Magus Ascendant (Warlock of the Magus World/The Gamer inspired quest)

[X] Plan focus on magic

[X][reply] Told them of your Knight training and studies
[X][reply 2] Omit Language studies (keeps your study of the Byron Language a secret. No relationship bonus).​

Etiquette and knight skill growth is already borderline crazy, no need to add a completely separate skill to the mix.
We can do the opposite with the golden nine: show/teach them language skill, but hide the knight stuff.

Do you accept Klaus' help?
[X][help] Yes (huge increase to debt).

We are already in the deepest debt possible, it realistically doesn't change anything... unless Klaus wants us to swear a new Oath for it.
Best case scenario, we also show Lucifer that we have tried to learn some etiquette too as part of our honest apology.

[X][restock] Yes.
[X][restock 2] 30 Magic Crystals
[X][restock 2] Write in: Ask for any entry level magic book(s).
We're going to need the entry magic books, as they with the gamer power are complete cheating here. Seriously : re-usable skill books !!
We shouldn't focus too much on the Knight thing, there is a reason why Knights are bother-line slaves to Magus... It's nice to kill time, but of little use beyond that. "Droll" indeed.

I think training the 'golden' nine in the Byron Language is both a good investisment and the only way to gain a few more levels in it. Since fluency is reached at level 50, i think it's kind of obvious the magic side of it will start to show up now. And it's the only thing close to magic we have access to right now.
As for why them in particular, well, loyalty is a funny thing. Offering a small piece of bread of water to a hungry man will gain you far more of it than a bucket of it to a fat man.
The golden nine loyalty may not be much but it's a start, and if we play our cards right, it'll be as close to absolute as possible from acolytes. Besides what they gonna do ? Be outcasts, random bully targets or just experimentation baits ?

I'm going on to guess that the mole is Leo, he's a bit "too" kind. Not that it matters much, just accept the kindness and use it as best as possible. Pride doesn't help nearly as much as an interested friend here... Same for Klaus, with the added issue that we kind of need to show we are not going to rebel or do something else stupid. As far as he's concerned we are an investisment, rebelious tendencies lowers our value.
Better show a low profile and make use of the backer while we can (and need). As long as we don't get shackeled by a magic Oath we can always run away latter...

What will you do this week?
[X][week 4] Study (7 hours minimum. Choose how many hours you want to spend on each).
[X][study] Byron Language (general knowledge). 21hours
[X][study] History of the Ancient Magus World (general knowledge). 7hours
[X][study] History of the South Coast (general knowledge). 7hours
[X][study] Geography of the South Coast (general knowledge). 7hours

Focus on the language, we're at level 50, far from the max. I'm sure even a street uchin realizes the difference between 50 and 100. Exploit the Gamer power, which obviously doesn't care about what is actually written in the book, for all it's worth and continue reading the book to see if you can't magic up some more levels !
Regardless of that gamble, it'll still be useful for Speed reading. Also useful in hiding how completely bullshit our gamer power is. To stop our focus on the Byron Language book one week before arrival is all kinds of suspicious...

[X][week 4] Socialize
[X][socialize] Leo, Kulwin and Glen. 14hours
[X][socialize] The 'Golden' Nine. 14hours
That's the only groups that really matter. The first as (almost) equals, the golden as potential willing and cheap minions.

[X][week 4] Training (7 hours minimum. Choose how many hours you want to spend on each).
[X][training] Work on your sword skills. 14hours
[X][training] Spar with someone
-[X][training 2] Leo. 14hours
[X][training] Teach
-[X][training 2] Byron Language.
--[X][training 3] Golden Nine. 42 hours

Same reasoning as above: a little work on Knight stuff, a little exploitation/acceptation of Leo in particular and a lot of work on the only potential magic thing we have on hand.​
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Focus on the language, we're at level 50, far from the max. I'm sure even a street uchin realizes the difference between 50 and 100. Exploit the Gamer power, which obviously doesn't care about what is actually written in the book, for all it's worth and continue reading the book to see if you can't magic up some more levels !
Regardless of that gamble, it'll still be useful for Speed reading. Also useful in hiding how completely bullshit our gamer power is. To stop our focus on the Byron Language book one week before arrival is all kinds of suspicious...

