Magia Resurrection (PMMM Quest)
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The story of one has become a story of two. Memories coalesce from different worlds, bleeding together into a single canvas. Only by forging bonds can fate be overturned and salvation be attained.
Prologue - 1

Shinobu Oshino

Kiss-shot Acerola-orion Heart-under-blade
Unseen Horizon

You glow as a dim light against the darkness. You don't know where you are, how you got here, but you simply exist. An abyss stretches far beyond what you can define as your 'sight'. You float aimlessly in the dark. Up, down, left, and right -- in any and all directions is nothing. No light, no hope, only darkness -- yet you venture forth. You were nothing but a single flicker of hope castaway into the abyss. Doomed to be shrouded in blackness for all time -- yet you persist. There is no home to return to, yet you will continue.

How long has it been since you began your journey? A day? A week? Did time have meaning for you? No, you didn't exist. You weren't born yet. No worries, but no joy. No tears, but no laughter. No death, but no life. To simply exist and not to live.

You would cry if you could. You would despair if able, yet you persist.


A sound echoes through the darkness. The sound held no meaning on its own. It was noise, but something else existed. On this long, arduous journey -- there was proof. Proof that something else existed.

"She's grabbing your finger. Look at that."

You drift closer to the noise. Your pace picks up. Where was it coming from? There was nothing to guide you. No path to follow. Then, almost as if to answer your prayer, there was another light. One just as small, just as dim. Slowly, but surely, you drift toward one another. The gap closes and, in the midst of the union…

The two of you are born.

But what was your earliest memory? The warmth of your mother's touch? Was it the crying of an infant? Or perhaps the first time you had opened your eyes? No, surely not. You were too small, too little to understand. You had just earned your existence. You had no name. Nothing had changed beyond your form. Yet, there was another. Not you, but another you.

Someone tiny, so very tiny, with squinting eyes red with tears. The other you cries, which means you cry.

These are memories you don't remember, these are memories you don't cherish. No one could nor would. For you, it was the moment of your existence -- but for your parents, it would change their lives forever.

"Do you have a name, honey?"

"Wah. Well, for one, yes, but two? … No."
Your mother sighs. "Okay, so… Madoka." She beqeaths the other 'you' a name "And for you… "

This memory will be consigned to oblivion, but, if only for a moment, you hear her say...

[_] Nodoka
[_] Momoko
[_] Mirai
[_] Write-in
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Prologue - 2
"Momoka. Like a peach." Your mother says with a radiant smile. "What do you think, Madoka?" She says, taking the other 'you' from your father. The gesture does little to stop the tears.

Momoka. It wasn't just a name, but it was the sanctification of your very existence. No longer cursed to wander the aimless abyss. You were no longer alone.

"Hey, look. Look at your sister! Look!" As Madoka is brought closer, your tears slowly come to a stop. Curiosity slowly supersedes your desire to cry. You poke, prod, and push at the newly christened 'Madoka' with your hands. When your hand touches hers, she slowly opens her eyes. Her cries slowly but surely cease. Her puffy, red cheeks part into a smile. Then, she laughs as you continue poking around.

"Oh, look at that! Your mother exclaims. "Get a picture!"

Your father quickly grabs a box thing from his side and touches the top. But, almost as if on cue, almost as if no cue, you pull your hand back.

"Oh," your mother pales, then breaks into a laugh. "They're already being difficult."

"Ah, dear. Look at Momoka's eyes."
You look up as your mother places her hand on your stomach.

"Are those brown or gold?" Your father leans in. "Let's ask the doctor when he comes in."

A man in a white coat ventures into the room. The two of you were 'healthy', just the right 'weight', and the eye color was nothing to worry about. Apparently, you were a miracle within a miracle. While strange, the differing eye color was nothing your parents needed to be concerned about. In their mind, it made it that much easier to distinguish between the two of you.

After you left the white room, it was then that time flew by in the blink of an eye. The memories of this moment fade, but you quickly create new, precious memories to replace them. From the moment you arrived in this world, it was an adventure. The places around you shift and change. From white room to a big house. A house you would eventually come to call 'home'. A large majority of your time at home was spent crying, eating, and sleeping.

A day passes. A week. A month. Six. A year. You and Madoka slowly grew. You learn to make 'noises' called words. Well, it's what your parents wanted to say when they bragged about you to their friends. "They're already walking and talking!" They say, parading you and your sister around the room as if you were a prize. Then the moment they set you to the ground, you plummet face first into the floor.

"Waaaah!" You cry. The moment you cry, Madoka joins in.

"Ahh… well, whoops. I guess it's bedtime!" She says, embracing you and patting you on the back. After handing you to your father, she rushes her coworkers out the door.

Another year flew by. In one year's time, you began forming what could be called a 'thought' with words. It was mostly limited to food, going to the bathroom, or sleeping. The necessities for someone your age to communicate.

One evening, you sat at the table in your father's lap with Madoka in your mother's. Even after one helping, you want more. "Food!" You yell, tears welling up in your eyes. Madoka stares at you for a moment, before giggling.

"Food!" She echoes.

"Ah, Madoka, no, you just ate!" Your mom looks across the table. "Dear, stop her."

"Well, she is asking." He smiles. "Another helping couldn't hurt, could it?"

"They're two years old, and you're already going to spoil her?"

Another year passes. Three years. Four. Five.

During these four years, you grew closer with your sister. The two of you could hold conversations with each other, however small they might've been. The two of you were completely inseparable. Anytime one or the other was out of the room, one of you would cry. It made separating you in stores an absolute nightmare. You would always hold each other's hands. Though, even then …

[_] … you were the brave one, always leading her this way and that.
[_] … just as shy and scared as she was, but you put up a brave front.
[_] … you were the first to run at the sight of trouble, dragging your sister along with you.

The year continues on and, before you know it, you were seven years old. Before you know it, your birthday eventually comes. You and your sister's come over for a party. It was held at your house, with your father baking all kinds of treats. Your mother had even taken the day off from work to be there!

There were presents stacked to one corner of the room. The house came alive with the sound of children chattering, running, and playing. You, your sister and your friends were jumping on the bed. After your mother caught you, though, you had to come downstairs for cake. You and your sister thought there would be a punishment of some kind. But, if you were going to be rewarded with cake for misbehaving, perhaps you should do it more often?

The cake is cut up with you and Madoka getting the largest slice! One of your friends, a girl named Sayaka, eyes the pieces you two have. Her mouth is practically drooling. She says nothing, knowing it's your special day. Madoka gives a piece of her cake to Sayaka. Seeing that, you …

[_] …follow up on the gesture, giving Sayaka a piece of yours too.
[_] …keep your own. She is more your sister's friend than yours.
[_] …split your cake with Madoka and Sayaka. You didn't really need it.

After eating cake and singing happy birthday, you open your presents. The kids crowd around, voicing their excitement and envy. You're regaled with stuffed animals and clothes. One present, in particular, was larger than the rest. Your father had just brought it in from outside. A cage? No, it wasn't a cage. It was a bird. A myna bird, to be precise. "Mama!" Madoka nearly jumps out of her skin. "You got him for me?!" Her eyes were shining.

"Remember, you have to take care of him, okay?" She winks. "You too, Momo."

You nod. It wasn't really your request - it was something that Madoka wanted more than anything. "Do you have a name for him?"

"Hmm… not yet, but I'll think of one!" Madoka nods emphatically.

Though, regretfully, the exciting day eventually came to an end. The sun goes down. You say good-bye to your school friends. Madoka falls asleep after feeding her new pet bird. Your mother braves the staircase, holding Madoka in one arm and your hand in the other. You stifle a yawn, struggling to remain conscious yourself.

"Good night, Madoka." Your mom gives Madoka a peck on the forehead as she covers her up. "Good night, Momo." A kiss lands on your forehead, despite your failed attempt at ducking under the blankets. A moment later, the light from the hallway slowly dims until the door clasps shut. You're left in the dark until the nightlight springs to life, its soft hue illuminating the room.

"Momo…" Madoka mumbles in her sleep, reaching out her hand.

You take her hand into yours. As you look at her face, you can't help but smile. Eventually, fatigue takes over.

After three more years, another surprise graces your doorstep.

"Girls!" Your father calls out from downstairs. "Come down here, we have a surprise!"

