Medicinal Crucible: A Xianxia Planquest

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Play as a small pill refining sect in a massive empire, try not to piss off anyone bigger then you, and make money with pills to invest into better pills.
Medicinal Crucible: A Xianxia Planquest
The United States
Medicinal Crucible: A Xianxia Planquest

For thousands of years the great Dawn Empire has stood and for a thousand more it will stand. Occupying a mountainous region steeped in history and comprising a thousand and one official righteous sects, the empire has long contained the land with the top sects all ruling the peasantry according to the word of the emperor. Ascended Immortal Dong Liang has ruled for the last five hundred years, opening to trade with the East and North, bringing innovations in these changing times as gunpowder has moved outside the scope of fireworks. Now is the era of the greatest prosperity as new trade routes along the coast have opened and prosperity has been guaranteed for a thousand more years. However, this is not the story of the empire, but the story of a single sect making its way through changing times and changing traditions.

As one of the newest sects brought into the one thousand and one righteous sects ten years ago in the Nineteenth Great Heavenly Reform Against Demonic Incursion. The sect has received a noble standing, its own province after a cleansing of Demonic sect infestation, and open and free lands for the cultivation of spirit stones and herbs. Settlement has already proceeded at a rapid pace with peasants imported from neighboring provinces to help restore the lands depleted by demonic cultivation. Rebuilding is of fallow and cleared lands is almost certain to take the rest of the century with consistent investments in the labor force sure to produce a constant and stable stream of spirit stones. As one of the few rogue sects ennobled by the bureaucracy, the province given has been poor, with few places to farm and a minimal capacity for population, but it can still be developed.

Without much wealth coming in from new spirit stones, little provincial development, and the necessary fees for obtaining the province the sect treasury is nearly empty of stones. However, unlike many martial sects that could be sent to such a harsh land, the sect has a major advantage, much of the income when wandering has come from pill making, and now that a province has been provided, that income is only set to increase. The old Guizhou auction that has grown the sect for the last two centuries is still applicable and useful. The recent windfall from the decade-long forging of a single immortal ascension pill has already been spent on administrative fees but far more can be done. Every spirit stone provided for routine pills is more income that can be further invested into training and the making of new pills but even that is almost nothing compared to the most precious pills to assist the honorable nobility to reach immortality by easing the formation of their golden cores or even rarer ones to reach Domain Foundation.

With an official position in the one thousand and one righteous sect comes a full allowance for local recruitment and training, as instead of hoping to attract wandering cultivators the local peasantry can be screened for potential. The lower ranks have of course been unofficially expanded to provide some locally trained talent, but the future of the sect rests on the training of new outer and inner disciples to replenish the sect and build up. New techniques have never been more available, as with a reputation as a righteous sect almost any manual is theoretically purchasable, if generally far more expensive. Digging into the mountain and the establishment of basic dwellings has already been accomplished, with the first auction establishing a nest egg for further development.

[]Sect Name: Write In

Starting Boons(Pick Two):

[]The Highest Peak:
The mountain the sect has settled and been provided is especially tall, being closer to the heavens and away from the ground level Qi pollution. New disciples can be rapidly guided through Qi Formation and Body Refinement as the only Qi available is pure and single aspected. The higher level does make tribulations mildly worse, but for the vast majority of the sect who will only tentatively grasp immortality, that is a negligible problem.

[]The Jade Pill Furnace: In the wandering days the sect has held firm to its ancient jade pill furnace, preserving it for the last thousand years. The furnace can miraculously refine pills two full stages above the operator, notable for never backlashing even through the most arduous of refinement. The furnace itself is a massive complex that can only be operated by the sect leader or a senior golden core, with techniques directly passed down from the ancient sect leader, but the greatest pills can be refined.

[]Domain Foundation Elder: With a talented elder that has reached beyond the first stage of immortality and reached domain foundation, there is little that can actually threaten the sect, if the Elder is there. This does not guarantee that nothing will threaten the sect and it is considered poor form to interfere with the conflicts of your extreme juniors, but the option to push around and break apart Core Formation and Qi Condensation juniors will exist. Being a higher stage then most sects with a few senior golden cores also has diplomatic considerations, allowing for greater influence.

