MARSLORE: Tales from the Red Planet & Other Stories of Sol

I find this worldbuilding project very intriguing. It's extremely similar to S. M. Sterling's In the Courts of the Crimson Kings both in tone and setting. The only differences being alien lgbtq rep, psionics in place of biopunk, and the political primacy of Earth over mars is much more violent and overt than the quiet ambition of Sterling's writing.
Foundation of the Triumvirate, Part I
Excerpt from the Terralore Sources electronic publication of An Abridged History of the First Triumvirate, Chapter I: The Foundation, publ. 1742 by Gvaranor Davuul, translated in 2119 by the old spacers Jack Tam and Vivian Morse.

Of the Youth & Accession of Suthra Sheneo

It befell that forty-four generations following the disentangling of Sabaea, by which means the spirit of Sin Shiian had left the world, that a great volcanic fire emerged in Tharsis, spilling ash, fire, and snow upon the land of Sirith. Now, Clan Suth, who had descended from the old bloodline of one of the attendant military clans of the old goddess, lived in Sirith, and remained still as wardens of the land. Many felt reluctance to leave in the aftermath of the ashfall, even as the realm fell into chaos. Famine and war were unleashed upon the world in those days and the winters were harsh indeed, killing the unlucky and the helpless.

So one of the daughters of the lord of Clan Suth, Suth Tanda, gathered all those who wished to leave behind her banner, and fled from the burning lands of Sirith. And she was yet a young woman, in only her 28th year, when the journey began. In its long traveling, their clan took the new name of Suthra, and Tanda grew into her adulthood, becoming lord of the clan and taking four spouses. She bore forth a single litter of her own, only two of which survived into adulthood in the frigid seasons and poor crop yields of the years following the ashfall. One became her foremost heir and her aide-de-camp, and she took the name Sheneo; the other became her personal memorist and advisor, and took the name Teshva.

Now, as the armies of Clan Suthra approached the land of Kasuura, they saw a realm poorly defended, squabbling amongst itself, though rich in resources, food, and water. War divided Kasuura, as it had in Sirith; the lesser clan fought amongst each other, each seeking to take the whole realm for themselves. So Suthra Tanda led her forces into the land, with her children in two, and began seizing the land; she first instructed her heirs to travel to all the clans of the realm and offer her terms of submission, thereafter she waited a handful of days. The few that submitted were given gracious allotments of land and autonomy within her allied forces. All those that refused were destroyed in turn. Suthra Tanda destroyed their cities, burned and leveled their palaces, and slew the lords, enthralling their heirs and ended their houses evermore. Suthra Sheneo took part in these ill-doings of violence, and learned the psychic arts from her mother and sister, taking her first thralls of the mind.

Then Suthra Tanda ruled over Kasuura for sixty-six years, twenty in co-rule with her daughter, Sheneo, educating her in all arts of administration and governance, placing her in various offices of her royal council, and instilling in her the values of the old post-Shianist spiritualism. Sheneo also trained with her sister, the memorist, in reading the memories of her thralls and subjects. Here she became a talented reader of minds, taker of remembrance, and psychic charismatic. Her skills began to surpass those of her mother, and even her sister marveled at her ability.

Now in her later years, Suthra Tanda became sick and disabled, stricken with maladies which confined her to bed, and thus gave Suthra Sheneo full control over the government of Kasuura. As the hour of her death approached, her mother lay on her deathbed. And on the night of her death, she called forth her priests and her daughters; she bade the priests to anoint Sheneo with all holy oils and ointments. Then, she dipped her own fingers into a cup of ritual pigments and painted the golden eyes of Shiian upon her daughter's cheeks.

"Here is your queen," she said, "now obey her with all your heart, as you would for me, and protect and nourish her until the end of her days."

These were her final words. And Teshva, the new queen's sister, is said to have looked in the memories and the threads of past and future, and was awed by what she witnessed.

Within one passing of the foremoon, Suthra Tanda died. Suthra Sheneo wore the eyes of Shiian for the rest of her reign.

Of the Yearning for Sin Shiian throughout the Ruuknan.

In those days, many queens, clans, and lords of clans did claim that the spirit of Sin Shiian lived yet within them, or wished that it had. In the long millennium of her reign, many had called her the Living Goddess and the Golden Mother, and even now, centuries removed, many longed for her return to the word as she had once promised. Even the rabble told stories of her reign, singing songs to her name and glory; all this occurred before the enlightenments of Arun had spread throughout the Ruuknan. So great was this tendency of salvationist Shiianism that in every century, plentiful warriors and psychics arrived who took her titles and visage, and proclaimed themselves Sin Shiian come again.

The turnings of history had fallen upon Desuul in that time, for the philosophers and industrialists had come to reshape the world in their own image, bearing gifts of steam, smoke, gunpowder, and fire. In the mind of every rook, a song both new and old began, the weeping cry of history's end. And as all great ages pass, and are felt in their dying, the verses slouched from beneath the canyons and sands of the Maw of the Word, traveling through Noachis, then Sabaea and Hellas, to Cimmeria beyond, and even Elysium in the east faraway. Memorists across the world spoke of the passing of ages, priests did holy rituals to prepare the way of Shiian, and preachers spoke of the coming end of the world, advising all the children of the old goddess to make themselves right.

Within a lifetime, the world had been demolished, sent to die stricken with progress, and rebuilt by new generations, throngs of people with no use for another time's dead gods, collated memories, or wicked histories In the Ruuknan, farms and old clans disappeared, and their lands became villages, trade centers, cities of industry and flame-power. The world moved on from the psychic queens, the pillaging warriors, and the psiocratic order they had built. Mental thralls and clairvoyants seemed woefully ancient, the living reminders of a most arcane and strange past.

A new order, still in its laborious birth, had been furnished by aristocratic lawmakers, philosophic theorists, and militarist wardens, motivated by new ideas of privilege and personal rights, individualism, tributary finance, and the openness of the law. Chaos and disorder spread across the Ruuknan in those days, and the world lay in grave jeopardy longwhile, for the realms had been torn asunder by the new and uncountable voices which spoke in their own right for the first time.

For many, the world had grown too fast, into a terrible and confusing adolescence. Those that refused it turned to the living memories, kept in permanent unlife by the memorists and priests, submerging themselves in the images of the past, living in the old order vicariously through the minds of others. They cried out to their dead goddess and willed her to speak once more.

This was the state of the world when Amarasuthra Sheneo appeared; all the bloodshed that followed came from this primal need for the return of Sin Shiian's voice.

Of the Succession of the High Queendom of Daara

Then, in the sixth year that Suthra Sheneo was sole queen of Kasuura, the old High Queen of Daara, Tsind XIX, died of a fever, having already been stricken with years and fragile in constitution and in health. Now, all her litter had predeceased her, mayhaps from inhalation of the ashfall, which had poisoned not merely land but living bodies as well. She then had prepared no proper heir, for the sole remaining issue of children was a princeling of ill-conception, born forth by her youngest daughter some years before. And the child was much too young to be queen, and unacceptable besides on account of her birth. Tsind XIX would be the last of her line.

