I've heard of Admiral Yi, and he won quite a few absurdly awesome victories, but I've never heard of 50 vs 3 where the 3 won, and the only casualties were one bank of oars.
I've heard of Admiral Yi, and he won quite a few absurdly awesome victories, but I've never heard of 50 vs 3 where the 3 won, and the only casualties were one bank of oars.
Oh right, our last tradition is -1 Naval Tradition decay, so once Eretria has all its ideas that basically means they've got +2 Naval Tradition per year(but I think the decay amounts to a usual -5 or -2 so it cancels out unless they pick the various naval idea groups). If anyone has other ideas or potential changes I'm A-OK with changing them to something more in-line with Eretria here or just playing around with it for a while. Hoping you guys enjoy it, I thought about trying to do something like this in CK2 for a brief moment but...uh yeah no, not happening.
It's Europa Universalis IV, or more specifically a mod of it. Each of the things he listed are "national ideas", specific bonuses unlocked over time for selecting a certain number of general ideas that are available to every nation.
The thing is the bonuses he has are crazy. 15% Infantry combat ability, 5% discipline to start with is really high. +republican tradition makes it easier to have 6/6/6 (highest level skill stat) for your rulers the whole game. Naval ideas aren't super, but national unrest -3 is better than the Ottoman one as I recall. Stack that with humanist and you never get revolts ever.
It's cool, if IMO a bit too weighted towards naval ideas, but it's broken as fuck
It's Europa Universalis IV, or more specifically a mod of it. Each of the things he listed are "national ideas", specific bonuses unlocked over time for selecting a certain number of general ideas that are available to every nation.
The thing is the bonuses he has are crazy. 15% Infantry combat ability, 5% discipline to start with is really high. +republican tradition makes it easier to have 6/6/6 (highest level skill stat) for your rulers the whole game. Naval ideas aren't super, but national unrest -3 is better than the Ottoman one as I recall. Stack that with humanist and you never get revolts ever.
It's cool, if IMO a bit too weighted towards naval ideas, but it's broken as fuck
Pff. Republican Tradition is for scrubs. What you really do is give yourself an Immortal ruler. Since it's for a republic, it's cheap. By the time you become a dictatorship, you've already been re-elected at least six times. Enjoy the next four hundred years.
Pff. Republican Tradition is for scrubs. What you really do is give yourself an Immortal ruler. Since it's for a republic, it's cheap. By the time you become a dictatorship, you've already been re-elected at least six times. Enjoy the next four hundred years.
I honestly wasn't sure if it was or not, I mean I considered giving +galley power or something but from you've mentioned of Eretria's economy them having any sort of administrative ideas that boost it(tax/production) seemed like a bad fit. The main reason for the +5 Dis, +15 InfPower is basically because Eretria is right next door to the juggernaut that is Rome and further to the south is Carthage(who generally beats the everloving shit out of Syracuse). The stability modifier and unrest is basically a very stretched interpretation of your post about how Eretrian politicians would bow out and come back later. The +1 Repub Tradition is an exaggeration of our current Democratic processes in game. Honestly a lot of the ideas are too limited in scope for me to figure out the best ideas for Eretria considering how bipolar it is from time to time. I can of course go back and lower or change out some ideas if you want(I am going to try a game with Eretria sooner or later so getting it relatively closer to the Eretria here would be okay in my book).
Also practically everyone has some discipline/infantry combat buff nearby. Its actually kinda ridiculous(also Thracia is huge).
It's Europa Universalis IV, or more specifically a mod of it. Each of the things he listed are "national ideas", specific bonuses unlocked over time for selecting a certain number of general ideas that are available to every nation.
The thing is the bonuses he has are crazy. 15% Infantry combat ability, 5% discipline to start with is really high. +republican tradition makes it easier to have 6/6/6 (highest level skill stat) for your rulers the whole game. Naval ideas aren't super, but national unrest -3 is better than the Ottoman one as I recall. Stack that with humanist and you never get revolts ever.
It's cool, if IMO a bit too weighted towards naval ideas, but it's broken as fuck
I'd peg them at around the same level as Japan? The combat stuff is on the same tier and there's quite a few shared ideas. Granted, Japan has one of the best idea sets in the game.