[]The Great Seed Repository: Taking the role of an important caravan and preserving the old stocks of spirit herbs and their seeds has been the core purpose of the sect. Instead of only growing the most basic of herbs and supplementing with trade and hunting, many herbs up to the core foundation level could be grown. The conditions for growing them will be expensive and time consuming, but a stable supply can go far in improving profits and reducing the reliance on sending out outer disciples.

[]Efficient Arrays: Making sure that the stock of free spirit stones is not wasted with a low conversion rate, the local peasants can be utilized far more efficiently for the production of currency. Through the formation of a highly efficient array at the center of the sect, for every mortal that passes on almost a whole spirit stone can be formed at the sect. This will still not solve the income problems of the sparsely populated province but can start working towards improving finances outside of pill making.

[]Spirit Beast Herds: A massive herd of spirit beasts transported the sect in its direst moments and the herds have still been maintained. A plentiful supply of parts from celestial oxen can be maintained, effectively ensuring an unlimited supply of animal based body refinement stage ingredients. Managing the herds will involve a significant portion of sect time, but the returns are massive.

[]Demonic Remnants: The siege of the province was just that, a siege. Instead of exterminating the demonic sect in noble combat, over two decades any entrance to the province was closed off as the demonic practitioners depleted their supplies and turned on themselves. Later cleanup happened rapidly with many of the older structures damaged by fighting rather than razed to the ground on principle. While slightly suspicious to other righteous sects, the wealth of manuals, resources, and artifacts can serve the sect well.

[]Brother Eunuch: While you rose to Golden Core and avoided the factionalism of the imperial court like a plague, your brother disciple did not and pushed to receive a position in the Imperial sect. For the price of his manhood, he now has the ear of the emperor at least in theory and forms a major political ally and set of favors that could be called in. He is not that strong or capable, but being able to say the right things at the highest level of the imperial bureaucracy is better than any possible administrative fee.

[]An Auspicious Sect: The heavens have always smiled on the sect and brought great fortune to both disciples and elders. Good fortune has followed the sect time and time again with luck helping to avoid the worst of disasters through bare failures. The heavens in exchange demand following the path that is set, with occasional visions, but avoiding death and disaster is more than worth it.

The Line on Demonic Practices:

[]Follow the Nineteenth:
The Nineteenth Great Heavenly Reform Against Demonic Incursion narrowly defined the practices allowed to righteous sects, declaring that several sects focusing on a new style of martial arts focused around excessive physicality to be demonic and against the righteous order. The modernization focused elements of the imperial court of course fell afoul of these as clear Demonic cultivators that sought to mislead their disciples on the true nature of reform, stagnating their cultivation. Upholding it faithfully can generate some standing with the imperial court, or at least avoid giving offense to nobles with excessive senses of purpose.

[]Follow the Fifteenth: The Fifteenth Great Heavenly Reform Against Demonic Incursion came as an aftermath of the great incursions of horde cultivators and is technically the more traditionalist stance. Practices that tend towards the sacrifice of sentient power towards the enhancement of cultivators were defined as Demonic along with a number of enhanced harvesting methods of spirit stones. This political line would be outside the norm for the empire and could theoretically get the sect labeled as demonic if the favor of the Emperor is ever lost, but that still applies universally.

[]Take a Flexible Path: Mortals are not benefited with any of the same power or capability as a cultivator and it is only logical that they will not be afforded the same protections. Cultivators deserve to be protected and preserved away from practices called demonic, but as mortals' only purpose is to produce more spirit stones on passing, they may as well be used more productively. The cultivators around us may dislike it and rail against it, but as long as no one important takes offense, a massive source of reagents can be made available for boosting the lowest ranked cultivators.

Provincial Location:

[]Northern Border:
The Northern border province of Yuexing is right next to the frontier with the unorganized horse tribes on the steppe. Raids have fallen as the empire has reached a new stage of development and might, with relative calm and trade on the border. Exotic ingredients never before seen before can be found and expeditions into unknown lands promise risk and wealth in equal measure. The illegal trade in what have been declared demonic formulas and methods also remains an option, as there are practically no officials that wish to live near the frontier.