Your Language skill is at max level (50 is max not 100). You're not wrong that there are Magical versions of it but those require prerequisites that you haven't met yet. Mainly, you need to be able to use your magic. Choosing to read the book to avoid suspicion on the other hand is a brilliant idea. You get a cookie (has no value but that which you place on it).
[X][reply] Answered vaguely (no gains or losses)
[X][help] Yes (huge increase to debt).
[X][restock] Yes.
[X][restock 2] Magic Crystals (provide a number. Hint: 30~ would be a decent amount for 3 months)
-[X] 40
[X][cameos] Eh, idc really.

[X] Plan Read All the things, and sword.
-[X][week 4] Study (7 hours minimum. Choose how many hours you want to spend on each).
-[X][study] History of the Ancient Magus World (general knowledge). 14 hours
-[X][study] History of the South Coast (general knowledge). 14 hours
-[X][study] Geography of the South Coast (general knowledge). 14 hours

-[X][week 4] Socialize (7 hours minimum. Choose how many hours you want to spend on each).
-[X][socialize] Leo, Kulwin and Glen. 7 hours
-[X][socialize] Magritte and the Grade-Threes. 7 hours
-[X][socialize] The 'Golden' Nine. 7 hours

-[X][week 4] Training (7 hours minimum. Choose how many hours you want to spend on each).
-[X][training] Work on your sword skills. 70 hours

-[X][week 4] Gain Knowledge (3.5 hours minimum. Choose how many hours you want to spend on each).
-[X][knowledge] Write in: Economics, particularly as regards to Magic Crystals 7 hours

Becoming a Magus is very dangerous and with an enemy like Lucifer it will be much more dangerous. Having Klaus smooth things over would be worth every penny if it removes him as an enemy.
Besides the debt doesn't matter that much, with the gamer ability and high talent there is no doubt that Cat wil become a very powerful mage. Especially as it has been said a Life/Soul combination is very valuable.
So while the debt may be massive now it won't stay that way.
Being in debt to the Neilis family isn't that bad to be. It's a dog eat dog world and being connected to them opens new possibilities and could save her life.
Damn, that put a wrench in my plan :/
Maybe we can sell the language lesson for 1-2 crystals ? Cheap enough that the Golden nine realize we are doing them a favor,specially once we explain how it will affect spell formation and stuff, but not exactly free either.
The Light Magus probably aren't as bribe oriented as Canon!Abyssal Bone Forest school, but more money never hurts. And as a street urchin we have IC reasons to think so...

Either way, the only thing that is exclusive to right now (as in, we can't spend time latter on with arguably better results) is our ability to form social links.
Once we reach the academy, our chances to do so will be much lower. More people that want to grab the new blood, more chances for our peers to simply grow on their own, ect...
Right now they are knowledge-less and probably frighten of what's going to happen to them.
Any hope has probably already been crushed by the rank separation and segregation, between initiates acolytes and magus or even just between initiates.
The bottom rank people are ripe for conversion, and the higher rank ones are probably even more willing to link themselves with a top rank like us. Leo already jumped on the occasion!
Honestly it's not a very different social environment compared to the cutthroat street gangs Cat just came out of. All she needs is get the idea she can be the Top Cat in town...
[X][reply] Answered vaguely (no gains or losses)
[X][reply 2] Omit Knight training (keeps your training in the Knight arts a secret. No training bonus or sparring unlock).
[X][help] Yes.
[X][restock] Yes.
[X][restock2] Magic Crystals (provide a number. Hint: 30~ would be a decent amount for 3 months)
-[X] 30
[X][restock 2] Custom Cross Sword (equivalent to 1 Magic Crystal)
[X][restock 2] Write In: Ask if he has any skills that are less "droll" than Knight arts that he might offer for a low price, especially ones that would involve growing ~expensive~ plants. Also ask for a theory book on energy circulation and flow, noting that his letter has spurred our interest in the topic.
[X][cameos] Yes

