Maelstrom Games - The Questening (Naruto/Gamer)

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Why am I doing this to myself? I know I'm not going to be able to keep up two quests at the same...


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Why am I doing this to myself? I know I'm not going to be able to keep up two quests at the same time. Oh well, Requiem has me too frustrated at the moment, but I'm itching too much to write something and this had been on my mind for awhile. I guess we'll see how things go.

Rolz Room

The experience was harrowing to say the least.

Each of them were Genin of Konoha, or at least potential Genin of Konoha. They had all passed their Academy Exams and had thought that was it. Now they were truly ninja.

In truth, reality had not held up to that thought.

After their first Team Meeting, and Introductions, they had learned that the Academy Test was more of a preliminary, to further weed out those who weren't cut for the job, and now they had to go through a second test, held by their Sensei.

And so, the prospective members of Team 7 had gone to sleep determined to pass a test with a 33% Success Rate.

They had failed horribly.

Having been told to take a bell from Kakashi, their Sensei, each of them had tried and failed. Naruto had tried his clones and some good ol' Taijutsu. Sasuke had gone to the tried and true method of setting his problems on fire. Sakura...well, unfortunately, she hadn't actually done much of anything, having succumbed to a Genjutsu early on.

In other words, they'd gotten their asses kicked.

But! Luck seemed to be on their side as their Sensei decided to give them a second chance, after tying Naruto to a log and giving Sakura and Sasuke some lunch. The only condition? neither of them could give any food to Naruto. Since their bastard of a teacher had suggested they not eat any breakfast that morning, this was a cruel thing indeed.

While digging into their food, however, it seemed Sasuke could not bear the tragic fate of his cohort, left to suffer as the sweet, delicious smell of their home cooked meals wafted to Naruto's nose, intensifying the blonde's torture a million fold. Truly, the lone Uchiha clansmen could not sit back and let his teammate starve.

Or maybe the sound of the orange clothed, dead last's stomach growling loudly and constantly, sounding like the death cries of a large and deep voiced elephant was just driving him insane.

The world may never know.

Still, the fact of the matter is that Sasuke offered his food to his teammate, prompting Sakura to do the same.

And that was what lead to their current situation.

Somehow, the sky had darkened, clouds gathering overhead, and sparks starting to roil up above as Kakashi sensei stood over them, glaring down with his one eye in a well practiced foreboding stare, that had nothing to do with the fact that their stunt had interrupted his Icha Icha time. (He'd expected to have another 15 minutes at least, dammit!) The air was tense as the group of 14 years olds huddled together, waiting for the hammer to drop.

And then, a miracle happened.

Clouds parted. Tension bled away from the air. Kakashi smiled.

From under his mask, and a thumbs, he said, "You pass!"

That's when a bunch of flat, blue squares popped up in front of each of them, Kakashi included, with a small chiming sound. Almost like a harmonic pat on the back for good work. This caused several reactions throughout the four of them.

Sasuke grunted, and scowled.

Sakura jumped, looking about for the source of the sound.

Kakashi ignored the sound and looked at the box.
You have finished the Tutorial!
Would you like to keep your current
Class and Stat Choices?
Y / N

Naruto simply stated what they all thought. "Huh. Well, that's odd."

After staring for a few moment, Sakura shook her head, hesitantly asking, " it a Genjutsu?"

"Hrmm," Sounded Kakashi as he tapped the blank part of the hovering box, a clanking sound, as if he had tapped glas, rang out, as he said, "It doesn't appear so. How curious."

Trying to burn a hole into his box with his eyes, Sasuke spoke up, "What is it, then?"

"I 'unno. Never seen nuthin' like it before." Naruto said, as he looked at the box. Then, he looked around, and asked, "So uh, anybody going to get me out of this rope? I'm starting to chafe."

The rest of his team ignored him. "No idea what it is. Nice font though." Kakashi said as he continued examining the screen.

" looks like a video game screen." Sakura meekly replied, ducking her head and hiding behind her pink locks. In unison, the males of the group all turned their heads to look at her, questioningly.

She blushed at the attention, before seeming to gather herself and say, "What? They've gotten really popular in the past couple years!" Her teammates continued to stare and she huffed, deciding to press what looked like a button on the screen. Hitting No the screen disappeared only for another to pop up.

Examining it, she determined that it seemed to be a Character Sheet. Her own Character Sheet, to be precise. As she looked at the screen, she blushed once more, while at the same time developing a slight twitch. Clenching her fists, she ground out, "What's with this Class? And these skills..." A fire seemed to light in her eyes, and she tapping the screen, pressing button and modifying her Character Sheet.

Watching her mess around with the odd boxes, Sasuke grunted, before doing the same. As he looked through things, he let out several more grunts, some annoyed, some content. To one who did not know Sasuke, there would be no way to tell these grunts apart, but Naruto was a natural adept, Sakura had stalked Sasuke for years, and Kakashi had worked with many an Uchiha before they were all cut down tragically before their time.

No, no, that was not a stifled chuckle from the great masked nin. Truly, the fate of the Uchiha was horrible one, and he was not at all sad to see the great majority of their assholish members go.

