Lord of the Stars Quest!

So we have a majority voted plan? Okay then.

Story post incoming unless somebody wants to add something.
Hot spot event
[x] network nodes.
[x] Continue practicing Protection: We are in a dangerous situation. We need the ability to protect our world.
[x] Give the Shard of your self some star power
1. Reclaimation/Recycling/Terraforming tech.
2. Hyperium research
3. Research possibility of Sensor Tech: We can use enhanced sensors to get a better understanding of the status of the planet, and our surrounding system. Better to know whats there before we get there at all.
Action list
1. Expansion and Reclamation
2. Universal Recycling Systems (Under construction, 51/100)
3. TI Drone Plants (Under construction, 54/150)
4. Investigate Builder Government Files (Difficulty -30): While difficult, it would be worth the time to investigate now. There is the potential for information on many planetary aspects, as well as data on goverment research and technologies. At the very least, it could help us pinpoint any research facilities still standing.
5. Continue planetary survey
Trent01 said:
So we have a majority voted plan? Okay then.
Story post incoming unless somebody wants to add something.
*Shrugs* I would've preferred to research AI instead of Sensors and chosen a less difficult Builder Remnant to investigate, but those aren't important enough to delay the next turn.
5 years pass...


Several of the tallest skyscrapers of Complex Delta finish conversion to network nodes by the end of the first year, greatly increasing network connectivity and providing a strong ground station for survey and communication satellites.

Scientific and industrial parties find great benefit to the gain in communications, and can now preform more actions concurrently.

New turn total is 5 actions, 3 R&D, and 1 power practice.

* * * * * *

[X] Practice Protection and give Shard some power
(57, minor success). Key is right with you when you delve into pathspace again. "Hey buddy. Thanks for the juice. Okay, I've been tinkering a little with local pathspace. Now, how to summarize...."

"Right. Life only sees transit between stars in terms of straight lines of transit in hyperspace. But in pathspace, we can see hyperspace routes as a whole lot of things. Normally they're curved lines, but I found out how to 'bend' hyperspace lines so it takes longer to transit. This makes anyone traveling to our system take a lot longer and they can't tell why. I can do it in reverse too, straightening out the lines so outbound flights go faster. Sorry, no weapons yet beyond just randomly throwing blobs of star energy down the lines. I'll keep working at it."

You yourself get some practice in bending pathspace/hyperspace lines, and you start to gain an appreciation that pathspace is way, way beyond your understanding right now. You need practice, and you need more shards.

1) Reclamation/recycling/terraforming tech
(20, failure) Science-bots hit a dead end with biological stimuli and lose several key algae vats. Its going to take time to make new ones and right now the science-bots recommend just working with existing recyclers and air filters for now.

2) Hyperium Research
(46+10= 56, minor success) A basic supply of hyperium is established, and at a test-model N-way fusion plant is online. A four-body fusion reaction produces ten times more power than conventional 2-body fusion cores, and its clean and with minimal chance of explosive meltdown. Its going to be an excellent starship fuel. However supply is limited. While major bodies of natural supply are theorized to exist on the Gas Giant, you don't have anywhere near enough Hyperium on hand for military or civilian usage. So you need to refine it from conventional deuterium.

Improvement Unlocked: Heavy Isotope Refineries (Multiple zero-g refineries needed to start producing hyperium.)

3) Sensor Tech
(8, major failure) Multiple theories are chucked out the window one after another. Current optical lenses do not provide enough focus at stellar distances. Multi-spectrum sensors don't have enough resolution and are too bulky. Active-ping sensors take too long to get results. Science-bots plead for more time and resources, possibly even a space-based lab.


1) Expansion and Reclaimation
(9-10= -1, major failure) The rapid rebuilding of several megacities and round the clock expansion take their toll. Logistics are overtaxed and some rural areas are contaminated by radiation storms. While current infrastructure is maintained, there is no growth and most of the 5-year period is spent trying to resupply construction crews. Resources spent on the orbital supercomputer do not help.

2) Building Universal Recycling Systems
(82-10= 72, project finished) Dozens of URS complexes go online worldwide in a coordinated effort to begin repairing the world. Several more plants are brought online above the minimum needed for the worldwide URS grid to work, so cleanup operations will be greatly accelerated.

