Mein Krieg (Youjo Senki/Tanya the Evil OC)

I'm not entirely sure what that means...
Tanya is explaining that she left her rifle, which lets mages cast spells at vastly greater ranges then they otherwise could, back at base because her assignment is purely observational and even if it wasn't she can't use her rifle anyway because it is simultaneously too large to hold properly, too heavy to move with her weak body, and the recoil too strong for her to handle.

So unlike what the anime shows in the LN she actually fights that battle in Norden completely unarmed.

In fact from what LN readers have said in other YS threads Tanya fights without a rifle of any kind until the battle of the Fjord where she steals that submachine gun.
I though with pure horror.

I thought with pure horror.

If the command center did not send us reinforcements soon, we would have been toast. Correct past/present/future tense.

Sorry, was in a rush to post this morning. You've been writing in the past tense, but haven't really confirmed that this is a flashback narration. So when I saw this sentence, I thought it was confusing.
To illustrate;

If the command center did had not send sent us reinforcements soon, we would have been toast. This would refer to the reinforcements as if it was already known that they had come, consistent with a flashback narration style.

According to grammar rules, the original sentence would be a mixed conditional statement, and the revised a type 3.
Or... At least I think so. Someone better at this than me should tell you, to be honest.
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I thought with pure horror.

Sorry, was in a rush to post this morning. You've been writing in the past tense, but haven't really confirmed that this is a flashback narration. So when I saw this sentence, I thought it was confusing.
To illustrate;

If the command center did had not send sent us reinforcements soon, we would have been toast. This would refer to the reinforcements as if it was already known that they had come, consistent with a flashback narration style.

According to grammar rules, the original sentence would be a mixed conditional statement, and the revised a type 3.
Or... At least I think so. Someone better at this than me should tell you, to be honest.

Thank you, fixed! Sorry for my not-perfect english writing, but I'm not natural-born english speaker...
I thought with pure horror.

Sorry, was in a rush to post this morning. You've been writing in the past tense, but haven't really confirmed that this is a flashback narration. So when I saw this sentence, I thought it was confusing.
To illustrate;

If the command center did had not send sent us reinforcements soon, we would have been toast. This would refer to the reinforcements as if it was already known that they had come, consistent with a flashback narration style.

According to grammar rules, the original sentence would be a mixed conditional statement, and the revised a type 3.
Or... At least I think so. Someone better at this than me should tell you, to be honest.
I didn't know about that one.
Neither Trunko or I are native speakers of English.
Sincerely, the Beta Reader.
ah, here we go. frederick will probably be pissed off at tanya for blowing them up together. wait, i thought the anime tanya also didn't bring a rifle to that battle?

what's the next difference i wonder~
Chapter 15: Of Broken Bones and Bitter Medicines
Chapter 15: Of Broken Bones and Bitter Medicines

Military Garrison 1, Imperial Army Northern Teather, the Empire
15 June, Unified Year 1923

When I finally regained consciousness, my first thought was: what the hell had happened to me? I remembered the battle, the clash with the enemy wizards, Tanya and I fighting them to a standstill, Tanya launching herself at the enemy wizard, Tanya blowing herself up…

Blowing herself up? I thought with horror, Did she commit suicide?

I was terrified. Partly because if Tanya had sacrificed herself like that, I was now alone in this world. In addition, because there was no way to tell that I was not dead like her…

My mind froze. Was I dead, or dying?

I tried to open my eyes, to see where I was, but immediately I felt a severe pain coming from my right eye. What had happened to me? Was this some kind of torture that Being X was inflicting on us?

Being X... I remembered him and his words:

"Try to live as long as you can. If you die again, there will be no second reincarnation, for either of you!"

Maybe that was what was happening to us right now. Maybe we were being sent to some kind of limbo where all the souls he unworthy of reincarnation went after dying. A place where souls are destroyed.

A little shiver went down my spine.

Once again, I tried to gain focus on what was happening around me, this time opening only the left eye. It took some effort, but in the end I managed to recognize where I was.

