Lords of Creation Reborn: Third Times the charm!

End first Age on Turn Five?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • No

    Votes: 5 83.3%

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  • Poll closed .
Can't exactly do much with the Dragani as they are talking to Storvak, and Anariel has already got her people headed home and I do not have anything to do with Bennu.
And you did mention a while ago that a Giant (a peculiar one) was interested in dryads. I think I'd leave the battlegrounds rather disappointed int he turn out, need to find a place to contemplate things, and maybe get lucky and stumble on the giants.
Thoughts that sort of pop into place...maybe get in touch with the warrior people that more or less I helped create in a way. Might help Anu'tarka figure out more about the people who were fighting Thanatos before the Almara even showed up.
Can't exactly do much with the Dragani as they are talking to Storvak, and Anariel has already got her people headed home and I do not have anything to do with Bennu.
And you did mention a while ago that a Giant (a peculiar one) was interested in dryads. I think I'd leave the battlegrounds rather disappointed int he turn out, need to find a place to contemplate things, and maybe get lucky and stumble on the giants.
Thoughts that sort of pop into place...maybe get in touch with the warrior people that more or less I helped create in a way. Might help Anu'tarka figure out more about the people who were fighting Thanatos before the Almara even showed up.
Errrr, ok? I'll just wait for you to start it then.
You can try to get them together, but uh.......you ain't exactly a God of Love.
No, but getting to know the people would be nice. The Giants and Dryads are different people, and I'm a tiny part of what helped make them, so getting to know them and maybe even seeing what the unification of the two would be like would be fascinating.
The World is older than the gods.....let that sink in.
I was under the impression it was wary of things before us, and considering the world song, far more powerful...

It doesn't need to know the word. It can just DO...
I'm really glad I don't hurt the world. I'm even happier I am on good terms with it.
It possible for gods to gain or lose influence points based on their actions? Because of anything qualifies for loading points with the Alamara, it is this.

ACTIONS CLOSED! Storvak is in the Box.
I don't think that is fair. I mean, yes, Stovak harmed the Almara, but it isn't like he was going to destroy the world or anything. I don't think it is right to just take him out of the game like that.
When was he wrathful though, give me a time when he "wrathed" something, I only see him trying to prevent events that would make him be wrathful.
Sorry, that is unjust of me to say. I should just remain with Chaos, since that gives enough leeway to warrant extremes I think.
...Actually if you think about it Dark ness and Kristophew did more damage to the world than me and the vampires ever did, they both made large areas basically null and void of life, not to say they didn't have good reason to, but they still did more damage.
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...Actually if you think about it Dark ness and Kristophew did more damage to the world than me and the vampires ever did, they both made large areas basically null and void of life, not to say they didn't have good reason to, but they still did more damage.
Imnyri is gone as is.
Not sure about for Arrona what the world thinks. I could ask...I don't know if it would share.
Imnyri is gone as is.
Not sure about for Arrona what the world thinks. I could ask...I don't know if it would share.
Admittedly, if I didn't do it, the world and the Divine Realm would have both been destroyed. And technically, it was the Herald, not me. So, if the World has any intelligence, it wouldn't do anything to me.

Although, while I think Stovak is a jerk, he is one of the PC's and I don't think it is right to just kick him like that, just for some morally questionable actions. (Remember the Plague Father, our Co-GM's old character? Way worse, and he wasn't kicked).
Admittedly, if I didn't do it, the world and the Divine Realm would have both been destroyed. And technically, it was the Herald, not me. So, if the World has any intelligence, it wouldn't do anything to me.

Although, while I think Stovak is a jerk, he is one of the PC's and I don't think it is right to just kick him like that, just for some morally questionable actions. (Remember the Plague Father, our Co-GM's old character? Way worse, and he wasn't kicked).
I would not recall the Plague Father having never known them.
Though I'm pretty sure the world is quite clever. It has been harmoniously keeping things rather stable for quite a while. Then we sort of showed up, caused a rift of sorts, made places for souls and ultimately mad races on it. We sort of are interlopers it might well permit to continue having be present. I think it is well aware of what we can do, and lets us do most of it until things go sideways.
Here is a tip for you guys, if he is kept in the box for too long and then 'if' he is released he could be very angry. If this helps his "balance" is getting close to the border of tipping and if he is kept in their for too long then it will tip.

(this is not a threat but what will happen if he is trapped for to long all because he was trying to help the world lamenting over what happened)
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