Magical Advisor Quest

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Why be a magical girl, when you can be her advisor? Why run around fighting monsters when you...


Why be a magical girl, when you can be her advisor? Why run around fighting monsters when you can stand on the sidelines, giving sarcastic commentary? Or throwing lightning bolts around? Or both at the same time?
Exactly! Being a magical animal is far less work! I mean - far more rewarding. Yeah.

Important quest notes:
Do not take this quest seriously. Any of it. It will likely turn into hideous, beautiful crack and property damage.
2) You can make this as cliché-ridden as you want, or subvert everything.
3) Points are used to upgrade yours or your magical girl/boy/team's abilities.
4) Points are earned by: time passing in-game, defeating opponents, and doing tallys for me because screw tallys. Also possible through good write-ins or doing something I find particularly funny/impressive.
5) You can create a team of (or just one) magical girls, boys or adults. Or a super-sentai team. Or superheroes. Or you can sit back and watch the planet be destroyed, if that floats your boat. Do what you want.

Magical Advisor Quest

For an instant, you don't know who, what or where you are; then this version of reality asserts itself. Senses restored after the brief confusion - a common after-effect of inter-dimensional transport magic - you access your mental upload for a quick refresher of your recent orders and duty.​

Recruit Beta-804122

You are hereby ordered to Dimension Elba-306/Z, Inhabited Planet 001 (local name: Earth), in order to delay or halt the planned enemy incursion (see War Update record 902.10.452, access level Red). Expected duration of mission is 1 (one) year local time.
You may recruit up to five locals at one time using the Transformation Seals assigned to you. Should these be lost, your pay will be docked the appropriate amount.

(Which is a lot!!! - love, Supplies department)
As the planet in question is considered a low priority, you are authorised to use any means necessary to prevent its use by the enemy.
At the end of your mission, please file all appropriate forms upon return to base.

[Has this briefing performed to your expectations? Please fill in a quick client surve-]

You press No and back out, somewhat concerned at how easily the Supplies department have hacked your mission briefings. Again. At least they've assigned you five Transformation Seals - a small team should be enough to hold off any minor incursions, right?

You're rather more concerned when you check your Mana Links and find them disturbingly small.

[ ] Write-in

[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] Alien entity, bitch. No gender here.

Oh - and you remember the name of the area you've been transported to, the one Intel says the enemy will be encroaching on. The local ruling species - 'humans' - call it:

[ ] New York, U.S.A. (High chance of Government interference, vigilante teams)
[ ] London, England (Small magical population, lots of tea)
[ ] Tokyo, Japan (Genre-savvy populace, potentially intrusive media attention)
[ ] Podunk Town (Ohio), U.S.A (Middle of nowhere, not-very-secret government base nearby)
[ ] Brockton B- NO.

Roll 1d100+20. Best of first three wins.

Current form: Shapeless adorable gray ooze.​
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Character Info
Posts: 001 (above), 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 009.5, 010, Interlude, 011, 012, 013, 014, 014.5, 015, 016, Interlude, 017, 018, 019, 020, 021, 021.5, 022, 023, 024, 025, 026, 026.5, (Bonus Interlude), 027, 028, 029, 030, 031, Interlude, 031.5, 032, 032.5, 033/BAD END, 034, 035, 036,
Roster: Wildstrike, Princess Deathpunch, Speculator,


Name: Eito (8-0)
I.D.: Beta-804122
Rank: Recruit
Form: Kyubey-girl Cat-girl, approximately 13 years old. Still adorable!

Strength: 9
Agility: 12
Dexterity: 10
Endurance: 10
Constitution: 9
Luck: 3

HP: 30/30
MP: 50/50
- Regen: 5 per hour

Enhance: 15
- Control: Decent. You can give basic, short-term alterations to Stats of people or objects.
Flesh: 15
- Control: Decent. You can create minor alterations to yourself or people you touch, including healing. Permanent duration.
Tech: 30
- Control: Decent. You can manipulate technology within a range of approx. 50 metres, or create reasonably complex machines given enough time and materials.
Time: 35
- Control: Okay. You can slow, speed up or halt time for people or objects within a range of approx. 20 metres. You are capable of seeing potential futures given time and some effort, or can see ahead three seconds constantly for several minutes. Mana intensive.
Space: 30
- Control: Okay. You can temporarily shorten/lengthen distances within a starting range of approx. 20 metres for faster/slower travel. You can quickly teleport short distances for combat applications, or slightly slower for longer distances (several seconds preparation, mana intensive for taking multiple people). You can scry for things/people in your current dimension given enough time.
Mind/Spirit: 40
- Control: Okay. You can use telepathy to speak to people within approx. 65 metres. You can sense the emotions and read the surface thoughts of people you are within a dozen metres of, and alter their thoughts to a small degree. You can read the deeper mind of, and manipulate the memories or mind of, anyone you touch. You can establish mental control of Summoned beasts/beings within a range of ten metres (presuming their mind isn't stronger than your power).

