I apologize for the double post but i Have an important question.
I feel like making my update's (Sans Space battles due to the aforementioned Cinematic mode fetish. ) More....AAR like I guess?
It would take a bit longer to make but I feel like Adding some more Character to my LP's. I'm not t sure If I could accomplish this well. DAMN YOU LOW SELF ESTEEM!
I apologize for the double post but i Have an important question.
I feel like making my update's (Sans Space battles due to the aforementioned Cinematic mode fetish. ) More....AAR like I guess?
It would take a bit longer to make but I feel like Adding some more Character to my LP's. I'm not t sure If I could accomplish this well. DAMN YOU LOW SELF ESTEEM!
AAR-After Action Report. Long and short is More Wordy Less Image-y(Although I would most likely have Updates at a constant max image count.)
Kinda Sorta? I feel like what I do Is to.....Light on content, That all it is is just screen caps and my Low Pool of shittiy things to mention, I want to Make something that Makes Reading this Worth it instead of just going and buying the game yourself. That's what the Current Emperor has The voice in his head, It was the best way I could get any Character interaction in there.
AAR-After Action Report. Long and short is More Wordy Less Image-y(Although I would most likely have Updates at a constant max image count.)
Kinda Sorta? I feel like what I do Is to.....Light on content, That all it is is just screen caps and my Low Pool of shittiy things to mention, I want to Make something that Makes Reading this Worth it instead of just going and buying the game yourself. That's what the Current Emperor has The voice in his head, It was the best way I could get any Character interaction in there.
Yay, an actual campaign mission! And a supposedly difficult one, too. Let's see how that turns out.
We begin with a cutscene of a bunch of civilians and rebel infantry taking down some stormtroopers and an AT-ST. As you might guess, our reception will not be warm.
I start with a single AT-ST company and a current max of 5 reinforcements on the map, so I call down Vader, a stormtrooper company, a field commander, and a scout trooper company. The stormtroopers will help in capturing build pads and taking out any missile troopers, while the field commander will give some nice bonuses. As was recommended, the scout troopers will go on a suicide run to the Rebel barracks when a bombing run is ready so that I don't have to worry about infinite rebel troopers and especially PLEX troopers.
I also build bacta and repair stations, in order to keep everyone in tip-top shape while they hold the line.
I send out Vader periodically to cull the horde of Rebel units, prioritizing PLEX troopers whenever I see them. Vader's health doesn't drop to worrying level (or at all, really) by the time a bombing run is ready.
I set up some waypoints for the scout troopers that'll lead them to the Rebel barracks. However, for some reason it doesn't seem to work, so I have to take over and do it manually. By the time the scouts reach the barracks, one is dead and the other is critically damaged. However, it's enough that I can call down a bombing run, making this whole thing a lot easier. Thanks to whoever suggested this strategy, by the way.
Unfortunately, the scout is killed before the bombs drop, so we don't get to actually see the barracks explode.
Hahaha, you're too late! Taste fiery death, scum!
Now, it's time to make a push with our main force. In preparation, I send Vader into the middle of a bunch of infantry and have him use Force Push, killing a good amount, including some of those pesky missile troopers.
If you look closely, you can see them flying backwards.
The stormtroopers advance, with the AT-STs behind them. It's slow going, so by the time they've neared the civilian skyscrapers, another bombing run is nearly ready. The field commander stays behind at the reinforcement point, so that's he can safely give his bonuses.
The bombing run is aligned in such a way as to destroy both skyscrapers in one go, which speeds things up, as I won't have to destroy the leftover one the hard way.
With that done, we once again push west, towards another rebel skyscraper. This one is protected by an AI turret, so I have Vader kill it with the Force. Unfortunately, the view is blocked by the game interface. Meanwhile, my stormtroopers and AT-STs kill off any Rebel infantry that attack.
When the turret is dead, Vader and the troopers advance north towards the intersection while the AT-STs destroy the skyscraper with their barrage ability.