Speaking of the Jonin, seeing two of his students messing around, he shrugged and proceeded to do the same. As he looked at his sheet, he glad to see that no, he was not level 1. That'd just be ridiculous.

Not to mention embarrassing.

For his part, Naruto just continued to swivel his head between the three, slightly frantic. "No, really. Can you get me down? Guys? Guys? Come on, I need to pee!"

Choose a Class for each Character! As characters level, they're classes can evolve and progress with them, branching out into a myriad of possibilities. Think of them a bit like Prestige Classes. that's for later, though. Right now, the Genin only have access to Base Classes.

[] Healer
[] Trickster
[] Brawler
[] Fighter

[] Trickster
[] Scoundrel
[] Caster
[] Fighter

[] Brawler
[] Fighter
[] Caster
[] Warrior

As you might have guessed, all of Team 7 seems to have spontaneously developed the ability of The Gamer all at the same time. Unlike that Manwha, they do no start at level 1, and ,in fact, are each at a fairly high level for their age, as Ninja should be. Currently, they have finished the Tutorial, or 'Prologue' known as childhood, at least for Genin of Team 7. Kakashi's just along for the ride.

At the moment, they have the chance to change their stats and skills, which are based on several things. To not bog things down in mechanics, you won't really see these stats in story, simply on their character sheets. They also won't have too much influence on rolls, instead simply acting as a way to keep track of a character's growth. Instead, things will be fairly story driven, with maybe the occasional roll here and there.

Now, for your part, you have control of Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto, with limited control of Kakashi. There are a bunch of other thing I can go into, but won't at the moment.
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Character Sheet
Character Sheets
Level: 35
XP: 1094/3600

HP: 15100
MP: 18250
Of Ink And Blood - You have an innate talent for the subtle art of Fuinjutsu, the specialty of your ancestors. The Fuinjutsu Skill increases 200% Faster
Potent Energies - Your Chakra is especially potent, increasing your Vitality and MP Pool, as well as making your Chakra Fueled techniques stronger. Vitality increased by 100%, MP Pool Increased by 200%
Heavenly Soul - The Uzumaki are known for their unique Chakra, giving them the ability to form Chain-like Chakra Constructs or other Esoteric Abilities. Though you have not formed any of these abilities, the potential is there.
~~The Faces of Death - You have learned of Uzumaki Mask Shrine, a sacred ground built and maintained by the Uzumaki when they were more active within Konoha. As the sole Uzumaki, it is your duty to see to and maintain it as your ancestors did. Effects: ???, Gain the Attention of ???
Blessing of the Fox - The Great Demon Fox was Sealed inside you from a young age. Its power flows through you, just a trickle, but even a small fraction of its power is great. Strength Increased by 50%, Vitality Increased by 100%, MP Pool Increased by 200%.
Enduring Will - No matter how many times you get hit, you'll rise to get back up again and again. HP Doubled, and Regen Rate increased by 5%
Weapon Specialization (Kusarigama) - You have decided to focus your energies and time to a single weapon, the Kusarigama. Your learning of this weapon increases by 50%, and you deal 100% More Damage with it.
Armor Specialization (Medium) - You are proficient with a single type of armor, and your skill with wearing it increased your Defense and Resistance by 100%.
Mighty Blows - You have more strength than the normal man, able to put more behind each strike. Strength is increased by 50%
Kage Bunshin - LV 32
Kusarigama - LV 45
Shurikenjutsu - LV 32
Stealth - LV 42
Swirling Leaf Style - LV 37
Kawarimi - LV 29
Henge - LV 72
Leaf Sticking - LV 66
Traps - LV 55
Pain Resistance - LV 80
Empathic Resonance - LV 15
Tree Walking - LV 33
Chakra Imbuing - LV 26
Fuinjutsu - 35
-Uzumaki Style - 24

Level: 35
XP: 2544/3600
HP: 3990
MP: 4550
Blood of the Crow - The blood of a great demon runs through your veins, a font of untapped potential. Increases Dexterity by 50%
Illusory Reality - You have a natural knack for Illusions, making learning them easier. Genjutsu skills progress 50% faster.
Wheel of Mirrors - Your clan is known for its Dojutsu, the Sharingan. Though you have yet to unlock it, you still have the potential.
Harbinger of War - You were born and bred for battle. The blood of warriors and the spirit of war flows through your veins. Strength, Dexterity, Vitality and Intelligence are all increased by 50%.
Light Weapon Specialty (Ninjato) - You have decided to focus your energies and time to a single weapon, the Ninjato. Your learning of this weapon increases by 50%, and you strike 100% Faster Than normal With this Weapon.
Fleet of Foot - You are incredibly light on your feet, able to move or turn at a moments notice. Dexterity is increased by 100%
Evasive - You are especially hard to hit, flowing around your opponent and positioning yourself for a critical opening. Dodge Chance increased by 50%, and Critical Damage Increased by 100%
Stealth Specialty - Blending in with the shadows or the crowd, both is your forte. Stealth Skill rises 100% Faster.
White Light Chakra Saber - Your sensei has bestowed upon you an exceptional weapon, one of renowned infamy. Conducts chakra extremely well, and is imbued with the Hatake's White Light Chakra, empowering it. Damage caused using this weapon is increased by 150%.
Ninjato - LV 45
Shurikenjutsu - LV 40
Gokakyou - LV 36
Striking Hawk Style - LV 40
Henge - LV 60
Kawarimi - LV 54
Bunshin - LV 43
Stealth - LV 60
Leaf Sticking - LV 68
Tree Walking - LV 34