Thereafter, all lords of the realm answered summons by the regents unto the capital, for they were to do their duty in resolving the succession. And Suthra Sheneo was among them. The histories mention the Queen of Kasuura little, for much accounting of that long-forgotten conclave has been lost to the passing of time, or distorted willfully, even destroyed, by the whims of Suthrists and their propagandists. Here the memorists and their tellings are of greatest import, for while the written record has suffered over the years, the living memories of the City of Miir are everlasting, only sometimes mutable by repeated recollection.

Now, in like wise as the calamities befalling the world, so did many crises befall Daara amid the last years of Tsind XIX, for by the end of her reign, the queens ruled out of turn and independent of their liege. The proper authority and control had broken apart as Tsind XIX lay dying; each of the queens, lords, clans, and even the rabble themselves found themselves the absolute and supreme rulers of their purview. Into this chaos, the unenviable task of selecting a new sovereign had been laid before the lords of the realm.

The histories tell us merely that the lords had heard tell of the mighty deeds of Suthra Sheneo, and had so elected her, in hopes that she might do the realm remedy. Memorists tell the narrative in a much different way, which appears all the more detailed and believable. Now, Sheneo knew the pattern of decaying feudalism well. She had seen and participated in her mother's conquest of Kasuura and learned much, and now in a similar way, she sought to bring the High Queendom under her control and then to order.

As the days of the conclave drew near, Suthra Sheneo brought her armies and many trusted psychics of her clanfolk into the capital of Daara ahead of her, announcing her intent to attend the conclave and signaling her intent to claim the throne. Many among the lords assembled in Daara had done much the same, so none truly suspected yet of anything other than simple desire for the High Queendom, which most longed for also. Now began the process of securing the throne: to this, fabricated tales were spun of Clan Suth and Clan Tsind's kinship; gifts and promises were made to the military wardens of Daara, for the purchase and secure their loyalty in the ongoing trouble; Suthra Teshva, the queen's sister, made a number of charismatic speeches before the conclave. All this was done with the knowledge of the Queen.

The psychics of Suthra acted quite boldly now, swaying wavering electors and holding some enemies of the Queen under psychic control – chief among them the attendants of the regents. Some of the memorists say that thralls were taken from among the lord's retinues, to frighten them and assure their good standing with their liege-to-be. The Queen herself attended the conclave only twice, each time seizing the minds and memories of a lord who opposed her.

At the conclave's conclusion, Suthra Sheneo secured the vast majority of votes, and whispers were told in the years afterward that many who voted against her suffered mysterious and altogether strange fates. Some saw their heirs perish in accidents, others fell sick, and more still became unwavering allies of the new ruler after her psychics visited them in the night.

That summer, the Queen of Kasuura was crowned Suthra I, High Queen of Daara; with the queendom quickly brought to order through treachery, she turned her eyes upon the rest of Noachis and Sabaea.

Of the Unification of the West

The war for the west, that is, Sabaea and Noachia, began two years into the reign of Suthra I as High Queen of Daara. Suthra, who had only upon her accession to Daara's throne taken her customary spouses, secured by marriage the nearby realms of Taaran and Nuur, marrying their tsaan princes. In this way, she reunited the realm of Daara as it had been in the glory days of the Tsindic dynasty.

Now, during this time, the High Queendom of Hratha fell into disorder when Clan Maara, its liege lords, collapsed into blood feuds and open war. The claimants to the queendom were Maara VII Turiin, a liberal reformist, and Maara VIII Techek, a conservative and neopsiocrat, who looked to Daara and its new ruler for aide. So, following the marriage pact with Taaran and Nuur, Suthra I took as spouses the two sons of Maara Techek and declared war against Maara Turiin.

The war lasted just three years, much of which Suthra I spent on campaign in the field, always flanked closely by her psychics. Armies chased one another in the snowy river-beds of Sabaea, drinking from geysers to stay hydrated, venturing into underground caves for moisture and safety. Skirmishes in these caverns continued the entire war; some emerged years later, unaware of how long had passed, how the war had ended, or that it had at all. It is whispered in Hratha today that some still linger in the subterranean depths. Now, during the war one of Suthra I's husbands bore forth a litter of pups, presumably her own, and she would use these pups to her advantage in short order.

At the conclusion of the war, Suthra's armies captured Maara Turiin, and delivered her unto the High Queen. Now two things occurred, very quickly after one another; the first is that Maara Techek died in a cavern skirmish, apparently having fallen down from one level of the cave to one some distance below, crushing her spine and dying instantly; the second is, days after this battle, the High Queen of Daara spent some time conditioning the captured Maara Turiin, and, with the aid of her sister, enthralled her. With both claimants to the realm of Hratha dead, and the realm in chaos, an opportunity presented itself to seize control of the queendom before any rebellion could be fomented.

This she did, seizing the throne on behalf of the foremost among her husband's pups, installing the infant as a figurehead High Queen of Hratha. She then assembled a regency council for her young child-ruler, and placed at the head of it the enthralled Maara Turiin, now as close to her mind as her own flesh, and she ruled Hratha on behalf of the new queen through her.

Thereafter, for the next decade, she made war upon the lords and clans of all Noachia, the Hellas Coast, and even ventured deep into Sabaea, threatening the Anharith of Syrtis and having her armies do raids upon Cimmeria. She herself went on campaign into Sirith, the land of her childhood, seizing back much of the realm from the chaos the ashfall had wrought upon it.

With all this completed in a short time, she became undisputed ruler of the entire west of the Ruuknan.

Of Suthra I as Empress of Mars

By the records of history and the tellings of memorists, Suthra I possessed none of the charisma which made her sister, Suthra Teshva, so famous; she was, rather, shy and reluctant among the public, speaking seldom even among her court or royal councils. Those who counted themselves among her true and faithful celebrated this quality of hers. Indeed, she interfered infrequently with the daily duties of administrations, nor the dramas or pleasantries of her courtiers. She was a mystery to her contemporaries, who wrote of her as a creature of awe and majesty that continually confounded them.

Still, all knew of Suthra I's power in command, and also of her psychic prowess. So great fear stirred among all those who knew her, that she might, if so inclined, take their minds or memories from them, and this kept them loyal, even to the point where thinking of rebellion was never done in her presence. They whispered that Suthra had the gift of Shiian upon her, the enrapturing glance and entrancing eyes. She, even now, bade the priests reapply the ritual eyes of Shiian upon her cheeks each morning, the ones her own mother had drawn upon her so long ago.

As she assumed the mantle of Empress of Mars, many did speculate and wonder aloud whether or not Suthra might indeed be possessed of the same spirit of Sin Shiian. Her loyal soldiers called her Carrier of the Voice, that is, the voice of the old goddess. In her public speeches, Suthra Teshva spoke of her sister in this way, cultivating the image of a goddess returned.

Now, Suthra I, in her own way, believed in these tales. She refused all accusations of godhood, but was disinclined to condemn those that worshiped her, merely bowing her head or otherwise sending them on their way. In her memories, she viewed herself as a prophet for the return to the world of the spirit of Shiian, in a political and historiographic way.