Combination Magic Unlocked:
|| Time + Space = Dimension: 20
- Control: Decent. You can create very short-term portals to other dimensions. You can create a small pocket dimension (no time passing within), size-wise capable of holding a small car, and insert/remove items at will. You can scry/use telepathic communication to nearby dimensions.
|| Mind + Flesh = Necromancy: 15
- Control: Decent. You can take control of an intact or nearly intact corpse for brief periods of time. Mana intensive.
|| Tech + Flesh = BioTech: 15
- Control: Decent. You can fuse biology and technology, giving a boost to Tech when creating cyborgs, bio-computers, etc.

Points to spend: 5

Earth Knowledge: 12 - You're aware of the dominant species on Earth, and have a basic information packet regarding the planet. You have the sneaking suspicion it's not completely accurate.
Combat Knowledge: 10 - Sharp things hurt! So do blunt things! Actually, a lot of things hurt. Ow.
Stealth: 16 - You're getting better at this 'stealth' thing. As long as you don't sneeze.
Cleaning: 5 - Don't drink bleach! It tastes icky.
Human Technology: 20 - You have a reasonable grasp of basic electrical engineering without using Tech.
Art: -5,600,127 - IA! IA! CTHULHU FHTAGN! IT REACHES INTO ME! FLEE BEFORE [the bloodstained remnants are indecipherable]
That's Not Singing: -8 - Beings beyond your comprehension are tired of your shit.

Invisibility Cloak: A badass cape! White on the outside, black on the inside, both covered in SPARKLES. Ooooooh.... [Renders personal immunity to normal vision/cameras]
Dimensional Disturbance Detector: It... detects dimensional disturbances. And beeps.

Spoken: (Beta, Unconnected) - +5 to future calls upon the Speaker. +10 to diplomacy/persuasion with Union members who are aware of this. Even though you're an idiot.
Cacophony of the Screaming Abyss: You can make things go horribly wrong for yourself by starting to 'sing'. Moreso than you usually do when opening your mouth.

Grael: (Individual) - Lvl 20 Summon. Wood Golem. 30 MP to summon. On 'loan' from Speaker. Will obey reasonable commands that further Union's interests. 4 metres tall. Likes long walks and getting caught in the rain.
Water: 5 - Control: Poor​
Earth: 20 - Control: Decent​
Wood: 80 - Control: Perfect​
HP: 250/250​
MP: 100/100​
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Alphaleph said:
Eh, no 45....I'd say that we need at least one in there but....alright, I can continue with this.
Seeing as I expected you to start with a 70-80 point spread, I get the feeling you'll be okay... ;) If you guys want to use a Seal, add it in as a vote. If you can give an IC reason for it too, that would be great, otherwise I'll bullshit something depending on the personality you pick. Voting will be open for several hours. Fuck specifics.


Character sheet updated!

Combination mana types unlocked:
- Dimension: 20
- Necromancy: 15
- Biotech: 15

Part 2

Only a few of your mana links are open, and not to a vast degree either. Your mana pool is also... well. Let's say it could be better.

Still, that's not important right now! Your Intel reports that the Empire will be sending scouts through to this 'London' place in perhaps three weeks, local time. That'll give you enough time to find at least one suitable subordinate, right?

A small effort of Flesh mana creates several eyes for you to see with, and you take a look at the surrounding area. Despite the darkness - night-time, you ascertain - the area is reasonably well-lit by large metal poles topped with technology-based light sources. A road is sandwiched between the tall lamps, lined with the metal transport beasts your information packet calls 'cars'. They appear to be sleeping, and you make a mental note not to wake them.

Judging by the signs over the doors and large windows of the nearby buildings - thankfully your installed translator seems to be working perfectly with the local language - you judge this to be some kind of shopping district, though everywhere seems closed, and the place deserted. Clearly humans aren't a nocturnal species.

You blobble quickly under what appears to be discarded pieces of paper full of writing and pictures, and plot your next course of action, several sets of eyes blinking rapidly.

FORM (pick one):
[ ] You have a range of forms your information packet suggests to take. Give yourself a new shape to better go about undetected and unsuspected. No-one will notice anything wrong!
-[ ] Cat. (Common Earth creature. Popular pet.)
-[ ] Octopus. (Common Earth creature. Useful prehensile tentacles.)
-[ ] Sword. (Long-time Earth weapon. Enables doubling as a weapon in a pinch. Slight problem with independent perambulation.)
-[ ] Write-in (seriously, anything goes. Animal or not. Go wild.)
[ ] Stay in your current form a while longer, until you have a better idea of what would be most effective for a recruitment drive.