[X] Plan Sword and Study
[X] [week 4] Study (7 hours minimum. Choose how many hours you want to spend on each).
-[X] [study] History of the Ancient Magus World (general knowledge). 14 hours
-[X] [study] History of the South Coast (general knowledge). 14 hours
-[X] [study] Geography of the South Coast (general knowledge). 14 hours

[X] [week 4] Socialize (7 hours minimum. Choose how many hours you want to spend on each).
-[X] [socialize] Leo, Kulwin and Glen. 10 hours

[X] [week 4] Training (7 hours minimum. Choose how many hours you want to spend on each).
-[X] [training] Work on your sword skills. 21 hours
-[X] [training] Void Blade Breathing Technique 23 + (7 hours)
-[X] [training] write in: Experiment with following Klaus' advice. Try to figure out whether it's beneficial or not; dangerous or not. Try to figure out the theory behind it. 7 hours.
-[X] [training] write in: Experiment w/ creating Gamer skills related to memory and attention. 13 hours.
Memory can be practiced by memorizing a page of a book and checking it against the book an hour later or by writing down a string of random numbers somewhere and double-checking to see if it's correct, etc. If this world has any understanding of eidetics, our character may also realize that mnemonics are possible as is strongly associating something with physical sensations so as to eventually build a memory palace. A similar conclusion may be reached if the character asks herself, "What kind of memories do I recall best?" And realizes that they tend to be physically vibrant ones. A memory palace would be an interesting skill that may synergize w/ Meditation.

Attention can be thought of both as focus and as multitasking. Focus can be practiced by focusing on a rapidly moving thing in a chaotic environment, such as watching a sword of a sparring pair. Multitasking can be practiced by trying to pay attention to multiple things, such as attempting to participate in a conversation while simultaneously overhearing people nearby.

[X] [week 4] Gain Knowledge (3.5 hours minimum. Choose how many hours you want to spend on each).
-[X] [knowledge] Write in: Business and Trade, particularly as regards the barter system, magic crystals, magic herbs. 20 hours. How to get this knowledge? First, talk to our friends about what they know. This can range from generalities like economies and economic systems in the wider world and the Magus barter system in particular, to particulars like how much certain materials are worth and where they're sourced from, well known families, etc. Second, skim available books for information. Geography, culture, and Magus History may be particularly helpful sources. Third, ask Klaus in the letter? He would know.
-[X] [knowledge] Write in: Energy circulation and energy flow. 4 hours. Include questions asking for more detailed answers about how energy circulation and flows work and what the mechanical terms for different flows are, the relevant encompassing theories, etc. in our response to Klaus. Briefly, ask Kulwin and Glen to describe what their experience practicing their particular Knight skills is like. Ask if they know anything about energy flow in particular.

Choose not to tell them now because there's not enough time to do that and pursue other lines of development at the same time. Personally, I'm perfectly fine with teaching them the Byron Language, though.

Got rid of the 2 extraneous social groups, and redirected them to learning more about Economics, which I renamed Business and Trade because that sounds more in line w/ naming systems in this world. Added emphasis on magic herbs and greenhouses because I feel they will be a good future source of income.

Reduced sheer # of sword practice to 21. Added in additional Void Blade Meditation. Redirected remaining excess to Energy Circulation and Energy Flow, which were mentioned in the letter. A better understanding of these will help our progress later. Comparison w/ independent knowledge would allow for will help us better understand Klaus' capabilities.

Accept 30 magic crystals + 1 Cross Sword. The Cross Sword is quite cheap but will make us better able to earn money later by hunting magic beasts. The 30 Magic Crystals will be pricy but are, in my opinion, a good way to acquire a greenhouse and start generating further income along with Life energy skills.

At present, I do not want to accept his help in dealing w/ Lucifer. I also don't think that Lucifer will particularly seek to hurt us. However, any level of action on his behalf will stunt our growth over the long term and draw attention to us. I do not wish for this to occur. I do not think that Klaus will seek to stunt our growth or use our debt in a way that is not - to some degree - mutually beneficial. lose-lose and win-lose choices are not how his family's income functions and do not match his behavior thus far.
@Kolarthecool How many hours can we now spend practicing Void Blade Meditation? I regrettably do not recall the formula you offered and at present am assuming our cap is 35.

