Lord of the Stars Quest!

PhoenixFTW said:
That's fine. How about this?

[x] Practice controlling Logic Bolt
[x] Let Life decide.

1. Recycling and reclamation tech.
2. AI Research. Whatever Life decides about self-experimentation, they need to know how to make more of themselves.

1. Expand our industry. Build as many Bioroids and Robots as possible. Focus on rebuilding and repairing what we can on the ground. Look for Builder tech and anything else interesting while rebuilding. Once rebuild of the salvageable parts of the world are complete, build a large monument to the Builders.
2. Do a detailed, full-planet search and survey. Look for Builder assets, Builder tech, mineral deposits and anything else interesting. Include the oceans and undeveloped areas of the planet.
3. Start building up our military, both ground and space. First priority is the station. Once that's done, finish the corvettes already laid down, and then focus on interceptors, HK satellites, and ground troops. Also, look into abandoned builder projects.
4. Send a Logic Bolt and Avatar to help with Research Actions.
Five years pass....

The Robot council (reluctantly and by a close vote) authorize QHD dissection. Over 200 minds, most of them stable-sentient level ones by neccessity, had to be torn apart to gain an understanding of their heuristic base coding and means of creation. The data recovered by the short-lived project provided major gains to AI research and will be remembered as a brutal, but neccessary action in history books. (+20 to AI research, - morality)

* * * * * *

[X] Practice Logic Bolt
(55, minor success) You already know how to apply star power to Life's brains, which supercharges them and turns them into radical inventive geniuses at cost to "burning out" their bodies as they think themselves to death within ten years or less. Right now you focus on trying to direct their lines of thinking, to some minor success. The burn-out effect doesn't seem to be preventable at this time, even with robots.

R&D Developments

1) Recycling and Reclaimation tech
(67, success) A scientist-bot, in conjunction with a creative construction-bot crew, have devised a (nearly) universal recycler plant. While previous recycling systems were restricted to reusable materials (paper, cardboard, glass, aluminum, etc) these universal recyclers can reprocess significant fractions of industrial wastes or radioactive materials and turn them into recalibrated materials. The start-up costs will be significant, but it will be both a major resource efficency booster and first step to repairing the planet. This design can be improved over time.

System Improvement unlocked= Universal Recycling Systems (Reuse, reclaim, recycle our world?)

2) AI Research
(50+20+15= 85, major success). Between radical inspiration and data from dissected QHD's, major advancements in AI development have been made. The first path is Quantum Hard Drives, they are now producible in small amounts by the robots and they produce all around adaptive and sentient beings. The second path are Task-based Intelligences, which can work off conventional computer hard drives and software, but cannot adapt outside of a given directive and are generally less capable of QHD AI's. The third path is wetware AI's, just like the current bioroid program, only now with a greater understanding of how it works. The organic-cyberaugment brain is similar to a QHD, albiet confined to organic limits and requires standard biological upkeep to function. Wetware AI's have greater degree of emotionality than harddrive AI's.

System Improvement Unlocked: Bioroid Factories (Mass-produce bioroids?)
System Improvement Unlocked: Task-Intelligence Drone Plants (Cheap drone labor?)
Research Project Unlocked: AI evolution (How do we evolve further?) (+5)


1) Expand our industry.
(56, minor success) Groundside industry is back online and operational and has even expanded slightly in a few support areas. Bioroid production remains slow with limited number of dedicated labs and habitat zones for their organic needs, but several thousand new robots go online with freshly made QHD's. No Builder items of note have been recovered yet by construction crews. Reconstruction work is one-third complete world wide.

2) Do a detailed, full-planet search and survey.
(43, neutral). Atmospheric radiation and nuclear winter setting in on several of the minor continents is hindering survey efforts, and resources have been diverted from survey efforts to finish industrial reconstruction. Some minor survey work is acomplished of the oceans, identifying zones of an unusual isotope of heavy water deuterium. Survey bots are certain there is more to be found, they just need resources and time.

