Let's Play XCOM 2: SVCOM 2.0 [Legendary Difficulty]

I fucking lost all my screenshots. Fucking. hundreds of them. We had new A-Team stars. XavierIII was a fucking god-tier Valkyrie MEC. We had Corn killing three sectopods in two shots. I was going to end on a cliffhanger right as we started the Temple Ship and everything.

I was pretty peeved.
I fucking lost all my screenshots. Fucking. hundreds of them. We had new A-Team stars. XavierIII was a fucking god-tier Valkyrie MEC. We had Corn killing three sectopods in two shots.
How the Fuck did he pull that off?! That's something that goes in the 'epic deeds' book for anybody pulling that off, much less for a sniper succeeding at that.
Aleph being the traitor was totally my idea, just so you know. :D

Admittedly, Sword's response was basically "yesssss~"
Aleph being awesome and a coincidentally timed hospital stay for both characters is also responsible for SVCOM!Strypgia turning into a yandere murder-loving Sister of Battle obsessed with SVCOM!Aleph. Rule of Funny and Swordo's plotting has us keep pushing it.
Aleph being the traitor was totally my idea, just so you know. :D

Admittedly, Sword's response was basically "yesssss~"

Now we just need to have a boss fight against Ruler Aleph.

Generica: "Quick, someone suppress-"

Aleph: "DIBS"


Generica: "Bullshit. That is fucking bullshit!"

Aleph: "Well, maybe if you didn't telegraph your actions you might be able to get the drop on me :D"

Havocfett: "Shut up you have mind powers you cheat!"

Aleph: "I know right? It's amazing."

Strypgia: "So cool~ <3" *gushing*

Bet: "Score one for Auntie!"

Havocfett: "Oh for fuck's sake stop fraternizing with the enemy! CuriousFan!"

CuriousFan: "Sneak attack."

Aleph: "Nuh uh. No touching."


Aleph: "Someone's getting slow in their old age :V"

Havocfett: ":mad: :mad: :mad:"
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Ruler Aleph would probably have a bunch of actions like the Riposte power from the Rogue class, where she interrupts X-COM attacks by shooting at them, and if she hits the soldiers action is cancelled. So the only practical way to take her down is to pile on the debuffs - and the actions you spend on that gives her more opportunities to blitz you to death.
If I remember correctly, MSgt. 'Wednesday' Aleph would eventually have Iron Skin, Neural Feedback, Muscle Fibre Density, Secondary Heart (of course, she's a psi) and Hyper-Reactive Pupils. She had a health pool rivaling MECs and the AC in Titan Armor to match it. She is, and remains, my murder murder zoom zoom.

Well, when there was cover nearby and ckk wasn't close by to kill everything by dint of being a Marauder, at least.
Improved Bleedout Mod, which I literally got right before the mission. Well worth it, I'd say. :V

The original EarthScorpion.

The A-Team members who died on the Temple Ship are, if I recall correctly... ckk185, EarthScorpion, MJ12Commando, Lilithium, Zhang, Annette, Nasdaq, shadenight123, and a bunch of people I can't recall off the top of my head. The only two survivors are Havoc and Strype.

Corn doesn't count because [REDACTED], and Aleph doesn't count because she killed them all to begin with ads;khasdfjhdlkhflhdsf;j;j

And so everyone forgets once again the Pilot of the Skyranger who went and got Havoc and Strype down while getting hit and losing a leg thanks to shrapnell.

Second Generation personal is not only found among groundpounders!
And so everyone forgets once again the Pilot of the Skyranger who went and got Havoc and Strype down while getting hit and losing a leg thanks to shrapnell.

Second Generation personal is not only found among groundpounders!
Oh don't be such a baby! Legs grow back!

(No zey don't)
Corn doesn't count because [REDACTED], and Aleph doesn't count because she killed them all to begin with ads;khasdfjhdlkhflhdsf;j;j
> ads;khasdfjhdlkhflhdsf;j;j
> ads

I'm sorry but now all I can think is Aleph killed everyone with advertisements, which to be honest is more awful than just being straight up annihilated by a waking talking engine of murder.
If I remember correctly, MSgt. 'Wednesday' Aleph would eventually have Iron Skin, Neural Feedback, Muscle Fibre Density, Secondary Heart (of course, she's a psi) and Hyper-Reactive Pupils. She had a health pool rivaling MECs and the AC in Titan Armor to match it. She is, and remains, my murder murder zoom zoom.