In the tellings of the memorists, her views are expressed in this way, in conversation with her advisors:

"The return of Shiian is the passing of the ages, and with each age her voice grows louder from the Maw, and when you do hear it in your own mind, and see her words spoken in the word with your own eyes, then shall you see the living goddess again. This begins our final age, when the ways of Shiian will return to us. The old ways shall be revived, the old Mind rejoined over the years, and the rook of Desuul shall be recreated in her image, the image of unification and wholeness."

In that moment, and with that aim, did Amarasuthra Sheneo become the first since the time of Sin Shiian to lay claim to not just the Ruuknan, but to all Desuul. Then did Suthra I stand at the apex of her power, and her sister placed a grand crown, one fashioned after that which Shiian had worn herself long ago, upon her head. The ultimate goal became the unification of Desuul under one banner and spirit.

Suthra I stood for the new age psiocrats, who yearned for the return of the gestalt mind, and of thralldom. Her enthrallment of the old High Queen of Hratha marked the beginning of a new trend: all those that refused to bow to the reunification of the world would be reunified by force. She sent her thralls as messengers to all remaining queens of the Ruuknan and beyond, to submit to her reign. These writs arrived, under cover of ash in Noachis, sandstorms in the north, snowfall in Cimmeria, and amid the mist of Syrtis and Isidis.

Few lords agreed but the ideologically committed and cowards who feared her wroth. Now, in turn, the Great War began, the first to employ repeating rifles and cannons, and the last before the Triumvirate's foundation…


AN: This is part one of a series of posts on the Foundation of the Martian Tirumvirate, which we'll be covering from multiple perspectives.
So I really like the tone of this update but this interlude where the author waxes poetic about the industrial revolution especially stands out:

The turnings of history had fallen upon Desuul in that time, for the philosophers and industrialists had come to reshape the world in their own image, bearing gifts of steam, smoke, gunpowder, and fire. In the mind of every rook, a song both new and old began, the weeping cry of history's end. And as all great ages pass, and are felt in their dying, the verses slouched from beneath the canyons and sands of the Maw of the Word, traveling through Noachis, then Sabaea and Hellas, to Cimmeria beyond, and even Elysium in the east faraway. Memorists across the world spoke of the passing of ages, priests did holy rituals to prepare the way of Shiian, and preachers spoke of the coming end of the world, advising all the children of the old goddess to make themselves right.

Within a lifetime, the world had been demolished, sent to die stricken with progress, and rebuilt by new generations, throngs of people with no use for another time's dead gods, collated memories, or wicked histories In the Ruuknan, farms and old clans disappeared, and their lands became villages, trade centers, cities of industry and flame-power. The world moved on from the psychic queens, the pillaging warriors, and the psiocratic order they had built. Mental thralls and clairvoyants seemed woefully ancient, the living reminders of a most arcane and strange past.

They're communicating so much pain, I think "sent to die stricken with progress" is going to haunt me.

Armies chased one another in the snowy river-beds of Sabaea, drinking from geysers to stay hydrated, venturing into underground caves for moisture and safety. Skirmishes in these caverns continued the entire war; some emerged years later, unaware of how long had passed, how the war had ended, or that it had at all. It is whispered in Hratha today that some still linger in the subterranean depths.

As always, Martian warfare sounds like a nightmare, you'd think they'd just learn to stop doing it.

Now, during the war one of Suthra I's husbands bore forth a litter of pups, presumably her own

"Presumably" seems like it's doing a lot of heavy lifting here.

the High Queen of Daara spent some time conditioning the captured Maara Turiin, and, with the aid of her sister, enthralled her. With both claimants to the realm of Hratha dead

and placed at the head of it the enthralled Maara Turiin, now as close to her mind as her own flesh

Spooky that being a psychic thrall is basically being dead. I'm almost afraid to ask exactly what it entailed, maybe like overwriting someone's mind so that they're basically a mental copy of you? The discussion of the gestalt makes it also seem like you're being forcibly assimilated into a hivemind but the idea that being a thrall is basically being dead makes it definitely seem like you experience ego death.

...wait, shit, Sin Shiian literally lived for a thousand years didn't she? She just kept body-jumping between hosts! Oh my God! Oh my God!!
Q&A 5: Martian families, mind control
Some historians theorize that the driving force of Martian history before the Dark Ages was toxic polycule drama

You have no idea how right you are.

If I were to attempt to relate to this entirely though analogy, I guess its the like post-Simpsons Modern Family style sitcom family stereotypes especially that of a bigger ensemble cast, where the mother is kinda more a high power soccer mom/tiger mom/Jewish mom/etc... and the disciplinarian, and then the father is the goofy kinda manchild-y fun dad, getting into wacky hijinks with the fun wine aunt and the family friend whose basically an unofficial uncle and will never move out, and so on.

Goofy manchild dads, fun wine aunts, and "family friends" are actually a pretty good human analogy for the kind of people you'd find in a Martian marriage circle.

So what I gather from this is that those 90s disney family movies that are like, "oh don't worry kid, you're workaholic parents do love you, they just need [insert supernatural checannery or good-natured free spirited chaotic character being able to do stuff that pulls the parents away from their job and, shows the true meaning of love or family or etc]" would either sell like hot cakes to a Martian audience, or nothing at all because that is just the average Martian Family Feel Good story.

You know, I think that kind of thing probably would sell like hot cakes. It would still be pretty new for them, because the kind of emotions found in feel-good family comedies were never really a big thing in Martian culture before contact with other civilizations. For many Martians, especially those who became soldiers or skilled laborers, their family experience was living with the polycule of a mostly-absent primary caregiver for twelve years before getting shipped off to boarding school or an apprenticeship; then, once they get home, their old family is mostly broken up because marriages are so short and temporary.

It's not all bad, and family is still very important for Martians obviously, but it definitely leaves little room that kind of sentimentality. Of course, those traditional structures and ideas are now changing a lot since the introduction of Terran capitalism.

I find this worldbuilding project very intriguing. It's extremely similar to S. M. Sterling's In the Courts of the Crimson Kings both in tone and setting. The only differences being alien lgbtq rep, psionics in place of biopunk, and the political primacy of Earth over mars is much more violent and overt than the quiet ambition of Sterling's writing.

Thank you!

Funny enough, I've actually never read In the Courts of the Crimson Kings. Like the anthologies Old Mars and Old Venus, it's one of those books I've wanted to read for some time but never got around to.

"Presumably" seems like it's doing a lot of heavy lifting here.

Parentage doesn't really matter much to Martians; if someone in a center's circle has a litter, the children are, by tradition, considered the center's children. In Sabaean feudalism, typically only children carried to term by the center themselves were eligible to inherit titles. Exceptions were sometimes made when the succession was in doubt, or when someone wanted to claim the throne through dubious or distant ancestry.

By the time of this text, some of those traditions were starting to be reconsidered. Pretty much everyone knows, and maybe even knew at the time, that Suthra I's children by her husband (probably) weren't actually her children.. but it didn't really matter. They were definitely her husband's children, which meant her occupation of Hratha could, instead, be a legal "regency council" on behalf of "her" child.