[]Eastern Border: The mountainous province of Liaohai in the East is the other geological feature containing the empire, with many small older sects starting there. The region is comparatively safe outside of the occasional imperial patrol, leaving plenty of safe development. The comparative lack of trade however has limited opportunities and costs as many of the lower level merchants will take time to leave the remote area. Settlement itself is sparse, and even with the low level of the sect there presents considerable chances for expansion, whether officially sanctioned by the Imperial Bureaucracy or not.

[]On the River: The Lancang River goes South of the true Imperial core but represents a massive confluence of trade and development. The Sucheng province the sect has been provided rights to is too mountainous for much settlement and lacking in flood plains, but the run of the river represents a major trade opportunity. Having a massive avenue of commerce opens up access to markets all along the river for lower stage goods while ensuring access to the ocean. Some oceangoing ships have already been constructed, and it is expected that in time expeditions can be sent entirely outside the empire.

24 Hour Moratorium
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The Sect Informational
The Jade Seed Sect

Master Xian Wei:
Rising from the Qi formation realm all the way to a golden core in a prodigious but not severely exceptional hundred years, Xian Wei has taken power after the tragic death of the previous elder during his heavenly tribulation two decades prior. As an Elder he has unilaterally focused on closed door cultivation and the refinement of ever grander pills, rising rapidly through the ranks. The best cultivator on the council, but not one that has previously administered the sect in any respect. Pushing Xian forward towards leadership may even allow for the better training of juniors if direct involvement is warranted.
-Late Golden Core (+5 against same Rank, -15 against Domain Foundation)
-Prodigious Cultivator (Can Cultivate/Refine Pills with significant bonus)
-Unlearned Administrator (Almost all administrative actions unavailable)
-Competent Instructor (Can train juniors)

Important Pills:
1x Four Element Pill of Steel Heart:
Using the base of a burning plum that is deliberately imperfectly refined to transfer both its strong stimulant qualities along with improvements in qi density and refining it to the golden core level will make a mighty pill. The stimulant qualities on their own will significantly improve the sales value as many a golden core enjoy the sensation coming from such pills. From there it can be refined through divine moss and razor wheat to further strengthen its properties in hardening with a finalization through the strong properties of orange rime slime spores. The pill will likely kill anyone lesser than a golden core but it will provide a massive boost in determination and durability like no other. (Will be used for defense or full scale war) (Estimated Auction Value of 5k Spirit Stones Each)

Eternal Pure Heaven-Light:
A great vase that releases five different types of Qi in a perfectly balanced Dao of Qi through an array made of five great orbs harnessed to produce Qi eternally. Outside of the subtle sense of disquiet, the perfectly balanced Qi is a massive asset for cultivating any dependent on environmental Qi. The vase can be immediately moved into the great cave of contemplation and used to provide perfectly pure and balanced Qi to elucidate the exact path to a breakthrough. (+5 to Personal Cultivation Attempts) (Golden Core Level) (Not Believed to be Corruptive)

Important Dates:
AA550 Dong Liang: Auction
AA552 Dong Liang: The Great Pill Contest

Status of the Empire:

Political Attitude: Conservative
Dominant Political Mood: Legalism Discredited, Confucianism Leading
Cultivator Relevant Reforms: The Nineteenth Great Heavenly Reform Against Demonic Incursion: Bans any direct transfer of cultivator power through forbidden techniques along with cultivation that "prioritizes the body over the mind"
Sect Notice: None

Nearby Sects:
Great Pearl Ferret: Upriver of The Jade Seed Sect and almost entirely into the mountainous roots of the Sucheng province. The river itself provides much of their wealth with the local oysters farmed according to what is surely a secret technique. These oysters are known for providing fine pearls that can be directly consumed for massive boosts in available qi with rumors about secret auctions for rarer ones that can induce a new cultivation stage. These are of course rumors and the sect itself has no declared great elder with rule going to a council of eleven golden cores at all times.

