[X] You don't know what you want.
You wake up some time later, curled up on the roof. You cough and choke a little, rubbing your temples as you look down upon the campus, already beginning their daily routine. The last few hours seem to blur and twist as you shakily stand up and stretch, your head pounding as you try and shake these unbidden thoughts away. You don't need to think about this now.
After all, it is a school day. You could be late at this rate. You have to shower and get dressed, and run to class.
You are going to be late. Late late late. You haven't been late to class before. You've never been late, period. You usually planned out everything so that you had some time to spare, to adjust and to adapt as needed. Whether that meant sabotaging all three reactors aboard a Corpus ship to create severe enough power grid fluctuations over the next few hours to sneak past the malfunctioning security apparatus, or simply arriving to class early to review the day's materials ahead of time, you had always taken care in planning your moves ahead.
You leap from rooftop to rooftop, avoiding the bustling morning crowds as they make their way into the centre of the campus, a piece of buttered toast from that café stuck in your mouth as you wall run across one of the facades. Every single place you put your feet is calculated ahead of time. You have taken this route many times in your head and many times in person to determine the most efficient paths and steps needed. Even so, you've never gone this fast. It is really pushing your luck. You land around the corner of the main entrance, quickly striding in, knocking your heels against one another as you lean on your indoor shoe locker before changing.
Many of the students have already made their way to their classes, their morning rituals and chatter moving into their homerooms. You quicken your pace into a small jog, only slowing down as you pass the staff offices, resisting the urge to quickly prowl and sneak past it. You stumble into 2-A, bidding the class president and Naba-san a good morning in-between bites of your toast, trying to shuffle towards your desk in the back as quickly as you can, sliding into your seat.
You look up and realise that Zazie Rainyday is silently watching as you unpack.
Had a bad night, Tenno-chan? she seems to ask, her head tilting.
"I couldn't sleep last night, Zazie," you admit, pulling out your History textbook, putting the remains of the crust on the book, "I was thinking a little about… home and things."
Rainyday nods solemnly, offering you her sympathies. She reaches out to you and pats you on the hand.
Home is always in your heart, she smiles, placing her other hand on her chest. You're a little touched. She wasn't usually this talkative.
"Thank you, Zazie. That's very nice of you."
The door to the class slides open, and Nodoka calls for everyone to stand for Takahata-sensei as he makes his way to the front.
"Good morning class. How is everyone today?"
After hearing a general agreement, he nods,
"Hmm that's good. Just a friendly reminder everyone, there's rules against running in the hallways for reasons. You know who you are," he announces, looking vaguely in your direction. Drat. "Moving on, I hope everyone's taking their revision seriously; it's getting very close to exam season, and I want to see us going up in the class rankings a little this term…"
The class groans. Your homeroom teacher continues to pass out announcements and today's briefings, before passing the reins to your maths teacher.
It's another normal day at Mahora Junior High.
You hesitate a little as you open up your exercise book, before turning to page 78 in your textbook and looking at the examples given.
"Hey hey, Ivara?" Fuka asks as she places her chair down, "Did you hear?"
Her twin continues, "Did you hear? We might be getting a new teacher soon?"
"A new teacher?" you mumble, receiving a packet drink from Kaede as she takes a seat,
"Yeah. A trainee teacher," she confirms, taking out small lunchbox, "Sometime next week, or that's what Kazumi says. She's not usually wrong."
You weren't sure if this was a common occurrence, but given the familiarity that the girls had with their teachers at the school, it made a fair bit of sense for them to be a little excited about them.
"I hope he's a good teacher," you say, taking a long drag from the drink box. There were many teachers at the school, with their own teaching styles and expertise. You much preferred the way Takahata conducted his classes. Very straightforward, you could follow them very well.
"Do you think he'll be like Takahata-sensei?" you ask, watching as Kaede drums her fingers across the desk, moving a pencil across it,
"Ehhh? Ivara? Do you like older men too?" Fuka smirks, covering her mouth, "Asuna's already taken that role, ne?"
What? You don't understand. What does Takahata's age have to do with anything? He's just very reliable, and a good leader whom you could respect. His style of teaching was very efficient. You don't really have patience for people who ramble on and on. There was a plan and a timetable for a reason.
Fuka pokes you in the hand, "Hey Ivara, you're not denying it?"
"I just want good teachers," you deny, bopping her on the head as she exaggerates her pain, "I think Takahata-sensei's style of teaching is quite efficient."
"Mmm. Takahata-sensei is really good," Fumika says, taking another bite of rice, "It'd be nice if it was a woman for a change though…"
The four of you continue having your lunch.
You worry a little about the new teacher and what they will be like.
There will be a time skip and one last random event before we move on. I'm going to try out the ranked voting system, so go ahead and score these from 1 to 3, and I'll see if I can get this to work out.
[] Knowledge was Their Treasure…
[] Observational Report: Unit C
[] Taking a Breather with the Girls