(Universal Recycling Systems= + industry, + biosphere repair, +morale)

3) Build TI Drone plants
(85-10= 75. 129 of 150) More drone plants go online and TI drone production is reaching the tens of thousands per month in every plant. TI intelligence nodes actually outstrip drone chassis production, so some TI nodes are implanted into QHD bodies to some success. However several bioroid overseers note that there is a lot to be desired in TI's, and they need a lot of improvement.

4) Investigate Builder Government Files
(74- 30= 44. Neutral) Code-cracker AI's struggle to analyze Builder government files. Without a code-cipher, a index key, or a codebook your doing this the hard way. Most of it is boring government minutae, but one top-secret file was uncovered. Project "HHKD". Heavy-hunter-seeker-destroyer. A mountainside lab is located and open to investigation.

New Action Project: Investigate project HHKD (Difficulty -15)

5) Continue Planetary Survey
(80, success) Survey bots design a new type of orbital satellite, storm-proof some aircraft, EM-harden some survey bots for deep patrols, and make several successful journies into some of the hardest hit places on the planet and discover some major resources.

Some hyperium is found in the oceans and lakes, but nowhere near enough for military or civilian applications. Most of the easily-accessible resources are in the ruins of the old cities, and theres a large number of vehicles they were able to salvage and re-appropriate to their own uses. But then theres the big news:

You discovered some missile sites on a secondary continent. Intact, operational, and on stand by and loaded with neutron and fusion bombs. While your scouts defuse them and get the silo AI's to stand down, there may be more still out there. This will make for a good supplement to your existing war arsenals, you don't have any warhead manufacturing of your own, and this will give you a large reserve.

* * * * * *


Planet Type: Terran
Exploitation: Balanced
Anomaly: Heavy-medium Biosphere Damage (- approval, - economics, - birthrate)

System Improvements: Biosynth labs (+ population growth, + diplomacy)
Orbital Elevator Station (+ small industry boost)
Military Space Station Alpha (+ shipbuilding capacity: fighter/corvette/destroyer level)
Universal Recycling Systems (+ industry, + biosphere repair, + morale)
TI Drone Plants (Under construction, 129/150)
AI Supercomputer Hub station (2/3 turns done)

21 HK satellites

Population: (updated with new TI's and bioroid classifications)
2.6 billion Quantum-hard drive robots
3.11 million bioroids
7.01 million Task-intelligence drones.

Starships: 4 picket corvette class (currently surveying star system)

* * * * *

Available recommended projects
AI evolution (How do we evolve further?) (+5)
"Hyperium" (Develop a new type of high-powered fuel?) (+10)
Starship Engines (+5)

Bioroid Factory (mass-produce bioroids, 150 points to build)
Atmospheric Scrubber Plants (+ biosphere repair, + approval, 200 points to build)
Heavy Isotope Refineries (neccessary stepping stone to hyperium implementation, + industry, 200 points to build)

Investigate Builder War Arsenals (Difficulty -0)
Investigate Builder Deep War Arsenals (Difficulty -20)
Investigate Builder Government Files (Difficulty -30)
Investigate Project HHKD (Difficulty -15)

* * * * * * *


The growing bioroid and drone populations are predicted to explosively expand within the next 20 years as Complex-Delta and several other cities go online. Between gradual improvements in bioroid creation and housing, and the new TI production plants soon to be finished, both sub-type's production will vastly outstrip QHD production, with the robots still trying to figure out how to mass-produce QHD's to the same degree.

Question is then, how to focus that growth?

[ ] Favor bioroids
[ ] Favor TI drones
[ ] Try and press for QHD's
[ ] No favoring.

* * * * * * *

Returning to your star, you notice that everythings gone quiet. The anomalies at the edge of your domain arn't showing up anymore, and pathspace is silent.

Boring really. You should press for getting these robots to develop stardrives soon. Then you can tag along and see what goes on in the universe.

Decide next action list. 5 actions, 3 R&D, 1 power practice.
[x] Try to bring QHD's up to the same level as the rest
[x] Practice Protection

1. Sensors; give them the space lab.
2. Hyperium
3. AI Research; focus on speeding up QHD production and upgrading Robot (both QHD and TID) Chassis.

