Memoirs of a Human Flashlight Thread 2: Now with more Arguments! [Exalted/Worm]

Here's the deal, Solars justify all the fan wank, but not in the way those overeager neckbeards might think.

The whole point to Exalted is that yes, you can eventually have a decent shot at taking out any given world ending threat. The issue however is that you're playing a baby Solar who has just started to come into his power in a world full of things that want you dead. The question is never 'Can I do this?', it's 'Can I do this yet, and is it worth the cost?'

At its heart, Exalted is a desperate struggle to survive a world trying to kill you before you come into all your cheesetastic 'Solar is OP plz nerf' GLORY, and trying not to lose your mind to the Great Curse and your morals to the full agency of your own actions given to you by a literal Mandate from Heaven.

And rip off every Wuxia movie you've ever seen doing it.
Satori said:
I seem to recall that even in the primordial war, mortals were recruited into the exalted's armies. They could fight first circle demons and other servitor races at least.
Getting a mite off topic, but those mortals also had DB officers, and DBs are amazing at the army buffing thing.

The main issue with throwing armies at Scion is, well, he kinda has hilarious AoE firepower. So without DB's to offset that, you have a dead army in short order. So all your artifacts, all your training? It won't matter, because your up against the guy who shattered England for shits and giggles, and can casually throw nuclear level attacks. And yes, this is 3CD level.
That spell protects the morale of those troops. It does not protect them from golden lasers.

Unless you are Moses.
Satori said:
That spell protects the morale of those troops. It does not protect them from golden lasers.

Unless you are Moses.
An army's Might score is added as successes to attack actions. It is also added to the leader's essence to determine the effective essence for for determining whether the army is a valid target for an effect. There are other effects that prevent someone of lower essence from attacking. These combine beautifully with a high Might score.
err... no. As the quoted post mentioned, Scion can destroy continents at a whim. Might 10 might make them effectively as tough as a Stamina 15 critter, after solar training, but landscape-scale creatures exist, and have much more soak than that. They'd still be obliterated by the blasts that destroyed much larger landscapes, and so would the army. For that matter, his kind blows up all variations of a planet for food/propulsion. He can certainly destroy a single one.

To paraphrase, Scion's attacks are bigger and more powerful than the Shrike's heavy weapons, which would also wipe out such an army. You can't dodge it*, you can't block it, and your soak doesn't matter. Scion's attack and damage are arbitrary values, he pumps them as high as he wants. You need infinite soak, dimensional fuckery (to be out of his easy reach), or teleportation(same). None of which the spell or training charms provide.

Not sure why it matters, though. You would be infinitely better off _leading_ said army and using dodge/parry/resistance charms that prevent the attack or damage.

*except as noted with dimensional fuckery
Against Scion you're looking at the same type of problem as a newbie exalt fighting an elder exalt:

Who gets mote/energy tapped first?
Both have perfect defenses and perfect attacks. The Exalt can be certain of not going down to any of the arbitrary levels of firepower attacks from Scion while energy remains. The Exalt has few arbitrary levels of damage effects, Scion has many, so it's a case of always applicable DV, Perfect or die.

So in the endgame scenario, the most efficient way for a Solar to fight Scion is to run perfect parries(preferably action-length or tick-length) that Scion has no backdoors for and tank him for the army of parahumans hitting him. Parahumans got bigger energy reserves than a Solar has motes for PDs, and there are a LOT of powerful attacks on otherwise too damned squishy humans.
Oddly enough, the one who runs out of Willpower* first will lose. Just like canon. :D

*Scion spams attacks per second, and the per action protections cost willpower, on the other hand, you're sure to have some damn good stunt options when fighting this guy.
ir_fane said:
Oddly enough, the one who runs out of Willpower* first will lose. Just like canon. :D

*Scion spams attacks per second, and the per action protections cost willpower, on the other hand, you're sure to have some damn good stunt options when fighting this guy.
This is more a quirk of the Exalted tick based combat system. If you use the Exalted rules, Scion is making a flurry of (blank) attack every action. An action takes at least 3 ticks.

