Lord of Order

[X] Crystaline sorcery: the cult of the college of winterhold has, in their worship of you, found ways to channel your essence into magical effects. Supposedly, any who worship you would have access to this crystalline magic, though mastery of it will still take time, practice, and faith. All followers will be stronger.

[X] send a party of falmer or a champion to uncover the method of transfering the curse to a soul gem

[X] reclaim the domain of natural order: Peryite has for too long held captive you old domain. Take it back by any means necessary.

[X] Plan: Princely flex
[X] Crystaline sorcery: the cult of the college of winterhold has, in their worship of you, found ways to channel your essence into magical effects. Supposedly, any who worship you would have access to this crystalline magic, though mastery of it will still take time, practice, and faith. All followers will be stronger.

[X] send a party of falmer or a champion to uncover the method of transfering the curse to a soul gem

[X] reclaim the domain of natural order: Peryite has for too long held captive you old domain. Take it back by any means necessary.

[X] Plan: Princely flex
[X] Patron of heroes: Your champions have been invaluable for your plans since your return, acting on mundus and making a name for themselves and for you. Not only has this begun attracting prospective adventurers to worship you but your champions have grown stronger as well thanks to your influence.

[X] send a party of falmer or a champion to uncover the method of transfering the curse to a soul gem

[X] Become a tolerated faith within the empire: barring some provincial exceptions worship of the nine is the only truly accepted religion in the empire. However, some exceptions have been made. See if one can be made for you.

[X] Plan: Growth
[X] Crystaline sorcery: the cult of the college of winterhold has, in their worship of you, found ways to channel your essence into magical effects. Supposedly, any who worship you would have access to this crystalline magic, though mastery of it will still take time, practice, and faith. All followers will be stronger.

[X] send a party of falmer or a champion to uncover the method of transfering the curse to a soul gem

[X] reclaim the domain of natural order: Peryite has for too long held captive you old domain. Take it back by any means necessary.

[X] Plan: Princely flex
Adhoc vote count started by shallow on Jan 17, 2024 at 6:30 AM, finished with 29 posts and 8 votes.
  • 9

    [X] send a party of falmer or a champion to uncover the method of transfering the curse to a soul gem
    [X] Crystaline sorcery: the cult of the college of winterhold has, in their worship of you, found ways to channel your essence into magical effects. Supposedly, any who worship you would have access to this crystalline magic, though mastery of it will still take time, practice, and faith. All followers will be stronger.
    [X] reclaim the domain of natural order: Peryite has for too long held captive you old domain. Take it back by any means necessary.
    [X] Plan: Princely flex
    -[X] The Atmora expedition: With the expedition funded by the king, there's no reason not to send your cultists to join them. DC: 75
    -[X] The Atmora expedition: With the expedition funded by the king, there's no reason not to send your champions to join them. DC: 75
    --[X] Kasur
    -[X] weakening Thalmor: you know that the Thalmor intend to take over the summerset isles, and that would give them the power and authority to sow chaos across Nirn. Have your champions put a stop to that. DC 50
    --[X] Nael
    ---[X] Sheo +25
    -[X] Conquest. While your power is diminished, it would not be impossible to find some corner of oblivion held by a weaker Daedra for you to take for yourself. So long as you don't make too much noise, none would assume you were there. DC60
    -[X] Rebuild your library. Once your library rivaled that of Hermeus mora, you imagine it's the reason he played a part in your downfall. Now you would rebuild it. Gather what tomes you can find in oblivion, and begin the calculations of the future as you once had. Dc 60
    --[X] Sotha Sil
    [X] Plan: Growth
    -[X] The Atmora expedition: With the expedition funded by the king, there's no reason not to send your cultists to join them. DC: 75
    --[X] Sheo's aid
    -[X] Let them pursue their own goals: your champions have goals of his own. Let them pursue them and perhaps grow stronger from the effort. There is no dc, just a roll to see how things went for your champion.
    --[X] Both
    -[X] diplomatic efforts: friends and allies can be difficult to keep, so better to maintain contact so that relations don't break down.
    --[X] Sheogorath
    -[X] Write in: Build a training ground for the Pawns and allied dadra.
    [X] Patron of heroes: Your champions have been invaluable for your plans since your return, acting on mundus and making a name for themselves and for you. Not only has this begun attracting prospective adventurers to worship you but your champions have grown stronger as well thanks to your influence.
    [X] Unleash a crystaline curse, name still pending, upon Vrythur, replacing his vampirism.
    [X] Become a tolerated faith within the empire: barring some provincial exceptions worship of the nine is the only truly accepted religion in the empire. However, some exceptions have been made. See if one can be made for you.
    [X] Destroy the dark brotherhood: the assassins are a blight on mundus, and Sithis a blight on everything thats ever existed. Weaken him by

