Magical Girls School (Organization Quest)

By the way does our school have to have a mascot or an oath?

Fluff details like that are a finishing touch that comes later.

If you guys have any questions about anything so far, feel free to ask.

I'm sure we'll be able to unlock animal super mounts eventually!
At least I hope so. Otherwise there's always summoning.

Magical mounts would typically fall under Summoning, yes. Other methods are possible, mainly via character Traits granting that character a special animal companion. Though if you could find some way to Tame Monsters....
Though if you could find some way to Tame Monsters....
I suppose the traditional method of "beat the crap out of them and stuff them into a magical prison" doesn't work... That means it isn't as easy as it might seem.

Perhaps some sort of plant that makes them susceptible to commands? No, it would need to be locally available and most species would probably have developed a resistance to it... Maybe we could kidnap the babies/eggs and train them from youth? But that would take several years and our girls wouldn't be able to capture their own beasts... Uguu, this is making me want to put Dark Magic on the curriculum and just subvert the hell out of any monster that comes along.
Sadly poketech does not exist in this setting.

Using Dark Magic to control creatures would be a very cruel act, as the creature suffers while being used as a flesh puppet.
[X] Expansive gardens. A place for students and faculty to relax and unwind. Also makes a fine showpiece for tours or location to hold social events. Adds three size.
How many years do we get to teach our students by the way? Is that (and age) something we have yet to choose?

Six years, twelve semesters, 60 months/turns, however you wish to list it. There is two months off each year for summer break after all. Each semester is 5 months/turns long.

Their age varies greatly by species obviously, but the humans are starting out at around ages 12 or 13. Fairies such as yourself will be in their mid to late 80s.
So I wanted to shift things around slightly from what @Imaflatsquid proposed. All of our ideas are still roughly in the larva stages since teacher availability will dramatically effect what we can and can not do. Still, I think it's a good idea to go into getting teachers with an idea of what we want.

-Hand to Hand Combat
-Combat Magic
-Wilderness Survival

The goal of these courses is to set the baseline for the type of school we are going to be. In this case I am proposing something of an adventurer school.
-Dark Magic

These are here to act as sub disciplines for the main courses. Basically these are the things I think would most directly help an adventurer in their active job.
-Book Keeping

These are for expected needs of living day to day lives for our students. Yes, even cooking is important, as adventurers may find themselves with no one else to do so for them. While not directly related to the practice of their job, these abilities contribute no less to them actively carrying it out.

These are meant to increase the prestige of our students, and our school by extension. The last three will be especially important as they will probably have a chance of interacting with our surroundings in one form or another. Such as a student gaining a trait for discovering something new.
-Broom Riding

These are for relaxing. Rather self explanatory.

Ideally, I'd want one or two from each one of the groups. We only need one from Leisure obviously though. We are favoring Wildling Knights, both of whom have mundane/practical as favored courses currently, so keep that in mind when thinking about what courses we should take.

I've left some out due to trying to keep the number relatively down, but someone might want to make another version to cover for that.

On a personal note, I would like into making the school attractive to humans as a second behind Wildlings, since they are more likely to gain hero units.
Necromancy>Dark Magic.

Because a Zombie Dragon provides just as much, if not more, defense against a Dark Sorceror as Occlumency.
Okay, subject evaluation go!

Alchemy - Practical Magic, it teaches how to make potions, powders, unguents, and other magical concoctions. At higher quality teaches about golem, synth, and homunculus creation. For ethical reasons, no actual synths or homunculi are created. Highly attractive to Artificers.

Cool and useful, but probably doesn't synergise well with our other choices. Not a priority for now, but might synergise better later on once we're more established.

Art - Practical Mundane Leisure, the creation of works of art via painting, sculpting, molding, use of illusions, or other means. Helps students express their creative sides.

has its benefits, but again, doesn't synergise well.

Biology - Theoretical Mundane. The study of the mechanics of natural life as studied on multiple worlds.

This synergises very well with our location. There's a lot to study around us. We should take this.

Book Keeping - Theoretical Mundane, it teaches students how to balance budgets, plan ahead financially, pay bills and taxes properly, and other such useful things to help ensure they don't run into financial crisis later in life.

This can be helpful and as a theoretical mundane, synergises well.

Botany - Practical Mundane, it teaches how to care for and cultivate plants of both the mundane and magical variety. Using said magical plants in covered under Herbology.

Like biology but with even better synergy. Take it.

Broom Riding - Practical Magical Leisure, this class teaches students how to ride flying brooms. While this does have plenty of applications for those students who cannot fly themselves, the low demands of this class makes people think of it more as a filler course.

Useful and provides leisure. As a leisure subject, doesn't need a lot of resources though.

Combat Magic - Hazardous Practical Magic. The use of magic in combat situations, both offensively and defensively. Training accidents may occur. Highly attractive to Mages.

