Nah, Thor explicitly said "He transformed himself into a Snake" and "he changed back"
I can see where you're coming from, but I'm afraid I still interpret that to mean he had used his illusions to take the form of a snake, and less that Thor literally meant transform. Partially because it feels that real transformation, even if just as a snake, would have been something shown in the movies that featured Loki, at least once. Just my personal interpretation, sorry if it's a tad disappointing.
I can see where you're coming from, but I'm afraid I still interpret that to mean he had used his illusions to take the form of a snake, and less that Thor literally meant transform. Partially because it feels that real transformation, even if just as a snake, would have been something shown in the movies that featured Loki, at least once. Just my personal interpretation, sorry if it's a tad disappointing.
Kay, but shouldn't Loki know a bunch of other spells, especially considering that he mindwiped Odin after Dark World?

EDIT: Actually, after looking over his Wikipedia page, Loki also has Mind Magic, or at least Suggestion and Telekinesis
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Kay, but shouldn't Loki know a bunch of other spells, especially considering that he mindwiped Odin after Dark World?

EDIT: Actually, after looking over his Wikipedia page, Loki also has Mind Magic, or at least Suggestion and Telekinesis
Hmm, good point. I'll try and find time to look into that, which may result in me adding another stat or trait.
Hmm, good point. I'll try and find time to look into that, which may result in me adding another stat or trait.
Cool, hopefully we can actually Master Mind Magic this time. One of the main problems in the previous Quests was that we spread ourselves too thinly, Mastering Mind Magic would be a Massive boon too Everything too do with Martial, along with many other Practical uses like say Diplomacy
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Cool, hopefully we can actually Master Mind Magic this time. One of the main problems in the previous Quests was that we spread ourselves too thinly, Mastering Mind Magic would be a Massive boon too Everything too do with Martial, along with many other Practical uses like say Diplomacy
You say that, but we also got KO'd trying to read a random mook's mind from a bad roll. I'm 100% behind mastering mind magic but we have to keep in mind the flaws so we don't get surprised later when we suffer from Xavier/Martian Manhunter syndrome because of it.
You say that, but we also got KO'd trying to read a random mook's mind from a bad roll. I'm 100% behind mastering mind magic but we have to keep in mind the flaws so we don't get surprised later when we suffer from Xavier/Martian Manhunter syndrome because of it.
True, but considering the more we train it the the more bonuses are added into it....

Not too mention moves that force the enemy too reroll....

Anyway, for a secondary Magic afterwords, I'm thinking either Mastering Illusions or Conjuration Magic.

Having access too an army of powerful fighters at Any time would be a Massive boon for whenever mindrape doesn't work.

EDIT: Calculated the sum total of all points if we Master Mind Magic, that would be a +183 too all our Martial Rolls, -183 too our Enemy rolls, and -183 too All Stats for our Enemies.
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