Lobotomy Solves Everything (Worm/Antman CRACK SI)

Chapter 4: Oh Shit
Chapter 4: Oh Shit

Okay, so, hitting the Merchants and stealing their cash was too easy.

In fact, I didn't even hit the Merchants. I just stole their cash.

Go tiny, sneak in. Go Full size, stuff my backpack full of dough. Go tiny, sneak out.


Take that Ocean's Eleven, you ain't got nothing on me.

Oh, and I guess I also set fire to their warehouse and detonated my explosives.

Because fuck you that's why. This is why you don't do drugs kids, because a man in a yellow suit might come in and start channeling Michael Bay.

Man, I've gotten kind of violent lately. Must be the lack of good Vegetarian food.

I scratched my balding head.

I sighed. Man, male pattern baldness must have been the worst part of this whole situation I am in.

I went from a strapping young lad with a head full of hair to this.

There was a good chance I wasn't even going to go bald either! I mean, nobody on my father's side was ever bald....and my maternal uncles still have head full of hair. But my maternal grandfather balded early. Oh God, if i was like him....

But that was another world, another life.

As Daniel Hebert I am already bald.


Okay, time to move, Taylor left the house about 30 minutes ago.

Time for me to give Max Anders a big welcome.


I waited in the parking lot. I looked at the time- 3:45AM.

He should be leaving now, to visit his warehouses, host Nazi rallies, burn crosses and do other creepy white supremacist gang stuff.

I saw four white man in business suits exit the Medhall Main Building and I followed after them.

Let's see, according to my internet image searches....that guy is Max Anders.

Wow, he's pretty good looking. Young too. And totally a cunt by the cape name of Kaiser. Not even a real Nazi, just some power hungry thug using other people's beliefs to his advantage...which basically is exactly what Hitler did. I guess he really is a Nazi. The Real Nazi.

"Welcome, workers of Nazi Land! Where the glorious privilege is yours to be a Nazi!
To work forty-eight hours a day for the Fuehrer. Get to work!"
I started singing that famed Disney song as I followed them to their shiny Volkswagen. What a privileged doucebag, and the choice of car brand is a bit too obvious isn't it Kaiser?

As one of the burly bodyguard type dude opened the back door for Max Anders to enter, I jumped inside and immediately hid underneath the seat.

Everyone got inside and the car drove off, Max sitting next to some ripped blonde guy with greasy hair. Say what you want about the E88, but they sure are estrogen bait.

Max Anders turned to the man sitting next to him, "What's the situation with the ABB?"

"Lung disappeared and they are going crazy. Bakuda just did a bombing run in the suburbs. A lot of good, proper families were harmed."

Max growled and then said in a rather teacherly tone, "The mischling bitch will get her due. This is why the Empire is necessary my friend, to protect good people from chinks and niggers like these."

Wow language. I primed my roboarms and let the built in HUD take aim for me.


I fired my beams in rapid succession causing the car to suddenly be driverless due to the fact that I shrunk everyone.

"What the fuck!" yelled Max Anders as he and his buddy found themselves suddenly being really small and far away from each other (due to the relative distance of the back seat they were on).

I leapt up onto the leather bench seat. Damn, this is good leather.

"Language Kaiser. A role model like you should be careful with expletives around good, proper families."

He whirled around, summoning blades of metal from the leather beneath his feet, and picked up a wicked looking scimitar (which should be the size of a splinter relative to normal sizedness, hehehe), "Who the fuck are you!?"

"I am the night" (why yes, I am channeling Batman).

I unleashed my regular precision lasers at him, forcing him to jump away as I completely destroyed the area he was standing on, causing puffs of cotton stuffing to float into the air. He screamed, "MY CAR!", and looked behind me and yelled, "Kill this son of a bitch!"

Wait, who was he talking to?

There was a roar as I was suddenly tackled. Tackled by a whirling mess of hooks, blades and saws. I yelled and pulled the bundle of pain off my back and hurled him away to smack into the car door, watching my assailant bounce off the plastic interior of the door back onto the leather seat. He stood up, his face metallic in the shape of a wolf, long needles from his body digging into the seat to steady himself.