alrighty, the Falmer will look for the secrets of curse transference, crystalline sorcery was unlocked, you're going to break Peryites legs, and princely flex wins. hopefully Kasurs expedition to Atmora goes well and Nael can deal with Sheos champion.
wow. everything that could went wrong. i'm gonna blame that on Peryite
Pitlord threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Atmora expedition- cult Total: 12
12 12
Pitlord threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Atmora expedition- Kasur Total: 28
28 28
Pitlord threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: weakening thalmor+30 Total: 8
8 8
Pitlord threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: conquest Total: 30
30 30
Pitlord threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: rebuild your library-sotha sil Total: 99
43 43 56 56
Last edited:
plague and Ice
It seems the thalmor boy took your words to heart Nael. Not at first, obviously, but you got him curious about what his old man was really up too to have such a fearsome and awe inspiring creature such as yourself coming after him, and the boy didn't like what he saw. At least, that's what you assume given he tried finding you again. That or he's luring you to an ambush on his fathers behalf, but you doubt he'd bring anyone able to give you much of a challenge.

You're meeting him out in front of the local branch of the mages guild, where currently there's all kinds of activity. City officials yell at the mages, the mages yell back, and they seem to be split among themselves three ways, all yelling at each other. All of its very passionate, probably important to them, but you really couldn't care what magicky folks get up to among themselves. Wizardy folks, actually, as you can unfortunately count yourself among the magic folks now. You twirl the shard of crystal in your palm, apparently a reward for your service and prayers to Jyggalag according to Kasur, who seemed annoyed with the development.

You banish it with a thought as you spot little Inchierno Thomair, gods his father must have hated him, slinking through the arguing crowds. He keeps looking over his shoulder like a rookie walking away from their first burglary, looking for you or someone else is the question though. You climb out the window of this hotel you had snuck into and drop yourself down to the ground of an alley, ready to meet with the kid before he gave himself a heart attack.

The crowd is barely an issue, you'd gone through more chaotic crowds back home when you were just a little blighter, stealing coins from peoples pouches before moving on to bigger and better work. You trail the kid until he's nears the edge of the crowd. You sneak behind him and grab his wrist, putting it behind his back as you begin to push him out of the way and into a nearby shed that might afford you some privacy. It takes your other hand around his mouth to keep him from screaming in fear, which isnt easy given how freakishly tall Altmer are.

You spin him around so that he sees its only you, but the fear doesn't really leave his eyes. "Calm down kiddo, aint gonna kill you, probably won't even hit you." If anything that only makes things worse. "You actually came? Shit, shit you need to go! You weren't supposed to actually come here!" his eyes are darting around this small shed, a gardening shed you think, maybe for a weapon? You don't know, and you don't like it.

"If you're looking for a weapon brat then trust me, anything in here isn't going to help you." you threaten him, but it doesn't feel right. No, if the kid wanted to hurt you, why make himself such an easy target? Why be so surprised at you coming here? Then you hear it. The sound of weapons being readied, swords and knives unsheathing or maces being pulled from holsters. You can't tell how many there are, but you just threw yourself into a gift box for them, might as well have wrapped yourself up while you were at it.

The boys panicking, but as far as you can tell he didn't want to be a part of this. You pull one of your daggers, the kind to wield in the off hand not the throwing kind, and shove it into his hands. "Stab me with that and I'll haunt you till the end of your days little man. Stay behind me at all times." he fumbles with it but eventually manages to hold it in a somewhat steady grasp, and you draw umbra.

Damnit. If Kasur had been here this wouldn't be as much of a problem. Hells, he probably wouldn't have led you unto this position in the first place. How many might be out there? And you've got the brat to keep an eye on, either to keep him alive so Kas doesn't yell at you later or so he doesn't stab you in the back. You ready your magic in your off hand, a floating mass of crystals bunched together, unsure of what exactly you'll do with them. They get closer and closer, steps barely audible thanks to the crowd, so wrapped up into yelling at each other they apparently don't notice what's going on. You take in a deep breath, holding it a moment, and kick open the door.

The hinges snap off easily, forcing the door into the face of a surprised masked figure, a thalmor stooge most likely. That moment of surprise is all you need. You raise you off hand towards his covered face, protected only by a cloth wrapping, and will the crystals into his face. They crack apart in your hand, leaving only jagged shards and razor dust, all of which shoot off and embed themselves in his face. They sink into his flesh, into his eyes, and he screams in pain, but you have no time to waste. As he falls to the ground you are already onto the next thalmor.

There's ten of them, nine now, and the shock at their fellow falling does little to shock them. The ones with maces and knives try to pen you in while you furiously swipe at them, giving yourself as much room as you can as you try to move around them, while the one with swords stand just behind them, ready to thrust or slash without penning in the others. They've done this before, they're too coordinated. If they had been just a throng after you you might have had a better chance, but you needed a plan or a miracle to get out of this one, especially with the boy cowering behind you.