With a sigh of relief, I realized I was not in some kind of limbo or in an ironic hell. Instead, I was in some kind of room, with the walls painted in green-white colors. Just above the front door, the two-headed dragon of the Empire flag informed me that I had not been once again reborn in another world.

I tried to raise my head, but immediately another severe pain, coming from my neck, stopped my effort.

"Hello?" I tried to say "Somebody?"

"Doctor, doctor!" said a female voice that I did not knew "He's awake! Second Lieutenant Frederick König is awake!"

A short time passed before a shadow interposed itself between my eyes and the light.

"Second Lieutenant Frederick König." said a tall man with red hair in a medical outfit "Do you feel well?"

"I-I think so… But who are you? And where am I?"

"My name is Adam Heck, and I'm a doctor at the medical wing of the Northern Theater Force Garrison of Saufort."

I relaxed for a second, letting the anxiety inside me expire. I was in the sick bay of the base, I was between allies and alive!

"W-what happened?"

"The scouts of the Dragon Company found you and Lieutenant Tanya Degurechaff and brought you here. You were badly wounded, but we managed to keep you alive."

"Tanya?" I said, trying to use my only functional eye to locate her "Where?"

The doctor pointed to the bed at my right "She's currently under the effects of anesthetics and unconscious, but she will wake up in a few hours at most. She's badly wounded though…"

"Wounded? How…?"

"She's suffering from a concussion, a broken leg, a fractured arm, the other is badly bruised and she nearly lost an eye. However, do not worry. She will heal in a few months at most!"

"And… what about me?"

The doctor hesitated for an instant "You almost lost an eye too, you also have a fractured arm and you broke both of your legs. I am surprised you managed to survive, given what you went through: you two both survived the detonation of an overcharged Orb and the subsequent fall to the forested ground below."

I tried to move myself again but just like before, the pain stopped me.

"I suggest to you to not try move yourself too much in your current condition." said the doctor "You seriously risk ripping your sutures…"

"How much…augh!" I said, trying to dominate the pain by sheer willpower "How much will I have to wait before being able to walk again?"

"Same as your fellow comrade Degurechaff. Do not worry, we'll make sure you both are well taken care of."

"And…what about the battle? Did… did we win?"

"Yes. The Entente's invasion has been completely repelled and our glorious army is currently marching north to give them a lesson. The war should end in a few months at most!"

That is wonderful, I thought with an internal smirk, looks like we have good chances of avoiding the rest of the conflict!

"I am happy to hear that." I said, no more concealing my happiness "My only regret is that both Degurechaff and I will in all likelihood be unable to rejoin our comrades soon." this time I lied.

The doctor put his hand over my shoulder, making me look at him. His face was filled with pride.

"You already did more than enough, Second Lieutenant König. You fought an entire wizard company, blocking their advance and stopping them from wiping out our artillery forces. You could have escaped the battle, or hidden in the forest, and it would have been understandable, given your age. Yet you stood your ground, you fought to the end and you won! Two children against an entire company of wizards: I never thought this was possible!"

"Well..." I said, incredulous myself that we have managed to survive "We had orders. And you do not question orders: you follow them!"

The doctor smirked "Indeed. By the way, I must tell to you that there is someone right outside the room who would like to have a little chat with you…"

What? I thought with new, sudden fear.

"Who are they?"

They look like officers from Strategic Headquarters. They're actually talking with Colonel Von Schön…"

My mind froze once again while I tried to imagine why, of all reasons, Strategic Headquarters would have to send officers to speak with us. Maybe they wanted to talk with us about the battle? Complete nonsense. They were probably already better informed about us…

Suddenly, another possibility came to my mind:

What if they wanted to court martial us?

Personally, I could not fathom any possible reason: both Tanya and I were young, former cadets of the Academy with the highest grades and the best attitude among all. We had just survived a battle with the enemy, managing to "win" against all odds. It was not possible that they could even think of going throught with it.

Or maybe yes, I thought with horror, perhaps they do believe we have violated orders, or that our conduct is too "perfect" to be true…

None of this was true, but Strategic Headquarters was one of the strongest powers in the Empire after the Emperor. They did not have to be right to condemn someone.