And then the Commander remembers (after conveniently forgetting about it) that he authorised Vahlen to give Aleph the special gene mods just before the Temple Ship mission.
I am really quite interested in finding out why Aleph decided to betray her erstwhile comrades and hand over the human race to alien enslavement.

Seething with rage too, but interested.
I'm wondering if my character's going to actually fucking survive through this LP.

Strong likelihood he isn't.
XCOM 2: Operation Bone Hammer I (Mission 20: Supply Raid)
Okay, it may have been like... eight months since the last update... But hey at least I still have my screenshots! Kind of!

I think I might just do this until the run dies and restart. God I've become absolutely awful at XCOM 2. :(


Mission 20: Operation Bone Hammer I

Bradford: "Sir, I found some top me--Commander what the fuck."

Commander: "What?"

Bradford: "Did you stop time for eight months."

Commander: "I still have a headache go away."

Bradford: "God dammit Commander. Look, these are the people going."

Commander: "Cool. Tell them to have fun. Ugh."


Havocfett: "..."

BCK: "..."

Strypgia: "..."

CuriousFan: "..."

Xon: "..."

Bet: "...Soooo Generica lived!"

Havocfett: "We're trying not to think about the mission, Bet."

Xon: "Soooo she's back."

Havocfett: "And she's going to keep coming back, yeah. God dammit."

BCK: "Thoughts, Strypgia?"

Strypgia: "Ehehehehehe... senpai will notice me next... heheheeeeeeheheheheheheeeeee..." *Sharpens Knives*

Bet: "Oh oh, can I borrow one?"

CuriousFan: "...I'm one with the sneak, the sneak is with me. I'm one with the sneak, the sneak is with me."

Bet: "Wait why do we have an empty seat?"

CuriousFan: "Success."


CuriousFan: "Contact."

Officer: <<So did you see the game last night?>>

Lancer 1: <<Yeah. Goddamn that citadel from 20km was clutch as hell.>>

Lancer 2: <<You are both fucking nerdlords.>>

CuriousFan: "An Officer and two Lancers. They appears to enjoy boats."

Lancer 1: <<Fuck you, I know that figurine you 'hide' in your locker.>>

Lancer 2: <<Asashio is nothing to be ashamed of.>>

CuriousFan: "...Some more than others."

Bet: "There's also turrets on the train!"

Havocfett: "There's always turrets on the train. Alright, spread out and catch them in a crossfire."

Xon: "Wait there's more."

Havocfett: "Oh come the fuck on, two snakes?"

BCK: "Kill Snek."

Havocfett: "Wait your turn. Alright, look, hold position and wait for them to leave."

Strypgia: "Contacts!"

Havocfett: "Oh what now."

Havocfett: "Oh come the fuck on."

Codex: "So then I said 'shotgun sniping hoooo' and blew their face off from behind full cover! It was hilarious!"

Lancer 3: <<Ma'am I'm not comfortable hearing about the genocide of our new overlords.>>

Codex: "Oh shut up you love it."

Havocfett: "Oh come the fuck on."

Strypgia: "Soooo how do we do this."


Xon: "Ohshitohshitohshit--"

Xon: "Wew got it in time."

Havocfett: "DIE TURRET DIE"

Strypgia: "Havoc I think you need to hold down the trigger a bit longer"

ADVENT Turret: //Kill All Meatbags//

Strypgia: "Oh jeez."

BCK: "I got it."

Havocfett: "Man, snipers are reliable. Wonder why I... oh right."

Strypgia: "Can't help like feel we're forgetting something."

Officer: <<XCOM! Fuck their faces!>>

Lancer 1: <<That doesn't sound very professional but okay.>>

Strypgia: "Oh, right. Them."

Havocfett: "...OPEN FIRE!"

Bet: "Aw, man!"

Xon: "Dammit!"

Strypgia: "Oh that is just bullshit! EAT THIS!"

Havocfett: "Hey hey, save it. I'll blow them up."

Strypgia: "Fiiiine."

Havocfett: "Alright, go in and clean them up!"

Xon: "Got it!"

Xon: "...Bet, mind taking this one?"

Bet: "Aw, okay!"

Bet: "Yay, boomheadshot!"

Strypgia: "It's 'boom, headshot'."

Havocfett: "Get off her back man she's never seen that movie."

Strypgia: "What."

Xon: "And now for the Lancer!"

Lancer 1: <<Hey hey wait I still have an extra operation to clear on this map-->>

Lancer 1: <<OHGODWHY>>

Havocfett: "Alright people, good work all around. Strype, keep that one suppressed!"

Strypgia: "Got it!"

