Let's Play XCOM 2: SVCOM 2.0 [Legendary Difficulty]

Psionics are just.. Magic. Everytime you pull a psionic thing in XCOM it's like you're punching reality in the face for its lunch money.

Like in EW it was... Kind of explainable except for Rifts which were seriously what the hell. And then in XCOM 2 they just went "Yeah this is space magic so we're going all out."

As an aside psi ops are my favorite class. Fear thr wizards because they can kill you with their minds.
Headcanon is that Tygon is slightly psychic-which is why he can 'hack' the advent's psionic network and intuit a lot of psychic-science things, and even why he makes such marvelous space-wizards.
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Strypgia: "Santa died when the Aliens won, anyways."
"Motherfucker killed like, 8 Mutons with his bare hands in the defense of his Workshop. Dude was hardcore."
Strypgia: "I wish I brought my firebombs now..."
"I really miss my rockets. So good for stacking up the bodies."
:-3 "Mew? Murderstick? I want one!"
Havocfett: "It's a lot of things. I think it vibrates."
Well, it's been fun
Strypgia: "...Uh--"
But the distaff counterpart must... wait.
Havocfett: "I mean it doubles as a vibroweapon. It has no low setting. Unfortunately."
I swear to god if she dies I'm going to--
Strypgia: "...UH--"
"Do... do you need some alone time with the stick, Havocfett? Since I can understand having uh... needs to take care of."
Havocfett: "Strype, help suppress this fuck?"

Strypgia: "Sure, I guess."
"Murder? Don't mind if I do!"
Strypgia: "Alright, cover cleared. Who wants a piece?"

Bet: "Oh, me! I want revenge!"

Strypgia: "All yours, missy."
"Such a good girl. Reminds me of..."
:D "Very good girl! Keep the old way alive! That's my pseudo-niece!"
Havocfett: "...Oh, Bet."

Strypgia: "..."
"Don't you dare tell a girl she can't call 'Dibs', Havocfett! She might have done what she did, but it's still a noble tradition of killin' Xenos!"
Havocfett: "...Strype, just suppress it please."

Strypgia: "Aye."
"Killing things is good, honest work. Out of doors, lotsa fresh air."
Havocfett: "...Kid, we're having a talk."

Bet: "Aw, but what did I do wrong?"

Havocfett: "No dibs."

Bet: "But--"

Havocfett: "NO DIBS."
"YES DIBS! Dibs is the Way, Dibs is Life...and mostly Death, for the Xenos we're aiming at, but you know what I mean! Dibs is good times and good memories of proper murderin'!"
???: "Oh hey. Havoc, Strype. Good to see you again. It's been... what, twenty years?"
"..............YOU. I've waited 20 years for this, Aleph!"

"You betrayed XCOM! You betrayed ME! YOU BETRAYED EARTH! I slew legions for you! In your name! For your heart! AND YOU REPAID US WITH TREASON?! VIGILO CONFIDO!"

"DIBS. You owe me 20 years and a date, Aleph!"
I see of no reason why Aleph' Treason
Should ever be forgot.
~growled~ "I never forgot. Not for one second in twenty years... I spent 20 years killing Xenos in the shadows, hoping she would notice and come home..."
Does Aleph even swing that way any more?
~glowing red eyes~ "DIBS. She may be a traitor, but she's still my prrrrrecioussss~...."
...welp. Good luck, Menace 1-5! You'll be lucky if half of the squad made it out alive. :p
Havocfett: "Strypgia, flash the Alephbot!"

Strypgia: "I've waited 20 years for this!"


*Alephbot is disoriented*

Havocfett: "...Well, that works. I guess. Shoot her before she recovers!"
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... can we not have jokes predicated on, as far as I can tell, the 'humour' of "old people are ugly ha ha ha"?

Especially when they involve me?
Strypgia's still got it, man. What can I say?

Aleph probably has too. Nobody would know, since nobody has seen her, but the Codexes look okay.

...From the neck down.
I think it was just the typical joke about 'OH GOD I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS', I've seen it made before when the flashing character wasn't at all ugly.
don't fuck evil robots

Generica: Okay I'll admit it. I'd date that.

(Dead silence.)

Generica: I'm fucked anyways so I might as well say it. I'm literally bleeding out and there's a psychotic sexy robot ninja about to blow my fucking brains out so I'll admit it. Even if it is Aleph. Even if that sounds creepy as all hell. Even if Strypgia over there looks like she wants to murder my ass and even though Havocfett is giving me this condemning glare like I'm the most worthless scummiest scumbag that ever scummed on the planet.

I'd tap that. I would.

(More stunned silence.)

Generica: ... I'm not going to apologize. You might as well just shoot me now and get it over with.


Not sorry. I'll turn myself over to the local commissar for processing now. :V