Lord of Order

First nat 100 shame about the diplomacy being low but still, maybe the quill will end up in the hands of someone from the elder council?
My first thought was that it wound up in the hands of an archmage but that would probably be better.

Although ironically one of the best outcomes would probably be that it winds up in the hands of a random clerk whose job is to create copies of existing books.
My first thought was that it wound up in the hands of an archmage but that would probably be better.

Although ironically one of the best outcomes would probably be that it winds up in the hands of a random clerk whose job is to create copies of existing books.
What like those blind moth monks who had an elder scroll?
What like those blind moth monks who had an elder scroll?
...I can't remember those guys names, but that orders entire purpose is to study the Elder Scrolls, I don't think they would write any books at all (also, they have most of the elder scrolls that the empire is aware of). The Elder Council is the group of advisors that serve the emperor and the people who rule the empire while there isn't one.
A Stroke of Luck
Well Caerlan, things are going just swell aren't they? Many tribes in the lower caverns keep finding themselves in minor skirmishes with each other. Agtan wants you to march on them and reestablish order. A troupe of frost giants had recently come through the vale, claiming they wanted recompense for the intrusion on land that was once theirs. Youd be offended were their demands not as simple as they were. Permission to freely travel through the vale and the right to purchase supplies from Nchandfell, but how they would pay was still being argued. The council meanwhile are falling into factions over a proposed new colony further south, hoping the warmer climes will let farmlands be established but neither agreeing over what should be grown, food or cash crops. You half expect they're joining this argument so they can postpone the more delicate debates a moment longer.

You technically have the authority to demand they stop and follow your will, but that would set a bad precedent. The lands of the Falmer need to be able to live and thrive on their own without you interfering in every problem. That was the entire point of the council and they'd done that job well until recently. These and a host of other small problems have grown into a mountain in your path, one keeping you from your studies and research.

You push open the door to your chambers in Blackreach, ready to collapse onto your bed of stone, hides, and cotton padding. You had paid through the nose for these things but you'd do it again in a heartbeat. How the Dwemer or your own people grew accustomed to sleeping on stones you will never understand. You stumble towards it in the dark only to find a new obstacle in your way. Youd be more cautious of what it was but right now you can only groan and fumble towards an oil lamp. A quick spell and you have just enough light to see someone has gifted you new furniture. Joy.

Looking over it, it seems incredibly well made if far too big for the confines of your room. How they even got this through the door you have no idea. You almost think its top is made from some kind of stone with how smooth it looks, marble or something, but when you brush your hand against it the surface is displaced, what you now realize is sand moving under your touch. What kind of useless damn table is made from sand?
When your hand is lifted from the sand however it begins to shift on its own. It starts moving slowly, like dust kicked up when entering an unused chamber, but it grows faster, the fine grains flowing like sand as it takes on shapes you recognized, the shapes of the buildings of the Falmer, showing incredibly detailed depictions of these lands, even showing the movement of people within the Falmer lands though in very little detail. You can even see yourself when you scratch away the sand walls of your home.

You circle the table, taking in every detail of what was happening, when you notice a small note left on the corner. Written on it it says "This is the gods eye. It will grant you supreme oversight of the lands under your control. Use it well or it will be taken back." curt, but the words are followed by instructions on how to use the table, how to focus on only one city or even a single person, how to have the table write information about what its focused on though the information is somewhat basic. It must be a gift from one of the gods, and given the letters tone you can only imagine that god is Lord Jyggalag. This would go a great deal to help you in your current and future problems. You only wonder how you're going to get it to the council chambers.

The Falmer will be expanding a good deal faster now.
With only a wave of your hand the soulscribe disappears from Mytheria, flitting down to Nirn where you leave it be for a moment of your time. In that time a handful of months pass on Nirn, where the quill has no doubt seen some travel and use. When you turn your gaze back towards it, you see it mixed in with various other items being delivered to the imperial palace in Cyrodil. It's a challenge for you to enter the palace, even when just looking, thanks to the firmament and nature of the tower as a conduit of one of the earth bones but you can focus on the quill itself enough to still see. This delivery is brought within its walls as the various other deliverys are transported around to wherever they need to go, exotic foods taken to the kitchens, whetstones and oil taken to the guards, incenses and candles taken just about everywhere.

The quill, along with various other writing implements such as charcoal sticks and rough pumice stones used to scrape away mistakes, is taken straight upwards. At first you thought that it may end up in the potentates own hands, but they stop instead at roughly the middle of the tower, where you feel a pang of disappointment. A pang that is soon forgotten as you see this has gone better than you could have imagined, and you find an unbidden laugh escape you.

The quill is taken into the imperial library, where moth priests hurry to and fro, escorting older priests whose eyes have been scorched by the elder scrolls. A cylindrical repository dominates the center of the room with various nooks housing more elder scrolls than you have seen in one place, more than you ever held in your library and likely more than even Hermeaus mora has held. Young initiates write down the words recited by the senior priests, writing down the exact words taken from the scroll at this time as well as interpretations made by the priests.

The elder scrolls were a strange thing. They existed since the dawn of existence, glimpses upon all of reality, bearing something similar yet so very different from all Anuic or Padomeic beings, not alive yet changing and adapting at will. They reflect realities possibilities, and any events within them may change up until the moment that event truly occurs. To have your quill here, among the priests actively working to decipher them, to understand them, and to have those understandings flow back to you unimpeded?

Laughter continues to escape you at the sheer chance of this happening, at how perfectly this went when you hadn't put in more effort than dropping it upon Nirn. You continue to chuckle as you look away from the library on Nirn and move towards your own. You crack open the first of the books set aside for the quill, and soon enough words start to ink themselves upon the pages, a prophecy of an invasion from the south by the sea elves in some fifty years. You close the book back and allow yourself to sit and relax for a moment in one of the chairs, a smile on your face.

So long as the soulscribe is within the imperial library you will passively gain 2% library progress a turn. Potential to gain new prophecies.

You were in such a good mood you decided to look in on your champions. You needed something to ground you back to reality after all, and the failings of mortals always had a way to disappoint you. Joy, pleasure, satisfaction, they had a way of blinding you to the greater picture, finding satisfaction in the present weakening necessary resolve in the future. Though it seems you are allowed to indulge just a bit longer as the two manage to succeed with flying colors, each in their own way.
It had been difficult getting here for you Kasur. You find yourself sitting at a long table of elven reeves and nobles, having talked your way into this alliance against the thalmor. You had to rely on nothing but your skill with words, and even then, you were more accustomed to speaking with soldiers and warriors, not bureaucrats, scholars, and nobles. Still, you managed to convince them of your desire and capability to aid in their efforts against the thalmors' growing influence among their government. Officially its nothing more than a gathering of friends, as subtlety is needed as a shield from the thalmor, though none seem to quite like each other.