If anyone has other ideas or potential changes I'm A-OK with changing them to something more in-line with Eretria here or just playing around with it for a while.
An Iapygian statue from the area of Azetion. See how angry he is? Yeah. That's your fault. Bet you're not even sorry. Dicks.
How should Herodion's council of generals be structured?
[] Delegated: A single head strategos, two deputy strategoi, and seven more subordinate strategoi. 33 Votes.
Who should lead the war effort?
[X] Herodion: Deliberate, methodical destruction of Azetion's ability to resist. Construction of a circumvallation wall around the city using the trade gangs and military slaves. Use the Peuketii to maintain the blockade during off-season with cavalry. Use the opportunity to impress the fearsome power of Eretria on the Dauni and Messapii. [6 months Military Upkeep, -20 talents for a wall]. 34 Votes.
How strict should the competition for the Ekdromoi be?
[] Make it challenging, but not brutal, and open it up older men who can distinguish themselves [+44 new Ekdromoi]. 24 Votes.
How often should the Ekdromoi be replenished to their natural 500?
[] Every five years. 22 Votes.
Should the Proboulos' powers of enforcement be restricted only to those members of his slate who were victorious?
[] The Proboulos should have power over every segment of the boule, regardless of what slate they were on before taking office. 33 Votes.
Should the user motion of Mikelotos on the matter of the cavalry be accepted? [USER MOTION: MCLUVIN]
[] Herodion's Cavalry Veterans, his 'Kleos Exoria' (Ancient Greek for honoured exiles), will teach the cavalrymen of Eretria the skills they have learned from their 10 years ahorse in battle. [-10 Aristocratic opinion]. 34 Votes.
What should be constructed this year?
[] Stone Quarry [-140 Talents, unlocks Lyceum, Stone Wall, provides domestic source of stone (DOES NOT PROVIDE TRADABLE STONE RESOURCE). One year to build.] 30 Votes.
As the twentieth birthday of the city of Eretria passed the city pursued the second reason it gained such fame and notoriety in the Mediterranean. Although the oddity of Eretria's democratic system was certainly peculiar, the events in Athens, and the growing tension between the Spartans and the Athenians as the Spartans attempted to maintain some semblance of symbolic dominance over the other Aegean Greek city states, had far more attention from the Greek world at large. And so it fell upon Eretria to instead engage in the killing of Peuketii. After all, for all the rhetoric that the citizens of Eretria had engaged in the past, it had never extended to the barbaroi, and certainly not to barbaroi who willfully resisted what Eretria saw as its rightful hegemony imposed by force upon the other Peuketii states. And so Azetion had to die.
It was certainly a brutal philosophy, but by no means out of step with the morality of the time. Herodion saw himself not as some kind of liberator but an instrument of Eretria's will, a spear pointed at Azetion who had been entrusted with its levelling. It could be called hypocrisy, but justifications of that much were steeped in many kinds of logic, most of them rather convulted and which it would be folly to untangle. Suffice it to say that Eretria felt that Azetion was a threat, and so it had to go. Anything else but the pursuit of this self-interest was not only beyond the pale but an absurdity, borne out of some strange sickness that some Eretrians proposed was due to strange divine happenings that would provide individual citizens with an impulsive urge to act out of step with the time, and sometimes even to propose massive reforms that would make "us like the Italics". When pressed on why they should imitate some tribe of barbaroi, these citizens became flustered and retorted that soon they would be a mighty empire if they were like the Italics.
Such curiosity had become part of the life and public discourse of the city and was sometimes seen as an expression of great civic virtue; the argument went that these strange citizens had spent too much time in the sun-baked meeting field and had developed these notions as a result. 'Civic foolishness', as the syndrome became called, was particularly acute in those who spent large amounts of time standing on rocks; Sideros, in an attempt to show just how civic he was, proposed that Eretria should invade one of the Hibernian isles in order to gain its tin. Another citizen demanded that he be given a weasel, a single weasel, and he will solve the city's rat problem. Another citizen suggested they use cats, and a brawl developed. Although these events could be seen as simply random footnotes, they in fact served a larger purpose. By making such a spectacle of the meeting field, these fools made it far more lively without significantly impacting the actual substance of what was being discussed. In doing so, civic fools strengthened the bonds of citizens and attracted many of the poorer Eretrians who otherwise would have little reason to stand in the sun for several hours listening to droning speakers.