When that's over with, the AT-STs move north also in order to aid in the battle. However, some PLEX troopers make a surprise attack from the south-west and I have to pull the walkers back again.
Next, I send the AT-STs to guard the north entrance while Vader and three stormtrooper squads destroy the final skyscaper. The fourth squad builds a bacta station on the build pad that was previously occupied by a turret, so that everyone can heal. The walkers also destroy a Rebel AI turret while they're up there.
There's a reinforcement point to the north, so the AT-STs go there and guard it while Vader and the stormtroopers catch up. After it's captured, I call down two more AT-ST companies, another stormtrooper company, and two Tie Mauler companies.
Meanwhile, the field commander continues to do nothing.
Now for the final assault on the Rebel base. I move my army through the north entrance, but there's a AV turret hidden. I quickly have Vader use the force on it so it can't attack any more, and barely prevent an AT-ST from being destroyed.
After that we attack the Rebel mining facility nearby. It falls quickly. There's another turret between my army and the final Rebel building, and another AT-ST almost dies. The final structure is actually an officer training academy, which can't spawn anything except for a squad of rebel troopers when it's destroyed. They're corned by my entire army, and die.
It's almost unfair.
Alright, that turned out to be quite a bit easier than I expected. The only units I lost were scout troopers, and that was in a suicide attack that destroyed the rebel barracks. I don't know if I'm better at the game than I though, it's easier than I remember, or that strategy completely neutered any chance the rebels had. Ah well.
After the battle, it turns out that there might be some pirates on Ilum who are supplying the Imperial traitor with weapons, so we're gonna spy on them with a probe droid. That's next time, though.
By the way, I'm a little worried that there's not enough commentary from me for it to be interesting, so I'd appreciate your thoughts on how I've been handling this so far. Advice, complaints, anything you want to say.
Something something music something something.
CIS Intelligence Profile: Eriadu: Land.
The Republic has it's main base of operation Located On one of the planet's few Under industrialized sectors, This allows both them and us to use little restraint in combat as the Factory sectors are out of the Combat Radius. Acid Ran play's hell on our Droids Paint but has no other major disadvantage's beyond the usual low visibility.
The republic forces have been bolster with some of the local Militia, They are not considered Civilians in this case and we may destroy their structures without consequence. They are operating out of three skyscrapers located in the military Instillation.
"Commander! We have made contact with the enemy!"
Show me the field report! Hmm A single AT-RT Firing upon our Infantry unit. Sent in the Armour support and begin your advance on the enemy Stronghold.
"Roger, Roger."
"Our Forcees are being Slaughtered by the republic pod walkers, We can't even get close to them!"
"Sir What should we do?"
This operation has gone belly up, Order the surviving Units into full retreat, We have lost this day.
On thee Ground: Battle Report from Tank Commander Rulan Varrs
" The Battle started out so well at first, Just some Recon unit's that discovered us as we began to advance. That;s when Our Crab droid unit's started to go offline. we sent in Vorgan's Unit but....They Didn't make it. They beat back our top of the line Tank Unit's with a bunch of Relics."
"Pod walkers were supposedly decommissioned years ago, But Guess the local millitia had been given a supply of them to defend the base, and after being outfitted with Eridauian Cannon's our Slow Advance never stood a chance."
Thank you for your report Commander, You are dismissed.
"Yes General!"
Captain Devourer,, Send A message to Count Dukou, Research on Project Rollout is Now Top Priority.
Send Word to Our Factory's in the area, We must reinforce our Position Immediately!
"Sir we have report's that a republic patrol has entered the space over Eriadu, what should we do."
Have the Transport's retreat to Sulus Van and send in the Fleet, Have them Begin a blockade over the planet until we are ready to attack again.
"General, i have returned. What is the status of our Military?"
Lord Dooku, The situation has not change much since you left, We've bolstered the Main Fleet and are currently in orbit above Hyporii. The Blockade over Eridau is still going strong and we haven't seen any sort of republic retaliation since 2nd Fleet arrived.
"General Reeta, Scouts report a large enemy force arriving at Mygeeto!"
