Let's Play XCOM 2: SVCOM 2.0 [Legendary Difficulty]

XCOM 2: Operation Dawn Child I (Mission 6)
Bradford: "Commander, we have another guerrilla operation. Resistance has located a high-level official in ADVENT. If we're quick..."

Commander: "Beat them with a sack of doorknobs and find out everything they know. Got it. Team?"

Bradford: "We upgraded the Skyranger, so we can now send larger units at a time."

Commander: "Excellent. Any complaints on the pilots' side?"

Bradford: "Big Sky says it smells like ass."

Commander: "Big Sky is grounded. Now, deploy!"


Operation Dawn Child I

EarthScorpion: "So... Irenicus got wounded again."

Havocfett: "Sounds about right for assault troops. Aleph got hurt lots too."

Exterminatus: "Who's Aleph?"

Havocfett: "...Nevermind. Fernandel, how's the new gear?"

Fernandel: "Shotguns and swords. I have seen the light."

Havocfett: "Well, point it at the ADVENT. Ready yet, Firebrand?"

Scya: "Hold your fucking horses, we're 30 seconds out. Prep for drop, if you don't mind. And check your map."

Havocfett: "Mm?"

Scya: "I'll pull you out at that location. Don't take too long. ADVENT Interceptors are patrolling the area and our window is really fucking small, so hurry up!"

Havocfett: "Alright, let's move out kids."


Generica: "...I'm not seeing anyone."

Exterminatus: "Hey, Generica. How's the mindshield?"

Generica: "It helps a little, I guess..."

Fernandel: "Up ahead, we have contact. Front of the cafe."

Fernandel: "Another patrol, at the T-Junction."

Havocfett: "Alright people, move into position, and don't let them--"

Havocfett: "God dammit Exterminatus."

Exterminatus: "Hey, we're on a time limit here. Firing!"

EarthScorpion: "...Huh, you hit."

Exterminatus: "I'm not that rubbish okay ;~;"

Generica: "There's still the lancer, someone--"

Fernandel: "Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken, I've even forgotten my name!"

Generica: "...Please don't forget your name."

EarthScorpion: "Grenade!"

Havocfett: "And finishing up with some good-old chaingunning!"

Generica: "...Is this what the former Field Commander of XCOM does?!"

Havocfett: "Fuck yes it is. Watch an learn, newbie."

Generica: "Okay..."

Havocfett: "Patrol's coming in. Generica, you're on overwatch."

Generica: "O-Okay!"

ADVENT Trooper 1: <<What was that singing???

ADVENT Trooper 2: <<It sounds like it's from that old Revengeance ga--XCOM!>>

Generica: "Not in range, boss!"

Havocfett: "This is where we get creative. ES, get ready to follow up. Grenade!"

Havocfett: "...I did not expect to blow that car up."

Generica: "Oh my god old war XCOM operatives are bullshit."

Havocfett: "A-Team operatives are bullshit. But there's like... three of us. So."

Generica: "Who?"

Havocfett: "Me, Strype, Yezar... That fucking wizard is probably still out there, too..."

Generica: "...Who?"

Havocfett: "I will turn around and smack you with this sizzling-hot minigun."


Generica: "GOOD GREMLIN pleasedon'thurtme"

Havocfett: "ES, you're up."

EarthScorpion: "Actually, Exterminatus. Fancy a shot?"

EarthScorpion: "That's not bad!"

Exterminatus: "I'm fine on top of things, but nooooot on the ground."

EarthScorpion: "Sounds like you're just bad at shooting. And other things."

Havocfett: "That's everyone. Keep moving, don't fuck up."


Fernandel: "...Is that--"

Havocfett: "No chances. Grenade out!"

Havocfett: "I knew it, we have another patrol."

EarthScorpion: "How did I miss them..."

Havocfett: "Try shooting your troubles away."

XCOM 2: Operation Dawn Child II
Operation Dawn Child II

EarthScorpion: "Lancer's still alive. Need a follow up."

EarthScorpion: "Thanks, Exterminatus."

Exterminatus: "Hey, I try. I'm pretty good with grenades, yanno?"

Fernandel: "...I don't know the season, or what is the reason, I'm standing here holding my--"

Fernandel: "--Blade?"

Generica: "Ah, fuck! Gremlin, go!"

Havocfett: "God dammit, people, watch your six! All it takes is a missed shot and you die!"

Exterminatus: "Sectoid's raising another zombie!"

EarthScorpion: "Is that even remotely surprising now?"

Fernandel: "AGH FUCK"

Generica: "God dammit I wish I could shock him."