1. Finish TI Drone Plant
2. Expansion and Reclamation
3. Start building Air Scrubbers
4. Planetary Survey
5. Investigate Project HHKD
Is it possible for us to get a list of our stats (like Science, Industry, Approval, Diplomacy, etc)? Or are they hidden?

Edit: Also, how do they affect our rolls? Obviously, a high Science helps with Research, but how much, for example, does the AI Hub raise our roll?
PhoenixFTW said:
Is it possible for us to get a list of our stats (like Science, Industry, Approval, Diplomacy, etc)? Or are they hidden stats?
This has been added to the "to-do" list for the AI supercomputer hub to calculate, and for you to start thinking in numbers.

But a fair chunk will remain hidden.
5 years pass....

[x] Try to bring QHD's up to the same level as the rest
Theres a renewed effort to expand production of QHD's, even in light of necessary overhauls to QHD plants. While biosynths and drones will eventually outnumber the static QHD population, that date is put off by a few years.

Small population boom in QHD bots.

[x] Practice Protection
(4, failure) Key waves you off from pathspace, saying he's working on something special. You can't get any pathspace practice in this half-decade.

1. Sensors; give them the space lab.
(88, success) With a orbital telescope platform to work with, scientist bots have successfully created a series of optical lens of even greater magnitude than before and paired it with a powerful passive receiver sensor array. This sensor module is expensive, but effective for longer-ranged surveys. A module is already installed on the telescope, and another is ready to be installed on a scout corvette when they return from shakedown.

New Ship Refit: Signal Lens Array (+ sensors)

2. Hyperium
(56+10= 66, success) Science-bots continue to work on refining their capability to apply Hyperium, and have come up with a Hyperium-injector design to refit onto a starship for more power and speed. However, without any reliable supply of Hyperium they cannot build the injectors just yet. In addition, they are fuel inefficient, so conventional fusion torches will be necessary as standard drives until Hyperium drives can be fully realized.

New Ship Refit: Hyperium Fuel Injector (+ power, + speed, needs Heavy Isotope Refineries)

3. AI Research; focus on speeding up QHD production and upgrading Robot (both QHD and TID) Chassis.
(43+5= 48, neutral) While newer model of chassis have been designed and implemented, science-bots have made no headway in speeding up QHD production. Several QHD plants had to go offline for overhaul and maintenance this half-decade as well, reducing production temporarily.

1. Finish TI Drone Plant
(81, project complete) Several dozen TI drone plants go online by the end of the half-decade, and drone production skyrockets into the millions per year, limited only by available resources. TI cores prove to become a badly needed working masses for the robot state, manning factories and menial work so QHD's can begin applying their greater capabilities to higher thought tasks.

(TI Drone Plant= + drone production rate, +10 to one industry roll per turn)

2. Expansion and Reclamation
(94, major success) Reclaimation efforts restart and continue to make great headway, bolstered by more drones and bioroids to fill out the ranks. While QHD bots are still doing most of the work, the added droid-power is a great boon. Two of the four lesser continents begin to be reclaimed and more cities start to be rebuilt in completely heroic efforts.

Industry and logistical infrastructure also greatly expand, improving productivity and providing a reserve in event of catastrophe. While the skies are still grey and radiation is a major hazard in some areas, over half the planet is now reclaimed by the robots and being restored.

3. Start building Air Scrubbers
(75, 75 of 200) Several air-scrubber plants go online in the worse-effected areas and begin showing results. While minute without a worldwide grid working simultaneously, the effect is still evident, and there are a few breaks in grey clouds.

4. Planetary Survey
(44, neutral) Beyond more scraps and ruins and tagging hazard zones, the survey teams arn't finding much at all. Nothing of value or strategic importance. There might be more out there, but they are starting to think that most of the valuable stuff just got nuked during the Builder's war.

5. Investigate Project HHKD
(65- 15= 50. Minor success) You find the mountain lab, but its sealed shut with a nuke-hardened bunker. This evidently wasn't supposed to be used during the nuclear war, but after it. Beyond that, survey bots can't say much about it until they can get inside. But they have recovered the wreckage of an aircraft that evidently was on their way here, including a major scientist with his briefcase. After several hours of jiggering with the lock, you get some files and a codekey.