Spooky that being a psychic thrall is basically being dead. I'm almost afraid to ask exactly what it entailed, maybe like overwriting someone's mind so that they're basically a mental copy of you? The discussion of the gestalt makes it also seem like you're being forcibly assimilated into a hivemind but the idea that being a thrall is basically being dead makes it definitely seem like you experience ego death.

More of a mental or spiritual death than a physical one. It's - usually - possible to be brought back from it through reconditioning, therapy, or training, though reliable methods of doing so are really more of a modern invention. In the old days, it was usually for life unless you "knew a guy" and got lucky.

Overlooked here is that enthrallment can't really be done on command, and it's pretty dangerous - for both parties. It's basically a form of mental fusion, just one that overwhelmingly benefits one half of the arrangement. Never a good idea to go around enthralling willy-nilly. It's inevitable you're going to start picking up aspects of your thralls' minds, memories, personalities. It can be a kind of mutual ego death.

Now, we'll get more into all that later.. but suffice it to say, not good!

...wait, shit, Sin Shiian literally lived for a thousand years didn't she? She just kept body-jumping between hosts! Oh my God! Oh my God!!

Much of what has been written about Sin Shiian is legendary. Probably.
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You really have a way of creating unique perspectives through affecting different writing styles, it's a literary device that makes the world feel deeper and you really nail that medieval to early modern historical writing style where legends and myth blend almost seamlessly with matter-of-fact history. All of the anecdote-rich accounts of each of these rulers has, especially, the rhythm and flow of such a work, if that makes sense.

I also like the subtle touch for instance of referring to the "enlightenments of Arun", mirroring phenomena like how Europeans in our history viewed Christianity as a progression or civilizational advancement from a more 'primitive' paganism. This is consonant with the broader theme of this chapter, the passing of the old world and the onset of the new, one you poignantly and beautifully encapsulate, especially in the passages quoted by ScottishMongol up-thread. "A new order, still in its laborious birth" reminded me of Yeats' Second Coming in particular, and the "terrible and confusing adolescence" reminded me of how Carl Sagan always described humanity as in its "technological adolescence" with all of the inexperienced, self-destructive tendencies that are possible for us and that will be made manifest for the Martians.

You also touch on something even more terrifying about Martians than humans, which is the potential for complete psychic domination and control as seen in the ascension of Suthra I and the mysterious persecution of her enemies. If this is the extent of it in the medieval era, it's chilling to think what the 20th Century totalitarian equivalents of this - where ideological conformity and not mere personal power is the goal - would be in the Martian context, if such a thing emerges.

Also, shout out to Suthra I and one of her husbands that bore her children, love how casually trans Martians can be. I think one of the ways Marslore is wish fulfillment for me, even at its most harrowing extremes, is that it's a history where trans people can exist in every age of history in more than just the role of a persecuted or mythicized other at the fringes of society, but as erudite revolutionaries and terrible tyrants and celebrated authors and so on.

Also also, "Maara Techek died in a cavern skirmish, apparently having fallen down from one level of the cave to one some distance below, crushing her spine and dying instantly", died of suicide from two gunshot wounds to the back of the head huh? I also love Suthra I's way of being humble, "Oh no, I'm not Sin Shiian reborn, I am merely her prophet for her return." By the way, I love Suthra I's prophecy, it was very well written and had all the hallmarks of a good messianic legend a la King Arthur. Fitting, as just as King Arthur is legendarily described as uniting Britain, Suthra I founded(?) the Martian triumvirate in a fashion I commend you for making feel similarly legendary and full of intrigue as well as casual asides of values dissonant persecution of opponents to the consolidation of her reign.

Overall, another fantastic update, I can't wait to see more!
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This might just be me, but I'm getting very like absolutist vibes from the rise of the Suthrist world-system? It's a pivoting of the fruits of industrialization back into a largely reactionary political order, setting up a core of harshly loyal aristocrats either re-configuring themselves into civil servants or gently but firmly moved aside to stay locked in orbit around Suthra Teshva's construction of like the Martian Sun-King as both divinely ordained holy monarch and as enlightened despot. And where the power of the old guard is cruelly broken in some real dragonnade and early modern secret police shit, and the remnants continue spinning their wheels much as the balls and galas in late Versailles, the new aristocracy of uniformed martinets and merit/"merit" expands a more centralized administration industrializing and making economically legible each specific feudal fiefdom, even as they still technically retain their status as principalities with their own legal customs and separate armies and coinage and everything, just with their sub-queens and clan matriarchs caring more about baroque Desuul than their backwards "homes".
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You have no idea how right you are.

Goofy manchild dads, fun wine aunts, and "family friends" are actually a pretty good human analogy for the kind of people you'd find in a Martian marriage circle.

You know, I think that kind of thing probably would sell like hot cakes. It would still be pretty new for them, because the kind of emotions found in feel-good family comedies were never really a big thing in Martian culture before contact with other civilizations. For many Martians, especially those who became soldiers or skilled laborers, their family experience was living with the polycule of a mostly-absent primary caregiver for twelve years before getting shipped off to boarding school or an apprenticeship; then, once they get home, their old family is mostly broken up because marriages are so short and temporary.

It's not all bad, and family is still very important for Martians obviously, but it definitely leaves little room that kind of sentimentality. Of course, those traditional structures and ideas are now changing a lot since the introduction of Terran capitalism.

Oh I see, so every Martian also has crippling mommy issues.

More of a mental or spiritual death than a physical one. It's - usually - possible to be brought back from it through reconditioning, therapy, or training, though reliable methods of doing so are really more of a modern invention. In the old days, it was usually for life unless you "knew a guy" and got lucky.

Overlooked here is that enthrallment can't really be done on command, and it's pretty dangerous - for both parties. It's basically a form of mental fusion, just one that overwhelmingly benefits one half of the arrangement. Never a good idea to go around enthralling willy-nilly. It's inevitable you're going to start picking up aspects of your thralls' minds, memories, personalities. It can be a kind of mutual ego death.

Now, we'll get more into all that later.. but suffice it to say, not good!

I see, so I was closer to the mark with "forcibly assimilated into a hivemind".

Much of what has been written about Sin Shiian is legendary. Probably.

How encouraging.

"The fact of the matter is, no normal and well-adjusted person ever goes to space. You have to be a little weird to even consider it." - Anonymous.

Spacers are people who live or work predominantly in space. The International Committee for Outer Space affairs defines a spacer as anyone who spends more than three months per year away from their homeworld. Spacers generally live aboard starships and space-stations. The Federation estimates up to 45 million spacers may be active in the inner solar system and the asteroid belt; very few choose to brave the extreme danger of the outer system or deep space. Today, earth humans and the Martian old diaspora comprise the majority of those living in space.

While some spacers may seek legal residency on a particular base, station, or world, the majority go unhoused. Most live in personalized spacecraft, typically vessels with an occupancy limit of 1-4, which are equipped only with the bare minimum necessary for survival. The prohibitive cost of most starships means that nearly all vessels are leased or purchased on credit. Most dealers refuse to accept hard currency as payment for interplanetary craft. Due to these financial burdens, spacers are often the victims of predatory lending, loansharking, and scams.

