Magical Advisor Quest

[X] Combine Mind and Space to run a low power wide area scan for pliable minds in the vicinity. Focus on candidates who would be enthusiastic about the prospect of gaining powers, easily manipulated and lack combat experience(so that they are easier to dispose of in case they go rogue, we can get more experienced candidates later once we have a few suckers under our belt available to eliminate rogues). Once found, approach to study more closely.
[x] Rather not move unless you think the lag is too much or SB dying.
Um why are we going for weak gullible people unless I missed something when skimming the thread we only have 5 power ups. So we should get 5 good combatants and not weak ones.
S J C said:
Um why are we going for weak gullible people unless I missed something when skimming the thread we only have 5 power ups. So we should get 5 good combatants and not weak ones.
We can recover the power ups if they die. We can't recover the power ups if we gave them to a powerful candidate who then goes rogue.

This means our first candidates should be people we can control effectively with Mind or just plain manipulation, or even kill personally if it goes bad. Once we have 2-3 loyal candidates we can recruit good combatants, and if they go rogue we'd be able to join forces with our suckers to off them.
or you know, blackmail the stronger candidates to help weaker candidates using their own morality or ego. Something like throwing little kids to harm's way.
Yeah but for that we also need weaker candidates to jerk their heartstrings. Get two vulnerable candidates and then a strong one, then another vulnerable one, and finish with a strong. From our point of view, Mixed>All Weak>All Strong.

All weak teams basically means we do what QB does, pick suckers, milk them for what they're worth, then collect the drops when they eventually fail and get a new candidate. Suckers are a renewable resource.

All strong teams put us in a difficult position, since our influence over them is limited. If they want to bugger off, we can't really do anything about that, and are stuck with a smaller group. They're also harder to recruit, since generally speaking, the veteran type people are pretty cynical.

All that is without considering team internal dynamics of course. Family links are good if one of them can be made absolutely loyal to us and the others are either loyal or ambivalent at worst, so they'd follow the loyal one in the worst case. Or if one of them gets a Bad End and we lose two when one goes.

Ideally we want a gullible AND powerful character like Mami.
The last wolf said:
I hate to point this out, but personality we have chosen does not excel in guile and long term planning that much.
Nah, not deliberately maybe. But we get our preteen/anyone that no one wants to see fighting who's willing to help us, then all we need is to casually poke the rest of the candidate about it. With our personality, they would believe that we're not doing it on purpose.
Or we could play the character straight and get people who would want to keep there world form being invaded by those big mean empire jerks and have there people enslaved. Instead of being a big evil mean person and mind controlling or manipulating the locals into dying for us.
If the wide scan wins, any preference for how much MP you want to limit it to, or how big an area?

edit: Also, you have no idea how much this 'we couldn't trick people' conversation amuses me. If you want to play it that way, I can do it ICly, so no problems there.
[X] Combine Mind and Space to run a low power wide area scan for pliable minds in the vicinity. Focus on candidates who would be enthusiastic about the prospect of gaining powers, easily manipulated and lack combat experience(so that they are easier to dispose of in case they go rogue, we can get more experienced candidates later once we have a few suckers under our belt available to eliminate rogues). Once found, approach to study more closely.
[x] Rather not move unless you think the lag is too much or SB dying.
ticktrick said:
Could manipulate through enthusiasm and good cheer!
No-one ever suspects the cute little cat-girl! Even when she's a Kyubey-girl! ... Suckers.

Six votes, so I'm heading off for 30-60 minutes and then will lock the votes and start writing. Again, pretty obvious what's winning, unless hordes of people fall upon this quest and vote to stay home and redecorate. It could happen. :rolleyes:
holyshit this took ages
Obviously you don't have to pick any of these guys if you don't want, these are just the ones I rolled lovingly crafted. Also, work tomorrow so no early update. In the afternoon/evening instead.

Part 6

You wake up feeling somewhat more refreshed, despite a crick in your neck, and mana reserves filled to the brim. It's a little cold in the hou- in your AWESOME base - but through the grimy window, you can see this world's sun unhidden by clouds or other weather phenomena.

It looks like it's gonna be a beautiful day in London-land!

Getting up, you shake your limbs awake and pat your dress free of any dust from overnight. There's no problems with wrinkles of course, it being part of your actual body, after all, and you tell your hair to behave as well.

Okay! Today's plan!

You want to recruit your first team member as soon as possible, so... you should really start looking for one today, right? It shouldn't be thaaaaat hard to read the surface thoughts of people around you, and maybe you can extend the range a little with some Space magic, a thought which makes you screw your nose up. Your control over Mind and Space magics are... okay, but you should probably train them a little more. Still, they'll be good enough for this. You think.

Eh, it'll do.