(Item- Recovered codekey: +10 to one Builder Investigation Action per turn)

* * * * * **

The AI supercomputer Hub in orbit of Home is now fully online. The AI gestalt inside calls itself "Arcon" after a famous Builder thinker. With its greatly expanded thinking capacities and ability for highly realistic simulations, the AI hub is a great boon to science, and new doorways are opened into new areas.

AI Hub: Can apply a +10 bonus to one R&D project per turn

Research Project Unlocked: Hyperdrive Alpha (+5) "We have simulated a means of traveling faster than light by warping space. Practical tests must be done before any further development."
Research Project Unlocked: Isolation Shields (+5) "In developing means of isolating particles from the effects of gravity and radiation, we can begin to make great leaps in scientific advancement into exotic particles. Practical application= antimatter production/application sometime in the future."
Research Project Unlocked: Nanotech-alpha (+5) "We can begin down the path of extreme miniaturization. Early-model nanotech will be useful in industry, and a stepping stone to better nano."

Action Unlocked: Develop secondary AI Hub cortex. (+5) "With our heightened computing power, we now understand how to better network ourselves for even more power. Five more advanced QHD's attached to us will produce even greater results."

* * * * * * *


Planet Type: Terran
Exploitation: Balanced
Anomaly: Medium Biosphere Damage (- approval, - economics, - birthrate)

System Improvements: Biosynth labs (+ population growth, + diplomacy)
Orbital Elevator Station (+ small industry boost)
Military Space Station Alpha (+ shipbuilding capacity: fighter/corvette/destroyer level)
Universal Recycling Systems (+ industry, + biosphere repair, + morale)
TI Drone Plants (+ drone production rate, +10 to one industry-involved project per turn)
AI Supercomputer Hub station (+10 to one R&D project per turn)
Atmospheric Scrubber Plants (75 of 200)

21 HK satellites

2.7 billion Quantum-hard drive robots
5.21 million bioroids
11.46 million Task-intelligence drones.

Starships: 4 picket corvette class (currently surveying star system)

Key Items
Builder Code-key (+10 bonus to Builder Investigation Actions)

* * * * * *
Available recommended projects
AI evolution (+5)
Starship Engines (+5)
Hyperdrive Alpha (+5)
Isolation Shields (+5)
Nanotech-Alpha (+5)

Bioroid Factory (mass-produce bioroids, 150 points to build)
AI Hub subcortex (Improve AI hub, 250 points to build) (+5)

Investigate Builder War Arsenals (Difficulty -0)
Investigate Builder Deep War Arsenals (Difficulty -20)
Investigate Builder Government Files (Difficulty -30)

Ship Refits
Signal Lens Array (+ sensors)
Hyperium Fuel Injector (+ power, + speed, needs heavy isotope refineries.)

* * * * * * *


The AI hub has completed an extremely detailed computer model and analysis of the world's current resources and infrastructure. For simplicity's sake for the majority of robots, they are summarized into areas of traits and stats.

Approval: 45% (barely content) "Robots hate disorder, and having large radiation clouds around does not help."
Food and Growth Potential: level 1 "Sustainable with minor growth"
Industrial Productivity: level 1 + 1 (TI Drone Plant) "Acceptable for now, hindered by working population"
Research Capacity: level 2 +1 (AI hub) "Advanced and efficient."
Economic Capacity: level 0 "Nil. We really ought to get around to establishing a proper culture"
Wealth: level 0 "Also nil. What we make, we immediately spend. No real wealth or trade riches."
Diplomacy: poor "More biosynths and research into biosynthetics is neccessary."

Military-ground: level 1 "Infantry and some airborne elements. Tiny really, but not needed at the moment. About 2 million combat robots active right now, and 5 million on stand-by without brains."
Military-space: level 0 "We got a space station and some satellites and a few corvettes. In short, nearly nothing."

More details will be added to the report when they are calculated.

* * * * * *

Select 5 actions, 3 R&D projects, and 1 power practice for next turn.

Somehow... you feel like FTL drives will be important soon, or its going to make the future a lot more difficult. Or really, really boring. Just as bad.
Also, the TI Drone plant is a +10 boost to industry, like building the bioroid factory or assisting in refits.