Pretty good for a magical girl school, especially for an adventurer bent like we seem to be going for, though we seem to be more focused on support and more mundane combat.

Conjureation - Practical Magic, the creation of objects or materials from nothing.

Generally helpful. Could help shore up our weaknesses, but not a lot of synergy.

Cooking - Practical Mundane, this is honestly a very practical subject in the other sense of the world as well.

Useful and synergistic. We should take it.

Dance - Practical Mundane Leisure, the practice and use of dances from many worlds and cultures. Helps students stay in shape.

Staying in shape is important for our students based on location and the type of student we attract. And it's a leisure activity to help morale and require less resources. A good idea.

Dark Magic - Controversial Theoretical Magic, this class studies the use and form of dark magics. It's intended use is to help students recognize, subvert, counter, and combat such spells but plenty of suspicions linger about teaching such disturbing things to students.

Controversial subjects are a double-edged sword, but this isn't a bad choice to train the adventurer types we're going for.

Demonology - Controversial Theoretical Magic, it is the study of demonic entities of various sorts. Intended to help combat them, any have noted it would be easy to twist the lessons in order to more easily make dark deals and Forbiden pacts with such entities.

As above but less broad, so probably less worth it.

Dimensional Studies - Theoretical Magic, the study of various dimensions and their properties and interactions with each other.

Cool, but poor synergy. Probably not worth it.

Dungeoneering - Hazardous Practical Magic. The study and simulated practice of raiding dungeons, fortresses, and evil lairs, and how to recognize and avoid traps of various sorts, overcome obsticals, and find hidden rooms and passages. Just like with real evil layers, there is a chance something will go wrong and you will be hurt.

very good for the adbenturer types we're going for. A good idea.

Enchanting - Practical Magic. The creation of temporary magical items either by enhancing an existing item or by working from scratch. At higher quality more permanent items may be made. Highly attractive to Artificers.

As conjuration.

Fencing - Practical Mundane Leisure, this sport is alive and well, especially with the upper class. Just about every school has a fencing team it uses to compete and show off against each other.

Great for knights and nobility and a liesure subject. This is great. We should take it.

Forging - Practical Mundane, this class covers the designing, making, maintaining, and repair of arms and armor. Highly attractive to Knights.

Excellent synergy. We should take it.

Gemology - Theoretical Magic. The study and use of the magical properties of gems, crystals, and other minerals.

Cool, but low synergy. Synergy may improve later if we find deposits.

Hand to Hand - Hazardous Practical Mundane. Covers more physical forms of fighting such as martial arts, weapons use, and grappling. Training accidents can happen. Highly attractive to Knights.

Excellent synergy. We should take it.

Healing - Theoretical Magic. Covers how to use magic to heal injuries, neutralize poisons, cure diseases, and other such uses. Due to ethical reasons no test subjects are used. Highly attractive to Supports.

Very good at shoring up our weaknesses and good for the adventurer types we're going for. An excellent choice.

Herbology - Controversial Practical Magic. The use of various magical herbs and fungi to achieve a wide variety of affects. Has associations with drug culture.

Excellent synergy with location. Worth the controversy.

History - Theoretical Mundane. The study of history, from when the old ones accedently created reality, to the Sventh Great Dragon War, to the discovery of interdimensional travel, it's all covered here. Tends to be a rather dry subject.

Probably helpful for prestige and useful for learning what to do and not to do to protect our school. A good idea.

Law - Theoretical Mundane, this class covers laws and regulations from many worlds, proper legal procedures, and common legal pitfalls and concerns magic users face.

As above. Also good for adventurer types.

Mathematics - Theoretical Mundane. Not much different than math anywhere else.

Most of the advantages of the previous two, if less extreme bar prestige.

Necromancy - Controversial Practical Magic. The use of death magic and the conjuration and command of dead spirits. Also covers the creation and matinance of zombies and skeletons. While not actually evil, there is a lot of stigma attached to the magic due to its creepy image and sinister reputation.

Possible synergy with location. Might be something worth considering. Controversy may hit hard here though.

Scrying - Practical Magic that covers using magic to observe situations at a distance. Also covers how to try and subvert wards against magical observation. Despite what some people think, does not teach how to see the future as prophecy is not a teachable skill.

Could help shore up our weaknesses in defense. Might be better choices for that though. Not a high priority, but worthy of consideration.

Summoning - Practical Magic that deals with calling creatures and spirits from elsewhere to serve their summoner. Higher quality classes may offer a chance for students to acquire a familiar. Highly attractive to Mages.

Possible synergy with location. Possibly helpful for shoring up weaknesses. Worthy of consideration, but there are probably better choices.

Warding - Practical Magic. How to set up magical defenses and traps to protect a person or area. Works against a wide variety of magical and mundane threats. Highly attractive to Supports.