Level: 33
XP: 2857/3400
HP: 2700
MP: 6000
Innate Control - Your control is innately superb, being near perfect. All Chakra Control Skills Progress 1000% Faster Than Usual.
Dual Spirit - You posses a Soul that is split in two, giving you a second personality, capable of thinking on its own. This allows you to split your focus and truly multitask. Intelligence is Doubled.
Superior Affinity - Your natural elemental Affinity is stronger than usual, increasing its potency by 50%
Monstrous Strength - Your strength is monstrous, near unnaturally so. Strength is increased by 100%.
Healing Specialty (Yin) - When healing or enhancing yourself through the use of Yin Aligned Medical Jutsu, it's effectiveness is increased by 50%
Hands of Miracle - The effects of all of your healing skills are increased by 15%
Iryojutsu Specialty - Your focus lay primarily with Chakra Techniques of a med-nin. Iryojutsu Skill increases 100% faster.
Anatomy Specialty - Their are many different bones, muscles, ligaments, organs, veins and more in the human body, and you are devoted to finding them all. Anatomy Skill increases 100% Faster.
Iryojutsu (Yin) - LV 45
Iryojutsu (Yang) - LV 23
Medicine Making - LV 30
Anatomy - LV 42
Shurikenjustu - LV 30
Swirling Leaf Style - LV 78
-Blossoming Fist - LV 12
Genjutsu Release - LV 26
Henge - LV 40
Bunshin - LV 73
Kawarimi - LV 66
Stealth - LV 25
Leaf Sticking - LV 100
Tree Walking - LV 89
Water Walking - LV 43
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Sakura:[X] Brawler
Sasuke:[X] Fighter
Naruto:[X] Warrior

Keep in mind what they want to be also. Sasuke wants to kill his brother, Naruto probably thinks that Warrior/Caster would be cool and Sakura doesn't want to be a weakling(It would baulk her if Naruto is stronger than her, which she knows she will be if she chooses a support role and Naruto who would definitely take a fighting role).
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[X] Sakura: Healer
[X] Sasuke: Scoundrel
[X] Naruto: Warrior

The rationale for my choices are that these classes are unique for each character.
[X] Sakura: Healer
[X] Sasuke: Trickster
[X] Naruto: Caster

Edited vote format.
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well, this looks fun, let's see;
[X] Fighter
[X] Scoundrel
[X] Caster

Now, here's my reasoning for these crazy choices; at this point in their development; Sakura is more into physical violance, but to her a brawler seems uncouth, Sasuke at this point is willing to take power from anywhere he can to achieve his goals, whether these powers are legal or not, to him, is a moot point much like a scoundral & Naruto is obsessed with Ninjutsu A.K.A Magic.
[X] Sakura - Healer
[X] Sasuke - Fighter
[X] Naruto - Caster

Why are we putting Sakurai into fighter when we could easily make her a medical and expand it into Tsunade's fighting style or Kabuto's. Sasuke as a fighter rounds off the healer and caster dynamic we have with a close range fighter to cover all bases.
[X] Sakura: Healer
[X] Sasuke: Scoundrel
[X] Naruto: Warrior

If each character has a class specific to them why choose anything else? especially something a limiting as caster or as generic as fighter which since every character has the choice to pick it makes it seem like its the generic ninja class.
[X] Sakura - Healer
[X] Sasuke - Fighter
[X] Naruto - Caster

Why are we putting Sakurai into fighter when we could easily make her a medical and expand it into Tsunade's fighting style or Kabuto's. Sasuke as a fighter rounds off the healer and caster dynamic we have with a close range fighter to cover all bases.
because I'm not placing them based on any meta reason, I know that's herectical on here, but based on each character's personal preferances at this point in the story.
[X] Sakura: Brawler
[X] Sasuke: Fighter
[X] Naruto: Caster
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Sakura: [X] Fighter
Sasuke: [X] Scoundrel
Naruto: [X] Caster

Healer!Sakura has been done to death. Sure, we might very well regret not having a healer at some point, but I think that this set-up has the potential to be far more interesting. Sakura as the front-line fighter, with Sasuke using his speed to dark around and mess with the enemy, and Naruto topping it off by putting his absurd reserves to good use. Hell, he might even learn to heal, if he gets proper chakra control.
[X] Sakura: Healer
[X] Sasuke: Scoundrel
[X] Naruto: Warrior
[X] Sakura: Fighter
[X] Sasuke: Fighter
[X] Naruto: Fighter

It's the only real team build. I don't know what the rest of you are thinking.