Havocfett: "And now we wait for--"

Codex: "Hi~i"

Havocfett: "OH WHAT THE FUCK"


Codex: "Heard you talkin shit like I wouldn't find out"

CuriousFan: "And she found me. Great."

Codex: "So I decided to call dibs on the entire squad! Except Bet there. Hey squirt!"

Bet: "Auntie!"

Lancer 2: <<MUST... KILL... XCOM... FOR WAIFUS!>>

Codex: "Okay that guy seems a little extreme."

Havocfett: "Strype!"

Strypgia: "Oh that is just such bullshit."


Lancer 2: <<...Bwuh?>>

Bet: "Oh oh, who should I shoot next..."

Codex: "Still using the roomba~"


Bet: "Hey, it did work!"

Codex: "I'm so proud of you kiddo"


Havocfett: "Mmhm. I'm taking that girl's ice cream privileges."

Codex: "Oh don't be such a stick in the mud Havoc what did dibs ever do to you."

Havocfett: "Besides the bloody obvious I kind of have a fucked up face"

Codex: "Oh it's just a face, plastic surgery is cheap these days!"

Havocfett: "I will gut you like a fish."

Codex: "Hmhmhm~ Oh, Commander, thoughts?"

Commander: "Bluhughguh;kdf......"

Codex: "Mm. Astute as always."

Codex: "Oh hey isn't that Xon--"


Xon: "And that takes care of that."

Havocfett: "You are a goddamn life saver."

Strypgia: "What about the other Lancer?"

Havocfett: "What other Lancer?"

Strypgia: "Okay, I'll just suppress the last guy."


Strypgia: "All suppressed!"

Havocfett: "Strype they're dead."

Strypgia: "You're suppressed forever when you're dead."

Havocfett: "...Ooookay so anyways lets keep moving."

BCK: "I'll be right here with my sniper rifle."

Bet: "I have a shotgun!"

BCK: ''...How are you related to her?"

Bet: "To who?"

Havocfett: "Nevermind that FUCK THE TURRET"

BCK: "There. Turret dead."

Havocfett: "Look closer dammit. Bet toss your hologram."

Bet: "Kay!"


Bet: "Noooo holo-meeeee"

Havocfett: "Oh she can take it."


Havocfett: "She's not even real!"


Xon: "Oh for the love of--"

Xon: "There its gone can we GO."

Havocfett: "Yes fucking please."

Bet: "Auntie Havoc get back here and apologise to holo-Bet before I--Is that a big green thing?"

Havocfett: "Yes, Bet. Yes it is."

Havocfett: "And now the green thing is melting with the sneks."

BCK: "Kill Snek?"

Havocfett: "Fuck yes."

Xon: "Muton down!"

BCK: "And a Snek."

Viper: *Hiss*

Havocfett: "It's getting away! Bet!"

Bet: "Kay!"

Bet: "Aw, I missed..."

Havocfett: "Ah fuck. Get ready for a--"

Viper: <<Fuck them up please>>

Codex: "Oh hey guys! Killing my Roomba twice was kind of rude but Bet did it once so that kind of works out I guess."

Bet: "Auntie!"

Viper: *Blarghs to death*

BCK: "So what do we do?"

Havocfett: "Stay put until we do something."


BCK: "Wait I think she--"

Codex: "Me too."

BCK: "God she is everywhere."

Havocfett: "Oh come the fuck on."

Codex: "Just stay in there juuuust a bit longer..."

Havocfett: "Fuck that. Strype, come on. We're fucking up your senpai."

Strypgia: "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

Codex: "Hey, Bet! We're playing Tag!"

Bet: "W-What? But I'm not ready yet!"

Codex: "So shoot me before I tag you!"

Bet: "U-Uh, okay uh-uh..."


Havocfett "Depends ARE YOU GOING TO DIE?!"

Strypgia: "Don't shout at the poor girl Havo--"
XCOM 2: Operation Bone Hammer II (Mission 20: Supply Raid)
Operation: Bone Hammer II (Supply Raid)


Codex: "Hehehehehehe~"

Havocfett: "Oh fuck this charade already."

Havocfett: "Know the real grenades: ACID!"

CuriousFan: "I'm expecting a lot of bullets so go holo-Curious."

Holo!Curious: "Ow."

CuriousFan: "I feel vaguely protective of myself now."

Bet: "Right?!"

CuriousFan "Okay that's just mean."

Bet: "RIGHT?!"

Havocfett: "Alright, Bet, just shotgun that asshole in the face"

Bet: "Kay!"

Bet: "...Auntie Strypgia!"