See scrying, but probably even better.

Wilderness Survival - Hazardous Practical Magic. How to survive in the wilderness with the age of magic. Includes both moth mundane terrain such as forests, mountains, and desserts as well as more exotic environments. There is a risk of injury or sickness out in the wilds, not even counting the chance of a monster attack.

Excellent synergy with location and helps shore up our weaknesses simultaneously. Take it!

Writing - Theoretical Mundane Leisure, this class teaches how to write creatively. An Excelent outlet for more creative students be it in the form of poems, short stories, or even full novels.

See art.
I think we can afford two Controversal Subjects due to the Low Oversight, so both Herbology and Necromancy should be possible.As long as we don't have too many 'accidents' raising suspicion, of course.

That being said, I don't think that the subjects are equally controversal. I mean, Dark Magic might teach kids how to control others like puppets on a string and on the other hand Herbology teaches kids which drugs are powerful enough to have a Leviathan be tripping balls. One has kind of a higher potential for misuse than the other.

Personally speaking, I think Demonology and Dark Magic are equally controversal, as they seem to be equally easy to 'subvert' by the students and are actually evil stuff we don't want people knowing.

Necromancy is slightly lower than those, since it isn't actually a wicked technique, it only has a stigma against it (probably due to some jerk causing a zombie apocalypse somewhere). Meaning that we will have experts saying how there isn't anything wrong with knowing how to talk to Grandma again. Of course, unlike Demonology and Dark Magic, we are actually teaching Necromancy so that might give it a bump on the scariness scale.

Herbology is indisputably the less controversal Class, and undoubtably the one most useful to us.I agree with people that we should definitely have good classes on this subject.
I think we can afford two Controversal Subjects due to the Low Oversight, so both Herbology and Necromancy should be possible.As long as we don't have too many 'accidents' raising suspicion, of course.

That being said, I don't think that the subjects are equally controversal. I mean, Dark Magic might teach kids how to control others like puppets on a string and on the other hand Herbology teaches kids which drugs are powerful enough to have a Leviathan be tripping balls. One has kind of a higher potential for misuse than the other.

Personally speaking, I think Demonology and Dark Magic are equally controversal, as they seem to be equally easy to 'subvert' by the students and are actually evil stuff we don't want people knowing.

Necromancy is slightly lower than those, since it isn't actually a wicked technique, it only has a stigma against it (probably due to some jerk causing a zombie apocalypse somewhere). Meaning that we will have experts saying how there isn't anything wrong with knowing how to talk to Grandma again. Of course, unlike Demonology and Dark Magic, we are actually teaching Necromancy so that might give it a bump on the scariness scale.

Herbology is indisputably the less controversal Class, and undoubtably the one most useful to us.I agree with people that we should definitely have good classes on this subject.
I mostly agree with this. Dark Magic is best in the "know thine enemy" aspect though.
Necromancy>Dark Magic.

Because a Zombie Dragon provides just as much, if not more, defense against a Dark Sorceror as Occlumency.
"thine enemy" in this case is mostly monsters, though.
I'd prefer dark magic because it specifically deals with countering dark forces, which the QM said would be in abundance out here since it's not as tightly regulated. We probably have to deal with a roughly equal amount of monsters and dark forces.
I'd prefer dark magic because it specifically deals with countering dark forces, which the QM said would be in abundance out here since it's not as tightly regulated. We probably have to deal with a roughly equal amount of monsters and dark forces.
We face a Monster roughly every 5th turn. I doubt we will run into more coordinated forces that often, especially since there's nothing to indicate that.

(Of course, I wouldn't be surprised either if there were Dark Magic-using Monsters out there, but that's pure speculation)
Sorry I'm late, I fell asleep. Just consider what happened bonus time. Votes locked, can I get a tally?

On a personal note, I would like into making the school attractive to humans as a second behind Wildlings, since they are more likely to gain hero units.

The oposite actually. Human hero units are rare, but amazing.

Non-protagonist humans are weak both magically and physically, so I'd rather stick to species who have better base-odds against rampaging Manticores.

You won't be using baseline students in the event of an attack. Only noteworthy students ("protagonists" with an actual stat block) could participate, and if you are lucky one of them is a hero on top of that ("main character" type stats). If you ever have more than one hero at a time I will consider you all blessed by the Dice Lord.

You'd be mostly reliant on any security staff or measures you acquire for basic combat needs.

We face a Monster roughly every 5th turn. I doubt we will run into more coordinated forces that often, especially since there's nothing to indicate that.

