Mein Krieg (Youjo Senki/Tanya the Evil OC)

NEVER underestimate the stupidity of governments with no idea how to manage an economic crisis in times of international tension. Well, never underestimate the populous too :p
It's hinted in canon that the governments of not!Europe suffer from a severe case of "Being X made me do it!"
I just have an image in my mind.

> Fred become the Prophet, somehow being able to judge and gauge the overall plan of hostile forces.
> Not completely correct, but then he only thinks for 10s with a tibid from a newspaper
> The guess is even more correct than the intelligence document
> The Generals likes it. They send Tanya to diffuse the problem.
> And thus, Tanya the Fucking Devil Degauchaff is born. And Fred the Fucking Prophet is her herald.

Or worse, Fred would calmly sit down in front of a prisoner, sipping chocolate while asking prisoners questions. For better or worse, they answer truthfully - because the maniacal laughter of Tanya can be heard in the background, and Fred only smiles at that.
Or worse, Fred would calmly sit down in front of a prisoner, sipping chocolate while asking prisoners questions. For better or worse, they answer truthfully - because the maniacal laughter of Tanya can be heard in the background, and Fred only smiles at that.
That's a brilliantly nightmarish image.
Or worse, Fred would calmly sit down in front of a prisoner, sipping chocolate while asking prisoners questions. For better or worse, they answer truthfully - because the maniacal laughter of Tanya can be heard in the background, and Fred only smiles at that.

I actually like it. Can I use it for a later chapter?
It's hinted in canon that the governments of not!Europe suffer from a severe case of "Being X made me do it!"
Being X needs to up his game. We can go to war over lines on centuries old pieces of paper or single persons dying just fine without his intercession.

That said, I can't wait to see the actual fighting begin. With two mages of some skill present, the Entente will get roughed up a fair bit.
What would actually be an interesting twist is if he hadn't dismissed the concern of war and instead spoke up about his suspicions of Being X and then they somehow derailed the start! That would be almost hilarious.
Chapter 13: A training, not a war!
Chapter 13: A training, not a war!

Imperial Norden, the Empire
13 June, Unified Year 1923

The next morning, Tanya and I were in a small field, a short distance from the base. With us were nine Imperial Wizards, all armed and equipped for the training exercise.

The temperature around us was freezing, due to our location and the early time. I remember it because I kept rubbing myself, in a vain attempt to keep my body warm.

"Stop making your teeth chatter, Frederick!" said Tanya leaning towards me "Do you want to attract attention?"

"No, I just want to warm myself up. I'm freezing!"

"Don't nag." she replied with her typical expression "A true soldier does not fear cold."

I shivered, trying to think up an intelligent comeback. Yes, we were soldiers, and we were trying to give a good impression (due to our plan) but this was ridiculous.

Before I could answer, the voice of our leading officer roared.

"Get ready for the beginning of the exercise! All of you know your assigned sectors: reach them and start your patrol missions!"

Hearing the officer's words, we stood at attention. Nobody was making a noise: the only sound we were able to hear, apart from the officer's voice, were the hiss of the cold wind that continued to torture us.

"Warrant Officer Degurechaff, prepare to head out!"

Tanya moved to the officer, the rifle in her hands.

"Warrant Officer Tanya Degurechaff, heading out!"

Then, with the speed of a rocket, she rose in flight, soon becoming a dot in the sky. I looked at her hypnotized for a few seconds, before the brutal voice of the officer brought me back to reality.

"Warrant Officer König, stop daydreaming and get yourself ready!"

I gulped. Slowly, I walked up to where Tanya had taken off a few moments before.

"Warrant officer Frederick König," I said, holding the rifle tightly with my hands "heading out!"

In a few moments, I felt the magical energy flowing through my body, ready to support me. I concentrated ... and rocketed into the sky as well.

As soon as I reached operating height, I stopped rising and moved northeast, following the same route as Tanya.

I thought I knew what would happen. However, the unexpected can happen anytime…

"Do you see something that even remotely resembles an enemy?" I asked Tanya, who was flying a few meters above me.