Two of them with knives flank you at your sides while a third with a mace the size of your head swings down at you. You step back from the mace swing, putting yourself on one foot just enough for the two with knives to try and stab you while unsteady. You shift yourself t the side just enough to evade the thrust of the one of your right and grab the wrist of the one on your left, forcing him forward so that his knife ends up in his partners side, but this nearly lets one of the thalmor with swords cleave your head off, barely blocking it with umbra. The boy tries to help, almost rushing forward to stab the one whose sword you blocked, and you keep him from impaling himself on the sword of the two to his sides.

Think Nael. You still have a wall to your back, and the corner is roughly five yards to your left. Could you push them back long enough to reach it? Maybe use that crystal stuff in some fancy way? Maybe you could use the boy or one of the thalmor as a meat shield? No, that wouldn't work with their numbers. Damnit, you aren't dying here, not after everything you've gone through. You refuse to die like some sick hound on the street.

You barely notice, so focused on the threats in front of you, that someone has come from behind the thalmor. They wear a helmet, the face a pattern of swirling steel with dozens of pinpricks for vision, so whoever it is you can't make out. The Thalmor notice too late, as one of their swordsmen is nearly cut in half by a single swing. His two nearest buddies barely get the chance to react, one having a sword plunged in his chest and the other getting half his face burned off by a gout of flame. Thats half of them gone now, and another joins them in death as you take advantage of the distraction to stab the mace swinging bastard in the heart, gilded armor doing little against a Daedric sword.

You at least have the attention of the crowds now, who scream and run now that they realize there's a fight. You don't have aq chance to see who your savior is as you focus once more on those in front of you who now rush to complete their mission of killing you. Two of them charge you, one with a knife and another with a mace. You use this magic of yours to turn the land they run on into serrated crystal, causing them to stumble and fall onto said crystals. You had intended to just shoot clusters at their legs but this works even better, letting you simply stab them on the ground and twist the blade as they writhe and scream try to get off the razor sharp crystal bed.

This new ally meanwhile kills his remaining foes with little fanfare, a single bolt of lightning to the heart and a slit throat dropping them both to the ground. The entire thing took maybe thirty seconds. You keep your eyes on the possible friend while getting the boys attention. "Take a breather kid, those guys are dead. If you wanna be useful, rifle through their pockets for coin and notes before any guards get here." he just looks around, almost dumbfounded, before you nudge him towards one of the bodies.

While he does that you go towards the battlemage. He pulled out an oilcloth and started cleaning down his sword while you'd dealt with the kid. It's almost familiar, that blade. Where had you... Shit. The psychopath, Jyggys friends champion. You and kas had figured this friend was probably sheogorath after some research he had done on the sword, and both had promised to stay away from him if possible.

You keep a strong grip on umbra while eyeing the man. He doesn't seem like he's about to attack, but that doesn't mean you feel safe. "So, big and broody, Sheogorath sent you down here for something again?" He doesn't respond immediately, and he seems to be examining you from behind that helm, but when he does it confirms who he is. "He told me that his ally had sent his champions off on a mission here. Tell me, where is the Redguard Kasur? Our last clash left me dissatisfied."

"Well, He was half right. I'm the only one here though, kas had a different mission." That gets his attention. His focus is now entirely on you and you ready yourself in case he thinks to raise his blade again. "Where has he gone? I can't let him slip through my fingers again." Agitated, he now takes his aggression out on the sword in his hand, his gauntlet groaning as he crushes the hilt in his hand, the oilcloth chocked in his other. "Afraid that ships long sailed. Right now he's off in Atmora, probably having the time of his life leading a grand expedition."

A sound halfway between a grunt of annoyance and a growl escaped him as he once again focuses on you. You don't feel like fighting the bastard, so you try to redirect him. "You've come all the way down here for a fight already, why not take some of that aggression out on the thalmor? There's plenty of them around and I might be able to convince Kas to give you a fight if he feels he owes you." that last parts a lie, you wouldn't throw Kas at this freak, but so long as the reward is suggested, it should work. And work it does, as he now looks at you with intrigue, at least you assume so from what little you can see of his face.

He ponders it a moment before giving you his response. "Yes, I think I shall. Let Kasur know that I shall expect an answer from him, otherwise I shall find him in Atmora." and he finally sheathed that sword of his and walks off. How he intends to find thalmor you don't know, nor do you really care so long as he's out of your hair. You turn around and see that the boy has taken a seat against a nearby wall, beside him a small collection of coin pouches and loose coins along with various pieces of parchment, and you decide to join him for a second, just so you may catch your breath.

The boy however, decides to ruin a moment of silence by opening his mouth. "I'm sorry. When I returned home I was curious and started asking some of my fathers men what he had been up to. They grew suspicious and demanded I tell them why I was asking, and one they learned what you had done they demanded I serve as bait. They threatened to kill me, my own fathers men, if I didn't comply!" He then babbles out a few more apologies while you try to tune him out. Apparently his father has fled to one of the islands where a cousin of his commands the local Altmer navy, but again he doesn't know why. Overall, this has been a bit of a waste. You just hope that the big bastard causes enough of a distraction and that Kas is doing better.
The land of Atmora was once a flourishing land. You yourself had some small personal interest there while you still ruled over natural order for the myriad different flora and fauna native to these lands and how the atmorans coexisted with them. It fell more and more to the side as your conquests of oblivion continued however, and once you had been cursed the slow climate shift had already begun, turning it form a land of pleasant climes and fascinating life into a harsh and frozen tundra, colder than even Skyrim on its worst days.

