To those outside of the college, even those mages belonging to the various guilds scattered across Tamriel and sponsored by the empire, it seems little more than what its name claims. To those within, however, it is as much a political pit of vipers as the Breton halls, the Dunmer houses, or even the imperial city. Mages argue and fight with word and theory, and when that fails none are surprised when an up and coming student or teacher suddenly finds themselves on a trip to some forgotten crypt or ruin by their unkind superiors. So, aiding you servants to rise in influence will not be a simple thing.
You choose from among them an unassuming and unthreatening man, boy really. An orphan of the city with some small talent for alteration and abjuration, young Sigurd is a clever young Nord though his slightly pointed ears betray some elven ancestry. More valuable than this small magical skill however is his talent for words and writing. With your aid he's been able to earn the favor of various high mages, be they alumni or visitors, acting as a scribe and assistant on their various academic works on various topics, arcane or otherwise. You've urged him to make use of these ties, securing himself a spot as assistant to the provost in charge of the logistical and administrative aspects of the school, though still a skilled sorcerer in his own right, and second only to the arch mage himself.
This has earned young Sigurd not only with some power within the structure of the college, he now has access to the schools resources and a list of projects ongoing within the college as well as permission to pursue more restricted subjects thanks to some curried favors. Even now he follows the provost, Alain Mershior, into a meeting with the arch mage where he will make notes of anything that may interest the cult. The meeting place is in the floor just beneath the arch mages chamber, open to the air and providing a full view of the city and surrounding lands but kept warm by magick. He stands behind Mershior, a pad of paper in one hand and a stick of charcoal in the other, as the rest of the arch mages council settles around a wide stone table, formed from magick.
"Friends, councilors, I call you here today both to congratulate those deserving and to alert all to new concerns among winterhold. Given joy and pride are so preferable to worry, we shall start with a recognition of professors-" the arch mage prattles on and on. He is an old man, who uses his staff more as a walking stick than a conduit for magick these days, his back hunched over and eyes turning white as cataracts form, but with a kindly, grandfatherly face. Apparently one of the professors had recently decided it was time to retire, one was soon to have a child, and various other accomplishments, but other than the potential vacancy that would form none are of importance. As for his concerns it was nothing but a new wave of traditionalist and regressionist thought within the people of the city, a fairly common thing for the college to deal with but one that deserves attention either way.
As the meeting draws to a close with the arch mage speaking with each member of his council over anything they have to report, from problems of the students or the magicks, and Sigurd puts away his paper and coal, everyone in the hall pauses. Something, they aren't sure what, has tickled that part in the back of their minds, that primitive piece that yells and screams when somethings wrong. Each rises from their chairs, gripping staffs or wringing their hands and letting magick build, looking for what the source of this may be. Thers a blast of sound, loud enough it even breaches into the realm of oblivion, roars across the city and likely far beyond. Then, looking east, provost Mershior is the first to see it.
A wall of force and ash approaching like a wave that threatens to engulf the world, far on the horizon. Stone and ice are torn from the ground as easily as one might kick away a pile of dirt, becoming but a piece of this all-consuming wave of desolation. Over the time it takes to take a breath, multiple things happen before Sigurds eyes. Half the members of the council, upon seeing and hearing the approaching devastation, use illegal teleportation spells, disappearing to who knows where, leaving their colleagues and assistants behind. The arch mage, meanwhile, begins to weave a magical ward, soon joined by the provost and remaining councilors.
This barrier covers the college as best it can, a half dome clear as glass with faint runes within its form. They struggle to maintain the spell as the argh mage yells to the assistants. "Get below the table and hang on as tight as you can!" Sigurd is the first underneath it, dropping his notes and clinging to the tables leg, hoping that it won't break off. Barely a second later it hits. The world around the tower is replaces by a pitch black wave as it strikes against the barrier, sucking out the air in its path, the sheer force of it pulling one of the assistants that was too slow to get a hold onto anything flying with it, their back cracking against the railing as they fly over the edge. The earth quakes with its passing, shaking the very foundation of the tower, of the city.
The entire time you can feel Sigurd's prayers, and the prayers of your other followers within the city, begging for your protection. You do your best to give them some manner of help, but even on oblivion you find yourself overwhelmed by not just the natural force, but of the magickal and divine force given off by whatever this is. Sigurd buries his head into the crook of his elbow, eyes shut tight as he begs for salvation. It feels like hours to Sigurd that he hangs on for dear life, though it couldn't have lasted longer than two or three minutes. It takes the efforts of the provost to pry him away, to get him to open his eyes once it has passed.
The councilors and arch mage have collapsed, their magick spent, energy ripped from them to fuel the barrier. The provost himself is little different, barely able to crawl for all the energy spent, now leaning on Sigurd for support. They slowly make their way to the edge of the tower and look at the world around them. Thanks to the barrier of the council the college is largely intact, though you know they must send someone the check its foundations below. As for the rest of the city, aside from a small portion behind the tower granted a small bit of protection, it is covered in a blanket of ash, the buildings on the eastern side flattened or broken, and many buildings now tilted with the shifting of stone.