What! if they capture our base their they have a clear route to our research Base on Munnilest! Get a secure channel to their commander, I will Command the defense myself, If we cannot hold the planet the least we can do is bloody them while taking it.
(Space) Battle Mode activated.: Next time.
Will our Hero's Defeat the republic Advance? Or will they fall, Allowing them to capture the Planet Unopposed?
Find out next time and until then, Stay Classy Soldiers.
As I said last time, our mission is to spy on Ilum with a probe droid.
However, before I do that, I spend some time building on Fondor and reinforcing my army and fleet.
The fleet gets three more Tartan cruisers and 3 more Acclamators. I reinforce my ground army so that it gets ten each of AT-STs, Tie Maulers, stormtroopers, and scout troopers. The army gets three more field commanders, for a total of five. Even after all that, I still have quite a few more population points left.
On Fondor I build three mining facilities, and in orbit I construct a level 2 space station.
Time to spy on Ilum!
So the pirate base is in an asteroid field, and has a heavy defense. Therefore, Darth Vader decides to contact Boba Fett in order to take out the defenses so that the rest of the fleet can jump in unimpeded. There conversation goes something like this:
Boba Fett: Who's the target?
Darth Vader: Go take out these defenses so that our fleet can safely jump in.
Boba Fett: That's not a target. There has to be a target. I only accept missions with targets.
Darth Vader: Do what we say or we'll kill you. Also, there is a target, the pirate leader, but we need him alive.
Boba Fett: D: Whatever you say.
Then Fett appears over Coruscant. He's special in that he's undetectable, so if I wanted to I could send him to go spy on something. Though, since Ilum's the only planet that's available, there's really no point. I send him to meet up with my main fleet over Abregao Rae.
Oh, by the way: you guys should really turn on the buttons next to the galactic mini-map - each button enables additional info about a planet below the planet's name on the map: the top one displays planetary income, the one below that displays the number of space/ground base slots, and the bottom one places Hero Units on the top of any unit stack (if no Hero is present, then the strongest unit present in the stack is shown instead). The third button down from the top just displays planetary bonuses/weather effects, but personally I never really use it; I just turn on the three buttons I explained above.
These buttons really help in keeping track of everything you're doing during a Galactic Conquest game.
Oh, by the way: you guys should really turn on the buttons next to the galactic mini-map - each button enables additional info about a planet below the planet's name on the map: the top one displays planetary income, the one below that displays the number of space/ground base slots, and the bottom one places Hero Units on the top of any unit stack (if no Hero is present, then the strongest unit present in the stack is shown instead). The third button down from the top just displays planetary bonuses/weather effects, but personally I never really use it; I just turn on the three buttons I explained above.
These buttons really help in keeping track of everything you're doing during a Galactic Conquest game.
This is SV! We don't care about prettiness of photos, we want the nitty-gritty of all strategic, operational, and tactical decision-making that goes into building an unstoppable war machine to crush Rebel Scum!
This is SV! We don't care about prettiness of photos, we want the nitty-gritty of all strategic, operational, and tactical decision-making that goes into building an unstoppable war machine to crush Rebel Scum!
I'm not sure if anyone here has mentioned it, but there is an incredible mod known as Thrawn's Revenge that totally revamps the game. Its hands down one of the best mods I've ever played. Its also a lot more free-form depending on the "campaign" chosen.
It has 4 playable factions, The Pentastar Alignment, Imperial Remnant, New Republic, and the Empire of the Hand. A few scenarios let you play minor factions IIRC but I've never bothered to do so.
I'm not sure if anyone here has mentioned it, but there is an incredible mod known as Thrawn's Revenge that totally revamps the game. Its hands down one of the best mods I've ever played. Its also a lot more free-form depending on the "campaign" chosen.
It has 4 playable factions, The Pentastar Alignment, Imperial Remnant, New Republic, and the Empire of the Hand. A few scenarios let you play minor factions IIRC but I've never bothered to do so.