The nords knew this, the legends of their homeland long warning them of the dangers their ancestors had fled, and yet their preparations were not nearly enough to contend with the frozen wastes. They had anticipated that maybe the cold would be the greatest threat, for if you were unprepared it could freeze the very blood in your veins. Some thought it would be a lack of provisions, as little plant or animal life lived here in large enough numbers to feed the entire expedition. Others wondered if the magicks of this land would disrupt their own, as they had been left untended for so long.

While all of these were problems, ones they prepared for as best they could, there were two major problems they failed to anticipate. The first was disease. You believe that it came from the ice itself that had been melted for water, ancient diseases that the mortals of Tamriel had not faced for millennia, making a common disease here a pandemic for the expedition. The healers and priests herbs and spells did nothing but the barest of help, so unaccustomed to this sickness as they were.

Those beset by the sickness find their skin riddled with hardened hives as their body begins to burn up. This symptom slowly progresses, hardening more of their body, and eventually these hives begin to split and crack under any strain, releasing a foul oozing puss. While the sickness has not been named yet, members of the expedition have taken to calling it the kings curse.

This is only the first of their woes. As the other is a far more violent and unpredictable foe.
"Form a square, shields out! Get the injured to the center, now!" Your words are barely heard over the roaring wind and snow, but a few more shouts and commands get these nords to follow your orders Kasur. As with an order from Jyggalag you knew not to expect this journey to be simple nor easy, but this is not how you expected anything to go. The commander of these nords had been the first to die, an old veteran huscarl with many victories and accomplishments to his name, shot by an arrow the size of a spear that burst through the snow and fog surrounding you.

None of you could see who had shot it but the young and foolhardy ran off into the mist to seek vengeance, though found only a place beside the old huscarl in their land of the dead. It had taken plenty of yelling and threats to those that remained to get them to follow you, forming a mobile shield wall that trailed your assailant through the snow, grabbing any survivors that they could along the way. It may have been better to run, however, as you soon found yourselves pinned between a trio or giants.

These weren't the giants of Skyrim, nomadic and primitive. They were armed with weapons and armor of bronze and hide. Their armor was sized properly for their size, meaning these giants, their people at least, knew how to smelt and forge metal. Two of the giants charged from both sides, one with an axe that could cut the head from an ox and the other with a large bone club studded with spiked bronze and stained with red, while the third drew back a bow its size and loosed once more.

This is where you start belting out orders, demanding every angle be covered by shields. the front barely gets their shields together to block the next arrow, which embeds deep into the shield but thankfully only grazes the shield bearers arm. The sides aren't as fortunate, as the sheer brute force of the giants overhead swings smash the shield bearers into the ground. You shout for any remaining archers to focus fire on the giants archer, to aim for its eyes, and made the hard choice which side to help. Sadly, your blade could provide little answers, as its edge was coated in a layer of frost thick enough to keep its magic from activating.

You yell and a path splits through to your left, one you take to charge the axe bearer giant. The only reason you chose him and not the club bearer was that more seemed injured here. You run with your greatsword pointed forward in a modified spearman's stance, hoping to stab it through the leg guards and bring the giant low. The giant is quick, however, and already another swing of its axe forces you to drop low as the shield bearers take the brunt of the attack.

One of them grabs you and pulls you to your feet and shoves you back towards the giant, yelling at you to "Strike down the Oak Blooded bastard" as he catches a blow on his shield. You resume your charge, the short distance feeling a marathon for the snow and carnage, but eventually the tip of your sword meets the giants leg, and Daedric metal triumphs of the earthly bronze, sinking in and eliciting a cry of pain from the giant.

You push the sword in as far as it can go then with a yell of exertion rip it free, leaving a deep cut that's halfway severed the giants ankle from its body. "Now, Topple it! Strike with everything you have!" you yell over the chaos, and the nords sic themselves upon the wounded beast like they were wolves. More strike at the legs, while others grab at the hide skirt and leggings it wears and pull with all their might, and soon the monster crashes to the ground where it is hacked apart by vengeful nords.

Another cry comes from further out, the archer giants sporting multiple arrows pinned into its chest, but most important are the ones in its eyes. You can see faint trails of blood pour from those eyes and dripping to the snow below. Thankfully this ones turns tail and runs off with cries in their guttural language, leaving only the club bearer to fight.

Turning to see the last giant does not fill you with relief however as they have laid themselves into the crushing of their enemies, howling in fury and swinging like something possessed. You did not look forward to the fight, but the hot blood on your sword has revealed enough of its edge to show you how to succeed. The vision is one that gives you pause, but you don't have the time to waste worrying. You once again yell for the nords to clear a path and charge the beast, and it sees you coming. It takes up its club in both hands and settles into a stance, ready to swing as you draw near.

