Magic Roulette (Harry Potter/Type Moon)

Imaginary Number overlaps with the concept of Demons. Look up Natsuverse human made demons.
*grumbles annoyed* It could exist it just won't be named that. I never said it wouldn't exist, jesus christ leave me the fuck alone with the crumple horn whatever.

Edit: I hate repeating myself to the same person more than twice...which I just did *rubs temples annoyed* especially when it comes to complete bullshit.
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Element Rundown

Water, Earth, Air:
+ Common elements, lots of available instruction, low scrutiny
- No spectacular synergies, kind of dull.

Wood, Metal
+ Relativly common elements.
- Common in Asia, potential lack of instruction in England.

+ Common element, lots of available instruction
+ Synergy with Mystic Eyes of Flame, aligned element and origin?
• Pyromania isn't for everyone.

Ether: (aka Grain, I think?)
+ Building block of all magic, esoteric effects.
- Difficult to use directly, needs other elements to produce direct effects.
• Separation, unification, generation of spiritual bodies.

+ Directly opposed to Ether, the "anti-magic" element.
+ Does immense damage to life forms more closely associated with their mother planet, super effective vs. TYPES.
- Similarly to Ether, difficult to produce direct effects.
- Having the anti-magic element will make conventional magecraft difficult or impossible.
- High scrutiny from the Association if found out.

+ Esoteric effects.
+ Synergy with clairvoyance and retrocognition.
- Few direct effects.
• Materializations of wishes, possession, human demonization, spiritual mediums.

Hollow: (aka Imaginary Numbers)
+ Esoteric effects, the "anti-spirit" element.
- Barring unusual circumstances, not effective against corporeal beings.

The interesting selections, to me, are:

Cleansing Flames:
[] A blinding light almost like the sun.
[] Fire
[] Always enjoyed sitting by the fireplace in the winter.

Simple. She is fire, her spirit burns bright, all before her turn to ash.

Magic Flavored Magic:
[] Falling into an infinite abyss.
[] Aether
[] You often seen things from odd perspectives.

If a power like Aether is taken, it makes sense to have a magic based offensive option to go with it, since Aether is good at empowering magic but bad at direct assault. Eyes of Flame would also work, but if you're burning things, might as well take Element: Fire and go all out.

The Death of Magic:
[] Falling into an infinite abyss.
[] Nether
[] Always had a sense of what's going on.

This build is highly specced for anti-magic, anti-Dead Apostles. Much like Shirou or Shiki, it's mediocre or even deleterious in general, but faced with the right circumstance, hilariously OP. Since Nether doesn't play well with other effects, enchanted mundane weapons will probably the main method of attack, and precognition is absurd when combined with guns.

The Clamor of Spirits:
[] An odd screeching sound of metal on metal.
[] Demons
[] Always seen some odd things...

Probably the closest to canon!Luna, what with seeing invisible beings everywhere and having, frankly, weird magecraft.

[X] A blinding light almost like the sun.
[X] Fire
[X] Always enjoyed sitting by the fireplace in the winter.

Didn't know the trigger mattered at all.
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[X] Falling into an infinite abyss.
[X] You often seen things from odd perspectives.
[X] Aether

Vote Changed since fire isn't winning.
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Fire is not winning so switching to this.

[X] Falling into an infinite abyss.
[X] Aether
[X] You often seen things from odd perspectives.
Vote Tally

Vote Tally : Magic Roulette (Harry Potter/Type Moon) | Page 2 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.15
[X] Falling into an infinite abyss.
No. of Votes: 16
[X] Aether.
No. of Votes: 11
[X] You often seen things from odd perspectives.
No. of Votes: 11
[X] Fire
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Always enjoyed sitting by the fireplace in the winter. Mystic Eye's of Flame
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Always seen some odd things.
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Always had a sense of what's going on.
No. of Votes: 2
[X] A blinding light almost like the sun.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] You often seen things from odd perspectives. Mystic Eye's of Distortion
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Earth
No. of Votes: 1
[X] An odd screeching like metal on metal.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Always enjoyed sitting by the fireplace in the winter.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Grain
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Imaginary Numbers
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Nether
No. of Votes: 1
[x] An odd screeching sound of metal on metal.
No. of Votes: 1
[x] Demons
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 20
[X] Falling into an infinite abyss.
[X] You often seen things from odd perspectives.
[X] Aether
Updating now. Sincerest apologies for the large delay due to me binge playing MGS 5 Phantom Pain. As well as Destiny House of Wolves DLC in preparation for the Taken King DLC.
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Your Magic?
You are Luna Lovegood and you are 19 years of age. Most people call you 'Looney', though not to be mean spirited. You kinda earned the nickname with your random thought patterns that you had a bad habit of speaking aloud. Combined with your daydreaming it culminated into your nickname.

