Magic Roulette (Harry Potter/Type Moon)

[X] Formalcraft: an ancient system of thaumaturgy that compensates for lack of power and the weakness of the caster through the use of rituals, sacrifices, and magic circles -- generally favored by magi of weak bloodlines. Relies primarily on Mana and very little on odd. Knowledge is a strong requirement. Allows for the conversion of elements.
[X] Hermione Granger
[X] Draco Malfoy

Just because weak magi use it doesn't mean it's weak. It runs off knowledge.
Yeah, old man Xeno is an info broker, generally used by the Executor's and the Enforcer's so your an acquaintance of a couple of people such as Bazett.

If that's the case, and we have a rivalry with the Malfoys (with them as the rich Edelfelt equivalents and us as the poorer Tohsaka equivalents), then it'd be doubly interesting to be chummy with Draco, since neither of our families would like it. Plot points galore!

Also, oh man, if we have an in with Bazett, then runes look even better. The Fraga can do some cray-zay shit with that, and while family secrets are family secrets, it never hurts to be on the good side of the masters of a field.
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[X] Rune's: are a type of Magecraft originated in the old Scandinavia, symbols that once inscribed automatically realize mysteries accordingly with the meaning that they represent. Composed of only straight lines and possessing mechanics similar to the Magic Crest, their usage is unpopular within the Mage's Association.It is possible to affect a target with a Rune inscribed at distance, but the rate of success is low with the target that possesses Magic Circuit's due the effect of Resistance. In this case, the Rune must be inscribed directly onto the body. If used in combinations, it is possible to create Bounded Field's with them.
[X] Hermione Granger
[X] Draco Malfoy
[X] Rune's: are a type of Magecraft originated in the old Scandinavia, symbols that once inscribed automatically realize mysteries accordingly with the meaning that they represent. Composed of only straight lines and possessing mechanics similar to the Magic Crest, their usage is unpopular within the Mage's Association.It is possible to affect a target with a Rune inscribed at distance, but the rate of success is low with the target that possesses Magic Circuit's due the effect of Resistance. In this case, the Rune must be inscribed directly onto the body. If used in combinations, it is possible to create Bounded Field's with them.

[X] Hermione Granger
[X] Draco Malfoy
If that's the case, and we have a rivalry with the Malfoys (with them as the rich Edelfelt equivalents and us as the poorer Tohsaka equivalents), then it'd be doubly interesting to be chummy with Draco, since neither of our families would like it. Plot points galore!
Ah, isn't this a bad thing though? To magi their lineage comes first over any friends they make.
As you're element, aether is not good for much but empowering magecraft you tend to focus on...

Not quite true.

Subconcepts include unification and division, so it's good at combining multiple spells together, manipulating the spells of others (composition, dissolution, modification), attaching spell effects to items (conceptual weapons fall under this element), and subelements include Life and Holy, so it's also the healing element.

It's the metamagic element, letting us modify our non-elemental spells on the fly, the artificing element, great for anchoring effects long term, let's us do minor redirection or hacking of other's spells, and is good at healing.

What it doesn't do is open up new direct options - Fire mages can use their element to effect energy or heat, Water mages can control cycles and flows, but we can only toy with the magical effects our system can produce independent of Element (and, of course, the effects of others).

This makes us an invaluable assistant for any more involved or delicate magecraft (which Hermoine is likely to be doing in spades), and basically means everyone wants us to spend time helping them with their thing. Downside is that we're still just assisting - they still get first credit on the work, it's harder to make a reputation for ourselves, and the only way to work towards the Root ourselves is to get ludicrously good at our base magic system and set things up just right to get a conceptual connection with judicious use of metamagic.

Ah, isn't this a bad thing though? To magi their lineage comes first over any friends they make.

To magi progress to the Root comes first, which usually means ensuring that as much power and as many mysteries are passed on to the next generation as possible, since it's a multigenerational goal. If our families are professional rivals, they'll be unhappy, but as long as we help Draco make progress to the Root (easy enough for Aether Element), and as long as he opens doors for our research (easy enough for Family Scion), they'll grin and bear it.