You shift your sword to over your shoulder, ready to swing yourself, but your target isn't the giant, but its weapon. As you near it you and the giant both swing, the giant swing to the side while you smash the sword down onto the club.

You feel your arms would be ripped out of their sockets were they not frozen in place. Your strength just barely manages to drive the two weapons into the ground, providing you a path towards the giants head. You pull your gladius from your belt and climb up the giants club and arm as it tries to wrench it from the ground. Its just slow enough that you manage to reach its head and its poorly protected neck. You grab its hair for support, only now noticing that this was a female giant, and begin to plunge the short sword into the exposed neck, over and over until the giant collapses with you on top. You make sure the monster is dead with a few more stabs then roll off of it, exhausted. From your spot on the ground you yell for the survivors to gather what and who they can and to return to camp.

The archer was still out there, and it would not be alone. Judging by the slapdash armor they had and crude weapons, these were likely giant marauders of some kind, and bandits rarely traveled in such small groups back home. You lay in the snow a short time before rising to grab your swords and lead the men back to camp. If your goal here had been to slay some giants and drag back their corpses, it would have gone swimmingly, but you don't think you'll be finding any artifacts or converts or anything else useful today.
With the failings of your other plans of late you decided to release that anger and aggression of the nearest neighboring, non allied, planes of oblivion. You give them only the briefest warnings, to submit or be destroyed in your wake, but few obey your will. So, you unleash all your accumulated forces upon the surrounding lands until they see reason or there's no one left to defy you.

It goes smoothly if slowly for the first few weeks, your pawns able to lead in your absence and rarely needing your direct hand in affairs, and when they do its typically for something more complicated. The pawns, the rooks, the knights, and even the assorted daedra who have submitted to your will start to feel prideful, enjoying the sense of being a victor in conquest. Then, changes start to be noticed in them.
For the pawns and many pother daedra they notice their claws or horns growing longer and thicker, stronger and more intimidating. Some chalk this up to your influence causing them to grow stronger, and don't worry about it. The problem, however, is that the growth doesn't stop. Horns and nails grow evermore, the nails beginning to grow back and across the fingers as well as outward, making their hands useless and heavy. Horns grow across the entire head, straight horns spreading across the face sometimes even growing over their eyes, while curved horns curl out from the head, some even curling back around so that they pierce back into their skulls.

These growths aren't limited to existing nail and horn, as more begin to grow randomly over the bodies of those afflicted, growing over the skin or from the bone and pushing up through their flesh. Nails and horns and even hooves sprouting randomly across the body, removing its ability to flex and pro[erly move in most cases. You call for a complete halt in expansion and for the isolation of those currently afflicted until a cure is found or their ends come.

Something like this, this plague that has so crippled your attempts to expand, has never been heard of before. asking Dyus, Sotha, and Haskill provides no answers, meaning that this new sickness was born only recently, and there's only one who could have made such a thing. Peryite, that sniveling, conniving worm, god of sickness and thief of natural order. He likely grew scared of you, seeing your new ascent as a threat to his safety. Well, he was right to do so.

When you find that wretch, you shall unleash your fury upon him for what he's done, now and in the past, to reclaim what is rightfully yours and to inflict vengeance on the least of the princes.
As scholarly daedra within your service work to find a solution to Peryites plague of bone you set yourself to your calculations in the hopes of seeing how you will crush that pathetic snake. Unfortunately, every time you get started something or someone demands your attention, either for minor daedra arriving, seeking a cure for the plague as well, or bringing threats and false praise from the lords of demiplanes. On your own, you simply wont have the time.

So, you invite the only other being close to your intellect you can stand, Sotha Sil, to your plane to aid you. While still living he had attempted calculations of a similar nature, though vastly limited to the near future of his own life. It may not be much experience, but its more than any other could have.

His entrance is subdued, a quick walk through quiet streets, many of your people worried about contracting peryites plague and avoiding others. Dyus announces him idlily, flipping through his own book of accounts, to you as he enters your library, the only attire on his mechanical body a long shawl of sorts.

You invite him to make himself comfortable before he begins. You had lured him here with the incentive of learning something of your ways of prediction, something that quickly caught his attention. While you leave him with Dyus you go on to attend to the various petty issues of Mytheria, taking some days to sort through it all.

When you finally return you find Dyus has barely moved from his spot while sotha is surrounded by various historical texts and books of magic, crumpled paper littering the nearby ground.

"I hope this mess you have made is the sign of progress Sil." you say to the metal god. While he is incapable of expression, you can feel a tenseness from him, partially from the deep thumping of the false heart in his chest. "Tell me, Jyggalag, did you ever see my second death in your predictions?"

"Second?" Whatever could have brought this on? He had seemed ambivalent towards his prior death and now he worries of another? "I have not and had no need to do so. Has something caused you some concern?"