"No, Frederick." she replied without even looking at me "For the fifth time, I cannot see anything hostile. And please, stop asking!"

"Oh, come on! We are flying alone over an uninhabited forest, you and I are the only human beings for miles, we can allow ourselves the luxury of a conversation!"

"Remember: we are officially part of a military training exercise. We have a mission to carry out!"

"Our mission is to simply patrol the area, return and report. And what is there to report? I seriously doubt that command is interested in a census of the deer and wolves in the region!"

"We have our orders, baby-face! Moreover, if-"

It was then that we heard the buzz.

Immediately, we stopped our discussion and adjusted our wireless mana-powered headphones we had been given to communicate.

"…ntrol to all Zones. I repeat:,Norden Control to all zones. Detecting border violations by the Entente Alliance. Initiate Anti-Air Interception mission. I repeat, initiate Anti-Air Interception mission..."

"What?" I said, looking at my headphones as to make sure I heard correctly.

This was not true. It absolutely could not be true! The Entente's council could not be stupid enough to attack a bigger and more powerful nation just to distract their own people from the crisis, right?


"I never thought we would be see a real battle during our training." said Tanya a few meters above me. It seemed clear that she could not believe what she had heard too.

"Do you think it's true?" I asked her, trying to hide my fear trough a façade of calm "We're being invaded by the Entente?"

"I suppose. I seriously hope this is not another trick of that damned Being X!"

I gulped, remembering what I said the previous night all too well. Had I accidentally given Being X the idea to "encourage" the Entente's government into attacking the Empire?

This battle … was it my fault?

"This is Norden Control," said the voice of before from our headphones "Warrant Officers Degurechaff and König have been promoted to second lieutenant. Cease patrol practice and being observation!"

The new message, although it was not enough to calm my inner tension, gave me some hope.

We had just been ordered to begin observation, probably to inform the headquarter and help it coordinate the response of the ground forces. If we were lucky enough, it meant we would not have to fight the enemy directly. This guaranteed us a maximum chance of survival.

"Your call signs are Fairy 08 and Dove 08."

I mentally groaned hearing my new designation. It was apparent that the Officers of the Imperial Army did not have a great imagination into choosing the codenames.

However, I had no time to waste to think about it. With a quick movement, I grabbed the observation binoculars I had been supplied and began to observe the area around me.

It did not take long to locate the advancing column of the enemy. I saw a long line of horse-drawn wagons, soldiers on horseback and infantry heading towards our direction. The column advanced with no apparent fear of air attacks or ambushes. For an instant, I looked with shock at the advancing force. From what I was able to see, it was totally devoid of armored units and anti-air defenses. More incredibly, it looked like there were no Wizards to escort it.

"Tanya, do you see it? They have no Wizards, no tanks, nothing!"

"I see it, they look more like a Napoleonic army than a modern one," she said without diverting her gaze from the binoculars "Frederick, keep an eye out for enemy air units. I'll call it in to Control."

I nodded. Just because I had not seen any Wizards or aircraft enemy unit, this did not necessarily mean that there were none.

"This is Fairy 08," Tanya said in her headphones "Entente Alliance infantry crossing the border confirmed. Over."

"Understood." Norden Control answered after a few seconds "Now beginning standard artillery fire. Give detailed observations of the target."

"Fairy 08, Roger."

"Well, now what we do?" I asked once Tanya had finished reporting to the Control.

"We wait. The artillery units should go into action within a few minutes. And they need us to report the correct coordinates for shooting."

As if a confirmation of Tanya's words, a long-range artillery shell flew a few miles to our right, directed on the enemy's advancing column. With my binoculars, I saw the shell landing into the forest, missing the enemy column by some meters and destroying many innocents trees.

"Norden Control, this is Dove 08. Strike confirmed. The error is within 10. Fire for effect!"

"Roger, contacting artillery unit. Out."

Within seconds, a true rain of heavy metal fell on the advancing Entente troops. I saw some wagons explode into a thousand pieces as the first shells hit the road in front of and behind them. I saw blood and dismembered limbs, while the survivors tried to escape the attack by hiding in the forest. I could not hear the screams of the wounded and the dying, but I did not need to. I was enough to see their faces to realize their pain. I could almost read what they said through the binoculars.