Aw shit. Aw fucking Shit!

That was motherfucking Hookwolf.

I think my suit's damaged, because I can feel myself bleeding slightly.

Max Anders smiled, "I don't know who you are, but I'd wager you're some kind of Tinker and you shrunk us all with those beams of yours. That's fairly impressive, turn us back to normal now, or you will die a slow death."

"Hehehe, if I die, you'll stay tiny forever", a complete lie, but they didn't know that.


I yelped as a bullet bounced off my suit. Thank God it's bullet proof. On the centre console [A/N: the thing between the two front seats for those who don't know] stood two man, the driver and some guy with a gun.

Kaiser nodded at him, "Victor"


Kaiser and Hookwolf then charged at me, Kaiser throwing steel spears at my face, which I dodged with my hovertech, right before we clash however, the entire world tilted, throwing us all into the air.

In midair, I chanced a glance outside the nearest window, I see that the car we're in has just crashed through the railings and was on it's way towards the watery depths of Brockton Bay.

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"And, I derailed canon completely", he muttered to himself in his robo-voice, before turning to me, "get yourself home girl- you know nothing about the Cape World. I've just saved you from a world of hurt. Also, Armsmaster is a total douchebag, I forbid you from going near him again".

ROBgan Freeman lied, you are Deadpool with yellow jacket powers. :o
Interlude Lung
Interlude Lung

I punched through the rat's face and crushed it's skull, my dragonic body having the time of it's life.

Yes, this was a true challenge.

I look at the horde of rats swarming around, trying to take a bite out of me.

"Come at me vermin, come and face the mighty Lung!"

They charged.


After slaughtering every rat in the ABB base, I decided it was time I get someone to help me with my embarrassing situation. Clearly I got nailed by some kind of Tinkertech shrinking beam. Kinda like Dr. Slump's Big-Small Ray Gun I recalled with some fondness, remembering the anime and manga of my misspent youth (misspent being a proper little boy, before I knew what true strength meant).

Now, clearly, Oni Lee is useless in this situation, although infinitely more preferably, since his loyalty is unquestioned. But seriously, the man isn't who he used to be. Gotten all quiet....and passive....and less...well, less real. Like his presence isn't there anymore.
Like a fucking ghost.

That left Bakuda.

Very, very dangerous crazy half-Asian chick. She'd probably kill me in a heartbeat if she knew my current situation.

But no risk, no gain.

So I entered her quarters.

It was really dark, except for some odd blinking light here or there, enough to illuminate a typical tinker's lab, it was a haphazard mess of metal, wires and chemicals.

Hmmm, where was she?

I stumbled into a darkened room by slipping underneath a door.

Where am I?

I heard a BAM as a door was slammed.

Probably Bakuda coming back inside.

The door of the room I was in now opened and the light flicked on, bathing the room in white light.

Oh Kami.

I was in the bathroom!

She turned on the shower and started singing.

"Girl we need some, girl we need some action
If we're gonna make it like a true survivor
We need some action
If we wanna take our love away from here"

And then she started stripping.

I jumped up and down and screamed, "WAIT, WAIT, BAKUDA-"

Oh-- oh my. Wow. Damn.

A colossal black lace and sheer thong fall and covered me.


And then suddenly I became full sized, the thong draped over my face.


Bakuda screamed.

I screamed.

Explosions rocketed my face as I was blasted through the bathroom right into the adjacent room- which was another bathroom.

Oni Lee was sitting on the toilet and reading a manga- Akumetsu- as he watched me pull myself out of the wall.

"Rough night Kenta?"

So the bastard still did have a personality afterall.

In the room over Bakuda was still screaming, "LUUUUNNNNG!"
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I'm not sure if it was Pym Particles or that all the people who used them were just assholes but generally speaking wasn't everyone except Janet van Dyne, who I believe was either the wasp or one of the yellow jackets, horrible people or crazy?

