Monster (A Star Wars Imperial Navy Defector Quest)

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The new Disney canon seems to have re-imagined them not as hedonistic space babes, to humanoid mood rings. They get the power of empathy, turn redder when they get angry, and their pheromones are changed to a calming effect (instead of the previous lust inducing effects).

(Zeltron GF?!?!??!?!)
Zeltron ISB/ImpInt GF
Kinda ironic, no?

To go from "this star wars species is a space babe stereotype" to "must have space babe girlfriend".
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The new Disney canon seems to have re-imagined them not as hedonistic space babes, to humanoid mood rings. They get the power empathy, turn redder when they get angry, and their pheromones are changed to a calming effect (instead of the previous lust inducing effects).

Lol, I completely forgot to check the DisCan section because I'm oooold and salty

Kinda ironic, no?

To go from "this star wars species is a space babe stereotype" to "must have space babe girlfriend".
Not so much ironic as just a plain horrible idea :p. Though at least one that'd make sense given that an intelligence career would represent a very definite out of the stereotype whilst still having it pertinent to discussion with said character
In other news, I've finished making the most sense out of the canonical information on the war as is relevant to Vaere.

In the next six months:

-The New Republic Third Fleet starts around now operating out of Bothawui, storms down the Bothan Run, securing the Hyperspace Lane hubs at Lannik, Delang, Nanth'Ri and Randon before reaching Kashyyk. After that they attack down the Trellan Trade Route, securing Zeltros, then bypassing Commenor to move up the Commenor Run to Brentaal.

-As far as I can tell the NR third fleet moves from Bothawui to Brentaal in 6th months... except they don't take Commenor until 6 ABY, until then it's a fortress world. The Essential Guide implies that it's the Third Fleet staging out of Kashyyk that takes Brentaal. Which means they have to bypass Commenor somehow, leaving a fortress in their rear

Now, the NR does appear to lose Kashyyk in 5 ABY, which is fine, because people lose ground in war. But that still leaves the mystery of why they bypassed Commenor.

-So from what I can figure, Brentaal ends up a NR pocket for like two years

I can explain it by them storming down these Hyperlanes. Bypassing the Commenor fortress as part of a plan to squeeze them out for morale and symbolic reasons (Alderaan is on the Commenor run and Chandrila is Mon Mothma's home system which is just past Brentaal)

-But then leaving a Fortress in the rear fucks them and they end up losing Kashyyk.

-Which leaves their pockets in the core isolated for like a year and a half until they force Imperial Loyalists to pull out of Commenor

-This gives me opportunities in writing Monster
OTOH, Commenor was targeted as part of Operation Cinder in the Disney canon. Whether or not you want to add that aspect to this quest is up to you though.
OTOH, Commenor was targeted as part of Operation Cinder in the Disney canon. Whether or not you want to add that aspect to this quest is up to you though.

I tend to ignore a lot of the operation details of the year of war in DisCan following Endor because it looks like:
-A bunch of disconnected shit relating to The Contingency
-The Mosh-Pit over Jakku
-The NR disarms and the remaining Imperials just give up and pinky swear to not be Evil and then change nothing about how they govern except staying in their own borders.

I plan to take some elements from DisCan. But the operational and strategic course of the civil war is basically a bust for this quest from a fun gameplay/coherent timeline perspective.

EDIT: Which isn't to say that having the Jakku moshpit at some point wouldn't be fun
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-A bunch of disconnected shit relating to The Contingency
-The Mosh-Pit over Jakku
-The NR disarms and the remaining Imperials just give up and pinky swear to not be Evil and then change nothing about how they govern except staying in their own borders.
That's pretty much accurate.... fu**ing Disney.
That's pretty much accurate.... fu**ing Disney.

TBH, I blame JJ.

JJ delenda est.

Never 5get rihan ;_;

(He ruins basically every franchise he touches. Which isn't to say that he ruined my childhood or anything because Canon is a spook.

But multiple times he's had the chance to essentially give fresh takes on some of the most beloved franchises of recent pop culture and gives us the most simplistic takes. He is a potential wasting machine. He's had exactly zero original thoughts in his life creatively and produces the most basic and frustrating remixes of existing work.

I have no fucking idea how someone with his utter blackhole of talent and narrative skill became so prominent.