EDIT: Nevermind on code key, only applies to one investigation at a time.
[x] Practice Protection (because we don't really have any warships)

1. Hyperdrive (GM flat out says its important) (+10 designated bonus)
2. Nanotech (because Nanotech)
3. Starship Engines (Get Hyperium in the Gas Giant)

1. Reclamation (Get the Approval rating higher).
2. Investigate Builder War Arsenals (that +10 to Builder Investigation will be really helpful and we may find something that reduces the cost of the others).
3. Build Atmo Scrubbers (Get rid of Biosphere damage). (+10 designated bonus)
4. Expand Space Industry. Focus on Moon mining and Space Elevators (We've got a good handle on the ground; now lets expand to space).
5. Establish a formal government and culture (See the economic report).
[X] Power Avatar: If we are preparing to venture out into the great void we will need a experienced and powerful representative capable of expressing our opinion.


[X]Continue Construction of Air Scrubbers. +TI bonus

[X]Investigate Builder War Arsenals: Now that we have begun most of our reclamation projects we need to turn our eyes to the defense of our world. As it is right now anyone could come in and simply bomb us back into oblivion. The first action we can take is to investigate any weapon stockpiles our creators may have left behind and repurpose them for our own use.

[X]Expand our military station in orbit. We need to expand the offensive capabilities and its ability to construct and house vessels if we are to have any hope of intercepting a hostile force before it reaches our planet.

[X]Expand the HK Satellite Network. More and more of our industrial and research facilities are being moved offplanet and into orbit. These facilities are hideously vulnerable to attack and it is only logical that we should increase their defenses.

[X]Construct Secondary AI Hub. We must take further advantage of our impressive computing and research capabilities to increase our ability to research. We are more than likely behind the galactic average technology level and we must quickly amend that if we are to survive as a independent race.


[X] Isolation Shields. While the original use as reactor shielding is indeed something we should look into. The abilities of other races are unknown and the probability of at least some of them making use of energy weapons is high. The development of energy fields that can negate this energy would be useful when we inevitably run into one of these races that is hostile to us.

[X]Nanotech-Alpha. The applications of nanotech are almost endless. Rapid repairs to craft and mechanical bodies, terraforming, resource extraction, offensive deconstruction of enemy craft and weapons and will increase our research capabilities even further with the ability to observe the tiniest workings of the universe via a observer nanites recorders. +hub bonus

[X]Starship Engines. The only thing more important right now than weapons or defense is our ability to catch any hostiles that assault us. If we do not have the speed to catch them then we are already doomed.

Honestly we need to be prepared for whatever is out there before we even THINK about going there. That means both adequate defense for the homeworld, I'm thinking nothing less than a network of atleast a couple dozen battlestations each with a couple squadrons of fighters and equipped with some form of projectile/energy weaponry and energy shielding. As well as the technology to allow any starships we construct to survive whatever they may encounter.

edit- While some good points are brought up about organizing a culture and the like those can be done AFTER we're sure our planet can't be blown up by any passing starship that decides we're too dangerous to leave alone.
PhoenixFTW said:
[x] Practice Protection (because we don't really have any warships)

1. Hyperdrive (GM flat out says its important) (+10 designated bonus)
2. Nanotech (because Nanotech)
3. Starship Engines (Get Hyperium in the Gas Giant)

1. Reclamation (Get the Approval rating higher).
2. Investigate Builder War Arsenals (that +10 to Builder Investigation will be really helpful and we may find something that reduces the cost of the others).
3. Build Atmo Scrubbers (Get rid of Biosphere damage). (+10 designated bonus)
4. Expand Space Industry. Focus on Moon mining and Space Elevators (We've got a good handle on the ground; now lets expand to space).
5. Establish a formal government and culture (See the economic report).
[x] Practice Protection (because we don't really have any warships)
(67, success) Key greets you happily from pathspace, and he has a friend. Its another shard, but this one is more focuses.

"Hello again. We got another shard around here." Says Key. "This one is different. He's not exactly alive like you or I, but he can do something we can't- fight in pathspace. Yo, pawn, move to the line here."