But yeah, meditation takes up one hour, then there is a 6 hour cooldown. 7 hours total, 21 hours a day. If you use it 3 times a day, including the locked in one, you can use it 22 to 23 times a week. At it's current level. The cooldown drops by one hour every 10 levels so the number will fluctuate if it levels a bunch mid week.

Void Blade Breathing Technique Lv 8 → 21.
A/N 2: I've decided to simplify the skills training system. My original plan was a mess that would require a lot of number crunching. Hopefully the new system is much easier to work with. The way skill training will work is that each hour you spend on a skill will increase it by one level, every ten levels will increase the required time by an extra hour. Basically, you can get from level one to ten in ten hours but you'll need twenty hours to get to level twenty, thirty hours to go from twenty to thirty and so on. Maxing a skill will take a total of a hundred and fifty hours of training.
Current level is 21, it will take 27 hours (30 - 1 * 3) of training to get to level 30.
Original CD was 6. We are at 20 and thus have - 2 to the CD. Thus, the current CD period is 4.
The CD procs at the end of the one hour of meditation based on "meditation takes up one hour, then there is a 6 hour cooldown. 7 hours total, 21 hours a day." Meditation takes one hour.
We thus have a 5 hour meditation cycle, 4 + 1.

27 * 5 = 155. 168 hours in the week - 155 = 13.
We will hit level 30 with 13 hours left in the week. Level 30 reduces our CD period to 3 hours, meaning we have a 4 hour meditation cycle.

13/4 = 3. We can meditate 3 times in these thirteen hours.

27 + 3 = 30. In all, we can meditate for 30 hours total this week, and expect to hit hit level 30 (with 1 hour till 31) or 31.

Random note, our meditation cycle from 30-> 40 is of a length identical to the hours/level. 40->50, however, will be 3<5, If 50 wasn't the max, 50->60 would be 2<6, 60->70 would be 1, the lowest # possible and 7. Multiplied, ->10 is 7 hours total per level, -> 20 is 12, ->30 is 15, ->40 is 16, -> 50 is 15.

What this means right now is that out of a total of 160 hours it is only possible to gain ten levels from 30 up till level 40 and we will need to dedicate 40 hours to do so.
Edit: Reduced hours dedicated to energy circulation and flow by 19. Added excess hours + 1 from Bartering & Trade (20, more even) to training, but this time training a) to try to create gamer skills related to memory and attention (lifted and altered from someone else's plan), and b) messing around w/ Klaus' advice to try to understand the theory behind the choices.

Copied @Dawiusz in getting rid of buy options. I definitely don't agree that this knowledge will be a free part of the curriculum, but I don't particularly have an urgent need for the info.
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Reduced sheer # of sword practice to 21. Added in additional Void Blade Meditation. Redirected remaining excess to Energy Circulation and Energy Flow, which were mentioned in the letter. A better understanding of these will help our progress later. Comparison w/ independent knowledge would allow for will help us better understand Klaus' capabilities.
21/10 = 2. 7 - 2 = 5. 4 hour actual cooldown.
140/4 = 35. 35 total available cycles, consuming 1 hour each.
-[][training] Void Blade Breathing Technique 23 + (7 mandatory hours)

E: You forgot Void Blade Meditation, which is fairly important. I would appreciate it if you add that so that latecomers will post a plan that includes it.

I would also suggest that you add "Energy Circulation and Energy Flow" to our list of desired knowledge. They were, as I noted, mentioned in the letter and are thus fair game both in terms of their existence as topics in this world and as concepts in which our avatar would have an interest.
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@Kolarthecool Why do we now have 21 unusable hours for meal time? Are we prohibited from socializing or studying during this period?
... Do we really eat that slowly? An hour for each meal?
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[X][reply] Answered vaguely (no gains or losses)
[X][help] Yes (huge increase to debt).
[X][restock] Yes.
[X][restock 2] Magic Crystals (provide a number. Hint: 30~ would be a decent amount for 3 months)
-[X] 40
[X][cameos] Eh, idc really.

