Second Age: Turn 3
The years past once more on Dunia, but they saw an event unthought of before. Mortals defeating a God, at least that is what many scholars believe. It all began when the God Anu'tarka gave a way for the Almara and their sub-races to defeat Thanatos once and for all, with Anariel sending two of her Celestials and Bennu. When the the three races reached the caverns where the Thanati were hiding in the Scorching Desert, they found that four Giants were doing battle with the undead Dragon, on their own quest for vengeance. The battle was brutal and bloody until the two Celestials and Bennu entered the fight, their holy might easily crushing the Vampire Clan. But just when victory seemed guaranteed, Strovak intervened and save the mad undead abomination. He sent all of the Almara and Avara fleeing with his presence, but eight Dragani stood their ground, though the eighth had hidden. As the others distracted Storvak, he got into position, when the time came he leaped into action and managed to open the box. But it truth it was the World's will that opened the box and allowed the Dark God to be sealed.
Other events of the past hundred years saw the Istari mastering the art of Space-Time Magic with the help of Arrona. Valden formed the Shapers, an Order dedicated to the creation of wondrous items, though they had yet to make anything of real note. Anariel ordered the Guardians to help with a new Expedition and created her own personal Realm.
From the second chance came four Angel level Celestials. Leviathan felt the death of Imnyri and wailed in despair, causing the World's oceans to become extremely dangerous. Clan Cruem figured out Moonsilver.
Before Storvak' s Sealing, he gifted the Goranta Advanced Magitech, causing them to enter a true Golden Age. Though now, should the Goranta ever find out what happened to their beloved God, it would mean all out War with the Almara.
The Gods felt a surge of strength.
+10pts to all Elder Gods.
So It Was, So It Is, So Shall It Forever Be.......