You and Madoka sprint out of your room. Scrambling down the steps in an impromptu race. There was no prize, but you ran regardless. You scramble forward, but the slippery floor has you running in place. "Sorry, Momo!" Madoka leaps over you in a long jump.

"Hey, that's cheating!" You slip and meet the ground face first. "Ow."

"Mama! Papa!" She stops at the front door at a dime.

"Madoka." Your mother gives a weak smile, handing a wrapped cloth to Madoka. "Meet Takkun."

"Aaahhh!" She smiles bright, turning toward you. "Momo, look! Look! We have a brother!"

You nurse the growing bump on your forehead. "He's so tiny!" You reach a hand out toward him. "Mama, were we this small?"

"No. You were heavier."

"Hey." You narrow your eyes. "Madoka was probably heavier."

"W-we're twins, though." She gives a nervous chuckle.

"Right." That fact escaped you for just a moment.

The family just got bigger. It was exciting. Ever since Madoka's bird passed away earlier this year, she still hasn't been herself. You felt it too. So it was nice to see her happy again. You embrace her and your brother.

October comes and goes. You were eleven. Another year, you were twelve. Thirteen. Life was passing you by in the blink of an eye. You were at the point where you and Madoka were babysitting Takkun when your parents went out. Madoka was stern when she wanted to be, but your approach was a little more varied. You…

[_] … prioritized fun, making sure that Takkun was having a good time, making sure he didn't cry.
[_] … played hard and fast, making sure that your kid brother always followed the rules.
[_] … left mostly everything to Madoka, pitching in when she needed help.
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Prologue - 3
Takkun was a child. As he grew older, there would be time for lessons and discipline. Now it was time for fun. If Madoka was too busy playing the responsible sister, you would sneak your brother treats. You made sure not to overdo it, lest you spoil him. It was a hard line to walk, considering his pudgy face and bright smile. His giggle each and every time you made a face or lifted him up. Just thinking about it was enough to make you grin. Takkun's frequent and varied assault on your integrity as an elder sister was hard to withstand. Madoka was definitely made of sterner stuff than you when it came to being a caretaker.

Takkun steadily grew over the next year. You hear his first words, you see his first steps. It was something hard to describe. It wasn't simply lacking the words for it. No word in the dictionary could really encapsulate what you felt. Pride? Yeah, pride was the closest thing to even approximating the feeling. Proud to witness such milestones, proud to be part of the family. It came with a sense of purpose. Something you didn't want to lose.

The months pass by in the blink of an eye. Your summer vacation had come and gone with the fall semester creeping closely after it. School had become routine, even if it was your first year in Mitakihara Middle. Aside from the strange architecture, it was easy enough to get around. The classes themselves were enough of a slog to get through, but you studied. It was more for your sister's sake than your own. You had always put her first, even if you didn't have much of a clue what you were doing. It's been like that ever since you were kids.

Be it if she needs help in academics, or if she's too afraid to go somewhere by herself -- you take her hand and lead the way. Be it through a dark alleyway, helping her navigate a difficult time in her life, or even as something as minor as school work. You had to be there for her.
During your time in class, you spent most of it with Madoka. Never really paying anyone any mind except your sister. People, of course, were enamored with the fact you were twins.

"Oh, that's so cool! Do you guys do everything together?" They would ask. "Do you sleep together? Bathe together?" You and Madoka answer the questions to the best of your ability. It was annoying, but not altogether unpleasant. Sayaka would often get frustrated and speak up on the behalf of you two. Madoka didn't see it as a problem, but it definitely annoyed you.

Classes come and go, tests written and graded. Before you knew it, the fall of the year had come again and, with it, your 14th birthday. The annual celebration of your birth. Ever since you were kids, and every birthday after, the celebrations had become smaller and smaller. Your group of friends is more focused, less haphazard and chaotic. Shared interests become more complex than simply just attending the same school. People naturally drift away, but not Sayaka. She was with you two every step of the way from elementary school to the present. More Madoka's friend than yours, but she was someone you could depend on.

You never had anyone you could call a friend. Not one of your own. You stood by your sister every step of the way, supporting her to the best of your ability. Some days it felt as though you weren't doing enough. The thoughts would leave, but they would return just as swiftly. Were you running away from something? From your own life? They were thoughts too complicated for you to make sense of. You ignore it. Yet, the creeping dread sits there, lying in wait.

September 25th, 20XX - Present Day

"Momo! Don't feed him that!" Madoka says, pointing an accusatory spatula at you. "Mama said he can't have chocolate." She walks over, a stained apron loosely tied to her waist.

"Does he look like a dog to you, Sis?"

"No means no." She stomps over, holding a hand out."It'll spoil his lunch."

"Alright, Mom." You drop it into her palm.

"Thank you."

"When are Mama and Papa getting home anyway?"

"I don't know." Madoka walks back over to the stove. A pan sizzles with the scent of egg filling the air. "Mama said she would be out for a while."

Even at her age, she was cooking. It was nothing more complicated than grilled cheese or an egg, but it was still remarkable. It was a talent your mother had pushed you to nurture, in the hopes of being a homemaker as an adult. The thought alone was enough to dissuade you from attempting. Boys were icky. Madoka, however, didn't share the same sentiment. Not in regards to being a 'homemaker' or 'boys', but in simply nurturing the skill.

"Ahhhh!" Takkun bellows as he grasps your fingers. You smile back, before looking over at Madoka. She attempts to flip the egg but it crashes down into the pan with a plop.


"What's wrong?" You ask.
"The yolk broke again…"

She was trying. Each failure pulled more resolve from her than the last. It was admirable. It was a trait that you felt lacking in yourself. She cracks another egg, places it in the pan. Another failure. Afterward, she ends up with a strange looking omelet more than an egg. "Here you go, Takkun! Say 'ahh'!"

"Aahhhh!" Takkun devours the small piece held on the fork.
"There you go!" Madoka laughs.

"You're a natural." You rest your chin on your hand.

"Eh?" Madoka blinks, cutting another piece off the omelet. "No, I'm not. I keep messing up."

"You busted an egg in a pan." You lean back in the chair. "I nearly caught the house on fire."

"W-well, you forgot to turn off the burner when you were done." Madoka smiles nervously, feeding another tiny slice.

"Yeah, exactly."

Your father didn't let you hear the end of that one. It was one of the first times you've genuinely seen him mad. You were basically barred from cooking anything without supervision. Madoka was pulled into the conversation, but she was spared your father's ire. It was just a warning, of course. No punishment and no cake.

"Are Mama and Papa going to be out all day?"

"I dunno."

"Mahoka! Egg! Egg!" Takkun reaches out, smearing some of the yellow yolk onto Madoka's face.

You stifle a laugh.

"That's not nice, Takkun." She grabs a towel from the table, wiping his chin.

"Ah, you learned another word, Takkun?" You smile wide.

"Moomoo!" He points at you. "Moomoo!"

"Call me big sister!" You stand up, leaning in close to Takkun. "Big sister."

Takkun grabs your cheeks. "Moomoo! You're Moomoo"

"Well, no arguing that." Your brother made a very compelling point. "I guess I'm Moomoo."

Madoka laughs before recomposing herself. "Takkun, here, finish your lunch."

Tap. Tap. Tap.

A knock on glass. You turn to see Sayaka standing in your frontyard. She points to the front door, brandishing a bag in her other hand. You get up from your seat and walk to the front door. You open it. "No solicitors."

"You're funny, Momo." A hand rests on her waist. "What are you guys doin'?"

"Babysitting Takkun."

"So, Madoka's babysitting and you're just hanging around."

"Something like that."
"Well… you going to let me in?"

You pull your head away from the door, look back at Sayaka, then pull back. "I'm considering it."

"Open up, idiot." Sayaka begins pressing on the door.

You start pressing back. "Ah, you know what, I think that I--"

"You know what? I think I hear Madoka calling me--"

"I got cake! Let me in!"

"Cake will spoil Takkun's appetite!"

"Since when did you care about that?"

"Momo?" Madoka yells from the kitchen. "Where's Sayaka?"

"Right here." You relent, letting the door open. "She's just standing outside for some reason though."

"Outside my butt!" Sayaka grasps your head and firmly locks it under her arm. Her knuckles dig into your scalp. It did not hurt, but it was most definitely uncomfortable. There was no fighting back. You were completely helpless.

"Ah! Ah! Okay, I give! I give!" You protest, trying to protect your head to no avail. You were no match for her strength.