Spacers are a diverse people group with a distinct culture. Many spacers are ethnic, religious, or gender and sexual minorities. Early adopters of spaceflight usually fled hardship or discrimination at home; some were ex-cons who could not find work, some were debtors who could not afford to pay their creditors, and others were social undesirables suffocated by the conservative culture of the second space age. These early spacers subsequently raised families in the vacuum of space, building their own starports, outposts, and fleets to house them. Their descendants, "cradle spacers", are divided into tribes based on familial lineage.

As a result of the recent ubiquity of inner-system spaceflight, a majority of spacers today are only first or second-generation travelers. Regardless of ancestry, most choose to participate in one of the various spacer's guilds or trade unions. These organizations provide fuel, rations, and repairs to dues-paying members. They may also offer safe and secure lending for starships, protection from financial predators, and some legal and political rights similar to citizenship.

Some spacer groups may operate outside the law, pursuing piracy, smuggling, or other illicit activity. Others work with the federation, aiding law enforcement in securing the solar system's trade lanes and travel routes.

Life in Space

Since spacing is dangerous, and often directly life-threatening, people who accept work in and above orbit are often already desperate. During the Terran space ages, commercialization of spaceflight created a high demand for labor. These high-risk jobs went to people on the fringes of society, such as marginalized groups or unemployed blue collar workers. They were typically the only ones to apply for employment carrying such risk.

Space labor carried a very high death toll in its early days. Workers were lost in space due to human error, lack of fuel, or space weather. Health issues arising from microgravity led to permanent disabilities. Disease spread rapidly in poorly-ventilated starships and stations. Space adaptation syndrome caused dehydration, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease. So-called "space madness", an association of mental illnesses caused by long-term isolation and exacerbated by sleep disorders, led many spacers to muster out with severe mental health problems.

Today, technological advances and expansion of space infrastructure - both by the Houses of Terra and early spacers - have created safer, more reliable travel through the inner solar system. Space stations and outposts, built to produce artificial gravity through centrifugal force, are positioned along common routes and trade lanes. These allow spacers to stay over, for a fee, so as to avoid continued exposure to low-g environments. Modern suspended animation techniques are used for long-duration flights. Even small spaceships are now built to house a number of stasis pods equal to their maximum occupancy; these are used as escape pods in the event of a critical failure of the starship, or as regular stasis chambers for crew-members when necessary.

Due to the limited load capacity of starships, a spacers' normal rations when on a flight will consist of nutrient paste, soup, broth, canned meat or jerky, or other easily-packageable and light-weight foods. Anything beyond that is considered a delicacy for special occasions. On particularly long flights or in poorly-designed craft, pilots may have to be stuck with an IV drip to provide nutrition or administer sleep medication to control their circadian rhythm.

Space Travel

Almost all space travel in the solar system is conducted along well-trodden pathways known as trade lanes or travel routes. These lanes are well-defended by Federation authorities and authorized personnel. Off-route travel may lead to many issues, such as flight complications, collisions with interplanetary debris, and risk of encounters with hostile spacers. Trade lanes are prevalent in the inner system; only a few lead into the outer solar system. Beyond the orbit of Jupiter, our solar system remains obscure. Pathfinders, surveyors, and scientists often travel on exploratory missions into deep space.

The need for humankind to avoid low-g sickness acted as a motivation to develop greater interplanetary infrastructure in the inner system. The Houses of Terra constructed greater numbers of space stations, more robust starships, and developed faster, cheaper engines with the aim of getting their pilots, crew, and workers to a normal gravity environment faster and more often. This infrastructure later allowed for development of the modern interplanetary economy and political order. Similar pressures never emerged for the outer worlds,

The mainstream ship uses ion drives or ramjets to traverse the gulf of space. Most are spaceplanes; top-of-the-line models use scramjets to achieve escape velocity. Cheaper craft use refuellable rocket engines, which have an uncomfortably high failure rate. Many instead choose to use air-launch systems, skyhooks, or ram accelerators though this often requires paying exorbitant fees for these services. Once in space, free-flight is typically slow. Starships often "link-up" in fleets, carried along and powered by large freighters.

Spacers and freelancers often customize their craft. Since the vast majority of craft have no gravity, all personal effects, furniture, and valuables are usually bolted down or held in place with magnets. Solar panels provide limited power for free-flight, while linking-up with fleets or freighters can provide greater power and connection to communication servers.


Some spacers participate in typical working-class jobs, being paid either by the hour or by contract. Skilled laborers, such as repairers for starship and station hulls, usually work as part of a trade union. While unions are heavily focused on providing fair pay and working conditions to all employees in their trade, guilds are more preoccupied with providing services, political rights, and legal and personal protection to their members and affiliates. Guilds also look to monopolize trade and labor, sometimes bringing them into conflict with unions.

Spacers are more commonly associated with freelancers, who, as the name implies, are self-employed. The common path of any freelancer is to secure a lease on a small, limited-occupancy craft for personal use, pay off the debt through monthly or yearly payments, and earn money as independent contractors, using their ship to operate as mercenaries, traders, smugglers, bounty hunters, salvagers, or prospectors. Many freelancers operate within legal, extralegal, and illegal channels, with their economic activities forming a kind of gray market. Most freelancers face continual financial hardship, living from one gig to the next as they struggle to pay off their ships.

Life expectancy is low, as their missions can be extremely dangerous. Successful freelancers typically manage to pay off debts early, amass wealth from increasingly dangerous jobs, and retire to part-time guild work after securing enough wealth to "quit the game." Unsuccessful freelancers generally die young, become part of organized crime, or run afoul of the law, ending up in prison. Some choose to act essentially as privateers, accepting contracts only from legal authorities.

A cultural divide exists between freelancers and other spacers: most freelancers tend to be first-generation travelers, often young and naïve people who expect to get rich quick. Others may be attracted to freelancing for the life style. Freelancers live in their own ships, enjoy relative freedom and privacy, and make their own work. Cradle spacers, on the other hand, are born in space to families of one of the many tribes. While they generally procure a ship to live on, it is more likely to be leased from a legitimate lender or a guild, and they are more likely to earn gainful employment through the guild or as part of a union.

Martian Spacers

The old Martian diaspora is the other major group of spacers, comprising a large percentage of the number of persons living in space according to the latest census data. Martian spacers have been living and working in outer space since the 16th or 17th century, having formed societies and interplanetary bases long ago at the end of their space age. Most live in the asteroid belt beyond Martian space; a smaller number live in and around space stations near Martian orbit. These groups are usually more hostile to Federation authorities.

In Martian society, positions in space went to clanless people, political dissidents, and the well-educated unemployed of their late industrial era. As the First Triumvirate began to collapse into tyranny, despotism, and civil war, opponents and enemies of the Obsidian Seat were "exiled to orbit" and assigned positions in the crews of space stations and orbital vessels. Martian spacers suffer from their own form of space madness, extraplanetary psychosis, which presents in Martians after several weeks or months away from their homeworld. In modern times, space infrastructure allows for quick and easy access to necessary anti-psychotic medication.

