Magical Girl Monster Quest

Second in command?

Yeah, no.

Still, It's a great oppertunity to gain subjects. And even a king needs to work his way up.

Let's try to bargain for partner.
[X] Well, they didn't manage it, so it appears I am awesome enough to be your friend now? There's plenty of solutions to killers all over the city, if you know where to look, and have my dashing charisma and tremendous skill to seek their assistance.
[X] Yes, go ahead. The king's glory should be witnessed.
-[X] In fact, why not make it official? He'll let you know when he's there, let you know when he's replaced, and when he's going, so you don't mistake him for some other stalker. In exchange he can watch you as much as he likes.
-[X] Oh, and if he sees anything interesting that you somehow missed, he could tell you too. That would be nice.
[X] Refuse.
-[X] You intend to be on top, wherever you are. Second, is not a place for you. Partner, ally, or friend is a lot more up your alley, but you won't take orders from anyone, even as you may answer petitions for assistance, listen to advice or give aid unasked.
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Hey, just started reading and I have to say this quest is a delight. I like the characters and the story you've got so far, and looking forward to reading more. (I also appreciate you put the winning votes on the top of your posts!)
[X] Well, they didn't manage it, so it appears I am awesome enough to be your friend now? There's plenty of solutions to killers all over the city, if you know where to look, and have my dashing charisma and tremendous skill to seek their assistance.
[X] Yes, go ahead. The king's glory should be witnessed.
-[X] In fact, why not make it official? He'll let you know when he's there, let you know when he's replaced, and when he's going, so you don't mistake him for some other stalker. In exchange he can watch you as much as he likes.
-[X] Oh, and if he sees anything interesting that you somehow missed, he could tell you too. That would be nice.
-[X] (Laugh) My dear you think too small. It is not just this school that messed up but the world as a whole and I plan to fix that. I have a counter offer join me be one of my adviser and let us destroy this school as our first steps towards a much greater goal.
[X] Well, they didn't manage it, so it appears I am awesome enough to be your friend now? There's plenty of solutions to killers all over the city, if you know where to look, and have my dashing charisma and tremendous skill to seek their assistance.
[X] Yes, go ahead. The king's glory should be witnessed.
-[X] In fact, why not make it official? He'll let you know when he's there, let you know when he's replaced, and when he's going, so you don't mistake him for some other stalker. In exchange he can watch you as much as he likes.
-[X] Oh, and if he sees anything interesting that you somehow missed, he could tell you too. That would be nice.
[X] Refuse.
-[X] You intend to be on top, wherever you are. Second, is not a place for you. Partner, ally, or friend is a lot more up your alley, but you won't take orders from anyone, even as you may answer petitions for assistance, listen to advice or give aid unasked.
[X] Well, they didn't manage it, so it appears I am awesome enough to be your friend now? There's plenty of solutions to killers all over the city, if you know where to look, and have my dashing charisma and tremendous skill to seek their assistance.
[X] Yes, go ahead. The king's glory should be witnessed.
-[X] In fact, why not make it official? He'll let you know when he's there, let you know when he's replaced, and when he's going, so you don't mistake him for some other stalker. In exchange he can watch you as much as he likes.
-[X] Oh, and if he sees anything interesting that you somehow missed, he could tell you too. That would be nice.
[X] Refuse.
-[X] You intend to be on top, wherever you are. Second, is not a place for you. Partner, ally, or friend is a lot more up your alley, but you won't take orders from anyone, even as you may answer petitions for assistance, listen to advice or give aid unasked.
[X] Well, they didn't manage it, so it appears I am awesome enough to be your friend now? There's plenty of solutions to killers all over the city, if you know where to look, and have my dashing charisma and tremendous skill to seek their assistance.
[X] Yes, go ahead. The king's glory should be witnessed.
-[X] In fact, why not make it official? He'll let you know when he's there, let you know when he's replaced, and when he's going, so you don't mistake him for some other stalker. In exchange he can watch you as much as he likes.
-[X] Oh, and if he sees anything interesting that you somehow missed, he could tell you too. That would be nice.
[X] Refuse.
-[X] You intend to be on top, wherever you are. Second, is not a place for you. Partner, ally, or friend is a lot more up your alley, but you won't take orders from anyone, even as you may answer petitions for assistance, listen to advice or give aid unasked.
[X] Well, they didn't manage it, so it appears I am awesome enough to be your friend now? There's plenty of solutions to killers all over the city, if you know where to look, and have my dashing charisma and tremendous skill to seek their assistance.