[ ] Head out and start looking for potential recruits!
-[ ] (How? Who to look for?)
[ ] Look for shelter for the night. You can start work in the morning, when more humans are awake.
[ ] Something else. (Write-in)

Oh... And HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT ALL THIS? (Personality choice):
[ ] Eh, this is such a pain. Still, if you slack off, the higher-ups will whine at you, right? What a drag.
[ ] Ohmigosh this is so exciting! You're going to be the best recruiter ever!!! And then you'll get promoted and everyone will be, like, WOW and ohwow what's that over there?!
[ ] You will be entirely efficient and practical, in order to successfully complete the mission to the highest standard possible. Long live the Union! May it defend the worlds forever!
[ ] (Write-in)
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Character sheet updated! /人◕‿‿◕人\

Part 3

Before you get started on finding a team and SAVING A WHOLE PLANET (ohmigosh, so important!), you should definitely get a better shape. I mean, who wants to get a recruitment pitch from a blob, right? Especially when humans are like, four-limbed. And they have binary genders! So weeeird!

So aaaanyway. New form. Well, every species reacts better to a similar appearance, right? Especially as they're the only sapient species around, so they might freak out if you were, like, a cat or something. (So primitive!) So, something humanoid - oh, but cute! And non-threatening!

You think about this really hard. A younger humanoid would look harmless, so a child? A girl child. And cute... well, humans like to keep cats as pets, so they must find them cute. So if you add some of those cat-traits to a human body, it'll be ultra-cute and harmless! Yes!

OH OH OH and you'd better make yourself look a little magical too, right? Otherwise they'll just go, 'Oh, a cute cat-like girl!' and not take you seriously! That would suck! So harmless but still magical, uh-huh.

Using the remnants of mana still lingering in the air from your passage, you shape yourself into an appropriate form. It's kind of hard - your Flesh mana link is so looooow~! But! You get it done anyway, because you're totally awesome like that, yup, and it only takes a couple of minutes!

You twitch your new ears happily, knocking off the ink-printed paper, which falls onto the ground again. Okay! What now?


Humans are - are - diurnal? That means they're awake in daytime, right? So if you want to learn more about humans, and find a really cool one to like, turn into a total ass-kicker, it'll have to be in day-time. Besides, you should find some kind of shelter to use as a base. Somewhere humans won't stumble across you! Secret hideout, yeah!

You can have a briefing room and give out battle-plans to your team and be all super-serious and they'll be really impressed and be like 'Oh, Eito, you're so cool and professional, we wish we were as cool as you!' and then those fun-hating jerks back home will promote you and you'll lead whole armies to fight those Empire baddies and be all smart and perfect and it'll be AMAZING.


Imagination awhirl with a beautiful future, you skip off down the street in search of a top-secret lair to make your own.

What sort of place are you looking for?
[ ] An abandoned shop/commercial building.
[ ] An abandoned residential building.
[ ] Something in a more isolated place - e.g., a warehouse district.
[ ] Something else. (Write-in.)

What will you do if people come nearby?
[ ] Sneak past/hide
[ ] Ignore them and continue on
[ ] Ask them for directions to, or help finding a suitable hide-out
[ ] Consider them for their value as team-members. MAKE A CONTRACT WITH ME AND BECOME A PUELLA MAGI
[ ] (Write-in)


(Update will be after 4pm tomorrow, GMT.)
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Don't worry about the Tech for now, any consequences will be a good while to come. Just hope any CCTV was recorded rather than having someone actively watching the screens...
Also shortened the update to get it out faster.

Part 4
After a few minutes of looking, you realise that hey, wouldn't things go sooooo much easier if you used magic to find a hide-out? Besides, you don't want to stay in a shop, right?

Slipping down an alleyway (it smells gross!), you start gathering Time mana and consider exactly what you're looking for. A house! That would be best - a place designed for living in would be more comfortable. So some kind of house... with no-one living there, or who'll go there for a while! Yup! And someplace that's not gonna fall down if you step in the wrong place, either!

In order to use as little of your precious mana as possible, you limit the radius of your search with, ignoring the sound of a car passing outside the alleyway, and combine some Time and Space magic to scry a suitable place out.
1d20 = 9
Chances of finding a suitable hideout in one direction - then another - then anoth- aha! The magic insists on a high likelihood there, and you narrow your search, easing more mana into the scrying. And there it is; your future top-secret, super-awesome hide-out! It doesn't look all that great - there's a small patch of grass outside that's all overgrown and icky, almost as high as the low wall that surrounds it, even spreading across the little path going to the house door.

