Lords of Creation Reborn: Third Times the charm!

End first Age on Turn Five?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • No

    Votes: 5 83.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
So actions

  • Fertility miracle and Birth of Bennu.
  • Second Chance upgrade: Create Celestial, influence the Istari, Holy Magic for the Friends Of Valden
  • Creation of the Dragni, catastrophe: Mind wipe on Drak'ul, creation of the Orani'Heil.
Wait, really quick, I didn't realize the influence thing was kept.

I want to buy an influence to get rind of the other influence.
Second Age: Turn Two
Second Age: Turn 2
The next few years saw the eradication of the foul Drak'ul Vampire Clan at the hands of Arrona and The Herald, though it was as collateral damage to the battle between the two gods against the most powerful Abyssal that will ever exist, Nyarlathotep. What remained of their battle reduced the swamp the Drak'ul were hiding in to a barren wasteland, Arrona decided to use this as an example of those who saw the Abyssals as something to worship and erected a dark pillar with a message engraved onto it warning all who would read of the folly of going against the gods.

The Goddess Anariel created the great Phoenix Bennu to protect her people and increased the Almara and Avara fertility rate to recover their losses. Valden improved the Second Chance to allow the mightiest of Souls to ascend into Celestials and granted his Order Holy Magic. He had tried to influence the Istari but Arrona quickly undid his efforts. The God Storvak created the Drangi and founded the Orani'Heil to act as a bridge between the Goranta and the Almara peoples.

The research into Orichalcum by the Goranta was a slow process and meet with numerous failures, in the end they managed to create a single Orichalcum Golem but that was through a complete accident. The Istari had similar trouble accessing Space-Time Magic and made absolutely no progress. The Almara rebuilt their city and were quickly recovering from the attack. The Unseen Wacthers had failed to find any leads to the location of Thanatos and his Clan.

The Giants became quick friends with the Expedition force sent by the Goranta thanks to the Almara known as Sai.

Leviathan asked his mother again for a mate, but received no answer once more. His sadness grew and he started to believe his mother Imnyri had abandoned him. The Vampire Lord Thanatos had successfully created the First Lich, and he couldn't be more excited. Umbral'Cruem sent his nephew a gift, a beautiful female Homunculus with pale skin, silvery hair and red eyes the color of wine. She would act as his servant and companion.

The Divine felt a surge of Power. +10pts to all Elder Gods

So It Was, So It Is, So Shall It Forever Be..........
*lurks quietly* The Black Pharoah would be an apt enemy for divine intervention. ShieldCrown said he is the most powerful abyssal that will ever be. That list includes trihexa.....
@ShieldCrown, I know that demigods can help found orders and kill monsters easier but, mechanically, what can I OOC contribute? What're the use of adding demigods in the threads?
Well, the age turned over, so whatever lesson I was trying to impart to you isn't happening IC anymore.

I can understand that you two might be interested in maybe helping out the lonely lord in the sea, but why did you start out with telling him that 'Your mom hasn't been around for a while, or is stuck asleep'? That...doesn't help him....
I can understand that you two might be interested in maybe helping out the lonely lord in the sea, but why did you start out with telling him that 'Your mom hasn't been around for a while, or is stuck asleep'? That...doesn't help him....
I wasn't going to, but Chipern already did, so I couldn't do anything but roll with it.
Well, the age turned over, so whatever lesson I was trying to impart to you isn't happening IC anymore.
Sure, it's fine.

Well you can travel around a lot more discreetly, you can make minor enchanted item of master crafted quality, and you specifically will be very skilled in the creation of Golems. Your also getting a present from your Vampiric Uncle( Clan Cruem are currently having a victory celebration over Clan Drak'uls destruction)
So I could then say for Turn 2 that T'chon will be going to Clan Cruem to answer the summons of his uncle and he'll be busy at work understanding the Orichalcum Golem, creating blueprints and more of the Golems? Because that's what he'll be doing.
@ShieldCrown If I want my Goranta to go to the other Goranta settlements to get/make them join/absorb into them what do I have to do, is it just a go down and order them to or do I have to do something specific and pay DP?
It's going to be more refined than that. I will be as to the black hole than forms inside a collapsing star. That 'collapsing star' just happens to be godly in nature. :3
On the one hand, I find your tendency to exaggerate something nefarious to be problematic.
Ont he other had you are jumping out of Imnyri. IC, I have no love for her. She killed my butterflies in the hundreds, and did not so much as apologize to me.
I should be happy she might be replaced. I can find myself concerned for Leviathan since he is innocent of that, but I do hate the Goddess of the Storm...
Well, if kristopherw doesn't respond....... Well, let's just say I might be able to, manifest myself. Using his corpse....
@ShieldCrown If I want my Goranta to go to the other Goranta settlements to get/make them join/absorb into them what do I have to do, is it just a go down and order them to or do I have to do something specific and pay DP?
Tell them, be warned some tribes seem to worship Anu'tarka more than you.
@ShieldCrown Valden will check his notebook.
Right then let's check out the Note Book!

Almara: expand to other islands or the coasts of the mainland.
Avara: help with the expansion, train all these new Battle Brothers and Sisters!
Dragni: help begin diplomatic ties between the Almara and their Descendents and the Goranta.
Unseen Watchers: escape from the Thanati and report the location of the Vampire Clan.
Guardians of Flames: try to sort out all the new recruits!
Orani'Heil: begin recruitment.

Goranta: find the Almara and continue diplomacy with the Giants. FINISH ORICHALCUM RESEARCH AND FIND A WAY TO WAKE UP MUNA GREND!

Clan Cruem: just....chilling, Umbral'Cruem is studying Moonsilver and Alchemy.
Clan Thanati: Thanatos and his new assistant, Lichy the Lich, are figuring out how to make what is basically Soulsteel!

Giants: continue diplomacy with Goranta, some random Giant wants to marry a Dryad.

Istari: figure out Space-Time Magic, attempt to contact Arrona. Create the Grand Mystic Library, a collection of all magical knowledge the Istari have gained.

On the one hand, I find your tendency to exaggerate something nefarious to be problematic.
Ont he other had you are jumping out of Imnyri. IC, I have no love for her. She killed my butterflies in the hundreds, and did not so much as apologize to me.
I should be happy she might be replaced. I can find myself concerned for Leviathan since he is innocent of that, but I do hate the Goddess of the Storm...
Well, I do intend to create elementals of water. I could prioritize them first if you wish. Make their leader female perhaps? :3