However, during the Fall of the First Triumvirate, the limited infrastructure of the Martian space age began to break down. The ubiquity of psychosis, the poor conditions on Martian space habitats, and the nature of the spacers themselves as dissidents and minorities led to revolts and rebellions by nearly all Martian spacers in the 17th century. After the Martians resecured Mars orbit, the renegade spacers fled to the asteroid belt, where they remain to this day.

Members of the Martian diaspora lived for centuries without proper medication, leading to a number of odd adaptations to their condition. Notably, they have limited psychic ability; strict social taboos prevent the use and development of psychic powers, and many are unable to speak telepathically at all.

TRAVEL ADVISORY: Some freelancers or spacer gangs may be involved in criminal activity, including the Venusian drug trade. No Federation law enforcement or other authorized authority will ever demand a toll for safe travel. If confronted by hostile spacers or freelancers, comply with their demands to the best of your ability, and note the makes and designs of their ships.


AN: Thanks to @shadowofneptune for her knowledge & help with how space travel and life in space works. Also, as @ScottishMongol said in her awesome work Reach for the Stars, every setting really needs a built-in class of adventurers.
"The fact of the matter is, no normal and well-adjusted person ever goes to space. You have to be a little weird to even consider it." - Anonymous.

Also, as @ScottishMongol said in her awesome work Reach for the Stars, every setting really needs a built-in class of adventurers.

What am I always saying? You don't leave home to go make a living on the edge of the known world (or in this case, known space) if things are going well for you.

The Spacers demonstrate that perfectly, the marginalia of society sent off to work as disposable labor in a highly dangerous field. Spacer culture must be really interesting. I like all the different subtleties - guilds vs unions, Cradle Spacers vs people who just work in space, generational divides, Spacers vs freelancers - all of these overlap and contrast which each other which makes the Spacers as a whole feel very diverse and complex.

You know, even with "heavy" gravity, long-term exposure to microgravity plus the lingering possibility that they're still not getting access to Earth levels of gravity must mean that your average Spacer would be easily identifiable by their height, I bet by the second generation they'd struggle to walk on Earth or even Mars without support from mobility devices. I bet there are spacers - especially the Martian Spacers out in the Belt - who have hollowed out asteroids and given them a bit of spin to generate artificial gravity, that's always a fun sci-fi trope.

I wonder why Martian psychic powers seem to get more erratic the further they get from Mars, and how much Human Spacers and Martian Spacers get along.
While some spacers may seek legal residency on a particular base, station, or world, the majority go unhoused. Most live in personalized spacecraft, typically vessels with an occupancy limit of 1-4, which are equipped only with the bare minimum necessary for survival. The prohibitive cost of most starships means that nearly all vessels are leased or purchased on credit. Most dealers refuse to accept hard currency as payment for interplanetary craft. Due to these financial burdens, spacers are often the victims of predatory lending, loansharking, and scams.

Space has finally been corrupted by capitalism 😔
The Federation estimates up to 45 million spacers may be active in the inner solar system and the asteroid belt; very few choose to brave the extreme danger of the outer system or deep space
It makes sense considering, but also mind blowing in a way that a total sum profession of people outpopulate my entire country (Canada), and are considered a sum minority. Also,
Beyond the orbit of Jupiter, our solar system remains obscure.
Similar pressures never emerged for the outer worlds,
Naturally tempted and excited for what lurks deeper beyond the reach of Jupiter, or further what makes it the stopping point of the known Solar System. Strange Fungi From Yuggoth Gang, Just As Exclusionary As The Author That Made Them, Let's Go—
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This does tend to cast the earlier comments by that Martian socialist about sinister human influence beginning with the arrival of early spacers from Earth in a different light, if those spacers were ethnic minorities are refugees seeking a new life on Mars out of desperation. I suspect that (justified) anger against Earth's colonialism towards Mars may have bred some xenophobia towards groups not strictly deserving it.
This does tend to cast the earlier comments by that Martian socialist about sinister human influence beginning with the arrival of early spacers from Earth in a different light, if those spacers were ethnic minorities are refugees seeking a new life on Mars out of desperation. I suspect that (justified) anger against Earth's colonialism towards Mars may have bred some xenophobia towards groups not strictly deserving it.

That makes a lot of sense, it would be difficult for Martians who weren't super clued into the nuances of human or Spacer culture to tell the difference between freelancers or unaffiliated Spacers and the agents of Terran governments.
It's part of the complexity on all sides that makes this TL so engaging
There may have also been a rapid transformation as the Spacer enclaves are themselves rather violently capitalized by Earth once it could reach them around Martian orbit; like how Age of Sail ships could often become places were people get weird with normal racial and sexual hierarchies and normative bigotries, but nevertheless a lot of genuinely friendly relations with Yankee whalermen still lead to Dole eating up Hawai'i from the inside out in less than a century. Or like how the first generations of EIC adventurers and merchant factors dressed as part of the Mughal court and sometimes took up mixed-race families and so on but like within a few short decades of quicker naval transportation all that went away and you had Regency anglos stubbornly sweating in their five layers of wool or whatever inside like the ultimate gated neighborhoods. Or etc..., etc...
There may have also been a rapid transformation as the Spacer enclaves are themselves rather violently capitalized by Earth once it could reach them around Martian orbit; like how Age of Sail ships could often become places were people get weird with normal racial and sexual hierarchies and normative bigotries, but nevertheless a lot of genuinely friendly relations with Yankee whalermen still lead to Dole eating up Hawai'i from the inside out in less than a century. Or like how the first generations of EIC adventurers and merchant factors dressed as part of the Mughal court and sometimes took up mixed-race families and so on but like within a few short decades of quicker naval transportation all that went away and you had Regency anglos stubbornly sweating in their five layers of wool or whatever inside like the ultimate gated neighborhoods. Or etc..., etc...

That actually sounds like a great comparison
Looks like it'll take a bit of time before the Martians can pull and Isaac Arthur and fit billions of people into a bunch of space habitats. Also I presume the Martian's space psychosis is due to the relative isolation of space and Earth? Cause on Mars they might be receiving passive signals from their kind that their psychology/biology works with and in space you don't get that. Either that or Mars is literally magical in someway and allows their powers to exist in a stable form.
This is so cool, my favorite update of the most recent batch! The spacers are such a compelling faction because you can instantly imagine yourself as one of them: being hard up in debt, uncared about by anyone as you're essentially sent off to inhospitable conditions by employers who don't give a damn if you live or die. I think you've also created an interesting arc of history that kind of feels like coal mining or the like, how it gradually became safer but never really became Safe, if that makes sense. In other words, the spacers seem Appalachia coded, but one that is almost intrinsically queer.
You know something I don't this timeline has gotten around to is, what's going on with Phobos and Deimos?
My money is on some really blursed shit with previously suppressed kinda Spacer-y Martian minorities now in charge... so long as they act as proper model minorities and martial races or whatever, for the International Mandate and the Houses of Terra.
Q&A 6: Travel beyond Jupiter, Martian psyche, the Moons
Also also, "Maara Techek died in a cavern skirmish, apparently having fallen down from one level of the cave to one some distance below, crushing her spine and dying instantly", died of suicide from two gunshot wounds to the back of the head huh?