It's a thin little house - almost squashed between the same sort of (kind of better-kept) houses next door; and sure, the paint's peeling on it, and maybe one of the windows has a biiiiig board stuck on it, but that doesn't matter! You'll make it YAY and PERFECT and FUN! Most importantly, there's only a teeny-tiny incey-wincey likelihood of someone trying to get inside there in the next two months! Well, not including you, of course. Sure, you're changing the potential futures by moving in, but as long as you're careful, there'll still be no-one checking the place over, uh-huh!

You get the magic to tell you its location before ending the scrying, and then pause - you'd best get there quickly, but what if someone sees you on the way? Local guards - the information packet calls them Po-leese - might try to take you in if they spot a little girl walking around on her lonesome at night.

Thinking regretfully of your mana reserves, you use Mind magic to sense around you to keep alert for any human minds approaching, so you can avert their attention if they look like they're gonna spot you. So booooring... but you're a professional! You can do it! Yeah!

Nodding proudly at your maturity and competence, you step out of the alleyway and head off to your laaaaair. Hee~!
1d100 = 18
After maybe ten, fifteen minutes of walking - Earth times are so silly - you pause as your Mind magic alerts you to approaching humans. The couple of times this had happened before, you just slipped behind cover and waited for the car beasts to pass, their front-lights shining even as they growled. This time though, the humans are walking along the pavement, three of them; they're too far away to start looking at their thoughts, but considering how they're walking towards residential streets from a direction of louder, brighter-lit buildings, you're preeeetty sure they're going home.

It's odd, though - they're close enough for you to see now, and while they sound happy, laughing and talking loudly, you think they might be injured. They're walking in a swaying gait that seems unnatural, and sometimes totter and stumble forwards or to the sides (which isn't that much of a surprise considering the tiny points of their footwear). And they must be so cold with how little their body-coverings... well, don't cover.

They're still too far to actively influence their minds, so you move quickly and carefully into a darkened alcove in one of the buildings, pulling a face at the smell of your hiding spot - some animal must have deposited body-waste nearby. Ew!

"-king stupid, w-what a tosser," one of them burbles as she staggers, held up by the fact she and another of the females have linked arms, presumably to prevent falling over. "Ohhhhh, I'm gonna be siiiiick..."

"'S'your own fault, Shel," another slurs. The third one seems to be too busy concentrating on walking and lighting a small white stick with a tiny fire-box to add anything to the conversation. "Should'a fuckin' stopped when - when they started playing Gangnam Style." She follows up with an odd hiccuping noise and waves her tiny bag for emphasis, looking victorious.

The females release a few sharp peals of squealing noises that you recognise as laughter, even if the high pitch hurts your ears, and you duck further into the alcove, trying to ignore that icky, icky smell.

[ ] At least one of them's clearly ill! Offer to fix them up! Yaaaay!
[ ] Noooo, you shouldn't be seen by anyone! Keep hiding and use Mind magic to divert any attention when they get close enough!
[ ] Something else. (Write-in.)
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Although people voted to use Mind to make them more suggestible, that's only possible within a few metres, whereas it sounds like you guys want to bug out as early as possible. I've updated the character sheet to clarify this, and I'll give an auto-success on escape. Next update will be, hm... when six to eight votes appear. I have no idea how many people might be on right now.

Part 5

Weeeeell, even if they seem a little ill, they're mostly okay, and they sound happy! You're sure they'll be fine - and besides, getting to your totally cool new home is more important!

More than happy to abandon your stinky hiding place, you slip out of it, keeping to the darkened areas and sneak-sneak-sneaking back up the road and down a side-street, keeping your body low. The white dress and head-fur doesn't really help matters, but you time things well enough - one of the females staggers to the side of the road and bends over, a long groaning noise and then liquid-waste emerging from her mouth.


You're kind of glad you didn't try to recruit them.

At least it's distracting enough that you get away without being spotted! And with your thoughts turned to stealth, you recall something else from the info packet - technological visual recording devices are common around this city. You gnaw on your lip for a brief moment - oh maaaan, Nino would give you That Look again if you got into trouble! - and decide there's nothing to be done about it now. A field of Tech swirls invisibly around you just a second later, keeping a watch for any recording devices and automatically removing your presence from any that catch sight of you.

It doesn't take you much longer to get to your hideout; at least it looks better under cover of night! Your Tech tells you there aren't any cameras down this narrow street, so you drop the field, glad to feel less strain on your mana pools.
1d20 = 18
Hmmm~! How to get iiiin~? ... Yo udidn't think about that. Still! A brief search around the house reveals one of the back windows has a broken lock (an actual latch! How ancient!), allowing you entry with only a minimal amount of fuss.