You know now that this is the catastrophe that would one day lead to the collapse of the city, the foundations of the very cliff and ice it is built upon fractured. The only question is, how did this happen?
The fall of Baar Dau upon the red mountain has resulted in the red year. The meteor, now bearing not only the touch of the tribunals godhood but also that of Clavicus Vile, and its impact with red mountain, one of the towers of nirn where the heart of Lorkhan rested, has resulted in the desolation of Vvardenfell and much of Morrowind as well as damage to the lands surrounding Morrowind. While the red year is in effect many opportunities will be available.
Just two nights back you could feel this tower shake, the lights within flickering, some bursting and going out and leaving naught but sputtering embers. You had called upon Jyggalag many times, seeking answers and getting few, perhaps the only time you've seen the Daedra uncertain. You had set up a camp for your expedition in the bowels of the tower, uncertain where in it you truly were. It's still hot as the blaze within, and the only support you've recently had was a delivery of water and wine from Jyggalags mysterious ally, claiming the two were busy with a recent development on the mortal plane, but even the scamp who brought this delivery had little answers, saying "There was a big boom where all the darkling's live, lotta mortals died, but you all are easy to kill anyway so I'm not sure how bad it really could have been." It ends with a shrug, and you punt it away for its trouble, its stupidity, and its dismissal of mortals.
It's of little help to think on it, lost as you are in this tower, filled with its breaking machines and narrow halls, it does pique your curiosity. Something to look into when you get out of this place. For now, you'll continue to poke and prod and slowly make your way to the towers peak. The tower is hardly made for mortal transversal as you quickly discovered. You had something of an epiphany about the tower while inside it however, not that it may do you much good.
This realm had been made to be a perfect version of nirn, and while you would debate that perfection you can't deny that it resembles home in some ways. The important way, however, is the tower itself. Back in Elinhir the mage assigned to your unit had been something of a scholar, and often told about topics nobody asked for. The one that comes to mind is that of the towers built upon the earth bones. While you can't say you understand it all, you are willing to bet this tower was an attempt to make a new one, stabilizing this realm. It's only a theory, however, but one you find interesting.
With the recent wave of magic that ripped across the realms of mortals and Daedra, you delay any war plans you might have had. Not only has your own realm faced some disruption, tears in the borders of the realms caused by the sudden influx of magic, every realm is now on edge. Thankfully the Daedra under your command realize that striking at anyone in this state would be foolish, as not only are they alert to any attack that may come their way, it is far more noticeable by the other realms were you to attack,
If there has been any benefit to this eruption it is that clavicus seems to have caused himself no end of trouble in its wake. Rumors spread of chaos and even conflict within his realm, some even claiming a chunk had been ripped away, now floating freely through the wastes of oblivion. Whatever happened, you can only imagine Clavicus deserved it.
Writing does not come easy to you recently. You wish you could blame it all on this spectral ash that creeps and settles into every inch of oblivion, a byproduct of the fall of the meteor. In other realms they hardly notice it amidst the regular ashes, but in Mytheria it stains everything. But no, this inability to write anything of quality comes from yourself.
You are distracted, constantly, by prayers, by your own thoughts, by the minding of your realm, but more than that determining fate is simply not working at this point in time. The crash disrupted much of what you once thought, leaving you to return to older records and revise the calculations you once made or to scrap them entirely. You eventually decide to put your writings on hold to instead focus on fixing your current collection.
Winterhold had always been in a state of turmoil, but with the fall of Baar Dau it now is in near complete chaos. The Jarl has taken full command of the legion and now has them patrol the ash stained streets to stamp out any problems. The people now are in a state of panic, especially among the lower classes. Ash covering the sky prevents the suns light from reaching them except in small and rare flashes, keeping the northernmost city even colder than usual. Crops hardly grow, leaving much of the city's food to be imported and fought over. The whalers are ever more vital to the city as the need for whale oil rises. Overall, things aren't great but at least they're only Morrowinds neighbor and not morrowind itself.
As one of morrowinds closest neighbors, however, the city has seen a mass flood of dunmer, Ashlanders and members of the houses, stream into the city. They are packed into ships of all makes and sizes till they nearly burst, desperate family's and lone survivors who grabbed anything nearby and ran from the calamity. They face most of the legions wrath, forced to leave the city and find somewhere else to live if they can survive the roads of Skyrim, or to live in shoddily made shanty towns in the lower districts or outside the city walls.
Much of the rest of Skyrim and eastern Cyrodil now face this wave of desperate elves, barely any with the resources or land for them all. Winterhold, Windhelm, Riften, and Cheydinhal find themselves the main targets of the diaspora, as even the southern most parts of morrowind have found themselves torn apart by the crash, and none dare risk begging the Argonians of black marsh for help.
Your cult has done its best to pool their resources so that each member survives, Sigurd seeing that some of the colleges supplies get lost and found by the cult on their way to the college. You do what you can to grant them aid, keeping them healthy despite the smoke they inhale, but even then, things are dire.