So, what makes me mad about JJ Abrams is that he wastes hundreds of millions of dollars to produce the entertainment equivalent of a pie filled with perfume)
Not so much ironic as just a plain horrible idea :p. Though at least one that'd make sense given that an intelligence career would represent a very definite out of the stereotype whilst still having it pertinent to discussion with said character
Femme fatale is a pretty common spy stereotype.

Incidentally, I did find this Zeltron bounty hunter. She defies the stereotypes.
On the other hand, the reason she defies the stereotypes is not exactly great:
Vianna D'Pow was a albino Zeltron female from the planet Zeltros who was reviled by her peers due to her ash white skin. D'Pow grew to hate herself, and needing an outlet for her pent-up aggression, she sought out the life of a bounty hunter.

Vianna D'Pow

Vianna D'Pow was a albino Zeltron female from the planet Zeltros who was reviled by her peers due to her ash-white skin. D'Pow grew to hate herself, and needing an outlet for her pent-up aggression, she sought out the life of a bounty hunter. Not above using her pheromones to give herself an...
The more I look into DisCan the madder I get.

They've made no fucking effort to have their details be part of coherent universe.

It's more fucking frustrating to track down timelines and locations for DisCan than it is for Legends.

They've kept the scale huge but eliminated all sense of time and location. Everything is next to everything else and the travel times between them do not exist.

...It's not good.

I'm not mad because they replaced Legends, I'm mad that they've put very little thought into the universe that follows it.

Every game, novel, and show appears to just be a bunch of slideshows of places you should recognize by name that they cycle between with no sense of place or travel.

The galaxy is huge but no harder to get around than your local grocery store.

Shit just happens in random places at random times.

I hate it.

EDIT: Like I'm trying to track down where the fuck Akiva is, and it's "one of five worlds closest to Raydonia, the others being Mustafar, Geonosis, Dermos, and Tatooine.

Which is vaugly like saying "City City is close to New York, Washington DC, Berlin, and Tokyo"

Titan Squadron in Squadrons goes from Mon Cala to the Bormea sector between missions. That's "About as far in the outer rim as you can get" to "the Core's doorstep" between missions. And the fleet movements in the whole fucking game are like that. There's no fucking sense of astrography.

It seems to be like that in novels too. Where fleets just sort of pop around between places without appearing in the middle
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Their only concern was cramming as many "cool scenes" into the sequel trilogy as they possibly could.

They made no effort whatsoever to replicate the world-building that separated Star Wars from dozens of generic action sci-fi movies that have since been largely forgotten.
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EDIT: Like I'm trying to track down where the fuck Akiva is, and it's "one of five worlds closest to Raydonia, the others being Mustafar, Geonosis, Dermos, and Tatooine.

Which is vaugly like saying "City City is close to New York, Washington DC, Berlin, and Tokyo"
At least three of these seem to be Outer Rim, I think?
So we can at least assume it's somewhere far out from the nice parts of the galaxy.
At least three of these seem to be Outer Rim, I think?
So we can at least assume it's somewhere far out from the nice parts of the galaxy.

They're in entirely different parts of the rim.

It's the same distance from Tatooine/Geonosis to either Mustafar (In the "south) and Raydonia (In the north) as it is to fucking Coruscant.

It's obvious that it's in the Rim, but it's impossible to say where because three locations are at like 0 degrees, 90 degrees, and 180 degrees from the core.

EDIT: I think whoever wrote the book went "Outer Rim worlds, got it" and no one ever checked to make sure these places were at all close together.
They're in entirely different parts of the rim.

It's the same distance from Tatooine/Geonosis to either Mustafar (In the "south) and Raydonia (In the north) as it is to fucking Coruscant.

It's obvious that it's in the Rim, but it's impossible to say where because three locations are at like 0 degrees, 90 degrees, and 180 degrees from the core.

EDIT: I think whoever wrote the book went "Outer Rim worlds, got it" and no one ever checked to make sure these places were at all close together.
They probably thought of 'Outer Rim' as 'that place over in that direction' rather than 'the entire edge of the galaxy'.
If there's one thing Disney sequel trilogy accomplished, it's making us look back at the prequel films with nostalgia. I mean yes the politics were boring and nobody knew how to write a romantic scene that didn't come across as slightly-to-very creepy, but at least there weren't plot holes large enough to park a Star Destroyer in.
If there's one thing Disney sequel trilogy accomplished, it's making us look back at the prequel films with nostalgia. I mean yes the politics were boring and nobody knew how to write a romantic scene that didn't come across as slightly-to-very creepy, but at least there weren't plot holes large enough to park a Star Destroyer in.