[X] I will allow you to continue to bask in my glory on the condition that you improve your own skills. It would not do for a King to have such an amateurish stalker. Competency my good fellow, competency.

[X] Refuse.
-[X] You intend to be on top, wherever you are. Second, is not a place for you. Partner, ally, or friend is a lot more up your alley, but you won't take orders from anyone, even as you may answer petitions for assistance, listen to advice or give aid unasked.
[X] Well, they didn't manage it, so it appears I am awesome enough to be your friend now? There's plenty of solutions to killers all over the city, if you know where to look, and have my dashing charisma and tremendous skill to seek their assistance.

[X] Yes, go ahead. The king's glory should be witnessed.
-[X] In fact, why not make it official? He'll let you know when he's there, let you know when he's replaced, and when he's going, so you don't mistake him for some other stalker. In exchange he can watch you as much as he likes.
-[X] Oh, and if he sees anything interesting that you somehow missed, he could tell you too. That would be nice.

[X] Refuse.
-[X] You intend to be on top, wherever you are. Second, is not a place for you. Partner, ally, or friend is a lot more up your alley, but you won't take orders from anyone, even as you may answer petitions for assistance, listen to advice or give aid unasked.
[X] Well, they didn't manage it, so it appears I am awesome enough to be your friend now? There's plenty of solutions to killers all over the city, if you know where to look, and have my dashing charisma and tremendous skill to seek their assistance.
[X] Yes, go ahead. The king's glory should be witnessed.
-[X] In fact, why not make it official? He'll let you know when he's there, let you know when he's replaced, and when he's going, so you don't mistake him for some other stalker. In exchange he can watch you as much as he likes.
-[X] Oh, and if he sees anything interesting that you somehow missed, he could tell you too. That would be nice.
[X] Refuse.
-[X] You intend to be on top, wherever you are. Second, is not a place for you. Partner, ally, or friend is a lot more up your alley, but you won't take orders from anyone, even as you may answer petitions for assistance, listen to advice or give aid unasked.
[X] Well, they didn't manage it, so it appears I am awesome enough to be your friend now? There's plenty of solutions to killers all over the city, if you know where to look, and have my dashing charisma and tremendous skill to seek their assistance.
[X] Yes, go ahead. The king's glory should be witnessed.
-[X] In fact, why not make it official? He'll let you know when he's there, let you know when he's replaced, and when he's going, so you don't mistake him for some other stalker. In exchange he can watch you as much as he likes.
-[X] Oh, and if he sees anything interesting that you somehow missed, he could tell you too. That would be nice.
[X] Refuse.
-[X] You intend to be on top, wherever you are. Second, is not a place for you. Partner, ally, or friend is a lot more up your alley, but you won't take orders from anyone, even as you may answer petitions for assistance, listen to advice or give aid unasked.

Pffft, we might as well form our own faction with Kaho as our second in command/dragon.
[X] Well, they didn't manage it, so it appears I am awesome enough to be your friend now? There's plenty of solutions to killers all over the city, if you know where to look, and have my dashing charisma and tremendous skill to seek their assistance.
[X] Yes, go ahead. The king's glory should be witnessed.
-[X] In fact, why not make it official? He'll let you know when he's there, let you know when he's replaced, and when he's going, so you don't mistake him for some other stalker. In exchange he can watch you as much as he likes.
-[X] Oh, and if he sees anything interesting that you somehow missed, he could tell you too. That would be nice.
[X] Refuse.
-[X] You intend to be on top, wherever you are. Second, is not a place for you. Partner, ally, or friend is a lot more up your alley, but you won't take orders from anyone, even as you may answer petitions for assistance, listen to advice or give aid unasked.
[X] Well, they didn't manage it, so it appears I am awesome enough to be your friend now? There's plenty of solutions to killers all over the city, if you know where to look, and have my dashing charisma and tremendous skill to seek their assistance.
[X] Yes, go ahead. The king's glory should be witnessed.
-[X] In fact, why not make it official? He'll let you know when he's there, let you know when he's replaced, and when he's going, so you don't mistake him for some other stalker. In exchange he can watch you as much as he likes.
-[X] Oh, and if he sees anything interesting that you somehow missed, he could tell you too. That would be nice.
[X] Refuse.
-[X] You intend to be on top, wherever you are. Second, is not a place for you. Partner, ally, or friend is a lot more up your alley, but you won't take orders from anyone, even as you may answer petitions for assistance, listen to advice or give aid unasked.
[x] Well, they didn't manage it, so it appears I am awesome enough to be your friend now? There's plenty of solutions to killers all over the city, if you know where to look, and have my dashing charisma and tremendous skill to seek their assistance.
I doubt it will be this easy, but it's a step in a good direction.