The pawn shard moves close to the hyperspace line, there Key starts flinging a few small raw pieces of star power down the line only for the pawn to hit them with energy bolts of its own, neutralizing them. You come to understand that if those were real enemy ships, they would suffer spontaneous hull breaches and attacks from nowhere.

Before you leave, Key shows you one more thing: how to make pawns. A few jolts of star power and you have some towers to defend the lines coming into your system. Key warns however that these are really basic defenses. If an enemy develops strong enough radiation shielding or hyperspace protection, these attacks will do nothing. Key will look into stronger defenses soon. But right now, pathspace is utterly silent.

1. Hyperdrive-Alpha (GM flat out says its important) (+10 designated bonus)
(80+10= 90, major success) Between the resources of the AI Hub and orbital industry, a test-model FTL drive is designed, developed, and deployed using a cargo tug as a base for use. A test mis-fire sends it miles away in a second-long burst. While its accuracy is somewhat wanting, you now have FTL drives that go 15 times the speed of light using the alpha-bands of hyperspace. Not only that, but a large amount of data is recorded and sent back. Enough to possibly start work on the Alpha-plus hyperdrive immediately.

New Research Project Unlocked: Hyperdrive Alpha-plus. (+10)
*all starships will now be built with hyperdrive-alpha cores*

2. Nanotech- alpha (because Nanotech)
(41, neutral) The Hub begins work on developing nanotechnology. Right now they are faced with significant issues of miniaturizing a neural net brain to nano-level, as well as power supply issues. While currently operational to a degree in lab conditions, nano-A isn't in any state for mass-production just yet.

(+10 to Nanotech-Alpha R&D)

3. Starship Engines (Get Hyperium in the Gas Giant)
(49, neutral) Scientist bots tinker with existing engines for slightly better fuel efficiency and rig up particle ramscoops to increase range, but theres no major advancements made just yet. They continue to advise building Heavy Isotope Refineries on Home to tap local Deuterium and Hyperium.

*cargo tugs can now reach gas giant, slowly*

1. Reclamation (Get the Approval rating higher).
(6, failure) A major radiation-hurricane strikes a major port city, causing massive damage and destroying a lot of major equipment and people. Cleanup and recovery efforts are slow and disorganized due to network interruption and scrambling from the storm. Other reclamation efforts around the world are stalled as resources and skilled robots are diverted to contain this catastrophe.

2. Investigate Builder War Arsenals
(47+10= 57, minor success) Using algorithms derived from the codekey, survey-bots are able to access some underground war reserves. One faction of the Builders evidently knew they would lose an atomic war, so they built up stockpiles and reserves to start a war after the nukes fell. The plan obviously failed as they died out from neutron bombardment, but it did leave a lot of good hardware behind. Tanks, planes, fuel, munitions, enough to equip a regiment of heavy armored troops and store them.

Survey bots think theres a lot more still out there, but more time is needed to find it all.

(+1 unit of heavy armor ground troops + attached air support.)

3. Build Atmo Scrubbers (Get rid of Biosphere damage). (+10 designated bonus)
(22+10= 30, 105 of 200) Progress is slow after the hurricane and many robots grumble at the divertion of the main drone workforce being spent on this project, but it is now half-complete and the drones prove their worth as workers. Many bioroids are happy not to have to get their hands dirty and focus on higher level tasks.

4. Expand Space Industry. Focus on Moon mining and Space Elevators
(76, success) A second space-elevator station goes online by the end of the half-decade and is rapidly being surrounded by industrial platforms taking advantage of zero-G. Lunar mining operations for helium-3, deuterium, and rare minerals are proving very useful in supplementing planetary recovery. A major project has been proposed by an overseer robot to overcome the major issues of transhipping between the moon and Home. An interplanetary transport network using slingshot maneuvers and naturally occuring magnetic fields to create (relatively) cheap and quick shipping compared to current tugs, and would also improve transit between other planets in this system.