I enjoy the idea of Prequels because they had interesting ideas and thoughts on the universe. George failed to execute well on them, but he had a vision, and sense of a universe outside of what he'd already created. (I will also maintain that Revenge of the Sith was a genuinely good movie on its own merits, if clearly imperfect)

There is much of interest in the Prequels, and almost nothing to think about in the Sequels. Again, they're a fucking waste. I welcome being able to use this quest as opportunity to do a better take on the Post-Endor period by doing jazz with Legends, my own ideas on the setting, and the few good parts of DisCan that I find here and there.
One thing JJ made I enjoyed was Fringe. And I abhor the "Everybody must have a good party" planet. First of all, no, that's not how sapients work, and second: Pheromones. That means you're getting hacked. *Shudder*.
Yeah the biggest disapointment with DisCanon is that they scrapped legends with the excuse that what came after would be more cohisive on a plot and theme level and then... just didn't actually do that. It just ended up being the place for the least creative and interesting SW takes. With the sole exception of Ray's storyline in TLJ. Which was still done better in verious legends media.
Chaos III
Chaos III

50 Hours after the Battle of Endor
Chandrila System, Bormea Sector


Admiral Shara Vaere sits on the edge of her bed, staring across her quarters at a painting she'd had commissioned of Indefatigable by an artist of her acquaintance shortly after she'd taken command of the powerful battlecruiser.

She stares at the wall and draws in a deep breath before letting it back out, her hands resting limply in her lap as she gathered herself from a far too short nap in order to carry out more duties as somehow, things got worse.

The last two days of Vaere's life had been defined by that phrase: "And then, somehow, it got worse."

The fleet defeated at Endor has finally regrouped at Annaj!

Somehow, Admiral Prittick (Admiral by the grace of his brother's pocketbook) then lost control of his nerves, and now the fleet that survived Endor was falling back to Yag'Dhul.

Yag'Dhul which is, to check Vaere's mental map of the galaxy, not in the outer rim where Endor system is. It wasn't in the Mid Rim, which was next to the Outer Rim, nor was it in the Expansion region, which was next to the Mid Rim. No, Yag'Dhul is was in the Inner Rim. Which is: one, two, three, three entire sections of a galaxy that only has seven agreed upon concentric sections.

A fleet headed to Yag'Dhul that was, somehow, light the forces of Admiral Blitzer Harrsk, who had fucking vanished taking an entire battlecruiser with him.

So, okay, sometimes you have to regroup, that's fine. As long as someone is in charge. And someone was now in charge!

So now there is a Regent: Sate Pestage!

Which made sense because Sate Pestage was Grand Vizier, the chief bureaucrat who ran the Empire's day to day for the Emperor.

On the other hand, who THE FUCK is Sate Pestage? Some faceless bureaucrat that barely anyone's ever heard of.

Thankfully the Imperial Ruling Council is stepping in to help take up the slack. Which is fine because the IRC are -were- the innermost council of advisors to the Emperor…

Just seven hundred or so of Palpatine's closest friends and associates. Vaere is certain that this particular batch of fractious, self-interested, and greedy politicians will govern the Empire better than the old Senate's fractious, self-interested, and greedy politicians did.

Somehow, overnight the Empire had found itself with a government that combined all the worst parts of the old Republic with none of the upsides.

Bureaucrats and self interested politicians. Eugh.

Vaer slowly stands up and begins to stretch, pulling an arm straight and taut across her chest, cradling it with the other arm. Then switching arms.

Even in Vaere's own operation area, somehow, things got worse.

When she was in Corulag snagging her vessels back from that fat scrotum wrapped in cracked leather of a man that was Planetary Governor Snopps, (And even picking up an ordinance task group in the bargain!) General Thiromer had been busy not just declaring martial law and shooting another couple thousand people, but trying to assert command over Seles!