When the ash finally crept its way to the Craglorn mountain range it didn't come as the roaring tide that threatened to destroy all in its wake. Instead, it slowly crept across the sky, like a poison spreading across the veins of the heavens. With it they felt the aftershocks of the devastation, some minor shaking compared to winterhold, though it was still enough to rattle the nerves of your followers. So, they do something unexpected.
They send couriers off to black reach, and from there to the other pockets of the reformed Falmer. They send their leaders to the doors of the chantry and request audience, requesting that a representative of theirs to gather in their town by the end of the month. When all are gathered, finally they speak their mind. They declare the need to choose a new snow prince. In gelebors teachings of their old ways, it seems this idea caught the attention of their people.
The snow prince was one hand of their leadership, with whoever chosen ending up married to the current empress of the Falmer. While the empress dealt with matters of politics and the internal affairs of the kingdom, the prince would deal with matters of war. However, as the bloodline of the empress ended ages ago at the hands of the dwemer, and with none willing to step forward as a new empress, the prince would be given total control.
It wouldn't be exactly like that obviously, there is no empire to rule and the many groups of Falmer still value their freedom, but somebody is needed to help direct their people in these crucial times. The Falmer of the vale ask that each group send someone they believe worthy of the crown and spear, though both are long lost, so someone worthy may be chosen.
With the pact with Sheo you can have him do an action for you, still rolling for it of course, or give +25 to a roll
What shall you do in Nirn? Choose one
[] The ice prince: While the prince is chosen by the Falmer and not the gods, that doesn't mean you can't influence and aid who you would consider the best choice. DC35
[] The dunmer gods: the dunmer are currently without home or sanctuary, abandoned by the tribunal and the empire. Were you to aid them, you may gain many followers among them. Only available while the red year is active. Dc:45
[] the invasion of the argonians: With their ancient enemies weakened by the eruption of red mountain the argonians of black marsh have declared a war of vengeance upon the dunmer, bringing their full fury upon whoever remains in morrowind. Aid the dunmer, and you would not only help preserve morrowind, but to earn the favor of the dunmer. Only available while the red year is active. DC 55
[] The gifts of man: many artifacts already litter the lands of Skyrim, one needs only look. Of course, looking doesn't mean you would have the artifact for yourself, you would still need to send someone to collect it, but if you could find something you could imbue with your will, spreading your influence would be all the easier. DC65
-the higher the roll the better the item you find.
[] The guard: in finding the student who had committed the black sacrament your followers within the guard have risen in rank. If they could continue to do so and perhaps recruit others within the guard, you would have far greater influence within the city itself. Dc:75
[] write in. up to qm discretion
What shall your champion do?
[] The exploration of the clock work city, Phase two: Kasur has found his way into this obsidian tower, now he merely needs to reach its peak in the search of something that would grant you control or something even greater. Dc 65
[] Hunt down the brotherhood, phase one: while the brotherhood exists all over Tamriel, you want them gone from at least Skyrim. Send your champion to snuff out their presence. Dc60
[/] Hunt for an artifact: There's many artifacts on Nirn unclaimed by any gods. Were you to discover one, you could send the champion to collect it. Dc55
-Needs an artifact to hunt
[] Let him pursue his own goals: Kasur has goals of his own. Let him pursue them and perhaps grow stronger from the effort. There is no dc, just a roll to see how things went for your champion.
[] Investigate the Thalmor: you know that the Thalmor have plans that would cause chaos on Nirn, but their end goals still elude you. send your champion to investigate Alinor and disrupt their plans. Dc65
[] write in
What shall you do in oblivion?
[] Conquest. While your power is diminished, it would not be impossible to find some corner of oblivion held by a weaker Daedra for you to take for yourself. So long as you don't make too much noise, none would assume you were there. DC60
[] seek out subjects. Daedra are inherently creatures of chaos, but many value strength over ideals. Convince them of your strength, and they will follow. DC70
[] Seek out the other planes. Many are the planes of oblivion, and many are their occupants. You know enough of your kin to know where to avoid, so you could find allies or a realm ripe for the taking. DC70
-the higher the roll, the better plane you find
[] Find allies. Without the might you once had, you need allies so that you might not be blindsided. seek others out so you might make an alliance.
-[]who will you seek an alliance with? different Daedra will have different DC's, and you need to seek specific Daedra
[] diplomatic efforts: friends and allies can be difficult to keep, so better to maintain contact so that relations don't break down.
-[] who will you try to improve your relationship with.
[] Write in. up to qm discretion
What shall you do in your realm?
[] Creation. more artifacts are always useful. You could use some of your remaining power to make something of crystal that you could send unto the planet. Dc75
-[] what shall you make, and what shall it do? Up to qm if your idea would be allowed/ if it's too strong
[] Rebuild your library. Once your library rivaled that of Hermeus mora, you imagine it's the reason he played a part in your downfall. Now you would rebuild it. Gather what tomes you can find in oblivion, and begin the calculations of the future as you once had. Dc 60
[] The crystalline Host. With but 8 knights remaining in your service, you need more to serve you. While it takes a follower with a soul to create a true knight, you may be able to create something lesser that could still serve your purposes. DC70
[] Write in. up to qm discretion