"That's what I thought." Sayaka sighs, walking into the kitchen and setting down the box on the table. "Hey Madoka! So, how's little Takkun doing?" Sayaka shifts gears, grinning ear to ear as she bends down to get eye level with your brother.

You massage your scalp, taking your seat at the edge of the table.

"Sorry, Sayaka, I'm just finishing up with Takkun." Madoka asks as she grabs the empty plate.

"That's fine, take your time. I'm not in a rush."

"So what's in the box?" You just ask.

"I told you, it's cake." Sayaka sits down next to Madoka. "Think of it as a pre-birthday cake."

"For Madoka?"

"For both of you." Sayaka narrows her eyes. "Unless your birthday is on a different day then, in that case, I guess you don't really get any."

"Well, that's a shame." You lean forward. "I suppose I'll just have to wait."

"You can have some." Sayaka grins. "I'm just teasing."

"Yeah, I know."

Madoka returns and grabs Takkun. "I'm going to put Takkun to bed. I'll be back in a second."

"Do you need help?" You call out as Madoka walks over to the crib on the other side of the room.

"No, I'm fine. Just be quiet, okay?" She asks.

"Alright." You nod.

"So, what's wrong, Momo?" Sayaka asks, speaking in a low whisper.

"What do you mean what's wrong?"

"You don't seem like yourself. Is something up?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because we're friends."

"Friends?" You never thought of her that way. An acquaintance, yes, but a friend? That's news to you. "Oh."

"So, what's up?"

Madoka walks back over and hoists the used apron over the stove. She sits down next to you. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Your sister's got a problem." Sayaka points a thumb at you.

"Yeah, and her name is Sayaka Miki."

"That stings. It really does." She stares at you, then back at Madoka. "Anyway, your sister."

"Momo?" A look of concern from Madoka. Guilt began to riddle your conscience. You could choose not to talk, but then how would that make Madoka feel? Sayaka was playing dirty. But, it didn't hurt to talk openly about these sorts of things. So you …

[_] … begin talking about your concern for Sayaka's declining grades and offer to tutor her.
[_] … start talking about how you feel lonely, but not, and wondering what a solution could be.
[_] … say it's nothing really concerning. It's just your general disposition as of late.
[_] Custom
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Prologue - 4
It was a hard subject to breach. You fidget in your seat, hoping for some opportunity to escape the conversation. Faking a bathroom break was the first to come to mind. With a bit more effort, it might be possible, but lying to your sister wasn't something you wanted to consider. You curse Sayaka with narrowed eyes before sitting your head on the table. "I haven't been feeling great. It's like I feel lonely, but I'm not? I dunno, I probably sound stupid."

"It's not stupid at all, Momo." Madoka places her hand on yours.

"Madoka's right. Don't beat yourself up about feeling bad." Sayaka leans back in her chair, stretching her arms. "It happens to everyone."

"So, what do you do about it?"

"Hard question to answer." Sayaka sighs, resting her chin in her hand. "I mostly just try and do other stuff til it goes away. Like listening to music, going for a walk. That kind of thing."

Sayaka's advice wasn't bad on a practical level. Occupying the mind with another task seems rudimentary. For you, the act of trying to distract yourself made the initial thought that much more pronounced. It was a strange cycle that repeated until it just ended up fading into the back of your mind. It never vanished completely. The self-doubt was like a predator, lying in wait for the next moment to strike. Unfortunately, the week before your birthday happened to be that moment.

"Sayaka, could you take Momo somewhere fun?" Madoka asks on your behalf. You and Sayaka exchange pensive looks.

"Huh? I mean, I brought the cake for you guys to eat." She eyes the box on the table as Madoka picks it up.

"We can eat it later." Your sister sits up.

"Madoka, that's not--" You stand up from your chair.

"Momo." Madoka interjects, placing the bag into the fridge. "You should go with her. Sayaka knows all sorts of fun places downtown."

"There's the mall, the arcade, yeah… but I don't know, it wouldn't feel right without you coming with us." Sayaka mumbles under her breath.

You nod. "Yeah, I don't like it."

"I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me." Madoka tries to stifle a yawn as she sits back down. "I can take care of Takkun."

[_] "Alright, if you're sure. Let's go, Sayaka."
[_] "No, you're working hard enough. I'll stick around and help. You guys can go."
[_] "I don't really feel like going anywhere."
[_] Custom
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Prologue - 5

Despite her mounting fatigue, Madoka wants you to enjoy yourself. It was a part of her that you both loved and detested. She was willing to take on a responsibility simply because no one else would. Not because she needed to, but because she wanted to. You could plainly see the toll her choice had taken; her tired eyes, the slight slump of her shoulders, and the weariness etched across her face.

You sigh in frustration, shrinking down into your seat. The schism between familial responsibility and your own nagging conscience rends your heart. You couldn't simply just walk away from your own responsibilities as her sister. At the same time, you should do what you can to honor her wishes.. It wasn't a decision you could readily make. At last, you put your hands on the table, pushing yourself up from the chair. It hurt to swallow your pride and admit defeat, but it was a small price to pay for her happiness. After a moment's hesitation, you declare her victory. "Okay. Alright. I'll go."

Madoka's face beams in delight.

"I just got here too." Sayaka shrugs. "Oh well, can't be helped."

"Sorry, Sayaka." Madoka frowns.

"It's fine, it's fine. Don't worry about it." She rests a hand on Madoka's shoulder. "I'll take care of your sister and you take care of Takkun. It's a team effort, okay?" Sayaka feigns a smile.

Madoka slowly nods.

You grab your jacket and scarf from your room as you make for the entry hall. Just before the door, your heavy heart anchors you in place. Your hand hovers mere inches away from the knob. A still silence hangs over you.

"Momo? Are you good?" Sayaka walks beside you.

If Sayaka offered to back out of the proposal, you would have taken it with no hesitation. Madoka's wish was for you to go out and be happy. Quitting before you even started wasn't acceptable. Not after how hard she's been working. "Yeah." You grasp the handle with newfound resolve. "Yeah, let's go." You open the door, squinting your eyes to adjust to the autumn sun's blinding rays.

You hoist your scarf up and step into the cold air. "Didn't think it would be this cold."

"It's fall." Sayaka rubs her hands together then rests them in her pockets. Red and yellow leaves crunch at her feet with each step. "Summer's over, so of course it's gonna be cold."

"Well, yeah." It felt like the year was just drifting on by whether you wanted it to or not. The whole of Mitakihara was going to be covered in a blanket of white before long. Hopefully it was nothing like last winter. Three feet of snow was more than anyone ever asked for. "Whatever, forget it."

"Nah, if you have something you want to talk about. I'm all ears."

You think for a moment about how to broach the topic. What do you even say? 'I don't think of you as a friend.'? That wasn't true. She was an acquaintance at worst. Contradicting that, with how close she was to Madoka, she had to be more than that. She was there for her when you couldn't be.

A realization dawned on you. It was something so simple, so obvious, but you were blind to it. You had taken her for granted. "I'm really stupid."

"I feel that." Sayaka frowns, then pauses. "Wait, what brought this on now?"

"My own hang ups. Don't worry about it." You avert your eyes, feigning interest in the procession of dead trees and mossy rocks nearby.

"You got a lot of those, don't you?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I do."

"I think you just need to relax."

"That's easy for you to--." You stop yourself. The image of Kamijou Kyousuke flashes into your mind. Admiration for him was something Sayaka held close to her heart. Making light of that was something you shouldn't -- no, couldn't do. You admonish yourself with a click of the tongue. "... No, sorry. Forget I said anything."

"I feel like everyone's got their own problems…" She averts her eyes. "Some handle them better than others."

"Of course. Next you're going to tell me that the water's wet?"

"Looks pretty solid to me." Sayaka points to the half-frozen river off into the distance.

"Funny." You exhale, your breath a visible white mist.

"What exactly did you want to do?" Sayaka redirects the conversation.

"I'm up for anything." You didn't have any specific ideas. This was a last minute arrangement. "The mall?"

"Not sure what would even be open today." Sayaka puts a hand to her chin. "We could look around some stores, if you want."

"I didn't bring much money."

"How much do you have?"

"How much do you think 2500¥ a month would get me?"

"I asked how much you have, not how much you get."