Havocfett: "I got it."

Fernandel: "Thanks, boss..."

Havocfett: "Grenade the sectoid, and we're on our way!"

Fernandel: "Throwing!"

Fernandel: "...Guh, fucking floors!"

Generica: "I got it."

Generica: "Sectoid down, let's get the package. ES, you do the honors?"

EarthScorpion: "Target pacified. Let's get going."

Bradford: "Careful, Strike. You have ADVENT reinforcements on the way."

Exterminatus: "We could try that thing again. Shoot them up as they come in."

Havocfett: "We used to do that with EXALT. Let's try it."


Fernandel: "Reinforcements here!"

EarthScorpion: "Literally right next to the LZ, I can't contribute."

Havocfett: "Relax, you won't have to."

ADVENT Officer: <<Kill them! For the Elders!>>

Havocfett: "Open up, people."


*much killing later*

Fernandel: "I got the last one, guys. get on the ship."

Havocfett: "...Man, I worry about that kid."

EarthScorpion: "Seem familiar?"

Havocfett: "Way too familiar."

Scya: "Alright, ther's some of you. Where's the fifth guy?"

Generica: "Cleaning up the mess."

Fernandel: "Haha! That's right! DIBS! Alright, Firebrand, coming in!"

Scya: "Alright, that was close. Interceptors on approach. We're bugging out, kids!"

Commander: "Target extracted. Good work, people. Mission accomplished."


Havocfett: "You know, we used to give out purple hearts for wounds in the line of fire."

Fernandel: "And?"

Havocfett: "Does it look like we can spare material for medals now? You're lucky to get a hot meal."

Commander: "Good work, team. Now off the ramp and grab a stretcher. Someone's taking a break for a looooong time. Generica, feel better?"

Generica: "Kinda!"

Commander: "Good, mind shield's now mine. Get moving, trooper."


Spokesman: "That VIP will be instrumental to XCOM's efforts, Commander. Give my regards to the men and women on that operation."

Commander: "I'll be sure to do that. Anything else?"

Spokesman: "Another Blacksite facility is coming online, Commander. I do not mean to rush you, but I am rushing you."

Commander: "Well... at least you're honest now."
XCOM 2: Post-Operation Dawn Child
Post-Operation Dawn Child

Black Marketeer: "Welcome, Commander. What can we do to you?"

Commander: "Cyborgification. Minus that, I'll take those research notes on mag weapons."

Black Marketeer: "Excellent choice, Commander! Great doing business."

Tygan: "Commander, should I shift focus towards this new project?"

Commander: "That's like a month away, Tygan. Stick to psionics."

Tygan: "already done."

Tygan: "We can begin construction of a Psi Lab immediately, and awaken a soldier's true psionic potential. Though, we will require liberal applications of Elerium."

Commander: "Well, if we find some I'll be sure to get started. For now, study the radio."

Tygan: "Of course, Commander."


Commander: "And how many's that, Havoc?"

Havocfett: "Eighty! Eat shit, new guys!"

Bradford: "Commander, as the Spokesman said, we have a new blacksite online. The AVATAR Project is proceeding very quickly. We're running out of time."

Commander: "...Five steps taken, seven more to go... on the Twelve Rungs of Ascension..."

Bradford: "Commander?"

Commander: "Nevermind. Keep looking. We'll hit the Blacksite as soon as our men are ready."

Lily: "Commander, AWC's online. All wounded troops can now receive proper medical attention."

Commander: "Well... good! Tell one of the engineers to staff it or something, let the autodoc take over from there."


Bradford: "Commander, we have new targets."

Commander: "...Shady stuff, or their damn cyphers... Bradford? You know what to do."

Bradford: "Aye, I'll get the men."
...Is it wrong that I want to see what an Avenger defense mission is like, even knowing it's a horrible, horrible idea?

Also, bet the troops will be happy with the mag weapons when they get them.
...Is it wrong that I want to see what an Avenger defense mission is like, even knowing it's a horrible, horrible idea?

Also, bet the troops will be happy with the mag weapons when they get them.
They're not too bad, you get to deploy up to 10 people (And 4 turrets if you get the facility for it.) and the objective is to blow up this jamming device which can easily be done by: Hacking/Mind controlling an enemy unit and have your squadsight sniper pick it off.
They're not too bad, you get to deploy up to 10 people (And 4 turrets if you get the facility for it.) and the objective is to blow up this jamming device which can easily be done by: Hacking/Mind controlling an enemy unit and have your squadsight sniper pick it off.