You have lived in Devon, England for most of your life. However you are now heading to London for the Clock Tower, the main branch of the Mage's Association to study there and improve your magecraft.

As you're element, Aether is not good for much but empowering, manipulating, and modifying magecraft you tend to focus on...

[] Formalcraft: an ancient system of thaumaturgy that compensates for lack of power and the weakness of the caster through the use of rituals, sacrifices, and magic circles -- generally favored by magi of weak bloodlines. Relies primarily on Mana and very little on odd. Knowledge is a strong requirement. Allows for the conversion of elements.

[] Rune's: are a type of Magecraft originated in the old Scandinavia, symbols that once inscribed automatically realize mysteries accordingly with the meaning that they represent. Composed of only straight lines and possessing mechanics similar to the Magic Crest, their usage is unpopular within the Mage's Association.It is possible to affect a target with a Rune inscribed at distance, but the rate of success is low with the target that possesses Magic Circuit's due the effect of Resistance. In this case, the Rune must be inscribed directly onto the body. If used in combinations, it is possible to create Bounded Field's with them.

[] Jewelcraft: is the type of thaumaturgy involving transferring magical energy into jewels to use as limited use Mystic Codes. Compared to other mediums, the most compatible storage space for the Tohsaka family is jewels. It is said that they are able to act as "prisons that stop flow", easily accumulating and storing the thoughts of their owners. Among the jewels of the world, there are those that have spent years under the ground having contact with the spirits of nature and have been stained with their power, allowing them to act as a simplified type of Magic Crest when filled with energy. The downside of the storage medium is that they break upon the release of the energy, so they must be replaced with each use. They can be very costly, requiring either a great, wealthy house like the Edelfelt family or to constantly be on the verge of running out of resources like the Tohsaka family. Once Magical Energy is embedded into a jewel, it will be tinted by the mystical properties of the stone, and the magus can then use that power whenever and in whatever way they find necessary. A specific example would be the topaz, which has properties that makes it optimal for anti-spirits tasks. Within a few limits, is possible to modify the properties of a jewel so it can be used for different purposes, but as a consequence its efficiency will not be optimal.

By releasing all the energy of the jewel at once, it will produce the effect that is most tuned for at maximum power, but at the expenses of burning out the jewel to ashes. Depending of the amount of Magical Energy stored inside the jewel, it is possible to cast a High Thaumaturgy-level spell instantly. The same rules apply if the magus decides to use the jewel as a single use explosive. It is possible to preserve the jewel by simply removing the power stored from inside of it and use that to strengthen a spell cast by normal means, but the overall effect will be decreased.

You hum happily as you get out of your car, a rather old Mercedes, a gift from your father, and head into the Clock Tower, your luggage in tow. As you enter you see your two friends...

Pick Two

[] Hermione Granger

[] Draco Malfoy

[] Harry Potter

[] Neville Longbottom.

You run to them, as quickly as you can with your rather hefty luggage.
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[X] Rune's: are a type of Magecraft originated in the old Scandinavia, symbols that once inscribed automatically realize mysteries accordingly with the meaning that they represent. Composed of only straight lines and possessing mechanics similar to the Magic Crest, their usage is unpopular within the Mage's Association.It is possible to affect a target with a Rune inscribed at distance, but the rate of success is low with the target that possesses Magic Circuit's due the effect of Resistance. In this case, the Rune must be inscribed directly onto the body. If used in combinations, it is possible to create Bounded Field's with them.
[X] Hermione Granger
[X] Draco Malfoy
[X] Rune's: are a type of Magecraft originated in the old Scandinavia, symbols that once inscribed automatically realize mysteries accordingly with the meaning that they represent. Composed of only straight lines and possessing mechanics similar to the Magic Crest, their usage is unpopular within the Mage's Association.It is possible to affect a target with a Rune inscribed at distance, but the rate of success is low with the target that possesses Magic Circuit's due the effect of Resistance. In this case, the Rune must be inscribed directly onto the body. If used in combinations, it is possible to create Bounded Field's with them.