"Scream…scream…help me…my arm…Medic…hide in the forest…" I said looking at the scene with a smile.

I knew it was not right what I was doing. I was actually enjoining other people's pain and agony, the same way the old me could enjoy the scene of a movie. It was something that, if I still think about it today, scares me.

However, the men of the Entente were not the victim. They were the aggressors, the would-be invader who were thinking about conquering the land of Norden from the Empire, just following the orders of their government. The Empire did not shoot first, the Entente did. And the soldiers of the Entente surely would have not miss the chance to do to the Empire the same thing the Empire was doing to them now.

It was just like Tanya said: there was no justice, nor morality in the world. The law that governed men was still the same that governed animals: the law of the fittest. The law that rewards strength and cunning, not courage and honor. And attacking a bigger nation with a more powerful army was very courageous, but like an old general of my world said:

"Seriously," said Tanya next to me "this is the result of the Entente Alliance's brinkmanship? Who would cross a border without being prepared for war? The Empire would never do that!"

"Apparently, they would." I answered still looking at the massacre "Too bad many of them will not live to learn from this error."

The artillery continued to rain. After a few minutes, it was apparent that the enemy infantry would have been forced to retreat.

"Norden control, this is Fairy 08. Enemy infantry is beginning to scatter. Over."

"Norden Control, Roger. Fairy 08 and Dove 08, proceed to patrol line 2, and help guide suppression of the infantry there, over."

"Norden patrol, this is Dove 08. The enemy infantry is totally deprived of anti-air units. I ask permission to initiate attack over them."

"Permission denied, Dove 08. You have your orders to follow."

"Dove 08, the enemy infantry is scattered and easily pickings. If we send some wizards to attack it, we can destroy them!"

"Negative, Dove 08. High command says the chance of success are too low to risk it. Focus on your mission!"

"I… Dove 08, roger."

"Norden Control, out"

"Frederick?" Tanya sked to me in al almost amused look "What were you trying to do? Command gave us an order, we have to follow them!"

"I was just trying to suggest a chance to capture or kill a bigger number of enemy soldiers, princess. Better an enemy soldier dead or in a prisoner camp that in front of you…"

"Listen, doll-brain: this is not the Academy. This is a real battle. We just coordinated our artillery into raining shells over an enemy column, killing thousands. We won. Do you want to expose yourself to the risk of dying just to make the score better?"

"Have you seen that the enemy unit was practically deprived of machine guns or anti-air weapons? Seriously, we could not ask for a better chance. And now, we just have to see them getting away…"

"Gosh, you're such an idiot!"

We resumed moving, flying northeast. Since I saw no apparent immediate danger for us, I allowed myself the luxury of a conversation.

"What do you think? We got out of this pretty easily. Don't you think?"

"Don't claim victory just yet. The battle is not over."

"Oh, come on! We just survived our first act of war, and we managed to get out unscathed. We didn't even meet any enemy wizards! What could go wrong?"

"Combat information from Norden Control!" we listened through our headphones "Multi……"

"This is Fairy 08. I did not hear you. Can you repeat that?"

Mentally, I wondered what kind of message Norden Control was trying to send. Was he informing us of another slow column of enemy soldiers over which to direct artillery fire? Maybe the Entente was retreating. Alternatively, was it trying to order us to stop fighting and start a cease-fire? Maybe the Entente had surrendered.

"Detect…mupltiple...fro…bo…es. Magic… interference-"

"Fairy 08." said Tanya stopping to listen more clearly "the connection is bad. The static is awful. Over"

What the hell? I tough stopping at the same time, what is the problem with…

Then I realized...

As I had learned at the Academy, magic was a very powerful tool. It could do almost anything in theory. I remembered the day when our instructor taught us about the ability for a wizard to use the spread of high-density mana to cause noise and jamming in radio signals and haze videos with static.

Nevertheless, we could not have been the cause: all Imperial Wizards had electronic countermeasures to prevent our own mana from interfering with communication systems.