[X] Plan Sword and Study

Like I said, it's a placeholder deployed just before I went to bed.
Gladly swapped now that a more refined one showed up
Got rid of the 2 extraneous social groups, and redirected them to learning more about Economics, which I renamed Business and Trade because that sounds more in line w/ naming systems in this world. Added emphasis on magic herbs and greenhouses because I feel they will be a good future source of income.

Good votes everyone but you guys really should really put down HOW exactly you're going to get this more esoteric knowledge. There are no books for it and a limited number of people you can ask, some of this is stuff your friends won't even know. The energy stuff you'll have to actually ask an Acolyte or Magus about, limited choices there and that kind of stuff they won't share for free.

If you can't put down a conceivable way of the MC gaining this knowledge, it's going to be a wasted vote.

@Kolarthecool Why do we now have 21 unusable hours for meal time? Are we prohibited from socializing or studying during this period?
... Do we really eat that slowly? An hour for each meal?

Socialize is all you can really do during meal times but it won't count towards the vote. I'll just give a random roll to see if anything of interest happens. An hour is just a rounded number to simplify things. There's any number of reasons you could be there that long, such as line ups to get food or making conversation, or just staying long enough that you're noticed as being there.

Yes, you're a Gamer but you are trying to keep that hidden. Meals will become optional in the academy. For now, you're in too closed quarters with set meal times to just skip them.
Someone criticize the plans I've edited in. They're literally all just like:
Ask Friends -> Ask Flesha -> Ask Klaus -> IF ALL ELSE FAILS PAY THE DAMNED ACOLYTES THEIR BLOOD MONEY *storms off the stage in tears*
@Kolarthecool Will more hours put into energy flow/circulation improve returns, or are the acolytes/Klaus likely to just give us condensed knowledge beads, yet again?
@Kolarthecool Will more hours put into energy flow/circulation improve returns, or are the acolytes/Klaus likely to just give us condensed knowledge beads, yet again?

I assume you mean your void meditation with the energy flow? If so then no. You will always get the same results each time you meditate, it's a set boost with a limit rather than a skill that improves as it levels. The only improvement is that the cooldown time decreases. Once the skill hits max level you can pretty much spam it every 2 hours till you hit the stat cap... which might unlock something fun.

That said, it's still pretty OP compared to how it should be. Normal people using it would get internment results. They might get anywhere from 0.001 to 0.05 increase to a stat, a single one not all three, and that's not even all the time. Your steady growth is incredibly abnormal and unfair to those that spend their entire lifes training to reach Knight or Grand Knight level.

Regarding your search for magic: Tbh, unless you can come up with an extremely convincing way of getting that knowledge, I don't plan to give it to you till you reach the academy. Trying to figure it out on your own has, at best, a 1 in 10 chance of working. It's not as simple as just meditating or changing up your breathing pattern.

Knowledge on magic and meditation techniques is also kept highly regulated in this setting, no one would hand it over for free and there's no way you can afford what they'd charge at this time. The basics are easy enough to get but that's in the academy itself not the outside world. Even then, you need a meditation technique suited to your particular affinity to have the best results. You're not going to get that buying it from random acolytes. That said, I will still reward creativity and if you come up with an idea/argument that I'm willing to buy, I'll give you something for it.

Also, as a note, everything you ask of Klaus will only be delivered when you reach the academy. It's not like he has it all on hand.
Also, as a note, everything you ask of Klaus will only be delivered when you reach the academy. It's not like he has it all on hand.
awww, damn it...
I wonder if we should hand around acolytes and see what they waste their time on. I doubt most would be willing to lose two, or more months on the back and forth trip, doing nothing at all.
With our power all we need is somewhere to start. Once we have a starting point our power should help continue fowards to an unfair degree.

Besides, it might not be a direct magic subject. If we could get a book on potion ingredients, or just herbology in general it'd also be great.
awww, damn it...
I wonder if we should hand around acolytes and see what they waste their time on. I doubt most would be willing to lose two, or more months on the back and forth trip, doing nothing at all.
With our power all we need is somewhere to start. Once we have a starting point our power should help continue fowards to an unfair degree.