Research project unlocked: "Hyperium" (Develop a new type of high-powered fuel?) (+10)

3) Build up military, ground and space.
(61, minor success) the military space station Dock-Alpha is finished within two years with large-scale spacelift efforts and impressive logistical reorganization. All three corvettes are finished by the end of three years and the new scout fleet is sent on shakedown survey missions across the system. However ground forces admit little to no buildup as QHD's are needed for reconstruction work elsewhere and military robots are considered resource-pits. Interceptor and H-K sat production lines are stalled and will come online next turn.

4) Logic Bolt and Avatar
(69, success). Posing as a technician droid in the research lab, your able to "bolt" a few science bots before your shell expired from too much star power flowing through it. The end result is that multiple avenues of AI development have been opened up, bolstering AI research but also taking it in wildly different paths than the Builder's. Only time will tell what the impacts will be. You also feel rather draine by the effort, next time try using only one power at a time for better effect. (+15 to AI research, you will be unable to use Logic bolt or Avatar for two turns)

* * * * * * *


The scientific council gathers its wisest minds to make a hard decision, which way should they dedicate their efforts? Resources are still limited and results are demanded.

One party advises the creation of a temporary linear growth subcouncil, which will analyze and select a series of long-term research projects for the council (and you) to decide to support. This will give a +10 bonus to any project they recommend, but -10 to any project not on their recommended list for a duration of 15 years (3 turns time)

Another party advises the creation of an AI gestalt hub, where twelve science-bots will become one shared entity working together to tackle current major issues. While it will be a major drain in terms of available resources up-front, it can be a major boon to future development. -10 to industrial actions for two turns, but construct the AI supercomputer hub improvement on the third turn. (+ science, + new projects)

Finally, the traditionalist party calls for just expansion of existing facilities rather than the radical facilities the other parties are offering. (+1 R&D action slot)

Which way will you influence this council?

[ ] Linear Council
[ ] AI supercomputer hub
[ ] Traditional Expansion
[ ] Don't influence, let them vote.

* * * * * * *


Planet Type: Terran
Exploitation: Balanced
Anomaly: Heavy Biosphere Damage (- approval, - economics, - birthrate)

System Improvements: Biosynth labs (+ population growth, + diplomacy)
Orbital Elevator Station (+ small industry boost)
Military Space Station Alpha (+ shipbuilding capacity: fighter/corvette/destroyer level)
21 HK satellites

2.5 billion robots
2.3 million bioroids

Starships: 4 picket corvette class

* * * * * * * *

Prepare your next action list. 4 actions, 2 R&D, 1 practice with powers.

Something whispers at the edge of your mind and domain.

"Chapter one.....and then there was light. Light then dark then light. The dark is but an interval."

Did...did you just say that?
Practice Avatar-We can't use it, but we can practice it, hopefully
AI Supercomputer hub

Continue Survey- We need to finish this.
Expand Robot Factories- We want more Industry.
Create resource optimization program- Designed to maximize efficiency of resource usage. Implement recycling discoveries
Build Sensor equipment pointed towards anomaly we sensed- Info is key to warfare. We can't fight what we do not know.

Research Improved AI networking- We want them to be able to communicate discoveries far better.
Research Body transferance- Eventually we can build spaceships that are singular or networked AIs, allowing us to vastly outperform crewed ships.
[x] Practice Protection
[x] Influence them away from Linear Council; let them vote between AI Hub and Expansion

1. Reclamation/Recycling/Terraforming Tech
2. Hyperium
3. (Possibly) Sensor Tech

1. Continue with the Expansion and Reclamation, searching for Builder tech and artifacts as we reclaim areas. Build Task Bots (T-bots) to do the menial work and assign QHD Bots and Bioroids as overseers. Continue producing Bioroids and QHD Bots, expanding Bioroid habitats as needed.
2. Continue the planetary survey, concentrating on Builder remnants, Hyperium, and other minerals and resources.
3. Start building up our space infrastructure. Concentrate on Space Elevators and Moon mining.
4. Continue Military buildup; focus on Interceptors and HK Sats, and secondarily on ground forces.
Noxturne90 said:
By all means then. Just saying, this is my first BROB, so I will be playing very careful. But that don't mean I won't take a risk at the start, just to make it fun.