Shivering in fear and playing out several scenarios in my head, I tried to calm myself in the warm bed.

It took almost an hour for Tanya to wake up, but in the end I felt something moving in her bed and a groaning voice call for my name.

"Frederick?" said Tanya with a sore tone of voice "Where are you?"

"Tanya? I'm here" I responded to her "We are in the medical wing: it looks like your attempt to kill both of us by blowing yourself up was unsuccessful!"

"I-I was trying to… ah!" she screamed with pain.

"Calm down, little princess. For the moment, we are seriously hurt and the doctor said it would took a few months before we will be able to walk again, let alone fly!"

"What! I cannot stay here for a few months!"

"Hey, it's your fault that we're here with our legs broken and our arms fractured. If you had not tried to blow yourself up, we…"

"I was trying to give ourselves a good excuse to leave the battlefield without risking the firing squad, you moron!"​ she hissed, trying to keep her tone of voice low.

"What? I said looking around us. The other patients around us were asleep, and the one who appeared awake were too far from us to listen "What do you mean?"​

"Making it seem you fought hard, while leaving the battlefield in a natural way. That is the best way to protect yourself and survive," ​she said "We could not leave the battlefield without risking being condemned to the firing squad, but being shot down and knocked off the sky? Then you're just an almost casualty of the conflict!"​

"Well, Goldilocks. Too bad too break you the harsh reality, but your gambit has two big issues. First, what would have happened if we accidentally landed into an enemy territory and we were captured by the Entente's infantry?"​

"I carefully directed our impact so we would be closer to our army's line than the enemy's," ​she said "And the second one?"​


Almost instantly, the door of the sick bay opened, and I saw Colonel Von Schön entering along with some other officers, and moving toward us.

"…that was it!"​

"Second Lieutenants Tanya Degurechaff and Frederick König" Colonel Von Schön said positioning himself exactly in front of our beds, the other officers around us.

Mentally, I prepared myself for whatever he was going to say to us. Were we under arrest? Alternatively, had our sentence already been decided?

"During the Battle with the Entente Alliance, you two detained the enemy until reinforcements arrived. Despite serious wounds, you had seven confirmed kills and five unconfirmed, halting the enemy advance."

What? I though with amazement. Colonel Von Schön was not accusing us; in fact, from the look he gave to us he appeared very impressed.

He was treating us like aces!

"In recognition of your efforts" he continued, "we award you both the Silver Wing Assault Badge."

He leaned first on Tanya's bed, resting something on the pillow next to her head. Then, de did the same thing to me, placing the Silver Wings Badge near to me so I didn't need to move my head to see it.

Wow, I said looking at it, it is real? Did he just awarded us with one of the most prestigious medal of all the Empire?

"Lieutenant Tanya Degurechaff, you are hereby given the name of White Silver. As for you, Lieutenant Frederick König, you are hereby given the name of Black Knight!"

A round of applause filled the room. Many of the lower officers presents congratulated with us and patted us on our head. Then, after five-ten minutes of mood of celebrating, Colonel Von Schön walked out of the room, leaving us once again free to talk freely with each other.

"Well,"​ I said once I was sure nobody could listen to us "It's beautiful to see your own work rewarded, don't you think?"​

"Let's hope they do not use this as an excuse to send us back to the front, doll-face!"​

"Hey, the doctor said that we'll need at least a few months to fully recover. And that the war is going very well even without us out here to fight. If we are lucky enough, the war could end before we get outta here…"​

"Yeah, but what if…"​

"Sir, sir!" said an unknown male voice coming from the same corridor where Colonel Von Schön had disappeared a few minutes ago.

It took some seconds, but in the end, a young officer in rush entered the sick bay.

"The Colonel…" he said trying to catch his breath "Where is the Colonel Von Schön?"

"He just went away" said the doctor "Why are you looking for him? Some bad news from the front? The Entente had managed to repel our offensive?"

"Worse" said the officer "It's the Republic: they have joined the Entente and declared war on us! Their troops are now marching toward the Rhine!"

I froze, listening to something I would have never heard.