It sure is dirty in here. And dark.
1d6 = 1, 1d6 = 1, 1d6 = 2. ... Such a shitty house.
Wrinkling your nose at the gross smells - have animals been living here? - you search the house from top to bottom. It's - well. It's not exactly the lap of luxury, but there's a roof over your head, right? You can make it better! All right, so there's no furniture, and the cooking area has all been ripped out, and the hygiene room is... not very hygienic, and the two sleeping areas are...


You search for a good point about the house.
1d6 = 1. Wow. This is... this is so bad.
You can't really find one.


S-still! You're not here to live all fancy and stuff! You're gonna recruit a kickass team and save this whoooole planet from being, like, killed or eaten! Or killed AND eaten! Or even worse! Feeling better about yourself, you nod proudly, hands on hips, and survey your new domain. You can fix this! With enough time. And local currency...

Feeling only half your reserves full, you take a few minutes to clear our a non-icky, less-dusty area in one of the sleeping areas, and curl up on the floor to sleep. At least you don't need to eat.

+5 Stealth Skill gained!

Really shitty hide-out acquired!

You fail at rolls forever!

[ ] (Write-in.)

By the way, would anyone prefer this quest moved to SV? I only found out about the whole mess last night (UNINFORMED), so if you guys are going to be more active over there, I'm happy to shift it.
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holyshit this took ages
Obviously you don't have to pick any of these guys if you don't want, these are just the ones I rolled lovingly crafted. Also, work tomorrow so no early update. In the afternoon/evening instead.

Part 6

You wake up feeling somewhat more refreshed, despite a crick in your neck, and mana reserves filled to the brim. It's a little cold in the hou- in your AWESOME base - but through the grimy window, you can see this world's sun unhidden by clouds or other weather phenomena.

It looks like it's gonna be a beautiful day in London-land!

Getting up, you shake your limbs awake and pat your dress free of any dust from overnight. There's no problems with wrinkles of course, it being part of your actual body, after all, and you tell your hair to behave as well.

Okay! Today's plan!

You want to recruit your first team member as soon as possible, so... you should really start looking for one today, right? It shouldn't be thaaaaat hard to read the surface thoughts of people around you, and maybe you can extend the range a little with some Space magic, a thought which makes you screw your nose up. Your control over Mind and Space magics are... okay, but you should probably train them a little more. Still, they'll be good enough for this. You think.

Eh, it'll do.

All right! So the kind of person you want to look for... well, Instructor Cal spoke about that, didn't he? Something about - tailoring recruitment methods - to the situation... something... something...

It probably wasn't important. You'll just do what seems right! Yeah!

So, you should probably get ssomeone young, right? You don't want some old fuddy-duddy thinking they can tell you how to do things, that'll cause waaaay too many problems. And you gotta get started on saving Mud! Plus, younger people are more fun anyway, so you can hang together when you're not, like, being all professional and world-saving. Sure, they won't know how to fight, but that's okay. That's why they're getting magic, after all!

That in mind, you head out, making sure your Mind magic deflects any suspicion and that no-one notices you leaving the house - from what your Mind magic tells you anyway, most people are getting ready for work or leaving for it. Not everyone has a job, which is a little weird - every adult you've met before has had one - but you pay that no mind, instead reaching out with your Mind magic as you walk about, carefully brushing against people's thoughts.

It's easy to sense people from a biiig distance, but actually getting impressions from them is hard unless you're close, so you don't manage to read too many people, even when you awkwardly combine a little Space magic with it. There's a male in a brightly-coloured uniform, delivering paper-based communication through slots on house doors, but his thoughts only consist of annoyance over today's breakfast.

There's a woman opening a well-tamed car's door to get in, but she's merely thinking of all the paperwork she has to file. You sympathise. Paperwork sucks.

Up various streets, you wander, feeling the drain on your mana, but struggling on regardless. So cool! It's like you're a veteran! There's another mind inside a house, just within reach, and you peek on that one too. Another one that just won't fit.

Pursing your lips in frustration, you deflect the attention of a female walking a small dog, and move on.

After nearly three boooooring hours of wandering - your feet hurt so much! - you call a halt to your work, flopping down on a small bench. Juggling Tech, Mind and some Space was such a pain, you've even got a headache developing, but - at least you found some interesting people! And considering you were only looking for one, that's great! You feel a smile spreading across your face, and kick your feet happily. Eito is such a good scout!



It hadn't taken too long before you'd found your first possibility; passing by one of the house, you'd touched on a mind rich with ambition, smothered in a cold, sullen anger.

It was awful. You'd nearly moved straight on, but - I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. She felt like pain.

You edged closer to the house, taking a quick look around and then slipping into the tiny front garden to get into better range. There was a short ramp at the door instead of a step, and a strange, dingy white bar by the side of the door. You couldn't recall any of the other houses having one.