This meant only one thing.

We were not alone.

"EM Interference?" said Tanya "But, what…" she said before realizing in turn.

We raised our shields, just in time to be bombarded by a hail of bullets.
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Codenames are usually assigned as the (temporal) name of the company and the jerarchy of the unit in question. For example Tanya would be the eight observer/mage in the Fairy squadron or if air control wanted control a bigger unit such as a battalion they could have gone with Fairy 2-8 with Tanya being the eight mage of the second company of the Fairy Battalion. In that sense her name makes sense since Fairy is probably a temporal training company that suddenly was upgraded to an active service unit hastily giving codenames and a rough chain of command for the recently promoted cadets. What does not make sense is giving Koning the codename Dove 01 which would point at him being from a different company than Tanya despite being her wingman, he should be Fairy 09 or 07 if they are tagging the cadets by area or a lower or higher number in case they are assigning codenames in alphabetical order but still part of the same parent unit, Dove 01 on the other hand would be reserved for the commander of the Dove company or battalion.
Codenames are usually assigned as the (temporal) name of the company and the jerarchy of the unit in question. For example Tanya would be the eight observer/mage in the Fairy squadron or if air control wanted control a bigger unit such as a battalion they could have gone with Fairy 2-8 with Tanya being the eight mage of the second company of the Fairy Battalion. In that sense her name makes sense since Fairy is probably a temporal training company that suddenly was upgraded to an active service unit hastily giving codenames and a rough chain of command for the recently promoted cadets. What does not make sense is giving Koning the codename Dove 01 which would point at him being from a different company than Tanya despite being her wingman, he should be Fairy 09 or 07 if they are tagging the cadets by area or a lower or higher number in case they are assigning codenames in alphabetical order but still part of the same parent unit, Dove 01 on the other hand would be reserved for the commander of the Dove company or battalion.

Well, thanks for the segnalation. I?m sorry for my mistake and I'll try to be more careful in the future....
Codenames are usually assigned as the (temporal) name of the company and the jerarchy of the unit in question. For example Tanya would be the eight observer/mage in the Fairy squadron or if air control wanted control a bigger unit such as a battalion they could have gone with Fairy 2-8 with Tanya being the eight mage of the second company of the Fairy Battalion. In that sense her name makes sense since Fairy is probably a temporal training company that suddenly was upgraded to an active service unit hastily giving codenames and a rough chain of command for the recently promoted cadets. What does not make sense is giving Koning the codename Dove 01 which would point at him being from a different company than Tanya despite being her wingman, he should be Fairy 09 or 07 if they are tagging the cadets by area or a lower or higher number in case they are assigning codenames in alphabetical order but still part of the same parent unit, Dove 01 on the other hand would be reserved for the commander of the Dove company or battalion.
Temporal: Of or having to do with time.
Temporary: Not permanent.


Also, not quite. Often enough, probably because so many militaries use a triangular organization chart (3 squads = 1 platoon, 3 platoons = 1 company, etc.), commanders don't end up with [Unit Name] 1, because that's being used to refer to the first squad, or first platoon, or first company, and cannot thus be used to also refer to the formation commander. Depending on the military of choice, the commander is identified either by a specific preset number that isn't commonly used for a lower element (NATO likes [Unit Name]-6, for example) or by appending the unit designation with "Actual". Thus, Delta 3-1 Actual would be the commanding officer of Delta Company, Third Platoon, 1st Squad (or Delta Batt., 3rd Company, 1st Platoon, or...).

This is somewhat complicated by the fact that mage squadrons seem to individually number their members instead of addressing them by sections, leading to a much broader range of numeric callsigns being common. Within the squadron, this doesn't matter much, everyone should know that the squadron leader is [Name Here] [Whatever Number], but communicating to higher might use the less squadron specific general reporting practices.
All of this makes me wonder which of them being X and the pantheon (if they're even here) dislikes more. Tanya who's a stubborn Atheist, or Freddie who believes that the actions he's taken are out of character for the God he believes in and thus opposes him.