The Republic had declared war on us, and from what I knew, their army was not like the Entente's. Our hopes for a short war had vanished, and in their place the awareness that a long and bloody war would have come had arrived.

I wonder if there is a child protection agency we could talk to…, I though looking at the ceiling.
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Welp, there goes Frederick poor fragile dream. Also nice how his line of thought is hilariously getting more aligned with Tanya's equally hilarious perception of the world.
Welp, there goes Frederick poor fragile dream. Also nice how his line of thought is hilariously getting more aligned with Tanya's equally hilarious perception of the world.
It's like a train wreck in slow motion. You know something terrible is unfolding before your eyes but you just can't bring yourself to look away.
So most probably they are going through the calculation orb testing next. I wonder if young König here will get the same thing as Degurechaff or something more unique.
So most probably they are going through the calculation orb testing next. I wonder if young König here will get the same thing as Degurechaff or something more unique.
I had a discussion with Trunko about this while he was still writing an earlier chapter. We were basically throwing out every possible course the story could take and fleshing them out. The testing range arc enjoyed extended attention due to the canon events converging on that particular point in time when Tanya makes the breakthrough with the Type 95. Admittedly, there hasn't been any significant deviation from canon (Anson Sue did die in the first battle, though), but that's more due to the constraints of the protagonists' situation.
The doctor smirked "Indeed. By the way, I must tell to you that there is someone right outside the room who would like to have a little chat with you…"

What? I thought with new, sudden fear.

"Who are they?"

They look like officers from Strategic Headquarters. They're actually talking with Colonel Von Schön…"

At first, I think it is about the prediction Frederick made while reading the newspaper. Still, it is about the Silver Wing Assault Badge - after all, 7 confirmed and 5 unconfirmed kills for two battered, tired and outnumbered kids are amazing...

On that note, how long will it take for Fred's lamentations (or rather "If the Republik has the stuff they call brains, the would...") to reach the HQ? It would be hilarious to have Fred being able to stay in the rear while Tanya being pushed to the front... just to see Tanya using her fearsome reputation to smooth things out at home and Fred becoming the best field intelligence analysis of the Empire.
At first, I think it is about the prediction Frederick made while reading the newspaper. Still, it is about the Silver Wing Assault Badge - after all, 7 confirmed and 5 unconfirmed kills for two battered, tired and outnumbered kids are amazing...

On that note, how long will it take for Fred's lamentations (or rather "If the Republik has the stuff they call brains, the would...") to reach the HQ? It would be hilarious to have Fred being able to stay in the rear while Tanya being pushed to the front... just to see Tanya using her fearsome reputation to smooth things out at home and Fred becoming the best field intelligence analysis of the Empire.
So you're saying Fred needs to become the friend from Starship troopers?
So you're saying Fred needs to become the friend from Starship troopers?

Colonel Karl, the psychic dude in the movie. Brilliant, talented... even if a bit insane and cryptic. After all, he lets a Queen Bug making a psychic connection with himself and gets a "depression". Luckily, he gets better.

Sounds like Fred, if you ask me. Of course, we should replace "Queen Bug" with "Tanya"
Colonel Karl, the psychic dude in the movie. Brilliant, talented... even if a bit insane and cryptic. After all, he lets a Queen Bug making a psychic connection with himself and gets a "depression". Luckily, he gets better.

Sounds like Fred, if you ask me. Of course, we should replace "Queen Bug" with "Tanya"
That'd be cool, and definitely a way to prevent Fred from being an unecessary add on to Tanya, which he kind of seems to be right now, since her character hasn't changed much at all.
Technically speaking Tanya and Frederick don't qualify for Silver Wings Assault Badge, which is gained by miraculously saving fellow soldiers. In the novel Tanya gets it because her crazy assault supposedly saves the Imperial battery the enemy mages were about to destroy. In truth, they had already decided to turn back when Tanya reaches them.
Chapter 16: A long Recovery and an Unknown Industrialist
Chapter 16: A long Recovery and an Unknown Industrialist

Military Garrison 1, Imperial Army Northern Teather, the Empire
29 June, Unified Year 1923

The wounds Tanya and I sustained took a long time to heal. Perhaps it was the poor hygiene conditions or the dubious quality of the medicine we received that made the period of hospitalization long and tormented. Every day, at all hours, we had to be careful how we moved. Every movement too abrupt and sudden could cause us severe pain. On more than one occasion, I tore open my stitches due to an instinctive movement, and I had to "enjoy" a visit to the infirmary to reattach them.