The last dash back to the Avenger is especially fun as ADVENT blunders into that octuple-overwatch you set up the previous turn. Less "desperate guerrilla warfare" and more "eighties action movie remake".
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My experience is skewed because both times I did Avenger defence I didn't do so until had power armoured Majors with plasma guns.

That said, you can easily blow up the jammer spike with Blaster Bombs (this is especially effective if there's a car next to it) or get a mind controlled/hacked goon to do it, if you've gotten that far.
My first Avenger defense was with Mag+Pred. Armor so it went reasonably well, managed to grind for a bit before the reinforcements got a wee bit too hairy. (Doesn't help that there was an extra pod I didn't realize until 2 turns before evacing.)

Oh and if you're lucky, the AI will send a Sectopod/Andromedon...to crush the beacon. On accident.
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I had a ballistic + kevlar Avenger Defense before. First time I ever saw Berserkers. This was on my Commander run, too.

Entirely doable.
Huh, and here I thought Avenger defense missions were something to be avoided. Shows what I know...
Yes and no.

Yes as in, "You get nothing but bucketloads of EXP."

But no as in, "You get bucketloads of EXP and EVERYONE is welcome to the party!" Yes, everyone, the guys in the hospitals? They're out there in gurneys and IVs...okay okay they come out wounded but they're still usable. So no more getting screwed over by having your A-team in the hospital. So yeah Avenger Defense isn't too bad. Should still avoid them but it's not the worst.

Oh and the best of all? You get to choose your loadout before deploying! No more running around with Ballistics+Kevlar because you used the unequip all button! freakin' base defense.
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Keen Sight Technique activated
FIREBRAND camera stream piggyback successful

Fernandel: "Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken, I've even forgotten my name!"
What is it about school of Assault that makes them this? What boils their blood? Why is young man like past acquaintance?

Havocfett: "A-Team operatives are bullshit. But there's like... three of us. So."

Generica: "Who?"

Havocfett: "Me, Strype, Yezar... That fucking wizard is probably still out there, too..."
Maybe I was wrong. Maybe she will not gut me for the p-

Generica: "...Who?"

Havocfett: "I will turn around and smack you with this sizzling-hot minigun."
... I have to drop that thought. The past is the past.

Fernandel: "...I don't know the season, or what is the reason, I'm standing here holding my--"
His blood boils. Strong kill-urge. IT is always the same. Why.

Havocfett: "We used to do that with EXALT. Let's try it."
Good times. Back before you started to wear a bandana like they do. I told you why it had to be this way. But you wouldn't listen. No. So cocky, so self-assured. Cornuthaum the worry-wart wizard, what does he know?

It had to be this way. I am sorry.

Fernandel: "I got the last one, guys. get on the ship."

Havocfett: "...Man, I worry about that kid."

EarthScorpion: "Seem familiar?"

Havocfett: "Way too familiar."
Fernandel: "Haha! That's right! DIBS! Alright, Firebrand, coming in!"
It is not genetic. It is no disease. Is it psionic? Like calling to like?


Then I cannot risk further contamination.

Cancelling Keen Sight Technique.
It is not genetic. It is no disease. Is it psionic? Like calling to like?


Then I cannot risk further contamination.

Cancelling Keen Sight Technique.
?????: "... huh. That's weird."
?????: "Felt like... someone was watching me. Indirectly. Eyes on a reflection of the back of my neck."
?????: "Meh, probably nothing. Now, where was I..."
It is not genetic. It is no disease. Is it psionic? Like calling to like?


Then I cannot risk further contamination.

Cancelling Keen Sight Technique.
Strype: ".....I can feel you watching, you sly old boolet wizard. Going to drop by and kill some Snek with me again? You know we always keep a spot for you. But hurry up. You know I hate waiting to kill Xenos."
*Looks at above posts* You know, I haven't read the old thread. And now I kind of don't want to because I don't want to ruin the wonderful feeling of "WTF" I got from reading these.
Still waiting for Harusame. :3
... God my guy is just a complete wimp. Needs to shape up or ship out. Ineffective behavior.

Someone please beat a spine in him. Please.
Someone please beat a spine in him. Please.
Nah man. Spines make terrible improvised flails; they're messy, they come apart really easily and it's virtually impossible to get any kind of skin penetration with one. You'd have better luck asking people to beat a metal replacement into him, as long as he'd been prepped with the preliminary incisions beforehand.
XCOM 2: Operation Devil's Hawk I (Mission 7)
Operation Devil's Hawk I

Commander: "Right, so you're going in to like, recover some Tissue Analysis documents that ADVENT confiscated from... hey wait a minute these are the Ethereal documents Vahlen did!"