I ask this in reference to the fact that the si seems a little loco.
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I'm not sure if it was Pym Particles or that all the people who used them were just assholes but generally speaking wasn't everyone except Janet van Dyne, who I believe was either the wasp or one of the yellow jackets, horrible people or crazy?

I ask this in reference to the fact that the si seems a little loco.

Pretty sure comic Henry Pym always had serious mental issues. (He's had like 15 super identities?)
Omake: The Other Woman
So lung's now an anime protagonist.

Only if he gets a nosebleed after seeing Bakuda.:)

Next Time on Super Ryu Kamen Lung Z:

Bakuda: "Lung sempai, you make my heart go doki doki doki"

Lung: "Bakuda, as Aniki and subordinate, it's not proper for us..."

Contessa: "KENTA-KUN, YOOHOO!"

Bakuda:"Who is this bitch!?"

Lung: "Gasp, she is that woman from that night, from all those years ago...."

Bakuda:*flat voice*"...that Woman...years ago.....that night..."

Lung: "She made me t-"

*nuclear explosions annihilates Brockton Bay*
Chapter 5: Red Handed
Chapter 5: Red Handed

I was starting to regret not just turning them into little puddles of meat.

Right before we hit the watery depths (and to certain death- hey, that rhymes! :D) I targeted and zapped Kaiser, Hookwolf, Victor, and the driver (who I hope to God is just a regular run of the mill human piece of racist shit and not a super powered piece of racist shit).

Wow, too many brackets, waaay too many brackets.

As everyone suddenly became full sized, Hookwolf's oversized body of death metal cut into other people, Victor had the reflexes to flinch back, getting a cut across the cheek, and Kaiser was able to raise a metal shield- but driver man got gutted. Guess he was a normal afterall.

The tiny me baralled into Kaiser with the strength of a bullet, punching him aside, his head smashed into the side window, cracking it.

Water began to fill in, but I was out and into the water, I quickly swam up and floated above the surface of the water. I gunned the hovertech, gliding away towards shore before turning around and I wait.

I can see the car sinking, there was a loud thud, and the rear window exploded as Kaiser emerged, followed by a now flesh and blood Hookwolf, guess he smartened up to the fact he was a hazard to his allies- Victor came last, swimming with the grace and efficiency of an Olympic Swimmer.

As they gasped for air, I primed my beam.


All of them became tiny again.

At the same time, I enlarged myself back to normal size and swooped down.

Grabbing all three Empire capes in my iron grip (get it? Not funny? Fine) I quickly put them in a little iron box- locking it tight and stashed it in my backpack.

Capture complete. Time to return to base.


As I walk up to my front door (taking care to avoid being seen), I noticed a figure was just sneaking into the front door. She stiffened and turned around, posture defensive.

"What the f- Yellow Man! What are you doing at my home!" Taylor hissed in full Skitter garb.

Aw shit.

Time to come clean.

"May I come inside? It might take awhile to explain"

She stared at me with her creepy yellow lense eyes before sighing, "Fine, but make it quick, my dad might wake up at any moment"

"Oh trust me my dear, that won't be a problem"

"Did you just threaten my dad?"

"Your dad will be threatened if anyone see two Capes outside your home, are you gonna let me in or what?"

She walked into the house and I followed.

I hope she understands.
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I'm not sure if it was Pym Particles or that all the people who used them were just assholes but generally speaking wasn't everyone except Janet van Dyne, who I believe was either the wasp or one of the yellow jackets, horrible people or crazy?

I ask this in reference to the fact that the si seems a little loco.
In the Ant-Man movie,
repeated exposure to shrinking tech without special shielded helmets drives the user crazy. The Yellowjacket suit doesn't include that shielding.
In the Ant-Man movie,
repeated exposure to shrinking tech without special shielded helmets drives the user crazy. The Yellowjacket suit doesn't include that shielding.