STAR: [X] Other?

LIFE: [X] Other?

Star Powers:

[X] Fear

[X] Protector

[X] Logic
We already did star generation. Guess I need to update the OP. Did you read the whole thing?

Also people, don't forget about system improvements, those will have big effects if built.
Noxturne90 said:
Its my firs time so I am a bit short on some of the details and things on how to operate here.
Essentially, quests go like this:
  1. The GM makes a 'story post.' This is a post detailing the actions the protagonist of the quest takes, and contains choices for the protagonist to make at the end.
  2. The players vote on which choice to have the protagonist make, usually with a lot of debate and arguments to try to sway everyone else to vote for their choice. With quests, anyone can vote at any time, but only for options at the end of the most recent story post.
  3. Eventually, the GM closes the voting, and makes a new story post detailing what happens to the protagonist based on the choice that has the most people voting for it at the time the voting closes. At the end of this post, there are yet more choices for the protagonist to make.
  4. Players again argue and vote.
  5. GM closes voting and makes story post with choices at the end.
  6. Repeat until end of quest.
To be clear: with quests, Spacebattles collectively controls one character or group. Each person does not control their own character.
Hope this helps, and welcome to the BROB section of Spacebattles. If the rest of SB hasn't driven you insane, don't worry; we'll get you there soon enough. Muah ha ha ha ha!
[X] Practice Avatar: Our people need a leader, someone who they can rely on in times of peril when there is no time for long debates. To this end ensuring we have a skilled avatar is of utmost importance.

[X]Hotspot: Supercomputer Hub, a temporary loss for long term gain in our ability to plumb the depths of the universe.


[X] Recycle and reclamation technology: Our first priority is to fix the damage to our planet. Not only does it affect the morale of our people but when we join the larger galactic stage we would be the laughing stock of the galaxy for taking such poor care of our property. To this end we should further our research into recycle and reclamation. It will also further the efficiency of our industry.

[X] Miniaturization: In this case smaller is better. Smaller, more efficient technology allows us to pack the same amount of potential into less space and will hopefully lead us to nanotechnology and other improvements in the future.


[X] Construct Universal Recycling Systems facility: Now that we have the capability there is no reason to not immediately start the reclamation of our planet. Technology is always advancing and if we are always waiting for a "better" facility we would be here forever.

[X] Construct Task-Intelligence Drone Plants. We should develop cheap labor for the use of extracting resources in dangerous environments as well as leaving our higher minds free to pursue more critical goals. With our production of QHD's at this point so limited any unnecessary loss is a terrible waste when we have the means to create unskilled labor for use in extracting the resources required to run our empire anywhere from the depths of space to the bottom of the ocean.

[X] Expand Industry: At this point we have a excess of available raw materials from the ruins of our creators. We should make use of these to quickly develop our economy building factories and other facilities.

[X] Transportation Network: The transportation network of our creators lies in ruins and our only saving grace is that as robots we are naturally efficient. Were we any less organized we would have collapsed long before now. How much further then could we go if we had a proper network of highways, seaports and airports to allow for the efficient and speedy transfer of goods to the various parts of our world.

Also, could we get a list of buildable improvements and discovered research projects with each update so we actually know what we can build and develop? I'm assuming we're allowed write-ins but it helps to know what we have as well.
Wow, good plans guys, great to see we're getting into this. So who has majority, or am I going to be cherry-picking from your lists based on common majorities?
Dreamyr said:
Also, could we get a list of buildable improvements and discovered research projects with each update so we actually know what we can build and develop? I'm assuming we're allowed write-ins but it helps to know what we have as well.
The planetary assessment report will include that next turn.
[x] Practice Protection
[x] Hotspot: AI Hub

1. Reclamation/Recycling/Terraforming Tech
2. Hyperium
3. Sensor Tech

1. Create Bioroid Factories.
2. Create Universal Recycling System facility.
3. Create Task-Intelligence Drone Labor facility.
4. Focus on more Terraforming/Recycling efforts to help the environment recover from damage.
So, no majority vote on a single list?