"The thalmor are still our people, Jermir. Exile is unacceptable, much less this plan of butchery you have. We need to convince the queen that they must be reigned in, maybe shackled for the leaders, but we cannot kill our own." Highreeve Vandalion says. She stares daggers at Jermir, a Jurisreeve and the elf who had sponsored your inclusion. You had done a few jobs for him as a mercenary where you had learned of his ties to this cabal. He looks coldly back towards the Highreeve, showing little respect for the difference in rank, as he has said all are equal while plotting together.

"What high moral standing you have there Vandalion, so inspirational and godly. Perhaps you might convince the thalmor to do the same? Or do you still think the bodies of their enemies that keep turning up are mere coincidence, that this serial killer just so happens to hold the same political agenda as the thalmor by happenstance? We are at war with them, and your high minded preaching will give them all the time they need to stab us in the back." he says, slumping back into his chair and downing a goblet of some rosy wine.

They claim to be united against the thalmor, but you've heard little more than bickering between them without any solid plans. It reminded you of when your commanders couldn't agree on a plan of attack. The results were always bloody when that happened. They needed to be unified, and none of them seemed willing to do so. You steel your nerves and speak.

"This arguing will get us nowhere. We need to have a plan, any plan, or this cabal is merely a gathering ground for arguments and debate of the soon to be enemies of the state." a portion of the table, those who had been disinclined towards your inclusion, even some who had allowed it, shot looks meant to stifle and quiet directly at you, but you didn't let them affect you and kept talking. "Killing off every thalmor simply isn't possible, not with our numbers or how spread out they are on the isles, but Jermir isn't wrong. As distasteful as it is some of the thalmor need to be culled, the ones with power or influence."

"And I see that Jermirs little mercenary suddenly knows so much about our politics. Congrats Jermir, you trained him well." a stern elf, a soldier or guard from the looks of him though you didn't know his name, says loudly in a mocking tone. "And you as ever are like an untrained dog Karadin, barking when it should be silent." Jermir says, rising to the bait. The two start arguing, then more join in trying to talk over each other, and you slam your fist down. The metal of the gauntlet against the gilded and lacquered wood quiets them all as they look towards you, annoyed expressions on their faces.

"Are we our own enemies or are the thalmor? Decide that before you deign to speak again. As I said, some among the thalmor must die. The rest must be broken, disheartened, and their reputation tarnished so no more flock to that banner of theirs. I believe I have the person for that job. Already she hunts down their grunts, taking what intelligence she can from them. If you all can give her the right opportunity's she can cut the heads from this hydra, one by one." you were exaggerating somewhat. Nael was no assassin, not yet at least, but she had the potential, far more than you did for this kind of dishonorable work. You can only help if the Altmer agreed to her aid.
You crush the pommel of this sword, umbra, into the side of this Thalmor Lackie's jaw. You had been trying to hit the temple, because Kasur had told you it was a good way to stun someone, but you feel satisfied with the crunch you feel anyway. The rain around you muffles the sound of this back alley skirmish, though it makes the stones beneath your feet slick, unsteady. Thankfully you were used to dirty fights like this, and the Thalmor wasn't.

He had been heading home, trading out dark robes for an equally gaudy shirt and britches, though he had kept the sword at his side. He'd been flashing it to anyone who got in his way like an ass. The perks of being a politician, being able to act like a nonce and see no consequences, at least until tonight. He cradles his jaw with his off hand, a dizzied swing of his sword easily brushed to the side. Kasur was right, you were a natural with this thing. He had shown you everything he could about swordsmanship then taken you to a better trainer, a friend of his which he seemed to have or make plenty of no matter where he went. Lucky guy. When you had tried to find your old friends, you found most had died, fled, or simply didn't care you had returned, the pricks.

Another poorly aimed swing, this time with you blocking the swing and shoving forward, knocking the elf back against the grimy wall. You'd been stalking this one for some days. Apparently he thought himself a key lynchpin of their plotting when he was little more than a courier. A courier of important things of course, if it had been anything else you wouldn't have bothered with him, but still only a courier. He had left the college of Sapiarchs holding many parcels and even a small chest, so you decided now was as good a time as any to jump him.

A thrust of his sword from where he lies on the ground this time. You stomp it down, driving the thrust into the ground where your boot keeps it from being pulled out. Your other foot then gives the elf a much needed kick in the teeth, knocking his head back into the bricks. You don't think you had actually thanked kasur for the boots, or the whole rest of your outfit. Youll need to remember to do that next you see him.

You kneel down in front of him, smashing your pommel against his wrist until he lets go of the sword, then pick it up and throw it far from his reach. Then you rest umbras edge against the bastards throat. "Tell me who the letters are for, who sent them, and what's in them. Talk before my hand slips." your words are calm, relaxed even. Why wouldn't they be, you held all the power here, and with the downpour no one was likely to see or hear what you were doing. You're almost disappointed by how quickly he starts talking, you only had to draw a little blood from his neck.

"Emring, it was Emring! He told me to deliver these to a dead drop outside the city, by a reservoir near the Marniell estate, with a red post with a birdhouse at its top. Now please, let me g-NGH." you cut him off with a swift knee to the face. "Bastard, you're supposed to resist at least a little! Do you really have that little loyalty that this is all it took to get the information from you? Weakling." you say, disgusted by this sniveling coward. They kept you captive for years and you never talked, and this is the best they can do themselves?

You grab some of the letters from the ground, their waxed envelopes keeping them dry, and tuck them away into your jacket. Then, with umbra still pointed towards the coward, you crack open the box, and its contents disgust you. Inside is a heart, pale from lack of blood, a dagger, and a nightshade flower. A letter is tucked in with them, already getting struck by drops of rain. You open it, trying to figure out what it says, but being only half literate you can't make out much of it, though it looks kind of like a poem. Written underneath it in another hand is more words you can't make out, though they look important.

You grab the letter, close the box, and return to the coward, shoving the letter in his face. "Read it." you order him. He begins to look at it, his expression one confused and shocked. Damned fool. A slap to his face and another order is given. "Out loud." he shakily nods his head and begins speaking. "Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear. The script added underneath commands the packages recipient to perform a ritual involving the contents of the package and await a member of the dark brotherhood to arrive. From there he is to request of them to slay Potentate Ocato of the imperial council."

You let the words settle for a moment. You knew little of politics but even you knew who that guy was, defacto ruler of the empire if anyone respected him. And everyone knows the dark brotherhood, whether you think they're real or a horror story to be told around fires. Apparently the thalmor thought them real enough and good enough to go after the guy in the worlds most protected place. You stab your blade into the thalmor's chest, surprising him if the way he doesn't resist is anything to go by, and twist the blade. You grab the letter back from his dying hands and place it back into the chest. You then gather the other letters and proceed to do a thorough job of looting the body. The coin and knick knacks you take are nice, but the purpose is to make this look like a mugging, not anything targeted, a lesson you were taught ages ago by some old vagabond.