"No. At least nothing on its own. I merely wonder if this is truly what could be called life. I'm not truly the original Sotha Sil, but an amalgamation of brainwaves and memories planted within a reanimated and reconstructed corpse. I cannot even say that the soul I possess is the same as the original Sotha or if its merely a mimicry the formed itself within the hollow space left in my creation. This body is capable of many things but has lost the capacity for many more in return, taste, touch, smell, and more Memories are lost to me each day. I'm afraid that if I die again there will be nothing left of me, fora am no true divine with My being writ into the fabric of existence."

It seems he's been struck by some melancholy, regret for how his life turned out perhaps. You nearly respond, trying to keep him focused, but he speaks first. "I Must apologize. I believe I have wasted both our times in coming here. If you will excuse me I must return to the clockwork city and figure something out." and with that the machine god rises from his position and leaves, ignoring much of what's around him.

You sigh in annoyance and start to rummage through his discarded calculations. In them he made some small progress at least understanding your methods, but few of his predictions hold much weight. You also notice a growing amount of them are focused on the deaths of gods, of the lost daedric gods and the ones who fled with magnus. Interesting research, but not useful for your efforts.
The college of Winterhold has seen a great influx of new students and professors of late from all corners of Tamriel. Normally this would be seen as a great boon, but its cause is a worrying one. The Mages guild, an institution that has lasted for centuries, has fully disbanded. A growing schism among their leaders, on the validity of the schools of mysticism and necromancy as well as on various political matters, has split these centers of learning irreparably.

The guilds largely split into two factions, the synod and the college of whispers. The synod continues and expands the guilds practice of banning schools of magic and spells it deems hazardous. It has also aligned itself heavily with the faithful of the Aedra, even growing ties to the followers of Stendarr. While this group is still in its infancy it tries to grow and expand quickly, seeking to become the authority on magic on Tamriel.

The College meanwhile welcomes all and encourages all schools of magic, pushing the boundaries of magic as much as it can. They have largely abandoned the major cities and retreated to strongholds and mage towers to focus on magical exploration and exploitation. This has of course riled those that lve nearby, earning them sometimes truthful accusations of necromancers or daedra worshippers.

Those who joined neither camp instead sought other places of learning such as the Winterhold college or even joining the imperial battlemages. The new emperor Thules has encouraged this, starting a propoganda campaign for lost mages to seek fellowaship among the empires best and brightest.

Regardless, the magick-political landscape of Tamriel has been shattered and already the pieces knit themselves back into a new tapestry. It shall be an interesting time you think.
Despite the friendly tone of the Ork kings letter to the thalmor, as soon as he and Caerlen are behind closed doors he drops the kindly neighbor act. He is still respectful to your people, of course, but he makes it clear that he seeks this alliance not for deeper ties but so that they would have a defense against less kindly neighbors. Gortwog reveals vital intelligence his spies and allies had recovered from High rock and Hammerfell.

The two had been planning an invasion of the eastern mountains ruled by the orcs, and he makes it clear he has no doubt they would continue their conquest into the falmers lands as well if they believed they could get away with it. They had only recently stopped as the coronation of a new emperor made them scramble to earn his favor.

This bought the orcs some time but he has no doubt they will come again, and he would have the falmer beside him were it to come. He does intend to honor this alliance, to work alongside the thalmor if given the chance, but Orsimer needs to stand for that to mean anything. So, Caerlen has agreed to the alliance and to make it as public as the alliance with the Dark Elves. While the men of the west have not abandoned their plotting Gortwogs spies have found they have begun to rethink their approach, buying the orks time.

You can only hope this alliance can grow fruitful, if not for your Falmer then so that Malacath might soften his own position towards you.
The new emperor of Tamriel has found himself with various issues left unresolved by the dragon council. The most obvious of which is the still remaining rivals for the throne, the powerful generals and leaders who still think themselves more worthy. There's also the matter of two seceded imperial provinces in Morrowind and the black Marsh. It is, however, the newest issue hes been urged to start with.

The sea elves of Pyandonea have begun a brutal raiding campaign against all the southern coasts of the continent. From Valenwood to black marsh, none are spared as they strike, butchering all in their path, then slinking back into the water and fleeing on their ships before aid can be sent. The empire was never a master of naval warfare, their expertise being in land based battles, so the comparatively clumsy ships of the empire have no chance of intercepting the snakes before they've fled.

The only force that's been able to repel them reliably are those of the summerset isles, of the altmer. They have long been the naval workhorse of the empire, in terms of combat potential at least, and they have shown that expertise well, much to the acclaim of many members of the imperial court. Councilor Ocato, however, insists that the empire personally handle the matter, rather than relegating it to the altmer.

So, the emperor has heeded the advice of the most respected of his councilors in a way few anticipated. A war has been declared upon Pyandonea. Thules has declared that he shall ring in his reign with the destruction and conquest of the southern island, to bring them to heel at the empire boot. He says he shall stain the sea of Pyandonea with enough blood that evermore shall they be red, and that the treasures of their serpant king shall be granted unto the legions themselves.