"On me?" You ask, pulling out your wallet to count up the bills and coins. "About 750¥. I could probably find more at the house…" You mumble. Heaven only knows how much money is hiding under your bed.

"It's enough for the arcade, at the very least."

"Sounds good."

You follow Sayaka's lead, almost as if you were in a daze. Your limbs feel heavy, like you're trudging snow. How far have you walked? It must have been at least two or so miles, maybe more. You drag yourself forward from block to block. The fatigue tempts you to rest, but determination prevails. The crowds slowly thicken as you get closer to the mall. You push left and right, swimming through the sea of people to keep pace with Sayaka. After what feels like an eternity, the mall comes into view.

As you step inside the building, the whirring of escalators and the hum of conversation hangs in the air. The multi-floored space was interconnected with zig-zagging escalators. Signs were posted which stairway lead where, but it didn't seem like it did any good. Stories of locals getting lost despite having directions were fairly common. It wasn't hard to believe, given the confusing nature of most of Mitakihara's architecture.

You feel yourself shift as the escalator pulls you forward with a mechanical whir. You gaze down at the abyss of blue and white tiles. Decorative storefronts dotted each floor of the mall. Muted signs displaying store names hang firmly overhead -- clothing stores, beauty boutiques, cafes, everything you could think of. Then, at the far end, your destination. The faint glimmer of a neon sign. The muffled sound of high tempo music thrums in your ear.

You follow Sayaka off the escalator, untying your scarf and unzipping your jacket. You push the door open, only to be visually assaulted by what can only be described as prismatic vomit. Purple strobe lights shine and flash in rhythm with the blasting music. Your eye follows a zipping, blue spark as it races from one corner of the room to another. Arcade games blare with buzzers and alarms.

"When's the last time you were here?" Sayaka's question pierces through the noise.

You cup your hands over your ears. "Probably not since last summer! Wasn't anything like this, though."

Despite all the crazy lights and sounds, there were only a dozen people present. If you included the people actually playing games, the number was even lower. It was like the arcade was compensating for their lack of customers. Must be a seasonal thing. "Well, probably for the best." Sayaka says with an impish grin.

"Why do you say that?" An uneasiness settles in your stomach.

"Well, you said you were lonely, right?"

"Whatever you're planning, I want no part of it."

Sayaka latches onto your arm. "Come on, there's plenty of people our age around here. It wouldn't kill you to start a conversation, would it?"

Heat rushes into your cheeks. Your vision blurs as you stumble to stand. Talking to strangers. Yeah, you could do that. You could definitely do that. Actually, no, you couldn't. This was a bad idea. Sayaka said she would take care of you, didn't she? Was this what she meant? Death by social anxiety? This wasn't an assassination attempt, was it?

"I'm going to haunt you." You avert your eyes.

"Really? Well, I better get some beans then." Sayaka laughs.

"Do I look like an oni to you?"

"Not really. Get some horns then we could talk."

"Funny." You sigh, looking out over the arcade. There were a few people of interest, but going by the one's your age, you were drawn to…

[_] … a slim girl who stood about your height with long blue hair. The claw machine shakes as she lightly hits it in the side. For all the money she's likely given it, frustration seems to be her only prize.
[_] … an athletic girl dancing about on the DDR machine. Her ponytail bobs up and down in rhythm to the music. She seems focused on the game.
[_] … a demure girl with green hair and a piercing gaze. She stands motionless over the prize counter. Seems like she was having a hard time deciding on what she wants.
[_] ... just hang out with Sayaka instead. It's much less trouble.
[_] ... go off on your own, you preferred it that way.
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Prologue - 6

The girl at the counter stands over glass, hands cupped over her eyes. A layer of fog forms from her heavy, almost gasping breaths. You were confused on if you should walk over and speak to her, or call her an ambulance. "Sayaka, are you sure about this?" You glance back toward your newfound friend in hopes of an answer, or at least some comfort.

You find neither, only betrayal. She was gone. You didn't think she was cruel enough to simply abandon you. Maybe this was her idea of sink or swim? No, she probably ran off to watch the show unfold, or to play one of the many obnoxious arcade games. Either way, it didn't matter; you were alone, and she was going to be entertained.

Frustrated, you scratch your head and approach the hunched over girl. "This one?" She mumbles to herself. "Oh, no, I think I got that one already. Maybe…?" Her question trails off with no one to answer her. "No. Too many tickets. I could probably buy that online for half the yen I already blew on it."

Starting conversations, especially with strangers, wasn't a talent of yours. Neither you nor Madoka were particularly good at it. Keeping a conversation going, sure, but starting one? Outside of an off-hand comment or some playful teasing, it was out of your wheelhouse. "I think that's probably true for most of the--"

"Ahh--!" She squeals, scrambling to turn around.

"Whoa." You leap back in surprise. "Calm down. Are you okay?" You ask out of genuine concern.

"Oh, yes, I'm fine! Totally fine!" She raises her arm to cover her blushing face, her oversized sweater dangling off her hand. "Just… just looking at the prizes. That's all."

It looked like there was a lot more going on than that. You don't voice it, you simply force a smile. "Have you found anything you actually like?"

"Not really? I mean, well, uh… the stuff I like I already got, and the things I don't have, I can't get." She says, glancing down at the prize shelf behind the glass pane. Her baggy eyes were fixated on an old portable DVD player. The listed price was well over two or three times what it was worth, especially today. You certainly didn't have enough money to help her win it, even if you wanted to.

"That's a little much." You frown.

"Yeah." She stutters, struggling to maintain her composure. "I'm sorry, I wasn't… expecting someone to just sneak up on me like that."

"Didn't really mean to. I was here with a friend and …" Now you were doing it. You scoff. "Forget it." You wave a dismissive hand. "It's not a big deal. I was honestly worried about you. It seemed like you were halfway to a panic attack."

"I wasn't, no. It's kind of hard to explain…"

"Oh, I see." You say, a hand grabbing your arm.

The girl says nothing.

Blaring arcade buzzers fill the void left by the awkward silence.

You look down.

She looks to the side.

You scratch your arm.

She taps her foot on the ground.

After what feels like forever, she speaks. "I'm gonna go, okay? It was nice meeting you, uh…"

"Momoka. Momoka Kaname."

"Oh, uh, okay, Kaname." She slowly nods to affirm.

"What's your name?"

"Ah. You can just call me Mabuyu. Mabuyu Aki."

"See you around then, I guess? Aki?"

"Uh, sure." She slowly nods and walks by, exiting the arcade. You stand there, left with nothing but your own regrets. Certainly could've gone better if you tried a bit harder. If the goal was to have a conversation, then the bumbling attempt you just made could be considered a success.

Sayaka walks out from behind a pillar, scratching the back of her head. "That could have gone better."

"It would've gone a lot better if someone didn't ditch me."

"Hey, come on." She slaps you on the shoulder. "There's more fish in the sea, you know? It's no reason to be upset."

The problem wasn't the fact that she had abandoned you. Honestly, it was more the fact you were pushed into this to begin with. The plan was to hang out with her, not random people. This was starting to seem more like blind dates than an actual hang out. All it really needed tobe complete was wine, but you weren't old enough yet. You massage your temples. "Yeah, and do you want to be one of them?"

"Not yet, I'll let you know when I'm looking for a career change." She pats you on the shoulder. "Come on, it's not that bad. You won't get any better at this stuff if you don't at least try, Momo."

"I mean, yeah, but…" Your shoulders sag. "Is this really the way to do it? I'm just making a fool of myself."

"I think you're worrying way too much." Sayaka scratches the back of her head. "No one's gonna care as much as you, believe me."

"Even if that is true, I don't think this is really going to help."

"I mean, it's your call, at the end of the day." Sayaka shrugs. "If you don't want to do it, you don't have to do it. I'm not gonna force you anymore than I already have."

