I don't want to take Brindle away from Fincher, Toothsome seems to mostly operate as a unit with her, taking Cinammon would probably annoy Logris, so that leaves Feathers and Lily. I feel like a sassy medic's daughter wouldn't be a bad tagalong.
MEI: "Iris' girl?" she considers this. "She's one of his medics, so it's not ideal. But I guess you need someone to patch you up more often than half the legion put together, so it's not like it's a waste of her time. I'll get it worked out with Mercer, see if we can shuffle someone over."
She makes a note on one of her little slate pads.
MEI: "I'll send a runner with your lodging when I get it organized. Lily will meet you there."
MEI: "In the meantime, I want you to attend an autopsy on the creature you killed after noon mess, over in the main surgery. We'll see what the medics and sorcerer make of it."
"Can't we use the one you killed?"
MEI: "Nah. What's left of it will be too hot to dig out of the crater I left it in for a few hours yet."
"Right. What time is it?"
MEI: "You've got a couple of hours. Try not to make any more trouble. Speaking of time, I'm in a hurry."
Abruptly, she stands to leave.
[ ] Wait, can we talk about our past?
[ ] Wait, can we talk about what happened last night?
[ ] Wait, can we talk about what is happening now?
[ ] Wait, can we talk about what's going to happen?
"Wait, can we talk about what happened last night?"
Mei turns, obviously impatient.
MEI: "What about what happened last night?"
"I don't know what happened and nobody will explain it. I was training, Logris and Fincher were there, and then I don't remember anything. Apparently I hit a tree? Why is Fincher in the lockup?"
Mei screws her eye shut in annoyance.
MEI: "You know what? Fine, I'll tell you. Fincher is in the lockup because she poisoned you."
"Oh, she told you about that?"
MEI: "You just said you couldn't remember."
EMBASSY: Abort, abort! She's talking about last night, not the night before. Fincher must have poisoned you twice. On no account should you reveal to Mei why she poisoned you the first time.
"Oh, I just meant that rhetorically."
Mei narrows her eye at you but does not question your odd use of rhetoric further.
MEI: "Okay, let me tell you what happened from my perspective. A tree exploded to the north of camp, scattering shrapnel over a wide area. Fincher carried you down into camp. While you were getting surgery to stop the blood loss, I asked her what the hell happened."
"And what did she say?"
MEI: "Apparently she fed you an apple filled with a large dose of blue nightshade."
"What? Why did she do that?"
MEI: "Her plan was for you to become very inebriated so you would miss our duel and I would think you had backed out and gotten blackout drunk instead."
SAGACITY: Blue nightshade is a soporific and euphoric. Its symptoms are difficult to distinguish from alcohol. Large doses can cause blackouts and delusional episodes, however.
MEI: "What actually happened was that you decided to, and I quote, "do some Immaculate martial arts" and detonated a tree, filling your body with wooden shrapnel."
"Can I do Immaculate martial arts?"
MEI: "Apparently fucking not. Anyway, she ruined our fight, so I confined her to lockup."
"Because she ruined our fight? Why are you acting so much nicer today?"
MEI: "Is this what nice looks like to you?"
"Nice-er. Yesterday you wanted to burn my head off."
MEI: "Well, maybe I still want to today, but I've had a chance to cool off. So to speak. I don't want to talk about it."
She turns to leave again.
MEI: "I'll release Fincher. Half the reason I had her under lockup was because I thought you might come after her, but I don't think that's likely now. I still want you to avoid her, though."
"What, why?"
MEI: "We'll talk later."
She leaves. You hear a commotion of voices outside, including a deep resonant one that is unmistakably Rooster's, but you there's too much chatter for you to make out the words.
Alone again, save for the dying man and silent monks, you return to your bathing. You catch a glimpse of the reflection in the surface of the water. She looks rough.
REFLECTION: "So, Fincher poisoned you, again. What do you think about that?"
[ ] I don't think I like Fincher any more.
[ ] I think that was pretty messed up.
[ ] I think she was trying to help.
Fellow voices amidst a madwoman's head.
I know we do not always indulge in the tedious process of 'thinking', but in this case I truly believe we should consolidate our opinions. What do we feel, really, about the events that were recently revealed to have happened? That tragic tale of craven betrayal, of familial bonds being shattered, of the possibility of true justice being denied by our very own unaware hands - oh? Ah, I understand the root of your confusion. Apologies, I assumed it was more prevalent.
I speak not of the idea that Fincher betrayed us.
No, I posit that the tree intended to frame Fincher.
We should never have doubted Vesper's flawless intuition on the tree's untrustworthiness. Even at a mere few hours old, it was already capable of such vile plots - the preserved apple that tree sprung from truly must have been rotten to the core.
No, I posit that the tree intended to frame Fincher.
We should never have doubted Vesper's flawless intuition on the tree's untrustworthiness. Even at a mere few hours old, it was already capable of such vile plots - the preserved apple that tree sprung from truly must have been rotten to the core.
A tree can be determined by the fruit that it bears.
An apple tree bears apples.
An untrustworthy traitorous tree bears apples dosed with blue nightshade.
The apple Fincher gave us was doused with blue nightshade.
The apple came from a tree.
Ergo - that tree is an untrustworthy traitorous tree.
We should find that tree, or its remains, and use it for the camp's furnaces. Let it be a reminder to all other trees of the price of untrustworthiness and being traitorous.