A ridiculously fast exalt should by all rights be able to attack once on one second and then again a second later. Exalted's combat system totally ignores this. How this story models extended perfects depends on how attached the author is to Exalted mechanics. By the book, Scion should make an attack on on tick in which he shoots his Golden Fuck-Off Beam however many times he chooses, but if you use a single tick long perfect you are safe. Then the question becomes what is the speed of the Fuck-Off Beam, how many ticks he must wait before he can act again. Then you can determine if it is more efficient to use an action long costing 11m, 1wp, or just multiple 11m tick long perfects.

tl;dr: Exalted rules prohibit this, but they are really bad in this situation so the author may use homebrew. Then there is a long rambling explanation of why Exalted's tick based system sucks.
GeneralChaos said:
tl;dr: Exalted rules prohibit this, but they are really bad in this situation so the author may use homebrew. Then there is a long rambling explanation of why Exalted's tick based system sucks.
It would be a bit more accurate to say there is a long rambling explanation for why Exalted's system is an utter clusterfuck of bad rules, duct tape and spaghetti code that is somehow playable.

Thankfully, Golden Lark is not using the rules as written, but the rules as intended.
ir_fane said:
Oddly enough, the one who runs out of Willpower* first will lose. Just like canon. :D

*Scion spams attacks per second, and the per action protections cost willpower, on the other hand, you're sure to have some damn good stunt options when fighting this guy.
He's never needed to use his social defenses in his life before.
Parahumans (plus whatever Zion is) probably can't use a Cult rating Exalted-style... but Zion would totally have a huge Cult. The millions during an Endbringer attack that cry out for him to save them alone...
azoicennead said:
I'd rate Zion closer to 3CD than Primordial, honestly. With training (such as that from LSC), mortals are perfectly capable of building things like Gunzosha Commando Armor. Not long ago, I planned out a mass-enlightenment system using the Thaumaturgy ritual and LSC. A force of enlightened mortals in gunzosha armor with daiklaves is actually not a negligible threat.
Is Ligier a 3CD? I might buy Zion as around the tier of the Green Sun.
Honestly, from what we've seen of the Endbringers, I'd say their power level is definitely closer to that of a weak 3rd Circle Demon than a 2nd Circle one.
And I'm not sure the word "weak" is even required.

I mean, consider: Leviathan is strong enough to rip parahumans considered nigh-invulnerable apart, is so goddamn fast that armies lose track of him inside the city despite his being a friggin' kaiju, and has such ridiculous water-control powers that he was able to drown Kyushu. Behemoth has ridiculously deadly ranged attacks, and when he got hit with an attack that could have sundered much of the Indian sub-continent, all it caused him was cosmetic damage. The Simurgh is more bullshit overpowered than the two of them combined. Don't get me started on Khonsu.

2nd-Circle demons ain't got nothing on that.
:rolleyes: Attempting to Rerail.
Satori said:
Really? Where can I go get a degree realm quick then?
You can do it for free now, well at least the learning, each exam costs $100/£58. Now the University of the People probably doesn't exist in Earth Bet yet, but the BBC article I linked to (first link) say's that the University of Phoenix has been offering 100% online learning since 1987. Now Scion did turn up on may 20th 1982 so he could have butterflied this away but the existence of Endbringers likely means this may even be more important.

As having a decentralised apparatus to educate people globally would be a good thing with Endbringer attacks. We've had operating systems on USB Sticks since at least 2009 and there is the current Keepod project. Combine Online learning, with the Keepod project of a OS on a USB for $7, Laptops with just RAM + CPU + Keyboard + Touch Pad Mouse + USB ports + Screen + Wireless mobile Internet and either a Dragon Launched Satellite to pipe in internet or a series of moving self powered moblie phone towers.

Then you can get a good method of Endbringer relief, not just only for learning but for other types of relief like communication. We could do this today with just mobile phone towers instead of the satellite, Earth Bet has had been having to deal with Endbringers for almost 20 years. This kind of help for a relief program would be useful.

So if they have invested in infrastructure like this (they'd be fools not to) means that Earth Bet likely has far more online learning than we had in 2011. So, in conclusion Taylor can learn online probably quite easily, combined with Solar Learning Hax she can do it quick.
I know about online clases, but they are not instant and still mostly require you to e-attend over a significant period of time. You can get a degree online easily, I got that part.

The part is disbelieve is getting one in a week. Not even degree mills are *that* lax, usually.

If UoP let's you skip directly to final exams, I guess you can maybe do a one week degree-get! But you're not likely to be taken too seriously, because people will naturally doubt that you can gain such proficiency so quickly.
DragonBard said:
For what it's worth, the Olympian gods were the Greco-Roman equivalent of Exalted's Incarnae. The most powerful and rulers of the Greco-Roman gods with several lesser gods like Thanatos, Hypnos, Hunger (or whatever her name was) and others who ran around doing things.