[x] Yes, go ahead. The king's glory should be witnessed.
-[x] In fact, why not make it official? He'll let you know when he's there, let you know when he's replaced, and when he's going, so you don't mistake him for some other stalker. In exchange he can watch you as much as he likes.
-[x] Oh, and if he sees anything interesting that you somehow missed, he could tell you too. That would be nice.
The last line's a little strange, but good as a whole.

[x] Refuse.
-[x] You intend to be on top, wherever you are. Second, is not a place for you. Partner, ally, or friend is a lot more up your alley, but you won't take orders from anyone, even as you may answer petitions for assistance, listen to advice or give aid unasked.
I don't think she'll take this well, but maybe get this "Kui-senpai" to agree to it, and she seems to listen to them.
Interlude 3 - They'll call our crimes a work of art
Once upon a time, a long long time ago, in a land far far away...

That is how the story is supposed to start, yes? And then we hear a magnificent tale of a princess betrayed by her evil stepmother, saved by the kindness of strangers, and rescued by a handsome prince. A story of a handsome prince sent on a fool's quest by his older brothers, who succeeds against all odds, and becomes king of his country and ushers in a new age of peace and prosperity with his newly acquired wife. A narrative of a maiden fair, beset on all sides by malicious slanderers and malevolent rumormongers, who sets out to prove her innocence and that of her father, and in the course of events finds herself to be better and worse than she had ever realized.

But that is not this story, and so this story starts rather differently, and yet ends as all stories must end.

I met a traveler from an antique land. He had made a surprising number of poor choices, and done a thing which was impressively unwise, and in so doing, had managed to earn the ire of an entire faction of the court of nobles there. I traded him the story for his room and board, and in truth, found it to be a more than fair deal. Working at an inn is a difficult task, and not worth the effort for the rewards. Nonetheless, it is best to earn what you can from it.

I still remember how he told me the story. It was the slowest time of day, just after noon. Most people were working or sleeping off their noontime feast, in preparation for their pre-evening feast, depending on their finances. I, unfortunately, was the former. Such is the plight of the honest man who must feed himself on a day's work. I stood at the bar preparing our famous rolls for the nightly rush, while my busboy cleaned dishes nearby.

He stumbled out of his room, looking still asleep, and staggered over to the bar, where he collapsed onto the counter. I leaned down and helpfully woke him up. Once he had recovered and dragged himself back up, he shot me a wet and bedraggled glare, as though he wanted nothing more than to stab me. I was quite used to that sort of expression. I got it a lot, for a variety of reasons. As I passed him a drink, I helpfully reminded him that he had promised me a story.

"I did, didn't I." He conceded. "And as a promise is a promise, I'll tell you what I can, then, and let you surmise the rest."

"It began, as most endeavors do, in a shady bar, much like this one, but more poorly lit. I had been informed by a number of my associates that a certain interested party of incredible indeterminacy had been looking for me, most likely to acquire my services. I allowed word to spread that I'd be willing to meet them at the time and place of my choosing. The meeting went as meetings do, with some ominous posturing on the side, and once we has finished posturing and establishing our credentials, we got to business.

The terms were surprisingly simple. I just needed to get my hands on the sword belonging to the King of a certain country, and they would not only pay me a truly staggering amount, but would also ameliorate certain unfortunate circumstances I'd found myself in. They'd also offer me a unique reward that I'd never expect. Moreover, once I had the sword, I was free to do with it as I pleased. They merely wanted it out out of the King's possession. Finally, they did not require success, only that I attempt it to the fullest of my abilities. Naturally, if I failed, I would not be paid, but I was essentially welcome to abandon the contract at any time I chose.

Of course, I accepted, though dubiously. I was clearly not expected to succeed, and that nagged at my pride as Eugenides. How was I supposed to call myself the greatest thief in the world if I couldn't steal from a mere King? In retrospect, that was a poor decision on my part, though I had no idea of that at the time."

"Did these two employers of yours betray you?" I asked.

"I wish they had; that'd have been easier. But I'll get to that part of the story.

Finding my way there was easy enough. I simply paid a captain for my passage. To reach the city, I simply accompanied a merchant caravan. Never travel with a foolish merchant. Always travel with a wise one, who thinks himself too canny to be fooled.