I believe it's already been mentioned, and in fact De3ta flipped a coin between Thrawn's Revenge or Republic at War for his Let's Play. RAW won out over TR for the time being. z3r0x's FOC mod has also been mentioned as well.
After securing the defensive satellites surrounding the Station and scrambling the fighter's all we could do was wait. We Had two landing craft move from the planet refitting them with anti-fighter measures, I knew that if the enemy bomber's were allowed to destroy our shield generator it was all over.
The key to victory here was Holding the station together for Reinforcements to arrive. Stations like this always have Techno Union Frigates as Patrol craft to keep the trade route's safe, They were unable to arrive before the enemy forces attacked causing them to have to reroute in order to avoid being shredded as they entered the system.
For a while I thought we had lost. All of our Fighters? Destroyed. Our Patrol Cruisers? Destroyed in a suicide mission eliminating the enemy Anti-fighter Craft. They enemy had the station surrounded, most of them right in front of the station. They took a while to get through the shield's allowing us time to take out a few of them.
That was when a miracle happened,
The Patrol Fleet had arrived.
They never saw them coming, By the time they did.....
They had Focused their fire on the weakest enemy ships, causing the remaining Vessels to enter a full retreat.
The Battle was over,We had held Mygeeto.
Report taken by General Scrage. Captain of Techno Union Frigate 000473 Designation: White Dragon.
Enemy Casualties Were heavy, and aside from the unmanned craft no units were lost in the Battle proper.
"Good, General this would be an opportune time to strike back against the republic."
I could not agree more lord Dokou, I believe that this is a sign to begin operation: Molten ash, The Fleet shall move immediately.
We Entered the system without Incident, And using our Lukerhulks Sensors to detect the enemy positions we sent in our forces accordingly, We were slightly delayed due to the sheer volume of fighters we had to launch allowing enemy forces to set up a proper defense. (Note: We Really should begin work on those fighter designs with Hyper drive,Would allow faster assault. combined with lukerhulk boost it would provide instant relentless barrage of star fighters.)
After engaging the enemy Aclamators with the Munnificaint Line we saw the Venator located here move towards our flank, We sent the Provenience, the Saboath, and several Techno Union Frigates to eliminate them.
I had issues with the Saboath being sent against a [Expletive]ing Venator on it's first Mother[Expletive]ing mission but it was the only way I could push the odds in our favor, as we couldn't afford to divert any other ships from attacking the space station without risking heavy Casualties.
After we realized Jedi Master Mace Windu was a part of the battle in a Jedi Model Anti-Fighter Fighter unit I ordered all of Our Droid Fighters to focus on him, This caused an immediate retreat on account of Windu, Demoralizing the enemy force considerably.
After Heavy Fighting against the enemy Venator the Provenience got a broadside on it.
Their Shields couldn't take the strain and I ordered all available ships to concentrate fire on the Venator.
(The Fire Effects on the Venator are Legitimately Beautiful to watch)
The Explosion from the ships core out shined any star I had ever laid eyes on. It also happened to destroy the station in a chain reaction. Our forces mopping up any stragglers.
Report Submitted by Deeth "Three" Reeta, Commander and Chief of all CIS forces, Head of CIS Intelligence.
I assume the first is a typo caused by the forum reading : D without the space as . I would suggest a different report format so as to minimize chances of it happening again.
I assume the first is a typo caused by the forum reading : D without the space as . I would suggest a different report format so as to minimize chances of it happening again.
Rothanna is the ony time EAW has ever crashed for me. I guess it's the damned Ash Snow on the planet.
Episode 6:We fall into a Burning ring of Game Crashing, The frames go down down down, and the rage gets higher, and It Crashes, The Games is crashing, The game is crashing.
The enemy forces at Kamino have no way to reinforce and Minimal defenses. I believe that it is tactically sound to leave the planet alone until we can spare the forces to capture it.
Also Lord Dokou You apprentice has returned from her mission, Brinign with her a new ally. Bounty Hunter Aura sing, Know Jedi killer. She Will prove most useful to our Land Forces.