The Aesir and Vanir on the other hand were all the gods of the Norse Pantheon. At least as far as I can remember.
The Olympians were also much more powerful relative to their Grecoromans than the Aesir were to the Norse.

The Aesir were a lot more like powerful adventurers.
Stroth said:
Thor once made a good showing at drinking the ocean, wrestling Old Age and dead lifting Jörmungandr World-Serpent to win a bet at a party. Not even an epic quest or something, just "Hey dude, I bet you can't..." What the hell kind of adventurers are you comparing them to?
Like I said, they did the sort of things really powerful adventurers did. Norse gods weren't particularly immortal(they needed magic items to retain their youth, and did not generally consider injuries to be a mere inconvenience), distant or inhuman. They're just people with a lot of power in their areas of competence.
Stroth said:
Thor once made a good showing at drinking the ocean, wrestling Old Age and dead lifting Jörmungandr World-Serpent to win a bet at a party. Not even an epic quest or something, just "Hey dude, I bet you can't..." What the hell kind of adventurers are you comparing them to?
*considers the usual shenanigans my group gets up to*

You mean that's not normal?
Stroth said:
You mean like ambrosia? Because that's totally how the Olympians stayed immortal, by eating ambrosia.
The Aesir rapidly age if denied their regular supply of Idunn's apples. And any injuries they take stay taken(though like proper warriors should, they avoid taking wounds through skill and ferocity), while the Olympians tended to be a lot more flexible in that regard.
Essence 3.2.1

There was a solid tactical disadvantage to my powerset, which was kind of obvious.

I wasn't subtle.

At all.

My eponymous display set a radius of the air around me to glowing, regardless of barriers, obstructions, or any other feasible source of 'shade.' And shade was the word, as it was (to paraphrase Dennis) magical bullshit super sunlight. It didn't tan people or injure them, but it eroded the environment around me mercilessly. While that itself wasn't a problem, it made my passage terribly obvious. Bad guys would see me coming, and they would be able to see where I exerted myself. This made my patrols in the more troublesome parts of town somewhat problematic.

Wards weren't really expected to do more than skirt the most questionable districts, and if they did see anything going down in those parts they simply called for help. Preferably without being noticed. That, unfortunately, was my biggest problem. I could operate slightly above human norms without lighting up, but being useful was a challenge. It was the Tinker problem, in a sense; they were useless without tools much of the time, while I was useless if I didn't want to stand out.

And trust me, not standing out was getting harder every day.

Even in my civilian guise, I was taller, walking with more grace, and slowly replacing my wardrobe. Well, sort of.

While the airbrushing was undoubtedly seeping into every aspect of my being, I had to work on my Clark Kent impression all the harder for it. Hair (wonderful, wonderful hair) tied up in a bun, glasses with false lenses that dominated my face (rather than the flawless skin), and a very very careful eye for fashion.

Ego aside, I was now too pretty to dress in my admittedly frumpy and, well, poor, old style. Someone with my face and figure in my old clothes would turn heads for entirely different reasons than a supermodel wearing something daring. While I couldn't be a total top-of-the-line fashionista in my daily life, I could dress to emphasize different parts of myself than the Lightshow costume did. So, I aimed for the opposite of a shiny, smiling, approachable super-girl.

I was the untouchable and perpetually frowning hot librarian. I could pass for a bit older than I was, now. Every moment I spent on the streets of Brockton Bay was practice, keeping my neutral frown going until I was forced to interact with people. Obviously the most common unwelcome one was boys (or guys, as the age variance was surprisingly wide). I got to immediately turn the juice up from 'frown' to 'imperious glare,' and watch flirts melt down as I wordlessly rejected them under the weight of my disapproval.

It was so much fun!

Not that I had anything against guys; I just had no time to bother with it in my day to day life. If I was going to go and, um, do that sort of thing, I'd probably dress differently and aim for other locations, and-

Well, in the old days Emma and I had chatted about that kind of thing, but it was all a pipe dream. Nowadays Missy was still too young, the other Wards were all male, and the older female PRT members . . . yeah. Little embarrassed to admit my interest in such things to adults, at this point. Especially since I couldn't rely on my power.

Well, sort of.

I've been leaving something out, this whole time. I didn't notice it immediately myself, and when I did, I kept it quiet.

I have a small reserve of 'juice' that doesn't have to make me glow. I can use it for any of my active powers, and no brand, no anima, no light at all happens. The best part is, if I force it, I can make that pool of power to act like the rest.