Strypgia: "What? It was open! Also you missed."

Bet: "I was going to try aga-a-aaaain! Now what?!"

Havocfett: "Well for starters - one second--"

Havocfett: "Dear god why won't you DIE"

Havocfett: "Wait wha--"

Havocfett: "OWPLASMA"

CuriousFan: "I got it."

Bet: "But--"

CuriousFan: "Dibs."

Bet: "...Okay!"

CuriousFan: "Alright, that should be it."

Havocfett: "Could you not indulge her?"

CuriousFan: "Could you?"

Havocfett: "Go away."


Bet: "Holo!Bet was a real friend ;_;"

Havocfett: "Literally a hologram."


Strypgia: "Yeah... someone pass the blunt please. I'd like to get high and forget.:

Havocfett: "Ugh, the Commander's going to hate this..."


Commander: "So the healthy people get promotions and the wounded do not. Enjoy your nurse."

CuriousFan: "I don't get it."

Strypgia: "It involves one Aleph and one Strypgia."

Havocfett: "Why do you do this to me."

Commander: "Because I have a headache also fuck you"

Havocfett: "...Well fair enough!"


Tygan: "Ah, Commander. We have made quite a bit of progress on the Shieldbearer autopsy. We can attempt to replicate their esoteric shields in the Proving Grounds too, sir."

Commander: "Neat. Anything else?"

Tygan: "I've done it enough times as a hobby to do it by heart."

Commander: "What kind of perpetual science engine am I leading."

Tygan: "Should I jot down my notes?"

Commander: "Just do it."

Tygan: "Where is Central, Commander?"

Commander: "Probably getting drunk, I'm not entirely sure. Well, when you're done with snakes--"

Tygan: "Wait, what was that again Commander?"

Commander: "...Just look up on Elerium."

Tygan: "Understood, Commander. I'll report back when I have the results."

Commander: "God I'm tired."


Lily: "Commander, we have reliable firebombs."

Commander: "Awesome. We could use them, I think."

Lily: "Why?"

Commander: "Well, if my hunch is correct..."

Commander: "...Because the aliens are starting to get uppity."

Commander: "Incidentally, welcome your new engineer!"

Karayutsu: "Hi, Dr. Shen! I'm so glad to see you!"

Lily: "How do you work with that hood on? Nevermind, I don't want to know."

Commander: "...Wait did the Councilman warn me of an imminent retaliation stri--"

Commander: "Oh shit."

Bradford: "Commander, New Brazil is--"

Commander: "GET THE TOP MEN"

Bradford: "Already on it, Commander. Just updating you on our other surprise."

Commander: "And who's that? Beside's, uh... 'Merlin'."

Bradford: "An old friend's little brother."

Commander: "One's a robot and the other is a wizard, eh? I can dig that."

Commander: "No but seriously get me my top men, Bradford. We kind of want those Havens."

Bradford: "I'll do what I can."
Operation Bone Hammer I
:V lood
BCK: "Thoughts, Strypgia?"

Strypgia: "Ehehehehehe... senpai will notice me next... heheheeeeeeheheheheheheeeeee..." *Sharpens Knives*
Ah, yandere murderhobo foreplay...
Strypgia: "Oh that is just bullshit! EAT THIS!"

Havocfett: "Hey hey, save it. I'll blow them up."

Strypgia: "Fiiiine."
"You're no fun anymore..."
Strypgia: "It's 'boom, headshot'."

Havocfett: "Get off her back man she's never seen that movie."

Strypgia: "What."
"This is unacceptable! Bet, we are edjumacating you as soon as we're back at base!"
"NOTICE MEEEEE!" ~goes full Fury Road, shiny and chrome~
Strypgia: "All suppressed!"

Havocfett: "Strype they're dead."

Strypgia: "You're suppressed forever when you're dead."
"Do not question my perfect logic!"
Havocfett: "Fuck that. Strype, come on. We're fucking up your senpai."

Strypgia: "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"


Codex: "Hehehehehehe~"
"Kyaaaaaa~" :V
Bet: "...Auntie Strypgia!"

Strypgia: "What? It was open! Also you missed."

Bet: "I was going to try aga-a-aaaain! Now what?!"
"The dibs giveth, the dibs taketh away."
CuriousFan: "I don't get it."

Strypgia: "It involves one Aleph and one Strypgia."

Havocfett: "Why do you do this to me."
"Because you are a terrible heretic from the True Faith of Dibs."
Lancers once more proven to be best XCOM enemy for they harness the power of the STUN and of the TSUN and of the WAIFU.