With loot in hand you flee into the night towards your meeting place with Kasur, items tucked into your new cloak, Still nice despite the hole in the back. You'd let him show these to the politicians, he had a better head for dealing with them. Then, you'd make sure to get him something nice as a thank you, you certainly had the coin now.

Kasur has gained himself allies among the anti thalmor members of the altmer government. Nael has discovered their plans to send a dark brotherhood assassin to kill the potentate.
Something dangerously approaching pride in your mortal champions starts to grow in your chest, so you turn your thoughts from them to preparation for your soon to be gathering of your allies. You needed to introduce Sotha Sil and Sheogorath to each other, to be sure they know and can work with each other. Sothas's last alliance ended poorly and Sheogorath is Sheogorath so you needed to be sure. You also intended for them to help you with one of your projects, so it served as a good way of killing two birds with one stone.

Sotha is of course the first to arrive. You had expected as much. The machine god likely has everything in his existence timed down to the second. Existence, not life. Nobody could honestly call him alive when they looked upon him. A towering machine, an intricate approximation of a living body but the steel skin and inflexible plates sliding over each other could never be mistaken for something alive. He is almost like a lich, though you imagine no mortals would be able to accomplish this on their own.

"Jyggalag." He says, looming at the doorway of your fortress. The trees growth had slightly uprooted it, dragging it upwards somewhat, as well as growing around it, so a large stairway had been built up towards your door. Whether he climbed all those stairs himself or simply willed himself to be at the door, a slight boon you had allowed him and Sheogorath when they arrived to make communication easier, you did not know. "Sotha. Are you prepared to design this creature?" he enters, bowing his head to fit through the door. "I would be more prepared if you would explain what you plan more. You've mentioned a third party but not their name or purpose, nor have you explained the role these creatures are to play within your realm or armies."

"You'll know soon enough who the third party in this endeavor is. As for the creature it is meant to be an intermediary force in-between my pawns and knights. I've only gained three knights since my return, and the pawns are meant to serve many roles as needed while having independent thought and ability to plan. This wouldn't be an intelligent creature, and it would need be something created more reliably than the knight, though it would likely not be capable of the knights great strength."

"Hmm." is the only sound that escapes the machine as he pulls out a few rolls of parchment and a pen, made to fit the larger hands of his frame while still writing in a fine script. "Have you considered something similar to cavalry? Both your knights and pawns lack speed and an ability to flank, and they would also serve as messengers or couriers outside of battle." he says as he begins drawing out a few designs. "That could serve me well, though I'd wait for my other guests before settling on anything concrete."

The two of you then wait in the foyer, waiting on Sheogorath to arrive. You had wanted to talk more with Sotha Sil, but once talk of the creature was done you found you could think of little to talk about. Small talk was not your forte, and before Sheo had done more than enough talking for the both of you in your previous attempts to ingratiate yourself with an ally. You almost think you have something worth saying when suddenly the door is pushed open.

In the frame a panting and sweat stained sheogorath sucks down air, something he has no real need to do anymore but those mortal parts of his brain still thought to do. "Jyggy, why oh why did you add so many stairs?! Are you trying to kill me? Because you're damned close." he doesn't bother to close the door behind him, something you do with just a bit of will, and collapses into a chair opposite Sotha Sil. It's a moment before he looks up and seems to notice the machine for the first time. "When did you get an automaton?"

"I am no automaton, daedra." Unamused, Sotha glares at Sheogorath for the comment, then turns towards you. "I wouldn't have thought the rumor true Jyggalag, that you've allied yourself with your own broken form. Is he truly who we've waited on to arrive?" You suppose even a god of the dunmer still shared their beliefs, that the mad prince was a nuisance at best and a parasite at worst, but he needed to ignore these superstitions, and even his own experiences with the previous Sheogoarth. "He has been an ally longer than you, and the three of us could do greater things allied together than we could ever hope alone. I would like to prove this with our creation of this creature. Now, if you have no wish to aid us you have the right to leave, but I wouldn't have this alliance weakened from the beginning."

Sotha grumbles, or at least gives off a rumbling within his chest that amounts to the same thing, but doesn't leave. You then turn to sheogorath and introduce the machine god. "This, Sheogorath, is Sotha Sil, what remains of him after he reanimated himself with a false heart of Lorkhan and dwemer artifacts." Sheo gives out a low and slow whistle before saying. "We've heard of you and those shiny toys. Heard your last alliance ended poorly. Can only hope we don't meet the same fate."

"Now, if you are pleased with introductions let us get to work. Sotha has already drawn out a few potential designs but I'd have your opinion as well." The mad god gets up at your words, showing none of the exaggerated exhaustion he had put on a moment before, and throws the purple tunic he was wearing onto one of the unlit sconces in the room, striding over to where Sotha had laid out his work. He cups his chin as he leans over them, squinting at the designs.

"They're well drawn, and having something fast and agile is a godsend on any battlefield, but they're not exactly sticking to your theme." You ignore the moment of lucidity and tactical acumen he showed, perhaps a remnant of one of the personalities still not fully merged, and focus on the last part. Sotha, however, speaks first. "What theme are you talking about? I've taken consideration towards his natural affiliation with crystal already as shown with th-" "No, no, not that. I mean the chess thing you had going Jyggy. You named your little guys pawns, the big ones knights, you were going for a thing there right?"

Sothas looking at you with as confused a look on his face as he can muster though you can't say you aren't just as confused. "If there was any theme established it was not intentional, I can assure you." Sheo looks surprised a moment but then shrugs his shoulders. "Well, I still say we continue the theme. Youd be surprised what that sort of thing can do for an army, gives em a real sense of unity even when they haven't much in the way of sense. Knights already taken, but you're in luck. Rook is an old Akaaviri word for chariot, and that's what the piece originally was back when the empire still used the blimey things outside of arenas. Wish they'd bring those back honestly."

"They were phased out due to being less useful in many of the provinces, from the swamps of Blackmarsh to the snow-laden fields of Skyrim. They're a relic of the past, but if you feel so strongly about it we can refer to them as rooks. Id argue for riders instead. There's plenty of horses native to oblivion, not quite daedra themselves, but they could be bound to riders. They'd merely need summon them when necessary or dispel them when not." at that you raise a brow. "Magic? I had no intention of giving these things souls, so that wouldn't be viable."

At that Sotha shakes his head. "Not necessarily. It'd be closer to an enchantment than a spell, and while I agree these shouldn't have a intelligent soul, we can give them lesser ones. White souls rather than black. The tree of yours should be able to provide them." you think on it a moment before nodding your head. "That would work. Any further suggestions before we begin?" with no response given, you lead the three to the roof.
The process was more involved than that of creating the pawns. The three of you had to constantly reapproach the design over the course of mortal weeks fixing one aspect or adding something new. Many times the creature comes out flawed and needs to be put down for its own good, but eventually you have something Worth the effort.