Towering Horizon Sect: A martial sect that was initially brutal on coming to the province but one that has more then calmed in relations after a short demonstration of resolve. They are a pure martial sect that has historically roamed the countryside acting as a composite group that could charitably described as mercenaries before being landed in reward for work on the Northern Frontier. Existing in the region for only a few decades the sect itself was brutally savaged by their last northern neighbor leading to several erroneous assumptions. The sect has anywhere from five to twenty golden cores with most preferring secluded cultivation, and if rumors to be believed the sect master is close to a breakthrough but has not left closed door cultivation for two decades. They practice some sort of metallic art with scores of cultivators leaving the province to perform martial duties through some strange form of airborne transport.

Jewel Blossom Sect: A comparatively well known martial sect that has been instrumental to keeping coastal seas clear of spirit beasts and providing protection to several hundred fishing villages across the coast. This has provided them with massive mortal wealth and has formed something of a city in the mouth of the delta's fertile soil. Their money comes from a combination of tournament victories and the massive number of mortals present in their province. By cultivation style or governance little is known outside that the Jewel Blossom's cultivation method is rigorous and exacting with a high risk of Internal Demons forming, leading to many a prominent cultivator killed or sent into permanent seclusion.
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[]Sect Name: The Persnickity Hermit Sect

[]The Jade Pill Furnace
[]The Highest Peak

[]Follow the Fifteenth

[]Northern Border

i just want to use the word persnickity
[]Plan Peasant Farming
-[]Sect Name: Verdant Horizon Sect
-[]Efficient Arrays
-[]An Auspicious Sect
-[]Take a Flexible Path
-[]Eastern Border

Endless fields of healthy peasants, from horizon to horizon. We will harvest all the peasants, away from the eyes of the jealous.

EDIT: Alternate sect name: Paternal Righteousness Sect
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[]Sect Name: Sky Garden Sect

[]The Highest Peak:
The mountain the sect has settled and been provided is especially tall, being closer to the heavens and away from the ground level Qi pollution. New disciples can be rapidly guided through Qi Formation and Body Refinement as the only Qi available is pure and single aspected. The higher level does make tribulations mildly worse, but for the vast majority of the sect who will only tentatively grasp immortality, that is a negligible problem.

[]The Great Seed Repository: Taking the role of an important caravan and preserving the old stocks of spirit herbs and their seeds has been the core purpose of the sect. Instead of only growing the most basic of herbs and supplementing with trade and hunting, many herbs up to the core foundation level could be grown. The conditions for growing them will be expensive and time consuming, but a stable supply can go far in improving profits and reducing the reliance on sending out outer disciples.

[]Follow the Nineteenth: The Nineteenth Great Heavenly Reform Against Demonic Incursion narrowly defined the practices allowed to righteous sects, declaring that several sects focusing on a new style of martial arts focused around excessive physicality to be demonic and against the righteous order. The modernization focused elements of the imperial court of course fell afoul of these as clear Demonic cultivators that sought to mislead their disciples on the true nature of reform, stagnating their cultivation. Upholding it faithfully can generate some standing with the imperial court, or at least avoid giving offense to nobles with excessive senses of purpose.
[]Plan Bo and Courtesans
-[]Sect Name: Heavenly fortune sect
-[]The Jade Pill Furnace
-[]An Auspicious Sect
-[]Follow the Nineteenth
-[]Northern Border

The title says it all this plan goes all in on betting on heavens favour and getting good ingredients to feed the pill furnace which will either end in glory or more likely a constant desperate struggle to find enough precious resources to keep the sect afloat.
> As one of the few rouge sects ennobled by the bureaucracy.
What does rouge mean here? Are there other colours?
[] Plan: Ardent Materialists
-[] Sect Name: The River People
-[] The Great Seed Repository
-[] Spirit Beast Herds
-[] Take a Flexible Path
-[] On the river

Going for a plan that attempts to maximalise available materials for pill making. Hopefully this will give lots of options for profit
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What does rouge mean here? Are there other colours?
Not landed/not officially sanctioned sects. Effectively a band of people following a master and what it is called. Not technically illegal, but a lot of activities involved in being one are illegal in technicality.