Keep in mind that I haven't technically donned the suit and I was already thinking of assassinations. This is because I think crazy thoughts. But acting on it? That would possibly be because my brain chemistry got fucked up after I donned the suit (and/or me and Danny's memories combined made me loco. There could be multiple factors at work here).
Chapter 6: D&D
Chapter 6: D&D

We sat down across from each other. She already took off her mask. I guess there wasn't a point to wearing it since I knew who she is and where she lives.

"Okay Taylor-"

"The name is Skitter. Use that."

"Right. Skitter. Good name. So Skitter, don't be shocked okay, but I am going to reveal my secret identity to you."

I pressed a hidden button and the faceplate of my helm retracted.

Taylor's eyes grew to the size of tea cup saucers. The look on her face- I quickly saved to screenshot.

"Holy fucking shit."


"I am in shock."

"Don't be."

"I think I might be having an anxiety attack."

"I know you're overwhelmed by how cool your dad is-"

"DAD, you're a VILLAIN!?", she yelled.

"Whoa, come down. I am no villain. I am a very...roguish hero....Yeah!"

"You attacked Armsmaster", she said in an accusing tone.

"Armsmaster was a douchebag", was my instant reply.

"What, how would you know that?"

"I just do. Listen here Taylor, the cape world isn't black and white, alright, I'll explain, if you stick with me, you'll learn things about the world you've never dreamed of. There's more at stake here than just arbitrary labels of good and bad guys. We're talking about saving the world tier stuff, kay?"

She sighed, shoulders slumping, "I guess I don't have a choice. You're my dad afterall. Not like I can call the cops on you."

The cops will die a painful and futile death in that case. I wisely didn't say that out loud.

"Indeed. But cheer up kiddo, that means we can totally do cool superhero things together. As father and daughter! Join me, and together, we shall RULE THE GALAXY! MUWHAHAHAHHA!"

"Oh my god. Dad, what happened to you?"

"I woke up one day....and I got powers. Powers sometimes make you a little nuts, I mean, capes don't exactly advertise it, but it's a public secret that personality changes, from mild to dramatic, are par for the course with trigger events."

It was technically the truth. No need to mention Morgan Freeman's role in my exaltation to superhuman status. Or the fact I am from another universe who's now sharing a body with her papa. Nope. She'll send me straight to Nursing home if I told her the full truth.

A thought suddenly occurred to me.

"Say Taylor, why haven't you suspected me of being a stranger or master or something?" I mean in Canon, Skitter was supposed to super paranoid and ruthless. I didn't think just looking like her dad would've convinced her.

Taylor simply smirked, "The moment you unmasked yourself, I send bugs into your room to verify that you are in fact, not still asleep. Also, if you're a Master, it's unlikely that any alterations to my perceptions would affect my bugs too".

Wow. That's super paranoid all right.

I am so proud.

"Anyway, this is great, glad to have you on board Taylor. Now, what say you we do some Father-Daughter bonding time eh?"

"Er, I have school tomorrow..." she said hesitatingly.

"Fuck school", I growled, "you got superpowers, you don't need school."

"The Wards go to school!"

"The Wards are pathetic. We could mop the floor with them. Hell, you could single-handedly take down the Wards...probably the Protectorate too if you get first strike."

She seemed bewildered that I had so much faith in her. Man she must be starved for compliments, Danny, you fucked up, what a piss poor dad. I mean, I am-was-am, this is confusing, a piss poor dad. But that's all gonna change now. I swear it, I AM GOING TO BE THE ULTIMATE DAD.

"Okay, so ugh, how do you want to do this bonding thing?"

"Follow me", I said, standing up.

I quickly lead her to the basement and started rummaging around in some boxes.

"Back in the day, your mother and I were huge fans of Dungeons and Dragons"

"You want to bond over D&D?"

"In a manner of speaking."

Aha! Found it.

I put one of the boxes on the big wooden table (Mmmm, mahogany... thank you father-in-law!) and started pulling out the delicate miniature dungeon pieces.