So, technically, I can pull off some stuff in everyday life without outing myself. An absolute godsend, honestly. Just, also terrifying. Much of my ability make me obviously parahuman, but there are other layers that do not. The idea that I could clandestinely charm my way into any boy's heart (and wallet) was . . . distinctly uncomfortable.

So, I stayed in my comfort zone; isolation. Self-imposed, self-enforced isolation via an ice-queen facade that I was slowly building up with practice. I took all of Glenn's advice, and simply did the opposite. Glaring, looking down on people that bugged me, radiating I do not want to be disturbed and otherwise harnessing the very same lessons for . . . well, PR isn't 'good' or 'evil,' so I can't just say one of those.

It started small, at first, with little flares of that pool of energy to boost shifts of stance and expression. Eventually I had it down to glaring at guys when they first displayed signs of approaching me. I'll admit I was caught completely of guard by the first woman to hit on me, but after I (less harshly than normally) brushed her off I kept my eyes open for incoming men and women, and it never happened again during those peaceful days.

It all culminated when I was off and at the library studying for more course credits. I didn't want to rely on the internet (or the PRT's internet connection, never mind my hacked server) for this. I was sidestepping down an aisle, and reached out to grab a book when my hand was blocked by another.

Blinking and stepping back, I beheld Dennis with a list in one hand (of topics I had mentioned to him I was studying) and the book I had just reached for in the other, looking at my like a deer in headlights. He also stepped back to an appropriate distance.

"Ah, I-I'm sorry miss, I was just-"

Ah. He doesn't recognize me.

Internally I smiled. Time for fun!

Externally, my frown deepened and he was now under the boy-searing glare.

"-just, ah, grabbing, this, for a friendandI'llgetoutofyourwaynowbye!"


He froze, as if his power had been activated. I glanced around. No one else was in earshot.

"Turn around, now."

He pivoted, sweat visible on his forehead.

"Ah, miss, I really need to get this to my friend, so-"

I pumped a splash of power into my next words. Most of the power was 'quiet,' with just a bit being 'flashy.'

"Drop it."

And the book hit the ground with a thunk, followed shortly by his knees.

He was shaking. Was that a tear? Holy crap!


One hand clamped over my mouth, I doubled over, laughing silently.

"Huh?" he let out with a squeak.

I kneeled down and tapped my forehead, when the faint image of my brand was barely visible, sparking softly.

His face warped in a way I can't really describe with words, and an accusing finger preceded an entirely too-large intake of breath. Before he could yell, I simply put a finger to my lips.


And he flinched, and nodded with a grimace. He scooped up the book and I nodded, and we filed out of the library without another word.

Needless to say, that evening he got the best meal of his life as an apology- and as payment for his absolute unconditional silence.
Essence 3.2.1

There was a solid tactical disadvantage to my powerset, which was kind of obvious.

I wasn't subtle.

At all.

My eponymous display set a radius of the air around me to glowing, regardless of barriers, obstructions, or any other feasible source of 'shade.' And shade was the word, as it was (to paraphrase Dennis) magical bullshit super sunlight. It didn't tan people or injure them, but it eroded the environment around me mercilessly. While that itself wasn't a problem, it made my passage terribly obvious. Bad guys would see me coming, and they would be able to see where I exerted myself. This made my patrols in the more troublesome parts of town somewhat problematic.

Wards weren't really expected to do more than skirt the most questionable districts, and if they did see anything going down in those parts they simply called for help. Preferably without being noticed. That, unfortunately, was my biggest problem. I could operate slightly above human norms without lighting up, but being useful was a challenge. It was the Tinker problem, in a sense; they were useless without tools much of the time, while I was useless if I didn't want to stand out.

And trust me, not standing out was getting harder every day.

Even in my civilian guise, I was taller, walking with more grace, and slowly replacing my wardrobe. Well, sort of.

While the airbrushing was undoubtedly seeping into every aspect of my being, I had to work on my Clark Kent impression all the harder for it. Hair (wonderful, wonderful hair) tied up in a bun, glasses with false lenses that dominated my face (rather than the flawless skin), and a very very careful eye for fashion.

Ego aside, I was now too pretty to dress in my admittedly frumpy and, well, poor, old style. Someone with my face and figure in my old clothes would turn heads for entirely different reasons than a supermodel wearing something daring. While I couldn't be a total top-of-the-line fashionista in my daily life, I could dress to emphasize different parts of myself than the Lightshow costume did. So, I aimed for the opposite of a shiny, smiling, approachable super-girl.