All right! So the kind of person you want to look for... well, Instructor Cal spoke about that, didn't he? Something about - tailoring recruitment methods - to the situation... something... something...

It probably wasn't important. You'll just do what seems right! Yeah!

So, you should probably get ssomeone young, right? You don't want some old fuddy-duddy thinking they can tell you how to do things, that'll cause waaaay too many problems. And you gotta get started on saving Mud! Plus, younger people are more fun anyway, so you can hang together when you're not, like, being all professional and world-saving. Sure, they won't know how to fight, but that's okay. That's why they're getting magic, after all!

That in mind, you head out, making sure your Mind magic deflects any suspicion and that no-one notices you leaving the house - from what your Mind magic tells you anyway, most people are getting ready for work or leaving for it. Not everyone has a job, which is a little weird - every adult you've met before has had one - but you pay that no mind, instead reaching out with your Mind magic as you walk about, carefully brushing against people's thoughts.

It's easy to sense people from a biiig distance, but actually getting impressions from them is hard unless you're close, so you don't manage to read too many people, even when you awkwardly combine a little Space magic with it. There's a male in a brightly-coloured uniform, delivering paper-based communication through slots on house doors, but his thoughts only consist of annoyance over today's breakfast.

There's a woman opening a well-tamed car's door to get in, but she's merely thinking of all the paperwork she has to file. You sympathise. Paperwork sucks.

Up various streets, you wander, feeling the drain on your mana, but struggling on regardless. So cool! It's like you're a veteran! There's another mind inside a house, just within reach, and you peek on that one too. Another one that just won't fit.

Pursing your lips in frustration, you deflect the attention of a female walking a small dog, and move on.

After nearly three boooooring hours of wandering - your feet hurt so much! - you call a halt to your work, flopping down on a small bench. Juggling Tech, Mind and some Space was such a pain, you've even got a headache developing, but - at least you found some interesting people! And considering you were only looking for one, that's great! You feel a smile spreading across your face, and kick your feet happily. Eito is such a good scout!



It hadn't taken too long before you'd found your first possibility; passing by one of the house, you'd touched on a mind rich with ambition, smothered in a cold, sullen anger.

It was awful. You'd nearly moved straight on, but - I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. She felt like pain.

You edged closer to the house, taking a quick look around and then slipping into the tiny front garden to get into better range. There was a short ramp at the door instead of a step, and a strange, dingy white bar by the side of the door. You couldn't recall any of the other houses having one.

More sneaking brought you to the window, closer to the female, and peeking inside revealed her - somewhere in her late teens or early twenties, your information packet helpfully judged, a young adult, and seated in some kind of chair with wheels. One of her legs was... weird. Shorter than the other, and thinner under the leg-coverings. You were pretty sure human legs weren't meant to look like that.

She didn't see you, although Mind magic would have pushed her attention away quickly enough - she was focused on the drinking glass on the floor, spilling liquid, which she was half-leaning out of the chair to reach, arm outstretched and unable to touch, furious frustration etched across her face.

I fucking hate you SO MUCH!

Some decent Flesh magic, you'd thought as you edged away from the window again, tail flicking nervously, would do this world so much good.



You'd moved out of the strictly residential area when you came across the next one - it was in front of a low-walled stretch of grass, trees and benches, a sign proclaiming it to be a park 'donated for the enjoyment of all'.

Ah! That's nice! 'All' includes you too!

Not so nice was what was happening here. There was a male, about your form's age, being held from behind by anoother, slightly bigger male. Arms pinned, he lashed out with his legs, doing nothing more than waving them uselessly in the air, while a third male, smirking, crouched on the ground in front of them, rooting through a bag, pulling out small books and tossing them away.

"What's for lunch today, Gaydrian? Mummy pack you something nice, did she?" The one holding the first boy laughed at the third's comment, the volume only increasing when the third male yanked a small box out of the bag and removed the lid. "Ooh, sandwiches! What's in 'em, quail and caviar, Gaaaaydrian? Well?"

The male - apparently named Gaydrian - screwed his reddened face up and managed to splutter out a few nonsensical syllables, which lead to him losing his breath after the male holding him tightened his grip, squeezing hard.

"Oh, my mistake - it's just ham. Not like you can afford anything better, is-"

Then a sound that made them freeze - a large vehicle nearby, coming closer. The third male dropped the food-box and meal, getting to his feet hurriedly and grabbing his own bag, already turning to leave. "Shit, let 'im go, we're gonna miss the bus!"

The first boy nodded and shoved Gaydrian to the floor, leaving him coughing and pushing himelf up as the other two ran.

You peek around the tree you're hidden behind, eyes fixed on the second boy, the victim. Throughout the whole thing, he hasn't wanted to get away; instead, all he's he's thought about is being strong enough to fight.



You were away from the houses, among various retail buildings, when a third mind sparked your interest.

