Magus Ascendant (Warlock of the Magus World/The Gamer inspired quest)

Um, do we need to sleep?
The next day finds you standing on the beach with a great crowd of initiates, guards, Acolytes and Magi. Though you dont require any sleep, you still choose to partake in order to speed along the passing of time. So you'd gone to bed around ten last night and woken at the crack of dawn. Just in time too as the various Magi and Acolytes made a sweep of the camp, waking everyone and ordering them to gather on the beach. Now here you are, standing silently in the crowd of excited initiates, waiting for something to happen.
Um, do we need to sleep?

You dont need to sleep, eat or drink. The MC chooses to still do those however as they are still enjoyable.

She forgos sleep if she has somethimg important occupying her time but will still take part in meals in order to blend in with everyone else. And to enjoy the delicious food ofc.
[X] Plan Study And Hit Air
-[X][week 3] Study
--[X][study] History of the Ancient Magus World (general knowledge). 7 hours.
--[X][study] Geography of Magus World (general knowledge). 7 hours.
--[X][study] Culture of the South Coast (etiquette). 28 hours.
--[X][study]Byron Language (general knowledge). 46 hours.
-[X][week 3] Socialize
--[X][socialize] Leo, Kulwin and Glen. 14 hours.
--[X][socialize] Magritte and the Grade-Threes. 7 hours.
-[X][week 3] Training
--[X][training] Work on your sword skills. 28 hours.
--[X][training] Practice Void Meditation. 17 hours. (+7 hours mandatory = 24 total)
[X][week 3] Gain Knowledge (3.5 hours minimum. Choose how many hours you want to spend on each).
-[X][knowledge] Etiquette with Leo, Kulwin, and Glen. 3.5 hours. (+3.5 mandatory = 7 total)

Doing the void blade thing might alert people as to our unnervingly rapid skill growth. Swinging a sword at air, meanwhile, is acceptably normal. Improved knowledge in regards to geography and history will likely allow us to know more about the people we might meet. E.g., we can expect a large number of students to be from other Continents, and knowing where those continents are and what they're like is important in knowing their social ranking and creating a rapport). It will also establish a more solid foundation for future enterprises. E.g., if we want to travel, if we want to purchase an herb from a merchant and he says it's from x continent and we want to know/speculate if that's a decent price, etc.

Got rid of the golden nine and the rank 3's. Would rather have a solid core of friends, personally.
Added 3.5 to etiquette onto the base amount so that it's an even 7.

@Kolarthecool Are the 7 hours spent on meditation the maximum number of possible hours we can spend on meditation? Already answered.

What are the maximum number of hours we can spend on meditation? It's a 6 hour cooldown, does meditation consume an hour?
We have 168 hours in a week.168/7 (6 cooldown + one meditating) = 24 cycles total = 24 hours we can meditate for, total, -7 already mandatory = 17 extra possible. Is this correct?
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@drake_azathoth It's 24 total, sorry. My subtraction was off. Regardless, it still 100% depends on whether meditation takes an hour or a half hour or 0 minutes, though the difference will be worth only 2-4 cycles, or thereabouts.
What are the maximum number of hours we can spend on meditation? It's a 6 hour cooldown, does meditation consume an hour?
How many hours total will we be traveling for, 168?
168/7 (6 cooldown + one meditating) = 24 = 24 hours we can meditate for, total, -7 already mandatory = 17 extra possible. Is this correct?
@Kolarthecool So the maximum time for Void Meditation is 21 hours plus the seven hours already allotted, correct?

Dont make me do math guys, that's your job :p

But yeah, meditation takes up one hour, then there is a 6 hour cooldown. 7 hours total, 21 hours a day. If you use it 3 times a day, including the locked in one, you can use it 22 to 23 times a week. At it's current level. The cooldown drops by one hour every 10 levels so the number will fluctuate if it levels a bunch mid week.
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I have no problem with this plan atm, so I guess I'll vote for it.

[X] Plan A Studious Swordsman Socializes Sometimes
-[X][week 3] Study
--[X][study] Culture of the South Coast (etiquette). 14 hours
--[X][study]Byron Language (general knowledge). 49 hours
-[X][week 3] Socialize
--[X][socialize] Leo, Kulwin and Glen. 10.5 hours
--[X][socialize] Magritte and the Grade-Threes. 7 hours
--[X][socialize] The 'Golden' Nine. 7 hours
-[X][week 3] Training
--[X][training] Work on your sword skills. 42 hours
--[X][training] Train Void Spear. 14 hours
--[X][training] Void Blade Meditation 14 hours
@Kshail We can meditate for an additional 17, not 14, hours a day. You can draw the extra from void blade practice, as things don't need to be an even multiple of 3.5/7.

Also, can you get rid of the golden nine and add their 7 to the Leo group and then do a separate 3.5 etiquette study period? It's more aesthetically pleasing, and the peasants will die off anyways.

Or just do the separate 3.5 etiquette study period. We're basically using it to socialize, anyways.

I mean... doing it on a day basis is wasting a good 3 hours. It'd be a solid 24 cycles flat if we have an inherent sense of time divorced from everyone else's (which the cooldown marker provides) and arrange socialization periods in the middle of the cooldown. Which is weird and troublesome but we might as well start down the path to crazy now.
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@Kshail We can meditate for an additional 17, not 14, hours a day. You can draw the extra from void blade practice, as things don't need to be an even multiple of 3.5/7.

Also, can you get rid of the golden nine and add their 7 to the Leo group and then do a separate 3.5 etiquette study period? It's more aesthetically pleasing, and the peasants will die off anyways.

Or just do the separate 3.5 etiquette study period. We're basically using it to socialize, anyways.

I mean... doing it on a day basis is wasting a good 3 hours. It'd be a solid 24 cycles flat if we have an inherent sense of time divorced from everyone else's (which the cooldown marker provides) and arrange socialization periods in the middle of the cooldown. Which is weird and troublesome but we might as well start down the path to crazy now.
Took some of your thoughts but not all. I don't think an extra etiquette session will work out ideally. They're already not too keen on teaching us as seen by their 30 mins a day lessons. Letting that pass as a side thing and social with them normally seems the better option. Here's what I did for reference.
E2: Removed Golden social Action. Added that 7 to Leo & Co. Removed 3.5 from Leo and Co. Split 3/.5 to Meditation and Sword skills.
[X] Plan Study And Hit Air

Thought it through and while we might not be noticed using the technique it's definitely more likely than with some other options. We're kind of pressing it with lack of sleep so playing it safe isn't a bad idea.
Welp, just finished WMW 758... anyone else face palm at Leylin's name for his new Bloodline?