System Improvement Unlocked: Interplanetary Transport Network (++ industry, 200 point project)

5. Establish a formal government and culture (See the economic report).
(78, success) The time of the ad-hocracy is over, and thus begins the new robotic democracy. With robots, electronic voting is much easier and more representative of the population as a whole. A small free-market barter system is set up by some bioroids trading clothing, services, food that isn't bio-paste, and other items for power and spare parts or Builder curios. Most importantly though, industrial robots get a chance to do more than just work. QHD systems depend on stimuli to develop, and doing more than daily routines allows for greater personal development. In short, fun equates to robots getting smarter over time. Thus robots begin to experiment with Builder culture and ideals while beginning to form their own.

While current systems are ad hoc and individualized between each of the inhabited cities, several bioroids put forward possible plans to develop public-private contract systems to jump-start an internal economy and new robot society.

(AI Evolution goes from +5 to +15)
New Improvement Unlocked: Public-Private Partnerships. (+ economy, + approval, 100 points to build)

* * * * * * *


Planet Type: Terran
Exploitation: Balanced
Anomaly: Medium Biosphere Damage (- approval, - economics, - birthrate)

System Improvements: Biosynth labs (+ population growth, + diplomacy)
Orbital Elevator Station (+ small industry boost)
Military Space Station Alpha (+ shipbuilding capacity: fighter/corvette/destroyer level)
Universal Recycling Systems (+ industry, + biosphere repair, + morale)
TI Drone Plants (+ drone production rate, +10 to one industry-involved project per turn)
AI Supercomputer Hub station (+10 to one R&D project per turn)
Atmospheric Scrubber Plants (105 of 200)

21 HK satellites

2.75 billion Quantum-hard drive robots
7.21 million bioroids
23.25 million Task-intelligence drones.

Starships: 4 picket corvette class (currently surveying star system)

Military: 2 regiments of light infantry, plus light air support.
5 regiments of reserve light infantry (brain-less)
1 regiment of heavy armor, plus heavy airborne support.

Key Items
Builder Code-key (+10 bonus to Builder Investigation Actions)

* * * * * *
Available recommended projects
AI evolution (+15)
Hyperdrive Alpha-plus. (+10)
Isolation Shields (+5)
Nanotech-Alpha (+5)

Bioroid Factory (mass-produce bioroids, 150 points to build)
AI Hub subcortex (Improve AI hub, 250 points to build) (+5)
Interplanetary Transport Network (++ industry, 200 point project)
Public-Private Partnerships. (+ economy, + approval, 100 points to build)
Heavy Isotope Refineries (neccessary stepping stone to hyperium implementation, + industry, 200 points to build)

Investigate Builder War Arsenals (Difficulty -0)
Investigate Builder Deep War Arsenals (Difficulty -20)
Investigate Builder Government Files (Difficulty -30)

Ship Refits
Signal Lens Array (+ sensors)
Hyperium Fuel Injector (+ power, + speed, needs heavy isotope refineries.)

* * * * * *


With the development of the hyperdrive-alpha core, the four scout corvettes have been recalled for refitting with the new drive. The time has finally come to begin exploring the stars.

The question is, where to commit what? Even with better sensors and FTL drives, a star system is a very big place. Its ben decided that all four ships will be sent to just one system at a time together to cover more ground quickly.

Two nearby systems are possible candidates for exploration. You sensed an anomaly at nearby system 473-B, 5 light years away. The robots are considering system 342-D, six light years away, because of its unusual solar patterns.

Any trip to either system will take half about five months to achieve. Which do you favor?

[ ] 473-B, where you sensed an anomaly.
[ ] 342-D, where the robots want to check out unusual solar activity.
[ ] Explore neither

* * * * * *

Decide your next action list: 5 actions, 3 R&D, 1 power practice.
[x] Practice Protection.

2.Hyperdrive Alpha-plus.
3.AI Evolution.

1. Reclamation
2. Build scrubbers.
3. Begin Interplanetary transport network (dat industry).
4. Heavy Isotope refineries.
5. AI subcortex.

Hotspot event
[x] 473-B
Noxturne's plan with two amendments:

Develop the Heavy Isotope factories instead of space industry and explore system 342-D. If the anomaly in the other system is another Starlord there is a significant chance that it could be hostile or we simply piss it off.

We are NOT in a position to defend ourselves from a concentrated attack.

Actually, scratch that either one could possess a starlord.

I vote not to explore either system just yet on the chance that we find something that considers our little world lunch.