Edit: Confused Rogue and Rouge, fixed now ><
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[] Plan: Wild North
-[] Sect Name: Golden Mountain Sect
-[] Domain Foundation Elder
-[]The Highest Peak
-[]Follow the Fifteenth:

-[]Northern Border:

Thought process: The North seems to be the best place to develop a faction without running afoul of Imperial interference. Its also the most dangerous starting place but with a particularly strong elder the danger might be offset a bit.
[] Plan: The new Horse Lords
-[] Sect name: Honorable World Eating Sect
-[]Demonic Remnants
-[]Take a Flexible Path
-[]Spirit Beast Herds

-[]Northern Border
[] Plan: Wild North
-[] Sect Name: Golden Mountain Sect
-[] Domain Foundation Elder
-[]The Highest Peak
-[]Follow the Fifteenth:

-[]Northern Border:

Thought process: The North seems to be the best place to develop a faction without running afoul of Imperial interference. Its also the most dangerous starting place but with a particularly strong elder the danger might be offset a bit.
Yeah, but putting two warfare boons, without any income ones seems a bit risky
[] Plan The Best Pills Possible
-[] The Red Plum Sect
-[]The Great Seed Repository:
-[]The Jade Pill Furnace:
-[]Follow the Fifteenth
-[]Northern Border:

I'm not going to overlook a Svalbard Seed Vault boon, and combining it with the furnace seems optimal for the best pills, especially with the ingredients from the North.
[]Plan: Celestial Ox Barbecue
-[]Sect Name: Pure River Sect
-[]The Jade Pill Furnace
-[]Spirit Beast Herds
-[]Follow the Nineteenth
-[]On the River

Big herd for lots of ingredients to either use ourselves, or sell along the river for whatever we can't get in the mountains. Plus the jade furnace to refine some really good pills to help advance our own members if we need more strength, or auction off if we need an infusion of more resources.
with consistent investments in the labor force sure to produce a constant and stable stream of spirit stones.
in case it's not clear for those not in the Discord: Spirit stones are "filled" when the mortals die in our province.

Apparently it's more efficient if they die in specific arrays, but anywhere in our land gives us something.

[]The Jade Pill Furnace: In the wandering days the sect has held firm to its ancient jade pill furnace, preserving it for the last thousand years. The furnace can miraculously refine pills two full stages above the operator, notable for never backlashing even through the most arduous of refinement. The furnace itself is a massive complex that can only be operated by the sect leader or a senior golden core, with techniques directly passed down from the ancient sect leader, but the greatest pills can be refined.

[]Domain Foundation Elder: With a talented elder that has reached beyond the first stage of immortality and reached domain foundation, there is little that can actually threaten the sect, if the Elder is there. This does not guarantee that nothing will threaten the sect and it is considered poor form to interfere with the conflicts of your extreme juniors, but the option to push around and break apart Core Formation and Qi Condensation juniors will exist. Being a higher stage then most sects with a few senior golden cores also has diplomatic considerations, allowing for greater influence.
mh... these two together would allow to make the highest tier pills, in theory.

I'm going to assume it would take a long time to realize this potential, as we probably don't have the ingredients for such high tier pills.

[]The Great Seed Repository: Taking the role of an important caravan and preserving the old stocks of spirit herbs and their seeds has been the core purpose of the sect. Instead of only growing the most basic of herbs and supplementing with trade and hunting, many herbs up to the core foundation level could be grown. The conditions for growing them will be expensive and time consuming, but a stable supply can go far in improving profits and reducing the reliance on sending out outer disciples.

[]Spirit Beast Herds: A massive herd of spirit beasts transported the sect in its direest moments and the herds have still been maintained. A plentiful supply of parts from celestial oxen can be maintained, effectively ensuring an unlimited supply of animal based body refinement stage ingredients. Managing the herds will involve a significant portion of sect time, but the returns are massive.

those ones, on the other end, would give us a reliable source of ingredients...

[]An Auspicious Sect: The heavens have always smiled on the sect and brought great fortune to both disciples and elders. Good fortune has followed the sect time and time again with luck helping to avoid the worst of disasters through bare failures. The heavens in exchange demand following the path that is set, with occasional visions, but avoiding death and disaster is more than worth it.

so divine luck as long as we follow the demands of heaven?

...Does that even make sense? I thought the Heavens hated Cultivators, as they're going above their station. That's the whole point of the tribulation lightning from what I know.

