Magical Advisor Quest

[X] Remain unseen/sensed
-[X] Attempt to contact her through her 'smart'phone
--[X] "Hi Hi, thank you for forming contract with *insert obviously-not-suspicious group name* ^v^/"
[X] Remain unseen/sensed
-[X] Attempt to contact her through her 'smart'phone
--[X] "Hi Hi, thank you for forming contract with *insert obviously-not-suspicious group name*. No take backsies!"
A question first. Do we have a suitable easy target nearby for her? If not we could run her through a few tutorial missions.
veekie said:
A question first. Do we have a suitable easy target nearby for her? If not we could run her through a few tutorial missions.
Target to practice her powers on, do you mean? You could always send her out to fight crime. Or electrocute tin cans.
Wildstrike char sheet

Name: 'Rory' Brown
I.D.: Omega-u804122-01
Rank: Under-Recruit
Form: 15 year old girl, short black hair, brown eyes, skinny. 5' 4".
Costume: Bright yellow spandex with decorative white lines, similarly-coloured half-mask, gloves, boots.

Strength: 8 (+2 transformed)
Agility: 9 (+2 transformed)
Dexterity: 10 (+2 transformed)
Endurance: 8 (+4 transformed)
Constitution: 8 (+5 transformed)
Luck: 4
Transport: Slow Super-Speed (25 mph when running)

HP: 10/10 (25/25 when transformed)
MP: 20/20
- Regen: 3 per hour

Lightning: 52
- Control: Okay. You can manipulate electricity to a small degree, as well as creating large electrical blasts to direct at opponents.
Enhance: 10
- Control: Good. You can give basic, short-term alterations to Stats of people or objects.
Space: 15
- Control: Good. You can temporarily shorten/lengthen distances within a starting range of approx. 7 metres for faster/slower travel. You can teleport very short distances for combat applications. Mana-intensive.

Points to spend: 0

Video Games: 75 - You're in their base, killing their men.
(Wrong?) Genre-Savvy: 85 - You know the tropes. As long as they go the way they're 'meant' to, you can use them to your advantage.
Schoolwork: 45 - You're passing. Just about. 'Needs more effort!'

Electric Bolt Lvl 2: (Lightning) - Longer bolt with more energy, capable of hitting two enemies on impact.
Burst of Motion Lvl 1: (Enhance, Space) - Simultaneously decreases the distance from self to target, while increasing Agi by 1 for a second.
Lightning Field Lvl 1: (Lightning, Space) -A loop of space twisted around a powerful knot of electricity to run in a continuous, if haphazard circuit over time until it runs out of energy.
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Assuming hero(since I'm going to bed)

[X] Remain unseen/sensed
-[X] Attempt to contact her through her 'smart'phone
--[X] "Welcome to the Better Future Society(BFS). My name is Eito ^v^/"
--[X] "What name would you like to be known as?"
--[X] Display a tutorial mode once she enters her name, walking her through her initial powers(accessing inventory, practicing shooting at tin cans, accelerated movement and generally letting her know the limits of the initial powers) once she accepts, followed by a basic vermin hunting mission(traditional rat hunt). Include mission color ratings, with green being 'do it when you feel like it' and red being urgent, the tutorial and crime fighting of course, is green. Fighting Imperials would be a lot more urgent.
Zen said:
... So I'm typing up this post, and I suddenly realized that I think I know why all you guys want lightning. Did you misread the post and think she was tossing lightning around? Because there was only one lightning reference, and she was dodging it.

I'll go back and ret-con the previous post so she's a lightning-user if you'd prefer.
I wanted lightning because it worked with the close combat build i was voting for.
You know, I just realized. We honestly don't care what people do with there powers, so long as they agree to fight the things and people we specify Because we specify.

Why not go with that, and tell her that, though every now and then we'll have something for her to do, otherwise she's perfectly fine doing whatever she wishes with her powers, so long as she doesn't make a scene of herself.
Thozmp said:
So basically: our missions are obligatory, do what you want, but don't get caught?

Bonus points if we give her Optional objectives, to unlock more of her powers for personal experimentation and such.

Such Optional Objectives include, but likely aren't limited to, random acts of kindness, kleptomania, and other things.

Basically, we turn her life into a Vidya game, and thanks to her Transformation having a built in anonimyty field, anything she does can't be connected to Her.

Well, okay, handing her Side Quests that force her to do things possibly against her alignment seems too dickish.

Maybe just have her train herself by having her do insane martial arts training things? Like training her speed and endurance by chasing Trains. Continuously. Or hell, learning how to dodge by dodging traffic.

Any other ideas for insane things we can put into our Side Quest category, to get her stats to increase?

Maybe a series of totally normal Training missions, followed by gradually increasing in difficulty time trials and other miscellaneous objectives?

Hey, do we have any points in Summoning? Because using Summoning to summon mindless monsters for our girl to level grind against seems like a Perfect thing to do.
We ought to try and keep her behaviour to a standard that the rest of our future team (and to a lesser extent, the general public) won't object to, since they'll have to start working together at some point, maybe sooner rather than later.

I mean, if she goes supervillain and we later pick up somebody who goes superhero, they'll inevitably butt heads and may even refuse to assist or fight alongside one another (ok, that's the extreme scenario, but still), and that would be bad. There's also the public perception, wherein one of our team behaving badly will likely tar the rest with the same brush, or even cast doubt on the legitimacy of our cause ("That chick who keeps robbing and mugging is also fighting the invaders! And since she's clearly the bad guy, does that make them the good guys?" Another extreme, though)* in its entirety.