Plus, if our mother really did die almost reaching the Root, you better believe the Malfoys will be considering marrying us off and getting that research and eliminating a rival in one fell swoop. Besides, the drama of unhappy families is rich plot material - oh, the assassination attempts, oh, the espionage. Think Soap Opera, and you get close to the labyrinthine politics of the CT.
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[X] Formalcraft: an ancient system of thaumaturgy that compensates for lack of power and the weakness of the caster through the use of rituals, sacrifices, and magic circles -- generally favored by magi of weak bloodlines. Relies primarily on Mana and very little on odd. Knowledge is a strong requirement. Allows for the conversion of elements.
[X] Hermione Granger
[X] Draco Malfoy

Aether is very potent with Formalcraft due to the ability to convert between elements. We can make spells and augment them with Formalcraft.
[X] Rune's: are a type of Magecraft originated in the old Scandinavia, symbols that once inscribed automatically realize mysteries accordingly with the meaning that they represent. Composed of only straight lines and possessing mechanics similar to the Magic Crest, their usage is unpopular within the Mage's Association.It is possible to affect a target with a Rune inscribed at distance, but the rate of success is low with the target that possesses Magic Circuit's due the effect of Resistance. In this case, the Rune must be inscribed directly onto the body. If used in combinations, it is possible to create Bounded Field's with them.
[X] Hermione Granger
[X] Harry Potter
Not quite true.

Subconcepts include unification and division, so it's good at combining multiple spells together, manipulating the spells of others (composition, dissolution, modification), attaching spell effects to items (conceptual weapons fall under this element), and subelements include Life and Holy, so it's also the healing element.

It's the metamagic element, letting us modify our non-elemental spells on the fly, the artificing element, great for anchoring effects long term, let's us do minor redirection or hacking of other's spells, and is good at healing.

What it doesn't do is open up new direct options - Fire mages can use their element to effect energy or heat, Water mages can control cycles and flows, but we can only toy with the magical effects our system can produce independent of Element (and, of course, the effects of others).

This makes us an invaluable assistant for any more involved or delicate magecraft (which Hermoine is likely to be doing in spades), and basically means everyone wants us to spend time helping them with their thing. Downside is that we're still just assisting - they still get first credit on the work, it's harder to make a reputation for ourselves, and the only way to work towards the Root ourselves is to get ludicrously good at our base magic system and set things up just right to get a conceptual connection with judicious use of metamagic.

To magi progress to the Root comes first, which usually means ensuring that as much power and as many mysteries are passed on to the next generation as possible, since it's a multigenerational goal. If our families are professional rivals, they'll be unhappy, but as long as we help Draco make progress to the Root (easy enough for Aether Element), and as long as he opens doors for our research (easy enough for Family Scion), they'll grin and bear it.

Plus, if our mother really did die almost reaching the Root, you better believe the Malfoys will be considering marrying us off and getting that research and eliminating a rival in one fell swoop. Besides, the drama of unhappy families is rich plot material - oh, the assassination attempts, oh, the espionage. Think Soap Opera, and you get close to the labyrinthine politics of the CT.
*Frowns* I could've sworn I put manipulating magecraft...fuck it I'll add it again.
Is this open to anyone? I've been lurking on this thread since Luna was picked. Also is a write-in vote allowed for what Magecraft to focus on?

[] Formalcraft while formidable, doesn't need to be mastered to learn useful tidbits.

[] Runes are very useful. The drawbacks of not being able to cast directly on mages that have active circuits can be gotten around so many ways I'd be surprised any forum goer didn't already have a plan.

[] Jewel crafting would be interesting to see if synthetic crystals grown from the shards produced from cast spells would count as jewels for storing energy.

[X] Write in It would be interesting to research Einzbern Magecraft with carbon nanotube mystic codes and familiars and Mystic Eye creation.