I was the untouchable and perpetually frowning hot librarian. I could pass for a bit older than I was, now. Every moment I spent on the streets of Brockton Bay was practice, keeping my neutral frown going until I was forced to interact with people. Obviously the most common unwelcome one was boys (or guys, as the age variance was surprisingly wide). I got to immediately turn the juice up from 'frown' to 'imperious glare,' and watch flirts melt down as I wordlessly rejected them under the weight of my disapproval.

It was so much fun!

Not that I had anything against guys; I just had no time to bother with it in my day to day life. If I was going to go and, um, do that sort of thing, I'd probably dress differently and aim for other locations, and-

Well, in the old days Emma and I had chatted about that kind of thing, but it was all a pipe dream. Nowadays Missy was still too young, the other Wards were all male, and the older female PRT members . . . yeah. Little embarrassed to admit my interest in such things to adults, at this point. Especially since I couldn't rely on my power.

Well, sort of.

I've been leaving something out, this whole time. I didn't notice it immediately myself, and when I did, I kept it quiet.

I have a small reserve of 'juice' that doesn't have to make me glow. I can use it for any of my active powers, and no brand, no anima, no light at all happens. The best part is, if I force it, I can make that pool of power to act like the rest.

So, technically, I can pull off some stuff in everyday life without outing myself. An absolute godsend, honestly. Just, also terrifying. Much of my ability make me obviously parahuman, but there are other layers that do not. The idea that I could clandestinely charm my way into any boy's heart (and wallet) was . . . distinctly uncomfortable.

So, I stayed in my comfort zone; isolation. Self-imposed, self-enforced isolation via an ice-queen facade that I was slowly building up with practice. I took all of Glenn's advice, and simply did the opposite. Glaring, looking down on people that bugged me, radiating I do not want to be disturbed and otherwise harnessing the very same lessons for . . . well, PR isn't 'good' or 'evil,' so I can't just say one of those.

It started small, at first, with little flares of that pool of energy to boost shifts of stance and expression. Eventually I had it down to glaring at guys when they first displayed signs of approaching me. I'll admit I was caught completely of guard by the first woman to hit on me, but after I (less harshly than normally) brushed her off I kept my eyes open for incoming men and women, and it never happened again during those peaceful days.

It all culminated when I was off and at the library studying for more course credits. I didn't want to rely on the internet (or the PRT's internet connection, never mind my hacked server) for this. I was sidestepping down an aisle, and reached out to grab a book when my hand was blocked by another.

Blinking and stepping back, I beheld Dennis with a list in one hand (of topics I had mentioned to him I was studying) and the book I had just reached for in the other, looking at my like a deer in headlights. He also stepped back to an appropriate distance.

"Ah, I-I'm sorry miss, I was just-"

Ah. He doesn't recognize me.

Internally I smiled. Time for fun!

Externally, my frown deepened and he was now under the boy-searing glare.

"-just, ah, grabbing, this, for a friendandI'llgetoutofyourwaynowbye!"


He froze, as if his power had been activated. I glanced around. No one else was in earshot.

"Turn around, now."

He pivoted, sweat visible on his forehead.

"Ah, miss, I really need to get this to my friend, so-"

I pumped a splash of power into my next words. Most of the power was 'quiet,' with just a bit being 'flashy.'

"Drop it."

And the book hit the ground with a thunk, followed shortly by his knees.

He was shaking. Was that a tear? Holy crap!


One hand clamped over my mouth, I doubled over, laughing silently.

"Huh?" he let out with a squeak.

I kneeled down and tapped my forehead, when the faint image of my brand was barely visible, sparking softly.

His face warped in a way I can't really describe with words, and an accusing finger preceded an entirely too-large intake of breath. Before he could yell, I simply put a finger to my lips.


And he flinched, and nodded with a grimace. He scooped up the book and I nodded, and we filed out of the library without another word.

Needless to say, that evening he got the best meal of his life as an apology- and as payment for his absolute unconditional silence.

Awww, Taylor being adorable.
Bad Taylor, Bad!

This isn't the way you should treat an evil minion! They need to do something wrong before being tortured!
Oh Taylor... you have mastered the Hot Displeased Librarian look... which is good since your last look of Mopey Wallflower no longer works. Well done.
Making dinner for Dennis, oh my.

Does this qualify as their first date?

Will Missy ever let him live this down?

When did Clockblocker turn into Memetic Calls Bullshit Man again?
Taylor used Order-Affirming Blow to force the universe to behave correctly.

Less sarcastic answer: he wasn't going to shout "bullshit", but he was going to shout, so she stopped whatever he was going to shout from happening.