I hated going through that. Not only due to the large number of injured (even serious) who were brought every day forcing you to wait for treatment, but also because of the limited supplies of medicine and painkillers made you risk being operated on without anesthesia. Luckily, my status as a War hero and my age guaranteed that I always got the best treatment I could get, but I had to hear screams of the other wounded as they were operated on without anesthesia.

It was not pleasant.

Another problem Tanya and I had to deal with often was the fact that our injuries (our broken legs in particular) forced us to rely on the other's help to move. It was particularly annoying, especially when it was night and there was nobody to help us.

Luckily, after a couple of days (and a report from Tanya to Colonel Von Schön), the sickbay staff gave us a pair of archaic-looking wheelchairs that we could use to freely move while our femurs healed. They were very heavy and therefore tiresome to move (so much, that we still had to rely on the medical staff for the most part to help us for journeys longer than a few meters). It was something at least. Most of the patients were not so lucky.

It was apparent that the cause of this preferential treatment was to be found in the fact that both Tanya and I were newly promoted war heroes of the Empire. We were still nine, almost ten years old and looked good enough to be poster-children for the war effort.

On one hand, this pleased me. On the other, it worried me greatly: You do not get nothing for nothing, I reminded myself often, and you can be sure that for everything they will give to you, they will want something in return in the future.

This is also the reason why I shivered every time I heard the bulletins from the front of the Rhine.

Apparently, the Republic's advance toward the Low Lands Industrial Region (one of the most important strategic and industrial regions of the Empire, located between my old world's Rhineland and Netherlands) had been completely halted and the front line had stopped almost along the natural boundary of the Rhine River. However, the block of the Republican offensive had not stopped its impetus.

Worse, it had strengthened it. There was no day that soldiers were not sent to assault the enemy trenches, and every assault (even the most successful ones) resulted in heavy bloodshed. The Rhine front, from what you could know beyond the propaganda, had already been nicknamed "the Hell on Earth", and it was easy to understand the reason why.

When I had been a child (in my old world, before ending up dying and having to grow once again) I had the chance to read a lot of books about the First World War, or "the war to end all wars", as some people of its period had called it. A terrible and nightmarish conflict that happened because the armies of both sides believed they were so balanced and coordinated to be able to predict the intentions of their enemies, all thanks to theories based of wars of the past.

However, the world and technology had changed and such theories were no longer applicable. The infantry could not advance in line towards enemy machine guns and the cavalry could not directly attack the enemy's cannons. This was the reality, yet the orders were still sent, as no one could imagine or comprehend the resulting massacre. Therefore, the soldiers were sent to die, without even knowing the reason for their death.

And here we were: Tanya and I, trapped in the local equivalent of the First World War between some of the greatest powers of the world, with no means to avoid being at the forefront should our superiors say otherwise. For the moment we were safe, but once our wounds would have healed?

Personally, I was tempted to reopen my wounds so they would take longer to heal (thus prolonging my time in the medical wing) but when I tried to speak with Tanya about that, she reminded me that doing so would be considered "dereliction of duty" and would guarantee a private meeting with a firing squad.

Little did I know that soon something else would capture my attention

It was a sunny and gloomy day. Since the outside temperature was high enough to allow one to stand outside for several minutes without risk to freeze, I asked one of the nurses, whose name was Marleen, to help me move outside to have a breath of fresh air.

During the trip through the long room of the medical wing, I saw an increasing number of allied wounded men, many in much worse shape than Tanya and I were. Many of them screamed, some pleaded, and some of them… did not make it.

See, that was more than enough to remember how lucky Tanya and I were by being together and still alive, without any part of our bodies missing or in need of amputation.

"What a terrible sight…" I let slip from my lips as I saw another man with an amputated limb.