Its larger than the pawns, though not towering like the knights. Its body is lean and sinewy, as well as a silvery bluish color, and it carries itself well enough, but once in a saddle it rides like it was born there. Even more impressive is its strength on horse back. When it can properly charge and with a thrust of a spear or lance or whatever else they may have the strength of the blow is comparable to, and sometimes exceeding, that of your knights. Give them the right armor and weapon and they're a force to be reckoned with, be it bow or blade. Though, according to Sheogorath, they didn't do much to inspire awe or confidence to look at.

Not because they weren't fearsome. If anything its because they were too fearsome, unintentionally so. In an effort to improve their speed Sotha did what he could to make them more aerodynamic. In so doing he made the head and face of the creature almost entirely featureless, smooth and shaped almost like a helmet, something sheo 'fixed' by throwing a thin black mesh over the head. It worked well enough, and their aesthetics mattered little despite Sheos protests otherwise. But now, you have your rooks. More important than that however, you have proved the three of you can work together.

You now have Rooks as a creature of yours, master riders, couriers, and cavalry.
With the work done and your allies gone, you allow yourself to rest. Other divine beings are tiresome to deal with, unable to simply remind them of their place as you would a mortal. You allow yourself to rest, for just a moment, in a small chair within the library of your fortress. You close your eyes and listen in on the noise around you. Wind blowing through the leaves of your tree. Distant chatter from the pawns and knights guarding your fortress. The soft and distant cawing of crows.

Crows? You jolt up from the chair, sword already in your hand, and there she is. Lady of shadows, the shadow queen, Ur-dra, eldest of the daedra. Nocturnal. "Please Jyggalag, do sit back down. You had almost seemed content for a moment, and even I couldn't steal something so precious from you." her smile is more a sneer. Shes toying with you. You scan her, seeing if there's anything on her person she may have robbed from you, though you notice nothing and what little her robes cover wouldn't be enough to hide something important.

"What has brought you here, shadow thief?" The name amuses her judging by her eyes. "I forget how long you've been gone. I haven't been called that in eons, I'd almost forgotten it. Though I suppose it is easy to forget you Jyggalag. I only wish I had no need to remember you still." you don't allow yourself to rise to her taunts, and her arrogant smile drops from her lips. "Not going to allow me my fun, are you?
Very well. I came her to check in on how the youngest of the original, still living, princes was doing. Might have snooped some as well of course, though I swear I took nothing. It's not as if you let yourself have anything nice within your halls, same as ever. Bare and austere or locked away so no one may enjoy it. I did enjoy some light reading however."

At that you risk a glance towards the bookshelves and notice many out of place. Most worryingly, however, is the scroll of the Falmer, old and faded, rolled out for anyone to read. "It seems you've grown something of a soft spot for these elves brother. I pleasant change from the crusading conqueror, I'll admit, but you must forgive me if I don't put my faith in the idea you wouldn't try conquering all of oblivion again."

The false smile leaves her face once more, instead taking on the image of the shadow queen, stern and absolute. "Should you once more attempt to invade the Evergloam, know that I will not fight you. Instead I shall hunt down all those that worship you and my crows shall pluck the eyes from their rotting corpses, this I swear." her expression changes again to the smug thief, grinning at you. "Now I'm sorry to cut the meeting short, but there are other, more important things to be doing. Heed my promise well, little brother." and before you have a chance to retort she steps back into the shadows where she is swallowed up.

You knew it would happen, but the other Daedric princes are slowly revealing themselves to you, and it seems many of them may seek some form of insurance against a return to your old ways. Wonderful.
With the pact with Sheo you can have him do an action for you, still rolling for it of course, or give +25 to a roll

Sotha sil may aid in any acts of creation, whether of artifacts, lifeforms, or anything else I deem appropriate. He will give advantage to these actions, letting you roll twice.

What shall you do in Nirn? Choose one

[] A new champion: with the artifacts at your disposal it may be a good idea to seek another champion. Seek out those you had once found as well as new blood who may be worthy of your boons. Dc 75
-[] What artifact will you grant them?

[] the snow elves return: King Felsimar has made good use out of the Jyggylags faith in Morrowind so far, especially with your priests. Perhaps he might officially recognize and support the return of the Falmer on Nirn? DC 80

[] Wherever the wind blows: a common practice among Daedric princes with their artifacts is to toss them upon Nirn and see where they end up, letting a champion be naturally attracted to it. That or to cause chaos depending on the inclinations of the Daedra in question. You might do the same. No dc but there will be a roll to see what happens with the artifact

[] The gifts of man: many artifacts already litter the lands of Skyrim, one needs only look. Of course, looking doesn't mean you would have the artifact for yourself, you would still need to send someone to collect it, but if you could find something you could imbue with your will, spreading your influence would be all the easier. DC65

-the higher the roll the better the item you find.

[] write in. up to qm discretion


What shall your champions do? Choose which champion shall do what, both can be assigned to the same task for an extra +20 to the roll

[] Warn Ocato. There is currently a conspiracy to kill the defacto leader of the empire. If you were to warn him theres a chance of him surviving. This wouldn't be from the good of your heart, but having him in your debt would be worthwhile. DC 80

[] Hunt down the brotherhood, phase one: while the brotherhood exists all over Tamriel, you want them gone from at least Skyrim. Send your champion to snuff out their presence. Dc60

[/] Hunt for an artifact: There's many artifacts on Nirn unclaimed by any gods. Were you to discover one, you could send the champion to collect it. Dc55

-Needs an artifact to hunt

[] Let them pursue their own goals: your champions have goals of his own. Let them pursue them and perhaps grow stronger from the effort. There is no dc, just a roll to see how things went for your champion.

[] weakening Thalmor: you know that the Thalmor intend to take over the summerset isles, and that would give them the power and authority to sow chaos across nirn. Have your champions stop that. DC 50

[] write in
What shall you do in oblivion?

[] Conquest. While your power is diminished, it would not be impossible to find some corner of oblivion held by a weaker Daedra for you to take for yourself. So long as you don't make too much noise, none would assume you were there. DC60

[] seek out subjects. Daedra are inherently creatures of chaos, but many value strength over ideals. Convince them of your strength, and they will follow. DC70

[] Seek out the other planes. Many are the planes of oblivion, and many are their occupants. You know enough of your kin to know where to avoid, so you could find allies or a realm ripe for the taking. DC70

-the higher the roll, the better plane you find

[] Find allies. Without the might you once had, you need allies so that you might not be blindsided. seek others out so you might make an alliance.
-[]who will you seek an alliance with? different Daedra will have different DC's, and you need to seek specific Daedra

[] diplomatic efforts: friends and allies can be difficult to keep, so better to maintain contact so that relations don't break down.

-[] who will you try to improve your relationship with.

[] Reveal yourself to the princes. With the spread of your worship and your acts on nirn the other Daedra may well suspect you have come back. If you were to reveal yourself now, purposefully, it may be better than if you continued to attempt to hide. No DC, but I will roll for each princes reaction. You will not see these rolls.

[] Write in. up to qm discretion


What shall you do in Mytheria?