(Of course, I wouldn't be surprised either if there were Dark Magic-using Monsters out there, but that's pure speculation)

Even if the forces of Darkness have an easier time operating on this world, you'd still need to do something to make yourself an important target.
You won't be using baseline students in the event of an attack. Only noteworthy students ("protagonists" with an actual stat block) could participate, and if you are lucky one of them is a hero on top of that ("main character" type stats). If you ever have more than one hero at a time I will consider you all blessed by the Dice Lord.
That's why I wanted to have the middle price tier, but offer scholarships that make it the cheapest price tier for "protagonists" :V
Oh, and on the note of oversight, do keep in mind that hazardous classes are also looked down upon. So yeah... our oversight bonus is going to be taken up there almost immediately in all likely hood. Once we get enough classes to start drowning out the hazardous ones we can look to taking a notable number of controversial ones. Until then one would probably be our limit.

Edit: still don't know how to use vote tallying programs, and I can understand you not wanting to rely on hand count, but Arena pretty clearly won this time around. *starts looking up vote tallying*
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Initial teacher batch
Wow, an arena huh? Guess you're not playing around at your school.

Your initial search for teachers turned up quite the list of applicants. Who did you hire? (chose as many as you want, this is going by plans) (teachers are randomly generated, and may or may not be available for later recruiting).

[ ]Name
- [ ] Name

Name: Coco Rose
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Appearance: A bit on the mousy side as humans put it; smaller and more lightly built. She's one of those people that looks young for her age.
Theme: Mice
Type: Artificer
Education: Beta Scool of Magic
Experience: 2 years teaching assistant at Omega University
Competence: ???
Stat Buffs: +2 Might, +2 Management, +3 Subterfuge, +4 Lore
Subjects: Alchemy, Enchanting
Class Limit: 5
Traits: Kind Soul
Salary: 5

Name: Platinum Williams
Age: 6
Gender: Male
Species: Homunculus
Appearance: Rather bishonen type design, he has longer hair and softer features than most males would have. He is designed a bit on the tall side.
Theme: Writing
Type: Artificer
Education: None, self taught
Experience: None
Competence: ???
Stat Buffs: +4 Might, +5 Diplomacy, +4 Subterfuge
Subjects: Gemology, Warding
Class Limit: 2
Traits: ???, !!!, Advancced Sensors, Dislikes Crowds, Perfect Memory, Self Repairing
Salary: 5

Name: Momoko
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Nekojin
Appearance: Short, even for a Nekojin, she stands at about only three feet tall. Her calico hair is unkempt, an odd thing for a species usually obsessed with appearance. Then again her rather casual clothing doesn't look much better.
Theme: Chimera
Type: Knight
Education: Droppout from Juchi Academy
Experience: 2 years pre-school
Competence: ???
Stat Buffs: +3 Might, +1 Management, +1 Subterfuge, +1 Finance
Subjects: Conjuration, Fencing, Hand to Hand
Class Limit: 4
Traits: Lazy, !!!
Salary: 1

Name: Wildthorn of the Bear
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Species: Wildling (Bear)
Appearance: A rather large and heavily built man, he looks like he can bench a few of his enemies during a fight and still by able to fight. He has bear ears, thick brown hair and beard, and heavy fangs.
Theme: Bears
Type: Knight
Education: Traditional Tribal Methods
Experience: 5 years at Windbow Academy
Competence: ???
Stat Buffs: +1 Might, +2 Finesse, +3 Management, +5 Lore
Subjects: History
Class Limit: 7
Traits: Natural Tracker, Dragon Slayer
Salary: 8

Name: Lillymist
Age: 232
Gender: Female
Species: Fairy
Appearance: Purple haired with a willowy but elegant build, her wings are elegantly patterned crimson with black hi lights. Her fashion is elegant but practical.
Theme: Gems
Type: Mage
Education: Graduated with honors from Avalon
Experience: 3 years teaching assistant at Avalon
Competence: ???
Stat Buffs: +5 Might, +4 Finesse, +6 Management, +1 Diplomacy, +3 Lore
Subjects: Book Keeping, Broom Riding, Conjuration, Cooking, Dimensional Studies, Fencing, Gemology, Herbology, Law, Necromancy
Class Limit: 7
Traits: Prodigy: Herbology, Infamous: Necromancer
Salary: 8

Name: Plizalpix
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Species: Pixie
Appearance: You'd never thought you'd see an overweight fairy, but here he is. He's not morbidly obese or anything, but he's got to weigh like five pounds! You're not sure how his little wings carry him as he flutters around.
Theme: Phoenix
Type: Support
Education: Graduated from Weaslethorp
Experience: 1 year at Styneback's School for Magical Girls
Competence: ???
Stat Buffs: +4 Might, +5 Finesse, +2 Management, +1 Lore
Subjects: Art, Biology, Mathematics
Class Limit: 2
Traits: Jolly, Forgetful, Courageous
Salary: 7
Can we have some level of context for what the numbers in Salary are likely to be? Like how much we are likely to make from students?