"I know" Marleen said from behind me, still pushing my wheelchair "I hear that the situation along the Rhine is ever worse: at least, here, we do not have to worry about heavy artillery fire or a sudden attack of the enemy air forces…"

I nodded silently, trying not to show my fear. In my mind, I hoped that there were still some way to avoid the Rhine front.

I was so focused on my thoughts about the horrors of the war that I did not noticed Marleen push my wheelchair to the right, into a room.

"Wait" I said once I realized it "Marleen, why are we here? The exit is that way!"

"I know" she replied to me "I'm sorry to say this to you, but we are not going outside. Instead, there is someone who would like very much to speak with you…"

Someone who wants to speak with me? I thought with bewilderment "Who is that?"

"I'm sorry," she said once again "but I am not authorized to talk about him. However, you will find out very soon"

And with these last words, Marleen turned around, walking right outside of the door and closing it behind her, leaving me alone inside.

"Wait! Hey, someone" I started to say with visible panic "What is happen-"

"I suggest to you to not try to call for help," said an old, grumpy voice who I did not knew "Nobody will come, and you will not need it"

With great effort, I moved my wheelchair to have a better angle on the other occupant.

In front of me was an old looking man, with a white beard and mustache, well dressed in a waistcoat under a high-class black suit and a white bow tie. He was supporting himself with a walking stick that had a golden knob at the end. His clothes reeked of high class, indicators of an incredibly wealthy lifestyle.

"Who are you?" I said looking at the man "And what are you doing here?"

"Oh, right. I should have introduced myself. The fact is, I am not that used to people not knowing who I am. My name is August Gegenbauer; perhaps you've already heard my name on the newspaper you usually read."

Gegenbauer… Gegenbauer…when I have heard this name before? I thought tried to hide my anxiety, Surely, it is not the name of a high-level officer of the Strategic Headquarter. Maybe he is someone in the Imperial Government?

"No. Are you some kind of politician?"

The man laughed "No. I am not a politician, tough I have power too. I am one of the wealthiest men in Berun: industrialist, finance and loan shark, owner of mines, factories and shipyards!"

"Oh yeah?" I said, uncertain if I should believe his words or not "Then would you like to explain to me what you are doing here, old capitalist?"

"It's simple, really." he said "Having read in the newspaper about the famous pair of young children who managed to hold out against an entire company of enemy wizards, I used my connections to convince one of your superior officers to allow me the chance to meet with you…"

Oh, now I understand, I thought annoyed.

Another rich man who believed money was all there was in life and that it could give you everything you wanted to.

Since the day that both Tanya and I got our Silver Wings, there had been numerous visitors who wanted to meet "the new young heroes of the Empire". The majority of them used to be soldiers themselves or were civilian of the nearest town, but after a while, the rich and bored bourgeois of Berun and other major cities of the Empire had also arrived.

As the front line had now stabilized several kilometers to the North, and the hospital was no longer a "near-combat zone", we could not prevent their coming. Worse, since many of them had high-level connections with very important politicians and officers of the Empire, we could not refuse to meet them.

We were therefore forced to be like things that people liked to see as a curiosity, like the lions or the tigers at the local zoos. We had to smile all the time, obey the rules of the day, use ready-made sentences likes "I'm happy to meet you" or "We wish you to join the Imperial Army". And the people smiled, treating us as life-size dolls that they could see, touch and talk to.

Tanya was (obliviously) the most annoyed by that, but since we were not ready to jump back into action we had to endure it, because apparently a pair of child war heroes is too unique to not draw undesired attention.

Let us hope this man is not like that lecherous old lady who came here three days ago, I thought nervously.

"So, you wanted to meet me?" I said keeping my guard high.

"Yes. For the most part, I wanted to get to know you."

"Get to know me? What do you mean?"

The man looked down for a second "I have… some questions I would like to ask you…"

"So… you say you were born in an old orphanage near Berun. Is that correct?"

"Yes, and like I already told you, I was born the same day as my comrade Tanya Degurechaff."

"Indeed. Tell me… why did no one want to take you for adoption?"

"I do not know." I said, lying. I already knew the reason why.