Its certainly a grand claim, perhaps one he sees as necessary if he's to be treated like the emperor he's been crowned as. Perhaps you shall keep your eye on this war, to see if any of the flotsam left behind is worth salvaging.
With the pact with Sheo you can have him do an action for you, still rolling for it of course, or give +25 to a roll

Sotha Sil may aid in any acts of creation, whether of artifacts, lifeforms, or anything else I deem appropriate. He will give advantage to these actions, letting you roll twice.

What shall you do in Nirn? Choose one

[] A new champion: with the artifacts at your disposal it may be a good idea to seek another champion. Seek out those you had once found as well as new blood who may be worthy of your boons. Dc 75
-[] What artifact will you grant them?

[] Midden exploration: Below Winterhold Is a dungeon formed from built over buildings and caverns of ice. Much has been left and forgotten down there, and your cultists are in the perfect position to go find them. DC: 60
-[] If there's something specific down there that Jyggalag knows about you want them to find, say which

[] The Atmora expedition: With the expedition funded by the king, there's no reason not to send your cultists to join them. DC: 75

[] the snow elves return: King Felsimar has made good use out of the Jyggylags faith in Morrowind so far, especially with your priests. Perhaps he might officially recognize and support the return of the Falmer on Nirn? DC 80

[] Wherever the wind blows: a common practice among Daedric princes with their artifacts is to toss them upon Nirn and see where they end up, letting a champion be naturally attracted to it. That or to cause chaos depending on the inclinations of the Daedra in question. You might do the same. No dc but there will be a roll to see what happens with the artifact

[] The gifts of man: many artifacts already litter the lands of Skyrim, one needs only look. Of course, looking doesn't mean you would have the artifact for yourself, you would still need to send someone to collect it, but if you could find something you could imbue with your will, spreading your influence would be all the easier. DC65

-the higher the roll the better the item you find.

[] write in. up to qm discretion


What shall your champions do? Choose which champion shall do what, both can be assigned to the same task for an extra +20 to the roll

[] Hunt down the brotherhood, phase one: while the brotherhood exists all over Tamriel, you want them gone from at least Skyrim. Send your champion to snuff out their presence. Dc60

[/] Hunt for an artifact: There's many artifacts on Nirn unclaimed by any gods. Were you to discover one, you could send the champion to collect it. Dc55

-Needs an artifact to hunt

[] Let them pursue their own goals: your champions have goals of his own. Let them pursue them and perhaps grow stronger from the effort. There is no dc, just a roll to see how things went for your champion.

[] Midden exploration: Below Winterhold Is a dungeon formed from built over buildings and caverns of ice. Much has been left and forgotten down there, and your champions are always in need of something to do. DC: 60
-[] If there's something specific down there that Jyggalag knows about you want them to find, say which

[] The Atmora expedition: With the expedition funded by the king, there's no reason not to send your champions to join them. DC: 75

[] weakening Thalmor: you know that the Thalmor intend to take over the summerset isles, and that would give them the power and authority to sow chaos across Nirn. Have your champions put a stop to that. DC 50

[] write in
What shall you do in oblivion?

[] Conquest. While your power is diminished, it would not be impossible to find some corner of oblivion held by a weaker Daedra for you to take for yourself. So long as you don't make too much noise, none would assume you were there. DC60

[] seek out subjects. Daedra are inherently creatures of chaos, but many value strength over ideals. Convince them of your strength, and they will follow. DC70

[] Seek out the other planes. Many are the planes of oblivion, and many are their occupants. You know enough of your kin to know where to avoid, so you could find allies or a realm ripe for the taking. DC70

-the higher the roll, the better plane you find

[] Find allies. Without the might you once had, you need allies so that you might not be blindsided. seek others out so you might make an alliance.
-[]who will you seek an alliance with? different Daedra will have different DC's, and you need to seek specific Daedra

[] diplomatic efforts: friends and allies can be difficult to keep, so better to maintain contact so that relations don't break down.

-[] who will you try to improve your relationship with.


What shall you do in Mytheria?

[] Creation. more artifacts are always useful. You could use some of your remaining power to make something of crystal that you could send unto the planet. Dc75

-[] what shall you make, and what shall it do? Up to qm if your idea would be allowed/ if it's too strong

[] Rebuild your library. Once your library rivaled that of Hermeus mora, you imagine it's the reason he played a part in your downfall. Now you would rebuild it. Gather what tomes you can find in oblivion, and begin the calculations of the future as you once had. Dc 60

[] Reforging: Your artifacts each have their uses, but some might benefit from a change or two. Take them to your side and remake them, not enough to undo what they are but to align them more to your needs.