Because it was a little like you.

The female was in her mid-teens, seated in a building with a sign proclaiming it 'THE LOG-INN'. It didn't seem to be much of an inn - the massive windows showed it full of primitive computers, and a few tables and chairs. Behind the counter, a male human made hot beverages for the few patrons using the computers.

You moved closer, Mind and Tech working overtime, not only for anti-surveillance, but to study the female. Your Tech let you see what she was doing on the computer she seemed so intensely devoted to - it took a few seconds to realise this wasn't an entertainment program or training simulation but a game. She was controlling a brightly-clad human form who was running over rooftops, hurling various magical attacks at another similarly-clad human form. The game, your Tech managed to find with a brief look through the computer, was called City of Supers.

Comeoncomeoncomeone! A few rapid button-clicks later, staring hard at the screen, her computer-body rolled to narrowly dodge a lightning strike, and then launched a counter-attack. HA! And Jessie's wasting her time in History, she's gonna to be pissed she missed this! Die, you fucker, just stand still!

Just a few seconds later, the fight was interrupted by a high-pitched tune erupting from... the female's pocket? She'd frozen, getting hit by a fireball, but didn't seem to care any more. Oh shit, that'd better not be Mum. School wouldn't have rung her, would they?

The last thought you'd heard as you slipped out of range was a plaintive, Why should I have to be bored all the time?

[ ] (Write-in.)
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[X] Use Mind to offer third one what she wants with a pop up in her mind, use Space to spawn the token in front of her. Add an image of us to the pop up so she knows who it's from.
-[X] "Bored? Looking for a life of adventure? This can be real, collect the item ahead to find out!"

Third sounds ideal.
The last wolf said:
Give her some basic abilities and a "quest". She complete quest, we give her more abilities. Given that we will grow stronger at the same time creating a positive feedback loop.
The points from the Seal have to be used all at once, so you can't just spread a few around and then save the rest. Unless you meant some other way I haven't thought of?
The last wolf said:
Hmm, put her to sleep, give her powers, use Mind/Flesh to lock most of the powers, then start unlocking them as rewards?
... Your brain is a magnificent, yet hideous place. Yes, that could be done. You monster. :D

edit: Also, have a point knocked off your debt for that idea.
[x] Make an offer to the first one.
--[x] Continue to observe the other two.

We'll get a hell of a lot of gratitude from cripple-girl if we fix her up (or provide a means to fix herself), whereas bully-boy could end up anywhere between Superman and The Punisher depending on his reaction to get powers. Computer-girl's quest for 'excitement' could also end badly depending on how publically she tries out her new powers.
[X] Use Mind to offer third one what she wants with a pop up in her mind, use Space to spawn the token in front of her. Add an image of us to the pop up so she knows who it's from.
-[X] "Bored? Looking for a life of adventure? This can be real, collect the item ahead to find out!"
[X] Use Mind to offer third one what she wants with a pop up in her mind, use Space to spawn the token in front of her. Add an image of us to the pop up so she knows who it's from.
-[X] "Bored? Looking for a life of adventure? This can be real, collect the item ahead to find out!"
The last wolf said:
While we are at it, can we install some kind of kill switch?

Although i don't know how to spin that IC.
Since we're using Mind, Flesh and Tech to lock away some powers until criteria are met, there's no reason we can't revoke access with the same method.
Okay, 12 votes for the girl-gamer, 5 votes for the wheelchair-bound woman, none for the boy. Only one of you voted to continue observing, and none of you voted to hold off recruiting. (Wow, I didn't even know that many people were reading this quest. :confused:)

Most popular way of recruiting was obviously Mind pop-up. This will (hopefully) be a short update, and then there'll be another vote on what powers you'll give her access to as well as whether you want to lock her powers until certain conditions are met, etc. I'm going to muddle my way through that as best I can, because I never considered that you might want to turn someone's life into the Gamer.

Well done, Spacebattles. You have surpassed my expectations.

If you guys want to start working out what powers you're going to give her, or if you're going to let her pick her own (haha, yeah, right), conditions for power unlocking, form/costume to transform into, etc, you can start doing so now, it'll save you some time later.

For now though, know that Transformation Seals automatically give:
- the ability to transform! (Duh)
- Strength, Agility & Dexterity +2 when transformed
- Endurance +4 when transformed
- Constitution +5 when transformed
- Low-super speed OR super-jumping OR low-speed flight (random, I'll roll for this) when transformed
- 5 times faster healing (both in and out of transformation)
- Anti-Recognition field (if they aren't actually seen transforming, they won't be recognised, even on cameras etc)
- 1d100 worth of points to spend (I'll roll; it may be shit.) I'd recommend only focusing on one or two mana types, and I will NOT be allowing a point debt this time.