Bradford: "How would you know that?"

Commander: "I remember the serial number. #33-54-226-APOTHEOSIS. The Geriatric Report. Why are they looking for this, though... You'd think the Ethereals could just, like, give a blood sample."

Bradford: "Well, either way we're there to punch them in the nose and take those documents back. Not much we can do with them right now, but... death is nothing compared to vindication, right?"

BCK: "Damn straight."

Scya: "Enough with the Primarching, get ready to drop!"


Generica: "I have visual."

Havocfett: "Alright. Mind telling us?"

Generica: "...Uh..."

Generica: "Since when did the aliens have Krogan?"

Havocfett: "Mother fucker that's a Muton."

Generica: "Didn't you kill like, hundreds of them in the old war?"

Havocfett: "Yes. But I don't have my plasma cannon right now. Also these guys are tougher, leaner, and smarter."

EarthScorpion: "Alright, so... now what do we do?"

Irenicus: "They are moving in."

Havocfett: "Alright, set up ambush. We're killing it first."

Irenicus: "I have grenade."

Havocfett: "Go for it."

Muton: *Contemptuous snarl*

Havocfett: "Gah, armor's as tough as ever. Open fire!"

EarthScorpion: "Muton down."


ADVENT Trooper: <<Oh for fucks sake how did they-->>

Havocfett: "Alright, final tally. How does it look?"

Havocfett: "Alright people, nice work."

Commander: "Bradford, why is Havoc so paranoid about mutons now?"

Bradford: "Apparently they now have chainsaw bayonets."

Commander: "...Okay, but why else? You know chainsaws don't scare her."

Bradford: "They, ah... also incorporated some hypnoindoctrination from XCOM's finest."

Commander: "They... managed to steal memories. From my soldiers. Mother fucker."

BCK: "I hear units moving in. Should we hold?"

Havocfett: "Nah, the self-destruct is already going off on the package. We move in."

EarthScorpion: "Viper!"

EarthScorpion: "God dammit!"

Havocfett: "Hold your fire, jeez. Clearing!"

Havocfett: "Alright, clean up!"

BCK: "Got the Lancer in my sights..."

BCK: "I don't think it's dead..."

EarthScorpion: "Firing on Viper!"

EarthScorpion: "Still standing!"

Irenicus: "I do not believe the Viper has legs."

EarthScorpion: "FUCK YOU"

Generica: "Gremlin, go!"

Generica's Gremlin: *vaguely aggressive chirping*

Generica: "Yeah, that's right! Good boy!"

Generica's Gremlin: *happy chirping*

Havocfett: "Alright Irenicus, stay down. The Lancer's gonna--"

Havocfett: "--Shit."

Irenicus: "Do I take it out?"

Havocfett: "Nah, I'll - ack - handle it. Kill the trooper."

Irenicus: "I shall enlighten it in the Rules of Nature."

BCK: "Run when the sun comes up?"

Irenicus: "Never stand against a sorceror with a sword."

Irenicus: "Step between shadows... Move between heartbeats... And no bullet will touch you."

Irenicus: "Face my steel."

EarthScorpion: "Following up."

EarthScorpion: "Trooper down. Get to the box."

Generica: "What's in the box?"

Havocfett: "The Commander's love letter to Vahlen."

Commander: "Havoc I swear to god I will take your minigun away."

Havocfett: "Sir, with respect, try me."
XCOM 2: Operation Devil's Hawk II
Operation Devil's Hawk II

Havocfett: "Oh hey, fancy loot."

Commander: "...Lousy fuggen... stupid stasis... twenty years..."

Bradford: "Generica, use your Gremlin once it's in visual."

Generica: "Yeah, I got it. I had training, jeez."

Havocfett: "Eat shit, Lancer!"

Stun Lancer: <<Lancer... is dead...>>

BCK: "Do we really care?"

EarthScorpion: "Iunno, it's not human."

Generica: "I see the box. Hacking."

Generica: "Why hello there, intel."

Bradford: "Good work, but you have reinforcements coming in now."

Havocfett: "Ambush positions!"


//Janice Forscythe, Serial No. 143-22-5463
//Praise the Elders

Dear Diary,

Today's my first day on the mobile squad! I'm a little excited to see what we're up against today. Uriah jokes that we'll be seeing XCOM on our first outing, but he's such a joker! XCOM doesn't really exist anymore, it's just a bunch of barbarians that borrow its good name to blow shit up, right?