"Wow", Taylor said, looking appreciatively at the sculptures, "Is that real stone?"

"We were huge fans"

"Cool, so ugh, do I create a character or what?"

"Naw Taylor. You're going to be Assistant Dungeon Master". You could hear the capitals in that title.


"Yup, and I am going to be the Dungeon Master."

She looked confused, "Then who will be the players?"

I took a certain little iron box out of my bag.

"These good fellows", I explained, patting the box fondly.

She stared at the box, "I don't understand."

"About two hours ago, I managed to capture Kaiser, Hookwolf and Victor. I shrunk them and put them in this tiny lil' box. And now, we're going to play with them."

"What the actual fuck!?", Taylor was looking at me in horror.

"Look kid, do you want to do this Father-Daughter thing or what? Live a little will ya? They're fucking Nazis. They're lucky I didn't just kill them."

She looked really concerned now.

I sighed in mock disappointment, "Alright fine. Don't play. I guess I'll flush them down the toilet-"

She panicked, "WAIT, WAIT, WAIT- I'll play! I'll play!"

I cheered, "Woot! Alright, let's get some old school action down in here. Okay, so, gather some cockroaches and ants, and wasps and spiders and...."

This was going to be good.

A/N: Do anyone know if a period goes outside or inside the quotation marks in speech? "xxxxxxxxxx". or "xxxxxxxxx."?
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I...I really can't take the dialogue in this seriously. You had me with Yellow Jacket suit but yeesh...

That's kay. My main motivation was the tiny people shenanigans. The Yellow Jacket Suit was a convenient plot device. Coulda gone with the Ant-Man suit, but we'll leave the bug controlling aspect to Taylor. Also, Ant-Man suit has no LASERS. LASERS are awesome (which is why Legend is totally awesome).

It is kinda cracky (that is the genre best suited to constant writing without much planning)...although I did plan for some seriousness down the road (guys, guys, I do some planning. Seriously, I do).
Interlude Kaiser, Hookwolf, Victor
Interlude Kaiser, Hookwolf, Victor

Darkness. All pervading darkness.

Then suddenly, LIGHT.

They tumbled out of their prison and onto cold hard stone. A large, but very dim light bulb hung from the gigantic ceiling, illuminating what appears to be some kind of dungeon.

"What the fuck", was Victor's response, whirling around in bewilderment.

Kaiser and Hookwolf were cautious, expecting an attack out of one or both ends of the- clearly miniature- hallway they were in.

"HELLO NAZIS!" A big booming voice echoed everywhere.


Kaiser fell on his ass in shock. It was the Yellow Tinker Freak!


"You fucking son of a bitch, return us to normal this instant!" Hookwolf roared.


Kaiser turned to Victor and said, "That is a seriously cliched- not to mention racist- backstory."



"O-okay, I guess we ugh, play along?", Victor asked.

"I refuse", was Hookwolf's reply, he looked up to the sky, "Fight me you coward!"

Kaiser nodded in agreement, "We're staying right here until you return us to full sizedness. We refuse to play this immature game of yours. Besides which, this is a mockery to Dungeons and Dragons, your character classes aren't even real!"

Kaiser was a big fan himself.

Suddenly, from out of the darkness they heard a skittering sound.


Everybody froze.

A gargantuan hairy spindly leg entered their line of sight. Followed by another. Then another. Then another. Then another.
Snapping mandibles and eight eyes stared at them, malice reflected within.

"Aw fuck"

The Spider launched itself at them, but Kaiser thinking quickly, had summoned a sheet of metal to block it's advance.

BAM- the Metal dented.


The three ran, as they hear the spider began to climb over the sheet of metal.

Fucking cheating dungeon master, that empty space the Spider was climbing over was supposed to be the roof of the dungeon!

They ran and ran until they stop in front of a stone slab. A dead end.


A giant thumb and finger lowered a piece of paper in front of them, then quickly retracted before Hookwolf could swipe at it, leaving the riddle behind.