More sneaking brought you to the window, closer to the female, and peeking inside revealed her - somewhere in her late teens or early twenties, your information packet helpfully judged, a young adult, and seated in some kind of chair with wheels. One of her legs was... weird. Shorter than the other, and thinner under the leg-coverings. You were pretty sure human legs weren't meant to look like that.

She didn't see you, although Mind magic would have pushed her attention away quickly enough - she was focused on the drinking glass on the floor, spilling liquid, which she was half-leaning out of the chair to reach, arm outstretched and unable to touch, furious frustration etched across her face.

I fucking hate you SO MUCH!

Some decent Flesh magic, you'd thought as you edged away from the window again, tail flicking nervously, would do this world so much good.



You'd moved out of the strictly residential area when you came across the next one - it was in front of a low-walled stretch of grass, trees and benches, a sign proclaiming it to be a park 'donated for the enjoyment of all'.

Ah! That's nice! 'All' includes you too!

Not so nice was what was happening here. There was a male, about your form's age, being held from behind by anoother, slightly bigger male. Arms pinned, he lashed out with his legs, doing nothing more than waving them uselessly in the air, while a third male, smirking, crouched on the ground in front of them, rooting through a bag, pulling out small books and tossing them away.

"What's for lunch today, Gaydrian? Mummy pack you something nice, did she?" The one holding the first boy laughed at the third's comment, the volume only increasing when the third male yanked a small box out of the bag and removed the lid. "Ooh, sandwiches! What's in 'em, quail and caviar, Gaaaaydrian? Well?"

The male - apparently named Gaydrian - screwed his reddened face up and managed to splutter out a few nonsensical syllables, which lead to him losing his breath after the male holding him tightened his grip, squeezing hard.

"Oh, my mistake - it's just ham. Not like you can afford anything better, is-"

Then a sound that made them freeze - a large vehicle nearby, coming closer. The third male dropped the food-box and meal, getting to his feet hurriedly and grabbing his own bag, already turning to leave. "Shit, let 'im go, we're gonna miss the bus!"

The first boy nodded and shoved Gaydrian to the floor, leaving him coughing and pushing himelf up as the other two ran.

You peek around the tree you're hidden behind, eyes fixed on the second boy, the victim. Throughout the whole thing, he hasn't wanted to get away; instead, all he's he's thought about is being strong enough to fight.



You were away from the houses, among various retail buildings, when a third mind sparked your interest.

Because it was a little like you.

The female was in her mid-teens, seated in a building with a sign proclaiming it 'THE LOG-INN'. It didn't seem to be much of an inn - the massive windows showed it full of primitive computers, and a few tables and chairs. Behind the counter, a male human made hot beverages for the few patrons using the computers.

You moved closer, Mind and Tech working overtime, not only for anti-surveillance, but to study the female. Your Tech let you see what she was doing on the computer she seemed so intensely devoted to - it took a few seconds to realise this wasn't an entertainment program or training simulation but a game. She was controlling a brightly-clad human form who was running over rooftops, hurling various magical attacks at another similarly-clad human form. The game, your Tech managed to find with a brief look through the computer, was called City of Supers.

Comeoncomeoncomeone! A few rapid button-clicks later, staring hard at the screen, her computer-body rolled to narrowly dodge a lightning strike, and then launched a counter-attack. HA! And Jessie's wasting her time in History, she's gonna to be pissed she missed this! Die, you fucker, just stand still!

Just a few seconds later, the fight was interrupted by a high-pitched tune erupting from... the female's pocket? She'd frozen, getting hit by a fireball, but didn't seem to care any more. Oh shit, that'd better not be Mum. School wouldn't have rung her, would they?

The last thought you'd heard as you slipped out of range was a plaintive, Why should I have to be bored all the time?

[ ] (Write-in.)
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Okay, I lied about it being quick. Also, if you want to see what horrible rolls you're getting, I put rolls in invisitext throughout the updates. I'm still using Moid's dice, apparently.

Part 7

Sitting there on the bench, you take a deep breath and think about it. A lot! You don't just jump into, like people might think, okay? You're serious about this.

And no matter how much you think about it, it seems like the best one for the role is that female in the computer-place. After all, you know she likes magical stuff, and fighting, and she wants to have fun and do exciting stuff, right? And she wasn't meant to be there - she was supposed to be in an education building, a school. So she probably won't mind being in places she isn't meant to be, or telling some lies, or twisting a few local laws to get things done.

You nod to yourself, legs still swinging, and then push yourself up. Okay. Time to head back to Log-Inn!


You're back at the computer-place in double-time, ears twitching as you glance around before slipping inside, Mind cast out to slide people's attention away. Everyone seems very uninterested in looking at you, and it's simple work to remove yourself and the doors movements from the footage of the two cameras inside here.