We can now Build Tier 4 space stations, As well as Start Project: Malevolence when the station upgrades are complete.
W can Also Build Heavy Factory's and the new B2 super Battle Droids. They come in less numbers than the B1, but make up for it with ten times the attack power and durability. We also can now Produce Spider Droid Walkers, And the HAG Heavy artillery Gun. But both of those still require proper field testing before they see mass production in all systems.
We also Have the newly combat Ready Roller tank Available for the battle at Rothana. And are producing two More Saboath Heavy Ships for Wartin Fleet, and Reeta fleet.
CIS Intelligence Report: Rothanna: Ground: Attack.
Due to the presence of the AT-TE and the heavy Ash storms, we were only able to land 'bout 8 Droid Segments (B1 and B2) and one unit of Crab droids at first. They moved to the northern LZ up in the hills So we could safely Land more infantry and set up a proper Forward base for the Invasion.
After a few skirmishes with Clone squads they reached the hill, Unfortunately it was to Steep to have the crab droids safely get up if they were attacked. So they B1&2's moved to Secure the Command post while the Crabs held the rear.
With heavy losses the Droids secured the LZ and Ventress arrived Pushing back the enemy. After securing the near by Anti-Infantry Turrets Ventress moved towards the Last LZ.
When they got the the Bridge they Were attacked by one of the Commandos. He eliminated an entire B2 unit before Ventress slew him.
The the AT-TE Arrived and Ventress had to fall back.
Our bombers barely scratched the The thing.
After that Dokou and a Division of AAT's and B2's and Moved on a oath to sneak around the AT-TE through the old Listening Post to the north, Eliminating another Commando on the way.
They found the Dwellings where the Local Militia set up shop, Killing them off and a few Clone squads in the Base. Using an Orbital Bombardment to Destroy the AT-TE and securing the final Landing zone.
That was when The Roller tanks landed, Led by Tank Commander Rulan Varrs, They Eliminated the last commando on route to the enemy structures.
After Moping up the stragglers the planet is now officially a part of the Confederacy of independent systems.
So, before we jump into the battle at Ilum, there are some changes going on in the galactic sector. First off, as was recommended by @WhiteDragon25 I've toggled on the buttons next to the galactic minimap, so that everybody can see the nitty-gritty details. All of them except for the weather one, which I don't like.
As you might notice, there are now fleets in orbit of and armies on Coruscant, Abregado Rae, and Taris. This is because after the campaign mission, a bunch of new planets are going to open up to in the galactic south, and I want to have the frontier defended. For this reason I've also built a barracks and factory on each of those planets so that I have reinforcements in any ground battles that may occur.
Now that you've been made aware of all of the changes I've made, it's time to assault Ilum!
Unusually for a space battle, we begin with only one unit in play: Boba Fett in his ship Slave I. Since Fett is stealthed, he doesn't take up any reinforcements, which is nice.
Now, our mission is to take out the sensors the surround the pirate asteroid base. Each sensor is lightly defended, with only two pirate fighter squads at each sensor. I'm think you have to take out the sensor itself quickly, or else it'll alert the base and you'll lose, but I don't know for sure.
At each sensor, Fett quickly destroys it with Slave I's lasers, before using a seismic charge to destroy most of the fighters, and then mopping the leftovers up. You might remember seismic charges from Episode II, during the space battle between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jango Fett, where they blew straight through asteroids in giant circular explosions. No, it wouldn't work at all in real life, and yes, it is awesome.
A deadly silence, and then- Bwaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
Fett proceeds smoothly clockwise around the map, up through a nebula field (these make it so that units can't use their abilities) up until the north-west corner.
Up there are some laser turrets, which could be troublesome, so I just have Fett go around them in a long detour.
More bwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhs. Yaawwnnnn.
Before the next sensor, there's something interesting. It may look like a nebula, but it's not. Ion storms instantly drain the shields of all ships that enter them, so it's a good idea to stay away, if possible.
Anyways, things proceed smoothly all the way around to the final sensor.