Let's Play XCOM 2: SVCOM 2.0 [Legendary Difficulty]

Bradford: "Well, either way we're there to punch them in the nose and take those documents back. Not much we can do with them right now, but... death is nothing compared to vindication, right?"
--ter to live in dishonor than die a honorable her-- --old you I would do t--- ---arned you ----was to com--- Yo-----sending them to their deaths and I will not throw myself on the pyre of your pr----
(Tattered fragments of a pre-Unification letter)

Generica: "I have visual."
Activating Keen Sight Technique

Telepresence Module 02283 activated.

Visual observation established.

Havocfett: "Mother fucker that's a Muton."
Rapid reaction enhancement for CQC. Spiritual reinforcement. Enhanced cortical structure. Improved close combat decisionmaking.

What have they done.

Bradford: "They, ah... also incorporated some hypnoindoctrination from XCOM's finest."

Commander: "They... managed to steal memories. From my soldiers. Mother fucker."
Hate. Must calm hate. Cannot let psychic interference happen.

Havocfett: "Alright Irenicus, stay down. The Lancer's gonna--"

Havocfett: "--Shit."
Yes. Sixfold Shade Stance in action. But she is Havoc. She survived the commander's arrogance and her own pride. She can take this.

Havocfett: "Probably. Not like geneforged actually exist."

Bradford: "Considering the kind of gene-samples they probably have on hand to synthesize those troopers..."
Hate. It is better to live in dishonor than... No. Calm. Calm.

Irenicus: "...Tch, just barely dodged it."
Telepresence module under attack! Risk of psychic contamination!

Cannot risk full hit!

Reflex Sidestep! Flow Like Blood! Safety Between Heartbeats!

Damage minimal. Psychic conta---conta---contaminnnnnghhh...

Irenicus: "Rules."

Irenicus: "Of."

Irenicus: "Nature."
.... psychic contamination minimal. Kill-urge diverted to telepresence platform and vented.

Establishing psychic buffer.

Activating Integrity Protecting Prana.


Commander: "You think you can run this operation better?"

Havocfett: "Fuck the hell yes I can."

Commander: "Well, uh... too bad!"

Bradford: "Oh my god."

EarthScorpion: "Like children."
Like old times.

Good old times.

I miss you, all of you.
--ter to live in dishonor than die a honorable her-- --old you I would do t--- ---arned you ----was to com--- Yo-----sending them to their deaths and I will not throw myself on the pyre of your pr----
(Tattered fragments of a pre-Unification letter)

Activating Keen Sight Technique

Telepresence Module 02283 activated.

Visual observation established.

Rapid reaction enhancement for CQC. Spiritual reinforcement. Enhanced cortical structure. Improved close combat decisionmaking.

What have they done.

Hate. Must calm hate. Cannot let psychic interference happen.

Yes. Sixfold Shade Stance in action. But she is Havoc. She survived the commander's arrogance and her own pride. She can take this.

Hate. It is better to live in dishonor than... No. Calm. Calm.

Telepresence module under attack! Risk of psychic contamination!

Cannot risk full hit!

Reflex Sidestep! Flow Like Blood! Safety Between Heartbeats!

Damage minimal. Psychic conta---conta---contaminnnnnghhh...

.... psychic contamination minimal. Kill-urge diverted to telepresence platform and vented.

Establishing psychic buffer.

Activating Integrity Protecting Prana.


Like old times.

Good old times.

I miss you, all of you.
Fun fact: this is all actually just being observed with normal cameras and Corn just has to make everything melodramatic for some reason.
I suppose Cornuthaum has a point, it depends on your perspective. if you took one of the cameras Cornuthaum uses back to a time when people believed in wizards, showed it to someone, and asked them how it work, they'd probably guess it was because of a wizard.
Well, wizard using Scry to look in on something is functionally indistinguishable from using psionics to piggyback on someone's connection to Firebrand and then using Firebrand's cameras to look at the scene. :V
Plot Twist: Cornuthaum was actually there in person but he teleported away before he was spotted.
Why would a Viper be a Muton.

It's in disguise. Duh.

But Generic, you ask. Why would it be in disguise?

The answer to that question? It was trying to surprise its inlaws.

But Generic, you ask. Who are its inlaws?

Why obviously Night_stalker's parents! Ah. Aha- Wait shit that's not right.
Finally, we figured out how to make enchanted weapons. Now I can stab people better!
My Lancers...The Commander fears them.

Against them...He must use his precious magic of Time.

When they charge, fear claims the hearts of the Enemy.

Tell me, do you feel like heroes now? Killing my precious students, harnessing their corpses for your 'research', tearing apart their bodies for 'loot'. Do you think you have a chance?

We are behind corners, hiding in the dark.

We will dash at you from Hell's Heart

We are everywhere, XCOM. May you fear those who are yet to come, but remember-we need just one lucky hit to bring you down.

And to my students, Luck is something I have passed down in spades.
Chainsaw bayonets. Why'd it have to be chainsaw bayonets?
Aleph might have gotten a Shotgun bayonet at some point. For her chainsaw.

Shen figured that there were so many unused sawn-off shotguns, why not?
Generica: Who's Aleph?

Commander: ...

Generica: No seriously, who's Aleph? Was she the murder murder stab stab slicy one? The one who played Pokemon with the aliens? The crazy bullet wizard?

Commander: Yeah, you've got a death wish.

Generica: Pshaw. It's not like she even exists. She's just an easily disprovable myth. A hoax.

Commander: Yeah, you're on your own buddy. Good luck.