"Tch." The ball was in your court again. Grating, but whatever, it was still your decision. Madoka wanted you to have a good time. She wanted you to speak to others, to get out of your shell more. You felt lonely, yeah, but was this really the right choice? You were willing to give it another shot in the small hopes that you could make a friend. Likely not a lasting friendship, no, but at least an acquaintance. That was enough to call this little excursion a victory. You take one last look around and see…

[_] … a blonde girl and a smaller red-head sitting on a bench on the farside of the arcade. They look more like a mother and daughter than they do friends.
[_] ... that athletic girl was still dancing on the DDR machine. The numbers on the screen grow and expand... Wait, did you just hear a cat meow?
[_] ... the blue haired girl has moved onto pleading as she shakes the machine. The staff workers look over, but choose to ignore it. They must hate their jobs.
[_] It was probably time to call it. Just hang out with Sayaka instead.
[_] Sayaka abandoned you, time to return the favor. Go off on your own.
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Prologue - 7

The blue-haired girl took a step back, sizing up her opponent. After a moment of hesitation, she gave it another try. Shaking the claw machine like it owed her money didn't seem to be working out. If she made any more noise, the apathetic staff would be finally motivated to act. As entertaining as that would be, laughing at someone else's expense was beneath you. Not Sayaka, of course, but beneath you. Unless it was Sayaka, and in that case, it's probably justified. She laughed at you plenty, it was only fair.

You walk over. "I don't think shaking it is the solution here."

She looks toward you, then at the machine. "Yeah, I know, I thought about hitting it already."

"Hitting--?" You pause. "No, no. Just go ask the staff."

"Too much trouble." Heaving a sigh, she gives the machine one last kick.

Dink. Something came loose.

"Oh!" She hunched her back over, reaching inside the plastic flap. "Oh no."

"You alright?"

"No." She strains to free her hand. "I think my ring is caught on something."

It was like looking into a mirror. As a child, you would willingly feed the claw machine your arm after it already took your money as tribute. Victory was often so close, yet so far. Partly because your arms were so small you couldn't reach the dislodged prize you had rightfully earned.

"You probably should've removed it before putting your hand in there." You bend down next to her. "Relax your arm."

Another grunt. The machine shakes.

"I said relax." You hold her arm.

"Okay, okay!" The stubborn girl relents. "Now what?"

"Slowly turn it left. No, not that left. My left."

The claw machine slowly regurgitates her arm. The elbow becomes visible, then her reddened forearm and then finally, her hand. "Thanks for the help." She sits up, brushing herself off. "But I didn't get the prize."

"You take what you can get. Believe me, those prizes aren't worth a trip to the clinic." You look at her hand. "Does this hurt?" You move her fingers up and down one by one. The ring on her finger, the culprit, looked engraved with strange lettering you've never seen before. With that many divots in the ring, it was no wonder that it got caught.

"Is that from experience?"

"Yes." You say as a matter of course. "I think you're fine."

"You can let go now."

You stare at her hand, then into her face. "Oh!" You back away. "Sorry!"

"It's okay." She says. "You helped me out. I can't be mad."

What else was there to say? You didn't want the conversation to just stop dead. For some reason, you wanted this to end differently. "That's a pretty ring you've got there."

"Oh, thanks."

Good job. No progress. "Uh… what's your name?"

"I didn't introduce myself yet. Right, where are my manners?" She bows. "I'm Midori Chiba. And you are?"

"Momoka." You say. "Oh, I mean, Momoka Kaname."

The utterance of your name is enough to make her frown. Part of you wanted to apologize, but what for? Given the entire exchange, you were almost at a loss for words. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No. No!" Midori waves a frantic hand. "Not at all. I used to have a friend named Momo, that's all." She says, slightly looking past you.

"Ah, okay. You can just call me Kaname if you want." You follow her gaze to the blonde-haired girl and the child. It seems the DDR fiend had finished her game. She's laughing, talking to what looks like her sister. "Do you know them?"

"No." She says. "No, I don't."

Despite feeling like a lie, it wasn't your place to condemn her. People had their own reasons for what they did. You were a stranger, and she owed you nothing. "But yeah, you can just call me Kaname. I don't mind."

"Okay, Kaname." Midori grins. "So, do you make it a habit of being a good samaritan or did you have a reason to come speak to me?"

"Yes." You point over at the staff behind the cash register. The man was staring daggers at Midori."You caused any more trouble, and I'm fairly sure they would've escorted you out, claw machine and all."

"That wouldn't be the first time that's happened…"


"Nothing! Come on. Let's sit down." Midori guides you over to a small booth on the far corner of the arcade. You take a seat across from her, the whole arcade in view. You saw Sayaka walking toward you from a distance. "So, are you a local?"

"Yeah. Born and raised." You rest your chin on your hand. "Where are you from?"

"Small town called Yamabuki," Midori says. "Doesn't look anything like Mitakihara. Skyscrapers as far as the eye can see, people everywhere you look. I'm always floored when I'm in a city like this."

"When you live here, you just get used to it."

"Hey!" Sayaka says, holding two bags in her hands. "Oh, you made a friend!"

"Where did you run off to this time?" You glare.

"Stop being such a grouch." She hands you a styrofoam box. You flip it open, revealing a hotdog with pickles slathered mustard. "Are you going to introduce me to your friend?"

"Sayaka, this is Midori. Midori, this is Sayaka." You bite into the hotdog. "Thanksh."

"Chew and swallow, Momo." Sayaka laughs nervously.

"We were just--" Midori stops short. She stares off into the distance. "You just… reminded me. I was going to go meet another friend for lunch."

"Oh." You sit the hotdog down. It was too good to be true, honestly. She was amiable enough, but making a friend this quickly? "Yeah, I get it. You get going." Your eye drifts over to the ring.

Wait, why was it glowing?

Midori stands up. "I'm really sorry about this." Afterward, she grabs her purse and dashes out of the arcade.

"She's just going to blow us off just like that?" Sayaka groans. "The nerve of some people."

That didn't feel like 'blowing you off'. There was something else going on there. Could Midori be in danger? With that in mind, it only made sense to…

[_] … run after her and see what's up. It's what your sister would do.
[_] … best to stay put with Sayaka until it's time to leave.
[_] … call the trip short. You've had your fill of social activity for the day.
[_] Write-in
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Prologue - 8
You clutch your chest. Concern compels you to stand. You glance to Sayaka, then to the arcade's entrance hall. "I'm going after her."

"What?" Sayaka says. "What, why?"

It was a natural question to ask. Midori simply said she was leaving. Outside of her hasty retreat, she gave Sayaka no reason to worry. The ephemeral glow of the ring. How she cut the conversation. None of it added up. There was only one conclusion.

"She was lying."

"I mean, yeah, it was probably to spare your feelings."

Sayaka was right. It was possible that was the case. Regardless, it didn't sit well with you to just leave this alone. "If you don't want to come, that's fine. I'm checking on her."

"We just sat do-- okay." Sayaka stands up. "But if it's nothing, we're coming right back."


The deafening sounds of the arcade recede as you step into the mall's open floor. The crowds have thankfully thinned, allowing you to spot Midori. She was dashing toward the opposite side of the mall. Your suspicions confirmed, you run after her. You avoid benches, stalls, and people in your race to catch up to her.

Light gradually dims as you continue running. The open space of the mall gradually filters into a dark corridor. Storefronts are replaced by locked doors and hanging chains. There was no sign of her.

"Huff." You exhale. "Where did she go?"

"No idea!" Sayaka hunches over, her hands on her knees. "Looks like you were right. What the heck is going on?"

"No idea, but we've got to--" The distant slam of a steel door spurs you on. You run.

"Oh come on!" Sayaka complains.

You run down the hall, nearly skidding as you round the corner. Your lungs burn. Your body stumbles with each step. You look a the characters fashioned on the door. It simply says 'Storage'. You sigh, raising your hand to clasp the handle. With a single push, it opens.

A storage room. There was supposed to be a storage room beyond it. Wet floor signs, maybe some unused cleaning equipment. Something familiar, something you understood.

But, no.

No. It was darkness. A cold, piercing darkness.

"Sayaka, get ba-!" You warn, you plead, but the words die in your throat. Air leaves your lungs.

A chilling wind rips you forward. You fall. Your mind was racing, scrambling. What was happening? How was it happening? More questions, no answers.

You descend with the snow.

You just wanted to help. That's all. You were concerned. It was a short meeting, but you never thought it would end in your death. How could you have known? There was no way you could have predicted this. No way you could have done anything about it. It wasn't fair, but as your mother often said, life wasn't meant to be fair.

Why? Why now? A week before your birthday? You weren't even going to make it to fourteen. You think of Madoka, of your brother, of your family. The news of your unceremonious death and, with your luck, probably no body to be found. Who was going to come into this frigid hell and fish it out? Who was going to be burdened with delivering the news?

