of them rebuke the man.

... I don't think it's Neustadt de Glaubens as a whole that is acting against dear Caras. I think it is a group of corrupt priests, perhaps toadies of this Leonie. We need to find out more about this. I am currently believing it would be a mistake to go to attack Neustadt without being aware of exactly who our enemies are.

[x]You'll explore the idea that they could perhaps defect -they don't have Burner Worms, one of them seems to want to defect, and none of them seem all that devoted to 'the cause'.
-[x] Tell them that a merchant has been buying 'holy bread' from the priests of Neustadt des Glaubens, and, thinking it was only candied bread, selling them to Dominator lands. And also feeding animals with the bread. People and animals have thus been getting burned alive, and the newborn Brandstifters extinguished wherever they can be found.
-[x] Ask them if they know any priests who would do this. Who would either hate Dominated so much they would profane holy bread to burn Dominated peasants, or be venal enough to sell holy bread to a merchant and not care where the merchant would go on to sell the bread. The merchant claimed that "the folks back in Sables De La Haines love it" and have presumably been devouring them in great quantities. And yet there's supposedly not enough for the citizens of Neustadt?
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The merchant is clear only the priests of Neustadt des Glaubens are doing this. Everywhere else, the bread only goes to the 'most pious', which is in line with what these guys have been telling us.
That's a really good point. Thanks for making it.

Sabrina might be able to win this battle without fighting.

[x]You'll explore the idea that they could perhaps defect -they don't have Burner Worms, one of them seems to want to defect, and none of them seem all that devoted to 'the cause'.
-[x] Tell them that a merchant has been buying 'holy bread' from the priests of Neustadt des Glaubens, and, thinking it was only candied bread, selling them to Dominator lands. And also feeding animals with the bread. People and animals have thus been getting burned alive, and the newborn Brandstifters extinguished wherever they can be found.
-[x] Ask them if they know any priests who would do this. Who would either hate Dominated so much they would profane holy bread to burn Dominated peasants, or be venal enough to sell holy bread to a merchant and not care where the merchant would go on to sell the bread. The merchant claimed that "the folks back in Sables De La Haines love it" and have presumably been devouring them in great quantities. And yet there's supposedly not enough for the citizens of Neustadt?
doing a fair bit of rereading, which is to say all of it, I find it interesting to note;

Ada reminded herself she should count her blessings. The Sturmmonsters had passed through recently, and missed every town in the area. Likely some unlucky travelers had been hurt and had their goods stolen by the cold firelings, but usually their impact was much worse. Ada had particularly feared for her grandfather when they'd been on the horizon; her grandmother had died in a Sturmmonster raid, and she wasn't sure he wouldn't have gotten himself killed trying to avenge her. Nor had the Brandstifters in the cauldron been lost; the Sturmmonsters always made a point of killing growing Brandstifters if they could...

Sabrina suggests Storm Beasts don't attack humans- that is, she believed they were a myth so at the least they don't regularly attack her home town. But apparently they do regularly attack the Commoners and their towns, but even just travellers.

Ada smiled again. "The Plan certainly wouldn't keep that between us four years in a row, yes? Don't worry." After an awkward pause, she reminded him, "See you tomorrow, right after dawn."

also I had this big grand theory that perhaps the reason why the Freelanders were accepting of the Gendarme while Commoners are super against it was all this great plan business but apparently no Ada also has the notion The Great Plan exists. Drat.

(to wit, the great plan being a religious belief similar to how the Gendarme apparently think in general at a baseline, where we're all part of one grand purpose and that's good and proper and yadda, but once more, guess not)
[x]You'll explore the idea that they could perhaps defect -they don't have Burner Worms, one of them seems to want to defect, and none of them seem all that devoted to 'the cause'.
-[x] Tell them that a merchant has been buying 'holy bread' from the priests of Neustadt des Glaubens, and, thinking it was only candied bread, selling them to Dominator lands. And also feeding animals with the bread. People and animals have thus been getting burned alive, and the newborn Brandstifters extinguished wherever they can be found.
-[x] Ask them if they know any priests who would do this. Who would either hate Dominated so much they would profane holy bread to burn Dominated peasants, or be venal enough to sell holy bread to a merchant and not care where the merchant would go on to sell the bread. The merchant claimed that "the folks back in Sables De La Haines love it" and have presumably been devouring them in great quantities. And yet there's supposedly not enough for the citizens of Neustadt?

Yeah, getting more info about this is good.