[X] Neville Longbottom.
[X] Draco Malfoy
[X] Formalcraft: an ancient system of thaumaturgy that compensates for lack of power and the weakness of the caster through the use of rituals, sacrifices, and magic circles -- generally favored by magi of weak bloodlines. Relies primarily on Mana and very little on odd. Knowledge is a strong requirement. Allows for the conversion of elements.
[X] Harry Potter
[X] Neville Longbottom.
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[x] Runes

Lovegood is a long running line - even if we're not an absurd prodigy like Rin, we have enough od that we don't need to scrape by on mana with Formalcraft.

And jewelcraft is almost entirely focused on storing energy for later use. Great if you're an Average One and want to pump years worth of mana into a thermonuclear fireball, much less impressive with the Aether element.

Runes give fast results in a variety of elemental flavors, and can be boosted with an Aether infusion easily. Plus, nobody studies runes because they're incredibly fucking difficult, so Loony Lovegood can beat her own trail in the Clock Tower, as is only appropriate.

[x] Hermione Granger

Absurdly talented first generation magus? Yes please. If we give her a helping hand, we can get partial credit for pushing for her research to get grants, and she'll probably be grateful for having one of the longer running families not toss her ideas into the trash.

[x] Draco Malfoy

It's all about politics in the Clock Tower. Malfoy may be an unspectacular example of his lineage, but he's got the prestige, the funding, and the Family Crest. Having an in with him is all to the good.
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[x] Runes

Lovegood is a long running line - even if we're not an absurd prodigy like Rin, we have enough od that we don't need to scape by on mana with Formalcraft.

And jewelcraft is almost entirely focused on storing energy for later use. Great if you're an Average One and want to pump years worth of mana into a thermonuclear fireball, much less impressive with the Aether element.

Runes give fast results in a variety of elemental flavors, and can be boosted with an Aether infusion easily. Plus, nobody studies runes because they're incredibly fucking difficult, so Loony Lovegood can beat her own trail in the Clock Tower, as is only appropriate.

[x] Hermione Granger

Absurdly talented first generation magus? Yes please. If we give her a helping hand, we can get partial credit for pushing for her research to get grants, and she'll probably be grateful for having one of the longer running families not toss her ideas into the trash.

[x] Draco Malfoy

It's all about politics in the Clock Tower. Malfoy may be an unspectacular example of his lineage, but he's got the prestige, the funding, and the Family Crest. Having an in with him is all to the good. actually got both of them spot on. Harry isn't the chosen one as Voldemort...well...I'll save that for later, but Harry's parent's are still dead, and so are Neville's. Harry is an Average One with a lot of talent though he tends to stick in the background, while Neville is from a long lineage and considered a failure that doesn't possess that much his family's magecraft. Unfortunately for the Longbottom's he's still got the Family Crest as he doesn't have any siblings.
[X] Rune's: are a type of Magecraft originated in the old Scandinavia, symbols that once inscribed automatically realize mysteries accordingly with the meaning that they represent. Composed of only straight lines and possessing mechanics similar to the Magic Crest, their usage is unpopular within the Mage's Association.It is possible to affect a target with a Rune inscribed at distance, but the rate of success is low with the target that possesses Magic Circuit's due the effect of Resistance. In this case, the Rune must be inscribed directly onto the body. If used in combinations, it is possible to create Bounded Field's with them.
[X] Hermione Granger
[X] Draco Malfoy
By the way, @Dead-Not, what's the Lovegood's deal? If you Nasufy running a tabloid newspaper, that's what, an information network? One of the families that people go to for their blackmail material, or to hear about any rumors about what's going on on the Isle, along with the Malfoys? (Who ran the Daily Prophet in the HP!verse.)
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By the way, @Dead-Not, what's the Lovegood's deal? If you Nasufy running a tabloid newspaper, that's what, an information network? One of the families that people go to for their blackmail material, or to hear about any rumors about what's going on on the Isle, along with the Malfoys? (Who ran the Daily Prophet in the HP!verse.)
Yeah, old man Xeno is an info broker, generally used by the Executor's and the Enforcer's so your an acquaintance of a couple of people such as Bazett.
[X] Rune's: are a type of Magecraft originated in the old Scandinavia, symbols that once inscribed automatically realize mysteries accordingly with the meaning that they represent. Composed of only straight lines and possessing mechanics similar to the Magic Crest, their usage is unpopular within the Mage's Association.It is possible to affect a target with a Rune inscribed at distance, but the rate of success is low with the target that possesses Magic Circuit's due the effect of Resistance. In this case, the Rune must be inscribed directly onto the body. If used in combinations, it is possible to create Bounded Field's with them.
[X] Hermione Granger
[X] Harry Potter