It was going to be Sayaka. Would Madoka blame her for this? No, she's too kind for that. It would eat at her. This was your fault, not anyone else's. You dragged her along for this. It was your fault that you were going to die.

Small lights flicker beneath you. White fills your vision. Snow.

The ground. You close your eyes. You didn't want to see it, to feel it. It should be instant.

You brace yourself. Your body scrunches up.

It happens.

You land not into the cold embrace of death, but on a threaded cushion. Was this just a nightmare? Were you back home in your bed?

No. Opening your eyes confirms that it was reality. You were on a coiled yellow ribbon.

"We made it in time." A soft voice echoes from the darkness. The clump of fabric disappears into thin air. It disappears as if it wasn't even there to begin with. "Are you alright?"

You stare. You can do nothing but stare. How else were you supposed to react?

The girl furrows her brow. "Miss Sakura, could you escort her out? I can see to the witch."

"Mami, seriously?" 'Sakura' stomps through the snow. "Makin' me babysitter already?"

"I'm sorry." Mami smiles. "I shouldn't be long."

"Pah. Whatever." Sakura holds her hand out. A flash of red forces your eyes closed. When you open them again, she's holding a spear. A spear. Where did that come from? The same place as the ribbons?

You braced yourself for death. You conceited any hope of survival. You were still alive. You were by what you could only be described as magic. Magic used by girls your age. Magical girls? Magical girls were real?

"Miss, what's your name?" Mami asks.

"M-momoka. Momoka Kaname."

Mami and Sakura exchange glances.

"Small world, ain't it?" Sakura shrugs. "Alright, Momoka. You're coming with me. We're getting out of here." The butt of her spear hits the snow.

No. No, wait. You shake your head. You were looking for someone. "Have you guys seen a blue-haired girl? About this tall. Kind of long hair. She ran this way. I was concerned so I …"

"Another one?" Sakura says. "Mami, you know about this?"

"No, I didn't." Mami narrows her eyes. "In that case… we'll talk after, Miss Sakura! Get Miss Kaname out of here."

What just happened? What were they talking about? Hello?

"Hey, you deaf?" Sakura lightly pushes you on the back, forcing you forward. "Unless you want to freeze to death, better get your ass moving."

"R-right." You stutter. You walk through the snow, navigating the darkness with flickering lamplight. "Your… name was Miss Sakura, right?"

"Kyouko's fine."

You hug your shoulders to combat the biting cold. "W-why is it so cold?"

"You're telling me." She looks back over her shoulder. "Pretty annoying, but it's manageable."

"Scrk." You hear a noise. No, not a noise, a cry. You weren't sure how to describe it. Was that a chicken? A plucked chicken with black sockets for eyes. Metallic tongs smack in the open air. "Scrk!" It screeches, descending from the sky.

"Get down!" Kyouko says as you dive into the snow.

A soft impact on the snow. It was split in half.

"Scrk! Scrk!" More of them.

"Alright, pick up the pace." Kyouko walks past you. "I'll cover ya."

You run. You run for your life. You hear the sound of sundering flesh and raining blood. You don't look back. You keep running, following the lamp posts that line each side of the path. The snow recedes, revealing the cobblestone road beneath.


Again? Where was it coming from?


That was…


Right above you.


The serrated tongs close like a vice grip. You were--

"Idiot!" You were flattened against the floor. "Pay attention!" Another spray of blood.

"S-sorry." You had no other recourse. What were you supposed to do? You bow your head.

"Alright, here we go." Kyouko swings her spear in a wide arc. The air, or rather the space, in front of her rips open like paper. The rift reveals what looks like the storage area of the mall. Where it came out, you didn't know, but it certainly beat staying here. "What are you waiting for? Go."

"What about you?"

"What about me? I gotta go make sure Mami doesn't get herself killed."

"Right. Sorry." At the expense of being hit again, you scramble through the barrier. "Please, look for that girl I told you about. Please!"

"Yeah, yeah." With a flick of the wrist, the 'portal' completely disappears. You were left alone with--

"H-hi." You weren't alone. In fact, there was someone behind you.

"Hello?" A girl a little shorter than you. Hair the same crimson as Kyouko's. Instead of a messy ponytail like our own, it was cleanly braided. And in her hands was a cat. A catbunny. A catbunnysquirrel?

"Hello, Momoka!" It speaks, but its mouth does not move. It was an echo in your mind. What was this thing? "It's nice to meet you."

"I'm going crazy." You lose strength in your legs. "I'm definitely going crazy."

"Ahaha." The younger girl laughs. "N-no, you're not going crazy. That's just how Kyubey talks. It takes some getting used to."

"I guess." You slump to the ground, immediately reaching for your phone. It had service, but low battery. "Give me a second." You call.

"Momo? Where are you?! What was that!?" You pull your head away from the receiver.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." You were not fine. You were the furthest thing from fine. "I'll tell you when we meet up. Don't open any doors. Head back to the arcade."

"No, I can come look-"

"Sayaka, head back." You have to stop yourself from yelling. "Please. I'll explain when I get back. Please."

A contemplative silence. "Alright. If you're not back in five minutes, I'm looking for you whether you like it or not."

"Got it."


Strength leaves your body. Your hand goes limp as the phone slides onto the ground. "Shit. What was that?"

"That was a Witch Barrier."

"Rhetorical question, rabbit." You stare.

"I'm not a rabbit. My name is Kyubey." He tilts his head to the side. It was cute, but slightly disturbing.

"Kyubey, whatever." You grab your phone and push yourself to your feet. Stumbling, you use the wall for support. "A Witch Barrier. Okay, so let's say for the sake of the conversation, that makes sense. What are Kyouko and Mami? Magical girls?"

"Yes, that's right. Kyouko and Mami are magical girls. You're perceptive, Momoka."

"Was that a joke?"

"Joke? No, not at all. What you said is correct."

"Magical girls are real, and they fight monsters called witches." You stare up at the ceiling. "This was not how I expected today to go." You clutch your head in your hands.

"I'm sorry." The girl says. "When I first found out my sister was a magical girl…" Her voice becomes frail. Then, her eyes flare with determination. "I-I know it's hard to accept, but they're not bad people!"

"I didn't think they were." Where did that come from? "I mean, they saved my life. I'm grateful. I… really am."

You were going to be able to go home.
You could see Madoka and Takkun again.

You were alive.

"Dang it." You wipe away fresh tears.

"They are. Big Sis Mami and Kyouko are heroes." Momo hugs Kyubey close. "I… wish I could be like them some day."

"You can, Momo. You can make a contract with me and become a magical girl whenever you want."

Her name was Momo? Is that what Kyouko meant by 'small world'? That was going to get confusing fast.

"Kyubey, no. Mami and Big Sister said no. Stop trying to get me to sign a contract!"

"A contract?" You ask.

"It's the cost of becoming a magical girl." Momo sets Kyubey down. "You make a wish, but you have to fight witches."

"It's just as Momo said." Kyubey licks his paw. "You can wish for anything you can think of."

A wish. Did you even have one of those? Outside of whatever problems you were dealing with in the day to day, you didn't have anything you wanted to wish for. But if making a contract meant having to deal with …

The fall, the snow, the void. Your life flashes before your eyes. You shudder to think what would have happened if Mami and Kyouko hadn't appeared.

"Can anyone do this?" You frown.

"No." Kyubey shakes his head. "Only those with the potential to be magical girls can see me."

"So, I have potential?"

"Yes, of course. You can make a contract with me and become a magical girl."

This wasn't something you were going to do on a whim, if it was something you were going to do at all. A wish in exchange for the power to fight witches. Something told you those chicken monsters weren't witches. Mami ventured further inside the wintry hellscape, so the witch was probably hiding further in.

"I don't have anything in mind right now, but if I ever do, I guess I'll let you know."

"Of course. I don't want to force you."

"Oh, you're still here?" A red blur emerges from the shadows overhead. She hits the ground, her arms crossed. "I thought I told you to get out of here. Not very good at listening, are you?"

"Miss Sakura, there's no need to be so rude." A second later, Mami lands on the ground next to Kyouko. "How are you feeling? I don't see any immediate injuries." The white dress vanishes, replaced by a modest turtleneck.

"Fine. I'm mostly fine. I was just getting some answers. That's all."

"Kyubey asked her to contract." Momo says, eying the furball.