[] Creation. more artifacts are always useful. You could use some of your remaining power to make something of crystal that you could send unto the planet. Dc75

-[] what shall you make, and what shall it do? Up to qm if your idea would be allowed/ if it's too strong

[] Rebuild your library. Once your library rivaled that of Hermeus mora, you imagine it's the reason he played a part in your downfall. Now you would rebuild it. Gather what tomes you can find in oblivion, and begin the calculations of the future as you once had. Dc 60

[] Daedric civilization or the lack thereof. It seems kasurs stories have had an effect on your pawns, that and your domain of civilization. It seems that when not actively serving you they've taken up roles for themselves, hobbys turned into jobs, such as carpenters, masons, bakers, and even a few struggling artists. Perhaps you can give them a slight nudge forward. Dc 33

[] Write in. up to qm discretion
Can someone pick up the phone, I called it granted it was the second guess but still the moth priests with who knows how many elder scrolls cause they tend to appear and disappear.
Its larger than the pawns, though not towering like the knights. Its body is lean and sinewy, as well as a silvery bluish color, and it carries itself well enough, but once in a saddle it rides like it was born there. Even more impressive is its strength on horse back. When it can properly charge and with a thrust of a spear or lance or whatever else they may have the strength of the blow is comparable to, and sometimes exceeding, that of your knights. Give them the right armor and weapon and they're a force to be reckoned with, be it bow or blade. Though, according to Sheogorath, they didn't do much to inspire awe or confidence to look at.
Cavalry shaped warfare for centuries. Their strength and speed are... impressive.

At that you risk a glance towards the bookshelves and notice many out of place. Most worryingly, however, is the scroll of the Falmer, old and faded, rolled out for anyone to read. "It seems you've grown something of a soft spot for these elves brother. I pleasant change from the crusading conqueror, I'll admit, but you must forgive me if I don't put my faith in the idea you wouldn't try conquering all of oblivion again."

The false smile leaves her face once more, instead taking on the image of the shadow queen, stern and absolute. "Should you once more attempt to invade the Evergloam, know that I will not fight you. Instead I shall hunt down all those that worship you and my crows shall pluck the eyes from their rotting corpses, this I swear." her expression changes again to the smug thief, grinning at you. "Now I'm sorry to cut the meeting short, but there are other, more important things to be doing. Heed my promise well, little brother." and before you have a chance to retort she steps back into the shadows where she is swallowed up
Wow. This was almost... pleasant.
[x] Plan Kasur better appreciate us keeping his precious Empire from falling apart.
-[x] The gifts of man: many artifacts already litter the lands of Skyrim, one needs only look. Of course, looking doesn't mean you would have the artifact for yourself, you would still need to send someone to collect it, but if you could find something you could imbue with your will, spreading your influence would be all the easier. DC65
--[x] Both Champions Assigned to Warn Ocato. There is currently a conspiracy to kill the defacto leader of the empire. If you were to warn him theres a chance of him surviving. This wouldn't be from the good of your heart, but having him in your debt would be worthwhile. DC 80 (Sheogorath's Aid)
---[x] Find allies. Without the might you once had, you need allies so that you might not be blindsided. seek others out so you might make an alliance.
-[x] Azura
----[x] Daedric civilization or the lack thereof. It seems kasurs stories have had an effect on your pawns, that and your domain of civilization. It seems that when not actively serving you they've taken up roles for themselves, hobbys turned into jobs, such as carpenters, masons, bakers, and even a few struggling artists. Perhaps you can give them a slight nudge forward. Dc 33

So Nocturnal's ...Not cool with us, but not *hostile* either, about as warm a welcome as we can get I feel...I was kinda thinking Meridia but Azura might be a bit better for good relations...Who knows.

We could keep Nail on directly messing with the Thalmor, but Ocato's death is quite bad for the empire which is the only real thing that can oppose the Thalmor?
[x] Plan Kasur better appreciate us keeping his precious Empire from falling apart.

I'd rather keep one of our champions on fighting the thalmor but this is good enough. And Azura is fine, not really one of the elder scrolls gods I've ever really payed attention to other than having the only artifact I usually go for, but she's one of the more reasonable deadric princes from what I remember.
[x] Plan Kasur better appreciate us keeping his precious Empire from falling apart.

I'd rather keep one of our champions on fighting the thalmor but this is good enough. And Azura is fine, not really one of the elder scrolls gods I've ever really payed attention to other than having the only artifact I usually go for, but she's one of the more reasonable deadric princes from what I remember.
i can swap to keep Nael on the active thalmor line
How do you all think Jyggalag could get back his stolen Domains from Peryte and Herma Mora? I remember in an update that it was mentioned both Seized a single domain from Jyggalag.
How do you all think Jyggalag could get back his stolen Domains from Peryte and Herma Mora? I remember in an update that it was mentioned both Seized a single domain from Jyggalag.
Well there's always the tried and true via force however maybe we could find an aspect of that domain like we did with Clavicus Vile and wishes.
Once again no tally is actually needed, let's see if the dice want to repeat that stroke of luck
Pitlord threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Gifts of man Total: 50
50 50
Pitlord threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Warn ocato +50 Total: 89
89 89
Pitlord threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Finding allies: azura Total: 68
68 68
Pitlord threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Daedric civ Total: 88
88 88
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Hmmm, I almost want to form like. A League of Elves? It would have to wait until the Thalmor are gone for good, but a formal alliance between the Falmer, Dunmer and Bosmer* could be cool.

*Though I think they're currently part of the Empire, and with the Thalmor gone may well stay that way so long as the Empire stabilizes.
Potentates and Princes
The mortals are capable of quite incredible feats of artistry, metallurgy, enchantment, and various other fields of creation. They've made weapons strong enough to pierce the hides of gods and lay armies to waste. They've made tools that could build empires from ashes. They've crafted the tools that could tear the very fabric of reality to ribbons should anyone be of a mind to use them. Some of them scare you, though you would never admit it.

While there's many that could serve you and your followers well, much of them already find themselves in the hands of others, be they adventurers famed or infamous, great champions of causes or individuals, or collectors expanding a collection. So, unless the reward outweighs the risk of endangering your champions and making enemies for them, its best to search out what isa not yet claimed.

You find some traces of an axe, not just any axe but the wings of the queen of bats. Originally belonging to one of the brides of Molag Bal, she used this blade along with her vampirism to have an almost complete control of blood. With it she could make people dance as puppets against their will or to use her enemies spilled blood as weapons against them, forming blades and beasts to tear them apart and spill more blood, repeating ad nauseum. Not exactly fitting, you'll admit, but only a fool turns down a powerful tool, even if it is distasteful.

First you here tales of it in morrowind, sending what priests you have there on its scent. It had apparently been found amidst the fighting of the Argonian war, uncovered in a battle that spilled into an old crypt. A mercenary took up the b lade, using it fairly well but failing to use it to its greatest potential, merely using it to stop her own bleeding and to exacerbate her enemies. It's likely she was unaware of its potential at the time. When the war ended she moved on to cyrodil, joining on in one of the bandit armies forming in the golden province.