Generica: Aleph. Pft. As if. That's just absurd. It's not like she's going to be showing up soon or something. That'd be patently ridiculous.
Generica: Who's Aleph?

Commander: ...

Generica: No seriously, who's Aleph? Was she the murder murder stab stab slicy one? The one who played Pokemon with the aliens? The crazy bullet wizard?

Commander: Yeah, you've got a death wish.

Generica: Pshaw. It's not like she even exists. She's just an easily disprovable myth. A hoax.

Commander: Yeah, you're on your own buddy. Good luck.

Generica: Aleph. Pft. As if. That's just absurd. It's not like she's going to be showing up soon or something. That'd be patently ridiculous.

I hope you don't get turned into Sashimi brave sir.
SVCOM!Strypgia: "My.....precioussssssss...."

Generica: Yeah but... Who is she?

(Crickets begin chirping)

Strypgia: Yo- You don't know who Senpai is?

Generica: I can't get a straight answer out of anyone. I'm preeeettty sure she doesn't exist and you're all delusional.

Strypgia: But- How can you-

Commander: Cause he's a fucking newb that's why.

Generica: Pfft. Ah yes, :turian:Aleph.:turian: We have dismissed these claims.

Strypgia: ... Senpai?

Generica: What, someone's standing behind m-
XCOM 2: Operation Faceless Hydra I (Mission 8: RETALIATION)
Commander: "Okay. Retaliation Strike. Before we go, Shen!"

Lily: "Yes, Commander?"

Commander: "Get the Arc Blades. They will be most useful."

Bradford: "Commander, Irenicus isn't a Blademaster."

Commander: "Well tough we don't have railguns yet. Alright, squad!"

Commander: "The aliens are stepping it up. Don't fuck it up now, alright?"

Exterminatus: "Y-You can count on me!"

Commander: "I can... but I won't. Not while Havoc is standing next to you."

Havocfett: *lazy salute*

Commander: "Go forth and kill. And save people I guess. But mostly kill."


Operation Faceless Hydra I

EarthScorpion: "Well, doesn't look very United to me."

Irenicus: "They all burn the same. Unity in a nutshell."

Yezar: "Man, that's fucked up."

Exterminatus: "So... any of you guys can tell me who 'she' is?"

Havocfett: "No."

Exterminatus: "Alright... how about this wizard person?"

Havocfett: "No."

Exterminatus: "Oh come on! I'm part of XCOM, don't I deserve to--"

Scya: "Alright, get off my ship! All of you! You have civilians to save!"

Yezar: "ES, push him out."

EarthScorpion: "Alright. Sorry, I guess."

Exterminatus: "What the fuck did I d--"

Exterminatus: "--daaaaAAAAAAAAAAA--"

Havocfett: "Well hopefully he catches the line on the way down. Let's go, people!"


Havocfett: "Anything?"

Irenicus: "Nothing so far."

Bradford: "Their workshop... Heh, they're still preparing to hit back against ADVENT. Fat load of work they'll do right now, though."

Commander: "Bradford, who runs this haven?"

Bradford: "No XCOM operative I remember. Just a group of people who want out of ADVENT's oppression."

Commander: "Well, ain't that tragic?"

Havocfett: "Alright team, move i--"

A/N: This will be the first of two MEC ambushes so far. Fucking cyborg ninjas.

Havocfett: "What the fuck is that."

Lily: "I don't believe it... that's a MEC. That's... dad's design."

Tygan: "It appears that ADVENT is finally deploying some of its heavy units on counter-terrorism operations. That is, against us."

Bradford: "They're mobilising. She's starting to take us seriously."

Commander: "..."

Havocfett: "Alright team, grenades out, front and center!"

Havocfett: "Armor's holding! Follow up!"

Yezar: "I got this. Shredder rounds, coming through!"

Havocfett: "It's still holding! ES?"

EarthScorpion: "Let me try something..."

Havocfett: "Now is not the time to--"

EarthScorpion: "MEC down."

EarthScorpion: "Trooper down."

Havocfett: "...Nice work, ES."

EarthScorpion: "That's what I do."

Irenicus: "Guys, we have trouble."

Irenicus: "It's pink, naked, and psychic."

Havocfett: "They probably heard the explosion. Get ready!"

Havocfett: "Fuuuuuuuuuuck."

Exterminatus: "Doesn't look like that minigun is good for reaction shooting."

Havocfett: "Nevermind about that kill them!"

EarthScorpion: "Cover cleared. Trooper exposed."

Exterminatus: "Sectoid cleared out!"

Yezar: "And that should be the Stun Lancer."

Irenicus: "Reanimation, right next to you Havoc."

Havocfett: "Let them come. This zone is kill."

Irenicus: "Lancer charging!"

Havocfett: "Let it try."

Exterminatus: "Sectoid's still active!"

Havocfett: "Oh, I got a present for it too!"

Exterminatus: "Trooper by the window pinning us down! We can't move to follow up!"

Irenicus: "Allow me."

Irenicus: "Trooper dead. I've been spotted. And appear to have cut through my own cover."

EarthScorpion: "Stand around. Nothing's left to shoot you anyways. And now, trick shots."

A/N: After that absolutely brutal slash, the game bugged out and now ES thinks his rifle is a pistol and the air is his rifle. It gets funny.

EarthScorpion: "Yep, Sectoid down."

Yezar: "...How do you do that."

EarthScorpion: "What, the former Master Sniper can't do this?"

Yezar: "I'm not the Master Sniper, Cornuthaum is!"

Havocfett: "...Duuuuuude."

Yezar: "Look, it's true okay?!"