In a lazy scrawl, written in blue, it stated, In what year did Adolf Hitler Died.

"Bastard", growled Victor.

"WRONG ANSWER" the booming voice said.

They hear horrible screeching noises from behind them. And the skittering of legs.

"April 30th, 1945!" Kaiser screamed.

The stone slab was removed by another set of fingers.

The three ran for it, until they hurried across a stone bridge over a chasm of water. Actual water.

Hookwolf and Victor stopped when they realized Kaiser wasn't with them. They turned back to look.

Kaiser was standing in the middle of the bridge, staring at the approaching Spider.

"Kaiser, what are you doing!", hissed Hookwolf.

"Max, get over here!", shouted Victor.

Kaiser ignored them. Deep inside his bigoted and selfish heart, a moment of true nobility has just manifested. A miracle. If All-Father knew his son could be capable of such an emotion, he would convert to Judaism in denial.

Kaiser summoned forth a sword and steel rod.

The Monstrous Arachnid towered over him.

Max Anders was not afraid.

"You Shall NOT Pass!" He slammed both of his metal implements into the bridge- and then converted the stone into a mass of metal, spears, spikes and hooks stabbing into the screeching spider.

The eight-legged foe roared and surged at Kaiser, pulling it's damaged legs out of the many steel weapons that were impaling it. But Kaiser was ready, he used the rod that he stabbed into the bridge to push himself up into the sky, pulling out his sword in the process, and over, right onto the Spider's back.

He then stabbed the sword into the Spider's head.


The bridge groaned. Having lost it's support because it's centre mass suddenly turned into a bunch of toothpick sized metal that was sticking into a spider.

It cracked.

It broke.

The Spider screeched in fury as it falls to the watery depths below along with a shower of rock and metal.

Kaiser hung on, hanging onto the broken edge of the Bridge with but one arm, gripping with all his might.

Victor sprinted like an Olympic Athlete, his hand stretched out to Kaiser-

"LOOK OUT!", Hookwolf roared.

A thin string of spider silk flew out of the abyss and tagged Kaiser's back.

Kaiser gasped.

He looked right at Victor and said, "Fly you fools!"

And then he was gone.

Victor stared at his empty hand, clutching the space were Kaiser was a mere moment ago.

He sank to his knees and screamed to the Heavens, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
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Notes about the villains:

Kaiser - can control and summon metal.
1) How is he don't squashed the SI in his armor? What's it, 100% plastic or what?
2) Why he don't summoned metal spikes on the inside of aforementioned armor, turning it into the Iron Maiden knockoff, and causing a slow painful death to SI?

Lung - have no known upper size limit.
It's mean he should be normal-sized way way before the miniaturization wear off, and Godzilla-sized after
Notes about the villains:

Kaiser - can control and summon metal.
1) How is he don't squashed the SI in his armor? What's it, 100% plastic or what?
2) Why he don't summoned metal spikes on the inside of aforementioned armor, turning it into the Iron Maiden knockoff, and causing a slow painful death to SI?

Lung - have no known upper size limit.
It's mean he should be normal-sized way way before the miniaturization wear off, and Godzilla-sized after

1) Because Kaiser grows metal out of solid surfaces, which he can shape as he grows it, but he can't actually control metal.

2) I honestly didn't thought of that. I am going to assume it's because he wasn't in range to turn my suit into a torture device. So: lack of oppurtunity. It is a shaker power afterall, requiring area of effect.

Lung only ramps up if he's constantly fighting the entire time. Any lull in combat or state of calm would make him revert. Remember he was crushing rat skulls with a greater size than an ant because he had already ramped from ant sized to rat sized.
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Kaiser doesn't shishkebab people in their suits because it's a level of escalation that's hard to step back from. And he needs line sight. What I want to know is how come his metal shrunk in the generation?
I guess this is the point the fic lost me. The flavor of crack isn't to my liking and you clearly didn't plan things through if you wanted your SI to be crazy because of "reasons".

There was a perfectly viable way to do it with the pym particles backlash.