Also I agree with the idea behind befriending Draco, but it might work better with Neville Longbottom. Also agree with the reasons for befriending Hermione.

[X] Neville Longbottom
[X] Hermione Granger

Bazette would benefit more from our research of Runes than we would glean from her families knowledge. Who would Hermione have studied Magecraft from before Clocktower?
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[X] Formalcraft: an ancient system of thaumaturgy that compensates for lack of power and the weakness of the caster through the use of rituals, sacrifices, and magic circles -- generally favored by magi of weak bloodlines. Relies primarily on Mana and very little on odd. Knowledge is a strong requirement. Allows for the conversion of elements.

Because only things Runes are good for is battle and that is(or rather it should not be) our focus and we already have it covered anyway. We are researcher primarily, and picking option which has no room for growth is just silly.

[X] Hermione Granger

[X] Draco Malfoy
[X] Formalcraft: an ancient system of thaumaturgy that compensates for lack of power and the weakness of the caster through the use of rituals, sacrifices, and magic circles -- generally favored by magi of weak bloodlines. Relies primarily on Mana and very little on odd. Knowledge is a strong requirement. Allows for the conversion of elements.
[X] Hermione Granger
[X] Draco Malfoy
[X] Rune's: are a type of Magecraft originated in the old Scandinavia, symbols that once inscribed automatically realize mysteries accordingly with the meaning that they represent. Composed of only straight lines and possessing mechanics similar to the Magic Crest, their usage is unpopular within the Mage's Association.It is possible to affect a target with a Rune inscribed at distance, but the rate of success is low with the target that possesses Magic Circuit's due the effect of Resistance. In this case, the Rune must be inscribed directly onto the body. If used in combinations, it is possible to create Bounded Field's with them.
[X] Hermione Granger
[X] Draco Malfoy
[X] Formalcraft: an ancient system of thaumaturgy that compensates for lack of power and the weakness of the caster through the use of rituals, sacrifices, and magic circles -- generally favored by magi of weak bloodlines. Relies primarily on Mana and very little on odd. Knowledge is a strong requirement. Allows for the conversion of elements.

Jewelcraft has too much downsides, and I don't feel like having Luna Lovegood using runes, so it is formalcraft by default for me. The best option I think would have been the study of bounded fields. In the Potterverse, Luna Lovegood sought odd magical creatures, I thought it would have translated well into researching Phantasmal Beasts and the bounded fields they created in order to perpetuate their existence. To seek the Root by creating a suitable location to manifest and make the Root tangible.

[X] Hermione Granger
[X] Draco Malfoy

Balanced two friends, the bright no-name newcomer and the common heir of a prestigious family. Harry and Neville might be powerhouses in this verse, but I prefer those two.
Jewelcraft is ridiculously underrated magecraft in general.

From practical standpoint, it allows one to save effect of his spells for future uses. Lets say that you can throw ten fireballs per day. With Jewelcraft you can save ten fireballs per day and then use thousand when you actually need them. It allows you to accumulate power and be a hundred times as powerful when it matters.

From research standpoint Jewelcraft governs wide area of fields, from history and geology to transfer and storage of energy. Advance uses involve transferring energy through space and time, and finally through dimensions.

Compared to it, Runes make you a little stronger and give you no room to grow.

I still prefer Formalcraft myself, since we don't need to focus too hard on it, but Jewelcraft is good choice as well.

Unlike Runes. Really people, they suck ass. There is a reason why no one sane is doing them.
[X] Rune's: are a type of Magecraft originated in the old Scandinavia, symbols that once inscribed automatically realize mysteries accordingly with the meaning that they represent. Composed of only straight lines and possessing mechanics similar to the Magic Crest, their usage is unpopular within the Mage's Association.It is possible to affect a target with a Rune inscribed at distance, but the rate of success is low with the target that possesses Magic Circuit's due the effect of Resistance. In this case, the Rune must be inscribed directly onto the body. If used in combinations, it is possible to create Bounded Field's with them.
[X] Hermione Granger
[X] Draco Malfoy
Einzbern Magecraft is 1) Make Homunculi with bullshit magic capacity 2) Use Wishcraft to translate bulk amounts of mana into effects, efficiency is for people without unlimited power.