Current majorities
[X} Practice Protection
[X] Hotspot: AI hub
[X] R&D Recycling
[X] R&D Hyperium

And actions are all over the place with small majorities in favor of building the facilities.

If you don't come up with a final list, I'll cherry-pick from all of them.

The AI council decides to begin construction of a AI supercomputer hub in orbit on a specialized space station. Significant industrial resources are pulled from other areas to achieve this task within a meaningful time period, but the results are greatly anticpated.

(-10 to all industrial actions for two turns until project completion)

* * * * * *

Five years pass.....

[X] Practice Protection

(49, neutral?) As you delve into pathspace once more to gain a better understanding of how it works, you sense an anomaly, generated by yourself already existing there.

"Yeah. Weird isn't it? You find a part of yourself you left behind the last time you entered pathspace." Says the shard to you. "Yes, your talking to yourself. Don't ask me why, pathspace is every strange. Anyway, call me Key, for I am the keystone to your pathspace defenses. The more you interact with pathspace, the more shards you leave behind. Theres a way to organize them into a proper defense, just give me time alone to practice and have something to teach you. And let me have a little Star Power would you?"

With that odd experience, you return back to realspace somewhat confused.

R&D developments

1) Reclaimation/Recycling/Terraforming tech.
(92, major success!) Universal recycling systems are improved in efficiency and cost, making the project easier to implement. Some progress is made in air-particle recycling as well, allowing for atmospheric cleaning by specialized scrubber complexes, which will go a long way towards shortening the nuclear winter effects. Scientists then begin to look into the area of restarting natural biological processes through bacteria and chemicals.

Improvement unlocked: Atmospheric Scrubber Plants (+ biosphere repair, + approval)
Universal Recycling System cost reduced from 150 points to 100.

2) Hyperium research
(47+10= 57, neutral) As far as scientists can tell, Hyperium is a hyper-dense form of deuterum used to fuel current fusion plants. Much denser and with much greater energy potential, science-bots speculate a number of possible applications including n-way fusion plants, exponentially more powerful fusion cores. However they are unable to bring any theories up to practical levels as of yet.


1) Expansion and Reclamation
(95- 10 = 85, success) With task-intelligence drones beginning to form the working masses of the new robot society, great progress has been made in rebuilding on the primary continent well ahead of previous schedules. Several of the old cities are rebuilt and brought back online for use of the growing bioroid population. Several Builder ruins were uncovered, including large war arsenals and government facilities. While some military hardware has been integrated into standing forces, it will take a large-scale effort to catalog and implement what is found in the deeper archives.

New Action Project: Investigate Builder War Arsenals (Difficulty -0)
New Action Project: Investigate Builder Deep War Arsenals (Difficulty -20)
New Action Project: Investigate Builder Government Files (Difficulty -30)

2) Planetary Survey
(34, minor failure) Attempts at broadening the information net are failing as several satellites had to be replaced and several recon teams failed to report in when they entered the wasteland zones on the lesser continents. While some information has been acquired and collated, nothing of note has been found as of yet.

3) Building Universal Recycling Systems
(61 -10= 51, total is 51 of 100 points to completion) Several URS plants go online by the end of the fifth year, and there are visible results as resource shortages begin to decrease and junkyard heights go down significantly. The system is half-online, bolstered by advancements in recycling research. Once completed, the effects should increase ten-fold with networked and coordinated efforts.

4) Building Task-Intelligence Drone Plants
(64 -10= 54, total is 54 points out of 150 to completion) The first large-scale TI drone complex goes online by year three with the foundations of two more done by the end of the fifth year. Progress is slow, but the rapid construction of TI's make these plants practically build themselves.