Besides, it might not be a direct magic subject. If we could get a book on potion ingredients, or just herbology in general it'd also be great.

Except the actual Acolytes are all on the other side of the ship with a barrier blocking the way. The initiates you are with are a bunch of spoiled nobles, wasting a month playing games and having inane conversations is perfectly fine with them. The exceptions you already know of, Kulwin and Gerald plus a few that actually practice their Knight arts, the rest are all about socializing and hanging around. Also only the 19 intitiates of your own school remain.

Heh, when I railroad I go all the way :p
Even if it isn't the special magical meditation we should still practice the mundane version as it should help with centring ourselves faster when the time comes to learn the magical one.
I am quite ignorant of the story, but considering the debt to Klaus is going to get even larger and he's currently about to go away, would it not be worthwhile to spend some time socializing with him while he's still here. Given the sheer debt the character owes him, he's going to be a major factor in her life for a long time.

Edit @Kolarthecool - Your relationships spoilers on the character sheet are messed up, with some spoilers being within other spoilers being within other spoilers. Look at the minor enemy under Alicia's spoiler.
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[X] Plan Make Positive Connections

[X][reply] Answered vaguely (no gains orlosses)

Our skill gaining ability is bullshit, better not to make more people aware of our bullshittery too early. The risk of getting caught and experimented upon is not worth it.

[X][help] Yes (huge increase to debt).
-[X] Ask if we have any way of lessening the amount of resources Klaus would need in order to pay off the Lucifer. An extraordinary apology perhaps (of course designed by Klaus, we will just practice it up to his expectations)? We are not that proud.

We are the Gamer. As long as we have a safe enviroment (which means one without Lucifer arranging accidents and obstacles on our path to greatness) in which we study, we will be of a bullshit value in a few years. We should have no trouble repaying the debt.
Besides, the more we owe him, the more Klaus will be willing to do in order to protect his investment.

[X][restock] Yes.
-[X][restock 2] Magic Crystals (provide a number. Hint: 30~ would be a decent amount for 3 months) 40 crystals
-[X][restock 2] Custom Cross Sword(equivalent to 1 Magic Crystal)
-[X][restock 2] Write In: Ask if he has any skills that are less "droll" than Knight arts that he might offer for a low price, especially ones that would involve growing ~expensive~ plants. Also ask for a theory book on energy circulation and flow, noting that his letter has spurred our interest in the topic.

Some stock of crystals is always good. And unconventional books. A sword is just a minor expense. All of it pales in comparison to the debt of repaying the Lucifer anyway.
[X][cameos] Yes
I don't mind them, as long as they aren't actual crossovers, only inspirations.

[X] [week 4] Study (7 hours minimum. Choose how many hours you want to spend on each).
-[X] [study] History of the Ancient Magus World (general knowledge). 14 hours
-[X] [study] History of the South Coast (general knowledge). 14 hours
-[X] [study] Geography of the South Coast (general knowledge). 14 hours

It should be enough to finish them, especially with updated Speed Reading skill. 42 hours on this.

[X][week 4] Socialize (7 hours minimum. Choose how many hours you want to spend on each).
*These will not be coupled with meal times, that was only due to forgetting it last vote.
[X][socialize] Leo, Kulwin and Glen. 21 hours
[X][socialize] Magritte and the Grade-Threes. 7 hours
[X][socialize] The 'Golden' Nine. 7 Hours

We want to spend a lot of time with our most powerful and friendly peers. We want to have good, strong ties with them, so we can help each other in the future. The Golden Nine are still in awe of us and could make handy helpers.
Third grades are here just to be in the good books of most people. If everything goes right, we might even create some budding friendship here.