"Can't go five seconds without asking someone, can you? Annoying bastard." Kyouko bites on a piece of pockey. She extends the box to you, expecting you to take one. "Don't listen to a damn thing he says. Just get on with your life and forget about this."

"I agree with Miss Sakura." Mami folds her arms. "It's not a job just anyone can do."

The conversation was moving too fast. Midori comes to mind, wandering alone in that strange realm called a barrier. "Did you find her? I mean, Midori? The blue-haired girl."

"Ah, yes." Mami nods. "She was a great help against the witch."

"So she's a magical girl." The mystery of why she had to get up and leave so quickly was solved. "I'm happy to hear that. I mean, not happy to hear that she's a magical girl, happy to hear that she's alright. Yeah, that's it."

Mami and Kyouko exchange glances, the younger sister laughs.

"W-what's so funny?" Blood rushes to your face. You shove the offered pocky into your mouth to hide your embarassment.

"Nothing." Mami chuckles. "We can escort you out if you want, Miss Kaname."

You couldn't exactly say no. If another witch or whatever attacks, you are basically defenseless. Being with two magical girls was the best security you were going to get. As you exit the bleak storage wing, you see your fuming friend walking toward you. "I'm so sorry for any trouble she caused you." Sayaka apologizes on your behalf.

"H-hey." You try to hide

"It's no trouble at all." Mami says.

"Could've been worse." Kyouko shrugs.

"Miss Sakura." Mami reprimands with a nudge of her elbow.

"What? I'm not gonna lie."

"Anyway, it was nice meeting you, Miss Kaname, and…?"

"Ah, Sayaka. Sayaka Miki."

"Miss Miki." Mami nods.

Momo lets out a yawn. "Well, I suppose it's time to go." Mami pats Momo on the head. "Are you coming, Miss Sakura?"

"When are you going to stop with that?" Kyouko rests her hands in her pockets. "Seriously, is my first name that hard to say?"

"Well, it's not really about that."

"I feel like you're doing it on purpose." Kyouko says. "What if I called you Miss Tomoe every damn time?"

"W-well, I wouldn't like that." Mami frowns. "I thought we've gotten closer, Miss Sakura."

"Yeah, I knew it. You are doing it on purpose!"

Their verbal sparring intensifies as you approach Momo. "Are they alright?" You point at Mami and Kyouko.

"When Big Sister is around Big Sis Mami, they fight." She sighs, exasperated. "A lot."

"They look like an old married couple." Sayaka chuckles.

With one last farewell, the four of them depart from the mall. You got Momo's number as a way to keep in contact. Afterward, you drag yourself over to a bench and just sit. You sit, stare, and mull over what just happened.

"So… what happened? I saw you just fall into a door and… like… " She hesitates, unable to finish the thought. How do you describe what happened? There's no succinct way to do it. You weren't even sure if you had to keep the fact that Mami and Kyouko were magical girls a secret. With that in mind, you …

[_] Tell Sayaka everything that you experienced, down to being offered a contract and a wish by Kyubey.
[_] Talk about Mami and Kyouko being magical girls and saving you, and nothing else.
[_] Don't say anything. It was best that she didn't know.
[_] Custom
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Prologue - End

The two of you leave the mall in silence. Passing the city blocks, you cut through the familiar path marked by fallen leaves. The cold air nips at your skin, throwing you back to the descent into the darkness. You stop walking, turning to look up at the murky sky.

Magical girls, witches, and wishes. A world of the unknown. Experiencing it was nightmarish, and speaking about it was almost impossible. More questions sprung to mind than answers. It didn't matter where you started explaining; beginning, middle, or end—it still wouldn't make any sense.

"Momo?" Sayaka looks over her shoulder. "You alright?"

"Yeah, just thinking about how to start this." You pause. "Those two girls that escorted me out, Kyouko and Mami, they're… magical girls."

"Magical girls? Like, the kind you see in an anime?"

"Y-yes." You nod, embarrassed. "I know it's hard to believe, but please, I'm telling the truth."

"I mean… I saw you poof into thin air. There really isn't much of an explanation besides magic." Sayaka scratches the back of her head. "So, magical girls." She mulls over your absurd statement.

"There's this white cat-thing called Kyubey."

"Oh, yeah, that's what the other Momo was holding." Sayaka says. "I just thought it was a plushie from the arcade."

Sayaka was capable of making a contract. You're worried, but you continue the explanation. "You become a magical girl by getting a wish granted and making a contract."

"A wish?" Sayaka gazes out across the field. "Now it sounds like you're speaking nonsense."

"I know it sounds hard to believe, but it's true, as far as I can tell."

"You can just wish for anything you want?"

"From the sounds of it, yes."

"That's a little too good to be true, don't you think?" Sayaka walks, her hands behind her head.

"Yeah. If he was telling the truth, then I think the catch is being a magical girl."

"Really? It sounds like a sweet gig to me. Being able to use magic and stuff."

"After seeing what they had to fight… no, I don't think so."

Opening that door killed what comforting ignorance you had. Magic was real. Monsters were real. The proof was irrefutable. Mami and Kyouko saved your life. You had stepped into another world and were fortunate enough to get out.

"What do they have to fight?"

"Witches." You clutch your chest. "That door pulled me straight into its domain. It was cold and dark. No light at all. I couldn't see where I was falling." Your hands tremble just thinking about it. "I kept wondering when I was going to hit the ground. I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact."

You would be blood in the snow; a pile of nameless meat. Nothing to show for your death. You would make your family grieve. Madoka would cry for the loss of a sister, and your parents the loss of a daughter.

"But I knew I would be okay."

"Momo, you aren't fooling anyone." Sayaka places a hand on your shoulder. "I'd be scared too."

"But I wasn't—" Your vision blurs with tears.

"Listen, I was afraid that you wouldn't come back. I didn't have any idea of what to do."

You listen in silence.

"I just stood there like an idiot." She laughs at herself. "I looked inside the room, you weren't there, I ran around, called your phone, looked everywhere. Nothing." Sayaka averts her eyes. "Honestly, it was my fault for not stopping you. I was supposed to be watching out for you."

No fault lies with her. She blamed herself for something she could never have predicted, never known. If anyone was at fault, it was you.

"You couldn't have known." You wipe your tears with your scarf.

"Well, I didn't have to know about that witch or whatever to stop you from running ahead. That's just common sense."

"I guess." You were involved in the world of magical girls whether you liked it or not. It was the price you paid for the decision. Whether Sayaka truly believed you or not was another question entirely.

"Come on." She pushes you up the hill. "Let's get back to your place. I'm freezing."

"Okay, okay!"

As you walk over the crest of the hill, the familiar sight of your home emerges. When you left home earlier, the path was still visible under the sheet of autumn leaves. It was overrun with reds, yellows, and browns. With every step, the leaves crumpled with a scrape and a crunch. The trees in your front yard were left naked, stripped by the wind.

"Momo, hurry up!" Sayaka starts jogging in place on the porch. "Open the door!"

Unlocking the door, you step inside the dimly lit hall. It was silent. You walk through the hall and into the kitchen.

"Alright, Madoka we're—" You stop short as you enter the living room.

Madoka lies on the couch with her brother cradled in her arms. Her hair, frayed and loose, covers her face like a veil. The warmth of her smile set your heart at ease. Tatsuya holds your sister's red ribbons tightly in a balled fist. Your sister stirs from sleep, rustling the blankets. She reaches for the slipping edge of the blanket.

You hand it back to your sister's grasping hand. Madoka mumbles, rolling over to embrace Tatsuya once more.

"That's adorable." Sayaka whispers. "Haven't seen her like this in a while."

"Let's go." You tap her shoulder and point up the spiral staircase. "Come on. Don't want to wake her up."

"Yeah, yeah." Sayaka kicks her shoes off. "Whatever."

"Still kind of sad we didn't get to eat that cake."

"Well, it's still downstairs."

"Not going to disturb them for some cake."

"Come on, you guys are sisters, she'll understand."

"She'll understand you put me up to it."

"Come on, it's not that big of a deal."

Momoka and Sayaka's bickering slowly fades as they walk up the steps. Nestled in the warmth of the blanket, Madoka smiles, satisfied.