[]Follow the Nineteenth: The Nineteenth Great Heavenly Reform Against Demonic Incursion narrowly defined the practices allowed to righteous sects, declaring that several sects focusing on a new style of martial arts focused around excessive physicality to be demonic and against the righteous order. The modernization focused elements of the imperial court of course fell afoul of these as clear Demonic cultivators that sought to mislead their disciples on the true nature of reform, stagnating their cultivation. Upholding it faithfully can generate some standing with the imperial court, or at least avoid giving offense to nobles with excessive senses of purpose.

I'm not sure I get it. WHY were these martial arts branded as demonic? the 15th already brands sacrifice of sapient life for power gain as demonic, so is this just an arbitrary "we don't like these styles/they go against tradition so we banned them"?

what kind of styles are those?

[]Follow the Fifteenth: The Fifteenth Great Heavenly Reform Against Demonic Incursion came as an aftermath of the great incursions of horde cultivators and is technically the more traditionalist stance. Practices that tend towards the sacrifice of sentient power towards the enhancement of cultivators were defined as Demonic along with a number of enhanced harvesting methods of spirit stones. This political line would be outside the norm for the empire and could theoretically get the sect labeled as demonic if the favor of the Emperor is ever lost, but that still applies universally.

this seems to be the more moderate stance, if technically not the imperial official stance

[]Take a Flexible Path: Mortals are not benefited with any of the same power or capability as a cultivator and it is only logical that they will not be afforded the same protections. Cultivators deserve to be protected and preserved away from practices called demonic, but as mortals' only purpose is to produce more spirit stones on passing, they may as well be used more productively. The cultivators around us may dislike it and rail against it, but as long as no one important takes offense, a massive source of reagents can be made available for boosting the lowest ranked cultivators.

so with this we are basically a pseudo-demonic sect, except we only prey on mortals
I'm not sure I get it. WHY were these martial arts branded as demonic? the 15th already brands sacrifice of sapient life for power gain as demonic, so is this just an arbitrary "we don't like these styles/they go against tradition so we banned them"?
From what Blackstar's said elsewhere, it was basically a political fuck-fuck game from the Emperor against his rivals.
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I'm not sure I get it. WHY were these martial arts branded as demonic? the 15th already brands sacrifice of sapient life for power gain as demonic, so is this just an arbitrary "we don't like these styles/they go against tradition so we banned them"?

what kind of styles are those?
Effectively those that cultivate the body first instead of Qi in effect it was used by the Emperor to play political fuck-fuck games with the sects and to ban techniques that in his eyes could produce an equal or a threat. Its more an arbitrary political distinction then a massive difference when looking at the fifteenth vs nineteenth. Something like consolidating and training the body first instead of focusing on the spirit or elemental cultivation or, horror of horrors only directly working on the body without "enlightenment".

The range of what a demonic sect is also varies quite severely from sacrifice and combine cultivator bases until you have forged a single mega cultivator generally the sect leader of the demonic sect. On the other end there are greyer practices like setting up retirement homes for mortals to more efficiently get spirit stones when they pass. Its both a political and methodological distinction and the politics of it overlap quite severely and arbitrarily.
I'm not sure I get it. WHY were these martial arts branded as demonic? the 15th already brands sacrifice of sapient life for power gain as demonic, so is this just an arbitrary "we don't like these styles/they go against tradition so we banned them"?

what kind of styles are those?
They were the styles of the sects that the Emperor didn't like. The 19th Reform is a giant political purge.
[ ] Plan Totally Not Demonic Smugglers
-[ ] Sect Name: Golden Horse Sect
-[ ] Domain Foundation Elder
-[ ] Demonic Remnants
-[ ] Take a Flexible Path
-[ ] Northern Border

Domain Foundation Elder helps against the possibility of nomadic raids and gives a degree of political prominence to shield from the other parts of this sect's boons and location. Generally the idea was making use of the lack of officials on the Northern Border and our big stick to be able to dip into smuggling and trade with the Nomads without the other Sects coming down on us.

I am considering replacing Domain Foundation Elder with Brother Eunuch, since Brother Eunuch would be great for giving us political cover. It depends on how worried we are about Nomad raids and the like.