Well, we're moving in now. Command hasn't said who we're deploying against, aside from calling them 'dissidents' and 'hooligans' like usual. Just like on Patrol in the City Centers, eh? Well, we'll see how things go. Maybe we'll even get a capture! It would be nice, I don't like killing unless I have to.


Trooper Ira: <<Alright, J. You know how to drop. Just step off and bend your knees. Don't let them shock too hard, alright?>>

Trooper Janice: <<I'm not a rookie, Ira, come on! Deploying.>>

Trooper Uriah: <<Alright, we're here, where's our target?>>

???: "Open up!"


*10 seconds later*

BCK: "Well... that's intense. Ever wonder if ADVENT Troopers have lives outside of being jackboots?"

Havocfett: "Probably. Not like geneforged actually exist."

EarthScorpion: "Gene...forged?"

Havocfett: "Artificial vat-grown troopers. It's just a stupid joke the kid made back at my haven."

Bradford: "Sparrow?"

Havocfett: "Same kid running the haven for me now, yeah."

Bradford: "Tell her to stop, that's the kind of rumor that murders morale."

BCK: "How so? Vat-grown soldiers aren't that scary."

Bradford: "Considering the kind of gene-samples they probably have on hand to synthesize those troopers..."

Generica: "...I knew it, we've been... shooting people. Our people."

Havocfett: "They ain't ours. Not anymore. Aliens brainwashed them into a bunch of dildoes."

Irenicus: "Movement."

Irenicus: "Officer, Lancer and a Trooper. Winnable enough."

EarthScorpion: "Correction: Officer and a Lancer."

Irenicus: "Excellent."

Havocfett: "Stay low, you're exposed."

Irenicus: "Understood, I'll--"

Irenicus: "--Gkk, cover's being blown apart. Hurry. Lancer's coming in."

Havocfett: "I see the shit!"

Havocfett: "Dammit, still moving!"

Irenicus: "...Tch, just barely dodged it."

BCK: "Looks like it still hit from here."

Irenicus: "Some numbness is better than paralysis."

BCK: "Relax, I got you."

BCK: "Lancer down, just the Officer left."

EarthScorpion: "Softing it up..."

EarthScorpion: "Alright, go in for the kill."

Irenicus: "Rules."

Irenicus: "Of."

Irenicus: "Nature."

Irenicus: "Officer down. We have the territory."

Bradford: "Roger, we're sending the Skyranger over. Grab everything and let's get going. Good work."


EarthScorpion: "Not bad, we have wounded though."

Havocfett: "Psh, I'll be just fine."
XCOM 2: Post-Operation Devil's Hawk
Post-Operation Devil's Hawk

Commander: "Alright, good work people. Some of you will be promoted. Like..." *sigh*

Havocfett: "Yeeeeeeees, Commander?"

Commander: "Havoc you are being promoted to Colonel."

Havocfett: "What? But I'm already a--"

Commander: "Oh, I bumped you down to Major just before the mission. Didn't you catch the memo?"

Havocfett: "...You son of a bitch."

Bradford: "He filed paperwork and everything. And as the last surviving, acknowledged military officer acknowledged by Earth's Government-in-Exile... it counts."

Havocfett: "You son of a bitch."

Commander: "Eat shit woman I'm still in charge. Now let's update your dossier..."


Havocfett: "That's right, and I'd have continued holding out if you weren't an asshole."

Commander: "You think you can run this operation better?"

Havocfett: "Fuck the hell yes I can."

Commander: "Well, uh... too bad!"

Bradford: "Oh my god."

EarthScorpion: "Like children."

Generica: "Uh... I'm gonna go now bye."


Commander: "Wuh? Wher'm I? What is this?"

Bradford: "We went drinking after that. Havoc challenged you to a drinking contest."

Commander: "Did... Did I win?"

Bradford: "Yes, but only after you pulled out a lighter and did your 'dragon special'."

Commander: "Hehehe... gets 'em every time."

Bradford: "She did it right back at you, and then the both of you tied."

Commander: "...Wait that means nobody won."

Bradford: "Exactly. Now, here's what you missed."

Commander: "Asshole's been holding out on me too!"

Bradford: "I'm not finished, Commander. Hold on."

Author's Note: It's interesting how the fluff-wise veteran characters also happen to both have AWC Perks at bloody Sergeant Rank. Now I'm interested for Cornuthaum and Strypgia (the other two survivors of the A-Team), if-when they show upt.

Commander: "...Holy shit how long was I out for?!"

Bradford: "About a week. By the way, the Retaliation Mission is now."


Bradford: "I have, actually."