I don't quite understand; Are you saying that's all they do? Because I recall them using these...

'Her weapons are thin, long and flexible wires which she uses to either produce an instantaneous homunculus with alchemy that attacks the enemy while having the ability to transform itself into numerous shapes. She may also use her weapon to immobilize her target.'

'Using single strands of her hair, she can create high-performance bird familiars, called "Zelle" (German for "cell"), similar to the wire construct wielded by her mother. They are autonomous beings that defend her and pursue targets automatically, strong enough to defend against Rin's Gandr shots, fast enough to dodge them, and shown to be able to fire small blasts of magical energy capable of easily shooting through them. They each generate a considerable amount of magical energy, and Rin compares each to a "miniature magus." She can easily create up to four without any issue, and she can change their shape into swords, called "Degen" (German for Épée), for greater attack power.[13]'

I mean study the above, so that we can be more like the following!

'Etherlite is a Mystic Code of the Eltnam family. It is an artificial nervous system constructed of ether and a nano-scale filament a micron thick with a maximum range of five kilometers, connected to her through a bracelet. Sion uses it like a whip to slice and entrap opponents during battle, but its true use is in attaching to the opponent's skin to integrate with their central nervous system and read their thoughts and memories. It was originally intended as a substitute nervous system for use by surgeons, so it can substitute destroyed nerves.'
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What I'm seeing in the comments is that people want to research a way to reach root, and I can understand that desire.

But what no one seems to realize is that getting near Root while a clocktower Magus is like having the winning lottery ticket while staying in a homeless shelter.

Every Old Fogey in the place is going to want to make that path to Root their discovery and will be willing to do just about anything to make that happen.

And most of you are counting on Draco Malfoy of all people to value our friendship more than Fame and Glory!

Draco can do a lot for us, but Draco truly does not Need our friendship. Especially when we are only using him.

Neville can open the same doors for us if we are just willing to put in a little work first. There is probably nothing he would not do for the person he owes his manhood!

And if we want to befriend Draco later that's nothing a little socializing can't do, and he'd probably be a better buddy when we're not just using him to get places.
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Ehh. Luna's not in a good position to reach for the Root personally - at least for the moment. It's not impossible, but just doing some research and quietly adding to our crest seems like it's far more likely on the academic front. If we actually find something that looks like a workable plan of action, we go back to Devon and ritually inscribe thousands of runes onto our bones or whatever in peace, but that would be true even if we were friends with the Longbottoms or Potters.
The effects are fixed. You have only as many as the runic alphabet, and then combined runes to create derivative effects of the base runes.

That's not useful for innovating anything since any given combination of runes always do the same thing

Yeah! Just how like the English alphabet, with only 26 letters, each combination of which has a specific meaning, means there's only a fixed number of things you can write!

Oh wait.

24 runes of Elder Futhark, each of which has 3 or 4 symbolic connotations, doubled because there's a normal and a merkstave orientation, means there's just under three million three rune combinations. And when you're doing involved spellwork, instead of rushing in combat, you better believe that more than three runes will be used.

E: I won't claim that Runes are some flawless perfect system that the Clocktower only doesn't use because they're not cool enough to handle them. Ironically, one of their issues is that they're imprecise- a given combination of runes doesn't always have the same effect, depending on what meanings you're triggering.

Uruz-Isa-Mannaz could be basic Reinforcement (Physical Strength/Barrier/The Self), or it could be a spell reversal (Shaping of Power/Disruption/Social Targeting), or it could be a divination (Unexpected Changes/Seek Clarity/Intelligence). Unlike formalcraft, what you see is not what you get, and whenever you cast, you need to be very careful what aspects of each rune you want to emphasize if you don't want your spells to suddenly fail in strange and unusual ways.
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