Once I had reached the city, I set about establishing a cover identity, that I might dissociate myself from all suspicion. I pretended to be an architectural student traveling from Greece. It helped that I spoke Greek and had a surprising amount of experience with Greek architecture. Admittedly, it was from a less traditional perspective, but it simply meant that I had a rather unorthodox perspective on proper construction and so was looking outside of Greece proper for insight as well.

To that end, I applied at the palace, seeking admission, in order that I might properly examine their magnificent stonework. I sought an audience with their King, and was lucky enough to be granted such within a week. It was remarkably efficient. I barely spent anything on bribes. The meeting itself was equally as bland. I knelt before the King, explained my purpose, and requested to be allowed to wander the castle. She granted me permission to do so, always accompanied and monitored by one of her soldiers. Oddly, she seemed on the verge of laughing at me the whole time.

I spent three weeks simply learning the castle. I wandered every hallway, spoke to every inhabitant not of rank, and generally did my best to seem innocuous, while also trying to learn as much as possible about both the castle and the King and her sword. The castle was standard fare. The sword was not. You see, the King kept it upon her person at all times, except for when she slept. I was no match for her in open combat, so I'd have to steal it while she slept. The problem was, when she slept, it was passed to the Captain of the Guard, who I was also no match for. He carried it with him as he patrolled the castle at night.

So, I resorted to the basics. I lit the castle on fire.

Well, I lit the stable on fire, and waited while they scrambled around like an anthill that'd just been stomped on. When the Captain moved to investigate, he brought the sword with him. To his credit, he swiftly and efficiently organized a firefighting effort, which was making remarkable progress on the fire- or would have, if some mysterious scoundrel hadn't tossed a smoke bomb in and then accosted the Captain for the sword.

Now, my original plan had been to lay low for a few weeks while everything calmed down, but that was all ruined by a simple problem. The damn sword glowed like a beacon. It shone so brightly in the possession of another that it looked like a bonfire in the palm of my hand. So I had to improvise. Which I did.

I knew there were tunnels under the castle, though I'd only found one. I ran to it, knocking out or running from anyone I encountered on the path. Through some incredible fortune, I reached it, and hid there. I followed it to the end, and found it lead to an exit on a nearby hill. I waited for a few days until an incredibly sunny day, and then made my way to a ship, where I bribed a foolish captain with a ludicrous amount of money to allow me to hide in his hold while he sailed back here and not to breathe a word to anyone. And that is the significantly abbreviated tale of how I stole the sword of the King."

He grinned slyly at me, looking for all the world like a particularly malevolent cat. "So, what do you think? Have I completed our contract to your satisfaction?"

I stared at him in shock, and then threw my head back and laughed. "Well done! Yes, you most certainly did. But how did you know I was your employer?"

"Simple," he scoffed. "I never told you how many people I spoke with, but you asked if the two of them betrayed me."

...I'd gotten sloppy, clearly.

"Nicely done," I conceded. "But there's one thing you missed. That's not the sword of the King."

"What in the name of the Three Weavers do you mean? This is the blade the King always carried with her, I'm sure of it."

Instead of replying, I turned to my busboy, who'd quietly stepped around between him and the door.

"I told you he could do it. You said it was impossible, didn't you? You should listen to me more often. Not all my ideas end badly, you know."

"For once, I suppose." He responded. "Once does not make a trend."

The thief slipped to his feet, and slid to a point as far away from the both of us and as near the door as possible. "Would one of you care to explain?"

I smiled at him like a particularly friendly shark. "Well, you stole a sword of a King, certainly. But that's not the Sword of the King."

"The Sword of the King looks like this." I explained as I held my hand out.

He turned a particularly vivid shade of white and his legs gave way under him. "Ah...your majesty...I-"

"Now," I interrupted, "I believe you're still owed the unique and unexpected part of your reward?"

He paled further, somehow. "IassureyouyourmajestyhadIanyideaI'dneverhavedaredevenconsideredtheideaofstealingfromyoupleasedon'tkillme-"

"Tell me," I continued, as if he had not spoken, "how would you like to work for me, as my Royal Thief?"

[Power Available!]
[Sword of the King: ?????? ?????? ?????]

QM: Have a belated Christmas/early Birthday present! Also, pick an interlude for the QM to write. Eventually.
[] Kaleido: Bearer of Light
[] Kui: Keeping Colors
[] Kaho: Temper Problems
[] Agent Green: A Smiling Man
QM: Have a belated Christmas/early Birthday present! Also, pick an interlude for the QM to write. Eventually.
[] Kaleido: Bearer of Light
[] Kui: Keeping Colors
[] Kaho: Temper Problems
[] Agent Green: A Smiling Man

[X] Kaleido: Bearer of Light
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