She traded the axe to a man at arms, who used it well enough to protect his charges, but never quite accomplished anything extraordinary, and ended up trading it to a champion of the arena. This champion used the blade far more than either of the other previous wielders, but never used it well. In their hands it was used for little more than ornamentation, making the fights more of a spectacle but wasting the weapons potential, and worse for the arena champion it made them a target.

Strolling down the winding alleys of the imperial capital they were ambushed by a vampire, drained of their blood and left in the streets while the vampiric thief absconded with the axe. While it would be difficult your champions were in the area and you believe they would have been able to recover the weapon, but as your priests soon discover all this searching was for nothing. The followers of stendaar, that crusading order recently formed to hunt all things not of the divines, had reached the vampire first, and though the vampire could overpower any single one of them, the small horde that marched into his crypt eventually took his head and the axe.

They took the axe to a shrine of Stendarr, where they pleaded for his blessing so that they may destroy the accursed thing, and they damn near succeeded. They fractured the weapon, and though it still retained its power it was unusable in its current state. So what do they do to make all this effort even more wasted for you? They took these shattered pieces and sent them all over nirn, to shrines where there powers may wane or to fellow divine orders such as the knights of the nine or the order of the dragon so that they may be sealed away and guarded.

Yours and your champions time is better spent than on continuing this wild hunt, so you send your priests home to morrowind with your blessing. Though they failed to find the axe in time they still showed considerable skill in tracing its path all the way here, and that is still worthy of praise. You leave your angered grumblings for your own time, and to Dyus's ears. Perhaps in the future those shards of the axe could be useful but you wouldn't waste more time on them yet.
You feel restless here Kasur. Is this not what you had once wanted, back home in elinhir, hearing the old men of the legion speak of the glories of the empire? To walk the streets of the capital, where one could feel the eyes of the divines looking upon the empires citizens and bless them with their chosen mortals leadership, where her generals and champions are exalted and live on in eternal marble.

Feeling unwelcome makes sense you suppose. Not only are you still a fugitive of the empire, protected from recognition either by the unimportance you held or the helmet covering your head, a simple thing of nord origin covering the head and eyes and letting a veil of chain hide the rest, but you also cavort with the enemies of the divines. Perhaps they watch you now, eyes filled with disdain for the unworthy follower you have become.

Gods you wish Nael would get here already. The isolation was leaving you with discomforting thoughts as your only companion, and though she might prove tiring at times, it would be far better than these thoughts plaguing you. You wish they would be gone, you were here to do something good for the empire after all. Despite your distaste for how the council and Ocato have ran the empire, having the potentate assassinated would crush all respect for the third empire that remained among its people.

You had sent a courier for her some weeks past when you first were given this mission, telling her to meet you at this bench at this time precisely. You couldn't help but wonder where she was, all the while feeling unnerved anytime any passerby looks towards you. An armed and armored man thankfully wasn't an unusual sight in the arena district, but it didn't mean you wanted to wait here any longer than you had to. Minutes pass, eventually nearing an hour. Annoyance turns to worry as you wonder what's taking her so long, and then it hits you. The woman had never been to the imperial capital, let alone a non Altmeri city. Shes probably lost and you are definitely a fool.

You get up, ready to scour the city for her, but thankfully your search is quickly ended. You see Nael, dressed in the kind of clothing you'd expect of a well off mercenary or merchant, strutting out of the arena towards you. She even gives you a big wave. It seems she isn't lost after all, just testing your patience. You let out a sigh and wait for her to make her way to you.

"Hey Kasie, sorry about being late, that last fight ended up taking far longer than anyone expected. They had this nord and orc fighting, but both of their weapons broke so it devolved into wrestling, and the orc actually used his tusks to tear out the throat of the nord, it was wild! Oh, and I made a killing on my bet, check it out." She says as she starts rummaging for her coin pouch.

"Nael this is no time to be- well hot damn." you say, about to admonish her for treating this so laxly but you have to admire the small ocean of golden crowns in that pouch of hers. You shake yourself out of it, focusing on what's important. "Look, Nael, we need to be careful. Going around the arena and making that much coin is going to drag eyes our way. We need to be careful on this mission, a misstep might get us thrown in the imperial prison, and trust me that isn't a fate you want."

The two of you needed to find some way to break into the imperil council chambers when the potentate was alone there or worse, find a way into his chambers on the upper floors. You knew some about the towers layout, having once been a prisoner, but Nael had more experience with getting into places where she wasn't supposed to be, and you needed that expertise.

She looks as if she's about to say something clever, a smile and a flash of mischief on her face, but that gets wiped away, replaced with a stern look directed not at you but behind you some distance away if you're reading her face right. The way her hand drifts to her scabbard, thumb ready to flick her dark sword out of its sheath, while the other floats over where she has a throwing dagger, tells you something unwanted has come. "We've an eavesdropper Kas."

You turn to face the newcomer, right hand ready to reach for the sword while the other balls into a fist, but from the looks of the guy a stern look could send him off. A younger imperial, a functionary of the court if you judged his garb correctly, brown hair curled at the ends barely covering an anxious face. "P-Pardon me, sir and madam, I had no intent to eavesdrop, in fact I was waiting for an opportunity to speak. I bear an invitation to you both form the potentate himself, wishing for you both to meet him in his chambers at the imperial palace." He says, pulling a sealed and gilded envelope, bearing the potentates mark if you weren't mistaken. You just stare dumbfounded a moment while Nael lets out a guffaw, walking over and snatching the letter from his hands.
You feel smothered by the pressure in this room. Its merely the three of you, yourself, Nael and the potentate, but it feels as though you have a host at your back, ready to pounce upon you should you say something wrong. You steady yourself, giving a short prayer to the divines under your breath, and focus. Ocato is just an elf, one you must convince of the dangers he is soon to face. Despite your misgivings about him he doesn't deserve to meet his end at an assassins blade.

He looks old. Older than many depictions of him that you've seen in the records of the oblivion crisis, though whether that's the records being kind to him or an effect of the strain of the ruby throne and its responsibilities on him, you cannot say. The two of you are seated across from him as he finishes writing a letter. He had apologized for the delay, saying he hadn't expected the two of you so soon. How he had expected you at all you still do not know.

Eventually he lays his quill down, dry's off the excess ink, and folds and tucks away the letter into a cubby already full of them. "Once again I must give my apologies for the wait. There is no small number of incidents needing the attention of the council and I fear I lack much time to meet citizens personally." he gives a small bow of his head towards the two of you in apology.

Your instincts almost make you tell the potentate there's no need for such a thing, your legionnaires instincts coming out, but Nael is the first to speak. "Hold up. Before you start thanking us for coming here, how did you know we were coming to meet you? I didn't talk, and I know Kas wouldn't have either. The letter he sent me didn't talk about our plans, so how did you know?" she doesn't show him any respect, treating him as she would anyone else, and you almost want to reprimand her for it but you can't show any foolishness here.