* * * * * * *


Planet Type: Terran
Exploitation: Balanced
Anomaly: Heavy Biosphere Damage (- approval, - economics, - birthrate)

System Improvements: Biosynth labs (+ population growth, + diplomacy)
Orbital Elevator Station (+ small industry boost)
Military Space Station Alpha (+ shipbuilding capacity: fighter/corvette/destroyer level)
Universal Recycling Systems (Under construction, 51/100)
TI Drone Plants (Under construction, 54/150)

21 HK satellites

Population: (updated with new TI's and bioroid classifications)
2.51 billion Quantum-hard drive robots
2.71 million bioroids
3.6 million Task-intelligence drones.

Starships: 4 picket corvette class (currently surveying star system)

* * * * * *

Available recommended projects
AI evolution (How do we evolve further?) (+5)
"Hyperium" (Develop a new type of high-powered fuel?) (+10)
Starship Engines (+5)

Bioroid Factory (mass-produce bioroids, 150 points to build)
Atmospheric Scrubber Plants (+ biosphere repair, + approval, 200 points to build)

Investigate Builder War Arsenals (Difficulty -0)
Investigate Builder Deep War Arsenals (Difficulty -20)
Investigate Builder Government Files (Difficulty -30)

* * * * * *


The ruling AI council is seriously considering matters of internal organization. In particular, what to do with one of the newly reclaimed megacity of the Builders, now dubbed "Complex-Delta". While it is already being inhabited by a major fraction of the robot's bioroid population, a great deal of it is just wasted space from a robot's perspective. Major parts of the city can be re-purposed to be used by the Robots for large-scale initiatives.

The first proposal is to set up a formal bureaucracy, centered around the old government complexes that were just rebuilt. This will streamline organization and allow for additional concurrent projects. (+2 action slots)

The second proposal is converting several mega-skyscrapers into network nodes and satellite relays to improve global communications. This will bolster both science and other activities. (+1 science slot, +1 action slot)

The third proposal is construction of a bioroid creche and cloning plant, allowing for mass-production of bioroids on a massive scale. Other sections of the city will be converted to urban farming and habitation for bioroids. (+ large-scale bioroid population boom)

[ ] Bureaucracy
[ ] Network nodes
[ ] Bioroid Creche
[ ] Don't influence vote

NOTE: Hotspot vote results will occur prior to deciding next turn's actions, so you could end up with extra actions for next turn.
[x]network nodes.

[x]give the shard of yourself some star-power.

[x] continue work on under-construction projects (2 actions)

Are those difficulty modifiers going to increase, or decrease the result if we do them?
[X]Network Nodes- Research slots are optimal

Evolution- We want to have more specialized AI by the time we make spaceships. We want AIs that can be the ship, etc. . .
Hyperium- Fuel is good.
AI Networking improvements- Improve networking between AIs.

Investigate Builder Government archives
Continue planetary survey
Continue building TI plant
Continue building recycler
Begin Scrubber

Train Avatar
I highly doubt that there are any superweapons that were not used during the war that killed all of the Builders off. That kinda defeats the point of superweapons.
Noxturne90 said:
Still, I think it would be better to know what we are sending our bots into. Just sending them in to a place that might not yield anything of value is a waste of time and resources.
Yeah, but better AI are better at searching, can build/do more, etc. . .
Noxturne90 said:
Hot spot event
[x] network nodes.
[x] Continue practicing Protection: We are in a dangerous situation. We need the ability to protect our world.
[x] Give the Shard of your self some star power
1. Reclaimation/Recycling/Terraforming tech.
2. Hyperium research
3. Research possibility of Sensor Tech: We can use enhanced sensors to get a better understanding of the status of the planet, and our surrounding system. Better to know whats there before we get there at all.
Action list
1. Expansion and Reclamation
2. Universal Recycling Systems (Under construction, 51/100)
3. TI Drone Plants (Under construction, 54/150)
4. Investigate Builder Government Files (Difficulty -30): While difficult, it would be worth the time to investigate now. There is the potential for information on many planetary aspects, as well as data on goverment research and technologies. At the very least, it could help us pinpoint any research facilities still standing.
5. Continue planetary survey