(*I don't expect much of that, to be honest, since the invaders will most likely make it extremely clear that not only are they not the good guys, they are in fact both bad and ugly.)
Well now, tweaked crime fighting to rat hunting for first mission. After that would be to point her to acceptable targets. Ideas?
Well, we do have a backdoor in her head installed, but we should lay off on the remoralizing until we find out if she likes PLAYING it or if she actually likes doing it. Also don't forget we need to train her aiming ability.
Could be! But some native ability is good too, especially since as our first recruit she would have a bit more time to develop her skills.
Hmm, good to build in I guess. We'll need time to build a stockpile of shinys while she goes practice her powers and generally avoid getting bored though.
Changed the emoticons a little for shits and giggles. Rory doesn't have an Inventory by the way, as she has Space mana, and Dimension magic also needs Time. Also, you've got a couple of teeny skill boosts from these last couple of updates (Stealth and Earth Knowledge).

Part 9

Rory stares at her now empty hand before pulling it back, gaze darting left to right. "What the hell was that!?"

You ease backwards, now more focused on her phone, and she starts with surprise as a sound rings out from it, pulling it out to glance at it - a 'text alert' noise, its coding calls it. Maaaan, human technology is so helpful for letting you know this stuff!
BFS said:
Welcome to the Better Future Society(BFS). My name is Eito (‐^▽^‐)ノ
What name would you like to be known as?

❂ Focus: Lightning type
Name? I get to pick a name on top of this? You bounce slightly as her fingers move hesitatingly over the keypad, still standing just outside the Log-Inn's doorway, not even bothering to move. Lightning type? What - I have super-powers now, or something? That's crazy. I'M crazy. No-one else saw that glowing thing. Did they?

She still types the name in, though.


That's it! Now you can move on to the rest of the things you picked up from that game. She'll be soooo happy! And she doesn't seem so surprised by the next text, either.
BFS said:
Hello, Wildstrike! (◠‿‿)っ
Your starting techniques are:
✖ Lightning Bolt: Lvl 1
✖ Burst of Motion: Lvl 1
You can improve these techniques with training and by completing missions!
Would you like to complete a mission?

The female - is it Rory or Wildstrike now? - certainly seems to be excited! You follow her from a distance, working through the slow but steady drain on your Tech and Mind. It wasn't hard to find a map 'app' on her phone, picking out a small scrapyard for her to train in (even if it took a while to get there, and you did have to turn away some security who would have dealt with her otherwise.

Despite how totally gross the place is, you steel yourself and make do with hiding some distance away, letting your mana recharge a little and using it as little as possible. Sending texts to nearby phones take only a negligible amount, thankfully.

She's there for two hours; using her transformation (she likes it! Yaya!), at first practicing her two techniques (the shriek she lets out when her first Lightning Bolt veers off track is hilarious! But, uh, at least her aim's improving?) and then accepting a training mission - a basic one, similar to one of the first few missions from the City of Supers coding.


Weirdly, she doesn't seem to thrilled at that, even though you've done a quick check around the scrapyard, and there seems to be a decent infestation of rats and mice (as well as some stray cats, but as 'cat' was one of your potential base forms, and you're kind of cat-ified anyway, you think it'd be a little mean to kill them).

You slink around behind her (sneaky-sneaky!), having fun pretending you're on an infiltration mission, while carefully directing her via texts to various rats, and giving their simple minds a nudge so they won't run from her.

You kind of want to chase them around a little. And maybe toss them in the air a few times. And bite their heads off.

But you won't! Eito is a good recruit! Rats are for your team to use, uh-huh!

Maybe she'll share...?

You watch as Rory seems sooooo unwilling to use Lightning Bolt on the rat. it's... kind of disappointing. She was okay with throwing Bolts at cans and stuff, right? But because the little things are quivering and squeak a little, she screws her face up and for a little while, you even worry she's going to decide she can't do it.

Eventually though, Ro- no, Wildstrike raises her hand and reluctantly hurls a Lightning Bolt at the rat, which gives a brief squeal before it's hit, and then - well, it can't squeal any more, can it?

She kills a couple more (one of them practically explodes, so gross!), before her mana drops to nothing, and you send her an encouraging text.
BFS said:
Congratulations on your first day of training! (っ◕‿◕)っ ♥
Soon you'll be fighting stronger opponents on Red-rated missions, so work hard!
[ ] Give her a reward for her training.
-[ ] (What reward?)
[ ] Head back to your super-cool lair!
-[ ] (And do what?)
[ ] Back out to the commercial buildings.
-[ ] (And do what?)
[ ] (Write-in.)
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[X] Back out to the commercial buildings.
-[X] Try to find Wildstrike something a tiny bit more challenging to fight then a rat. Also, try to improve our lair's interior, or at least clean it up somewhat, make it cozier.
Well, her response to killing even rats is reassuring on the behaviour front, and decidedly worrying on the fighting-vicious-invaders front...
Ginger Maniac said:
Well, her response to killing even rats is reassuring on the behaviour front, and decidedly worrying on the fighting-vicious-invaders front...
When you apply game missions to real life, you can really find out who the normal people are, and who the deranged animal-mutilating psychopaths are, huh?
Ginger Maniac said:
Well, her response to killing even rats is reassuring on the behaviour front, and decidedly worrying on the fighting-vicious-invaders front...
True, but I would like it if we could get her a tiny more vicious, or at least willing to attack.
Zen said:
When you apply game missions to real life, you can really find out who the normal people are, and who the deranged animal-mutilating psychopaths are, huh?
But they're rats, FFS. I mean, if it was a lower lifeform like bugs or lawyers, I would understand, but still....