Within a few metres of your target, it isn't too difficult to keep the female's attention fixated on something else; at the moment she's digging through her bag, her thoughts making it clear that she's getting local currency out to pay for the time spent playing her game.

A small addition of Mind and Tech makes sure that no-one will notice any strangeness from this female, either.
1d20 = 3. Holy shit, this is always so very, very bad. At least it wasn't anything important...
You wait patiently.

She manages to find her 'money'.

You wait impatiently.

She pays the male at the counter.


She starts to leave the Log-Inn.


Her hand reaching for the door-handle, you make the message appear before her, the perfect way to capture her attention and imagination. You're personalising it! After all, you can't make this boring, right? And even better, you make it appear just like the little messages that appeeard in her game, except bigger! And, y'know. Glowing in mid-air. With a picture of your face just by the writing.
Bored? Looking for a life of adventure? This can be real, collect the item ahead to accept!
Head peeking out over one of the tables, you stifle a giggle as you watch her freeze, staring at the message. From this angle, you can just about see her open her mouth, then close it, head then turning sharply as she looks around her. Even without, Is anyone else seeing this? running through her mind, the sheer surprise on her face tells you everything.

No-one else is even looking. What the fuck? Should I - tell someone? What if they can't see it?

Heeee~! Another giggle stifled, you up your Mind to make absolutely certain she won't notice your attention, and keep watching as she turns back to your message.

Bored? Hell yeah. Life of adventure? Don't mind if I do. But what, am I meant to just... believe this? This is bullshit. This is, like, a hidden camera show or some shit. She looks around again, and you can feel her disbelief in her own logic, even as she tries to convince herself. Magic or sufficiently advanced technology, or whatever. It doesn't exist, and things like this don't happen in real life, and... and why is NO-ONE LOOKING?

With a single thought, your message changes slightly, removing the picture of yourself;
Collect the item ahead to accept!
Then it vanishes.
1d20 = 7. ... So lucky the +3 Luck modifier applies to this. SIGH. 7+3 = 10, scraped a pass.
she stares at the empty space where the glowing box had been, hand still frozen in the act of reaching for the door. Then tentatively, she reaches for the handle and pulls the door open, as if expecting something to reach out and bite her.

You move.

As she steps outside, your Mind creates the image - a white orb spinning in midair, glowing softly - it's shiny! Who can resist shiny? - and your body moves as you slink carefully up behind her, twisting the Transformation Seal out of the make-up of your body and bringing it into physical reality.
1d20 = 11
She stops in front of the sphere; thinks, Fuck it, Why the hell not?, and reaches out.

The instant she grabs it, the Seal in your hand is touching her, your mind taking control of its abilities as it starts to form the mana links within her.
1d100 = 57. Keeping control of Mind and Tech throughout! Colour me surprised.

~ Build-A-Magical-Girl Time! Yaaaay! ~

77 points to spend. All points must be used, no point debt allowed. If a couple of points are unused/over-used, I'll do a fiddle with the sheet to finalise it. You don't need to put an X before the mana build, I'll go through each one. SO, without further ado -


Strength: 8 (+2 transformed)
Agility: 9 (+2 transformed)
Dexterity: 10 (+2 transformed)
Endurance: 8 (+4 transformed)
Constitution: 8 (+5 transformed)
Luck: 4
Transport: Slow Super-Speed (25 mph when running)

HP: 10/10 (25/25 when transformed)
MP: ?/? (don't worry about this)
- Regen: ? per hour (ignore this too!)



[Name as yet unknown] is a mid-teen girl with short black hair and brown eyes. 5'4" tall, skinny but not excessively so. Her current style of dress is an ugly school uniform which does unfortunate things for her figure.

[ ] Form/Costume:
-[ ] (Description or image here; transformation will not be happening on the street, so don't worry about that.)

[ ] Transformation method:
-[ ] (Transformation item appearance? Phrase to shout! Do a little dance and hop on one foot?)

[ ] Transformation scene:
-[ ] (Instantaneous? Twirling around and glowing like a nightlight?)

[ ] Anything else?
-[ ] (This is where you stick in any locked skills, phone-app stuff, whatever. As much detail as possible would be helpful for this, so I know what you want to happen without having to ask a million questions.)
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I ACCIDENTALLY A POST. Also, you can't put a kill-switch on someone's powers, unless you want to use Mind/Spirit to viciously attack and block/rip out their mana links, which does hideous, hideous damage. So you get a control back-up plan instead.

