Lords of Creation Reborn: Third Times the charm!

End first Age on Turn Five?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • No

    Votes: 5 83.3%

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  • Poll closed .
Oh yeah, now I remember why I made that divine intervention comment earlier...

Am I the only one who noticed this?

Abyss Hounds(deceased)
Blood Fester(deceased)
King in Yellow(dead)
Oh yeah, now I remember why I made that divine intervention comment earlier...

Am I the only one who noticed this?

Abyss Hounds(deceased)
Blood Fester(deceased)
King in Yellow(dead)

He is dead...kinda, Herald tried to make it so he never existed but has sorta created a paradox. So while he's dead, he at the same time never existed in the first place, but for him to be dead he needs to have been alive and therefore had to exist.
But someone still has to create him, right? And I think we could spin it to Levi in a way that doesn't make him want to kill the new god.

Maybe @ShieldCrown would let you make him for free?
(Tell me if I need to redo this)

Just as a god has fallen, so must a new one rise to take her place. Her throne formerly greyed out has taken on a new color. Now an almost blinding white, a figure begins to take shape on the throne. This god seems to take less of an interest in the material plane and that seems to reflect in his chosen form.
(Tell me if I need to redo this)

Just as a god has fallen, so must a new one rise to take her place. Her throne formerly greyed out has taken on a new color. Now an almost blinding white, a figure begins to take shape on the throne. This god seems to take less of an interest in the material plane and that seems to reflect in his chosen form.
I have no idea what kind of god you even are.
Please place the approved character sheet here so we can even begin to understand what the heck you are.
God Name: Zerador
Titles: Shackled Phantom, God of None, Conflux of the Elements
Domains: Energy
Personality: Laid back, generally chill. Uncaring for petty actions, affection and anger both. Has a strong sense of justice and promotes vengeance against injustice. When he's angry and then gets really calm, that's when you should start running.
Appearance: Generally either a ball of crackling energy or a humanoid figure of said energy.
Sacred Creatures: Most types of living elements.
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God Name: Zerador
Titles: Shackled Phantom, God of None, Conflux of the Elements
Domains: Energy, Vengeance
Personality: Laid back, generally chill. Uncaring for petty actions, affection and anger both. When he's angry and then gets really calm, that's when you should start running. After elementals are created his personality will change to reflect the most powerful faction.
Appearance: Generally either a ball of crackling energy or a humanoid sun.
Sacred Creatures: Most types of living elements.
I'm going to assume some of this needs to be changed, but that is up to the GMs. If your curious why I say that, feel free to ask.
That was if you were choosing to be a lesser god.
You may need to ask about the changes needed to make it an elder god sheet.
Also I do not know how the elementals feel about being called animals...so...
I changed it to creatures not animals in the repost. He can specify what I need to possibly change. But I made that sheet originally for an elder god slot.
you are replacing storms.
Since NO STORMS is going to reak havoc on the climate...we need a storm god.
Lightning is a form of energy so yes. I qualify for that position.

EDIT: The artifact I planned for leviathan was an orb containing any remaining shards of power from imnyri into an orb that lets him have a manner of control over storms. Will that solve the problem?
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Lightning is a form of energy so yes. I qualify for that position.

EDIT: The artifact I planned for leviathan was an orb containing any remaining shards of power from imnyri into an orb that lets him have a manner of control over storms. Will that solve the problem?
only if SOMEONE creates a mate for him and binds him firmly to the divine order...