It's a real shame what happened to her.

I also love Suthra I's way of being humble, "Oh no, I'm not Sin Shiian reborn, I am merely her prophet for her return." By the way, I love Suthra I's prophecy, it was very well written and had all the hallmarks of a good messianic legend a la King Arthur. Fitting, as just as King Arthur is legendarily described as uniting Britain, Suthra I founded(?) the Martian triumvirate in a fashion I commend you for making feel similarly legendary and full of intrigue as well as casual asides of values dissonant persecution of opponents to the consolidation of her reign.

This might just be me, but I'm getting very like absolutist vibes from the rise of the Suthrist world-system?

Suthra I and her empire definitely represent something reactionary, the death throws of an old world rather than the beginning of something new. She's an important part of the story, but not the founder of the Triumvirate.

I wonder if terrans have psychic potential like mars doses?

Yes, in theory. In practice it's difficult. Just like the real world, most humans claiming to be psychic are just grifting. Usually they need neural implants and intense training to master the basics. Scientific research continues into improving the psychic capabilities of earth humans. Colonists of other worlds seem to have an easier time of it..

You know, even with "heavy" gravity, long-term exposure to microgravity plus the lingering possibility that they're still not getting access to Earth levels of gravity must mean that your average Spacer would be easily identifiable by their height, I bet by the second generation they'd struggle to walk on Earth or even Mars without support from mobility devices.

You're probably right. There's a whole host of issues there, and I can't imagine them getting better with successive generations. Earth and Venus are definitely off limits, although I think Mars, Mercury, the Jovian Moons, and asteroids should be acceptable for their biology. They'd be more or less disabled in high grav environments.

Naturally tempted and excited for what lurks deeper beyond the reach of Jupiter, or further what makes it the stopping point of the known Solar System. Strange Fungi From Yuggoth Gang, Just As Exclusionary As The Author That Made Them, Let's Go—

Cosmic horrors notwithstanding, the big problems are fuel and time. Most rinky-dink personal craft can't make the journey to the outer sectors on their own, so they'll need to link up with a fleet, a freighter, or some other kind of carrier. That means huge service fees. If you and some friends link up your ships and try to make it on your own, the journey is probably going to be measured in months, maybe even years. You'll need large amounts of fuel, rations, supplies. You'll have to plan out an itinerary of stopovers - which are rare in the outer system, what with its limited space infrastructure. Finally, you'll need stasis pods to ward off low-g sickness.. plus luck. A lot of luck.

You could get a couple psychics and try to power your engines and ships that way.. but that's getting into human rights violations and all sorts of stuff only the most unscrupulous spacers are willing to go for.

This does tend to cast the earlier comments by that Martian socialist about sinister human influence beginning with the arrival of early spacers from Earth in a different light, if those spacers were ethnic minorities are refugees seeking a new life on Mars out of desperation. I suspect that (justified) anger against Earth's colonialism towards Mars may have bred some xenophobia towards groups not strictly deserving it.

There may have also been a rapid transformation as the Spacer enclaves are themselves rather violently capitalized by Earth once it could reach them around Martian orbit; like how Age of Sail ships could often become places were people get weird with normal racial and sexual hierarchies and normative bigotries, but nevertheless a lot of genuinely friendly relations with Yankee whalermen still lead to Dole eating up Hawai'i from the inside out in less than a century. Or like how the first generations of EIC adventurers and merchant factors dressed as part of the Mughal court and sometimes took up mixed-race families and so on but like within a few short decades of quicker naval transportation all that went away and you had Regency anglos stubbornly sweating in their five layers of wool or whatever inside like the ultimate gated neighborhoods. Or etc..., etc...

Yeah, the first colonists on Mars were basically *forced* into it in some way or another. Some people were fleeing debt, persecution, oppression, violence, post-atomic horrors.. others were just packed up and shipped off to Mars as prisoners.

The result was the culture of Old Spacers on Mars, who generally integrated into Martian societies, experimented with gender, sexuality, family structures, government - you name it.

I wonder why Martian psychic powers seem to get more erratic the further they get from Mars, and how much Human Spacers and Martian Spacers get along.

Also I presume the Martian's space psychosis is due to the relative isolation of space and Earth? Cause on Mars they might be receiving passive signals from their kind that their psychology/biology works with and in space you don't get that.

The prevailing theory is that, with psychic abilities being common to nearly all complex life on Mars, Martians need continual contact with their home biosphere. It's believed some kind of collective mechanism helps regulate their psychic abilities. Contact with others of their kind alleviates some symptoms, and most Martian spacers live in colonies together. Their powers remain unstable, however.

The spacers are such a compelling faction because you can instantly imagine yourself as one of them: being hard up in debt, uncared about by anyone as you're essentially sent off to inhospitable conditions by employers who don't give a damn if you live or die. I think you've also created an interesting arc of history that kind of feels like coal mining or the like, how it gradually became safer but never really became Safe, if that makes sense

Absolutely there are Space Appalachia vibes here - complete with open warfare between militant unions and capital.

You know something I don't this timeline has gotten around to is, what's going on with Phobos and Deimos?

Phobos and Deimos are both very close to and easily visible from Mars. They figure prominently in Martian art, culture, mythology, and timekeeping. They're actually so close that they both orbit within about a day; Martians use Phobos' phases and position in the sky to figure their version of hours.

However, they just don't make for great places to settle down. Sure, they were the first celestial bodies Martians landed on, but they're also small. They have miniscule mass and gravity. Martians used them as a stepping stone to develop their early space infrastructure, and a few bases remain there, mostly used for traffic control, orbital security, satellite communications, and climate modeling.

The most common cause of death is "death by misadventure" - trips and falls can be fatal. Even jumping can send you hurtling into space on a decaying orbital trajectory. For this reason, any surface time on the moons now involves jetpacks, magnetic boots, and steel catwalks with hand rails.

Back in the old days, though, it was a great place to exile dissidents and malcontents. They had a habit of getting into "accidents."
Would be funny as hell if the earthlings ever reused some of those old prison colonies as places of exile for particularly recalcitrant Martian warlords and or weird religious cult leaders or the like, Mars always within sight yet still an unfathomable gulf away- like Napoleon in Elba.

NOTICE: Venus is a restricted area. Travel to and from low orbit is regulated by Federation authorities. In the event of illness or death, any history of unauthorized landings on Venus may constitute a forfeiture of your personal insurance policies or any legal claim.


Venus is the second planet of our solar system. Sometimes described as Earth's twin, Venus is approximately the same size as our own world. Near-permanent cloud cover creates a balmy, humid climate. Rain and snow are the most common weather. Typical biomes include temperate rainforests, rich alluvial plains, polar taigas, marshes, and long, sandy beaches. Deserts and wastelands are rare. As the closest world to Earth aside from Luna, Venus only has a 9 minute communication lag.