Naturally, Seles told him to fuck off, that he couldn't command Navy resources like that. And that was that, but an Army man trying to force the Navy to provide decryption assistance and air support was still an additional annoyance that Vaere didn't need. Hopefully he'd stop freaking out now that the new chain of command was clear.

And, speaking of the chain of command, she had new orders and requests coming in: requests from the Imperial Ruling Council, orders from the newly appointed Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Uther Kerman (Ruthless and Stubborn, said the filing cabinet in Vaere's brain, but otherwise mostly harmless), local needs, and requests from neighbouring fleet officers.

As Vaere finishes a stretch that involves standing on one leg and pulling up the other leg behind her body, she becomes resigned to the fact that there is so much that is going to need doing and only a limited amount of will and resources to do it with.

Vaere knows that she's going to have to start picking and choosing her battles, which is likely to put her at odds with all kinds of people.

But first, now that the Empire had maintained a legitimate command, it seemed to Vaere that it was now her duty to inform her people of recent events, and to inspire them in these dark times. As she finishes stretching and moves to exit her quarters, she knew what she had to say, she had to deliver the news to her people and deliver a message of-

[ ] -Perseverance and Hope.

The Navy will endure and bring the dawn.

For a thousand generations the Vaeres have served the Republic via the Navy, and in that time there had been darker periods for the galaxy, with much greater threats. And they and the Navy had survived and fought until they'd secured peace and prosperity.

The Republic had survived many shocks on the back of its Navy: the dark millennium of the Pius Dea era when the Republic had become a brutal xenophobic theocracy, the Tionese Wars, the Great Galactic Wars against the Sith Empire, the wars with Jedi, Mandelorians, and Sith. And most recently, the Clone Wars. Through all of these events the Navy stood firm in the face of overwhelming tides of darkness and persevered.

These times are no different. The Navy endures, the Empire endures, and the Galaxy's People will endure.

In Admiral Shara Vaere's estimation, the primary mission of the 1st Bormea Superiority Fleet will be to act with caution and patiently build up its strength for the struggle to come. (This will influence future operational choices)

[ ] -Unity and Order.

The Empire remains united, as do its people.

The Emperor may be dead. But he is one man, the Empire is its institutions and people, and those remain. The Imperial Ruling Council and the Grand Vizier have risen to become the Stewards and Regent of the Galaxy.

And below them the Chain of Command remains intact. The fleet at Endor may have taken losses, but the vast bulwark of the Imperial Navy that enforces order across the galaxy remains. Once before, when the galaxy stood on the brink of chaos, when the senate hesitated between success and ruin, the Emperor chose success. And now the Navy will choose success.

As the Emperor always maintained: one Empire, one code of law, one common tongue, and one education in social progress.

In Admiral Shara Vaere's estimation, the mission of the 1st Bormea Superiority Fleet will be to wait for orders from Imperial Center and coordinate operations with nearby Imperial units. (This will influence future operational choices)

[ ] -Duty and Sacrifice.

The Navy has a duty to protect the Empire's people from chaos.

The Navy exists as the thin grey line between the galaxy's innocents and those who would do them harm. Everything that the Navy must do is for the greater good.

The Navy must continue to carry out its duty, to abide by the principles laid down by the Emperor and carried out every day in every part of the galaxy. The Navy lays down everything on the line to keep chaos from sweeping away everything that civilization has built.

Every day the Navy sacrifices itself and sacrifices others to keep people safe from insurrection, from extremism, from every horror the universe has to offer. Even if it has to cut out chaos and corruption from within, the Navy doesn't flinch from sacrifices in the name of duty.

Every day the Navy will do its duty: its duty to the Empire, to the People, and to its own Traditions.

In Admiral Shara Vaere's estimation, the mission of the 1st Bormea Superiority Fleet will be to take the initative and act to secure the Bormea sector from piracy, from corruption, and from insubordination. (This will influence future operational choices)
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[X] -Duty and Sacrifice.

It's either this and secure a powerbase or Hope to bide strength and time because I'm not about to take orders from Sate fucking Pestage and coordinate with the rapidly dissolving Imperial Navy
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[X] -Perseverance and Hope.

Prefer this, just wait and see how this go, better than wasting lives even crappy imperial lives.
[X] -Duty and Sacrifice.

Yeah, none of the people above us in the chain of command looks all that competent or trustworthy, better secure the sector and do what we can, where we can do it.
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