Prologue - End
A mechanic for the quest that functions similar to Social Links from the Persona series. The higher the Social Link, the stronger the relationship. More mechanics will be introduced later that function off of Bonds. They'll appear when they're relevant.
Sayaka - 1/10 > 2/10
Mami - 0/10
Kyouko - 0/10
Momo - 0/10 > 1/10
Midori - 0/10 > 1/10
Mabuyu - Who are you again?/10

Next week is your birthday, as well as Madoka's. Aside from getting a present and spending time with Madoka, you want to spend your time…

[_] Getting into contact with Momo. You had more questions about pretty much everything you experienced.
[_] Scoping out for Midori. You were still concerned about her. Something about the situation didn't sit well with you.
[_] Leaving the magical girl business behind you. Your priority was your own life. You learned your lesson. Stay away from it.
[_] Write-in
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Episode 1 - 1
Episode 1: Dreams of Tomorrow


The void. A familiar place that you had forgotten, a place you never remembered to return to. A vast darkness where no light could hope to escape. Yet, a light shines through, a gentle radiance that stirs the soul. With that warm glow comes a voice. A voice, serene and fragile. As it speaks, an image comes to life in your mind. The ethereal void reshapes itself into a stage. The curtains pull back.

A story about two magical girls. In the endless expanse, atop a pile of rust and black iron, there were always two. Wind at their back, never compelled to concede. They stride forward down the long, winding path of endless conflict. Never losing hope for as long as they draw breath.

As magical girls, thinking of your own survival above others was only natural. However, these girls were different. In the pain of loss, they made a vow. A vow to never let this happen. Not again. They were never allowed rest nor surrender. What began as an honest wish eventually became a way of life.

They were always alone. They couldn't rest. Even if no one thanked them, even if no one knew, they pushed forward. Understanding was beyond those they worked to help and save. All that was left for them was their goal. Their wishes had been made, their contracts sealed. They toiled to postpone the inevitable.

They would offer help to magical girls in need while also ensuring the safety of their territories. They would fight, train, and carry on in hopes of making a better world. It was at the expense of themselves and their miracles that their hands were stained with blood. As long as they had each other, there was nothing they couldn't accomplish.

Then, two became one. In the pursuit of protecting others, the sister neglected herself. The survivor's soul did not cloud; instead, her heart hardened. What little compassion that remained vanished.

She repeated a mantra after each and every battle. A prayer to an unseen god. Her sister was watching; she was still with her. No matter how many victories, no matter how many losses, she prayed. In the battles to come, she never stopped.

Never look back. Never surrender. For her sake, I'll continue fighting.

The curtain closes with the chime of a bell. The stage vanishes into darkness. A rupturing light cleaves through the abyss.

The dream comes to an abrupt end. Your eyes adjust to the light. What was that? You couldn't make out what you were seeing, or even hearing.

"Momoka. Don't give up, okay?" That was your sister's voice.

"Momo, hey! Miss Saotome's gonna get on your butt if you don't wake up." No, that grating voice wasn't your sister's. That was Sayaka.

Drool drips into a pool on your desk. You sit up, wiping your mouth. "Sorry, sorry."

"Didn't get enough sleep, Miss Momo?" Hitomi asks.

"Haven't been sleeping well the past few days." You rub your eyes.

"Momo's been having nightmares," Madoka says.

"Wait, how did you know that? I don't think I've told you anything."

"You get restless when you're having a bad dream." Madoka massages her lower back. You definitely kicked her. Guilt floods your conscience. A habit you thought you had outgrown. Apparently not, and it was as bothersome now as it was then.

"Ahh." Your forehead falls onto the desk. "What am I, seven?"

"You definitely act like it."

"Sayaka, was I asking you?"

"I mean, nobody else is listening."

"I'm going to punch you."

"Momo, Sayaka." Madoka says. "Calm down, okay?"

"Alright." You turn your head.

"So, Hitomi, you said something about some plans after school?" Madoka says.

"Oh, yes. I wanted to take you and Miss Momo out to eat for your birthday."

"Really?" Madoka's eyes light up. "Thank you, Hitomi! So, where are we going?"

"I was thinking about our usual place at the mall, if that's okay."

"Uh, nah. If that's the plan, I think I'm good." Sayaka shoots you a glance.

"I'm with Sayaka. That's not happening. Not now."

"W-what? Did something happen?" Hitomi tilts her head.

"Yeah, you could say that." Sayaka averts her eyes.

"Then… hm." Hitomi contemplates another option. Her brow furrows, her head tilts, then she pounds her hand into her palm. "Oh! What about Récompense? We could pick up a cake there and eat it at my place."

"Well, at that point, why not just wait for the birthday party?" Sayaka laughs.

"I-I suppose that's true." Hitomi mumbles.

"I wouldn't mind." Madoka smiles. "Momo would like the extra cake. She ate both slices that Sayaka brought over, so…"

"Madoka!" You protest.


"Don't tell them that."

"Oh, sorry. I didn't think that was a secret." Madoka laughs.

"It isn't." Sayaka corrects her. "I already knew. So, an extra cake isn't a bad idea."

"Hey, I asked you and you said it was okay." You stare at Madoka.

"Come on, getting mad at your sister isn't going to change anything." Sayaka says.

You slump down into her desk. Getting comfortable on what is essentially a diagonal slab of cushion wasn't possible. Instead, you stand up to stretch your legs. "Well, I'm going to have to pass on the cake anyway."

"You don't want to come?" Madoka asks.

"I-it's not that I don't want to come; I just have plans already."

"What?" Hitomi and Sayaka speak in unison. You weren't sure if you should take offense or not.
"I'm going over to a friend's place after school." Your cheeks flush. "I mean, is it really that weird?"

"You did mention that earlier today." Madoka says. "We could still meet up, though, couldn't we?"

"Yeah, I don't plan on sticking around for very long."

You called Momo before heading to school to make arrangements. Apparently, Mami goes to the same school as you do. The plan was to meet up after classes, and she would show you the way to her apartment. That worked out for the best, considering the countless questions that came to mind.

The conversation continued with the plans to head to the cake shop being solidified. You had your own plans, so you left the group as the final bell rang for the day.

"See you later, guys!" You wave to your sister, Sayaka, and Hitomi as they continue down the path.

You wait outside the school gate. Clouds pass by overhead, reflecting off the school's glass panels. You rub your hands together to ward off the dropping temperature. A quick glance at your phone tells you that only five minutes have elapsed. It felt longer than that, especially considering how quickly the school day had ended.

"Miss Kaname?" The girl of the hour arrives.

"Mami, right?"

"Yes. It's nice to formally meet you."

"Same to you."

"Shall we get going?"

"Yeah, lead the way."

Mitakihara Middle was only a stone's throw away from the apartment complex that Mami called home. It was still a few blocks, but it wasn't as long as the walk it took to get here this morning. Less crowded roads, less leaf crunching, and altogether more pleasant. You enter the apartment complex, following after Mami as you ascend the steps. A moment later, you're staring at the nameplate for the Tomoe Residence.

Mami reaches for her keys, but before she can even wrestle with them, the door opens. "Big Sis Mami!" Momo throws herself into Mami's arms.

"Hey." She ruffles her hair. "I brought a present."

"Momoka! Come on, come inside!"

"Ah!" You can't muster the energy to fight against her.

You hear Mami giggling. "So, how long are you staying?"

"Probably an hour, maybe more."

Hardwood lines the apartment from wall to wall. Shelves with organized books and paintings. Potted plants strewn about the house. Not a single speck of dust in sight. You walk over to the back of the room, staring out the window to the veranda. You shove your face up against it, trying to get a better view.

"Miss Kaname."


Mami points down.

"Oh, sorry!" You rip your shoes off. "Sorry, was just getting lost in… pretty much everything. This place is massive."

"It's not as big as you'd think." She smiles. "I'll get the tea brewing. Do you have a preference, Miss Kaname?"

You leave your shoes at the doorway. "No, I'll drink whatever you give me."

"Alright." Mami says, venturing into the kitchen. "Did you want anything to eat?" She pokes her head out.

"I'm meeting my sister here in a while, so I shouldn't eat anything."

"Are you sure?"

"... I'll have something small."

Mami grins, pulling her head back behind the wall.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Momo drops down onto her cushion seat.

You join Momo at the table. "Well…"

There were a few things you wanted to discuss, but most of all…

[_] The relationship between Mami and Kyouko.
[_] How Momo came to live here with Mami.
[_] How Momo felt about Mami and Kyouko being magical girls.
[_] Write-in
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