None of that could distract from the actual situation that Eretria was in, which was the unleashing of its furies upon the population of Azetion. Herodion gathered up his generals, but neglected to appoint Drako to the council, an event of great consternation to the former proboulos, until he was informed he would be placed on the left-wing of the phalanx, a great honor. Nevertheless, the rejection stung, and a nagging voice at the back of Drako's head made him wonder if Herodion was attempting to get rid of him. He refused that line of inquiry, however, because of the circumstances; Azetion was unlikely to put up a fight. Herodion's council, with his deputies of Hesperos and Eutropios and veteran mercenaries (along with Ampellios and Antipater) aimed at an orderly and simple crushing of Azetion. The wall was constructed, and the surrounding countryside was filled with the slave-hunting skirmishers of King Harpus and Atthelon from Sannape and Canosa. Those who did not flee the countryside to Lukani or Messapii lands were sold into serfdom in Eretria. The city was surrounded and starved out. It was all exceedingly well-done, with hardly a hitch.
So of course there had to be some complications. Near the end of the campaign, with the destitution of the citizens of Azetion clear as they made desperate and failed sallies outwards, a messenger unexpectedly arrived claiming to be from Daxtus, who had been leading the Messapii against Taras. The messenger informed Herodion that Daxtus wished his best to the people of Eretria and heaped praises upon them for their valor, and their former honoring of Artemis, which he said was one of his favored goddesses (the Messapii having adopted Greek gods alongside their own), though he was sad to see that worship of Artemis was sadly diminished in present Eretria. The messenger further told Herodion that Daxtus had a proposal; the Messapii will be most happy if he would provide for them safe passage for Azetion's citizens. The city may be destroyed, but the citizens would come to Messapii lands, unharmed and intact. In exchange, the Messapii would be deeply pleased and moved by the gesture, and would do their best to ensure good relations with Eretria. The alternative was left unsaid.
Herodion considered the matters with his generals. Most were for refusing the deal, especially Antipater, but he could not move forward without approval from the citizenry. Drako noted both that such a deal could secure a temporary peace with the Messapii in order to prevent encirclement from them and Arpus in the Dauni Confederation to the north, but at the same time they would gain yet another wave of refugees that would bolster their ranks, which were certainly denuded after some of the past sackings that had taken place in Messapii lands (though it was by no means as bad as with the Peuketii). It was placed to a vote of the citizenry gathered before the walls of Azetion, and the Messapii messenger, happy to oblige, waited for their answer.
Should the citizens of Azetion be spared slaughter and slavery, and be bid safe passage to Messapii lands?
[] We will allow them safe passage. [Azetion destroyed, no loot or extra serfs].
[] They are ours to dispose of, and we shall dispose of them, make no mistake. [Azetion destroyed, +10 talents in loot, +500 serfs].
Note: No 24 hour waiting period before voting can begin. Discuss among yourselves.
Population & Military
Eretria Eskhata
Population: 31,801 (3.5% growth per turn) Triremes: 10 Total Raisable Levy: 3,450 men Hoplites: 1,925 Men Sacred Ekdromoi: 500 Men Cavalry: 375 Men Kleos Exoria: 50 Men Psilloi: 600 Men Maximum Levy: 3,600 men
Civic Order & Relations
Civil Stability: 66 Government Building Bonus: 10 Aristocratic Opinion: 50 Hoplite Opinion: 65 Metic Opinion: 95 Aktimonic Opinion: 70 Serf Loyalty: 40 Other Modifiers: N/A
1 unit of Metals from Kymai (-10 talents per turn due to tax)
1 unit of Metals from Canosa (-6 talents per turn due to tax)
2 units of Smoked Anchovies to Taras (+20 talents a turn)
1 unit of Lumber to Greece (+10 talents a turn)
1 unit of Grain to Athens (+7 talents a turn)
Weights and Measures: 10% Trade Bonus Agora: 25% Trade Bonus
Sorry about the extra wait, boys. It can be a pain in the ass to switch back from a hiatus since you need to figure out what was even happening. "Who even are these people again" is something I thought often