Ocato doesn't betray any confusion or surprise, instead he simply grabs a letter from his desk, the paper a strange pinkish tint like some light wine had been spilled on it. "I was sent word of your arrival to the city some three days ago. It says that you would come bearing news of grave importance to my life and the empire. In it are detailed descriptions of the both of you and how you should both be treated with the utmost respect. This letter was sent to me by the champion of cyrodil, whom there has been no word from in near a decade now." That's the last thing you had expected. Had jyggalag made a convincing forgery? Or did he somehow know the champion? Why would they have broken their disappearance from Tamriel otherwise? He hands the letter to you, and you open it and read, giving Nael room to try and read it as well, confirming what he said.

"I will not ask you to explain how it is the champion has come to be an ally of yours. With all they have done for the world they have earned their anonymity. I will hear what you have to say and treat it with the utmost seriousness." He rests his chin upon his hands, clasped in front of him, as he waits for you to speak. Nael looks to you, obviously expecting you to kick it off. You breathe in and steady yourself. "Lord potentate, there is a plot to take your life."
You tell him of the thalmor, of what they have done on the summerset isles, Nael giving her own account of what she experienced at their hands. You tell him of their attempts at supplanting the imperial presence and converting the monarch to their beliefs. You tell him of the assassinations they have already committed. You tell him of their intent to send the dark brotherhood itself after him.

You had expected some flash of emotion while the two of you were recounting this information to him, but he just quietly listened through the whole thing, only rarely pausing to write something down or asking you to clarify information. When you confirm that you are finished he just nods his head. "I thank you for the information. I assure you I shall attempt to do what I can to counteract their plans."

"Attempt?! Its your damned life, the lives of the people on the isles, and the best you can do is attempt!?" Nael nearly shouts in anger, and you can't help but agree with her. "Sir, this isn't some trifling matter, it's something you must do not only for your own sake but that of the empire as a whole. If the thalmor succeed it would mean chaos." you say, hoping that he'll give any more enthusiastic an answer than he has already. He does finally show some emotion at your outbursts, though it is but a deep sigh.

"I Know. I wish I could do something more for it, but I have barely the resources to keep the empire afloat as is after the secession of the dark elves and argonians. The council fights me at every step, and I suspect some of these thalmor may be among them. No general respects my position enough swear loyalty to me in the case of danger. My role as potentate has as many chains to bind me down as to give me reign over this empire without an emperor, and the chains dig deep."

"Then find an Emperor!" you shout, unable to take his mewling anymore, his whimpering in the face of leadership, and the words spill out. "Nearly a decade has passed since Martin Septim gave his life to us and ascended and we still have nobody to claim the ruby throne. I have been looking, desperately seeking one who I would swear my blade to, and despite being just one man I feel I have done more than you or the council combined. It is your duty to both the people of the empire and the divines to find someone to lead, and all I find you doing is sitting and decrying this weight upon your shoulders.

Act as your rank demands or find someone better suited for it, but do not do nothing. Do not blame the council for your lack of will. And for the love of the divines, do not treat these things as already a lost cause, for no such thing exists. Come Nael, we've done as we came to do, it's up to him to make use of it." With that you stand, pushing your chair back and marching from the room, Nael following behind shortly after, seemingly shocked by your own outburst. What you do not see are the potentates eyes following you as you leave, seeing you in a new light.

Potentate now has a chance of surviving the assassination attempt. The imperial records now has proof of thalmor aggressions. Kasur has Impressed the potentate.
Azuras realm, the Moonshadow, has ever been receptive towards guests in the hopes for more worshipers to come and express their love for her, so gluttonous for their affections and adoration that all may come to the rose palace so its beauty may overwhelm them. Daedra, those not sworn to her at least, find it harder. They must request audience and either swear themselves to her eternal service or to banishment. This extends to messengers as well, and the intoxicating beauty of her realm has a way of making these messengers want to stay.

A prince, however, can often ignore or expedite these things. You do so by marching through the gates and entering her rose palace, ignoring her servants attempts to stop you. You find her on her throne, basking in the praise of her followers, though she soon notices your approach and her expression sours. She waves off her worshippers who flee at the sight of you. You aren't in your armored form, taking on the more mortal guise of yours with crystalline eyes. Hopefully she recognizes this as your attempt to be cordial.

"Jyggalag. I had wondered when you might reappear. Tell me is this how you intend to meet the rest of the princes or did you single me out to interrupt in their own palace?" You ignore the question, content that you have her attention. "I Have come to discuss a peace between us Queen of dawn and dusk, and an alliance should you agree."

Her response is a bark of caustic laughter. "An alliance? At least the brashness of it resembles the old crusader we so hated, but an alliance? I don't think you knew the meaning of the word before your curse, the closest thing being subjugation and domination." she leans forward and glares at you, stars of the infinite void entering her eyes as she speaks, letting power enter her voice. "Tell me, what reason could I have for an alliance with a fallen conqueror, who up till now has hidden in the dark, so afraid of being discovered?

It cannot be for his strength, for it was lost in ages past and if regained he would have used it by now. It cannot be for his intellect, for despite his grand library he still could not foresee his own fall. It cannot be for his company for among all the princes he was always the greatest bore." Shes posturing, an effort to exert her position as the ruler of this plane and control the conversation. Perhaps she also wishes to test your patience, in which she is succeeding.

"It would be an alliance with a resurgent power, one who has already aided your people in their war with the argonians, lest you forget. You have seen what my ppower is capable of in the past, would you not want that same skill on your side against the predations of the other daedra? Or the zealous acts of the stendarrites in hunting down and destroying your worshipers."

She scoffs at your words and looks away, looking towards where her daedra stand behind you with hands to their weapons or readying spells. With a movement of her hand they pull back, still ready to fight but not close enough to hear anything she didn't want heard. "I have no need for an alliance Jyggalag, though I promise you this. So long as you do not return to your old ways, trying to conquer oblivion for whatever grand plans you once had, you shall find no enemy in me. Keep up the good behavior and I might consider your offer of alliance. For now though, I would have you leave my palace, an the next time you come do announce yourself so you do not interrupt me."

She leaves little room for you to respond, waving you off. While you hadn't gotten what you wanted, she at least promises not to be an enemy, for what a Daedric promise is worth. You return to mytheria, trying to take comfort in at least accomplishing something here.
The pawns have begun acting strange. Stranger at least. They had always been different from other daedra, perhaps due to the nature of their creation or because of their link to you, but this is something more. They've begun to develop something of a culture, a small society within your realm. Pseudo societies are nothing new to oblivion, typically forming warrior coalitions similar to the one you usurped when you first returned to oblivion, but this is something more than that.

For one they've developed a small obsession with color. Perhaps it was spurred on by the sight of the rooks and their blue and silver forms, but they've begun making clothing with dyes and fabrics bought from the Fargrave, they've painted their weapons and the homes they have begun to build, some even paint or tattoo their bodies with various pigments and hues and designs.