[X] [week 4] Training (7 hours minimum. Choose how many hours you want to spend on each).
-[X] [training] Work on your sword skills. 21 hours
-[X] [training] Void Blade Breathing Technique 21 + (7 hours)

We can train more later and the Knights don't strike me as all that impressive if they are hardly a match for lowest of Acolytes. 49 hours on this (Sword and Study has 51 for reference)

[X] [week 4] Gain Knowledge (3.5 hours minimum. Choose how many hours you want to spend on each).
-[X] [knowledge] Write in: Business and Trade, particularly as regards the barter system, magic crystals, magic herbs. 7 hours. How to get this knowledge? First, talk to our friends about what they know in regards to economies in the wider world and the Magus barter system in particular. Confirm the relative value of magic crystals and their publicly known sources. Second, ask Flesha for more detail, if she is still on the ship. Third, maybe ask Klaus in the letter? He would know. Lastly, if the preceding answers are unsatisfactory or incomplete, approach an alchemist and ask. I imagine we will not yet know: what greenhouses at the academy are like; what magic herbs are worth growing, for what purpose, and what kinds of people buy them; how they are grown; how magic crystals are acquired; etc.
-[X] [knowledge] Write in: Energy circulation and energy flow. 7 hours. How to get this knowledge? First, include questions asking for more detailed answers about how energy circulation and flows work and what the mechanical terms for different flows are, the relevant encompassing theories, etc. in our letter to Klaus. Ideally he would give immediate supplementary answers in addition to whatever book(s) he might send. Second, ask Fiora or whatever the knowledge-seeker's name is. Third, approach an Acolyte if the preceding avenues of knowledge gain were unsatisfactory.

Basically what was in the Sword and Study, but without the option of buying the knowledge (It should be a free part of the curriculum, it isn't worth to pay for a few days of head start with a fortune that crystals represent, if even a single such crystal can provide a life of luxury for entire family) and I only spent 14 hours total, because it is very likely our search would prove fruitless anyway.
I assume you mean your void meditation with the energy flow?
No, I meant gaining knowledge.
Like, once we've spent ~8 hours asking the trio we hang out with, flesha, and sending a letter to klaus (for information that will be sent when we reach the academy which is perfectly fine), the only people left are the acolytes. And since they're on the other side of a barrier which they maybe don't cross, we basically have no other routes to getting the knowledge left so there's not much of a point in spending yet another 13 hours trying to do so. Is this correct?

Your "when I railroad I go all the way" comment was sufficient, tho.

I am quite ignorant of the story, but considering the debt to Klaus is going to get even larger and he's currently about to go away, would it not be worthwhile to spend some time socializing with him while he's still here. Given the sheer debt the character owes him, he's going to be a major factor in her life for a long time.

Edit @Kolarthecool - Your relationships spoilers on the character sheet are messed up, with some spoilers being within other spoilers being within other spoilers. Look at the minor enemy under Alicia's spoiler.
he isn't here tho...

-[X] Ask if we have any way of lessening the amount of resources Klaus would need in order to pay off the Lucifer. An extraordinary apology perhaps (of course designed by Klaus, we will just practice it up to his expectations)? We are not that proud.
What if we asked Klaus to send us a tutor...
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[X][reply] Answered vaguely (no gains or losses)
[X][help] Yes (huge increase to debt).
[X][restock] Yes.
[X][restock 2] Magic Crystals (provide a number. Hint: 30~ would be a decent amount for 3 months)
-[X] 40
[X][cameos] Expies are cool but let's not run an overload on plotlines running in background

[X] Plan Sword and Study
Won't the entry level books be provided by the academy? Why do we need to get them just a few days earlier?
[X][reply] Answered vaguely (no gains or losses)
[X][help ] No (your current situation is unchanged).
[X][restock] Yes.
[X][restock 2] Magic Crystals (provide a number. Hint: 30~ would be a decent amount for 3 months)
-[X] 40
[X][cameos] Yesssss! Do it.

[X] Plan Read All the things, and sword.

Almost decided to name vote @veekie but the debt thing is too much at this point. Until we get a source of income we're pretty much gonna be borrowing quite a bit. When our current debt is listed as minor then a huge increase isn't something I want to see. They already want to add more to our debt until we're basically tied to their family. A bit of crystals aren't much but the resources a Peak rank 1 isn't something we're gonna be paying off till we're somewhere around that rank ourself. I can see I'm pretty alone in that viewpoint though. Think I saw one or two people not voting for the huge debt.