Part 8

Lightning: 52
Space: 15
Enhance: 10

The Transformation Seal responds to your control easily, forming and strengthening three mana links, the most useful you can think of for her. She'd like Enhance, right, with her character doing all that jumping around - and Space is good too, isn't it? Especially once she gets access to dimension magic! Then she could have an 'Inventory' thing, like on the computer, uh-huh!

She needs something big as well though - something specifically for combat. There were a lot of elemental attacks in City of Supers, weren't there? And her character was using them too... for a moment, you consider giving her small mana links in a number of elements, but you remember Nino's words; as much as it makes you want to pout, focus in one area will be more effective than several weaker areas. Maybe. Stupid Nino. You use the Seal's power to form a Lightning mana link, strengthening it as much as you can.

This Seal enables increased speed; you feel it sinking into her, enhancing her, even as you focus on manipulating the details of her transformation. You'd watched the game, saw her play-style for a while, and the costume of her computer-self seem like a good fit. A flexible, full-body material tight against her, shades of shocking yellow with lines of pure white, a half-mask to match. Her original colour-scheme was orange, but this is more fitting for lightning, right? And since she likes technology, you can make that a theme too!

A few more quick manipulations set up her transformation method - then you start programming certain triggers into her mind, enthusiasm growing. That City of Supers had an 'app', you'd seen from your brief foray into the computer, players able to manipulate their character on their... 'smart'phones? You aren't sure what's so smart about them, seeing as they're downright simple compared to the technology back home, but you can recognise that's the name of the communication device the female's mother called her on.

With the temporary boost provided by the Seal, it's an instant before your Tech has seeped into the phone, hacking certain parts, starting coding, until a new 'app', unique to this phone is created; you link her transformation to its start-up, and then go back to her mind as the power of the Seal starts to fade, implanting certain responses as quickly as you can, limiting her power in certain ways, making it as cool as possible! It'll be just like the game she likes! Except better!

In the fraction of a fraction of a second before the power fades completely, after an even briefer hesitation, you add the last part - after all, things can go wrong, right? It'll be a last resort of course, but if something really, really bad happens...

You push a teeeeeny part of your Mind into the female - Rory? - twisting it into her own mind and forming a link between you. It'll make telepathic communication a little easier between you two, but more importantly, you'll be able to force your own Mind through it - if necessary, obviously! - and take control of her.

You're sure it won't be necessary though. After all, you're gonna be kickass teammates and beat up Imperials together! Nothing can go wrong!

The whole thing has taken less than a second of time, and reality kicks back in as the Seal finishes merging with its new Sealed, leaving you still behind Rory as she remains, her now empty hand outstretched, standing ramrod straight, obviously feeling something different about herself.

Gained new subordinate(?)!

Temporarily lost 1 maximum MP due to Mind link creation! Maximum MP will increase by 1 in two days!

[ ] Remain unseen/sensed
-[ ] (And do what? Write-in.)
[ ] Reveal yo'self!
-[ ] (How? Do what? Write-in.)
[ ] Blow up net-café in fit of glee.
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Wildstrike char sheet

Name: 'Rory' Brown
I.D.: Omega-u804122-01
Rank: Under-Recruit
Form: 15 year old girl, short black hair, brown eyes, skinny. 5' 4".
Costume: Bright yellow spandex with decorative white lines, similarly-coloured half-mask, gloves, boots.

Strength: 8 (+2 transformed)
Agility: 9 (+2 transformed)
Dexterity: 10 (+2 transformed)
Endurance: 8 (+4 transformed)
Constitution: 8 (+5 transformed)
Luck: 4
Transport: Slow Super-Speed (25 mph when running)

HP: 10/10 (25/25 when transformed)
MP: 20/20
- Regen: 3 per hour

Lightning: 52
- Control: Okay. You can manipulate electricity to a small degree, as well as creating large electrical blasts to direct at opponents.
Enhance: 10
- Control: Good. You can give basic, short-term alterations to Stats of people or objects.
Space: 15
- Control: Good. You can temporarily shorten/lengthen distances within a starting range of approx. 7 metres for faster/slower travel. You can teleport very short distances for combat applications. Mana-intensive.

Points to spend: 0

Video Games: 75 - You're in their base, killing their men.
(Wrong?) Genre-Savvy: 85 - You know the tropes. As long as they go the way they're 'meant' to, you can use them to your advantage.
Schoolwork: 45 - You're passing. Just about. 'Needs more effort!'

Electric Bolt Lvl 2: (Lightning) - Longer bolt with more energy, capable of hitting two enemies on impact.
Burst of Motion Lvl 1: (Enhance, Space) - Simultaneously decreases the distance from self to target, while increasing Agi by 1 for a second.
Lightning Field Lvl 1: (Lightning, Space) -A loop of space twisted around a powerful knot of electricity to run in a continuous, if haphazard circuit over time until it runs out of energy.
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