When Terran astronomers discovered evidence of a habitable environment on Venus, hopes ran high that it might be an easy opportunity for colonization. The discovery of a pre-industrial culture on the planet complicated matters, as many scientists and diplomats urged caution; some even unsuccessfully proposed a hard non-interference policy, inspired by the tragedies of the Wars of the Worlds. Early expeditions to the planet were initially successful. The multi-year missions seemed to prove that the Venusian environment was suitable for long-term human habitation. First contact with its indigenous civilizations proceeded peacefully.

Terran space agencies and corporations began constructing colonial infrastructure in orbit around Venus. Problems quickly emerged. Upon returning home, many spacers and explorers began reporting a myriad of health issues, developing non-specific mental and physical symptoms. Terran companies tried to downplay the issue, eventually resulting in generous legal settlements to victims. Scientific research soon began showing evidence of addictive toxins and psychoactive substances in the Venusian biosphere, creating withdrawal-like health disorders for those exposed to the planet for long periods of time.

A brief, but severe, economic recession followed as the Venusian colonization bubble collapsed. Terran corporations refocused their efforts on Mars, opting for political solutions to its hostile government and geoengineering to resolve the frigid climate. While an important factor, biological incompatibility was only one of many problems with Venus. The planet's atmosphere is thrice that of Earth's, causing habitability concerns in low-lying areas, and its day-night cycle is longer than its year, greatly disrupting human circadian rhythms.

Surface Conditions

Venusian air is thick, riddled with humidity, and tastes acidic. Those who have landed on the planet report a distinct brimstone smell, caused by high concentrations of sulfur in the atmosphere. From the surface, the sky is awash in clouds, with multiple cloud decks which rotate around Venus faster than it rotates about its own axis. The sky is always white or very pale blue, caused either by constant cloud-cover or by aerosols on infrequent clear days.

Native civilizations do not keep track of the year or the passing of stars. As Venus has no moon, it has no months, nor weeks, or even seasons. The planet's low eccentricity and minuscule axial tilt prevent any seasonal variation, and its thick atmosphere creates a relatively isothermal climate. They track only the ever-present day-night cycle, which lasts approximately eight standard months. During the four-month night, temperature on the nocturnal hemisphere falls. Rivers and lakes freeze over. When the sun rises, it does so from the west.

It is almost always raining on Venus, falling as either thin mist on temperate days or heavy, flooding downpours which disrupt travel. The rain is more acidic than our own. It can sometimes burn skin if local sulfur levels are high enough. At midday and midnight, the storms abate and cloud cover drops, creating the few clear skies of the Venusian year. During midnight, stars can be seen, but Venusians only recently began studying the stars. Rotating space stations and satellites, abandoned and left behind from the heady days of the Terran space age, can also be seen. Rain becomes snow throughout the world during the night, and plant and animal life enter dormancy to protect against the cold.

The high levels of sulfur in the air come from Venusian geology. Earthly tectonic activity is not found on Venus, which instead operates as a stagnant lid, with highly active volcanism. The planet is in a constant state of slow geologic resurfacing. Large shield volcanoes erupt in large igneous provinces, creating hellish conditions where they are found. These are the sole deserts of Venus – elevated ashlands and seas of fire.

The Venusian Biosphere

While most life on Venus resembles other terrestrial life, clear physiological and neurological differences remain. Adaptations to the long day-night cycle have made bioluminescence uniquely common. During the Venusian night, one can expect to see dimly-glowing flora, luminous displays by animals and other wildlife, and glowing fog caused by aerial algae. Mammals on Venus use their bright displays as a form of nonverbal communication. Bioluminescent organisms have been suggested as the cause of the "ashen light" phenomenon observed on Venus by astronomers since the 17th century.

Venusian flora is often green or gold. Deciduous trees are typical of most forests aside from the northern and southern taigas; autumn leaves appear in evening and sunset, trees are bare and grass is sparse at night, and spring flowers bloom at sunrise. Venusian sleep is short and simple during the day. At night, it becomes long and intense. It is thought Venusian dreams are some of the most involved in the cosmos. The mammals of Venus enter a kind of torpor during the night. During this hibernation, their body temperature and metabolic rate decrease significantly.

Aerial animals of all kinds are common on Venus. The thick atmosphere means any large organism with wings can glide through the air. The planet's sky is full of giant birds and flying mammals, many of which are taller and larger than humans. Venusian dragons are feathered and furred flying beasts with serpent-like bodies and four limbs; their forelegs are winged. Indigenous Venusians have practiced paragliding for vast distances for recreation, ritual, and war since early antiquity.

Governments & Factions

Civilization developed independently on Venus around 19,000 years ago. They were likely the first species in the solar system to develop agriculture. Venusian society has been variously described as either pre-industrial or para-industrial. Despite the apparent age of their civilization, they appear to have become locked into an agricultural stasis; occasional advancements in mechanization and industrial technology have not led to the broad social reordering seen on Earth and Mars. They seem to occur and reoccur cyclically.

Most governments on Venus are theocracies, aristocratic republics, liberal democracies, or social democracies. Their supranational unions are loose affiliations of like-minded states, temporary political axes and alliances necessitated by international crisis, or economic confederations of city-states. Venusian economies are planned and regulated by city-state governments, and all financial activity occurs under the auspices of pseudo-democratic guilds, which govern democratically-organized workplaces which divide profits relatively equally.

While the majority of Terrans abandoned Venus following the collapse of the colonial economic bubble, some humans remain on the planet or in the broader Venusian sector. Many early colonists, scientists, and explorers found themselves left behind following the financial crisis and collapse of the industry. Unable to leave the planet due to their reliance on Venusian toxins and substances, they integrated into Venusian society and culture, with some even taking an indigenous spouse. This culture is now centuries old and culturally distinct from both Venusian and Terran people groups.

The synthesis of narcotics and psychedelic drugs from Venusian biochemistry and organic compounds has become a profitable black market industry. Organized crime maintains a significant presence in the Venusian sector, working through intermediaries to collect and sell large quantities of Venusian drugs. Terrans born on Venus – and those who have lived planetside for any significant amount of time – require continual use of Venusian biocompounds to ward off Venus syndrome, which can be debilitating.

Scientific research continues into the potential psychic applications of Venusian biochemical substances.

WARNING: While breathable and often comfortable, the Venusian atmosphere is rated a Class III hazard on the Brandenburg Scale of Atmospheric Habitability. The majority of Venusian flora possesses compounds proven to be harmful to human health and sanity. Short-term exposure may cause disorganized thinking and even audiovisual hallucinations. Long-term exposure results in addiction, which can result in withdrawal symptoms, shock, and even death. All visitors to the surface should wear rebreathers and specialized gas masks at all times; food and drink should also be avoided.

TRAVEL ADVISORY: Political extremists, fugitives from justice, and other criminal elements choose to flee to rural areas on Venus to avoid prosecution or Federal administration. If you encounter any unknown humans, do not attempt to make contact unless local or Federal authorities can verify their identity.
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