They've also bEgun taking up independent work when not assigned to a task by you. Weavers, merchants, bakers even, various non combat related jobs and roles slowly building up that same network of connections that you see among the mortals. They've even managed to get a few of the rooks to manage a riding hall for them to tend to their horses.

Normally daedra are too aggressive, egotistical, and abrasive for such things to form. Ages past you had sought to conquer them to put an end to their constant chaos, but your own daedra seem to be doing it of their own accord. You approve, and so you support them in their new goals.
You have Dyus organize their efforts, making sure they have the resources they need. You also make him you representative for requests, be it material or permission. You grant them the right to build new structures for personnel and commercial use, to make what they please so long as it doesn't hinder mytheria.

So far they've managed to make a small name for themselves even for their crafts, whether it be for the quality or novelty you couldn't say however. Some have begun going to the Fargrave to trade their goods with the daedra and mortals that find themselves there. They've done well for themselves, and you feel some small amount of pride in them.

The pawns are becoming a more widespread group in oblivion.
Thanks to the presence of your artifact the Falmer have begun to organize themselves far better. That was your intention of course, but it has also bought Caerlen much needed time to continue his research of dwemer tools and relics. Hes found many things in his expeditions into the unexplored reaches below the planets crust, automatons sued not for combat but for labor, grand aquifers that, when operational, were meant to purify the water, and even old weapons and prototypes such as fire lances that, frankly, were of limited use compared to magic.

Still, their progress is admirable. Perhaps soon they will be able to announce themselves to the world with your aid, so that they may no longer merely hide away in the mountains but thrive across nirn.
The construction of your statue progresses smoothly, all things considered. There were a few scuffles between the crafters of yours and Azura's statues, but they've largely died down. They've also been able to avoid the gaze of the stendarrites who you have no doubt would bring their hammers down not just upon the statues but the heads of your followers. Otherwise winterhold has had more peace than its had in a long time, no conflicts breaking out and your followers have been able to work in peace.
With the pact with Sheo you can have him do an action for you, still rolling for it of course, or give +25 to a roll

Sotha sil may aid in any acts of creation, whether of artifacts, lifeforms, or anything else I deem appropriate. He will give advantage to these actions, letting you roll twice.

What shall you do in Nirn? Choose one

[] A new champion: with the artifacts at your disposal it may be a good idea to seek another champion. Seek out those you had once found as well as new blood who may be worthy of your boons. Dc 75
-[] What artifact will you grant them?

[] the snow elves return: King Felsimar has made good use out of the Jyggylags faith in Morrowind so far, especially with your priests. Perhaps he might officially recognize and support the return of the Falmer on Nirn? DC 80

[] Wherever the wind blows: a common practice among Daedric princes with their artifacts is to toss them upon Nirn and see where they end up, letting a champion be naturally attracted to it. That or to cause chaos depending on the inclinations of the Daedra in question. You might do the same. No dc but there will be a roll to see what happens with the artifact

[] The gifts of man: many artifacts already litter the lands of Skyrim, one needs only look. Of course, looking doesn't mean you would have the artifact for yourself, you would still need to send someone to collect it, but if you could find something you could imbue with your will, spreading your influence would be all the easier. DC65

-the higher the roll the better the item you find.

[] write in. up to qm discretion


What shall your champions do? Choose which champion shall do what, both can be assigned to the same task for an extra +20 to the roll

[] Hunt down the brotherhood, phase one: while the brotherhood exists all over Tamriel, you want them gone from at least Skyrim. Send your champion to snuff out their presence. Dc60

[/] Hunt for an artifact: There's many artifacts on Nirn unclaimed by any gods. Were you to discover one, you could send the champion to collect it. Dc55

-Needs an artifact to hunt

[] Let them pursue their own goals: your champions have goals of his own. Let them pursue them and perhaps grow stronger from the effort. There is no dc, just a roll to see how things went for your champion.

[] weakening Thalmor: you know that the Thalmor intend to take over the summerset isles, and that would give them the power and authority to sow chaos across nirn. Have your champions stop that. DC 50

[] write in
What shall you do in oblivion?

[] Conquest. While your power is diminished, it would not be impossible to find some corner of oblivion held by a weaker Daedra for you to take for yourself. So long as you don't make too much noise, none would assume you were there. DC60

[] seek out subjects. Daedra are inherently creatures of chaos, but many value strength over ideals. Convince them of your strength, and they will follow. DC70

[] Seek out the other planes. Many are the planes of oblivion, and many are their occupants. You know enough of your kin to know where to avoid, so you could find allies or a realm ripe for the taking. DC70

-the higher the roll, the better plane you find

[] Find allies. Without the might you once had, you need allies so that you might not be blindsided. seek others out so you might make an alliance.
-[]who will you seek an alliance with? different Daedra will have different DC's, and you need to seek specific Daedra

[] diplomatic efforts: friends and allies can be difficult to keep, so better to maintain contact so that relations don't break down.

-[] who will you try to improve your relationship with.

[] Reveal yourself to the princes. With the spread of your worship and your acts on nirn the other Daedra may well suspect you have come back. If you were to reveal yourself now, purposefully, it may be better than if you continued to attempt to hide. No DC, but I will roll for each princes reaction. You will not see these rolls.

[] Write in. up to qm discretion


What shall you do in Mytheria?

[] Creation. more artifacts are always useful. You could use some of your remaining power to make something of crystal that you could send unto the planet. Dc75

-[] what shall you make, and what shall it do? Up to qm if your idea would be allowed/ if it's too strong

[] Rebuild your library. Once your library rivaled that of Hermeus mora, you imagine it's the reason he played a part in your downfall. Now you would rebuild it. Gather what tomes you can find in oblivion, and begin the calculations of the future as you once had. Dc 60

[] Write in. up to qm discretion
sorry for being a little late, I got sick
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Back to messing with the Thalmor Directly!
[x] the Early Bird writes the plan
-[x] Look closer into Winterhold, is there something there that you missed originally?
—[x] weakening Thalmor: you know that the Thalmor intend to take over the summerset isles, and that would give them the power and authority to sow chaos across nirn. Have your champions stop that. DC 50 Assigned Champions, Kasur and Nail (Sheogorath's Aid)
---[x] Seek out the other planes. Many are the planes of oblivion, and many are their occupants. You know enough of your kin to know where to avoid, so you could find allies or a realm ripe for the taking. DC70
——[x] Rebuild your library. Once your library rivaled that of Hermeus mora, you imagine it's the reason he played a part in your downfall. Now you would rebuild it. Gather what tomes you can find in oblivion, and begin the calculations of the future as you once had. Dc 60

Next turn depending on how well anti thalmor goes, might try to use our champions and sheo's help to try to get the falmer accepted
I kind-of want to pop in on Hircine. Idk, I think it'd be fun.