[] Write in. up to qm discretion

Sorry about this update beign super late, been really busy lately and very easily distracted
[X] Plan: Once more, with Feeling
-[X] The Atmora expedition: With the expedition funded by the king, there's no reason not to send your cultists to join them. DC: 75
--[X] Sheo's Aid
-[X] weakening Thalmor: you know that the Thalmor intend to take over the summerset isles, and that would give them the power and authority to sow chaos across Nirn. Have your champions put a stop to that. DC 50
--[X] Both
-[X] diplomatic efforts: friends and allies can be difficult to keep, so better to maintain contact so that relations don't break down.
--[X] Sotha Sil
-[X] Creation. more artifacts are always useful. You could use some of your remaining power to make something of crystal that you could send unto the planet. Dc75
--[X] A Crystalline helmet that gives the wearer the ability to pinpoint weakpoints
---[X] Sotha Sil's Aid
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-[X] Creation. more artifacts are always useful. You could use some of your remaining power to make something of crystal that you could send unto the planet. Dc75
--[X] A Crystalline helmet that gives the wearer Night Eye
That is very underwhelming for a deadric artifact. I'm pretty sure any enchanter could make something like that.

We could make it pinpoint weakpoints, give visions of the future, impart some kind of skill on the wearer, even a helmet that shoots lasers out of it's eyes should be doable. Or you could combine a bunch of different effects for something ridiculous.

Edit: on second thought, laser eyes is a bad idea since it would blind the user, maybe it could shoot it from some formation in the forehead. Actually what's the name of that part of the helmet that's like a sail over the center of the head? the dwemer centurions have one. Fire the laser out of that.
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[] the snow elves return: King Felsimar has made good use out of the Jyggylags faith in Morrowind so far, especially with your priests. Perhaps he might officially recognize and support the return of the Falmer on Nirn? DC 80
I think it's kind of late for that, considering we already have Falmer show themselves to wider world. Unless this is supposed to be actions related to Snów Elves and their political position in Tamriel?

[X] Plan-Of Clockwork and Butterflies.
[X] Write-in: Nchandfel and Orsinium are endangered and you wouldn't allow it to pass. Bestow upon Caerlen blue-prints for new weapons and defenses based upon Dwemeric inventions. Metal hounds that breath fire and acid, Dwemer Animunculi enchanted with your Crystal Magic, clockwork vehicles to charge straight into the enemies battalions and leave unscathed.
Men of High Rock and Hammerfell want war? They will get it.
--[X] Sotha Sil Aid.
[X] The Atmora expedition: With the expedition funded by the king, there's no reason not to send your champions to join them. DC: 75
--[X] Kasur.
---[X] Sheogorath Aid +25.
[X] Let them pursue their own goals: your champions have goals of his own. Let them pursue them and perhaps grow stronger from the effort. There is no dc, just a roll to see how things went for your champion.
--[X] Nael.
[X] diplomatic efforts: friends and allies can be difficult to keep, so better to maintain contact so that relations don't break down.
--[X] Sheogorath.
[X] Reforging: Your artifacts each have their uses, but some might benefit from a change or two. Take them to your side and remake them, not enough to undo what they are but to align them more to your needs.
--[X] Umbra-From now on the blade shall, with each strike, cause crystal growth to spread across enemies body, the greater the wound the greater will be growth and with each strike the foe will be more and more enclosed in crystal till it consumes him. The crystal will hamper enemies movement and slowly consume their magicka to make both physical fighting and spellcasting harder.

Okay. So I think we need to prepare Falmer for the Siege of Orsinium and perhaps finally break this cycle. Caerlen already experimenting with Dwemer tech and Sotha Sil knowledge will be very useful in designing weapons for Falmer.

Kasur is already in Atmora so I think there would be complications with him going back between the continents. Beside, some rolls for the Clockwork City also weren't spectacular but he managed it, might as well try to gain something from the expedition.

Nael after that shitshow, propably needs some time to catch a breath. If nothing else, her free time will propably still consist of murdering Thalmor so we still be weakening them on some level.

I was conflicted if we should try our luck with new allies, preferably Malacath considering Nchandfel and Orsinium alliance, but considering the behavior of Sheogorath and Sotha Sil, it's propably best to make sure our current allies keep it together rather than try to add new ones for now.

Also reforging Umbra so it would be less freaky to Nael and more useful in general combat.
Well, I can't think of anything so I'm open to ideas.
Well, it depends on the type of artifact let's take a look at our most effective one the quill it may not be a combative one however anything it scribes goes back to us, so instead of looking for another combative artifact maybe we could make one more useful to someone like an engineer?

Also the library hasn't been updated again thanks to the quill it should have gained plus 4% cause we forgot last turns progress aswell.
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Well, I can't think of anything so I'm open to ideas.
I already listed a bunch of ideas for an artifact in the post you're replying to. But I could give a few more. Awhile back there were ideas for a shield that fires out a crystal spike in retaliation to attacks, and a weapon that turns flesh into crystal around where it cuts. Right now Im thinking some kind of book that grants special abilities to the reader. It might also be a good idea to make a new relic that can predict the future, and a new weapon, so we can take the sword back. I feel like not having a weapon is a serious drawback considering we're most likely going to get into conflict with other princes soon.