[ ] Plan Trading with the Nomads
-[ ] Sect Name: Golden Horse Sect
-[ ] Domain Foundation Elder
-[ ] Spirit Beast Herds
-[ ] Take a Flexible Path
-[ ] Northern Border

This Plan is a variant of the above after a remark from Blackstar about how Spirit Beast Herds could have some interesting synergy with the Nomads since we can directly trade cattle with them.

[ ] Plan Isolationist Cattle Herders
-[ ] Sect Name: Mountain Ox Sect
-[ ] Spirit Beast Herds
-[ ] Demonic Remnants
-[ ] Follow the Fifteenth
-[ ] Eastern Border

This is the Plan of being "fuck off" isolationists in the East. The East is similarly "no one cares" to the North if I understand things correctly. Herds for some self sufficiency and Demonic Remnants just for that big early game lump sum of resources to help get established.

[ ] Plan Pragmatic Commerce
-[ ] Sect Name: Jade Seed Sect
-[ ] The Jade Pill Furnace
-[ ] The Great Seed Repository
-[ ] Follow the Fifteenth
-[ ] On the River

Combining Jade Pill and Seeds to focus on commerce on the river. Really this one's more whimsical than the focus I have for Plan Totally Not Demonic Smugglers and Plan Isolationist Cattle Herders.
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Yeah, but putting two warfare boons, without any income ones seems a bit risky
In true Xianxia faction, we take the income from others with overwhelming strenght! :p

Now more seriously as the North seems to be the high risk, high reward region I believe it would be wise to have a full martial focus--so we can properly take on those risks. Its a bit of a gamble.
[] Plan: High River on the High Hill
-[ ] Sect Name: River Mountain Top Sect
-[]The Highest Peak: The mountain the sect has settled and been provided is especially tall, being closer to the heavens and away from the ground level Qi pollution. New disciples can be rapidly guided through Qi Formation and Body Refinement as the only Qi available is pure and single aspected. The higher level does make tribulations mildly worse, but for the vast majority of the sect who will only tentatively grasp immortality, that is a negligible problem.
-[]Domain Foundation Elder: With a talented elder that has reached beyond the first stage of immortality and reached domain foundation, there is little that can actually threaten the sect, if the Elder is there. This does not guarantee that nothing will threaten the sect and it is considered poor form to interfere with the conflicts of your extreme juniors, but the option to push around and break apart Core Formation and Qi Condensation juniors will exist. Being a higher stage then most sects with a few senior golden cores also has diplomatic considerations, allowing for greater influence.
-[]An Auspicious Sect: The heavens have always smiled on the sect and brought great fortune to both disciples and elders. Good fortune has followed the sect time and time again with luck helping to avoid the worst of disasters through bare failures. The heavens in exchange demand following the path that is set, with occasional visions, but avoiding death and disaster is more than worth it.
-[]Follow the Nineteenth: The Nineteenth Great Heavenly Reform Against Demonic Incursion narrowly defined the practices allowed to righteous sects, declaring that several sects focusing on a new style of martial arts focused around excessive physicality to be demonic and against the righteous order. The modernization focused elements of the imperial court of course fell afoul of these as clear Demonic cultivators that sought to mislead their disciples on the true nature of reform, stagnating their cultivation. Upholding it faithfully can generate some standing with the imperial court, or at least avoid giving offense to nobles with excessive senses of purpose.
-[]On the River: The Lancang River goes South of the true Imperial core but represents a massive confluence of trade and development. The Sucheng province the sect has been provided rights to is too mountainous for much settlement and lacking in flood plains, but the run of the river represents a major trade opportunity. Having a massive avenue of commerce opens up access to markets all along the river for lower stage goods while ensuring access to the ocean. Some oceangoing ships have already been constructed, and it is expected that in time expeditions can be sent entirely outside the empire.
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[]Plan: Xianxia Mongols
-[]Sect Name: Shepards of the Steppes
-[]Domain Foundation Elder
-[]Spirit Beast Herds
-[]Follow the Fifteenth
-[]Northern Border

Basically the name says it all. Northern Border is basically a Mongolian border expy. So position the sect to be strong on the border with a focus on animal husbandry and body cultivation, but with the strength to dominate the steppes and recruit/exploit the lands.