The man came closer to me. For an instant, I actually feared he would try to do something unpleasant.

"So," he continued, "are you telling me that nobody ever came and asked to adopt you?"

"Well..." I said with badly concealed displeasure, "There were some people, long time ago, who wanted to become my parents. Sadly..."

"These people… who they were?"

"A man and his young wife. They wanted to adopt me, but they died in a car accident before the adoption papers could be filled."

Suddenly, a glint flashed into the old man's eyes, and his mouth twisted into a smile. Apparently, something I said had caught his attention.

"I knew it!" he said, "I knew that you were him!"

"Me? Him? What are you talking about?" I asked, now pissed off from this mystery game.

In response, the man retrieved something shiny from his waistcoat and handed it to me.

"Look. You'll realize it yourself…"

Although I felt suspicious about it, I reached out with my hand to take what he was offering to me.

It was a little custody in a round shape, made of gold-plated brass and iron, on a chain of the same material. Opening it, I saw that it contained a small photograph of the man in front of me, along with two other people I remembered clearly.


"Yes. The same man and woman who wanted to adopt you. I am in the photo as well because that man was Karl, and he…was…"

"He was?" I said back, unsure of what he wanted to say.

"….my son."

I looked at him with eyes wide-open, unable to say anything for the surprise. The man who had tried to adopt me ... was his son?


"His name was Karl. Karl Gegenbauer. The only child I had from my wife Edith before she died of tuberculosis. The woman with him was his wife Sieglinde. They used to come to visit me every month before their…tragic incident…"

My mind was confused. This old man… was the father of the man who wanted to adopt me?

But...this…this made him my

"I understand you are confused." he kept speaking with a softer tone of voice than before "I know that, in all honesty, you do not know what to say or even what to think, but this is the truth. And I'm sorry for…"

"How… how did you manage to find out about… this?" I finally replied, my mind still unable to understand what was happening.

Mr. Gegenbauer sighed, "It was not easy. I was still mourning the death of my son when I found out that he had been planning to adopt a homeless child from an orphanage near Berun. I cannot deny that finding out… that… shocked me. I always wanted Karl to give me children, but after finding out that Siglinde was sterile, I had resigned myself to the fact that nobody would ever call me grandfather. Still, after I found out about you, I immediately went to the orphanage and asked about you. To my surprise, the nuns told me you had left the orphanage to join the military, even though you were still so young! And I knew that even my connections were not strong enough to give me free access to the Wizard corps of the Empire!"

"So… you know that I'm…"

"A mage? Yes, I know. The nuns of the orphanage claimed this as the reason why you and your little friend decided to leave, without leaving me a way to track you."

Mr. Gegenbauer moved himself toward me. For a moment, his eyes met mine and I saw that he was looking at me with a strange kind of look.

"I was ready to surrender, to give up my search, to stop looking for the child that my son wanted to call his. Then, less than a week ago, I heard the news about a pair of young wizard children that had managed to pull off a near impossible victory against an entire company of Entente mages in Norden. When I saw that one of the young heroes of the Empire was called Frederick… my hope, almost extinguished, inflamed once again. So I came here as soon as possible and once I discovered the hospital where you were hosted, I called a few friends and favors from my youth to gain access… and meet you!"

Mr. Gegenbauer put his hand in my hairs, ruffling them.

"You are even more beautiful than I had imagined. No wonder my son decided to take you among all the other little children of the orphanage…"

"Tell me," I raised my voice, "now that you have explained who you are and how you managed to get here, can you tell me what you want from me? Do you want to take me, like your son wanted to do at first?"

In part, I feared his answer, because I would have been forced to abandon Tanya, the only "friend" I had in this word. Unless Mr. Gegenbauer took us both…

"No, young boy." he said with a very strange smile "The fact is that I am an old man, and my days on this world are numbered. However, thanks to you I will be able to make sure my life's work will not go to waste."

And with these words, he walked away in the direction of the door.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, "Where are you…"

But he was already gone.
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Well my prediction is that he will become heir to the Gegenbauer fortune but will continue fighting in the army for a little while and probably will be involved in the Type 95 testing either as a tester or as an observer.